How to cure a cough quickly with folk remedies. Massage, breathing exercises. Black radish and honey syrup

Coughing in the cold season is a typical condition. Many people perceive this symptom as a typical manifestation of a cold. Doctors are confident that with early treatment many health problems can be avoided. Everyone should understand how to cure a cough at home. In this case, it is not necessary to use pharmaceutical drugs; there are at least effective ways folk therapy.

How to cure cough quickly in an adult

All have beneficial properties and contraindications folk tinctures and decoctions. Of course, experiment with therapies when severe cough forbidden. At home, quickly, in 2 hours or more, you can only relieve attacks.

If the patient has a high fever and the sputum is unpleasant purulent appearance or blood is observed, you should immediately call an ambulance. Such symptoms indicate that a person is developing pneumonia, cancer or tuberculosis.

It is impossible to cure a cough in one day. You can only get rid of a cough in a short period of time if it is a symptom of a cold. More serious illnesses cannot be cured in 2-3 days, this is a myth.

How to cure a cough in one day and alleviate a cold? First, you need to protect yourself from stress and unwanted walks in cold weather. It's better to stay home and drink plenty of fluids. As a drink, tea with linden, raspberry jam or lemon would be an ideal option. These products help the immune system fight viruses and bacteria.

A cough can be cured at home using primitive potato inhalation. The procedure is prohibited if the patient has a fever. To carry out inhalation, you just need to boil the potatoes in their skins. Breathe over the finished product under a towel or blanket. This procedure is considered effective at all times. The main thing is not to get burned by the fumes.

How to cure a cough in one day is a popular question among people who do not want to go to the clinic to open a sick leave. In fact, the above methods will only help if a person has a cold cramp. In other cases, you need to see a therapist. It is possible that you will have to take tests or undergo fluorography.

Effective cough syrups for home use

A variety of syrups will quickly help cure a cough at home. Such drugs are instantly absorbed by the body and begin to act within 2-3 hours after administration. The disease goes away after completing a full course of therapy. Of course, pharmacies offer a huge selection of medications of this type, but their prices are high. The patient must also understand what kind of cough is bothering him - dry or wet.

How to get rid of cough in an adult at home

In the early stages of cough, you can get by with homemade syrup recipes. For colds and runny nose, effective remedies are those made from bee products. It is better to purchase honey from beekeepers, so as not to buy a fake.

Here's how to prepare effective honey syrups that can relieve bronchospasm attacks:

  1. Honey and lemon juice. The syrup is suitable for children over three years old. A liquid bee product is used for preparation. It is mixed with the same amount of lemon juice. Take 1 teaspoon after each meal. This mixture helps strengthen the immune system.
  2. Honey with warm milk. This syrup should be drunk in large quantities. You can consume about 0.5 cups at a time. The product helps with coughing in an adult; the effect will come quickly if the disease is detected in the early stages.
  3. Honey and chamomile decoction. The syrup will help cure dry cough at home. First you need to prepare a glass of decoction; chamomile flowers are purchased at the pharmacy. After straining, add 200 grams of liquid honey. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. An effective recipe suitable for people who are not allergic to the original products.

The first signs of a cold are a reason to start immediate therapy. It will not be possible to cure a cough in 1 day, but bronchospasm can stop if you start taking home slings in a timely manner, which enhance the effect of the immune system.

Black pepper for dry cough

Cough treatment at home can be done using black pepper. A dry spasm must be turned into a wet one, otherwise the infection will begin to spread throughout the body, causing the development of pneumonia.

A very popular product for creating home remedies for bronchospasm is black peppercorns. It relieves attacks and removes mucus, acting on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. To get rid of a severe cough, you can use the following recipes:

  • incipient coughing can be suppressed if you chew 2 peas before eating. This method is suitable for adult patients who are indifferent to the specific taste of this spice;
  • brewing peppercorns in a glass of hot milk. After the spices are added, you need to let the drink brew for about 15 minutes;
  • brewing spices with a glass of boiling water. To treat bronchospasm, you should use black peppercorns, ginger, cinnamon and cloves. Before adding water, the spices must be ground into powder. This drink should be drunk every 3 hours, 2-3 tablespoons;
  • To get rid of a strong cough, you can use sugar syrup with black pepper. To do this, mix 50 grams of granulated sugar with a glass of water. The liquid is placed on fire in an enamel pan. After the mixture begins to boil, add 5-8 black peppercorns into it. Syrup is taken 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day;
  • pepper and ginger with honey. The product is easy to prepare. To do this, turn the spices into powder and mix with liquid honey. For therapy, adults should take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

What drugs are most effective in treating cough?

Quick treatment of cough at home is only possible if the cough occurs against the background of a cold and is only in its initial stages. The longer the patient delays treatment, the more the virus spreads throughout the body.

Folk recipes with onions

Onions, which can be found in any person’s kitchen, have an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. Many netizens leave comments saying that folk recipes using this product have yielded positive results.

Therapy for bronchospasm can be carried out using the following means:

  1. Onion heads in milk. The mixture, consisting of homemade products, is cooked over fire. To do this, you need to boil 200 ml of milk and throw in 2-3 small onions. The drink must be infused for at least three hours. You need to take a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
  2. Decoction of onion peel. The remedy helps well in the initial stages of bronchospasm. To prepare, you need to pour a liter of boiling water over the peels of 15-17 onions. The mixture is cooked over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. The product is taken 100 ml 3-4 times a day.
  3. Onions with honey. To prepare, you need to rotate 3 heads through a meat grinder. average size. The same amount of liquid honey is taken. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The mass is taken 3-4 times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

You still can’t do without hot tea or milk. The patient needs to take large amounts of fluid to thin the mucus. This is the only way the mucus will begin to leave the body.

Inhalations for cough

Mild symptoms of a cold - cough, runny nose and sore throat - must be recognized immediately. The sooner a person begins therapy, the less likely it is that complications will develop.

If the cough has just appeared, then you can use inhalations. They can be carried out in the typical way, using decoctions and a saucepan. Inhalations help quickly with dry cough. They must be carried out carefully so as not to cause a burn to the mouth and nasal cavity.

If a person begins to cough frequently and there is no sputum production, you need to pay attention to the body’s warning sign. This is an unpleasant symptom viral disease or a cold. The doctor needs to correctly differentiate the disease and decide how to treat a dry cough in an adult.

Effective treatment for dry cough

Achieving positive dynamics of a characteristic illness at home will not be difficult if, together with your doctor, you promptly and competently select an effective treatment regimen. This is only possible after collecting anamnesis data and detailed diagnostics. Otherwise, dry cough in an adult only worsens - treatment of its chronic form is very problematic. Principle intensive care is detailed below, do not violate it:

  1. Before curing a dry cough, it is necessary to find out the etiology of the pathological process. This is the only way to count on positive and sustainable dynamics of this disease.
  2. Select medications with an expectorant effect, otherwise the “barking attack” will constantly intensify and may become chronic.
  3. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, especially if a woman is susceptible to the disease during pregnancy, or other patients during seasonal vitamin deficiency.
  4. If taking the prescribed medications is ineffective within 7-10 days, you need to review the prescribed treatment regimen with your doctor.
  5. The course of treatment is selected individually; preliminary diagnosis is necessary.

How to treat dry cough

In any case, cough appears with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. There can be several diagnoses, for example, acute bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, influenza. Even a common cold deprives the patient of sleep and peace. To alleviate your general condition and find out what helps with dry cough, it is recommended to make an appointment with your local physician. High efficiency With such an unpleasant symptom, the following are distinguished: medicines:

  1. Medicines for thinning phlegm help to cough faster, promote the unhindered outflow of mucus, and clear the throat. These are Ascoril, Neo-bronchol, ACC long, Flavamed, Bromhexine, Mucaltin.
  2. Antibiotics are prescribed in complicated clinical situations, when the first step is to suppress the pathogenic flora of the mucous membrane oral cavity. Representatives of the group are Cephalexin, Azithromycin, Sumamed.
  3. Herbal and homeopathic remedies relieve swelling of the throat and have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane. These are Bronchipret, Stodal, Herbion, Bryonia, Sinupret, Doctor Mom, Doctor Theis.
  4. Antitussives are intended to suppress the pathological reflex, relieve general well-being. These are medications such as Codelac Neo, Sinekod, Prospan, Ascoril, Gedelix.
  5. Folk remedies are only auxiliary treatment dry cough, but significantly accelerate the recovery of an adult patient and enhance the immune response of a weakened body.
  6. Immunostimulants and vitamins are designed to increase the body's resistance to pathogenic flora and reduce the cough reflex. These are Imudon, Immunoplus, Amiksin, Imunofan, Ribotan, Viferon.

Medicine for persistent dry cough

  1. Alex-Plus - lozenges with an expectorant and antitussive effect that will help to quickly stop pathological process. An adult patient is advised to dissolve 1 tablet under the tongue up to 3-4 times a day. Recovery is ensured within 3-4 days.
  2. Sage.
  3. Codelac is effective medicine Available in the form of pills and syrup. If you have any doubts about what to take for a dry cough, a herbal preparation is an ideal option. Codeine in natural composition demonstrates an astringent effect in the body. For 5-7 days, drink 1 tablet up to 3-4 times a day.

Medicine to thin phlegm

  1. Bronchicum is an expectorant for dry coughs, which comes in the form of a sweet syrup. Take a teaspoon up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
  2. Cofanol is a combination drug of plant origin. If a dry cough appears in an adult, it is advisable to take 2 tablets up to 4 times a day.
  3. Tercodin is another answer to the question of what to drink for dry cough in adults. The drug thins sputum, the daily dose is 2 pills up to 3 times a day.


  1. Hexapneumin – combination remedy against pathogenic flora which causes a cough reflex. It is allowed to take antibacterial drugs for dry cough after a week of futile attempts to recover. Daily dose – 1 tablet 3 times a day, course – no more than 5 days.
  2. Cephalexin - yellow capsules with a minimal list of contraindications. Take 250-500 mg every 6 hours for 3-4 days. Then, together with the doctor, adjust and reduce the daily dose.
  3. Sumamed - tablets or powder in the fight against prolonged dry cough and its causes. Take an antibiotic at a dose of 500 mg 3 times a day. In this case, you can get rid of the characteristic ailment in 3-4 days.

Homeopathic and herbal remedies for dry cough

  1. Bronchipret is a time-tested cough reflex syrup. Treatment is allowed even for pregnant women, and the list of contraindications is minimal. If we accept single dose at night, in the morning the desired relief came. It is recommended to take 20 drops three times a day.
  2. Stodal is another time-tested remedy for treating dry cough in adults quickly and inexpensively. The medicine has no contraindications, and adults need to take 15 mg up to 3 times a day.
  3. Gerbion – vegetable syrup against wet cough, which is approved for use by adults and children. Plantain extract separates mucus and increases the protective properties of the immune system. Take 2 scoops at a time, 3-5 approaches per day.

