How wax appears in the ear. What is earwax

Sometimes, at first glance, some functions human body seem completely useless. Actually this is not true. The organism is complex mechanism, in which everything is interconnected and nothing is superfluous. For example, earwax discharge. It would seem like an everyday and completely unnoticeable process, but many would be amazed if they found out how important it is.

The formation of earwax is a normal physiological process, extremely necessary for the body. Sulfur is secreted by the ceruminal glands, which are located in the ear canal. At normal position things, this substance can be independently removed from the ear during jaw movement, coughing or sneezing.

Earwax is a semi-liquid secretion that accumulates in the ear canal. The auditory canal consists of the part of the outer ear, that is, the part that comes into direct contact with environment. The canal is covered with thin skin, the thickness of which is no more than 2 mm. It contains the sebaceous and sulfur glands that secrete ear secretions. This substance mixes with dead skin cells, which is how it is formed. earwax.

Earwax is essential for the health of the ears and the entire body. Because all dust particles, bacteria, including pathogenic ones, spores of pathogenic fungi, viruses - all this ends up in a lump of earwax, which prevents them from penetrating inside.

Sometimes, much more wax can build up in the ear than is necessary. The result of this process is blockage of the ear canal with wax.

Causes of excess sulfur production

Why does a lot of wax form in the ears? This question is asked to the ENT specialist by all patients who come to remove wax plugs. If there is a lot of wax in the ears, this may indicate the presence of various diseases. If the viscosity of this secretion is reduced, it will flow out of the ear, creating a lot of inconvenience for the person. With increased viscosity, a hard plug may form. When there is a lot of wax in the ears, the reasons may be the following:

Whatever the reason increased secretion sulfur, you should definitely consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.


In order not to force the ceruminal glands to work in active mode, several rules should be followed, especially for children:

  • try not to overcool your head and ears;
  • perform ear cleaning procedures correctly;
  • stay in dusty rooms as little as possible;
  • seek medical help in a timely manner.

Since babies are very dependent on adults, parents are responsible for the condition of the child’s ears, and, accordingly, for his health.

How to properly clean your ears

To prevent large amounts of wax from accumulating in your ears and blockage of the ear canal, you need to systematically and correctly clean your ears. Recommendations for this procedure apply to both adults and children.

  1. You need to clean your ears only after water procedures, at this moment the sulfur is softened and will be easily removed. To do this, you can use cotton swabs, but if you have to clean a child’s ear, it is better to give preference to homemade cotton swabs. Under no circumstances should you clean your ears with hairpins, barrettes or other traumatic objects.
  2. When cleaning, the movement should be rotational so that the resulting lump does not penetrate inside the ear, but comes out.
  3. During the procedure, the auricle needs to be slightly pulled forward and upward, so the ear canal is straightened.
  4. If the ear cleaning procedure is not carried out after bathing, you can soften the wax using hydrogen peroxide.
  5. If a plug appears in your ear, you should not remove it yourself; it is better to consult a doctor.

Increased production of earwax may be a symptom of some disorder in the body, which in no case should be left to chance.

Be healthy!

Almost 20 mg of sulfur is excreted in the ears over the course of one month. It is produced in the outer part of the ear in the cartilaginous tissue, which contains almost two thousand glands. Every person understands the need for sulfur. Her most important task– maintaining immaculate cleanliness in the passage, as well as natural moisture. Dirt or dust getting into ear canal, cannot move further to the middle ear. Sulfur envelops unnecessary objects and prevents them from harming the health of the ears.

Every day, sulfur is removed independently during chewing food, as well as during communication and other moments when the lower jaw works. However, there are cases when inflammation occurs in the ear and as a result a lot of wax is released. Therefore, we will take a closer look at why there is a lot of wax in the ear and what to do if wax leaks from the ear of a baby.

The peroxide will significantly soften the plug and the procedure itself will be painless and quick.

Doctors allow washing at home, but best to trust this procedure professionals.

