What vitamins are best to take in spring? Main vitamins and their effects. What medications are best for men to take in spring?

They usually say that by spring, due to a lack of fruits and vegetables, the body needs vitamins more than ever. But it turns out that most vitamins dissolve well in water and are quickly washed out of the body, so the body must be replenished with vitamins regularly, and even in summer, despite fruits and vegetables. Only fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K can be stored in the body. But their sources are not vegetables, but meat, liver, eggs, milk, butter and vegetable oils, dairy products and cereals.

Everyone needs vitamins; vitamin deficiencies, especially in spring, are found in both adults and children. Most often, there is a lack of B vitamins and vitamins A and C. Among the microelements, a deficiency of iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc is found. But everything is individual for each of us.

Much has been written about the benefits of vitamins, but what is clear is that our body needs them every day. Of course we get our vitamins from food products, fruits and vegetables. But doctors say that it is almost impossible to get the required amount of vitamins from food. Everything is very simple - for this you need to very, very diversify your diet and eat a lot of food to get everything.

Almost all countries have recommended daily intakes for vitamins. We also have these norms in Russia. For example, to get the necessary norm vitamin B1 – 1.4 mg, you need to eat 700-800g of wholemeal bread or 1 kg of lean meat per day. Or vitamin C - its content in 100 grams apple juice is 2 mg. To obtain daily norm vitamin C - you need to drink 15 glasses of juice. But there is a limit to everything.

Therefore, the lack of vitamins must be compensated for by additional intake, but not with food, of course, but with the help medical supplies. It is best to combine a nutritious and varied diet with taking multivitamins.

Some argue that if you take the same vitamin complex for a long time, it will stop helping, the body gets used to it. However, doctors say the opposite - the effectiveness does not decrease. Therefore, if you have chosen a vitamin complex, take it.

Synthetic vitamins, that is, those that are present in vitamin complexes are absolutely identical to natural ones, and are no less effective than in natural products. Now the technology for producing vitamins has been reliably proven. Vitamins in preparations are more preserved than in food products. Besides, natural vitamins in products they are in bound form, and in vitamin complexes they are ready for absorption. According to scientific research, vitamins and minerals can come into confrontation with each other, so there are such vitamin complexes, where it is indicated at what time it is better to take the red or blue pill contained in this package, that is, it is better to take them separately. And this is also very important.

You can recognize a lack of vitamins yourself.
Here are some “objects” to navigate:

Drowsiness, irritability, memory loss, fatigue.
You start to catch colds often.
The eyes get tired quickly.
The skin has become dry or even peeling.
Appeared acne, and maybe boils.
Lips are cracking.
Your nails will peel.
, and then they also fall out.
Skin wounds heal slowly.
Gums bleed when brushing teeth.

It seems that enough has been said to decide to start taking vitamins.

It's better to choose multivitamin complex, enriched mineral elements. Vitamins - no medications. They are accepted only in for preventive purposes.

Who needs them first? I would like to say to everyone who wants to have good health. But, nevertheless, first of all, those who are daily exposed to great overload, both physical and mental, as well as children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women.


List of vitamins that need to be taken in spring period. What are they needed for. Which drugs should be preferred?

Spring is a wonderful time when nature comes to life, the buds swell and the first petals of trees and shrubs reach for the sun. But for human body This period can hardly be called favorable. Due to poor diet and lack of vegetables and fruits, serious health problems can arise. At the same time, the woman’s body is most susceptible to diseases.

What vitamins should I take in the spring? How to act to effectively avoid vitamin deficiency?

