Effective folk remedies for the treatment of bronchitis at home. Chronic bronchitis: effective treatment with folk remedies

Inflammatory disease that affects the mucous membrane bronchial tree and lungs are called bronchitis. It is observed in children and adults, regardless of gender.

According to the etiological basis, the disease is infectious (viral, bacterial and candidal bronchitis) and non-infectious (allergic, asthmatic, smoker's bronchitis) in nature. Clinical picture infectious type presented with dry cough, weakness, discomfort in the chest, fever, hard breathing. Other forms of the disease are expressed in shortness of breath and dry wheezing. According to the severity of manifestations, the disease is acute and chronic. There are separate types of bronchitis: catarrhal (the lungs do not participate in the process of inflammation), obstructive, atrophic, purulent. Less common are hemorrhagic, hypertrophic and fibro-ulcerative.

Untimely access to the doctor threatens with the development of pneumonia or bronchial asthma. Therapy for acute form disease is reduced to bed rest and taking medications, including expectorants or antitussives. At high temperatures, antipyretics are prescribed. Treatment of bronchitis at home involves the use of folk recipes.


Inhalation of therapeutic steam helps to quickly cope with difficulty breathing and overcome coughing. Procedures are prescribed for children and adults. The course, as a rule, is not canceled until recovery.

Hot inhalations cannot be carried out at a body temperature exceeding 37 degrees.
  1. In treatment acute bronchitis the child is helped by inhalations with potatoes. It is boiled together with the peel, the water is drained and slightly kneaded with a fork. Add four drops of fir oil. Inhalations are carried out by bending the child's head over a container of potatoes. Duration is ten minutes. It is recommended to perform in the evening.
  2. During pregnancy, soda inhalation is prepared. A handful of baking soda is added to a liter of boiling water. They bend over the container and inhale the steam for no more than fifteen minutes, repeating in the morning and evening.
  3. A few chopped garlic cloves and a chopped head are added to two liters of water. onion. Boil for twenty minutes after boiling. Remove from fire and let cool slightly. They bow their heads over the container, cover with a towel and breathe for ten minutes.

    Contraindicated in cases of nosebleeds.

  4. When using a nebulizer, prepare a solution sea ​​salt. One liter of water requires three pinches of salt without dyes. Sometimes a pinch of baking soda is added to the solution.
  5. To a glass warm water add five drops of essential oil of lavender, pine, eucalyptus, juniper or arborvitae. Use the composition for inhalation twice a day.

    In the case of children oil inhalations use is not recommended.

  6. In a frying pan, ordinary edible salt is heated. Breathe over the product, periodically shaking the container with salt, for seven minutes, repeating three times. The prescription can be used to treat children and adults.
  7. With sputum that is difficult to separate and a hacking cough, as well as when there is candidal appearance pathological condition, at home, it is recommended to cook any of the fees: one gram of thermopsis grass and twenty grams of primrose leaves; fifteen grams of elderberry and a similar amount of mullein; twenty grams pine buds and twenty-five grams of chamomile officinalis. The selected collection is poured with a liter of water and boiled. Let cool, strain. Used for steam inhalation, diluted with boiling water. Repeat the procedure twice a day for illness in adults.
  8. 60 g of propolis and half as much beeswax are placed in aluminum dishes. Dissolve the components in a water bath. Inhale the vapors for ten minutes in the morning and evening. Effective in the presence of an obstructive type of disease.
  9. Pour a pinch of chamomile into a container with several cups of boiling water, add ten milliliters of honey and a similar amount of baking soda. They bend over the container with the composition, covering their head with a towel. Breathe for ten minutes asthmatic bronchitis accompanied by a dry cough. Carry out inhalations twice a day. The recipe is also used to treat an atrophic type of pathological condition.
  10. Take one part of yellow wax and spruce resin. Melt in a water bath or microwave oven. Put the resulting mass on hot coals. Breathe daily for fifteen minutes. It is advisable to perform the procedure before going to bed. Demonstrates effectiveness in wheezing.
  11. A good means for inhalation, allowed for children and adults, is considered to be a collection of raspberry, mint and sea buckthorn branches. The components are taken equally, poured with a liter of water and boiled for a short time. Wring out. Breathe over a container with a decoction, covered with a towel, no more than seven minutes. Repeat in the morning and evening.
  12. Two pieces of silver are placed in a solution of sodium chloride, previously fixed on the wires. Connect the wires to a five-volt battery. Thus, the formation of "milk" on the surface of the water is achieved. white color. That is what gives the antibacterial effect. Recommended for allergic form illness.
  13. Pour a little boiling water into the teapot. Add a piece of asterisk balm. Breathe over the steam for ten minutes if there are wheezing.
  14. Two hundred grams of rye straw is brewed with several liters of hot liquid. Add ten milliliters of valerian tincture and twenty milliliters of alcohol. After inhalation, it is recommended to apply warm straw on chest.


The imposition of compresses based on improvised products and medicinal plants is an effective way to quickly overcome the unpleasant manifestations of the disease. The therapy is repeated until recovery.

  1. In a deep bowl put a tablespoon of crushed mustard seeds, honey and sunflower oil. Add twice as much table vinegar. Placed in a water bath and kept until the mixture reaches a temperature of fifty degrees. Remove the container from the water bath and add two handfuls of wheat flour to the composition. Knead the dough. The resulting cake is used as a compress on the chest or back. First, a wet piece of light cloth or gauze is applied to the skin. A cling film and a scarf are placed on top of the cake. The duration of the procedure is about six hours. The number of sessions is five. The compress helps to get rid of a painful cough, remove phlegm and normalize breathing. Can be used in the treatment of children and adults.
    The compress contains mustard, which can have an effect on delicate skin child and sensitive adult irritant effect. With the development of a burning sensation, the compress should be removed immediately and no longer repeated.
  2. Mix three large tablespoons of vegetable oil, mustard powder, goat fat, honey and alcohol. Add the same amount of table vinegar and prepare two cakes. One is placed on the back, the other is placed in the lung area. Fix with cling film and elastic bandage, leaving overnight. Recipe shown at strong cough in children and adults. The number of sessions is five.
  3. A composition is prepared from a tablespoon of mustard powder, vodka, wheat flour, interior fat, aloe juice, honey. The components are heated in a water bath. A light handkerchief is placed on the patient's chest, the resulting ointment is applied on top, and then again covered with a cloth. To fix the compress, use cling film and a warm scarf. Leave overnight. Recommended treatment for chronic disease.
  4. In a glass container, combine a glass of honey and the same amount of butter. Heat in a water bath until the butter melts. In the composition, gauze is moistened, applied to the chest or back, covered with food film on top. The warming effect is achieved by warming with a scarf or scarf. The compress is removed only in the morning. After a week, relief comes.
  5. For the treatment of children from the age of twelve, a compress with horseradish is used. It is crushed on a grater, put on the back and wrapped with gauze on top. Hold the bandage until you feel severe burning. The procedure is carried out in the evening, so that after it the patient can go to bed and fall asleep.
  6. Pour red clay with water, bringing to a creamy state. The mass is applied to the back of the patient, fixing with cellophane and a bandage. Hold for an hour, after which the body is washed with water. Repeat as needed for disease in adults. The recipe helps in getting rid of a strong cough in chronic bronchitis and relieves wheezing in allergic.
  7. Combine half a liter of vodka and water. In the composition, a piece of tissue is soaked, which is applied to the back or chest of the patient at night, fixing with cellophane and an elastic bandage.
  8. A tablespoon of turpentine is added to a mug of melted lard. Stir. Take a little money and rub into the chest. A gauze napkin is put on top and wrapped with a warm scarf. They put on pajamas and go to bed, leaving the compress until the morning. Perform manipulations no longer than a week.
  9. Combine 50 g of mustard powder, three cups of water, half a glass of honey and juice from one onion. In the composition, a towel is moistened, squeezed and placed on the patient's chest, covered with cellophane and a handkerchief on top. After half an hour, the compress is removed.
  10. Half a glass of Veronica officinalis juice is combined with 250 ml of vodka. Leave for ten days. In the composition, a piece of gauze is moistened, applied to the chest or back of the patient, leaving it overnight. Fix with cellophane and elastic bandage.
  11. Boil potatoes in their skins. Knead, transfer to a plastic bag and put on the back of the patient. At the same time, a composition is prepared from half a glass of vodka and a spoonful of honey. They drink a drink. The procedure is carried out at night. Four sessions are enough for recovery.
  12. If a baby has a fever during an illness, it is recommended to moisten a cloth in a solution of table vinegar and water taken one to one and put it on the forehead. The same composition wipe the legs and back of the baby.
  13. Boil potatoes with skins. Drain the water and mash with a fork. Add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and a few drops of iodine. The mass is transferred to the fabric, placed on the chest to the very throat. The patient is wrapped in a blanket. Leave the compress overnight. Can be used in children with illness.
  14. Several chicken eggs are fried in pork fat. After cooling, they are applied to the child's chest, covering it with cling film and fixing it with an elastic bandage. Leave on all night to fight a strong cough.
  15. A small woolen shawl is poured abundantly with table vinegar, vegetable oil and camphor. Apply to the chest of the patient at night. On rear surface neck impose a compress of grated horseradish.


Medicinal herbs used to prepare herbal infusions at home help in suppressing cough, removing sputum and normalizing the general condition. Treatment should be carried out until complete recovery.

Mono infusions

  1. Forty grams of crushed propolis are steamed with a glass of boiling water. After a day, filter. Take thirty drops twice a day for any kind of illness.
  2. A handful of coltsfoot plants are added to a mug of boiled liquid. After half an hour, filter. They drink from wheezing and coughing during pregnancy forty milliliters three times.
    For more than four weeks, treatment with the plant is prohibited, as it contains certain types of alkaloids. Accumulating in the body, they have a toxic effect.
  3. Elecampane root is actively used in the treatment of bronchitis. Ten grams of dry raw materials are poured into a glass of boiled moisture and kept on a steam bath for ten minutes. After squeezing, they begin to use - a quarter cup three times on an empty stomach.
  4. Knotweed herb helps in relieving inflammation. A tablespoon is steamed with a glass of boiling water for ten minutes. Strain and drink a quarter of a glass four times.
  5. A handful of crushed rose hips are added to a thermos with half a liter of boiling water. The night is endured. Use strained infusion for half a cup, repeating three times on an empty stomach. The recipe is designed to increase immunity, helps to achieve recovery faster.
  6. Plantain, in the amount of two large spoons, is aged in a glass of boiling water for four hours. Use the infusion for acute and chronic bronchitis, half a cup twice a day.
  7. If you lose your voice due to a strong cough, take a couple of liters of milk, previously brought to a boil, and add 0.4 kg of bran. They insist on an hour. Filter and introduce a little natural honey. Taken during the day instead of tea, especially if wheezing is present.
  8. Treatment of an acute form of the disease is carried out with the following recipe: a handful of chopped tangerine seeds are poured with boiling water in the amount of one glass. Withstand an hour and squeeze the raw material. Take a glass every two hours.

