Oxygen pillow for a cat with pulmonary edema. We find out the causes of pulmonary edema in cats: diagnosis, prevention and treatment

Pathological filling with fluid leads to pulmonary edema in cats, as a result of which the process of filling the blood with oxygen is quickly disrupted and progresses rapidly respiratory failure and hypoxia. If help is not provided on time, death from asphyxia occurs quickly, sometimes within a day or even several hours.


There are several types of pulmonary edema in cats:

Risk factors

Cardiogenic edema is most common in cats, as cardiomyopathy is characteristic disease, especially for purebred animals. But this misfortune also has good side: knowing about the risks, you can prevent the disease itself and its critical consequences. A predisposition to cardiomyopathy has been scientifically proven in some breeds. First of all, these are British and Scottish cats, large and active Maine Coons. To a lesser extent, but still at risk, sphinxes, Persians, Bengals and Abyssinian cats remain at risk.

However, it is also impossible to exclude the possibility of developing cardiac hypertrophy in other breeds: the development of this disease is determined by the physiology of the cat’s body, and the level of risk depends on general condition, hereditary factors, lifestyle. We can say that all representatives of domestic cats are at risk to one degree or another, it’s just that in healthier ones the pathological process does not have time to begin.

Clinical picture

Pulmonary edema in cats is accompanied by a complex of life-threatening symptoms. It is important to know them exactly in order to respond immediately:

Individually, these symptoms can appear even in healthy animals. For example, cats breathe with their mouths open when they are overheated or as a result of hyperactivity. But in this case, the symptom goes away within a few minutes if the animal is placed in a cool place or calmed down.

Wheezing and reflex cough may be a sign of infection respiratory tract, in this case, the dynamics of the increase in symptoms will not be pronounced. Pulmonary edema develops very quickly, in contrast to the clinical picture of respiratory infections.

The leading symptoms of edema are characteristic shortness of breath, cyanosis and signs of oxygen starvation. And most importantly: pulmonary edema is characterized by rapidly increasing dynamics of symptoms.


Accurate diagnosis is possible using x-ray lungs, which clearly shows changes caused by the presence of fluid in the tissues. However, basic symptoms are sufficient to provide assistance: regardless of the cause, the presence of signs of oxygen starvation requires emergency measures. Doctors often do not have time to clarify the diagnosis, since minutes count.

Typically, doctors begin diagnostic tests and examinations only after the emergency assistance. On the frontal and lateral images, darkening of the lungs and large vessels will be noticeable - this is a sign of the presence of fluid. With cardiomyopathy, the image shows a pronounced enlargement of the left side of the heart. On auscultation, characteristic wheezing and cardiac arrhythmias are recorded.

A little later diagnostic measures to determine the cause of swelling: ultrasound examinations, clinical and biochemical research blood and urine.


If suspicion arises, then one thing is required from the owner: not to panic and urgently take the animal to the clinic.

At the same time, we must remember that stress and excess drinking can only worsen the situation. Therefore, you need to provide your pet with complete peace and quiet, do not feed or water it - do nothing at all, just grab the cat and take it to the doctor. If it is not possible to take it immediately, then while waiting, the sick animal should be placed in the quietest room where it will not be disturbed, but there is no need to force it there: if it is easier for the cat to endure the state of oxygen starvation while standing, let it stand.

Moreover, there is no need to waste time calling for consultations and searching for advice on the Internet: even a couple of minutes can be fatal.


Pulmonary edema in cats belongs to the category of pathologies the treatment of which is possible only in a hospital setting, regardless of the severity and stage of the pathology.

First of all, all the veterinarian’s actions will be aimed at stabilizing the condition: restoring oxygen metabolism and removing excess fluid from the tissues of the lungs and other organs. Oxygen therapy is carried out different ways, depending on the severity of the condition: oxygen bag or box, artificial ventilation or emergency surgery. Used to remove fluid medications(diuretics, diuretics) or, in severe cases, thoracotomy.

Only after the start resuscitation measures, the doctor can begin the diagnostic process in order to find out the cause of the development of the pathology. But even after the patient’s condition has stabilized, observation is required: an animal that has suffered pulmonary edema requires treatment for the disease that caused it, as well as prevention of re-edema or possible complications.