Everyone is “familiar” with cough - this syndrome is considered the first symptom of an acute respiratory viral infection or a common cold. It is with the treatment of cough that the therapeutic course generally begins for a developing disease - its attacks bring too much inconvenience and discomfort into everyday life.

Basic cough treatment methods

Doctors can offer a lot of medications that have expectorant and antitussive effects and will certainly give positive results already on the 3-4th day of their use. But traditional medicine also has in its “arsenal” quite a lot of recipes from the most common products that will help get rid of any type of cough. If the syndrome in question begins to be treated in a timely manner, then even folk remedies will help cope with the problem within 1-2 days.

We recommend reading:

How to treat a cough with milk

It is considered to be the most effective product for coughs. It contains specific substances that reduce sore throat, which automatically reduces the number of coughing attacks. You can, when the first signs of a developing cough appear, simply drink warm milk - both cow's and goat's milk will be beneficial. But if the cough has already become persistent and paroxysmal, then it is better to use folk recipes based on milk to treat it:

Note:consuming hot milk with honey and other ingredients, the patient will sweat a lot, and during a coughing attack a fairly large amount of sputum will be released.

  1. Milk and. Before you give preference to this remedy, you need to know that the taste of this medicine will be very unpleasant, but the effect is excellent and fast. It is very simple to prepare the product - for 1 liter of milk you need to take 1 head of garlic (cut the cloves into slices) and simmer over low heat until the garlic is completely soft. Then the remedy is removed from the heat, filtered and taken 2 tablespoons every 60 minutes (if a child’s cough is being treated, the dosage will be 1 tablespoon every 60 minutes). To improve the taste of the product, you can add a little honey to it.
  2. Milk and mineral water. This remedy is appropriate to use for the treatment of dry coughs - mineral water with milk helps to thin the mucus and promotes its rapid elimination. To prepare this medicine, you need to take milk and alkaline (!) mineral water in equal quantities, and the milk needs to be well heated.
  3. Milk and. A strange recipe, but quite effective if the first signs of cough are noticed - literally the first cough should be a reason to use a tasty medicine. To prepare it you need to take 300 ml milk, 1 banana, 2 tablespoons of instant cocoa and 1 teaspoon of honey. Everything is mixed (the banana must first be crushed in a blender) and drunk warm in small sips. It is advisable to consume this cocktail at night, and in the morning there will be no trace of cough left.
  4. Milk with butter. Adding a small amount of regular butter to hot milk will help soften a dry cough and relieve the patient from sore throat and sore throat. In quantitative terms, the product will need 1 glass of milk and 50 grams of butter.

Note:Some publications mention a cough recipe that uses milk and cocoa butter. Such oil should only be of excellent quality - in this case, it has restorative, strengthening (in relation to the immune system), preventive (for example, prevents the development of pneumonia and/or bronchial asthma).

The most effective cough recipes in folk medicine

In addition to milk, folk medicine other plants and food products are also used - they will also have the desired effect with a progressive cough. Here are just a few recipes that will help you quickly get rid of different types of cough:

Compresses in the treatment of cough

Compresses for coughs have long been considered an effective treatment, but they are indicated only after the acute period of the disease has passed.

Note:Compresses are contraindicated for elevated body temperature, heart disease, high blood pressure and some other diseases. If there are doubts about the admissibility of treating cough with compresses, it would be wise to seek advice from specialists.

Any compress consists of three layers:

  • wet layer - this can be a bandage or gauze that is moistened with medicine;
  • insulating layer - plastic film, oilcloth or wax paper, which will prevent the medicine from leaking beyond the inner layer;
  • a layer of insulation - this can be a terry towel, a warm scarf, cotton wool and a bandage.

The compress is applied to top part chest, the area of ​​the anatomical location of the heart always remains open. The principle of operation of compresses is that the heat they create penetrates the blood vessels and expands them, increasing blood circulation. And this, in turn, contributes to the rapid discharge of sputum and its dilution.

What can be used to prepare a compress for cough:

  1. Boiled jacket potatoes. When hot, you need to put it in a plastic bag, add a little vegetable oil and mash it thoroughly right in the peel. And then a plastic bag with mashed potatoes should be applied to the patient’s chest, but first cover it with a towel or a baby diaper folded in two or three times.
  2. Liquid honey. They simply smear the upper part of the chest with it, then put parchment on it and wrap it in something warm.
  3. Saline solution. A salt solution is prepared in the proportion of 90 grams of the main component per 1 liter of hot water. Then a compress is applied in the classic manner - a wet layer, thermal insulation and insulation.

Many people recommend using vodka or alcohol as a compress for coughs - this should not be done without first consulting a doctor. Such treatment will be prohibited for many skin diseases, minor damage skin in the area of ​​theoretical procedure.

Everyone at least once in their life has wondered how to quickly cure a cough at home.

Adults have no time to get sick, but when a child starts coughing, you want to cure him as soon as possible.

Is it possible to get rid of a cough in a few hours, and is it worth doing?

We have collected everything for you necessary information about how to quickly, effectively and without complications cure a cough at home. We don’t promise it in 2 hours, but the result is guaranteed.

  1. Causes and types of cough

Causes and types of cough

The most important thing to remember about coughing once and for all is that it is not a disease.

The phenomenon itself occurs due to irritation of receptors on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

They send nerve impulses to the brain, reporting the appearance of a foreign substance in the bronchi or lungs, and the center sends a signal to the muscles to contract and push out the uninvited guests.

Thus, cough is only a symptom of one of many possible diseases.

Possible causes of cough include:

  1. Respiratory infections caused by bacteria or viruses (colds, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, tuberculosis, etc.)
  2. Allergies or diseases of infectious-allergic origin (asthma)
  3. Contact with chemical or mechanical irritants (dust, smoke, smell of paint, gasoline, etc.)
  4. Neoplasms in the respiratory system
  5. Other illnesses that cause coughing (eg, whooping cough)

From time to time, a cough bothers each of us.

In everyday life, we most often encounter such causes of cough as colds and flu.

Bronchitis or pneumonia can occur as complications of these diseases if the course is neglected and the prescribed treatment regimen is not followed.

It is worth noting that only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of a cough.

Do not self-medicate and first consult with a therapist or pediatrician (depending on who is sick).

Advice: try to treat the root cause, and not the cough in isolation. Relieving acute symptoms can only hide the disease and provoke complications.

It is worth distinguishing not only the genesis of cough, but also its variety.

A dry cough, also called a “nonproductive cough,” is concentrated primarily in the upper respiratory tract.

With it, as the name suggests, there is no secretion of sputum. This is its main difference from the wet, “productive” type of cough, which is concentrated in the lower part of the respiratory system.

Often (but not necessarily) a dry cough turns into a wet cough as the disease develops.

It is important to correctly determine the cause of cough

Used to treat these types of coughs: different techniques. With dry skin, the main task is to soften and moisturize the mucous membrane to relieve irritation and relieve the urge to cough.

With wet coughing, it is necessary to facilitate coughing by thinning the sputum and stop the formation of new sputum, getting rid of the cause of the disease.

Drugs that soothe irritation of the mucous membrane are used last in this case, since weakening the cough in the presence of sputum can provoke serious complications.

Different remedies have different effectiveness, and therefore not all are equally suitable for treating adults and children.

First, let's talk about how to quickly cure an adult's cough at home.

Advice: be prepared for the fact that in 2 hours you can relieve the most acute manifestations, but you will have to fight the cause of the disease a little longer.

10+ ways to cure cough in adults

Resort to pharmaceutical medications without a doctor’s advice for symptomatic self-treatment can be extremely dangerous.

Life Reactor reminds you: do not self-medicate or take pills unless you have received a prescription from your doctor!

At home, it is better to use gentle natural remedies.

We have collected the most effective ways to get rid of cough

Before starting any therapy, make sure that the room you are in has sufficient humidity (at least 70%).

During the seasons when the likelihood of catching a cold or flu with a cough is highest, our apartments have heating that dries out the air, which further irritates the mucous membranes and aggravates the cough.

In addition, you yourself should drink plenty of fluids.

No drug thins phlegm better than your own body, but for this you must help it and supply it with the necessary resources.

The two points listed are required for effective treatment: only with sufficient humidity and plenty of fluids will all other remedies work quickly - literally in 2 hours.

Therefore, only by creating the necessary home conditions can you begin a comprehensive fight against dry cough.

We will tell you how you can cure it.

There are a lot of cough remedies you can make at home.

Teas and decoctions for coughs

To soften and moisturize a dry cough, you should drink a warm decoction of the following ingredients daily:

  1. Ten grams of green mustache leaves
  2. Ten grams of buckwheat flowers

Pour half a liter of boiling water over the herbs and let it brew for thirty to forty minutes.

No less useful is a decoction of raisins. Pour one hundred grams of raisins into a liter of water and cook for thirty minutes over low heat.

Then let it cool, take it out and squeeze it out.

The remaining liquid should be taken three times a day, half a glass.

Ginger, lemon and honey cope well with the disease

Ginger tea is considered one of the most effective remedies for dry cough.

To prepare it we will need:

  1. Fifty grams of fresh ginger root
  2. A third of a lemon
  3. Two tablespoons of honey

Chop the ginger and lemon, add water and simmer over low heat.

When the broth becomes hot, add honey and bring to a boil. You need to drink this tea warm, two to three times a day.

Inhalations to relieve dry cough

Inhalation is considered one of the most effective methods of treating cough.

The procedure is not very pleasant, but it helps to make the cough “productive” in two or three sessions.

Sage tea

A decoction for inhalation is prepared according to a simple recipe:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of coltsfoot, sage or thyme into the pan
  2. Add two drops of menthol or eucalyptus essential oil
  3. Fill with boiling water

Then you should place the pan on a low stool or any comfortable surface near which you can sit.

Take a large towel, cover your head and pan with it and breathe through your mouth for at least ten minutes.

At inflammatory processes upper respiratory tract or tracheal area will need to be inhaled two to three times a day.

For the decoction you need to take:

  1. A tablespoon each of thyme, chamomile, coltsfoot and sage
  2. Two tablespoons of baking soda
  3. Two drops of eucalyptus oil

Tip: for inhalation you can use any herbs that have an expectorant effect.

Don't forget about healing power herbal decoctions

Compresses for adults

For the compress we will need:

  1. Fifty milliliters of vodka or medical alcohol
  2. Thirty centimeters of gauze
  3. A sheet of parchment or a warm handkerchief

We moisten the gauze with vodka, place it on the chest in the bronchi area, and cover the top with parchment.