    Mandarin seeds contain the substance amygdalin glycoside, which turns into acid when it enters the stomach.

  9. Children's bronchitis is treated with milk and walnuts. The kernels of ten nuts are crushed into crumbs medium size, put in a two-liter thermos and pour boiled milk. Filter after five hours. Give to the child as often as possible.
  10. A teaspoon of black elderberry color is steamed in 250 ml of boiling water, leaving to cool. Add a little natural honey. They drink fifteen milliliters three times if there is a strong cough and there are problems with sputum discharge.

    A moderately toxic plant is contraindicated in children under twelve years of age and pregnant women.

  11. Two hours in a glass of boiling water insist five grams of oregano. Use three times 50 ml.
  12. A handful of crushed knotweed is steamed with a glass of boiled moisture. Incubated in a water bath for ten minutes. Allow to cool and filter. Drink half a glass four times.
  13. In diseases of the respiratory system, they drink an infusion of nettle. A pinch of color is brewed with a liter of boiling water and used instead of tea, adding sugar to taste.
  14. Steamed in 250 ml of boiling water a tablespoon of pine buds, previously crushed into small crumbs. Filter after half an hour. When coughing, give the patient two sips, repeating up to five times a day.
  15. A mug of boiled liquid is steamed with 8 g of roots of the Siberian source. Keep under the lid until cool and start taking - 50 ml three times. Helps treat chronic bronchitis.
  16. Steam 40 g of buckwheat flowers with a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for an hour. The volume is drunk per day. Useful for rising temperatures.
    The recipe is dangerous for people with impaired kidney function, since the infusion is considered a strong diuretic.
  17. In a mug of boiling water, steam a spoonful of chopped ginger root. Withstand until cool and dilute in a ratio of one to one hot water. Drink during the day, replacing tea. Add raspberry jam to taste. The composition is good at elevated temperatures.
  18. Bring a mug of village milk to a boil. Throw in a pinch of turmeric. After cooling, the composition is divided into a couple of servings and consumed per day on an empty stomach.
  19. In case of illness in infants, lungwort is used. A teaspoon is brewed with a mug of hot moisture for half an hour. Filter. Give the child a drink of ten milliliters twice a day.
    Compositions based on lungwort are dangerous to use on an empty stomach. Otherwise, abdominal pain and diarrhea are likely.
  20. If the disease is accompanied by fever, prepare an infusion of eucalyptus leaves. Add 1 tsp. leaves to a cup of boiling water. An hour later, it is filtered and drunk during the day, divided into several servings.
  21. Fifteen grams of medicinal lovage in a glass of boiling water is kept for one hour. They drink three mugs a day as tea, increasing the body's defenses.
  22. Ivy-shaped budra leaves, in the amount of fifteen grams, are steamed with 0.25 liters of boiling water. After one hour, the raw material is squeezed out. Take as an expectorant ½ cup twice on an empty stomach.
  23. Half an hour insist 20 g of sticky resin grass in 200 ml of boiling water. Drink if purulent bronchitis is observed, 1 tbsp. l. three times.
  24. Fifteen grams of chopped yarrow greens in 0.2 liters of boiling water insist for forty minutes. Drink with a strong cough in half a glass, repeating up to six times a day on an empty stomach.
  25. Kupena officinalis root helps as a home-made remedy for stagnant phlegm. Add 20 g to a cup of boiled liquid. After cooling, spin is performed and treatment begins - 1 tbsp. l. three times.
    Regular use of kupena can negatively affect well-being, causing serious poisoning.
  26. Ten grams of sleep grass in an incomplete cup of boiling water insist about forty minutes. Filter. Take a glass a day to relieve cough. In a similar way, prepare and take infusions of sedum sedum, flax seeds, bittersweet nightshade herbs.
  27. In order to overcome bronchitis as soon as possible with folk remedies in adults, it is recommended to take an infusion of cherry stalks. Take 1 tsp. raw materials, steamed with a mug of boiling water and left to cool under a towel. They drink 50 ml several times a day, especially when allergic or asthmatic types of the disease are pestered.
  28. A teaspoon of curly thistle in a glass of hot liquid is infused for about forty minutes. Take the entire volume per day, dividing into portions. Helps folk drug in the chronic form of the disease.
  29. In the treatment of the chronic form, nasturtium infusion has proven itself well. 10 g of raw materials in a liter of boiling water are kept until cool. Take 0.5 cups per day.

    IN large doses the plant causes irritation of the gastric mucosa.

  30. 15 g of young ash shoots are steamed with a glass of boiling water. Filter and give the patient half a glass to drink three times a day.
  31. A handful of blackberries are placed in 0.4 liters of boiling water and kept, covered with a lid, for one hour. Drink, if you need to treat a candidal type of pathological condition, half a mug twice.


  1. To a cup of boiling water add a handful of the collection of fruits taken in equal proportions of anise, thyme, coltsfoot root and elecampane, violets. Infuse for an hour, filter through a sieve. They drink with an obstructive type of disease three times a couple of tablespoons.
  2. To five grams of tricolor violet add ten grams of plantain and sweet clover, three grams of horsetail. In a mug of boiling water can withstand up to eight hours. After filtering, take three glasses up to five times a day.

    Prolonged therapy with the composition may lead to thrombosis.

  3. An expectorant is an infusion of marshmallow, sage, pine buds and violets. Components are taken equally. Steam 300 ml of boiling water for two hours one handful of the collection. Taken three times full stomach 60 ml.
  4. For easy expectoration of sputum and for severe coughing fungal infection bronchial tubes, it is recommended to take an infusion prepared from coltsfoot leaves, elecampane roots, medicinal chamomile, rosemary shoots, peppermint leaves, marigold flowers, plantain leaves and licorice root. The components are taken in equal proportions. Grind and select a glass of raw materials. Steam 500 ml of boiling water for an hour. After pressing, drink a cup twice a day.
  5. Mix fifteen grams of stinging nettle and twice as much wild rosemary. Pour a liter of boiling water, leaving overnight. In the morning, filter and drink during the day, dividing into several portions.
  6. 5 g each mix coltsfoot leaves, black elderberry flowers and asparagus grass. Steam 250 ml of boiling water for an hour. Used instead of tea three times, applying with a strong cough.
  7. Chronic bronchitis is treated as follows: 40 g of ephedra, 200 g of chamomile, 60 g of birch buds and 200 g of rosemary are combined. Two pinches are steamed with 0.5 liters of boiling water for five hours. Use 100 ml three times.
  8. Two parts of lungwort are added to the coltsfoot, chamomile and oregano taken in one part. Two st. l. in 300 ml hot water insist half an hour. Drink 150 ml, repeating at least five times a day.
  9. 30 g of cilantro fruits, 4 g of white mistletoe, 200 g of chrysanthemum flowers and 6 g of Tatar aster root are mixed and crushed. Pour 800 ml of boiling water, add a pinch of dry ginger root and let cool. Drink 100 ml up to seven times a day.

    Some components of the infusion are toxic, others can cause allergies.

  10. Mix 1 tbsp. l. leaves of European hoof, ivy budry, grass common agrimony. The mix is ​​crushed to a powder, a glass is taken and 0.8 liters of hot moisture is poured. Insist night. The next morning produce a spin. Drink a third of a glass six times a day.
  11. A collection is prepared from one pinch of valerian roots, cane calamus rhizomes, elecampane roots, two pinch each of anise seeds, dill, lingonberry leaves, yarrow herb, three each of oregano and St. John's wort. Four pinches are taken, steamed with a liter of boiling water and kept for about four hours. Pressing raw materials. Drink for the day.
  12. They mix two large spoons of coltsfoot leaves, yarrow, one each - cuckoo adonis, the color of meadow clover. Two spoons are poured with a glass of boiling water, leaving for a couple of hours. Drink half a glass four times on an empty stomach.
  13. Mix a pinch of the color of black elderberry, large plantain leaves and tricolor violet. Introduce a teaspoon of sundew herb. The composition is crushed and 15 g are taken. Steamed with hot moisture in the amount of a glass. They insist five hours. Drink for a day.
  14. Combine one large handful of mullein scepter flowers and white birch buds, add 1 tbsp. l. raspberry berries. A handful is poured with 250 ml of hot moisture for two hours. Take about six times a day for half a glass.
  15. In equal proportions, the herb of marsh rosemary, common thyme, medicinal chamomile, licorice root and marshmallow are combined. After grinding to a powder state, two large spoons of the collection are steamed with 750 ml of boiling water, leaving to cool under the lid. Filter through two layers of gauze. Take five times a quarter of a cup with a strong cough.
  16. Combine 1 tbsp. l. leaves of budra and hoof, add 1 tsp. cocklebur herb. Steam 0.6 liters of boiling water and incubate for fifteen minutes. Drink 30 ml three times. Ready infusion is stored in the refrigerator.
  17. To four parts of chamomile, three parts of licorice root and cyanosis are added, two parts of valerian root, St. John's wort and motherwort grass. A pinch of the collection is taken and steamed with a glass of boiled moisture for two hours. Consume a third of a cup up to three times a day. The remedy helps to overcome bronchospasm at home.
  18. Combine one hundred grams of grains of rye and barley. Mixed with oats, taken in the same amount. Enter thirty grams of crushed horse chicory. The mixture is sent to a pan and fried, adding a few crushed almond kernels. The resulting mixture is used to make coffee. Take a couple of cups a day, diluted with milk.
  19. A tablespoon of a mixture of violet and snowdrop is kept for fifteen minutes in a water bath in a glass of water. Give the child 1 tbsp. l. three times. If the child is small or bronchitis is observed in infants, sweeten with a small amount of sugar. Supporters alternative treatment called the tool one of the best among anti-inflammatory.
  20. The collection of marshmallow grass, hay fenugreek seeds, fennel fruits, black elderberry color (10 g each), linden color, tricolor violet (20 g each) is also considered anti-inflammatory. Steam 1 tbsp. l. 0.25 liters of hot moisture for two hours. Drink volume per day, taking small sips.



Decoctions are prepared at home from plant materials. Sometimes improvised products are used. There is no clearly established course duration - you should focus on the patient's condition.