The principles for preventing the occurrence of such a dangerous condition follow from the reasons.

First of all, condition monitoring is necessary of cardio-vascular system, especially in animals at risk: purebred cats, animals in postoperative period, as well as those suffering from epilepsy and allergies.

Animals must be treated with care acute infections, kidney pathologies.

It is important to avoid malnutrition, injury, poisoning and stress.

Pulmonary edema in cats - serious illness pets. The capillaries of the lungs become overfilled with blood, causing fluid to be released into the surrounding capillaries of the tissue. There are two types - cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic.

Factors causing pulmonary edema in cats

The photo shows an ultrasound of a 10-year-old cat with pulmonary edema.

Causes of a cardiac nature are called cardiogenic. This type of course occurs in heart failure. Insufficient left ventricular function provokes disruption of the pulmonary circulation, which, in turn, provokes stagnation of blood in the lungs and the release of water into the surrounding tissues.

Diseases that are provoking factors:

  • aortic heart disease;
  • mitral heart disease;
  • pulmonary embolism.

With cardiogenic factors, the lower parts begin to swell with a gradual transition to the bronchi.

In this state of affairs, the pulmonary alveoli cannot carry out normal gas exchange, as a result of which the cat experiences oxygen starvation, suffers from suffocation and dies if help is untimely. Forecast cardiogenic edema adverse.

Non-cardiogenic causes

Pulmonary edema can be caused by electric shock.

All other causes that provoke pulmonary edema are called non-cardiogenic. The factors are:

  • inhalation of hot air into the lungs;
  • prolonged inhalation of toxic chemical gases;
  • lobar pneumonia;
  • thermal or solar overheating;
  • infections of a viral or bacterial nature - pasteurellosis, plague;
  • electric shock;
  • brain injuries;
  • the presence of septic processes;
  • overdose of toxic drugs;
  • asthma;
  • malignant tumors.

Asthma can also cause pulmonary edema.

Diagnosis of pulmonary edema is based on anamnesis, visible symptoms, and medical history. By listening to the lungs and radiography.

Symptoms of pulmonary edema

Older animals with heart disease are most susceptible to the disease.

The main signs of the disease are manifested in the cat’s behavior. The pet spreads its legs wide and tilts its head, trying to inhale air. When touched, cold paws are felt. The animal can long time lying on your side, unable to get up anymore.

Fear comes first in the gaze, the eyes become empty, and the cat’s panic is felt.

  • The pet does not respond to the environment or the owner’s call.
  • Pallor of the oral mucous membranes followed by cyanosis is visible.
  • Breathing is difficult, accompanied by the release of pinkish sputum. Can be heard when coughing bubbling or gurgling sounds. Foamy nasal and oral discharge may occur, with the tongue protruding.
  • Rapid heartbeat followed by intermittent and weak heartbeat.

With pulmonary edema, the cat will look panicked.

Ends with paralysis of the respiratory nerves and death of an animal . The disease is very acute form, a lightning-fast course, but according to some signs it can be noticed in time and treatment can be started immediately. The onset of the disease is manifested by shortness of breath. The cat breathes more often with its stomach or open mouth. Breathing is very rapid and uneven, with periodic short coughing.

Having noticed such signs, the owner should immediately contact the clinic, otherwise delay threatens the inevitable death of the pet.

Is it possible to cure pulmonary edema in a cat?

Trying to help your pet yourself will inevitably end with the death of the latter. It's not worth even trying. You should take your cat to the clinic as soon as possible. The owner's only help may be furasemide to remove excess fluid.

But this measure is permissible only with full confidence that the cause lies in heart failure. Important condition when collecting for the clinic: do not allow the animal to become nervous in order to avoid complications during a new attack.

Resuscitation involves the use of an oxygen cushion; in more complex cases, a tracheotomy is performed.

It is recommended to prescribe diuretics - diuretics. Antifoam agents and vasodilators are used medicines. Heart medications to restore heart function. Perform bloodletting novocaine blockades sympathetic nodes. After elimination acute symptoms The cat is placed in a cool room with good ventilation, but it is important to avoid drafts.

The hospital maintains a cool temperature with good ventilation, but without drafts

Symptomatic therapy is indicated: expectorants, antibiotics. It is important to establish an accurate diagnosis and, after eliminating the crisis, to apply specialized therapy.