The patient should be covered with a blanket and left with a compress for half an hour. Repeat the procedure every other day.

If you don’t want to lie with gauze, as an alternative, you can mix five milliliters of ammonia with ten milliliters of sunflower oil and rub it into your chest instead of ointment.

But don't forget that ammonia has a rather pungent unpleasant odor.

When you cough, you can’t do without compresses

Other remedies for dry cough

There are several other remedies that will help cure dry cough in an adult.

We will tell you how to prepare them at home quickly and inexpensively.

Take two or three peeled cloves of garlic, two tablespoons of honey. Chop the garlic and mix the ingredients.

Take one teaspoon twice a day, the dosage schedule is two days after one.

If you love turmeric, you can take the ground powder of the dried root of this plant and take three grams twice a day.

For those who love nuts, there is also a good recipe:

  1. Soak seven kernels of peeled almonds in cold water overnight
  2. Grind nuts in a mortar
  3. Add a teaspoon each of sugar and butter
  4. Take twice a day

Turmeric milk is also an excellent remedy.

Those with a sweet tooth will love ginger tincture made from the following ingredients:

  1. Fifty grams of ginger root
  2. Teaspoon lemon juice
  3. Half a teaspoon of honey
  4. Half a glass of boiling water

Peel and grate the root on a fine grater.

Mix a teaspoon of ginger juice with lemon juice, add honey. Pour boiling water over the mixture and let it brew under the lid for fifteen minutes.

You need to take the medicine one teaspoon every thirty minutes.

Advice: the ginger mixture should not be swallowed immediately; you need to hold it in your mouth for several seconds to enhance the effect.

Optimal methods of treating cough in children

When a child starts coughing, it is always a big problem for parents.

Cough mixtures alone are not enough

How younger age baby, the more difficult it is for him to cope, because the disease does not go away in 2 hours.

But there are ways to treat this symptom at home without resorting to medications.

Remember that the treatment of children's cough must be comprehensive, so you should combine warming, mixtures and warm drinks.

All procedures must be carried out only with the approval of the treating pediatrician.

Warm drink for children

If a child is over 5 years old, he can quickly be cured of a cough with healthy drinks.

They are easy to prepare at home from ingredients available on hand, and should be consumed no more than three times a day.

The first recipe will help alleviate attacks of severe dry cough. To prepare, take one tablespoon of dried calamus roots and one and a half cups of boiling water. Let it brew for ten minutes.

Using simple and effective methods you can cure a child’s cough

Drink two-thirds of a glass half an hour before meals.

At severe cold or whooping cough is greatly helped by milk with figs. Boil six dried figs in half a liter of milk (until the liquid boils). Give a glass before bedtime.

Milk with mineral water is considered a rather unusual but effective remedy.

Mix half a glass of hot boiled milk with the same amount of cool mineral water.

Children's cough syrups

If the child is 2 years old or a little older, it is better to use mixtures to eliminate the cough.

At home, you can quickly prepare various compositions that will help cure your baby.

We will show you how to make the most effective remedies.

A unique homemade mixture can be prepared from honey and carrot juice.

Those who have a juicer at home can prepare a healthy mixture for their child.

We peel large carrots, make juice from it, add a little honey to it.

You need to give your baby a tablespoon of medicine four times a day.

Black radish is very useful for coughs. It quickly relieves symptoms and saturates the body with vitamins.

Peel one or two medium-sized radishes, cut into small cubes, place in a baking dish and sprinkle with sugar. Bake the vegetable for about two hours at medium temperature.

It is important to ensure that the radish does not burn and the liquid does not evaporate.

When the vegetable is ready, pour the resulting syrup into a large cup or any other container convenient for storage. Give two teaspoons three times a day.

Anise mixture at home

The anise mixture, known for a long time, is even easier to prepare:

  1. Boil one and a half glasses of milk
  2. Add a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of salt
  3. Add two tablespoons of anise seeds to the liquid.
  4. Bring to a boil and strain

The child should be given one tablespoon every three hours.

Very delicious medicine prepared from one hundred grams of butter, the same amount of honey and a pinch of vanilla sugar.

Mix the ingredients and give the child one teaspoon after meals.

Of course, the top spot in this list of benefits should be given to the combination of honey and lemon.

It will help to quickly cure not only dry, but also wet cough. If a child has a severe night cough, then take one teaspoon before bed and in the middle of the night.

When treating dry cough at home, you need to take six tablespoons of medicine per day, gradually reducing the number of doses.

List of ingredients for the mixture:

  1. Medium lemon
  2. Two tablespoons of glycerin
  3. About one hundred grams of liquid honey

Honey and lemon for cough

Place the lemon in a small saucepan, add a little water and cook for about ten minutes until soft.

Wait for the lemon to cool, then cut it in half and squeeze the juice into a short glass.

Add glycerin, and then add honey to the top of the glass. The product must be shaken before use.

Tip: instead of lemon, you can use non-concentrated apple cider vinegar, but then the medicine will be less tasty.

Means for warming the bronchi and lungs

If your child has a severe dry cough, compresses must be given to the child. As a rule, once a day is enough - at night.

You can combine them with rubbing with warming ointments.

To prepare a mustard compress you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Two teaspoons of honey
  2. A tablespoon of mustard powder and flour
  3. A dessert spoon of vodka and vegetable oil

Mix everything in a shallow bowl and form two small cakes from the resulting mass. We wrap them in single-layer gauze, place them on the child’s back and chest, and wrap them around the body with a bandage.

Then we wrap the baby in a warm blanket and leave it overnight.

In addition to proper drinking, do not forget about compresses and rubbing

If you don’t have mustard at home, but have potatoes, you can make an equally effective compress.

Its recipe:

  1. Boil four or five small potato tubers with skins
  2. Drain the water from the saucepan and transfer the hot potatoes into a thick plastic bag
  3. Add two teaspoons of vegetable oil and tie tightly
  4. Press down the potatoes in the bag with light movements
  5. Cover the baby's chest with a thin towel and place a bag of potatoes on top

Tip: make sure the bag is not too hot, as potatoes retain heat for a long time and can burn delicate skin. And do not keep already cooled potatoes on your baby's chest - they are a source of moisture.

The easiest way to warm up the bronchi is with a salt heating pad.

To make it, you need to heat about two hundred grams of rock salt in a frying pan, and then pour it into two clean, warm socks.

Socks are applied to the child's chest and back for twenty to thirty minutes. After warming up, it is advisable to wrap little patient blanket and send him to bed.

Honey is still one of the main folk remedies for cough.

How to choose quality product, you can find out from this article.

A debilitating cough not only torments a person and undermines the condition of the body, but also causes sidelong glances from others. It is necessary to get rid of a cough as soon as possible, and there are many ways to do this. It is not at all necessary to empty the pharmacy shelves in pursuit of an effective antitussive remedy - the public pharmacy comes to the rescue.

How to get rid of cough at home? Before you start fighting the painful syndrome, you should know the enemy. And choose folk treatment at home based on the type of cough. Only in this case will grandmother’s methods help cure the unpleasant symptom.

Types of cough syndrome

Certain areas of the brain are responsible for the development of the cough reflex. There are many reasons why such zones respond. These include foreign bodies entering the bronchi, runny nose, and polluted air. Cough is also caused by various diseases:

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Flu, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Cancer diseases.
  • Heart failure.
  • Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: rhinitis, adenoiditis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis.
  • Lower respiratory tract infections: pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, airway obstruction, tracheitis.

Doctors divide cough into two main types:

Dry (or unproductive). Develops at the very beginning of diseases. The main feature of a dry cough is the absence of sputum. The patient always wants to clear his throat, empty his lungs and bronchi, and his throat feels sore. But relief does not come. A dry cough is dangerous due to injury to small blood vessels, which leads to loss of voice and hoarseness.

Wet (or productive). Cough accompanied by mucous mucus. This syndrome means that the person is on the mend, and the body is getting rid of bacteria accumulated in the bronchi. A prolonged and painful wet cough causes insomnia, high blood pressure and even heart problems.

The cough reflex is also classified according to the duration of the syndrome:

  1. Spicy. Lasts up to 2.5-3 weeks. An acute cough torments a person continuously. This cough syndrome helps the body clear accumulated mucus from the lungs and bronchi. More often acute cough develops against the background of pneumonia, bronchitis, respiratory infections, pharyngitis.
  2. Protracted. Duration of cough from 3 weeks to 3 months. A feature of the syndrome is its wavelike nature (coughing attacks come for 2-3 days, then leave the person, only to return after some time). More often than not, a cough begins at a certain time.
  3. Chronic. If the cough is not cured within 3 months, it becomes chronic. This syndrome indicates the presence of serious pathological conditions of the body or the development of complications past illness. Chronic cough fickle - it either intensifies or subsides.

Based on the type and characteristics of the cough symptom, doctors can preliminarily diagnose the possible cause of the painful condition:

Type of cough. Possible illness.
Sharp and painful. At the beginning of the disease it is dry, after 4-5 days it turns into wet. The sputum is initially watery and gradually becomes viscous and mucous Bronchitis
Prolonged cough, debilitating, dull. In the cold there is an exacerbation of attacks. Purulent sputum comes out Obstructive bronchitis
Dry barking cough, accompanied by suffocation (children especially suffer from this symptom) Bronchial asthma
Explosive, constant, painful, with phlegm. The expectorated mucus is rusty in color and has bloody spots. Pneumonia
A dry, painful cough that often appears at night. When the cough syndrome becomes wet, the sputum is thick, viscous, difficult to separate Tracheitis
At the beginning of the disease there is a weak cough, unobtrusive, with exacerbations at night. As the disease develops, the cough becomes painful, wet, and chronic. Sputum is bloody and purulent Tuberculosis
A persistent, severe cough syndrome that often develops in the morning (smoker's cough). Dry at first, quickly becomes wet. Greenish or grayish sputum Obstructive pulmonary disease

Fighting dry cough

To cure this type of cough syndrome, it is necessary to reduce the intensity, pain and help in the production of mucus. Folk remedies successfully help cope with the second problem. And the resulting sputum reduces the strength of coughing attacks. How to treat dry cough at home in adults?

Black pepper. Small, inconspicuous peas are powerful helpers in the fight against dry cough. They help cure weakened bronchial mucosa, open up accumulations of sputum and remove it, transforming dry cough syndrome into wet one. Treatment of cough at home using black pepper is carried out in the following ways:

  • Fans of spicy taste are recommended to chew 2-3 peas daily.
  • Add 3-4 peppercorns to a glass of hot milk. After 15-20 minutes, drink the healing liquid.
  • Grind 4-5 peppercorns, mix with cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and 2 basil leaves. Add a teaspoon of ginger powder to the mixture. Brew the aromatic mass with boiling water and drink.
  • Mix crushed pepper (3-4 g) with sugar syrup and melted butter (10 ml). Melt the mixture and make sucking lozenges.
  • Mix equal quantities of black pepper and ginger powder. Dilute the mixture with liquid honey (5 ml). Take a tablespoon orally 2-3 times daily.