Mono decoctions


  1. Thyme, wild rosemary, St. John's wort are combined in a tablespoon. One and a half large spoons of the mixture are taken and boiled in 350 ml of water for five minutes after boiling. After pressing, a small amount of flower honey is introduced. Drink with a smoker's cough and an chronic disease, half a cup up to four times a day.
  2. Mix a handful of licorice root and linden blossom. Boil for eight minutes in 200 milliliters of water. Squeeze and use one hundred and twenty milliliters three times, each time preparing a new remedy.
  3. A collection is prepared from two small spoons of oregano, four - wild rosemary, taken one at a time - birch buds and nettles. A few pinches of phyto-mix are crushed and poured into two cups of water. After boiling, boil for ten minutes. Allow to cool under the lid and squeeze the raw material. Drink on a full stomach for a third of a cup, repeating three times. The prescription is used to treat chronic bronchitis.
  4. Place a chopped head of garlic and a dozen medium-sized onions in a saucepan. Pour in milk and boil until done. Filter, add a spoonful of honey and freshly squeezed mint juice. Take 15 ml up to five times a day on an empty stomach. Garlic treatment is especially useful for candidal form.
  5. Purulent bronchitis goes away if you take the following decoction: mix one hundred grams poplar buds, Burkuna and plantain leaves, take 15 g and bring to a boil in half a liter of water. Allow to cool and squeeze the raw material. Drink a cup three times a day on an empty stomach.
  6. Knotweed grass, garden dill fruits, thyme, anise fruits, licorice root and pine buds are equally connected. Two handfuls of the mixture are defended for half an hour in two cups of moisture, after which they are sent to a low fire and brought to a boil. Cool and filter. Use when treating purulent appearance disease and obstructive, half a cup three times on an empty stomach.
  7. A lump of white cherry resin is boiled in one liter of milk. After filtering, two hundred milliliters of honey, a little dry ginger root and three clove seeds are introduced. Drink 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach three times.
  8. One apple, one onion and a potato are placed in a saucepan with a liter of water. Cook until half of the liquid has evaporated. The decoction is drained and given to the child three times a day for 1 tsp, relieving acute and obstructive types of the disease.
  9. With a prolonged cough, four walnuts, along with the shell, a spoonful of black elderberry color and 15 ml of honey, are boiled in 0.5 liters of water. Drink a decoction of 10 ml three times.
  10. Mix 2 tbsp. l. licorice root and 1 tbsp. l. linden colors. A pinch is taken, poured with a glass of moisture and boiled after boiling for 10 minutes. To thin viscous sputum, use half a cup three times a day.
  11. Prepare a mixture of mallow flowers, root marshmallow, thyme (1 tbsp each), licorice root (2 tbsp), anise fruit, mullein color, coltsfoot leaves (1 tsp each). An incomplete handful of the collection is poured into 200 ml of water and sent to the fire. After boiling, boil for six minutes. Let cool and strain. Use several tablespoons of decoction up to four times a day for the treatment of obstructive type.
  12. Combine two pinches of horsetail and sage, one each - the color of blood-red hawthorn and primrose root. A handful of the mixture in 250 ml of water is brought to a boil and boiled for a quarter of an hour. Allow to cool and spin. Drink hot in a quarter cup three times. Helps with chronic bronchitis.
  13. As an expectorant that can permanently relieve discomfort in the bronchial area, a collection of five tablespoons of wheatgrass root and three of peppermint is recommended. Pour in three cups of water and bring to a boil. Let cool. Drink 1/3 cup three times on a full stomach.
  14. Grind a head of garlic into a bowl. Two lemons are ground in a meat grinder and mixed with 300 g of sugar and 500 ml of dark beer. The mixture is added to the garlic and sent to the fire, boiling for half an hour. Take ten milliliters each time before meals.
  15. The following collection has an immunostimulating effect: roots safflower leuzea(15 g), roots Manchurian aralia(15 g), brown rosehip (15 g), blood-red hawthorn (15 g), medicinal calendula (10 g), tripartite string (10 g), black chokeberry (10 g), large plantain leaves (10 g). Fifteen grams of phyto-mix is ​​crushed, placed in a mug of water and brought to a boil. Boil fifteen minutes. Drink after filtering ¼ cup three times a day.


Homemade syrups are considered a quality alternative pharmacological preparations. In addition to helping in the treatment of the disease, they promise to strengthen the body and lack of addiction. The therapy is applied for about three weeks.

  1. Pour several liters of water into an enameled container and bring to a boil. They take a large lemon, wash it thoroughly and make several punctures on the skin. Place the lemon in boiled water and boil for about five to seven minutes. When the lemon has cooled, juice is squeezed out of half of it and poured into a glass. Add a couple of large spoons of glycerin. The remaining empty volume of the glass is filled with liquid honey. The container with the finished product is placed in a cool place for a couple of hours. The dose for children is half a tablespoon, for adults - a whole spoon. Repeat the treatment two to seven times a day, focusing on the severity of symptoms and the form of the disease. The recipe helps to cope with a strong cough, increases the body's resistance and helps fight the pathogen.
    The syrup is not suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems, as it can aggravate the course pathological process and cause a number of complications.
  2. When asked how to get rid of the disease, folk healers give the right recipe. To prepare the syrup, take a few medium-sized onions, honey and milk. The bulbs are finely chopped, previously cleaned of the husk. Place in an enamel container and pour milk (it should cover the onion). Cook until the onion softens. Filter, and then add half a glass of honey to the composition. Children are given a dessert spoon no more than three times a day, adults are shown to drink syrup every hour in a tablespoon. The syrup is especially useful if you need to cure atrophic appearance illness.
  3. Chronic bronchitis is treated with syrup based on sugar and onions. The remedy is often called "onion honey". To prepare it, they take a glass of granulated sugar, dilute it with a liter of pure moisture and place several whole onions in the resulting composition (they peel it from the husk). Cook over low heat until half of the volume remains. After the bulbs are removed, and the syrup itself is allowed to cool. Drink half a glass. Repeat as needed, but not more than twice a day.
  4. An effective treatment at home, especially in children, occurs with the use of black radish. The root crop is taken small. It is thoroughly washed under running water and the core is removed with a sharp knife, after cutting off the top. It turns out an impromptu "pot". Two glasses of honey are poured into the recess formed after the manipulations. After the radish is placed in a container and sent for several hours in a dark place, covered with a top. Soon the fruit begins to release juice. If possible, it is better to wait for the entire portion medicinal syrup leaving the radish overnight. In the morning, a sweet folk remedy is poured into a glass container and the reception is started - a teaspoon four times a day for children and a dining room for adults. Treatment takes one to two weeks. One fruit for the preparation of syrup can be used for several days. Helps with severe coughs.
  5. A handful of chopped black radish is placed in a one liter jar. Pour a tablespoon of honey on top. Pour the radish again and pour over with honey. Layers are laid to the top. Leave for a couple of days in the refrigerator until a syrup is prepared that helps to overcome the disease forever. The drug is used to treat children and adults. The former use a teaspoon twice a day, the latter - a tablespoon up to four times a day. Treatment allows you to recover faster from bronchitis, including treating candidal infections, as it strengthens the immune system.
  6. When attacking sharp look diseases, prepare a syrup based on propolis. To ten grams of bee products add 100 g of butter and a similar amount flower honey. Pre-propolis is ground on a grater, and the oil is melted in a water bath. The components are thoroughly mixed. Use a teaspoon in a glass of water three times. Ready syrup is stored in a cool place.

    The composition is highly allergenic. Before taking, you should make sure that there is no reaction to bee products.

  7. Chronic bronchitis is recommended to be treated with badger fat syrup. It must be liquid. In a ratio of three to one, they are bred with flower honey. Use three times ten milliliters, preferably on an empty stomach.
  8. To 300 ml of honey add a handful of viburnum berries crushed to a puree state. The syrup is taken three times a day for a couple of dessert spoons, washed down with boiling water or tea. The medicine can be used in the treatment of children and adults. Sometimes helps with bronchitis in pregnant women.
  9. The asthmatic type of the disease is treated with a syrup prepared from two hundred grams of crushed aloe leaves, two hundred milliliters of fresh honey and a similar amount of strong red wine. Defend the folk remedy for at least ten days in a cool dark place. Take a tablespoon on an empty stomach three times a day.
  10. pork suet melted in a water bath and filtered through a sieve. 100 ml are combined with 100 g of sugar, a similar amount of honey and butter. Keep on low heat for five minutes. Pour two small spoons of cocoa powder and boil for another seven minutes. Drink syrup in the morning on an empty stomach, ten milliliters, washed down with warm milk.
  11. To a glass of crushed beeswax add a glass of flower honey, a similar amount of vegetable oil and pine resin. The mixture is placed in an enameled container and boiled without boiling. Pour into a jar and send to the refrigerator. Use the syrup on a teaspoon on an empty stomach, repeating twice and drinking milk. The course is continued until the end of the medication.
  12. Take aloe sheets frozen in the freezer. Crush and extract juice. Half a liter of juice is combined with a liter of honey and half a liter of melted pork fat. Add melted chocolate bar. Use sweet syrup on an empty stomach three times a day. A single serving is fifteen milliliters.
  13. To two large spoons of melted butter add a teaspoon of honey, twice as much wheat flour and a few raw egg yolks. Mix thoroughly. Use a small spoon, repeating in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.

    Since the composition includes raw eggs, the prescription should not be used in the treatment of young children.

  14. Juice is extracted from the plantain plant. A mug of juice is mixed with a kilogram of melted honey. Let stand a couple of days in a cool place. Used to treat bronchitis in adults and children. A single dose is fifty milliliters. Repeat three times a day on an empty stomach.
  15. To 100 ml of linden honey add half a dessert spoon of mustard powder, the same amount of butter and 1 tbsp. l. chopped garlic and horseradish root. Stir. Use three times a dessert spoon on an empty stomach.
  16. A syrup of 100 g of honey, 100 g of butter and 0.2 g of vanillin helps to relieve the child of discomfort. Give three times a teaspoon.
  17. Four teaspoons of garlic gruel are added to half a cup of natural honey. Enter a glass of powder prepared from dry ginger root, flax seeds and anise. Used in the acute form of the disease in a teaspoon three times a day on an empty stomach.
  18. Chicory helps treat chronic bronchitis. Pre-crushed to a state of large crumbs, it is mixed with honey in a ratio of one to two and consumed throughout the day.
  19. Take forty white lily flowers. Pass through a meat grinder and grind with a kilogram of honey. Put in the refrigerator for a couple of days to get liquid. Sweet syrup is consumed in a mustard spoon each time before meals.
    The effect of lily on the body is poorly understood, which is why the recipe should not be used in the treatment of children and pregnant women.


