What kind of cottage cheese should I give my puppy? Fermented milk diet from Yorkie to Samoyed. Can a dog be given milk, and does it need cottage cheese?

It is impossible to tell in detail how to properly feed a dog.

After all, many factors must be taken into account: lifestyle, breed, the body’s reaction to certain foods, age, hereditary factors, and even the animal’s taste preferences.

Therefore, we will give answers to the questions that most concern dog owners.

Is it possible to give raw meat to a dog?

Of course, you can give dogs any meat (that has passed a veterinary examination), but not pork. Pets eat it well, absorb it, digest it. After all, muscle meat is irreplaceable protein product, containing all the amino acids.

Can a dog be given milk, and does it need cottage cheese?

If your dog's diet consists of food homemade, it may contain cottage cheese. But think of it not as a source of calcium, but as a highly digestible and absorbable protein. But we will not insist that cottage cheese must be present in the diet. Many dogs are reluctant to eat it.

Most adult dogs do not have lactase in their intestines, which breaks down milk sugar(lactose) from cow's milk. It causes diarrhea. But if your dog loves milk and does not have diarrhea after it, then give it to him in small quantities.

Should a dog do this? fasting days?

Healthy pets arrange fasting days for themselves, refusing food for a day or two. If The dog is obese, then unloading should be done on average once a week. But in such cases, consult your veterinarian and work with him on a weight loss program.

Dogs need to add vitamin C to their diet.

No, there is no need to specifically add vitamin C to your diet. It has been proven that it is synthesized in the body of dogs independently.

In what form should you give vegetables: boiled or raw?

Healthy dogs can eat both raw and boiled vegetables. But it is better to chop both of them properly.

Can't we give strong broths?

Yes it is. Strong broths contain many extractives. And this leads to metabolic disorders - allergic dermatitis, gout.

Do dogs need brown bread?

Dogs mostly get their carbohydrates from grain starch. Black bread too good source carbohydrates and vitamins (group B). If your dog enjoys eating black bread, feel free to include it in his diet! But do not forget that fresh bread is strictly forbidden. You can dry it a little or make crackers. Otherwise it's can cause flatulence in the intestines and stomach, even lead to bloat.

Can I feed fish with bones?

In no case! A dog may choke on a bone. Separate the bones (at least large ones) from the fish. Boiled fish bones are especially dangerous for dogs.

Can you treat your dog with sweets?

If you give your pet a treat a small piece gingerbread, cookies, candy, chocolate - this will not harm him. But don’t forget, sweets in large quantities are dangerous!

What temperature should a dog's food be?

The dog should not be fed either very hot or too cold food. The optimal temperature is up to 30 degrees. Many animals themselves refuse hot food, but most happily eat frozen meat . Frequent consumption of hot or cold food leads to inflammation of the stomach.

How can you tell if your dog is allergic to food?

At food allergies your pet may develop severe itching, not going away after use antihistamines. To find out the diagnosis, switch the dog to food that you have not given it before or did not give it often. Usually allergies occur to chicken meat, meat flour, preservatives, beef, grains (except rice), nutritional supplements, fish, stabilizers. Rarely allergic reaction occurs on horse meat, rice and lamb.

During this test, do not give your dog anything other than the prescribed diet - no vitamins, no treats - for at least 3-5 weeks.

Can I feed puppies food prepared for adult dogs?

No. In dogs with different age groups needs vary greatly minerals and energy.

Is it good to mix dry food and naturally prepared food?

You can offer an adult dog a diet that contains these two foods. The main thing is to observe general rule: Do not change the diet suddenly and gradually introduce new foods.

Are pork and lamb good for dogs?

The opinion that it is harmful to dogs pork fat, and she can't digest pork, false. But it is not recommended to give raw pork to pets, as it may have Aujeszky's disease virus. Pigs can carry the virus, but they do not show symptoms of the disease. But the dogs get sick and die.

Lamb is suitable for feeding. Just remember that her fat is refractory. It can be included in the diet if you have an active working dog.

Does a dog need raw bones?

The idea that bones are useful is false. Boiled Bones In general, it is better to exclude them from your dog’s diet, especially inactive ones - they lead to constipation. Raw Bones, not tubular and large, you can give them, but for entertainment, not food. At the same time, make sure that your pet does not bite off sharp pieces from them or swallow them, as injury to the intestinal mucosa may occur.