Onion. Onion medicines have antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. The drug dilutes viscous sputum well, increases its quantity and helps to expectorate. How to cure with onions annoying cough at home:

  • Boil 2-3 medium peeled onions in milk (200 ml). After infusion (4-5 hours), the product is taken orally. Drink it every 3-4 hours, a tablespoon.
  • Pour boiling water (1 liter) over the husks of 10-12 onions. Cook the mixture over low heat until ½ of the liquid has evaporated. Filter the broth and drink 150 ml three times a day.
  • Finely chop one onion and grind through a meat grinder. Add equal amounts of honey to the mixture and mix well. Take the aromatic mass orally, a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
  • Grind 4 large onions. Stir honey (50 g) and sugar (400 g) into the onion puree. Pour a liter of boiling water over the mixture and cook for 50-60 minutes. After the mixture has cooled, strain it and drink a tablespoon 3-4 times daily.

Inhalations. Inhalations are great for dry coughs. Such procedures are carried out daily after meals for 15-20 minutes. How to cure a cough at home using inhalations:

  • With soda. Mix soda with boiling water (calculate ½ teaspoon of soda per glass of water).
  • Potato. Boil ½ kilogram of potatoes in their skins, drain the water and breathe in the resulting steam.
  • Herbal infusions. For inhalation, it is recommended to mix 2-3 types of medicinal plants in equal parts (15 g per liter of boiling water) and breathe in the steam. Thyme, plantain, sage and thyme are beneficial for treating dry cough.
  • Garlic. Mash 1-2 cloves of garlic and pour in mint decoction. Bring the mixture to a boil and breathe in the healing steam.

Attention! Inhalations for coughs at home are not recommended at elevated temperatures, the presence of allergic reactions, purulent sore throat, bronchial asthma and cardiovascular diseases.

Treatment of cough with phlegm

To cure a wet cough, the main emphasis is on thinning the mucus. Mucus with a liquid consistency is easier to remove from the bronchi. And along with it, pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes will leave the body. The more sputum the patient coughs up, the faster he will cure the disease.

Black (bitter) radish. A powerful and effective folk remedy for treating wet cough at home. To effectively cure a wet cough, use not young radishes, but sprouted, large ones. How to cook radish to treat cough at home:

  • Wash the root vegetable and make a depression in the upper part. Place natural honey in the hole and wait for the juice to form. Take the healing liquid one tablespoon 2-3 times daily.
  • Cut the radish into pieces and grate or chop in a blender. Squeeze the juice from the mass and take 15-20 ml 3 times a day.
  • Bake the radish and chop the vegetable. Add sugar (2 tbsp) to the mixture and place the container in the oven for 2-3 hours. Pour the resulting juice into a jar. Take the medicine twice a day (in the evening and in the morning) after meals, 20-25 ml.

Nuts. A real Klondike of amino acids, vitamins and tannins that help thin mucus. Since ancient times, nuts, along with herbs, have successfully helped people cure painful cough syndrome. How to use them at home:

  • Boil unroasted pine nuts (200 g) in a liter of milk. Cook the mixture over low heat for 20-25 minutes (until the milk turns brown). Strain the broth and take 150-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Dilute crushed milk in a liter of milk walnuts(6-7 cores). Place the mixture in a warm place to infuse. The next day, throughout the day (3-4 times), gradually drink the resulting healing drink.
  • Crush the walnuts. Mix the nut mass (1-2 tsp) with warm boiled water (100 ml). Drink the mixture in small sips.

Medicinal herbs. With a wet cough and sputum, pathogenic microorganisms are released. To quickly help a patient cure a cough at home, you need to: medicinal plants not only helped with the removal of mucus, but also had antiseptic properties.

The best herbs for treating coughs are wild rosemary and eucalyptus. How to best use them:

  • Brew eucalyptus leaves in boiling water (2 tablespoons of leaves per liter of water). Leave for 30-40 minutes and take warm three times a day.
  • Boil wild rosemary herb (30 g) in water (250 ml). Let it brew for half an hour and take 1.5-2 tbsp. three times a day.

Herbal infusions made from mallow and marshmallow leaves, chamomile flowers and flax seeds (20 g of each herb) can also help cure a wet cough at home. Herbal collection steam ½ liter of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours and strain. Drink the infusion warm in the amount of ½ liter per day.

Coughing. You can cure an annoying cough at home, which debilitates a person with attacks for a long time, using the following means:

  • Simmer the lemon fruit over low heat for 3-4 minutes to soften. Then squeeze out the juice. Add glycerin (2 tbsp) to it, mix thoroughly and pour in honey (20-30 ml). Take the mixture one teaspoon 4-5 times daily. As soon as the cough reduces intensity, drink 1 tsp of the mixture. 2-3 times a day.
  • Dissolve a tablespoon of butter in a glass of hot milk. Add 4-5 drops of turpentine to a tablespoon of milk and drink the mixture in one gulp. Then add the remaining milk.

Moist cough and runny nose. If the patient also suffers from a runny nose along with a cough, try the following treatment method at home: mix heated sunflower oil and finely chopped onions (2 tsp each).

Leave the mixture for 2-3 hours to infuse. Then squeeze the onion and remove it. Place the remaining mixture in your nose, 2-3 drops into each nostril.

Smoker's cough. To quickly soothe and cure wet coughs in smoking people at home, traditional healers It is recommended to take decoctions of marshmallow, oregano, thyme, elecampane, fennel and calendula.

What to do if you have an allergic cough

The cough of an allergy sufferer goes away without fever or increase in temperature. Attacks of the dry type, they develop suddenly and last a long time, accompanied by itching in the larynx, nose, sneezing and runny nose. Such conditions are dangerous, they cause breathing problems and even suffocation.

To cure allergic cough syndrome at home, you need to use folk remedies that help stop the cough reflex and reduce susceptibility to the irritant allergen. What will help cure a cough?

Soothing baths. To prevent nighttime cough attacks, take a bath every night using:

  • Decoctions of herbs: sage, lemon balm, oregano and motherwort.
  • Clay powder (4-5 tbsp per half liter of water).
  • Essential oils of lemon, patchouli, calamus, cypress or lavender (20-25 drops per 100 ml of water).
  • Infusion of red currant leaves (a large handful of leaves per liter of boiling water). After infusing for 10-15 minutes, filter the mass and pour into water.

The duration of healing baths when fighting allergic cough at home is 10-15 minutes. Such procedures must be taken once every 3 days.

With a runny nose. At home they will help cure obsessive allergic runny nose, which accompanies an uncontrollable cough, infusions of the following medicinal herbs:

  • Field horsetail. Infuse a couple of teaspoons of the herb in a water bath for 30-40 minutes (in a liter of boiling water). Place 2-3 drops in each nostril twice a day.
  • Every evening, lubricate the nasal mucosa with Kalanchoe juice.

Ingestion. What to do when coughing allergic attacks torment a person every day? The following recipes will help treat cough at home:

  • Drink 3-4 teaspoons of celery root squeeze every day.
  • Mix the juice from 2 carrots, 3 cauliflower inflorescences and a large apple. Before use, add the chopped greens of one bunch of parsley to the squeeze. Take the product 4-5 times daily, ½ cup.
  • Make a nettle infusion (3 tablespoons per liter of boiling water), drink the healing tincture four times a day, a tablespoon.
  • On an empty stomach, in the mornings and evenings, take orally a mixture of mummy (0.2 g), milk (200 ml) and a teaspoon of natural honey.
  • Grind the lemon fruit, mix the mixture with honey (60 ml) and water (70 ml). Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring, until thickened. Take the product cold, a tablespoon 5-6 times daily.
  • Chop 4-5 garlic cloves and mix them with ½ cup of honey. Let the mixture brew for 1.5-2 weeks and take 1-2 tablespoons with each cough attack.
  • A decoction of honey, bay leaves (a tablespoon each) and a pinch of soda helps cure coughs. Drink ¼ cup daily 2-3 times.
  • Boil milk (½ l), mix with cream (10 ml), honey (5 ml) and egg yolk. Mix the mixture quickly and thoroughly (so that the yolk does not curdle). Take the product 2 tablespoons 5-6 times a day.
  • Stir anise seeds (2-3 tbsp) in a glass of water and boil. After an hour of infusion, drink a tablespoon every hour.

Inhalations. Inhaling healing steam - effective remedy for coughs of an allergic nature. Medicinal herbs are selected for inhalation to help cure cough at home and reduce the frequency of attacks:

  • Place chopped dope leaves on a hot frying pan. Breathe the steam for a quarter of an hour.
  • Steam sage (2-3 tablespoons) in 2 liters of boiling water, and after a quarter of an hour begin inhalation.
  • Pour the seed rye with cold water (400 ml). Bring the liquid to a boil and cook for 5-10 minutes. Breathe the vapors of the hot broth.
  • Boil the peelings of the potatoes, add thyme and eucalyptus leaves to them. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Add 2-3 drops of fir oil to the finished product and breathe in the healing steam for 10 minutes.

Healing syrup. Mix cayenne pepper powder (red, capsicum) with ground ginger (¼ tsp each). Add warm water, melted honey and apple cider vinegar (a tablespoon each) to the mixture. Stir the mixture and drink throughout the day (as soon as the next coughing attack begins).

The People's Pharmacy is a reliable and dedicated assistant that helps cure coughs at home. Natural remedies are effective and safe. But they should not become a panacea, but only complement medical treatment. Be sure to visit your doctor for advice before starting home therapy.

Good health and don't cough!

Treatment of cough with folk remedies quickly in an adult

Exhausting attacks keep you from falling asleep? Does painful coughing tire you all day? Autumn is the time for colds, and such a serious condition overtakes many people. There are many ways to heal and get rid of unpleasant phenomenon. Cough treatment folk remedies quickly in an adult - the topic of the article is for those who want to quickly overcome the disease and be healthy and active again.

What is a cough

It is the body's natural way of protecting itself from the adverse effects of pathogens, food particles or allergens on human health. In this way, the respiratory system is cleansed. In fact, it is only a symptom, so it is always important to identify the cause of poor health.

After infections or allergens enter the respiratory tract, a special secretion is produced. Such mucus envelops unwanted particles in order to remove everything unnecessary from the body. The muscles contract and a cough is caused. This is how phlegm comes out. This phenomenon is a defensive reaction. It is necessary to determine the reason that prompted the body to resist.