Juice therapy helps to overcome bronchitis faster, clearing the lungs and bronchi, and also helps to strengthen the body's defenses. Take any of the juices should be one and a half glasses a day, dividing into portions. Treatment is carried out until recovery.

  1. Freshly squeezed cabbage juice is considered a good expectorant. Since it has a bitter taste, it is allowed to add a little granulated sugar before use.
  2. Beetroot juice has a diuretic effect, which helps in the rapid removal of infection from the body. You should not take it fresh - it is better to let it stand for a couple of hours after squeezing.
  3. A folk remedy for removing sputum is freshly squeezed lingonberry juice. It is extracted only from fresh berries. It is allowed to fight the disease in children.
  4. The anti-inflammatory effect is demonstrated by carrot juice. It is better to combine it with beetroot in a one-to-one ratio.
  5. A large head of onion is cut, sprinkled with sugar and allowed to stand until the juice is released. Drink juice every few hours, 10 ml. Children are given 5 ml. After five days, sputum begins to depart.
  6. The juice of the seed radish in the amount of half a glass is used three times if there is a purulent form of the disease.

    Harmful for people suffering from bloating and increased gas formation.

  7. Squeeze the juice from the turnip root. Use up to six times a day for a pair of large spoons.

Other folk methods

Effective remedies offered by folk healers for the treatment of the disease increase the body's defenses. Most actively struggle with coughing - the most unpleasant symptom.

Banana "porridge"

From ripe bananas in the amount of three pieces, mashed potatoes are prepared. Pour a small amount of water and introduce a handful of granulated sugar. "Porridge" is consumed per day, preheated. The prescription can be used to treat bronchitis in pregnant women and children. This is how they treat acute type illness.

birch balm

In a frying pan, an incomplete mug of sugar is melted. Add to a liter of birch sap, mix thoroughly. Drink a cup a day painful cough. If you need to cure bronchitis in a child, the dosage is reduced to ½ cup.

Birch tar

An effective folk remedy for a prolonged cough is prepared as follows: add 1 tbsp to eight tablespoons of warm water. l. birch tar. Withstand two days, after which the film is removed from the surface. Moisture is poured into another container and sent to the refrigerator. Take a spoon before bed. Three sessions are enough for recovery.

Borjomi with milk

Chronic bronchitis can be cured with a special mineral water. Half a glass of milk is heated. Enter a similar amount of Borjomi. Drink a third of a cup three times a day. It can be given to children who have reached the age of ten.

Vitamin cocktail

Fifty milliliters combine the juices of carrots, radishes and beets. Add 200 ml of aloe juice, 150 ml of cognac and half a liter jar of flower honey. Pour fifty grams of cocoa powder. Mix thoroughly and send to the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l. every time before meals. The tool helps to quickly overcome the symptoms of the disease in various forms, strengthens the immune system.


In ten sessions, the disease in any form can be cured by the original method. Linen sheets are soaked in salt water. They wrap the body and lie down under a warm blanket. After an hour and a half, the body is washed with warm water.


sparing exercise stress in case of illness respiratory tract contributes to the normalization of respiratory activity and helps in the rapid removal of sputum from the bronchi. Exercises do not have to be specially selected. The usual forward and backward bends, squats and “biking” will do. The main requirement is to control your breathing. Breathing should be done slowly, and exhaling sharply and noisily. It is on exhalation that the onset of coughing and excretion of mucus occurs. You need to do the exercises a couple of times a day.


The use of hot homemade kvass helps to overcome catarrhal appearance disease in just a couple of days. Drink it instead of tea.


Use for any kind of illness in a glass four times a day.

Medicine with cognac

Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies involves the use of the following composition: two large spoons of high-quality condensed milk, one raw chicken egg and a glass of cognac. All mix well and beat with a fork. Enter 300 ml of warm water and stir. They drink in one gulp. Repeat for four days. After taking the composition, it is recommended to take a bath with a half cup of baking soda. The procedure is performed at night.

Medicated oil

Mince six cloves of garlic. Mixed with 100 g of butter. A bunch of chopped dill is sent to the mixture. Used as a spread on bread. The tool demonstrates high efficiency in advanced disease.

Healing mixture

Three lemons are passed through a meat grinder along with the skin. The kernels of twenty are ground into powder walnuts. Combine the components, introduce half a liter of honey and three hundred milliliters of freshly squeezed aloe juice. Top up a glass of Cahors. A ready-made folk remedy is used as a resolving agent for bronchitis, taking a tablespoon on an empty stomach three times.

onion bath

In the chronic form of the disease, an onion bath helps. two hundred and fifty grams onion peel put in a small bag and placed in a pot containing five liters of water. Boil for half an hour and pour the broth into a full bath of 39 degrees. The duration of the procedure is twenty minutes. Several sessions a week are considered effective for quickly eliminating unpleasant symptoms.


Massage for bronchitis is prescribed for children and adults. There are several recommended therapies:

  • Vibrating.

It is performed by tapping the fist on the back, bypassing the spine area. Tapping should be rhythmic and accurate. The procedure promotes expectoration of sputum. Vibration massage shown even in case of illness in the baby, but in this case, tapping is performed through the palm of the hand.

  • Drainage.

At the beginning of the procedure, the patient is placed on the stomach and warming movements are performed, rubbing the skin. As soon as the skin turns red, they switch to acupressure with the fingertips, moving along the back from the bottom up. The last step is to squeeze the diaphragm with both hands. After the session, the patient should cough well.

  • Vacuum.

This type of massage is performed using special jars that can be bought at a pharmacy. The procedure helps to strengthen the respiratory system, increases protective properties body and speed up recovery.

Before starting the procedure, the patient's back is warmed up. Stroking and squeezing movements, rubbing are performed. After that, the jars themselves are prepared: they set fire to a cotton swab soaked in alcohol and hold it over the jar, thus rarefying the air in it. As soon as the manipulation is completed, the jar is placed on the back next to the shoulder blade. Children put no more than four cans, adults are allowed to use more. Banks are moved along the back without tearing them off the skin. At the end of the massage, the patient is put to bed for a couple of hours and wrapped in a blanket.

  • Honey.

The bee product is rich in minerals and biologically active substances. Massage with its use stimulates the discharge of sputum and increases the chances of a quick recovery. The product for the session is taken only fresh and natural. Massage is performed with light massaging movements. As the honey is absorbed, they move on to patting movements. The procedure lasts no more than fifteen minutes, after which the patient takes a warm shower.

Any type of massage is unacceptable to perform independently. A person without special skills is more likely to harm than help. In addition, the procedure should be refrained from acute stage bronchitis and when the body temperature exceeds 37 degrees.

Cacao butter

Children's bronchitis is treated with cocoa butter. Mixed with hot milk in a ratio of one to thirty. Give the child 100 ml at a time, repeating three times a day. The tool is also intended to combat the disease in pregnant women.


To 300 ml of country milk, a tablespoon of goat fat and one and a half tablespoons of buckwheat honey are added. They drink the drink at a time, taking small sips and holding it in their mouth for a short time. Repeat for ten days. Helps cure chronic bronchitis.

Another recipe: a glass of milk, just removed from the fire, is injected with a little honey and baking soda. Stir and drink. Repeat twice a day for a week with acute bronchitis.


In a one-to-one ratio, ammonia and iodine are combined. Close the vial tightly to allow the reaction to occur. The tool is used before going to bed, rubbing the back and chest. Go to bed after complete absorption.

spicy pasta

Grind three cloves of garlic, a few horseradish roots and three medium-sized tomatoes to a paste-like state. Mix. Use a tablespoon on an empty stomach, repeating up to four times a day. A folk remedy is recommended for adults for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis.

warming up

If there is a chronic form of the disease, take a few leaves of burdock. They heat it in a kettle, then put it on a diaper and lie on top of it with their backs. It is also advisable to put a leaf and a bottle of warm water on the chest. Then you should cover yourself with a diaper. The procedure is performed for about an hour. The course is five sessions.


Flower pollen helps to recover from bronchitis and prevent a new round of the disease. It is consumed in a teaspoon a day before meals. The course continues for at least three weeks. If a child is to be treated, the dose is reduced to half a mustard spoon.


With a strong cough and difficult sputum discharge, it is recommended to lubricate the back and chest of the patient with goose fat at night. After rubbing, put on a sweater or a warm bathrobe, lie under the covers. The procedure is performed for at least five days. Instead of goose fat use a mixture castor oil and turpentine, combined in a ratio of twenty to one, and for babies, a mixture of butter and honey (1 tbsp each) is suitable. Similar action have mustard plasters installed on the feet and back.

Salt lamp

Let's talk about halotherapy. The method of treatment is based on the creation of an artificial microclimate, which has a positive effect on broncho-pulmonary structures. The salt room can be found in clinics and sports salons. It is possible to arrange an impromptu salt room at home. Salt lamps are used for this purpose. Devices have a number of positive effects, including strengthening immunity. Lamps are especially useful in the chronic form of the disease and the pathology of the smoker. To achieve a stable therapeutic effect, fifteen sessions a year are enough. Definitely beneficial therapy will be for babies who cannot be given many drugs.

Pine jam

Take a kilogram of pine buds. Boil in four liters of water for fifteen minutes over low heat, after which it is filtered. After a couple of minutes, filter again. Add a kilogram of honey and 10 ml of alcohol extract of propolis. Heated to forty degrees and transferred to a glass container. Clog. Use a small spoon each time before meals. Treatment is carried out until recovery.


Three terry towels are placed on the chest. Each is folded in half. Iron the towels with a hot iron. The procedure is performed before going to bed, after which they drink a cup of hot tea and lie down under the covers.


Reasonable exposure to cold is an affordable way to increase the body's defenses and normalize the functioning of the respiratory system. You can apply cool douches, wiping with a wet towel. The method for the treatment of the chronic form of the disease is especially indicated.

Apple with honey

Bronchitis, especially children's, can be treated not only with herbs and decoctions. Proponents of home therapy recommend a tasty and healthy meal - apples with honey. Apples in the amount of three pieces are peeled and rubbed on a fine grater. Plentifully watered with a natural beekeeping product, preferably linden, and eaten in a day. Treatment is carried out until recovery.

Folk remedies can quite effectively treat bronchitis in adults along with traditional therapy for the disease.

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system in which inflammatory process bronchi are affected.