Lyubov Lozinskaya

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Fermented milk products are not a natural food for carnivores, but dogs have long adapted to human food, which is reflected in their diet. In addition, they, like meat, contain protein necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

According to veterinarians, dairy products should become an integral part of the dog’s “menu”, as they form normal probiotic flora, promote complete digestion of meat and vegetables, strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and prevent gastrointestinal pathologies. Cottage cheese and kefir are much the dog needs it more than milk, and are well absorbed by the body.

Benefits of cottage cheese

In the diet of animals, cottage cheese is necessary element. It contains calcium, B vitamins, microelements (selenium, phosphorus, potassium, etc.). According to experts, there is no need to use it daily; it should be given no more than three times a week.

The amount of fermented milk product per meal should not exceed 1-6 tablespoons (the size of the animal affects the serving). Exceeding the dosage is not recommended, so as not to provoke impaired bone growth and stool problems. Puppies and dogs should limit their consumption of the product. large breeds, as well as pets with pancreatitis.

The cottage cheese must be fresh, the optimal fat content of the product is 5-9%. A product that is too fatty can cause diarrhea, and a low-fat product can cause poor calcium absorption.

  • rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • fruits (preferably grated apple);
  • vegetables (carrots, zucchini);
  • low-calorie sour cream;
  • chicken egg yolk;
  • quail eggs (including shells).

Cottage cheese is indicated for special diet With low content squirrel. This is due to the fact that curd protein is lighter than meat protein and can, to some extent, replace meat. However, you need to remember that if a dog is allergic to meat protein, then it will also be allergic to cottage cheese.

If the cottage cheese is not homemade, but purchased, you should carefully study the composition. There should not be any additives, dyes or preservatives in it, as they can cause allergies. It is advisable to give your dog calcined cottage cheese, which is easy to prepare at home. WITH medical point sight it is considered the most useful.

Does a dog need kefir?

Kefir 3.5% fat content begins to be given to puppies from the age of three months. This product is much healthier than milk, as it contains vitamins A, D, calcium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, Omega-3, Omega-6 fatty acids. In addition, it is a source of probiotics, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive process.

This product is easily digested by the body, so veterinarians advise giving it to both healthy and sick dogs, especially during antibiotic therapy. Kefir is indispensable for animals suffering from obesity, pancreatitis and other diseases for which fatty, heavy foods are contraindicated.

It is not necessary to give kefir every day, as in the case of cottage cheese; it is enough to introduce it into the dog’s diet 2-3 times a week. Large dogs the product is given in the amount of 4-6 tablespoons, representatives small breeds- 1 teaspoon. Daily consumption of kefir is only possible for pets suffering from constipation, elderly individuals, and females during pregnancy.

In this case, you need to monitor the body’s reaction - like milk, kefir can sometimes cause allergies. In this case, the product should be removed from the diet.

If a dog eats dry food, kefir should not be given as a separate food, but mixed with food.

Everyone has doubts about the correct feeding of their pet. Have you just purchased a puppy? Is your family's favorite expecting offspring? Is your dog already of advanced age?

Who benefits from milk, sour cream, cottage cheese?

Let's look into this milky, sensitive and very interesting question!

Is it worth giving?

The question of whether a dog should be given milk for humans arises because milk contains lactose. For its absorption, an enzyme is required, which is produced by each organism in its own way.

Lactose– milk carbohydrate (from 2 to 8% by weight). This complex sugar, During digestion, it is broken down by an enzyme that is secreted in small intestine, - lactase, for glucose and galactose. These simple sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream.

The ability to produce the lactose enzyme in us and our pets is individual and unique. For some, it persists throughout their lives. But, most often, with age, less and less enzyme is produced, therefore, the ability to break down and absorb milk is lost.

IMPORTANT. In puppies of small breeds, the production of the enzyme for digesting lactose decreases already from 1.5 months, in puppies of large breeds - after 3 months.








Fermented milk products contain significantly less lactose:

Curdled milk



Sour cream

Cottage cheese

The value of dairy products remains obvious: beneficial lactic bacteria, calcium, protein. All this can be included in your dog's diet in the form of fermented milk products that do not contain lactose.

Is it possible for adult dogs and puppies


It is better not to give milk (especially cow's milk) to adult dogs. As we have already explained, due to the lack of an enzyme that breaks down lactase. Small puppies should also not be given store-bought food. cow's milk from the store, because it is very different from the mother's and can lead to diarrhea and dehydration.