Attention! The patient must be protected from drying out of the respiratory mucosa. Frequent drinking and high humidity are required.

The reflex type manifests itself when a foreign body enters the respiratory system.


There are many prerequisites for the occurrence of painful syndrome. But most often it is infectious in nature. Such a reaction of cleansing the body can be provoked by:

  1. All kinds of allergens - pollen, pet hair, dust particles, vapors of various substances (for example, building materials - glue, paint).
  2. Viruses (especially influenza).
  3. Streptococci, staphylococci, legionella and other bacteria.
  4. Various types of fungi.
  5. Mycoplasmas.
  6. Smoking. Even if the patient is a passive smoker.
  7. Small particles of food remaining in the larynx.
  8. Drinking cold drinks.
  9. Uncomfortable air temperature when you have to inhale too cold or too hot.
  10. Accumulated mucus in the nasal passages.
  11. Side effect when taking certain medications.
  12. Psycho-emotional states.
  13. All kinds of diseases (from ascariasis to angina pectoris).
  14. Various congenital disorders of physiology.
  15. Gastroesophageal reflux. With this pathology, the contents of the stomach are released into the esophagus.


Depending on the disease, the type of protective reflex will differ. In the first phase of the flu, from the very beginning the patient suffers from painful dry urges. Then the purulent contents begin to gradually separate. There is severe chest pain.

In the case of acute bronchitis, the unfortunate person suffers from the wet variety. Initially, the sputum is completely colorless, then it becomes simply light and mucous. The cough is loud and the breathing process becomes more difficult. Chronic form illness suggests the presence of a muted version of the protective reflex. It worsens in morning hours and when cold air or dust enters the respiratory tract. The discharge is purulent in nature.

With tracheitis, it appears suddenly, sometimes painful sensations appear in the chest. The reflex intensifies when inhaling icy or dusty air. The sputum will be purulent.

Laryngitis gives rise to a barking type of defense syndrome. It is characterized by dryness. Hoarse voice, the mucous membrane of the throat begins to swell. During breathing, wheezing is heard, accompanied by a characteristic grinding sound.

With pneumonia, at the very beginning there will be a “dry” urge. But as the disease progresses, the contents will separate. It has a rust color if there are blood veins there. During the process of coughing, obvious pain is felt from the affected lung.

With pleurisy, sputum will not come out, and the pain will be quite strong.

Exacerbations of bronchial asthma are often triggered by the presence of allergens in the air. Therefore, seasonality of manifestations is characteristic. There will be attacks during which the victim will feel suffocated. The amount of content allocated is minimal.

With sinusitis, pharyngitis or rhinitis, there will be no sputum. Typically, severe coughing without mucus occurs regularly, often at night. Sometimes there is a sore throat.

Measles causes a dry, exhausting, very severe cough. Rapid development is typical.

Convulsive, sonorous is characteristic of whooping cough. It can be so intrusive and strong that it can even induce vomiting.

Heart failure makes its presence known in painful ways. The most restless time in this sense is night. The unfortunate one feels constant fatigue– even minor loads make themselves felt. The manifestations are similar to the condition of asthma, but additional distinctive feature There will be coughing even in a standing position.

Tuberculosis begins with the “dry” version, then the no less debilitating and severe “wet” variety begins. There may be blood clots in the discharge. The most stressful time of day for the patient is night. The variety and characteristics of the disease are directly related to the characteristics of the course of the disease and its type.

At cancer light will be “dry”. Over time they will become productive. An exacerbation is indicated by the appearance of blood streaks in the discharge.

When smoking, it is chronic, but not too intrusive. Occurs immediately after waking up. Goes away after the first few puffs.

Know! The sputum is often colored because smoke particles remain and accumulate in the lungs.

Types of cough

The classification of varieties may be based on various parameters. Based on strength, coughing is distinguished between hysterical type and coughing.

Depending on the duration, the following types are distinguished:

  • acute, its duration usually does not exceed 2 weeks;
  • protracted, sometimes manifests itself within 2-4 weeks;
  • infraspinatus (from a month to two);
  • chronic (more than two months).

Important! The latter is often caused by smoking, regular exposure to dusty environments, and inhalation of toxic chemical fumes. I suffer from night attacks.

By nature they are divided into productive and nonproductive cough. The first type involves the presence of discharge from the respiratory tract. In this way, the body gets rid of the ballast of pathogenic microorganisms. This type usually indicates a quick recovery for the patient. The dry appearance causes chest pain. In such a situation, it is important to correctly diagnose the cause of the protective reflex in order to avoid the development of dangerous complications.

According to timbre, there are the following types: ringing, barking, hoarse, muffled, short, silent.

Sputum happens:

  • mucous membrane (watery or light);
  • purulent (has a greenish tint);
  • serous (yellow or yellow-green);
  • bloody (orange color).

It is also necessary to mention the time of onset of symptoms. This often happens in the morning, in the evening, at night, or according to the season (in spring for allergies, in autumn or winter for ARVI).

Features of cough treatment

When choosing the right strategy to combat this unpleasant phenomenon, it is important to correctly diagnose it. The fundamental factor will be to identify the cause of the protective reflex and its accompanying symptoms - fever, runny nose, headache.

Attention! It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. He will find out the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment.

It is better to exclude self-medication from the very beginning. IN different situations different means are required. What may be useful in one case is harmful in another. For example, antibiotics are not a cough medicine. This is a sure cure for infection. When taking such drugs clinical picture changes - it is more difficult for the doctor to carry out the necessary diagnostics.

Antibiotics also affect the immune system. The body quickly weakens. Such a fundamentally incorrect strategy provokes the emergence of other diseases and problems.

When is it necessary to treat a cough?

There is no point in delaying taking adequate healing measures. It's really dangerous. Be sure to pay attention to warning signs:

  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • hard breath;
  • fainting attacks;
  • blood in sputum;
  • chills;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • increased sweating;
  • recurrent bronchitis;
  • voice change;
  • purulent sputum;
  • elevated temperature for 3 days or more;
  • severe coughing attacks lasting more than an hour.

Attention! Any of these signs indicates the need for an urgent visit to the doctor. You can't hesitate.

Methods for treating cough in adults

You can get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon in various ways. An effective therapeutic technique is determined individually.


To overcome this unpleasant symptom, specialists use various medications. In order for the unproductive form to be replaced by a more gentle option with sputum production, it is important to use the following drugs:

  • broncholithin;
  • oxaladine;
  • plantain syrup;
  • butamirate.

Then you need to completely clear the airways of secretions. Suitable here various groups drugs:

  1. Medicines with mucolytic effects.
  2. Expectorants. This can be primrose syrup or hexapneumin.
  3. Antibiotics. Used in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia. The activity of pathogenic microorganisms is suppressed.
  4. Antibacterial. Often relevant for asthma.
  5. Steroids. In case of whooping cough, bronchial asthma or even tracheitis.

Attention! Any medications can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Homeopathic remedies

Herbal preparations usually act as an auxiliary component in therapy. By themselves, they do not cope with getting rid of the underlying disease, but they help strengthen weakened immunity.

In case of painful attacks, the following may help:

  • stanum;
  • Dr. Mom;
  • Antimonium tarcaricum;
  • bromium;
  • conium;
  • ipecacuanha;
  • onion podium.

A bunch of positive feedback provide evidence in favor of these drugs. But only a doctor can prescribe medications even on a natural plant basis.

Traditional methods

Sometimes the use of traditional medicines is limited due to the patient's health or other reasons. In such situations, rubbing, compresses, inhalations, and the use of herbs and mixtures will help out. This allows you to defeat bad health.

The following substances, as well as some foods, are often used for rubbing and compresses:

  • potato;
  • goose, badger or bear fat;
  • vodka;
  • various essential oils.

When preparing decoctions, herbal teas, and tinctures, it is important to understand that compliance with the proportions guarantees effectiveness and safety. After all, some herbs in large doses are toxic or even poisonous. Famous green healers will help out:

  • fireweed;
  • sage;
  • yarrow;
  • thyme;
  • elecampane rhizomes;
  • coltsfoot;
  • pine buds;
  • wild rosemary

Know! Good for inhalation baking soda, boiled potatoes, essential oils of lavender, mint, eucalyptus, cedar.

How to quickly cure a cough

Of course, it will not be possible to overcome the ailment in a day, but it is quite possible to significantly alleviate the condition and improve your well-being.

For bronchitis

To achieve the best results in the shortest possible time short term it is recommended to adhere to special diet. Sweets, fried foods, pickles and spicy foods should be removed from the diet. It is important to consume vegetables, fruits, dairy products and foods. Requires large amounts of fluid to be taken. Tea, compote - warm drink should form the basis of treatment.

It is imperative to quit smoking. The main thing is to ventilate the room in a timely manner and carry out wet cleaning.

Medicines are an indispensable component. The following dosage forms are commonly used:

  1. Pills. Allows you to resist the initial signs of the disease. Promotes expectoration. They liquefy mucus and remove it out. The attending physician must prescribe medications.
  2. Syrup. The most commonly used are Flavamed, Lazolvan, and Ambroxol. Eliminate germs and viruses from the bronchial system, relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, block spasms. Usually used to treat children.
  3. Inhalations. Helps with chronic illness. They have an anti-inflammatory, expectorant or antiseptic effect. It all depends on the product used. Various herbs are suitable - sage, coltsfoot, plantain, licorice, birch buds. Many options from nature's pantry will help you get well.
  4. Antibiotics help heal from chronic bronchitis. These medications do not eliminate cough. But they fight harmful microbes that negatively affect the bronchi. The source of inflammation is destroyed - the cough disappears.

Know! With bronchitis, it is also important to pay attention to the condition of the throat and nasopharynx. Pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate there, which then easily penetrate the respiratory system.

This is why gargling with suitable drugs. The nose is usually rinsed with saline.

During pregnancy

If the protective reflex appeared along with a cold, rinsing and inhalation using soda will help cope with it. Strong attempts can be neutralized with traditional remedy– just mix warm milk, a little honey and add a piece of butter.

Effective is popular and absolutely natural recipe based on black radish juice. It was written about above.

Know! This natural medicine will be safe for the health of the unborn child.

In cancer patients

Treatment tactics are related to the course of the disease. Treatment is possible in the early stages. You can reduce the manifestations of an unpleasant symptom by using suitable medications. Substances that promote expectoration and liquefaction of discharge will be active:

  1. Pertussin. The active ingredients are potassium bromide and extract useful herb– thyme.
  2. Mukaltin. An effective medicine that allows you to remove excess mucus. It is based on an extract of the root part of marshmallow.
  3. Lazolvan. Increases mucus secretion in respiratory system.
  4. Flavamed. Reduces the viscosity of the discharge.