In the future, for prevention, instill in the ears or wash the ears every day.

Thus, you will reduce the risk of plug formation and normalize natural release. Remember that the less you clean your ears, the less dry wax will form.

If a child has a lot of wax in the ears, the reasons lie in lack of hygiene or trauma to the ear. Children often put small parts, pens or pencils in their ears.

At this time, the child should be explained why he should be careful and why he should not put foreign objects in his ears.

A common cause of formation copious discharge frequent use of headphones, earplugs or hearing aids causes sulfur. When wearing gadgets, wax cannot leave the ear, so it accumulates in the passage, causing the appearance of wax plugs.

During this time, the patient often suffers from:

  • burning;
  • stuffy ears;
  • partial or total loss hearing

In this case, experts strongly recommend prophylaxis and instillation into the ear twice a month.

If you are producing a lot of wax and you don't know the cause, you should get your health checked. Perhaps the following inflammations form in the ear organ:

  1. Dermatitis- this is a disease skin, in which the provoking factor lies in chemical, biological or physical factors. In the process of inflammation, severe redness is formed in the area of ​​the outer ear, the appearance of blisters and eczema, itching and strong burning sensation. In some cases, a person's body temperature rises. During the course of the disease, not only the composition of sulfur changes, but also its consistency.
  2. In addition, you should check the content blood cholesterol. In case of elevated levels, increased sulfur secretion is only a symptom of the disease. In addition, patients complain of strong painful sensations in the extremities, as well as changes in skin color. During this time, you should strictly monitor your diet and take medications that lower cholesterol levels.
  3. If your professional activities are associated with places where waste, dust or dirt accumulate, construction waste and chemical elements, increased formation of wax in the ears cannot be avoided. At this time, it is necessary to instill Remo-Vax into the ears monthly and be observed by an otolaryngologist.
  4. It is known that stress and depression affect the increase in the work of not only the sulfur glands, but also the entire function of all organs.

Most often it will help to cope with these problems complex therapy, using ear drops or a rinsing procedure.

Do not remove excess wax with sharp objects.

Otherwise, you will damage the integrity of the skin and harm the condition. eardrum.

If examinations indicate the absence of these reasons, it is important to pay attention to reasons such as:

  1. Age-related changes.
  2. Otosclerosis.
  3. Having bad habits.
  4. Poor hygiene.
  5. Otomycosis.

Consult your doctor if your earwax develops a foul odor. There is probably inflammation in the ear caused by the penetration of a staphylococcal infection.

Do not worry if sulfur has acquired any unnatural shade (gray, beige) if you live in a metropolis. Life in big cities exposes the body pathological changes. Therefore, city dwellers' sulfur often turns gray.


Remember that sulfur has important function in organism. Therefore, when black sulfur appears or forms unpleasant odor from the ears, seek qualified help. Otherwise, you will miss the first signs inflammatory process. It is known that diseases are easier and cheaper to treat early stages inflammation.

It is especially important to monitor ear discharge in young children. IN childhood sulfur discharge is not dangerous, but if there is excessive production or, conversely, disruption of the sulfur glands, the child is susceptible to otitis media.

2. Where does earwax come from? Is it true that earwax is dirt?

Earwax is by no means dirt. Earwax is produced by special glands that are located in the outer third of the cartilaginous part of the ear canal. These glands are called sulfur glands; they are modified sweat glands. There are about 2,000 sulfur glands in each ear canal, and they produce 12-20 mg of a light honey-colored substance per month. The function of earwax is to protect against bacteria, fungi and insects, as well as moisturize, lubricate and clean the ear canals. After all, the ear is one of the most sensitive areas of our body, and is also quite open to external influences and infections.

3. What does earwax consist of?

The secretion of the sulfur glands consists of proteins, fat-like substances (mainly squalene, lanosterol and cholesterol), fatty acids And mineral salts. In addition to this secretion, earwax also contains dead skin cells, hair particles from the ear canal, and sebum. Earwax is a viscous sticky substance and therefore it perfectly captures foreign objects that enter the ear - bacteria, dust, and other contaminants, and removes them out.