Most useful option: This goat milk , it does not cause allergies and is completely absorbed by the dog’s digestive system. In addition, it contains easily digestible fats and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is often prescribed for dogs with gastrointestinal diseases.

Milk porridge

Significantly higher in calories than porridge with water. Due to the “slow” carbohydrates that cereals are rich in, they are absorbed more slowly, while maintaining a feeling of fullness. Useful content in cereal crops magnesium, selenium, calcium, zinc. Milk porridge is good for puppies. For adult dogs, it is better to cook porridge with sour milk..

Semolina porridge with milk is not suitable for our pets! It is considered the most useless of all - it contains very few vitamins and nutrients. But there is one point: semolina porridge is very good for fattening weak, skinny puppies. It is quite high in calories and its structure helps make it liquid. Liquid semolina porridge with milk they initially give 30-50 grams, gradually increasing the norm to 200-250 grams. per day in 2-3 doses.

Feeding semolina porridge helps puppies gain weight up to a maximum of 3 months, but after that there is no need for it - it is better to switch to buckwheat and oatmeal.

Dairy products

As we noted, cow's milk is more of an enemy than a friend for our ponytails. However, its derivatives are useful - fermented milk products: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, etc. Everything is saved in them useful material, which milk is rich in, but unlike it, fermented milk does not burden the dog’s digestion and is perfectly absorbed!

Kefir and fermented baked milk

Easily digestible by both puppies and adult dogs. Contains bacteria and microelements that help improve digestion and stimulate metabolism. Equally useful for dogs and people. It is better to give dogs and puppies low-fat kefir to avoid causing diarrhea. For babies, kefir is useful during the transition from mother's milk to the diet independent dog. Helpful for aging animals daily use kefir


The usefulness of cheese as a fermented milk product is beyond doubt: the protein in it is soluble, and therefore is absorbed by the body almost completely (98%), cheese is a source of vitamins A and B, calcium, and phosphorus. And most importantly, it contains no lactose.

And yet, cheese should not be given to our adult tailed friends and puppies. And all because cheese is too fatty and contains a lot of salt. Considering high content fat, this treat can be used as a reward adult dog during training. Choose a product without preservatives. Do not feed smoked, processed or blue cheeses.


Contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus acidophilus bacteria. Beneficial bacteria can fill a dog's stomach by 70%. This helps to avoid intestinal disorders and gas formation. For diarrhea and candidiasis, yogurt becomes an essential part of a strict diet and helps alleviate the suffering of the animal.

Acidophilus is involved in the production folic acid and niacin, which help digest food properly.

Cottage cheese

Essential for puppies and very useful for adult dogs. It is a source of calcium and protein. For a small pet, cottage cheese can be given instead of one feeding daily, for an adult four-legged friend Experts advise giving cottage cheese twice a week. The high content of amino acids ensures not only work gastrointestinal tract, but also has a beneficial effect on nervous system And mental activity dogs.

Sour cream

The product is fatty enough to be included in your pet's daily diet. It is acceptable to use low-fat sour cream in combination with cottage cheese, kefir, as a treat for a pregnant bitch or a source of vitamin B to strengthen the immune system, a source of potassium to provide acid-base balance. Sufficient for puppies is the consumption of low-fat sour cream one tablespoon twice a week.

Ice cream

The ice cream contains ingredients regular use which may lead to serious illnesses. These are sugar, milk fats, palm oil, chocolate, and various preservatives. Consumption of lactose leads to indigestion, diarrhea, protein - to rashes and skin itching, chocolate - to rapid breathing and vomiting. So that food doesn't cause unpleasant consequences, the temperature of the dish should be close to the dog’s body temperature. Ice cream also does not correspond to a number of healthy products in this parameter.

You can’t give ice cream to a dog or a puppy (especially)!

IMPORTANT. Scientists have proven that the reaction to eating chocolate is inversely proportional to the size of your pet - the smaller the animal, the more serious the consequences.

Visual table


Adult dogs


Cow's milk, goat's milk, etc.


Milk must be given to the puppy (ideally goat milk)! Necessary in the diet, contains healthy fats, proteins and calcium, many vitamins and minerals, amino acids and immunoglobulins. Cow's or goat's milk will be closer in composition to dog milk if you add 0.5 liters. milk 1 tsp. a spoonful of cream and one beaten yolk quail egg. But it's better to cook porridge.