Similar options are suitable for getting rid of wet mold unpleasant syndrome. But what can be done to improve the condition of the painful dry form? The assistants will be:

  • broncholithin (with basil oil);
  • stoptussin (severe attacks are alleviated due to the anesthetic effect on the bronchial nerve roots);
  • paxeladine (helps achieve normal rhythm breathing).

Attention! Expectorant medications should not be taken together with cough suppressants. The result may be pneumonia.

After a cold

If, after getting rid of the disease, the unpleasant symptom still bothers you, it means that pathogenic microorganisms continue their destructive activity. Self-medication in such a situation is very dangerous. It's better to take an x-ray and then submit necessary research blood, sputum may also need to be analyzed. To avoid a chronic process, the therapist often prescribes antibiotics.

The post-infectious type of obsessive syndrome causes the inflamed bronchial mucosa to become endlessly irritated. Itching, sore throat, general weakness are accompanying symptoms. The unpleasant condition can last up to two months. Sometimes it lasts even longer.

It is required not only to use plant-based syrups as the main method of therapeutic action. All kinds of warming ointments, the use of mustard plasters, the use of badger fat or diluted vinegar.

Attention! Requires careful warming up chest area. Do not touch the heart area.

Helps well balanced diet. It is recommended to include a variety of plant-based foods in your daily menu. Baked black radish root vegetables will be useful. Onion juice with the addition of honey is healing. It is recommended to take vitamins.

If you are concerned about an unproductive type of protective syndrome, the prerequisite for its occurrence will most likely be allergic reaction. If the substance causing such a condition is unknown to the patient, a special test is taken to determine the irritant factor. It is important to exclude him from your life in a timely manner.

Honey with chopped onion and a clove of garlic helps a lot. This will destroy harmful bacteria and have a soothing effect on the throat.

Asthma is a chronic disease. If a person suffers from it, then ordinary ARVI can cause another exacerbation. A severe attack causes a condition close to suffocation. The doctor will consider a cough due to asthma to be chronic if its duration exceeds a month. Usually a serious condition torments during physical activity and at night.

Treatment of cough at home - folk recipes

Our grandmothers were deprived of the entire arsenal of modern medicines. But they coped with the manifestations of poor health with the help of improvised means.

To relieve illness

In combination with a runny nose, the protective reflex can lead to a narrowing of the lumen of the larynx. It becomes difficult for the victim to breathe. Prerequisites include infection, colds, laryngitis, and allergies.

Attention! This situation is quite dangerous. If there is a suspicion of closure of the lumen in the respiratory tract, emergency assistance must be urgently called.

If the protective reflex that causes a spasm in the respiratory system is caused by a runny nose, you need to regularly carry out wet cleaning and acquire a device that humidifies the air in the apartment. Frequent drinking and rinsing is recommended.

Simple recipes and procedures will help you recover faster:

  1. At the first signals of the development of ARVI, rub the palms and feet with garlic. Woolen socks are put on top, the unfortunate person is put to bed and covered warm blanket. Your hands should be under it.
  2. A relevant measure would be to rub your hands with apple cider vinegar. This must be done before bedtime. First, place your palms in a warm bath for about ten minutes.
  3. You can rub your feet with other substances. Good for this Castor oil. Take one turpentine for two tablespoons. This composition can also be rubbed on the chest.
  4. Hot tea with lemon, linden flowers or raspberries is the right solution.
  5. Warm milk with honey and soda will help neutralize colds. And obsessive syndrome caused by spasm of the respiratory tract is overcome with the help of a pepper patch. On your feet - socks with mustard powder, it is better for the patient to be in bed and wrapped in a blanket. After sleep, relief should come.

If the cough is dry

Milk and onion

An unproductive variety requires a special approach. You can peel 4 onions and boil them in milk until tender. Gave everything useful material Remove the onion and add a little honey to the milk. Take a large spoonful of this drug every hour.

Milk with mineral water

This recipe requires alkaline mineral water. It is added to warm milk in a 1:1 ratio. This drink effectively dilutes the discharge and promotes its rapid exit from the body.

Milk and butter

A piece of butter combined with hot milk can work wonders. The painful soreness will go away, the sore throat will ease. You only need a glass of milk and 50 g of butter.

Know! A mixture of two parts badger fat and one part honey works well. It is taken at night. There is no need to drink the drug.

With a wet cough

Method 1

Honey, aloe juice and lingonberry juice - 2 large spoons each. Divide the resulting amount into three parts and consume per day.

Method 2

Juice from one lemon, six tablespoons of honey. Mix and take daily.

Allergic cough

  1. Dilute a small spoon of honey and 0.2 grams of the miraculous ingredient mumiyo in a glass of highly heated milk. Drink before going to bed.
  2. Infuse a large spoonful of crushed chamomile in a glass of boiling water. Strain. Add a little honey to the broth. Consume hot after meals.

Strong cough

A good way to heal is to drink milk of the poppy. To prepare it, you will need to take a few spoons of poppy seeds and steam them in hot water. Then remove the water and grind the swollen poppy seeds in a mortar. Add a glass of boiling water. Leave for about fifteen minutes. Pass through a gauze filter. Drink only warm.

Old cough

It would be optimal to use a collection based on Bogorodskaya grass, lungwort, pine buds, linden, coltsfoot, marigold, mint. Infuse this composition in 700 ml of boiling water for 2 hours. Then filtered. You need to drink three times a day. At a time - one glass or a little less.

For chronic cough

A simple recipe will help:

  • put 2 large spoons of sage herb into boiling milk;
  • bring to a boil again;
  • Take hot before going to bed.

Another option also gives a good effect. Mix a small spoonful of honey, vodka and badger fat. Heat the resulting drug. Rub your feet and back with this balm (excluding the area on the left).

For a persistent cough

A special medicinal cocktail will work well. To prepare it, take vodka, honey, milk with high percentage fat, soda. All components are added to the beaten egg. The mixture is heated. You need to drink it on an empty stomach. A couple of procedures are usually quite enough.

Attention! Eggs must come from chickens that have been veterinarily inspected to avoid salmonella contamination.

Rubbing your back with turpentine ointment will provide reliable help.

Inhalation using home remedies to treat cough

An effective method to overcome the painful syndrome is to carry out simple heat and moisture procedures. To do this, the temperature of the solution should not exceed 42 degrees. The duration of the manipulation is about ten minutes. You can use salt, mineral water, herbal decoctions.

The steam version of the procedure should not take more than five minutes. Temperature – from 45 to 50 degrees. Various infusions are suitable, as well as effects with essential oils. A good method with which you can stop the development of the disease at the very beginning.

Oil inhalations have a softening effect on the mucous membrane of the throat, alleviate the condition, and ensure the release of secretions. For this manipulation, choose olive, camphor, eucalyptus or peach oil. The temperature of the solution should not be higher than 38 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Dry inhalation involves inhaling phytoncides of chopped vegetables - horseradish, onions, garlic. You can also inhale essential oils or powders. Such manipulations are relevant at the early stage of the disease when treating children.

Attention! Even such a seemingly harmless procedure requires approval from the treating doctor. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences.

In general, there is a useful device for performing manipulation - an inhaler. But at home, traditionally, they use a teapot with a funnel inserted into the spout. Or they simply breathe over the saucepan, covering their head with a towel.

There are a number of contraindications for inhalation:

  1. Steam exposure is prohibited if body temperature rises, there is purulent discharge, or if health deteriorates.
  2. Such manipulations are not carried out for pneumonia and purulent sore throat. Only a doctor's order can serve as an indication.
  3. Do not do this if you have nosebleeds.

With soda - help if you want to eliminate an unpleasant symptom of asthma. This action promotes the production of sputum. 3 large spoons of sodium bicarbonate are stirred in a liter of boiling water. They breathe over the steam for about forty minutes. This approach to solving the problem is safe - no allergies, suitable for pregnant women and children after seven years of age.

The dry form of protective syndrome can be overcome by inhalation with a validol tablet, 2 small spoons of eucalyptus leaves, a spoonful of garlic pulp, a quarter of a briquette pine extract. These components must be placed in 1 liter of boiling water. Manipulations with infusions of raw materials from calendula or sage are also good.

Know! If the cause of poor health is an allergic reaction, medicinal herbs are prohibited.

Steam inhalation should not be done:

  • baby under one year of age;
  • up to 7 years of age, a pediatrician’s appointment is required, otherwise it is not worth carrying out;
  • regardless of age, it cannot be done with high temperature bodies.

Essential oils will also relieve a serious condition. You only need 15 drops and half a glass of well-heated water. 5 minutes will be enough to improve your well-being.

Herbs and infusions for cough recipes and preparation

The natural pantry already contains everything necessary to maintain human health. All that remains is to take advantage of these riches. Each person has their own option.


The natural properties of this plant allow us to call it a real green healer. Ledum effectively fights pathogenic bacteria, softens and stops the inflammatory process. The ability to liquefy secretions has made this herb a surefire remedy for tracheitis, whooping cough, laryngitis, and bronchitis.

For the decoction, take ten grams of dried raw materials. Add two hundred and fifty milliliters of water. Then they are heated. After boiling, turn off the heat and leave for 30 minutes. Before drinking, be sure to carefully filter the infusion. Consume before meals at least three times a day. It can be given even to children over three years old.

Crow's feet

One of the specific features of this infusion is its pronounced bitterness. Children are not always ready to use this decoction. One of side effects With prolonged use of the green healer, the stool will become fixed. Constipation can be severe.

If the form is unproductive, pour ten grams of herbal raw materials into 250 ml of just boiled water. Drink at least 5 times a day. Preferably before or after meals.

Pine or spruce buds

A sure remedy for the non-productive form of the disease. You will need a large spoon of dried herb. It is filled with half a liter of just boiled milk. Leave to stand for an hour. Drink warm. Every 1.5 hours, 50 ml of natural medicine.


Making a healthy drink is not difficult at all:

  1. Take two large spoons of anise seeds and honey. You will need a glass of water.
  2. Pour boiling liquid over the seeds.
  3. Simmer over low heat for about twenty minutes.
  4. Cool.
  5. Filter through cheesecloth. Sweeten with honey.
  6. Drink 50 ml three times a day before meals.

Seasoning mix

Pour a quarter of a small spoonful of black cumin, dill, anise, coriander, and fennel seeds into a thermos and add 200 ml of water. It must be boiling. Leave for half an hour. Drink a glass four times a day.

Iceland moss

A true, time-tested potion is obtained from this plant. To prepare the syrup:

  1. Pour 150 grams of dried raw material into a glass of water.
  2. Let simmer for about seven minutes.
  3. Cool.
  4. Pass through several layers of gauze.
  5. Add 800 g of sugar and a pinch of citric acid.
  6. Keep it on the fire for thirty-five minutes - let it boil.