The protective function of earwax is provided not only by its physical properties. It has a slightly acidic reaction (pH 4-5) - just the kind that inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi. The bactericidal properties of earwax are also provided by the immunoglobulins and enzyme lysozyme it contains.

Earwax is removed from the ear naturally- during movements lower jaw(during chewing, talking, coughing). The skin of the ear canal is constantly growing. At the same time, it moves outward, starting from the eardrum. This is how the ear canal is cleansed of wax and foreign bodies.

It is interesting that earwax in people can be dry and wet, and the type of earwax is determined genetically: dry earwax predominates in people of the Mongoloid race, and in Europeans and Africans, earwax is wet. Dry sulfur is different from wet sulfur reduced content lipids (fat-like substances)

4. Do I need to clean out wax from my ears?

Cleaning wax from the ear canals is not only unnecessary, but also harmful. It is enough to wash only the auricle and the entrance area of ​​the ear canal, without penetrating inside.

It is especially dangerous to use cotton swabs to remove excess wax from your ears.

  • Firstly, by penetrating the ear canal with a stick, you violate natural process self-cleaning of the ear canal. Ear deprived natural defense- sulfur, more susceptible to infection.
  • Secondly, by wielding a stick in your ear, you thereby stimulate the work of the sulfur glands!
  • Thirdly, with a stick you compact the sulfur and contribute to the formation of a sulfur plug.
  • Fourthly, you risk achieving the opposite effect: not cleaning out the sulfur, but pushing it inside.
  • Fifth, you can damage your eardrum and lose your hearing.

Earwax in the ears can lead to the formation of dense plugs, which, in turn, leads to hearing impairment. This disease affects approximately 4% of the population.

Where does earwax come from?

The human ear consists of 2 sections: membranous-cartilaginous and bone. These parts of the ear are separated by a thin isthmus of the auditory canal. The skin of the hearing organ contains sweat, sebaceous and sulfur glands. Earwax is a light brown liquid; black wax is less common. Sulfur glands are contained only in the skin of the outer part of the auditory canal.

The secretion produced by the sulfur glands has complex composition. It includes proteins, fats, epithelial cells, immunoglobulins, amino acids and others organic matter. Chemical composition Earwax in women differs from the composition of this substance in men. The composition of ear secretions is also influenced by a person’s nationality, for example, representatives of the Asian race have dryer sulfur and contain more proteins.

Earwax is necessary to protect the skin of the inner parts of the ear. The lipids it contains prevent the skin from getting wet when water gets into the ear. The acidic reaction of ear secretions prevents the development of bacterial and fungal infections. U healthy person earwax is removed spontaneously with movement jaw joint. IN in some cases this does not happen and wax accumulates in the ear. This may cause a hard plug to form. If a person has no earwax at all, it means that the ear glands have stopped functioning. In this case, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Dark earwax can be produced for many reasons, such as dust and dirt entering the ear. The black color of ear secretions can be caused by blood coming from the ear, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor.

Reasons for the formation of sulfur plugs

Large amounts of sulfur can be formed when improper care behind the ears. Naturally, you need to wash your ears, but too much is only harmful. Sulfur is necessary to protect the skin of the ear canal, so you should not clean your ears every day. Moreover, you cannot use cotton swabs for this: they irritate the sulfur glands, increasing the production of secretions. In addition, the cotton swab can push the wax into internal department ear canal, which will lead to the formation of a dense plug. Excessive sulfur production contributes to inflammatory diseases ears, dermatitis and eczema.

Another cause of ear canal blockage is its anatomical features, impeding the release of sulfur. Using hearing aids, headphones, and working in dusty areas also increases the risk. The secretion of the sulfur glands can fill the auditory canal, leading to hearing loss. This can happen after visiting a bath or bath. Water entering the ear causes wax to increase in volume. At the same time, a person feels ear congestion, noise, and autophony.