The function of the bronchial tree is to supply air to the lungs and transport back carbon dioxide from them. The bronchi prepare the incoming air: they clean it and warm it up.

This is ensured by the secret produced by the internal mucous membrane of the bronchi.

The inflammatory process occurs due to infections - viruses, bacteria, fungi.

At the same time, there are the following symptoms which can be used to diagnose bronchitis.

  • Cough. This is the most striking and very first symptom of bronchitis. Cough with this disease is often dry with difficult expectoration of sputum. The causative agents of the disease, getting into the bronchi, damage the mucous membrane, causing inflammation. As a result, secretion increases significantly, sputum becomes viscous and thick, they violate normal work bronchi and lungs and turn into an excellent environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. The patient tries to cough up the resulting sputum. Cough is especially intense after sleep. After a few days, the cough becomes loose, with profuse sputum of a characteristic yellowish-gray or green color.
  • hard breathing
  • Dry wheezing
  • Pain in lower sections chest
  • May cause soreness and spasms in the throat
  • An increase in body temperature (sometimes up to 40 ° C).

Most of the symptoms of bronchitis, with proper treatment, disappear within a few days (maximum 10 days).

But cough remains the patient's companion for a long time, since the healing process of the mucous membranes can last several weeks.

Therefore, the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies in adults and children is mainly aimed at relieving cough and general strengthening of the body.

Folk methods of dealing with bronchitis are full of variety. Below are some of them.

Very popular folk remedies in the treatment of bronchitis in adults are inhalations, which help to effectively treat cough.

For inhalation, you can use inhalers, a nebulizer, or, in the absence of these devices, you can simply take an ordinary pan, a thick terry towel and use folk recipes for the treatment of bronchitis.

The duration of inhalations in the treatment of bronchitis is 10-15 minutes. The procedure is recommended to be repeated 2-3 times a day.

The temperature of inhalation solutions should not exceed 57 ° C to avoid burns.

soda remedy

The effective properties of this cough remedy are known to many. Soda should be dissolved in hot water at the rate of 1 tsp. for 250 ml of water. Then you need to bend over the pan, cover your head with a towel and breathe open mouth over saline solution.

saline solution

For its preparation, you should take 3 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 1 tsp. soda. Salt and soda must be dissolved in hot water and eucalyptus oil added.

Herbal infusion

Treating a cough with bronchitis helps the following herbal infusion
Eucalyptus leaves (1 tbsp.), Elder flowers (1 tbsp.), kalanchoe juice(0.5 tsp) it is necessary to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.

This mixture should be infused for 60 minutes. Then the infusion should be heated to the recommended temperature and inhaled.

Honey inhalation

The unique properties of such a remedy as honey are due to its biologically active substances. For the treatment of bronchitis, you need to take 0.5 liters of water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. natural honey and 5 g of calcium chloride. The solution should be heated in a water bath to the required temperature.

Essential oils

To prepare an inhalation solution for bronchitis, take 0.5 liters of hot water and add 5 drops of lavender, mint, fir, eucalyptus, juniper and many other plants with anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties to it.


You can also treat bronchitis with the help of the Vietnamese remedy "Asterisk". To do this, you need to take 2 pieces of balm the size of a match head and dissolve it in 0.5 liters of hot water.

Rubbing and compresses

For the treatment of many colds in adults, including bronchitis, rubbing and compresses are used, which provide deep heating of the chest and give a very positive result.

Rubbing Recipes

  • You can treat a debilitating cough with bronchitis with the following simple rubbing. You just need to melt the fat and add a little propolis tincture to it or camphor alcohol. The resulting warm solution should massage movements rub the back and chest of the patient. As a result of such manipulations, blood circulation increases, the body warms up well. The patient is then wrapped warm blanket. This procedure helps to facilitate the discharge of sputum and speedy recovery.
  • The following recipe for rubbing adults is quite effective. You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. castor oil and 1 tbsp. l. turpentine. With this solution, rub the feet and put on woolen socks.
  • Bronchitis cough can be treated with the following rub. You need to take 1.5 tbsp. l. pine oil and 100 ml melted butter. The ingredients should be thoroughly mixed, and the chest and back of the patient should be rubbed with the resulting mixture. Pine oil will give an expectorant effect, which will greatly alleviate the patient's condition.
  • Cure bronchitis will help goose or badger fat. To do this, a small amount of the product should be applied in a thin layer to the skin and rub it thoroughly until completely absorbed.

When using rubbing based on animal fats, the patient must be wrapped up.

As practice shows, the above rubs are highly effective in the treatment of bronchitis.


Compresses have an equally effective warming effect. Below are some of the recipes that are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of bronchitis.

  • Alcohol compress. This compress not only warms the chest well, but also accelerates blood flow, which leads to a faster recovery. Alcohol compress can only be used to treat adults. First, the chest should be smeared with liquid honey. Then the cotton cloth should be moistened in heated alcohol solution(alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1) and put it on the chest. The place of the compress must be wrapped in cellophane and covered with a warm blanket. Since the alcohol compress has an irritating effect, it should be put on for a short time - 30-40 minutes.
  • Aloe compress. To prepare a compressor remedy for bronchitis, you should take an aloe leaf and grind it into a pulp. Depending on the mass obtained, it is necessary to take the same amount of honey and mix it with aloe. The resulting mixture should be heated in a water bath to 40 0 ​​C, then wrapped in a cotton napkin and applied to the patient's chest. Top should be covered with a warm blanket. The compress should remain on the chest until it cools completely.
  • Cabbage leaf compress. This compress can be freely used to treat not only adults, but also children. To prepare the remedy, you need to take a cabbage leaf and make notches on it with a knife so that the leaf becomes soft and starts up some juice. 2 tbsp. l. honey should be warmed up a little in a water bath and then smeared over a cabbage leaf. After that cabbage leaf the honey side should be applied to the patient's chest and wrapped in a warm blanket.

Thanks to the warming effect of compresses, the healing process is greatly accelerated.

Decoctions, juices, drinks

When treating bronchitis, it is very important to consume a sufficiently large amount of fluid. This helps to thin the sputum accumulated in the bronchi and facilitate their discharge.

You need to drink more water!

However, it is best to use various herbal decoctions, juices and other drinks, as they contain many vitamins and healing properties.


  • Traditional warm tea
    You can add lemon, raspberries, mint, linden to this drink. All of these supplements strengthen the body, make breathing easier, reduce fever, and help thin phlegm.
  • Hot milk with cocoa butter
    Cocoa butter has long been known for its properties to eliminate annoying coughs, including those with bronchitis. You should take 1 tsp. cocoa butter and dissolve it in 250 ml of hot milk. To achieve a positive effect, milk with cocoa butter should be taken 3 glasses a day.
  • "Fatty" tea
    The following prescription is suggested for treating cough in adults with bronchitis and alleviating chest pain. 1 tsp is added to a glass of warm tea. butter and ginger.

Do not forget that all the drink should not be hot, but warm.


For the preparation of decoctions in the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies, such medicinal plants that help to expel mucus.

Traditional medicine offers the following recipes for decoctions.

  • You need to take 1 tbsp. l. oregano, 1 tbsp. l. coltsfoot, 2 tbsp. l. marshmallow root and mix together. Then 1 tbsp. l. of this mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. After this, the product should be filtered. Decoction is recommended to use 100 ml 3 times a day for 20 days.
  • To facilitate the discharge of sputum with bronchitis, you need to take 30-40 pine buds, add 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil the mixture for 15 minutes. The resulting decoction is taken in 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day.
  • Effective in the treatment of cough with bronchitis are anise and fennel. Based on them, the next decoction is prepared. It should be in equal proportions to take the fruits of anise, fennel, flax seeds and thyme. Then you need to take 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 0.5 l of cool water into it and leave for 2 hours. Next, the resulting mixture should be put on fire and brought to a boil. After that, the broth should be cooled and taken 3 times a day, 80 ml each.


No less important in the treatment of bronchitis are various juices that replenish the body with fluid.

In addition, they are rich in vitamins, and they also help to expel sputum.

  • Black radish juice and honey
    This tool is known to many since childhood. It can be used to treat cough in both adults and children. To prepare juice, cut the middle in a black radish and fill the resulting funnel with 1 tbsp. l. honey. Juice will begin to form in the radish. It should be consumed in 1 tbsp. l. three times a day after meals.
  • Cabbage juice helps to remove phlegm from the bronchi
    In addition, cabbage is rich in various vitamins and minerals. Cabbage juice is squeezed out with a juicer and consumed in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after meals. Not very pleasant taste cabbage juice can be improved with honey or sugar.
  • Carrot or lingonberry juice
    Carrots are rubbed on a grater and honey is added. The released juice is taken according to the following scheme: on the first day, 1 tsp should be taken. juice every hour. On the following days, juice is taken in 1 tsp. every 2-3 hours. Similarly, lingonberry juice is prepared and consumed.

Go to the bath!

In Rus', the bath has long been used to treat many colds. This tradition continues to this day.

This is not surprising, since the bath is a kind of complex physiotherapy.

Bath combines many of the listed methods of treating bronchitis: warming up the body, massage, inhalation. Therefore, after the transfer acute period bronchitis, you should safely go to the bath.

In this case, the body will have a beneficial effect.

warming up

The heat in the bath will lead to the expansion of blood vessels, while even the smallest capillaries will open. Consequently, tissues will be better supplied with oxygen, and cells will recover faster.

In addition, the bath with its heat causes increased sweating. Together with sweat, a lot of toxins and toxins are removed from the body, and the metabolism is also accelerated.

All this contributes not only to a speedy recovery from bronchitis, but also general strengthening organism.


The bath leads to an increase in the work of the heart and rapid and deep breathing. Warm air eventually reaches the smallest bronchioles.

In addition, the bath has always implied the use of decoctions of medicinal herbs, i.e. in the steam room there is a very effective inhalation, which helps to cleanse and improve the bronchi.

For decoctions in the treatment of bronchitis in the bath, coltsfoot, sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, pine are used. These plants contain many biologically active substances that have expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and softening properties.


The Russian bath has always been famous for the fact that it uses biting fragrant oak or birch brooms.

With the help of brooms, a kind of massage is carried out, which helps to expel sputum from the bronchi. Brooms in the steam room secrete substances that have bactericidal properties, which means they help get rid of bronchitis.

All of the above positive effects of the bath on the body have a positive effect on the nervous system, which entails a decrease in the activity of the cough center and a reduction in the duration residual cough after bronchitis.