Main vitamins and their effects

Women often do not pay attention to vitamin deficiencies and actively prepare for summer through various diets. But if you act thoughtlessly and do not accept useful elements, then the consequences can be catastrophic. What substances should you drink in the spring for energy and health? It is worth highlighting here:

  • Vitamin A– an element that is found in many foods. It is present in milk, fish, cheese, carrots, cottage cheese, eggs and a number of other representatives of our diet. Main benefit– improvement of vision, bone tissue regeneration, normalization metabolic processes. Please note that drinking alcohol interferes with the absorption of retinol.
  • Group B. Considering best vitamins for women, one cannot fail to mention the representatives of group B, which are found in kidneys, cod, liver and other products. Their action is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes, breaking down excess fat deposits, and enriching the blood. It is worth knowing that B6 will not be absorbed if a woman takes contraception. In this case, it is recommended to use special complexes.
  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is found in black currants, kiwi, rose hips, lemon, orange and other products. Its action is aimed at stimulating the body’s defenses, helping in the absorption of iron, maintaining the required level hemoglobin. Despite the benefits of this vitamin for women in the spring, you should not get carried away with it. Overdose is fraught with danger unpleasant consequences, including the deposition of salts in the body, the development of gout (if there is heredity).
  • Vitamin E. Tocopherol is an element without which it is impossible to imagine a healthy female body. Its action is aimed at maintaining muscle performance, normalizing endocrine and vascular system. Tocopherol is found in eggs, milk, vegetables, sprouted grains and other products. To increase effectiveness, its combination with retinol is recommended. Scientists have proven that these two vitamins (A and E) can enhance each other’s effects.
  • Vitamin D– an element found in dairy products, seaweed and fish. Its action is aimed at maintaining a sufficient level of moisture in cells, strengthening bone tissue, improving skin condition, and so on. But it is worth noting that the body needs it (in the form additional drugs) only in the absence of contact with sunlight.

Secrets of taking vitamins in spring

Many people have no idea what vitamins are best to take in the spring, which is why they face a number of problems - dry skin, apathy, disruptions in metabolic processes, and so on. In fact, taking the mentioned elements is enough to cover the basic needs of the body. At the same time, it is worth considering a number of other tips:

  • In spring, a woman’s body experiences serious stress, so you shouldn’t go on diets. It is advisable that during this period the diet is rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • It is believed that spring fruits and vegetables are poor in useful elements. This is true. But you shouldn’t ignore such products, because they contain fiber, which speeds up the process of removing harmful toxins from the body. To cover the deficiency of vitamins in the spring and normalize the gastrointestinal tract, taking fruits and vegetables is mandatory. In this case, fruits should enter the stomach before the main meal.
  • When organizing your diet, it is worth considering compatibility different products. Thus, it is recommended to combine vegetables with meat dishes. As for bread and pasta, they are digested faster, so it is recommended to eat them at the same time as greens and cheese.
  • Every woman should know what vitamins she needs in spring. At the same time, restrictions on animal food should be abandoned. Vegetarianism during the period of vitamin deficiency is not The best way improve health. It is important that the body receives meat or dairy products at least 3-4 times a week. In this case, it receives important proteins and extractive elements that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and help in the absorption of food. It is important that the meat has good quality and it was fresh.
  • Vitamins cannot be stocked up in advance - they must be supplied in sufficient quantities every day. Ideally, proper nutrition should include a clear analysis of their consumption.

Vitamin complexes

A properly composed diet is always good. But in practice, the incoming substances are often still not enough. In such a situation, it is worth taking a course special drugs. The following options are worth highlighting:

  • Vitrum- a complex that is produced in several series, which are recommended to be chosen taking into account a number of factors (gender, age and purposes of administration). Thus, the Vitrum Centuri supplement is recommended for use by women over 50. The advantage of the drug is the presence of components that stop the aging process, reduce the negative manifestations of menopause, and strengthen the immune system.
  • Multi-Tabs- vitamins that are to a greater extent Suitable for teenagers and children. In the spring, it is recommended to drink the “Classic” series. Taking the course is a chance to cure many problems and avoid vitamin deficiency. In addition, the complex will be good during strict diets, malnutrition and recovery after serious illnesses.
  • Supradin. The advantage of the supplement is the presence in the full volume of elements that the body has an urgent need for (especially in spring). It contains 8 minerals and 12 key vitamins.
  • Duovit. To normalize the functioning of all systems, it is recommended to drink Duovit, a drug that can support the female body, eliminate weakness and fatigue, and strengthen the immune system.
  • Perfectile– a fortified supplement that is recommended for women with a deficiency of useful elements. This drug is recommended to be taken if there is a clear shortage useful components, peeling and dry skin, age-related changes, fragility nail plates.
  • Complivit- a complex that is available in several types and is intended for expectant mothers. Its action is aimed at normalizing blood composition, positive influence on nerve endings, improving the condition of the skin, nail plates and hair. In addition, the beneficial elements in Complivit slow down the aging process.