Porridge with milk

It is perfectly absorbed and contributes to the creation beneficial microflora dog intestines. It is better to cook porridge with sour milk.

Healthy and nutritious. Easy to digest. At making the right choice cereals get the maximum benefit.


Has a beneficial effect on digestion. Contains beneficial bacteria. The choice should be made in favor of low-fat kefir.

Cottage cheese

Must be present in the diet daily. It is possible to replace one feeding with cottage cheese.

Sour cream

Can be used as an additive to cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir.


Ice cream

Avoid due to high lactose, sugar and fat content.

Not allowed.


As a reward treat. Use only natural cheese, without additives.


Lactose intolerance manifests itself in dogs in the same way as in humans: bloating and abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Unfortunately, there are no medications to treat these symptoms in dogs. Therefore, be careful, observe your pet’s reaction to drinking milk and make a decision about the possibility of including dairy products in your four-legged friend’s diet on your own or with a veterinarian.

So, let's remember:

  • Milk porridges are good at any age if they are cooked with sour milk.
  • Fermented milk products are especially beneficial for a dog’s body.
  • It is safe to choose low-fat dairy products.
  • Keep an eye on quality. Choose natural.

Training video

Useful videos from an experienced veterinarian who will tell you whether puppies or dogs can be given milk and up to what age?

Whether or not to use dairy products when feeding a puppy or an adult dog is up to each owner to decide for himself. We wanted to help you make an informed, thoughtful decision. And, of course, we are interested to know how useful the information we prepared for you was.

Share your experience and take part in the discussion. Probably yours personal experience will be useful for dog owners and you will help avoid problems for your like-minded people who sincerely love these cute, funny, strong and loyal tailed friends of man.

It would seem that there is no need to give fermented milk products to carnivores, but they, like meat, contain proteins, so dairy products make it easier and more diversified for your pet’s diet.

Dogs have long ceased to be wild, and a small part of a balanced diet with natural feeding should be fermented milk products.

But not all dogs can consume dairy products without subsequent digestive problems. For example, milk and sour cream can cause indigestion in some pets, manifested by diarrhea, vomiting, increased gas formation. However, certain fermented milk products have high nutritional value and can be present in the diet of animals in in moderation and provided that the pet does not have allergies or digestive disorders after consuming them.

You need to introduce dairy products into your dog’s diet gradually and in very small quantities, observing the reaction of the animal’s body. In order for the body to adapt to new products, the process should be extended for 1-2 weeks.

It's interesting that normal microflora intestines is important for the proper functioning of the brain. Scientists from the University of California have found that a decrease in the level of beneficial intestinal bacteria affects the mood and behavior of people and animals. Therefore, it is important to give dogs dairy products that improve intestinal microflora.

What dairy products can a dog eat?

Cottage cheese is useful to give to dogs at any age, because it is a source of calcium, phosphorus, selenium, potassium, and B vitamins.

In moderation, low fat (5-9%) cottage cheese can be given 2-3 times a week, mixed with rice. Depending on the size of the animal, it is enough to give 1-6 tablespoons of cottage cheese per feeding. Although there are diets based on cottage cheese, not meat. Cottage cheese is fed up to 1 kg per day, but this diet is questionable.

Excessive consumption of curd leads to constipation. Some animals are so sensitive to fatty foods that even cottage cheese with a fat content of more than 2% can cause loose stools. However, such animals should not be given skim cheese, because the lower the fat content, the worse calcium is absorbed.

You can give cottage cheese to sick pets, but again in moderation. Although low-fat cottage cheese is available, pets who have had or are experiencing pancreatitis should remain on strict diet to avoid inflammation of the pancreas.

You cannot feed your dog cottage cheese on a regular basis. It is important to control protein and calcium intake; excess calcium in the body leads to impaired bone growth. Therefore, you should limit the consumption of cottage cheese to puppies of large and giant breeds, which grow quickly and do not need additional sources of calcium.

Low-fat yogurt is recommended for adult pets and puppies after 3 months. It is recommended to give yogurt occasionally to dogs with stomach problems (gastroenteritis). You need to choose natural yogurt without sugar, fruits and berries, chocolate and other flavoring additives, substitutes natural fat, artificial sweeteners and artificial colors.

Large dogs can be given 100 ml of yogurt per day, while representatives of small breeds need 1 teaspoon per day.