A visit to the bath has its own contraindications. You can not visit the steam room:

  • at body temperature above 37 ° C;
  • at elevated pressure;
  • with certain diseases (arterial hypertension, angina pectoris, heart attack, etc.);
  • with poor general health.

So, the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies shows excellent results.

We hope that the material provided was interesting and informative for you!

Bronchitis is inflammatory lesion bronchial mucosa. Treatment of bronchitis should be comprehensive. As practice shows, the use of some folk remedies can be a good help in therapy.

Effective treatment for bronchitis

The recipe is as follows: unrefined vegetable oil - a quarter cup - boil in a water bath. Find a towel, preferably woolen, long enough to tie the baby around. Soak the towel with warm oil (not hot and not cold!) and wrap the baby. (By the way, if you wash the towel immediately after the end of the procedure, there will be no traces left) Place cellophane over the towel and wrap the child with a warm blanket.

When the woman returned from work in the evening to see how her niece was doing, at that moment she was already sleeping peacefully. She breathed easily, her cheeks flushed. And the woman’s sister smiles, says, “You should have seen the reaction of the nurse when she saw the baby. Only the nurse was called to give injections, and the little patient is already almost healthy.

The woman said that she had worked as a nurse for more than thirty years, and there had never been such cases in her practice. A similar compress can be done by an adult. The main thing is not to catch a cold after the compress. But since the body gets used to the oil very quickly, the “oil bath” is done only once. You can repeat this procedure a little later.

Source: healthy lifestyle newspaper

Other recipes:

Treatment of bronchitis with lemon, honey and glycerin - the best remedy for bronchitis

This recipe is easy to execute: the ingredients can be found without problems, the preparation is prepared quickly, but at the same time its effectiveness has been proven in practice. How can you prepare this remedy:

    To boil water.

    You should take a medium-sized lemon, rinse it thoroughly in water (you can use a brush).

    Make several punctures on the fruit (in different places).

    The lemon is placed in a pot of water brought to a boil.

    Boil the lemon for five minutes, after which the fruit is removed and left to cool.

    Next step- Squeeze the juice from half boiled lemon. This can be done manually, and a household juicer (or a citrus juicer) is also suitable for this purpose.

    The resulting juice must be drained into a faceted glass (or other container with a total volume of approximately 250 ml).

    Add glycerin to the juice (about 2 tbsp. / L.). Based on the volume, it is about 25 ml

    The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed. After that, you need to add honey to fill the remaining volume of the container (honey should be liquid, settled, candied honey is also suitable, but in this case it will have to be heated so that it acquires the necessary consistency).

    The almost finished product should be mixed again.

    Send the container with the drug to a cool place. There, the mixture should be infused for several hours (from 120 to 240 minutes).

How to apply?

There are no age restrictions, the tool is equally suitable for both adults and children. Dosage difference. A single dose for adults is 1 tbsp. / L. For children, this is 0.5 tbsp. / L. (reduced by exactly half the dose).

The remedy is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal. However, you can use the drug after a meal, but in this case, at least two hours should pass from the moment of eating. The number of doses per day depends on the severity of the ongoing pathological process. If the patient is worried about a strong cough, it is recommended to take the drug in a tablespoon 4-7 times a day. In other cases, the recommended dosage is a tablespoon 2-3 rubles / day.

With a strong cough, if it is not possible to wait for the remedy to infuse, you can prepare it in another way. To do this, it is enough to pour boiling water over the lemon, and then grind it to a mushy state in a food processor or blender. Then mix lemon gruel with honey and glycerin.

This recipe has a beneficial effect on the patient's body in three directions at once:

    Helps to increase the body's resistance (vitamin C stimulates the immune system).

    Relieves cough (glycerin helps to soothe and moisten an irritated throat).

    Helps in the fight against the causative agent of infection (honey is a natural antibacterial agent).

Contraindications: it is recommended to exercise caution to persons suffering from gastrointestinal diseases: such a composition can aggravate the course of the disease or cause an exacerbation. It is unacceptable to take this folk remedy for those who are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Onion decoction for cough with bronchitis

To prepare the remedy, you will need the following ingredients:

    Onions - 2-3 small onions.

The bulbs must be peeled and finely chopped. Place the peeled onion in a bowl (not too deep pan will do). Crushed onions are poured with milk. The mixture must be boiled (cook until the onion becomes soft). When ready, honey is added to the broth. The amount of honey is calculated based on total decoction (for each glass of the mixture - 1 teaspoon of honey). The course of treatment of bronchitis is several days (1-3). Take the remedy should be a tablespoon once an hour.

onion honey

Dilute one glass of sugar with one liter of water. Put two medium onions whole into the solution. Boil until you get half. Remove the bulbs, now the onion honey is ready, so to speak. Take half a cup. This decoction can also be used for acute respiratory infections or flu.

Chronic bronchitis will easily pass if you start using onion honey. Drink it in two days. If there is still no improvement, repeat the course of treatment.

Treatment of bronchitis with black radish with honey

To prepare the remedy, you need to find a small radish. Only black radish is used. The fruit must be thoroughly washed (preferably with a brush). Then, using a knife, remove the core from the radish (a deep circular incision is made). The fruit should take on a cup-shaped shape (a depression should form).

Add one spoonful of honey to the resulting recess (depending on the size of the radish, add a teaspoon or a tablespoon). Filling the hole to the brim is not recommended: during cooking, the resulting juice will overflow. Next, place the radish in a bowl: depending on the size of the fruit, an ordinary glass or a 0.5-liter jar will do.

The radish prepared in this way is left at room temperature for several hours. At this time, the cut out core with a “hat” can be returned to its place. After about 4-5 hours, the fruit will release the juice. It is even better if the fruit is "infused" during the night. The resulting juice is used as a medicine. The same fruit can be used for several days (the main thing is to periodically add honey).

The rules for taking this remedy are simple: adults can take a tablespoon up to 4 times a day. For children, the dosage is halved (taken in a teaspoon up to 4 times a day).

Duration: from 7 to 14 days. The term of taking the remedy can be increased, depending on the nature and severity of the disease. It's simple and effective remedy It is used not only for the treatment of bronchitis: radish with honey helps with colds, diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract, whooping cough and other pathologies that are accompanied by coughs, and also as a general tonic.

It is important to keep in mind that if you are allergic to radish or honey, this drug should not be used.

Alternative recipe for radish with honey

You can cook radish with honey in another way. To prepare the product, you will need 2 medium-sized radishes and honey (only black radish). The radish should be peeled. Next, the fruits can be cut into cubes, straws or grated ( of great importance does not have). Place a small amount of radish in a jar (a 0.5-1 liter jar is suitable for this purpose). Then add 1-2 tablespoons of honey to the laid out radish. So, layer by layer, alternate radish with honey until the jar is full.

The jar is sent to the refrigerator for several days (during this time, the radish will release juice). A kind of syrup is formed, which must be drained into a clean dish. Adults are recommended to take the remedy 2-4 times a day for a tablespoon, for children - 2 times a day for a teaspoon. Keep refrigerated.

Treatment of bronchitis and cough with milk with cedar cones

To prepare such a remedy, you will need a medium-sized cedar cone and a liter of milk. The cone should be rinsed with water. Place raw materials in a saucepan and pour milk. Bring the product to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat. Boil the cone in milk for 1-2 hours. Milk itself has a medicinal effect. It must be poured into a clean bowl.

You need to take the remedy for 6-7 tablespoons every two hours. The duration of treatment is several days.

Milk boiled with cedar cones becomes bitter and unpleasant. To improve the taste, you can add a few tablespoons of honey.

Treatment of bronchitis with propolis

Bee products have a proven healing effect. However, they can be used, as in other cases, only if there is no allergy.

To prepare the product, you will need propolis, butter, and honey. Proportions: for 10 grams of dry propolis, 100 grams of honey and 100 grams of butter. Propolis is crushed with a knife or rubbed into a grater. Next, you need to melt the butter. Add crushed propolis to melted butter, mix thoroughly. After that, honey is added to the mixture. Mix thoroughly again.

Such milk spoils quickly, so you need to store it in the refrigerator. Take in a diluted form (a teaspoon of the product is diluted in 0.5 cups of water).

Treatment of bronchitis with adjika with horseradish and garlic

It's easy to make but effective recipe, which allows you to fight not only with bronchitis, but also with other colds. For cooking, you need 3-5 medium cloves of garlic, 1-2 horseradish roots. Often tomatoes are used as an additional ingredient (2-3 tomatoes). Garlic, horseradish and tomatoes are crushed to a paste-like state in a meat grinder and everything is mixed.

Take the remedy should be a tablespoon before meals.

Bronchitis cake with mustard and honey

Recipe 1. To prepare the product, you will need the following ingredients: grain mustard (crushed), honey, sunflower oil (one tablespoon of each ingredient), as well as table vinegar and wheat flour, 2 tablespoons each. All components are laid out in a bowl (you can use a plate). Flour at this stage does not need to be laid out. The rest of the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The dishes are placed in a water bath. The mixture should be steamed until the temperature reaches 40-50 degrees. At the end, the plate must be removed from the bath. Add flour to the mixture. Now you should knead the dough.

The resulting cake is used topically as a compress. On the place of application of the compress (back, chest), gauze is applied, folded several times (in size it should be 3-7 mm larger than the application area). First, gauze must be moistened in water and squeezed out. Then it is applied to the gauze cling film or cellophane (the size of the film should be 1-3 cm larger than gauze).

The resulting product is laid out on top. The cake is chipped with a layer of cotton wool (you can use a thick cloth). Such a “construction” is tied to the body with a scarf. It is recommended to keep the compress for at least 6 hours (it is even better to leave the compress overnight). At the end of the procedure, the body in the area of ​​application of the compress is wiped with a dry towel.

Therapeutic effect achieved after 3-5 repeated sessions. Mustard may have irritant effect on the skin, so it is important to monitor the condition of the skin. If redness and irritation occur, it is recommended to sprinkle the skin with baby powder, and reduce the time of application of the compress to a comfortable level.

Recipe 2. Take 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil, solid goat fat, mustard powder, honey, vodka or alcohol, and 3 tablespoons of vinegar.

Mix everything and make 3 cakes, 2 of which should be placed vertically on the back in the area of ​​​​the lungs and one on the chest. Secure with a bandage to keep warm all night. If the cough is strong, then only on the 5th day it will pass.

This recipe was sent to us by a pediatrician, so it is approved for use even for children.

Recipe 3. Take 1 tablespoon of dry mustard, flour, vodka, any interior fat, aloe juice, honey. There is no place to take fat - replace it with unrefined sunflower oil. Stir and heat in a water bath. Put gauze on the patient in the area of ​​the lungs, then ointment, then gauze again and a plastic film on top. Cover with something warm.