To avoid vitamin deficiency and health problems, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. The specialist will tell you which vitamins to inject in the spring, which products to give priority to, and also which harmful factors should be avoided in the future.

What vitamins are best to take in spring? Reviews of certain drugs will be presented below. In addition, from this article you will learn about the signs by which you can determine a lack of vitamins in the body, how to choose the right complex, and other information.

General information

Spring vitamin deficiency is a phenomenon that is familiar to almost everyone. After all, it is during the off-season that a deficiency of certain microelements or vitamins quite often makes itself felt. And many people begin to think about it in the spring. Reviews of pharmaceutical drugs are very diverse. However, everyone should know about them. After all, this is the only way you can immediately choose the best and most suitable complex for yourself, which will help you return wellness and a cheerful state.

Signs of vitamin deficiency

What to drink in spring? Before answering the question, you should find out whether you really have vitamin deficiency or whether yours is in no way connected with a deficiency of nutrients.

You can make your own conclusion about the lack of vitamins and microelements based on the frequency of common colds. For example, if a person is caught in a small draft, but the very next day he has a fever and a runny nose, then he clearly has problems with the immune system, and therefore with the consumption of vitamins.

So to common features Vitamin deficiency may include the following:

  • dryness and paleness skin;
  • bleeding gums;
  • dryness, hair loss and brittleness;
  • regular formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth (or so-called “jams”);
  • herpes;
  • poor appetite;
  • irritability, depressive states and nervousness;
  • chronic fatigue.

What vitamins are best to take in spring? Reviews from experts

Vitamin complexes should be selected based on the doctor’s recommendations. After all, only the experience and personal observations of specialists will help patients purchase the best and most effective drugs.

According to pharmacists, pharmaceutical products such as Multitabs, Duovit, Complivit and Kvadevit sell out best in the spring. From point of view chemical substances, contained in the presented complexes, their properties are almost identical to natural ones. However, one cannot ignore the fact that such drugs are synthesized on the basis of petroleum derivatives. As you know, these drugs are quite poorly absorbed by the body’s cells. Moreover, their regular use can cause various side effects, especially in case of overdose.

What vitamins are best to take in spring? Reviews about synthetic drugs quite varied. Some claim that they are no different from natural ones, while others do not note their effect at all. Experts recommend that those who cannot refuse to choose only a product that contains no more than 20 components. Otherwise pharmaceutical drug will not bring any practical benefit.

What vitamins does the body need most in spring?

According to experts, Special attention in the spring, you should pay attention to a deficiency of vitamins such as A, D, C, E and group B. To understand what consequences may arise from a lack of certain useful substances, let’s look at their signs in more detail.

Vitamin A

What vitamins should you take in spring? Of course, vitamin A. After all, it is this substance that is responsible for the condition of the skin, ensuring its resistance to external influences. In addition, a lack of vitamin A can lead to significant vision impairment.

A deficiency of this substance is quite often noted among those who love alcoholic drinks, since alcohol in any form prevents its full absorption.

What vitamins should I take in the spring? It is not necessary to purchase entire complexes in pharmacies. After all, ordinary food products contain almost everything useful material for the body. Thus, sources of vitamin A can be chicken and beef liver, white cheese, sea fish, milk, cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables orange color(carrot juice, carrots, pumpkin, apricots, sea buckthorn, tangerines, oranges, etc.).