The syrup is pleasant, without the bitter taste typical for this plant. Children willingly accept such sweetness.

You can also prepare an unusual drink. Add a small spoon of moss to 250 ml of milk. Boil for 15 minutes. You can enhance the impact by adding tasty and healthy jam from elderberries. Before heading out for the night, take it hot.

Know! You can get rid of the bitter taste in different ways - add sugar or jam. It will be nice and useful.


Nature itself provides good healing effects. The power of this plant in the fight against obsessive illness has been known to herbalists since ancient times.

Add a large spoonful of raw materials to a glass of milk. Keep in water bath mode for half an hour. Pass through a gauze filter. Drink what you get in sips throughout the day, dividing it into several parts. Promotes the production of mucous discharge to alleviate the condition and speed up recovery.

You can use the infusion for rinsing. 1 tbsp. per glass of water. It should be boiling. Gargle three times a day.

The use of sage is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. Because this leads to a stop in milk production.


A large spoon is steamed with 250 milliliters of boiling water. Wrap in a towel or blanket and leave for 45 minutes. Pass through cheesecloth and squeeze out the herbal part. Consume warm with honey after meals, three times a day. If taken before bed, a restful sleep and improved condition are guaranteed.

Know! A few drops of eucalyptus essential oils in combination with chamomile can be placed in an aroma lamp. It’s good to breathe this mixture for half an hour.

Forum, reviews

On the World Wide Web, users share proven ways to combat this phenomenon. Many of them were helped by the folk method using black radish juice. Many grateful reviews are evidence of this.

Anna, Syzran

I suffered from tedious attacks. There was no longer any strength to endure. On the advice of a neighbor, I tried radish. And what do you think? Several days have passed. She breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that I listened to the older generation. There was no noticeable benefit from the pills.

Galina, Tambov

This is the only way I treated my babies. I don't like any synthetics. And I didn’t give this to the children. Folk medicine is always the best and most reliable. My grandmother taught me this way. And what? Everyone was recovering quickly. This is still how we survive during the cold season.

Kirill, St. Petersburg

He laughed at his wife, because he thought it was self-hypnosis. They've been showing a lot of programs lately - what ridiculous things they offer to do! I have no words! So I didn’t believe all these things. I even made fun of it. And when I got sick of the cough, I had to try this too. And you know? After all, it helped! Still, there is some truth in all this advice. In any case, radish helped me recover.

Antonina, Khabarovsk

I was tormented, I already tried a whole bunch in the first aid kit - no use! A friend’s mom told me about radishes. I asked my husband to buy it and immediately prepared it as they told me. I made a hole like this and poured honey into it. I liked the taste too – sweet! And I still have a sweet tooth. I felt improvements the very next day. I recovered and am very pleased that I took the advice. Now I will use it.

Many forum users offer interesting and simple healing methods.

Inga, Vladivostok

You need to spread a cabbage leaf with a thick layer of honey. You need to take about four of them. Yes, bigger size. Place two on the chest (honey side down), the rest on the back. You just don’t need to put it on the spine area. This means wrapping the film on top, putting on pajamas and crawling under the blanket. This is done at night. Usually it goes away after two procedures. A maximum of three will be needed. Our family is still fighting for our health.

Tamara, Kazan

I gave the kids figs in milk - it helps. And I myself am saved by the same thing. It’s delicious and helps overcome illness. Almost a delicacy, not a medicine. I love these delicious options.

Boris, Perm

My wife and I long ago tried making porridge from raw onions with honey. Everyone knows about the germ-killing properties of onions. We also use this ability. And any products from bees are good, unless, of course, there is an allergy. Now, if there is, then you won’t be able to try it here. It’s also useful to chew a piece of propolis – it’s great for disinfecting. Proven option.

Mikhail, Serpukhov

And we cook onions in milk. Not a bad thing, especially when you don’t want or can’t take medicine. And here is such a gift from Mother Nature. Chamomile also helps - try it. The tea it makes is aromatic and healthy. It's inexpensive - you don't have to spend much.

Evgeniya, Samara

I found the perfect option for myself. This is wild rosemary, known to all mushroom pickers. I know that in large quantities it is dangerous. So you need to be careful - just take it according to the instructions. The decoction helps wonderfully. The torment ends.

Inga, Saratov

I'll tell you about my favorite methods. Exclusively natural, I consider only natural good. And it’s inexpensive – it grows almost under your feet! I am preparing a nettle decoction. You need to pour one teaspoon of dried herbs into a thermos and pour boiling water. It will steam, brew, and after that, after about half an hour, you can drink it. Helps my family a lot. And I hope you find it useful.

Timur, Ufa

A friend told me about a good thing. You can chew a few field mustard seeds on an empty stomach. Said that reliable method. I'll use it myself - maybe it will help me.

Marina, Kaliningrad

I apply a salt compress to the chest (most importantly, in an area where the heart should not be placed). I wrap myself up and wrap myself up. This is how it becomes easier. Now this problem no longer scares me. I started to feel unwell - I save myself with salt. The main thing is to make the solution stronger. Then it will definitely work out.

Karina, Omsk

Honey, lemon and glycerin. I heard about this. But I myself am afraid to use glycerin internally. Doesn't it say on the bottle what it's for external use? But my friend praises me and says that she helps a lot.

Egor, Tomsk

I use chamomile for this purpose. A good infusion is obtained in a thermos. I just throw in a couple of ordinary bags from the pharmacy and fill them with water. Then I drink this tea.

The most effective methods for quickly treating cough in adults

Onions are a popular cure for many ailments. A healthy vegetable will help in this case too. Grind one head, add a couple of spoons of sugar and half a glass of water. Cook over low heat for half an hour. After cooling, add honey. Two spoons are enough. Use the folk medicine in a large spoon up to 6 times a day.

Onions fried in butter are mixed with a small amount of honey. This combination will definitely bring benefits.

Garlic also helps to quickly defeat the disease. A few cloves are mixed with honey and eaten throughout the day. Another best option is to dilute a few drops of garlic juice in milk. It should be warm. Drink before bed for a peaceful rest.

Many people traditionally treat colds with honey. This beekeeping product is ideal for eliminating painful coughing. Simply take it with warm cow's milk several times daily. A reliable assistant There will also be a recipe with black radish. The amber product is ideally combined with various plants that facilitate expectoration. It could be raspberries or, for example, coltsfoot.

A mixture is also prepared from cottage cheese, flour and honey. Flatbreads are made from it. They are placed on the back and chest for warming purposes.


Are you suffering from a severe coughing attack? It is better to consult a doctor, and in understandable situations, many people try to treat cough on their own, using folk remedies - they often manage to quickly relieve an unpleasant symptom in an adult.

Video: folk remedies for various types of cough in adults

© 2018 Health by Nature · Information is provided for informational purposes.

Each of us is familiar with the situation when, during the cold season, we start coughing. This brings us not only a general malaise of the body, but also discomfort from the sidelong glances of others. That's why everyone is trying to get rid of it quickly. unpleasant illness. Nowadays medicine offers a variety of drugs that make it possible to cure quickly cold cough. But besides them, people also know how to fight coughs with the help of folk remedies, proven by generations of relatives.

In this article we will share information about how quickly and effectively you can get rid of a cough, how to do it at home, and what folk remedies will help us cure even a severe cough. But remember that self-medication can be harmful to your health. If traditional methods do not give a quick positive result, it is better to consult a specialist.

How to cure a cough

It is known that coughing is just a protective reaction of the body when a pathogen appears in it. Often the cause of a harmless cough lies in respiratory infection, which can cause diseases such as bronchitis, laryngitis.

Cough is divided into two types:

Wet (with mucus).

The first type is more severe for humans. After all, it manifests itself in debilitating long attacks that do not bring relief to the patient. Often such attacks end in vomiting.

Moist cough accompanied by the secretion of mucus, which helps remove germs from the respiratory tract. This contributes quick recovery body and minimizing the occurrence of various complications.

Sometimes a cough can go away on its own, without medical intervention. But often, if a severe cough is not treated, it can provoke serious illnesses which end in the death of the patient.

Therefore, to cure a cough, you must use all reasonable methods.

It is known that there are folk and medical methods effects on cough. We will use folk remedies that are gentler on the body. They will allow us to get rid of cough easily. Find out: how to quickly cure a runny nose

How to quickly cure a cough in 1 day

Every sick person wants to get rid of a cough faster. Sometimes we don’t have the opportunity to rest at home, and we have to go to work healthy. In this case, we are looking for ways to quickly cure cough in 1 day.

To do this, it is worthwhile to direct all measures to eliminate the cause of the cough. A cough can be cured quickly if it is associated with a cold. Both pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies will come to the rescue.

It is best to use complex treatment. You can quickly get rid of a cough by using warming procedures. This can be done with the help of warming ointments, which will be offered to you at the pharmacy. Relieve cough and use expectorant syrups. But do not forget that their pricing policy is very high.

You can get rid of a cough if you drink a lot of tea with raspberries, viburnum, linden or lemon. It is also good to warm the body with warm milk with honey and butter.

Inhalations will help cure a cough quickly. Inhalations from boiled unpeeled potatoes are very popular in our latitudes. However, the airways are quickly warmed up by steam. And the remaining potatoes can be used as a warming compress. You just need to stretch it, put it on a cloth and apply it to your chest and back.

Remember, if you have a simple cold cough, then all these methods will give a positive result on the second day. You can use any of them, taking into account your financial capabilities. But it is more effective to treat a cough using several methods at once and use them several times a day. This way you can quickly get rid of even a severe cough.

How to cure a cough at home

It's no secret that cough can be cured at home. You just need to look in your first aid kit. Eat Great chance, that there are still sucking lollipops left that will help you relieve your cough. Some people use mints.

Quite often simple mustard plasters will save us. But know that at first they will make the cough even worse. After all, mustard plasters irritate the bronchi. And then the cough will decrease much and disappear altogether.

Sometimes, in order to get rid of a cough, cups are placed on the patient, after which the back is coated with cream or Vaseline.

If you do not have a fever or other concomitant diseases, then you can soak in a hot bath and cover yourself with a warm blanket.

Remember that your feet should always be warm. Therefore, if you are a lover of short skirts, you will have to give up these outfits for a while. And you need to avoid drafts, cold drinks, and eating ice cream.

Know that these are the most simple ways, which will ease your condition. They cannot always completely eliminate a cough.

How to cure a cough with folk remedies

You can go to the pharmacy, buy a lot of different drugs there and simply treat your cough at home. But what to do if you have a cough if you can’t go to the pharmacy? Maybe someone lives in a distant village, and the nearest pharmacy is a couple of tens of kilometers away. In this case, you can try to cure the cough with folk remedies. Every family has its own proven recipes. But we offer well-known ones.