If a plug forms near the eardrum, it begins to put pressure on it, which causes headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Detecting a plug in the ears is quite simple: the doctor uses a special device to look through the ear canal. If there is no blockage, the eardrum can be clearly visible.

Removing wax plug

You can remove the plug different ways. The most common method used is ear rinsing. The procedure is quite simple, so it can be performed by a doctor of any specialization. Rinsing is carried out using a Janet syringe. It's being filled warm water and direct the stream to upper wall external part of the auditory canal. Sulfur masses along with water are removed outside. The jet should not be too powerful, otherwise the eardrum may be damaged.

To remove a dense sulfur plug, up to 3 rinses are necessary. If the plug still remains in place, the doctor prescribes special drops to soften it. After regular use of drops, rinsing the ear gives positive result. When using drops, there is a temporary deterioration in hearing, as the sulfur plug increases in size. After the wax is released, the doctor re-examines the patient’s ear canal.

The dry technique is used when washing is contraindicated. In this case, the sulfur plug is removed with a special hook. This procedure can only be performed by an otolaryngologist. It is often used to remove wax in a child’s ears. medicinal method, for example, A-Cerumen drops. They need to be instilled into the ear 2 times a day, 1 ml. After applying the drops, you need to lie on your side, with the affected ear facing up. After a few minutes, the wax will dissolve and flow out of the ear. After this, the ear is washed boiled water or saline solution.

A good prevention of wax plugs is proper cleansing ears.

Cotton swabs can only be used to clean the ears. If it is still necessary to clean the outer part of the auditory canal, the stick is inserted shallowly into it and begins to rotate slowly. You cannot move it forward or backward, otherwise the sulfur will get on the eardrum. Ears You can clean it every day, but it’s better to wash the ear canal once a week. Sulfur contains cholesterol, its percentage depends on the amount of this substance in the human blood. Patients with increased content cholesterol levels must be observed special diet and take appropriate medications.

If you are using headphones or hearing aid, often spend time in rooms with high humidity or dusty places, periodically apply ear drops. For prevention, they are instilled into the ears 2 times a week. Treat diseases such as otitis media, dermatitis and eczema in a timely manner.

Greetings, friends!

Our ear canal produces a waxy oil, which is more commonly known as earwax (a lubricating secretion). It moisturizes the skin of the ear canal, protects against dust, dirt, water, foreign particles and microorganisms, as well as potential infections.

IN in good condition Excess wax is removed from the ear canal naturally through chewing movements.

However, many people have a natural hypersecretion of sulfur. The narrow ear canal prevents its natural removal ( anatomical structure). But the main cause is irritation of the skin of the ear canal, which often occurs when a person uses various hearing aids (most often headphones), or commercial cotton swabs. With chronic irritation, wax can accumulate and clog the ear canal, forming a plug, which causes temporary hearing loss.

However, excess wax does not automatically lead to ear blockage. Most common cause This means removing it yourself using cotton swabs, hairpins, other objects, as well as such emotional reactions as stress, fear, etc.

It is necessary to get rid of earwax only if there is an excess of it. This is where it arises whole line questions. Which one is the best The best way clean your ears? How to do this safely so as not to damage the inner ear? It’s not so easy to answer these questions, but let’s try

Signs and symptoms of excess earwax

  • sudden or partial hearing loss;
  • tinnitus (“ringing sounds” or buzzing);
  • feeling of stuffiness;
  • Ear ache.

A plug that is not removed can lead to infection. You should contact your doctor if you experience:

  • severe pain in the ear,
  • discharge;
  • fever;
  • cough;
  • hearing loss;
  • odor from the ear;
  • dizziness.

This may be caused by an infection. Although hearing loss, dizziness and ear pain may indicate other diseases. A medical examination will help determine this.