B vitamins

This group is responsible for almost all actions of the body. Their deficiency is the most noticeable and dangerous. These vitamins are essential for normal operation CNS. They prevent hair loss, regulate heartbeat, promote the healing of ulcers and wounds on the mucous membranes, etc.

It should also be noted that B vitamins are destroyed by taking strong medications and in case of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, in this case a person develops skin problems, namely rashes and peeling. In the fair sex, the absorption of such beneficial substances is quite significantly reduced while taking contraceptive hormonal drugs.

Products that are sources of B vitamins include the following: chicken and beef, sea ​​fish(salmon, cod), liver, Rye bread and soy products.

Vitamin C

This substance increases resistance to colds. But if your bones and joints hurt and “crunch”, and you also suffer from excess deposits salts, it is highly not recommended to get carried away with drugs containing increased content of this substance.

Vitamin C is found in foods such as rose hips, black currants, kiwi, sauerkraut, citrus fruits, red peppers, green vegetables, strawberries, rowan berries, etc.

Vitamin D

What vitamins should children take in the spring? Vitamin D. After all, it is what is required for normal calcium-phosphorus balance, and therefore for the strength of teeth, bones, nails and hair. By the way, under the influence of ultraviolet rays (sun), the human body itself is capable of producing this substance in the required quantities. But if you rarely go outside or have to live for a long time in a region with cloudy weather, then you should definitely take care of its additional sources. These include dairy products, egg yolks, seaweed and fish.

Vitamin E

The deficiency of this substance affects the quality of the skin. Wrinkles appear on them and they quickly lose their elasticity. In addition, a lack of vitamin E negatively affects everything recovery processes in the body (for example, ulcers, wounds, etc. take a long time to heal).

By supplying your body with the necessary amount of this substance, you neutralize accumulated toxins and saturate the cells vital energy. It should be especially noted that vitamin E is recommended to be taken in combination with vitamin A, since the two named drugs complement and enhance the effect of each other. It was no coincidence that it was developed pharmaceutical product type "Aevit", which includes both mentioned substances. As for foods, the following are sources of vitamin E: vegetable oils(corn, grape, sunflower, flax and olive), nuts, sunflower seeds, spinach, wheat and broccoli. In addition, in limited quantities this substance present in almost all known vegetables.

What you need to know when taking certain vitamins

Vitamins in the spring (reviews were presented above) should not be taken thoughtlessly. After all, even such beneficial substances purchased in pharmacy chains can have their side effects.

  • Vitamin C should be used with caution by people who have high salt levels in their bodies.
  • It is recommended to take calcium exclusively with vitamin D.
  • Vitamins E and A improve the absorption of each other. In addition, both of these substances are fat-soluble. In this regard, in a glass carrot juice Be sure to add a spoonful of cream or vegetable oil.
  • For anemia, iron supplements are taken only with vitamin C.

If you use to compensate for the deficiency of certain vitamins pharmacy complexes, you should definitely consult your doctor. After all, even such seemingly harmless drugs can negatively affect human health. If you want to go the “natural” route and get vitamins from regular products, then you should adhere to a balanced and proper nutrition. Only in this case will your body receive exactly the beneficial substances and in the quantities that you need.

According to statistics, 90% of Russians suffer from hypovitaminosis in the spring, including women, men and children. The reason for this is a diet consisting of high-calorie, refined, but poor in nutrients foods. Hypovitaminosis, unlike vitamin deficiency, is not considered severe pathological condition, but it can also undermine the body’s strength. Fast fatiguability, absent-mindedness, fragility and dullness of hair, dandruff, dermatitis - all these are symptoms of a deficiency of valuable substances. But what specific vitamins are needed in spring?


During the cold season, both plants and animals lack vitamins of group D, since their synthesis in tissues is affected by ultraviolet rays sunlight. Main function cholecalciferol in the human body is the regulation mineral metabolism. Vitamin D is responsible for the deposition of phosphorus and calcium in dentin and bones, and stimulates the absorption of magnesium from the intestine. The substance plays a special role in the nutrition of children, as it prevents the development of osteoporosis and rickets.