Disease Prevention

Pulmonary edema is a very serious disease, which in most cases ends in the death of the animal, so it is very important to follow the rules of necessary prevention.

Realize constant strict control over pets at risk: animals suffering from obesity, leading sedentary lifestyle life. It is necessary to keep an eye on pets with heart disease, genetic predisposition to heart diseases.

Pay attention to lazy cats!

Knowing about heart problems pet, you should carefully monitor all changes in his behavior and at the slightest warning signs Contact your veterinarian immediately.


From all of the above, we can conclude: pulmonary edema is a serious illness with an unfavorable prognosis at the slightest delay, but it can be treated if pets are treated with due attention and care. A timely visit to the doctor is the key to a long life for your pet.

- one of the simplest, typical types surgical intervention in the world veterinary practice. Thousands of such operations are performed every day. This procedure is simple and can be performed even at home... however, this does not exclude a certain risk of complications. These include pulmonary edema after castration. The pathology is very rare, but still occurs.

With this pathology, the lumen of the bronchi and pulmonary alveoli are filled with foamy contents, and a strong degree of blood filling is noted. In such conditions, air exchange is significantly complicated or even impossible, as a result of which the animal, if it is in as soon as possible fail to provide qualified assistance, he will die from suffocation.

Usually, V the heart is to blame for the development of pulmonary edema, which in older animals is often worn out and enlarged. Congestion in the pulmonary circulation leads to problems. At general anesthesia the load on the organ increases (plus possible “side effects” from anesthetics), as a result of which left atrium and the ventricle can no longer cope with its work. They allow part of the pumped blood to pass in the opposite direction, causing respiratory system a lot of “surplus” accumulates. Gradually, the blood plasma is squeezed into the lumen of the bronchi and alveoli, which, as we already remember, causes edema to develop.

Clinical picture of the pathology

It is quite simple and characteristic, the symptoms are pronounced and clearly visible even to an inexperienced breeder. The animal suddenly begins to choke, its breathing becomes intermittent and hoarse. All visible mucous membranes turn blue, body temperature may rise slightly at first, but then always drops so that even skin cats become noticeably cooler than normal. The pet is choking, coughing heavily, and flaky pieces of foam periodically fly out of its nasal openings and mouth.

Note that Pulmonary edema in a cat does not always develop immediately after castration. Many cases have been described where animals “fell over” a week after surgery! By the way, in such cases it can be extremely difficult to connect sterilization and swelling. It is quite possible that more than 70% of “delayed” cases actually have nothing to do with castration and are caused, for example, by poisoning. Since cases are rare, no one has simply conducted detailed studies. What causes can be identified for “true”, postoperative pulmonary edema?

Main predisposing factors

Very often this happens in cases where the cat being operated on has cardiomyopathy. With this pathology, the heart can either turn into a kind of flabby sac (dilated type), or shrink due to proliferation connective tissue. There are also transitional and mixed varieties.

Regardless of the type of illness, it always leads to the same thing - the organ ceases to perform its function normally, and congestion develops in the pulmonary circulation. In this case, any operations, including castration, are strictly contraindicated. In addition, the sick cat will have to undergo treatment for the rest of its life to ensure its quality of life remains at an acceptable level.

This also includes all types of allergies.. If your pet is predisposed to their development, we strongly advise you not to castrate your cat “at random”. Take him to the vet in good clinic ahead of time, let a specialist test it different kinds sedatives and will select the one whose use will minimize the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction. Otherwise, it may well happen that the pet will die, suffocating, right on the operating table.

Finally, you should never discount individual drug intolerance. Thus, in the recent past, xylazine was very often used during anesthesia (and even now it is often used). This medicine very often provokes the development of pulmonary edema in cats, and many cases of the “delayed” version of the pathology are known. However, it is extremely difficult to prove the relationship between xylazine and the swelling that occurred a week after surgery. But experts and experienced breeders are confident that a relationship exists.


What treatment is prescribed for the development of pathology? Urgent. If this happened during the operation, then, of course, it should not be interrupted. It is urgent to intubate the cat, ensuring the proper degree of oxygenation of the animal’s tissues, and administer medications that support the pet’s respiratory and pulmonary function.