How to get rid of excess earwax

Solving this problem in adults, and especially in children, should be approached with extreme caution: it can cause serious damage to the membrane, lead to infection, and even hearing loss. However, you can often get rid of wax at home.

Should I use cotton swabs?

Cotton swabs (sticks) are one of the most popular options for cleaning ears. They are incredibly cheap, available in literally every supermarket, pharmacy, and quite easy to use.

You insert it into your ear, turn it a couple of times, and throw away the accumulated wax. Fast and easy!

At first glance, this seems simple and effective method cleaning, but if you could look inside your ear with a magnifying glass, you would see that you are not actually removing wax from your ear, but pushing it deeper inside.

And the more often you do this, the more it accumulates. Eventually, so much of it forms in the ear that the canal is completely blocked, and hearing is reduced. In addition, every time you push the wax deeper, you risk damaging the external auditory canal.

There is also the possibility (albeit small) of rupturing the eardrum, a very fragile membrane. Therefore, be extremely careful when using a cotton swab. The ear canal is a self-cleaning mechanism and does not require constant assistance.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most common methods for these purposes. It will soften earwax and make it easy to remove. cotton swab. Peroxide can be mixed with warm vegetable oil.

Important: Remember, the drug may irritate the ear, cause itching, redness of the skin, increased accumulation of wax, dryness, increased risk development of infection.


  • Mix equal parts white vinegar warm water and alcohol for rubbing muscles.
  • Place a few drops (no more than a drop!) in each ear.
  • Leave it there for a few minutes.
  • Tilt your head towards your shoulder to allow the liquid to drain, use a cotton swab. It's fast and easy!

Again, keep in mind that vinegar and alcohol can irritate the ear. Only perform this procedure when your ears really need cleaning.

Ear rinsing

To properly rinse your ear, follow these rules:

1. Perform the procedure standing or sitting, that is, with your head in an upright position.

2.For rinsing, use a 20 cc syringe. cm, into which you add water at body temperature.

Water that is too cold or too warm can cause dizziness or nausea.

3.Carefully pull your earlobe up and fill the syringe with water.

4.Let the water drain by tilting your head.

5.Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Important! Do not use this method if you have ear injuries or other problems. Flushing with a damaged eardrum can lead to hearing loss or infection. Never use products intended for rinsing your mouth or teeth!

Mineral oil

Using mineral oil to clean your ears will not cause any harm. Pipette a few drops of warm oil (room temperature) into your ear and place it with a cotton swab. Tilt your head to the side and wait a few minutes. The oil will soften the wax and it will flow out of the ear.

You can lie down for 10 - 20 minutes. It is enough to do this once a week. This procedure will not eliminate sulfur plug, but great for regular ear cleaning.

How often should you clean your ears?

It's a difficult question! Every person's body produces earwax from at different speeds, so it’s impossible even for a doctor to give a definite answer. If you have an excess of earwax (often genetic problem), it is recommended to clean your ears once a month using hydrogen peroxide, mineral oil, rinse. If the amount of earwax is normal or low, there is no need to clean your ears; the process will occur naturally.

Should you use ear candles?

Although these products are designed to remove excess wax, they are not safe and can cause burns, bleeding, damage to the eardrum, and injuries from dripping wax. They should not be used to solve problems in children and the elderly.

Use extreme caution when attempting to remove excess wax at home. If the problem persists, be sure to consult a doctor. Treatment is usually quick and painless, and hearing will be completely restored.

What do these states mean?

Sulfur is watery or greenish in color. There may be two reasons.

  1. You were sweating, and the sweat running down your face could get into your ear and dilute the wax.
  2. Ear infection.

Dry sulfur. This abnormality may be a result of aging, as the glands tend to dry out with age.

Ear odor and stuffiness. This is most likely an infection or injury to the middle part of the ear.

Feeling of pressure in the ear and or discharge from it. This may indicate a disease such as “cholesteatoma” - a tumor-like formation in the ear canal.

In all cases, you should seek help from a doctor.

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