It is also good to bandage it with an elastic bandage so that the bandage does not budge. Leave the compress overnight. No need to be afraid that a burn will appear, the skin will only turn slightly pink. This bandage can also be done on the chest, but not where the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart is. This remedy helps to get rid of bronchitis very quickly. You need to do just a couple of such procedures, and even the most - chronic cough will pass.

Other folk remedies for bronchitis

    Interior lard- a good folk remedy. It is necessary to mix lard, melted and filtered through a strainer, unsalted butter, honey (preferably buckwheat) and granulated sugar (100 g each). Boil over fire for five minutes. Although if the honey is boiled, then its medicinal properties will greatly decrease, so you can add honey later, when the mixture has cooled down a bit. Then pour 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder - and put on fire for another 7 minutes (honey is added at the very end, when the medicine has cooled down a bit). That's it, the medicine is ready. They should be treated by taking only one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking milk.

    Butter. Take two teaspoons, one of which will contain natural honey, and the other - butter. Pour all this into an enamel bowl and put on gas. Stir until you get a homogeneous mass. Let it cool down, and smear it on at night, but do not rub it in. Put gauze or cotton wool on top, you can use cellophane. Continue treatment of bronchitis for a month, but improvement will come in a week.

    Magic mixture. You need to take one glass of crushed wax, one glass of flower honey, one glass of sunflower oil, one glass of pine resin. Pour all this into a saucepan and put on the stove, cook, stirring, until everything is thoroughly mixed, but do not bring to a boil. It turned out a liter jar of the mixture. You need to put it in the refrigerator. Take one teaspoon half an hour before meals with 0.5 cups of hot milk. Continue the course of treatment until a liter of the prepared mixture is over.

    delicious recipe from bronchitis. Mix half a liter of aloe juice with one kilogram of honey and half a liter of pork fat. Add chocolate and stir. The mass is consumed before meals. Keep refrigerated.

Running and hardening with bronchitis

In the field of therapy chronic diseases lungs, physical activity and increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body are of key importance. However, hardening must be done with caution and according to certain rules. In addition, ideally, hardening should be combined with running, since in combination these activities not only increase the protective capabilities of the body, but also train the weakened respiratory system.

One of the most popular and available ways hardening is cold hardening. Cold procedures help to increase the adaptive capabilities of the body, thereby reducing the risk of developing colds. The most common practice is water quenching.

Pouring water contributes to the training of the nervous system. As a result of the impact cold water a reflex is produced on the skin: there is an intensification of work thyroid gland and adrenal glands, adrenaline is released into the blood, body temperature temporarily rises, and heat generation increases. blood supply separate parts body and organs is enhanced. At one point, the body's defenses increase dramatically (as a result of stress).

The classic way of hardening is to gradually lower the temperature of the water (the maximum from which hardening begins is 23 degrees). However, this method was found to be insufficiently effective.

In modern practice, the following methods are used:

    Wiping with a wet towel (lower temperature water can be used).

    Taking a contrast shower.

    Taking baths with cool water (the duration of such baths should not exceed one and a half minutes).

    Pouring water.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, you can start with one or another type of cold procedures. Wiping with a towel is recognized as the most gentle. Hardening procedures are carried out daily 1-2 times a day.

When carrying out hardening procedures, a number of rules must be observed:

    After cold procedures, it is forbidden to be in a cold room or in a draft.

    During exacerbation of chronic diseases or colds, hardening is not practiced. This will aggravate the course of the disease.

    In itself, hardening is just an element. Wellness procedures should be comprehensive. So, to combat bronchitis, in addition to hardening, you need to do running and breathing exercises.

Juices are used not only for the treatment of lung diseases, but also as a general health remedy.

    Cabbage juice. It has a bitter taste. For improvement palatability you can add sugar. It is an excellent expectorant, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the stomach.

    Beet juice. Freshly squeezed beetroot juice is not recommended. It should be insisted in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Promotes rapid detoxification of the body, increases blood clotting. Has a diuretic effect.

    Blueberry juice. Like cabbage, lingonberries have an expectorant effect. Thanks to lingonberry juice, sputum will not stagnate in the bronchi.

    carrot juice has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Because a lot beetroot juice you can’t drink (no more than half a glass), it is recommended to dilute it with freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Salt lamp and halotherapy for bronchitis

Halotherapy is a relatively new drug-free method for the treatment of many diseases (including pathologies of the respiratory system). Its essence lies in the creation of an artificial microclimate that has a beneficial effect on the affected broncho-pulmonary structures (a strictly defined level of air humidity, its temperature, etc.) is established. By its nature, such treatment is close to speleotherapy, when the patient stays for a long time in a special microclimate of natural geological structures: caves, grottoes, etc.

IN living conditions patients also have the ability to imitate beneficial effects salt caves and halotherapy rooms with the help of so-called salt lamps. Salt lamps are made from salt mined in caves. When heated, salt ions are released into the air, providing a therapeutic effect on the patient's body.

Unlike halotherapy, salt lamps, as was said, are only an imitation (or rather, an incomplete replacement). However, it has been proven that salt lamps have a therapeutic effect. The only problem is that with the help of a salt lamp it is impossible to fully influence everything microclimate factors: humidity, air temperature, etc.

The benefits of salt lamps

It has been repeatedly scientifically proven that the benefits of a salt lamp are not just another myth.

These simple devices have a lot of positive effects:

    In a wide radius disinfect the air. The bactericidal action is especially important during infectious diseases.

    Salt lamps help strengthen the immune system.

    Lamps reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.

    Help normalize sleep.

    Promote relaxation.

In addition, practice has shown that such lamps help with a number of diseases:

    Chronic obstructive bronchitis(also called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD, smoker's bronchitis).



    Bronchitis (acute and chronic).



    Bronchial asthma.

    Rhinitis of allergic origin.

You can safely place salt lamps near electrical appliances (moreover, they reduce the harmful effects of technology on the body). Salt lamps also act as a natural air ionizer, which means that there will be no place for mold and fungus in the apartment.

The salt lamp has a whole host of advantages:

    As mentioned, it acts as a natural ionizer, destroying pathogens.

    The lamp reduces the adverse effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body. A person encounters such radiation every day when working with office and household appliances.

    Regulates the level of humidity in the room.

    In addition to practical value, a salt lamp has excellent aesthetic qualities and is used as an interior element.

    The lamp helps to fight unpleasant odors.

How to choose a salt lamp?

When choosing a salt lamp, it is important to consider several points:

    Room area. A positive effect will be achieved only if one lamp weighing 2-3 kg will "serve" a room no more than 15 square meters. m area. Otherwise, you need to purchase a larger lamp or install several lamps.

    Characteristics of the crystal. The crystal should be even, without chips, cracks and other defects.

    Stand. The stand must be of sufficient size. Otherwise, the lamp cannot be placed stably. There is a high risk that the lamp will fall and break.

Education: Moscow medical institute them. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - "Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 " Occupational diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

With chronic bronchitis, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out only after consultation with a specialist. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi that affects their mucosa. This ailment usually occurs with simultaneous damage to the upper respiratory tract. The main symptom of bronchitis is a strong and prolonged cough. If a cough appears for 2 years and lasts at least 3 months, then we are talking about a chronic form of the disease. symptoms such as sputum that is released during coughing, weakness, wheezing and whistling during exhalation, slightly elevated body temperature (may be kept within normal limits) and sweating are also characteristic.

Currently, the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies is very popular. And this is not surprising, because home remedies boast highest efficiency and low price. In addition, folk recipes do not cause addiction.

Oil treatment

At home, the above ailment can be treated with remedies that include vegetable and essential oils. Butter may also be used. Everyone knows that oils contain a huge amount of useful trace elements that can cope with the painful condition of the bronchi.

At home, you can easily cook very good remedy from vegetable oil - 200 ml of unrefined vegetable oil must be boiled and boiled for a couple of minutes. Then moisten a large woolen towel with oil and wrap the patient with it. It is necessary to put cellophane on top of the towel and wrap the patient with a warm blanket. You need to lie in this form for at least 2-3 hours.

To prepare the next remedy, you need to mix 1 cup of sunflower oil with the same amount of crushed wax, pine resin and honey. You should get a mass of a homogeneous consistency, which must be cooked for several minutes over low heat (stirring constantly). The mixture should not boil. Ultimately, you should get about 1 liter of therapeutic agent. It must be placed in the refrigerator. Take this mixture should be 50 g before meals, drinking 250 ml of warm milk.

You can cure the disease with the help of the following recipe - 50 g of butter must be mixed with an equal amount of natural honey. The resulting slurry must be put on the stove and cooked until a mass of a homogeneous consistency is obtained. ready mix must be applied to chest area(do not rub, avoid the heart area), put cellophane on top and secure with a bandage. It is advisable to do such compresses before going to bed. Positive results appear within 10-14 days. But despite this, the course of treatment should last at least 1 month.

In 250 ml of hot milk, add 50 g of butter, a little soda and 1/3 cup of Borjomi. After that, you need to add a little honey to the mixture and drink it late in the evening. The feeling of relief will come in a few days.

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Herbal treatment

You can treat the above ailment at home medicines, the main component of which are herbs and plants. Herbs should be used with extreme caution, as some of them contain poison.

  1. Plantain tincture.

50 g of dried plantain leaves must be steamed in 300 ml of boiling water. The resulting broth must be insisted for 2 hours, then strain. You need to take such a liquid 60 ml four times a day 20 minutes before meals.

  1. Chronic bronchitis is treated with lime blossom.

1 spoon lime blossom should be brewed in 300 ml of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. The finished product should be filtered and taken before going to bed for 1 glass.

  1. In 1 cup of hot milk, add 1 tablespoon of sage herb.

The agent should be infused for about 40 minutes, then it must be filtered through a strainer and boiled again. The drug should be used before going to bed.

  1. 1 spoon of oregano must be poured with 300 ml of boiling water and insisted for 2 hours. Drink this decoction should be 100 ml three times a day.

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Other folk remedies

Folk remedies also include a very effective remedy for chronic bronchitis, which includes 100 g of pork lard, 15 g of aloe juice, 100 g of butter, 100 g of bee honey and 50 g of cocoa powder. 1 spoon of the resulting mixture should be diluted in 1 glass of warm milk and drunk twice a day.

The following remedy is considered no less effective - 500 grams of chopped onion should be mixed with 1 spoon of honey, 400 grams of sugar and pour 900 ml of water. Boil the mixture over low heat for about 3 hours, and then strain thoroughly. It is necessary to take 1 spoon 5 times a day. Store the resulting mixture in a dark and cool place.