If there is a suspicion of an allergic nature of the pathology, antihistamines are administered in loading doses. Of course, in such cases the cat should not be sent home immediately. He should be under the supervision of a veterinarian for at least 24 hours.

When the animal recovers from anesthesia, During the first three hours he is strictly forbidden to give him much to drink. Subsequently, the pet is prescribed diuretics that can prevent relapses of edema. In addition, a full medical examination of the cat is mandatory. Its goal is to find out exactly what causes led to the development of pulmonary edema. For this purpose, the following diagnostic techniques are used:

  • Tests of blood, urine, and other biological fluids.
  • Ultrasound and radiography chest. Special attention should be given to the condition of the heart.

Further therapeutic techniques directly depend on the pathologies identified with complete medical examination cat

Young domestic cats are distinguished by excellent health and the ability to recover even from the most serious injuries, but over the years the situation changes and the animal’s condition worsens. The reasons for the appearance of fluid in the lungs of a cat are extremely varied.

If fluid constantly accumulates in a cat’s lungs, this requires targeted therapy. The survival prognosis largely depends on the etiology of the pathology. The thing is that many unfavorable factors can lead to the gradual accumulation of transudate in the tissues of the respiratory organs. Most often, such a violation is a consequence of the development of severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Typically, cats over 15 years of age begin to develop diseases that lead to the fact that the heart can no longer fully pump blood. Poor pumping function combined with high pressure cause blood stagnation in the pulmonary blood vessels. The capillaries in the lungs become more permeable and the blood plasma begins to saturate the tissues of the respiratory organs. At the same time, the problem does not always lie precisely in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In some cases, pulmonary edema in a cat is non-cardiogenic. Impaired drainage function of the respiratory system may be associated with severe allergic reactions and septic tissue damage. Among other things, such disruption of lung function is often a consequence of severe traumatic brain injury, electric shock or neurogenic edema of any etiology.

Quite often, fluid in a cat’s lungs may accumulate if there is malignant formation. Tumors put pressure on the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, causing an increase in pressure in them, due to which plasma and lymphatic fluid saturate the tissues of the respiratory organs. In some cases, the processes of saturation of the lungs with transudate are associated with inflammatory diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature.

Under certain circumstances, pulmonary edema can be caused by disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. A decrease in the production of special proteins in the cat’s body leads to the fact that blood vessels become more permeable.

Filling an animal's lungs with fluid should not go unnoticed by pet owners. The symptoms of this pathological condition are quite noticeable. If fluid in a cat's lungs accumulates gradually and in small quantities, the animal, as a rule, behaves very restlessly, tries to avoid being touched and hides under beds and in other secluded places.

With a significant accumulation of transudate, more characteristic symptomatic manifestations appear, including increased breathing, shortness of breath, and the mucous membranes of the animal acquire a bluish tint. Wheezing and gurgling in the chest are clearly audible. In some cases, your cat may begin to cough up small amounts of liquid. Considering that the animal does not have enough oxygen, it can take poses with its front legs widely spaced, trying to increase the size of the chest. If there are any signs of fluid accumulation in the animal's lungs necessary measure is a visit to the veterinarian.

To determine the problem, an X-ray of the cat’s chest and a number of other studies are usually performed that help identify the root cause of the pathology. To improve the general condition of the animal, diuretics are usually prescribed to remove it from the lungs. excess liquid. In severe cases, placing the animal in a special oxygen chamber is indicated. These therapies can at least temporarily improve the cat's condition, but cannot eliminate the root cause of the problem. Further treatment animal is carried out taking into account the disease that caused the accumulation of fluid in the lungs.

If pulmonary edema in a cat is caused by cardiac problems, the doctor may prescribe supportive therapy to eliminate the existing manifestations and prevent the animal’s premature death. Septic, allergic and inflammatory diseases, therefore, if they are identified, pulmonary edema can be eliminated completely.

Despite the fact that in some cases an animal in which transudate accumulates in the respiratory organs can be successfully treated, if severe forms even targeted therapy is often useless. To prevent the death of a cat from pulmonary edema, it is necessary to contact a veterinary clinic at the first manifestations of the pathology, as this will increase the chances of recovery.

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