Yogurt is a source of calcium and protein needed for normal development bones and muscles, contains potassium, which is responsible for maintaining healthy nerves, normal functioning heart, and minerals that maintain fluid balance in the body. Yogurt is rich in magnesium, which helps in the absorption of vitamins, and also contains phosphorus, sodium, vitamins C and E.

From the age of three months, dogs can be given kefir with a fat content of 3.5%. Kefir is a source of calcium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin A, D. Kefir contains beneficial probiotic bacteria that help improve digestion. Therefore, kefir is recommended to be given to animals undergoing antibiotic treatment. Kefir is easily digestible, so it can be included in the diet of pets with pancreatitis and other diseases for which fatty foods are not allowed.

Dairy waste

Whey and buttermilk contain a small amount of fat, but are rich in other substances useful and necessary for the body. Whey is a source of protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins, consists of 94% water, and contains only 0.2% fat. This product is recommended for dogs with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

Buttermilk contains a high percentage of lecithin, its use can increase the acidity of the intestinal environment and reduce gas formation. The product can be given to animals with liver diseases, with anemia, and buttermilk can be fed to dogs after treatment with antibiotics.

Whey and buttermilk can be used in the preparation of porridges, and in in kind These products act as a laxative, but in their natural form, animals prefer whey, and they eat buttermilk reluctantly or not at all.


Cream with a fat content of 10% is given to puppies as complementary food after weaning. Porridges are diluted with cream, and they perfectly replace breast milk. For comparison, fat content breast milk dogs is about 13%.

It is acceptable to give your dog dairy products: Varenets, yogurt with short term storage (up to 7 days). All non-prohibited dairy products are allowed for animals only if they eat natural food. Dry food is not recommended to be mixed with natural food. Fermented milk products are fed no more than 2-3 times a week, mixed with bran and raw eggs.

Can dogs eat cheese?

Dogs should not be given cheese on an ongoing basis, because... this product has a high fat content. It is acceptable to give your pet small cubes of cheese as a reward for good behavior or treats, as well as as a means of masking medications or pills. Feeding a dog cheese every day, in addition to health problems, leads to addiction and a change in taste preferences, in other words, the animals become picky eaters.

Occasionally you can feed the animal cheese with a low fat content, with reduced content lactose and minimal salt content. These cheeses include cheddar, soft curd cheese, hard goat cheese, and Swiss cheese. Small dogs need 28 grams of cheese per day, and large dogs need 70 grams per day.

In general, cheese is a source of calcium, phosphorus, zinc, protein, important amino acids, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins A, B2, B12, D, K2. Cheddar cheese has the highest alkaline content, so feeding cheddar will help normalize the pH level in your pet's mouth.

It is not recommended to give dogs processed cheese, which is considered harmful product for animals, because it does not carry nutritional value. Processed cheese refers to high-calorie foods and contains many additives that are harmful to health.

What dairy products should not be given to dogs?

It is not recommended to give milk to dogs that have not been fed milk since weaning. As animals age, the enzyme responsible for digesting milk stops producing. Animals are intolerant to the lactose contained in milk, resulting in digestive disorders, including in rare cases Some pets may have an allergic reaction to milk protein, and the fat content of the milk does not matter. Some dogs can eat lactose-reduced milk without harm to their health, but it is preferable to include dairy products with a low percentage of lactose in their diet, such as yogurt and cottage cheese.

Included thana And airana contains natural milk, which, as has already turned out, is not recommended for pets. In addition, tan and ayran contain salt and have a specific taste.

Absolutely not allowed for dogs condensed milk, which has a high sugar content, and sugar negatively affects health. Even more harmful is condensed milk, which contains other ingredients besides milk and sugar.

Quality ice cream is not easy to find, but even ice cream High Quality made from milk and butter, as a result, ice cream is a high-calorie product with increased content lactose and sugar. In addition, it contains a number of preservatives and flavoring additives that do not benefit the animal. Ice cream is considered a harmful and prohibited product for animals, but if you wish, you can make dog ice cream at home, similar to fruit ice.

A dog's health depends on its diet. If in daily diet there are the necessary substances, microelements and vitamins, then the pet will be cheerful, cheerful and active.


The following foods should be included in your dog's diet:

  • different types of meat,
  • fermented milk products of medium fat content,
  • some vegetables and fruits,
  • bran of cereal crops.

Moreover, animal protein should make up the majority of the diet.