With the above ailment, inhalations with hot potatoes are recommended - a few medium-sized unpeeled potatoes must be boiled, mashed and mixed with 3 small spoons of soda. From the resulting mixture, 2 cakes should be formed, which must be wrapped in a towel and placed on the patient's back between the shoulder blades. After this, the patient should be well wrapped in a warm blanket. When the potatoes are completely cool, they can be removed. Before starting the procedure, make sure that the potato cakes are not very hot. Otherwise, it is unlikely to avoid burns.

Not only very healthy, but also a delicious slurry of 500 g of chocolate, 500 g of aloe leaves rolled through a meat grinder, 1 kg of honey and 500 g of melted pork fat. The resulting mixture must be heated to 37 g so that everything melts. Take this medicine should be 1 spoon three times a day before meals. This tool all kids like it very much.

A vitamin cocktail is considered very useful.

50 g of radish juice must be mixed with 150 g of cognac, 50 g of beet juice, 200 g of aloe juice, 50 g of carrot juice, 50 g of cocoa powder and 500 g of natural honey. The resulting cocktail should be stored in the refrigerator and taken 1 spoon three times a day.

Black radish juice is very useful for prolonged bronchitis. From 1 medium-sized radish, squeeze the juice and mix it with the same amount of honey. You need to take this remedy 2 tablespoons in the morning and evening.

To treat the above ailment, experts advise taking the following mixture - 150 g of horseradish should be mixed with 3 lemons. The ingredients must be ground in a meat grinder and taken in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed. This remedy can be used during an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. It has excellent anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

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With a strong cough, doctors recommend taking 1 spoon several times a day, a remedy consisting of 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of flour and 2 tablespoons of honey. All ingredients must be mixed. Very useful home remedy ready.

1 spoon of crushed nasturtium stems must be poured with 300 ml of boiling water, brought to a boil and boiled for 20 minutes. The resulting mass must be cooled and diluted with so much boiling water to get 1 glass of medicine. Take this liquid should be ¼ cup three times a day before meals.

Onion remedies are very useful for protracted bronchitis, they can be treated with an exacerbation of the disease. Very effective onion jam. 2 kg of red onion must be passed through a meat grinder and mixed with half a kilogram of sugar. The resulting slurry should be boiled for 2 hours, and then passed through gauze. You should get 700 ml of syrup. It should be drunk throughout the day in small sips.

Folk remedies for bronchitis and cough are, first of all, various herbal preparations. Many of them have received the approval of official medicine. Some of these medicinal herbs are used in the pharmaceutical industry to produce cough syrups and various expectorants. In everyday life, compresses are made from them, used for inhalation, they drink instead of tea, etc. But no matter how effective they may be, a consultation with a doctor is required, since even herbal preparations have contraindications.

warm drink

For the treatment of cough and bronchitis, various methods are used - teas, compresses, steam inhalations. Honey and other bee products are also recommended.

If there is a cough, regardless of its nature, it is necessary to give the patient a warm drink. The classic recipe is milk with honey. You need to heat a glass of milk by adding baking soda(on the tip of a knife) and dissolving the butter (a small piece). In the finished milk put 1 tsp. honey and stir. You need to drink warm, better - at night. You can make milk with sage. To do this, boil 200 ml of milk and add 1 tbsp. l dried sage. The agent is insisted for 40 minutes, filtered and heated again to an acceptable temperature. Drink at night.

A proven remedy is lingonberry infusion. It is especially good for acute bronchitis, since the berry (leaves of the plant) have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. The easiest option is to make an infusion of fresh or dried berries(the amount depends on individual preferences, but not less than 2 tablespoons per 250 ml of boiling water). The remedy is infused for half an hour, honey or sugar is added to taste and drunk throughout the day 2-3 times a glass.


Inhalation is the most common proven folk method. IN official medicine for this, special devices are often used - inhalers and nebulizers. And at home, steam inhalations are popular. More often they are made over a teapot with a paper funnel on its spout. It should be remembered that too high a steam temperature during such a procedure can cause mucosal burns even in adults. For children, such inhalations are carried out with extreme caution. But when the procedure is performed correctly, it has a bronchodilatory effect. In addition, inhalations help relieve swelling, improve blood supply to the mucosa, and have an expectorant effect (that is, they contribute to abundant sputum discharge).

In order for inhalations to be beneficial for the bronchi, certain rules must be observed:

  1. 1. The procedure time should not exceed 5-10 minutes.
  2. 2. It is not recommended to do inhalations after eating (you need to wait at least an hour).
  3. 3. Do not breathe directly over the boiling liquid, especially with bronchitis or laryngitis, this will cause a burn.
  4. 4. Breathe calmly, but not deeply, inhaling through your mouth and exhaling through your nose.
  5. 5. If inhalations are done using several agents at once, then first you need to use a bronchodilator, then an expectorant collection (with a break of 15 minutes). And when the sputum leaves, you can take an antiseptic.

More often for inhalation, decoctions of herbs are used. The most popular are sage and eucalyptus (they are prepared in the same way - 2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water). You can use the essential oils of these plants - add a few drops to a glass of boiling water (these products differ high concentration active ingredients). Also used for inhalation alkaline solutions(usually 1 teaspoon of soda per cup of boiling water) and potatoes boiled "in uniform" (you need to breathe steam over it, covering your head with a towel).


Compresses are effective in treatment. The honey-oil mixture helps well even with chronic bronchitis.

In an enamel bowl, combine 1 tsp. butter (butter) and flower honey. The ingredients should be melted in a water bath (you can’t boil, because honey will lose its healing properties). This composition must be constantly stirred until it becomes homogeneous. Then it is cooled to an acceptable temperature, applied to the skin in the chest area, covered with gauze. It is better to do the procedure at night.

A popular compress is a mixture based on mustard powder, wheat flour, vodka, fat. Aloe juice and honey are added to the composition. Each ingredient requires 1 tbsp. l. Stir and heat until the product becomes homogeneous. Then you need to cool it down a bit. The finished mixture is applied to the chest, but so as not to hurt the heart area. This remedy is also left overnight.


Treatment of diseases with folk methods also includes the use of herbal decoctions. To do this, you need a spring primrose root: take 1 tbsp. l raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Cook, stirring the mixture occasionally. Then the broth is filtered. Use the remedy before meals for 1 tbsp. l.

Spring primrose root has an expectorant effect, helps to remove phlegm. It is used to treat acute bronchitis. Some caution should be exercised, because if the dosage is exceeded, the decoction causes nausea or even vomiting. It is advisable for children to consume less than adults (1 teaspoon 3 times a day). In any case, before taking the remedy, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Primrose can be combined with other herbs, such as lungwort. This collection is recommended to drink with symptoms of obstructive bronchitis. It is brewed as follows: lungwort grass and primrose root are taken in equal proportions, you will need to take 2 tbsp for a glass of boiling water. l. raw materials. The broth is insisted for 2.5 hours. Use 3-4 times a day (dosage per reception - 100 ml).

A decoction of elecampane also has expectorant properties. It makes the cough productive. Elecampane is brewed in the same way as other herbal teas - 2 tbsp. l. for 200 ml of boiled water.

Other herbs that are used in the treatment of coughs are fennel, fennel, marshmallow, sage, and coltsfoot. Each of these components has medicinal properties. But more often they are used as part of a collection to improve sputum discharge. All components are taken in equal proportions, half a teaspoon, they are brewed in a liter thermos. You need to infuse the remedy for 2 hours. Before taking the mixture should be filtered. Recommended dose: 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day for 5 days.

Other means

Other folk remedies in combination with honey are also popular:

  1. 1. Black radish. Take a medium-sized vegetable, remove the top from it and make a recess in which to put 1 tsp. honey. Gradually, the radish secretes juice, which is mixed with honey. The resulting mass is taken 4 times a day, 1 tsp. The last time was before bed. It is undesirable to seize and drink.
  2. 2. Bow. It can be used for both children and adults. For 4 st. l. honey take 2 onions, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 100 g of sugar. Onions are peeled and boiled in a saucepan for 2 hours. Then they are crushed in a blender, honey and sugar are added, vinegar is added and mixed again. The mixture is taken in 1 tsp. every hour. After a day of admission, the cough should subside, but you need to endure the entire course of treatment - a week.
  3. 3. Kalina. It relieves a hacking cough. But on the remedy arises a strong allergic reaction so it's best to start with a small amount. Viburnum berries and honey are taken in equal proportions - 200 g each. They are placed in a saucepan and poured with half as much water. The agent is boiled until the liquid evaporates, and the composition acquires a uniform consistency.
  4. 4. Tangerine peel. It is recommended when a strong cough is paroxysmal in nature. It is important to take such a remedy strictly according to the scheme. The first time you need to drink before breakfast (the norm is 5 tablespoons). After (about an hour later) - 4 tbsp. l., after the same period of time - 3 tbsp. l. And so to reach the minimum amount - 1 spoon. Then they take a break for two hours, then they begin to take the infusion again, gradually increasing to 5 tbsp. l. Prepare tangerine infusion as follows: take 100 g of zest per liter of water. It is divided into two parts - half is placed in a container, poured with water and cooked for an hour over low heat. Be sure to cover the pan with a lid and stir occasionally. After the container is removed from the heat, the remaining zest is added to it and the mixture is infused for another 2 hours. After filter and pour into a glass container. It is recommended to keep the infusion cold, heating as needed.
  5. 5. Lemon. It needs to be washed well. Then make several punctures on the fruit (for example, with a knife) in different places and place in boiling water. After 5 minutes, the lemon is taken out of the container and allowed to cool. Next, juice is squeezed out of the fruit (manually or with a juicer) into a regular glass (200 ml), add 2 tbsp. l. glycerin. The resulting mixture is stirred. Put honey to completely fill the glass. Stir again, and put in the refrigerator (or other cool place) for 3 hours. It is recommended to use 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before eating. With a strong cough - 4-7 times, in other cases - 2-3 times during the day.

In the treatment of bronchitis and cough, not only medicinal herbs, but also spices help. An effective medicine is ginger root - it can alleviate dry cough and reduce fever. healing properties the powder of this spice also possesses. For cooking healing tea you need to take literally a pinch of powder per 200 ml of boiling water, stir everything and drink.

Turmeric also relieves bronchitis. It can be added to a warm drink, milk with honey. It is recommended for bronchitis to drink coffee from chicory powder, you can add honey. In the diet during illness, it is worth including almonds.

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