For both men and women, calciferols are needed to prevent cancer, heart and skin diseases. Research shows that vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for diabetes and atherosclerosis, especially in at a young age. Cholecalciferol helps improve immunity, prevents muscle weakness, horse racing blood pressure, cardiopalmus.

— Signs of deficiency in men and women: insomnia, loss of appetite, curvature and brittleness of bones.

Food sources : nettle, parsley, mushrooms.

B vitamins

The huge vitamin family is united by the fact that its elements dissolve in water, are not synthesized, and do not accumulate in the human body. What B vitamins are best to take in spring?

  • Thiamine (B1) is involved in all processes of cellular metabolism, provides normal functioning brain, is responsible for the safety of genetic information.
  • Niacin (B3) is necessary for the absorption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, for the production of enzymes and hormones, lowers arterial pressure and increases venous pressure.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) is an obligatory participant in metabolic processes, a vitamin responsible for the formation of antibodies, prostaglandins, and neurotransmitters.
  • Biotin (B7) is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and glycogen synthesis, supports normal level blood sugar, nervous system stability.
  • Folic acid (B9) – especially healthy vitamin for pregnant women: reduces the risk of developing birth defects in the fetus, improves mood and appetite, normalizes sleep.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12) reduces cholesterol levels, improves liver function, promotes the maturation of red blood cells, and is involved in the synthesis of nucleic acid.

— Signs of deficiency: frequent colds, insomnia, irritability, itchy skin and cracks, ulcers on the mucous membranes, increased hair loss, decreased hemoglobin levels. Lack of vitamin B in men leads to baldness.

— Food sources: yeast, cereals, bran, beans, peas, nuts, cabbage, greens.


In the spring, vitamin E deficiency in men and women is less common than calciferol deficiency, but a third of the adult population still does not receive enough of these elements. What substances are called tocopherols? The vitamin E group includes natural compounds plant origin, which are derivatives of tocol. They are soluble in fats, but not in water, and are resistant to heat, alkalis and mineral acids.

By taking these vitamins in the spring, you can avoid anemia and leg cramps. Tocopherols have a beneficial effect on circulatory system: activate blood flow, normalize coagulation, strengthen capillary walls, lower blood pressure. They are among the elements that are best taken to improve skin condition. Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, prevents the appearance of early wrinkles and age-related pigmentation. Tocopherol promotes rapid wound healing and reduces the risk of keloid scar formation.

— Signs of deficiency: muscle weakness, sagging and dry skin, decreased visual acuity, and the appearance of spots on the hands.

— Food sources: sunflower, olive and other vegetable oils.


A lack of vitamin A causes problems with reproductive system in men. In women, retinol deficiency leads to disorders menstrual cycle, vaginal dryness. Vitamin helps immune system work better, normalizes metabolism, prevents inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin. It is noteworthy that men need large doses retinol than the fair sex, but the compound is still considered feminine. It, along with tocopherol, is one of the vitamins that is best to drink for beauty.

— Signs of deficiency: dry skin, especially on the knees and elbows, " night blindness", pain in the eyes from light, psoriasis.

— Food sources: carrots, parsley, sorrel, spinach.

Ascorbic acid

Spring is a period of frequent respiratory diseases. What vitamins are best to take to prevent colds? Synthesis of interferons - proteins that have antiviral effect, – stimulates ascorbic acid. It is also indicated for men and women prone to rosacea and vein blockage. In addition, vitamin C maintains the necessary level of iron in the blood.

— Signs of deficiency: bleeding gums, peeling skin, lethargy, frequent colds.

— Food sources: rose hips, sea buckthorn, strawberries, black currant, citrus fruits.

Often, the problem of spring hypovitaminosis can be solved only by correcting nutrition. At the same time, women's diet should contain more folic acid and iron. Nutrition for men involves increased quantities vitamin E and selenium.

Ideally, you should pay attention to your nutrition not only in the spring, but also at other times of the year. Then the manifestations of vitamin deficiency with the arrival of heat will be minimal.

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