Only raw foods

Natural dog food should not be subjected to heat treatment. High temperatures destroy many substances necessary for the animal. In short, you cannot feed your pet from the table. You need to specifically buy fresh food for him and not prepare it as you would for yourself.

Individual approach

Remember that every dog's body is unique. Therefore, you need to formulate a diet based on his needs. For example, it is known that adult dogs do not digest milk well - it is only allowed to be given to puppies up to 3 months. But practice has shown that some pets drink it with pleasure and do not have any digestive problems.

The diet also depends on the activity of the pet. If a dog constantly plays and runs, then it needs more energy. In this case, it is recommended to increase the amount of animal protein.


Breeder Evgeniy Fursov advises:

“Man domesticated the dog a long time ago - back in the Stone Age. Since then, the dog's needs have changed dramatically, because digestive system adapted to new conditions. Modern dogs They can eat not only raw meat, but also bran, fermented milk products, and vegetables.

All this is healthy and varied food. But the benefits of dry food are questionable. After all, in addition to the necessary substances, various preservatives, thickeners and dyes are added to them. And I often make such food from cheap processed meat products.”


Veterinarian Evgenia Chuiko advises:

“Any dog ​​is a predator, and its digestive system works differently than a human’s. Her stomach and intestines, accustomed to raw food, are not able to break down carbohydrates and fiber. Therefore food plant origin passes through the dog’s digestive system twice as fast as protein.

But the animal’s body needs substances that are only available in plant foods. In nature, wolves obtain them by eating the stomach contents of their victims. In a domestic dog receiving natural food, there is a deficiency of these substances. That’s why many veterinarians recommend balanced ones that contain everything you need.”

What to include in your dog's diet?


It is best to feed a variety of meats:

  • beef,
  • rabbit meat,
  • horse meat,
  • lamb

It is not necessary to buy first-class products. You can get by with by-products if the animal’s body tolerates them well. Meat trimmings, kidneys, trachea, heart, ears, udder are suitable. The main thing is that the meat is not fatty. Therefore, you should not feed your dog pork. Chicken and turkey are also suitable for some pets.

But you need to feed poultry meat carefully. First, you should make sure that it does not cause problems with the digestive system. As already said, meat products are given raw. You don’t have to grind them into minced meat – you can just cut them into pieces. Before feeding, it is allowed to pour boiling water over the meat.

Dairy products

Most adult dogs are unable to digest milk. But their digestive system copes with fermented milk products of medium fat content. Choose cottage cheese with a fat content of 5-9%, kefir 3-3.5% and yogurt with a shelf life of no more than 7 days.

These products contain a lot of protein and are easily digestible. Remember that fermented milk products must be selected individually. Usually, cottage cheese and kefir that are too fatty are not absorbed by the dog’s body. But some pets may be more sensitive. In this case, you need to abandon this type of product or try varieties with lower fat content.


They are rich in protein and various vitamins. This product is perfectly digestible. Both adult dogs and puppies can be given raw eggs chicken and quail. Moreover, the white does not need to be separated from the yolk.

I wonder what heat treatment does not affect the usefulness of the product. But nutritionists say that soft-boiled eggs are absorbed better.

Vegetables and fruits

The most beneficial thing in vegetables and fruits is pectin, which binds salts heavy metals, cholesterol and easily removes them from the body. It is better to give vegetables and herbs separately from the main food in finely chopped form, but if desired, you can grate them and mix them with meat.

It is allowed to feed your pet almost all types of vegetables: cucumbers, beets, pumpkin, cabbage, zucchini, bell pepper. Suitable greens include lettuce, parsley and dill. But dogs can’t eat sweets, so most fruits, especially exotic ones, are not given to your pet. But if the dog eats a few berries on summer cottage or wants to eat an apple, nothing bad will happen.


Cereals and bran

Cereals are used as a supplement to the main diet. They are needed to regulate intestinal microflora and improve peristalsis. They are usually mixed with milk.

Consults Breeder Sergey Ivanov

The basis of a dog's diet natural nutrition should consist of meat and dairy products. But the intake of this food must be divided. At one feeding you can give meat with vegetable oil and some vegetables at last, and in another - kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, which can be mixed with bran or raw egg 2-3 times a week.

Prohibited foods: what not to give to dogs

Meat of unknown origin

River fish

Low-fat dairy products

Even 2% fat cottage cheese can cause diarrhea and vomiting in your pet. And low-fat milk-based products are completely contraindicated.

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