  1. Drink hot milk with honey and a pinch of soda;
  2. Eat raspberry and viburnum jam with tea;
  3. Drink black radish juice;
  4. Make a compress with vodka (just be careful not to burn the skin);
  5. Rub unsalted goat or pork fat into your chest and back;
  6. Breathe over boiled potatoes;
  7. Drink decoctions of thyme, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, black currant

Dear readers, the main thing to remember is that treatment should contribute to the patient’s recovery. But some herbs, if used incorrectly, can aggravate the patient's situation. Instead of getting rid of a severe cough, you may get a terrible allergy. The danger is also that inhalations can provoke, for example, swelling of the bronchi. In this case, it is better to use proven and relatively safe traditional folk remedies that can cure a cough.

How to cure a severe cough

Often patients have such a strong cough that the person is unable to sleep or eat normally. If you have such a severe cough, then the measures should be very serious. What to do if you have a severe cough?

It is advisable to use several methods at once. You can combine traditional medical methods and proven folk ones. But you don’t need to apply everything on one day either.

There are such recipes for treating a severe cough.

  1. Cut the black radish, or preferably several pieces, into pieces and sprinkle with sugar. Wait a couple of hours for the juice to release and drink a spoonful every hour.
  2. Boil a glass of radish juice with a spoon of honey over low heat. When it cools down, drink a few sips before each meal.
  3. Make a decoction of rose hips, not very strong, and drink 3 times a day.

You can cure a severe cough at home. Just take this process very seriously. But it is better to enlist the support of loved ones who will help you prepare homemade medicines.

How to get rid of a cough

Getting rid of a cough does not mean curing it completely. You need to know that some methods make it possible not to cough for a couple of hours or to make coughing attacks less frequent. For example, a lollipop will soften a cough, but will not eliminate it.

If you do all the procedures regularly, then a cough can be successfully and quickly cured. And if you did it once and felt relief, then you shouldn’t stop. We need to find out main reason occurrence of an unpleasant cough and complete a full course of home treatment. If the severe cough has subsided, then you are doing everything right. Soon you will be able to completely get rid of your cough. Find out: if your throat hurts badly, what to do

How and with what to cure a wet, damp cough

To treat a wet cough, you must resort to other methods than to get rid of a dry cough. Most often, mucolytic and expectorant tablets are used. But in this difficult matter the best remedy- This is inhalation.

Inhaling warm steam, even without medicinal herbs, has a beneficial effect on sputum discharge. Inhalation of mineral water and saline solution with a couple of drops of pine oils will help cure a wet cough.

The method of treating wet coughs with aromatic oils is also becoming very popular. To do this, just add a few drops to the aroma lamp. In addition to the fact that you will be able to cure your cough faster, you will receive additional relaxing therapy. It will make your mood better and your sleep stronger.

You can also treat cough with sputum using traditional methods:

  • not very pleasant, but effective method, which treats cough with phlegm, is milk infused with garlic;
  • You can get rid of a strong cough using a decoction of flax seeds with honey;
  • they also drink sage tincture;
  • You can use a simple recipe for a decoction of linden blossom and birch buds. To do this, take a glass of linden and half a glass of birch buds, pour 200 ml. water and boil for approximately 5 minutes. You should drink it 3 times a day with a spoon of honey.

Know that curing cough with phlegm is very simple and effective using these recipes.

The cough does not go away for a long time, what should I do?

Often the cough does not go away within a couple of days. We strictly adhere to the reception traditional medicines, but it’s impossible to get rid of the problem. Although there is no need to rush too much, it would not hurt to think about the reason.

A cough does not go away for a long time if the cause is not a cold. After all, we may not know that tuberculosis cough does not go away for a long time. Being sick, we don’t even realize it. After all, curing such a cough at home is simply unrealistic. And the cough may not go away for months.

The wisest thing to do is not to wait for a miracle, but to immediately consult a doctor. He will help you choose effective treatment or will reassure you if you have jumped to bad conclusions. But if your worst thoughts come true, then timely diagnosis by a doctor will help you quickly cure your cough and get rid of the disease.

For a long time cough won't go away and in case of pneumonia. Unfortunately, doctors cannot always recognize it after listening to the patient. Sometimes it is necessary to do fluorography to understand what is the cause of a cough that does not go away for a long time.

The main thing is not to wait, but seek help from a doctor.

How to relieve and soften a cough

You already know that it is difficult to cure a cough very quickly. But you can try to lighten and soften it. To do this you need to create favorable conditions for the patient: place him in warm room, give complete rest and begin to fight the infection.

And the following will help ease and soften the cough:

  1. gargling with soda, salt and iodine;
  2. drinking a decoction of licorice root;
  3. breathe over the chopped horseradish;
  4. you can suck on a small piece of the well-known and cheap validol.

Remember that these tips will only help relieve your cough. But we must look for the true cause of its occurrence and treat the cough until it disappears completely.

Thus, there are a plethora of different cough treatments available. Most often we use traditional methods, which are not expensive for us. But some of them can simply injure or even kill us. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor about the advisability of using this or that traditional treatment. Be attentive to your body and don’t get sick!

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Coughing is an involuntary reflex movement aimed at forcing exhalation; this serves as a protective reaction of the body.

Causes of cough

  • The cause of cough in children and adults can be hidden both in inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and in damage to the lung tissue.
  • Cough most often becomes a response of the body (symptom) to diseases of an infectious nature, however, it can also have a nervous basis.
  • Sometimes it is aimed at mechanically clearing the respiratory tract of foreign objects, such as particles of household dust.

Types and symptoms of cough in children and adults

Depending on the presence of sputum, cough is classified into two types.

Dry cough

This type is not accompanied by sputum production and, as a rule, is not able to bring relief. The reason without fever is most often the body’s reaction to foreign objects entering the respiratory tract. Cough caused by inhalation of various allergens also fits this description. When a cough is accompanied by itching, you should be wary of a possible asthma attack. More rare causes of dry cough include gastric reflux, which is caused by a disorder, and the use of drops from.

Moist cough

This type of cough is accompanied by the production of sputum, the consistency and color of which may vary diagnostic value. This type of cough can be a symptom of viral or microbial diseases of varying severity. In this case, a common cold is not difficult to confuse with or. A wet cough caused by these diseases is accompanied by a runny nose, elevated temperature, weakened state.

Chronic cough

Chronic cough with sputum production is a constant companion of heavy smokers. The causes of a debilitating painful cough can be such terrible diseases as emphysema or cancerous tumors lungs.

Since coughing is a defensive reaction, the root cause of its occurrence should be treated, and either eliminate it as a symptom, or try to increase its effectiveness. Since a common cause of cough is infectious diseases, antimicrobial or antiviral drugs should be used.

Most often, cough treatment with home remedies occurs with the help of pharmaceutical drugs, potions and folk remedies. However, if a strong cough bothers you for a long time or appears in a child, you should still consult a doctor.

To the most effective drugs for the treatment of cough, include phlegm thinners, expectorant tablets and cough syrups. Drinking plenty of fluids and gargling can also be used for this purpose. saline solutions. Doctors often recommend medications that have bronchodilator properties. Excellent folk remedies for coughs, both for adults and children, will be steam inhalations using essential oils.

Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. So, a dry cough, without fever, occurs with, and a cough and runny nose are symptoms. Often treatment is aimed at the underlying disease, and the cough is relieved by inhalation or taking a mixture. In addition, there are categories of patients (children, pregnant women and the elderly) for whom this or that expectorant is contraindicated.

However, there are folk remedies for coughs that can be successfully used without leaving home. These remedies will help cope with this disease quickly, cheaply and without consequences. They are safe for everyone, so they can be used to treat coughs in adults and children. In the folk collection there are treatment recipes that will relieve dry cough and eliminate wet cough.

Cough treatment with black radish

An effective folk remedy for cough is black radish juice, this has been known for a long time. The root crop is washed. Make a depression in it, into which a teaspoon is added. Soon it will be filled with juice. The second method is faster: the root vegetable is cut into pieces and ground in a meat grinder, and the juice is squeezed out. This healing agent Take 20 milliliters three times a day.

Cough treatment can also be carried out using juice, which is obtained from baked radish. Sugar is added to the crushed root vegetables and the mixture is placed in a heated oven. After a few hours, the juice is poured into a glass container. This remedy is taken 25 milliliters before meals and bedtime. This method is often used to cure a child’s cough.

Cedar cocktail

Home treatment for severe cough is effective using milk and pine nuts. To do this, a glass of unpeeled, unfried kernels is boiled in a liter of milk over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then the broth is filtered. A glass of this remedy is drunk in the morning warm and on an empty stomach, or before bed. Drink the rest the next day. This remedy will stop a wet cough, as it promotes the removal of phlegm.

Homemade cough syrup

If no medications help (a severe cough has been bothering you for a long time), you can try making cough syrup from lemon (or use), honey and glycerin.

Simmer the lemon over low heat for a couple of minutes so that it softens and gives more juice. Pour 2 tbsp into a glass of juice. spoons of glycerin, stir well and add honey to the container.

As the instructions say, taking 1 teaspoon of this syrup before bed and during an attack at night will help relieve a cough that bothers you at night. If the cough is strong enough, drink 6 times a day.

As soon as the cough begins to decrease, you should reduce the frequency of taking the syrup. If the cough is not severe, then 1 teaspoon several times a day is enough. Shake the mixture before use. This remedy will help both adults and children.

Treating a Severe Cough at Home

If your child has a strong cough, you need to heat the milk and add butter or lard to it. Take this warm milk into a spoon and drop three or four drops of turpentine into it. The child should drink this spoon first, and then all the remaining prepared milk. It is advisable that the first spoon does not fall on the child’s lips, but completely into the mouth, so the probability of getting turpentine will be one hundred percent.

Camphor oil for coughs in children

Rubbing with a mixture of camphor oil and triple cologne after bathing will eliminate cough. To do this, the components are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the child’s skin, dried with a towel. The baby is rubbed and dressed warmly. A little later, the clothes are changed to dry ones.

This is a good recipe for a cough with a runny nose

  • Heat two teaspoons of sunflower oil over a fire. Finely chop the onion and add two teaspoons of this paste to the hot oil. Let it sit for a while. Then the onion is squeezed out. And the oil is dropped into the nose.
  • And of course, traditional hot tea with lemon will relieve colds. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. It will give the body strength to fight colds.
  • A decoction of linden flowers helps with cough. 200 g per liter of boiling water. Insist for a while. Drink half a glass two or three times a day.
  • It is important not to go outside after taking it and generally cool down.

Treating a cough with home remedies is not a panacea. You definitely need to find out the true cause from a specialist!

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