Corn oil - benefits and harms, use, contraindications. What is good for us, why is such delicious corn oil dangerous?

Healthy corn oil has valuable properties, is widely used in medicine, hair care, facial care, and is a valuable product, according to reviews. It is divided into unrefined and refined. The product is obtained from the germ of corn kernels. Check out beneficial properties, production technology, methods of application, dosage.

What is corn oil

Gold of the West or corn oil refers to vegetable oils first produced in the late 19th century in America. In fact, it is oily, reminiscent of sunflower, but differs in color - from light yellow to reddish brown. It has pleasant smell, has a balanced taste that does not interrupt the tastes of the products added to it, and hardens at minus 10-15 degrees. The production of corn oil allows the product to be used like any vegetable oil. It does not foam when frying, does not burn, does not emit smoke, and does not form carcinogens.


The composition of corn oil is similar to soybean oil, it includes tocopherol (vitamin E) and fatty plant acids ( linoleic acid, oleic, stearic, palmitic), contains vitamins (provitamin A, group B, PP, F), minerals (iron, magnesium, potassium). There are several types of product:

  • refined, deodorized, cold pressed – marked with the letter D, used in dietary nutrition;
  • refined deodorized for catering - P;
  • refined, non-deodorized – useful to eat with salads;
  • unrefined oil - rarely used in cooking because it may contain residues of pesticides and harmful substances used in growing corn.

Calorie content

According to its BZHU indicators (the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates), oil is classified as a fatty food product. The fat content is at the level of 99.9%, and there is no protein, ash, water, or carbohydrates at all. The calorie content of the product depends on the type of processing, approximately 899 kilocalories per 100 ml. Salads are seasoned with oil, meat, fish, and vegetables are fried in it. In industry, the product is used in the production of mayonnaise, sauces, baked goods, and ready-made dough.

Manufacturing technology

To prepare the product, germs are used, which contain up to 10% in corn seeds. Press or extraction methods are used. Germs are considered a natural component and by-product of corn grain processing, their oil content is 32-37%, the composition includes up to 18% protein, 8% starch, 10% sugars, and minerals. Fat contains up to 80% of the volume of corn grain, plus 20% protein, 74% minerals.

For production, a wet or dry method is used. The disadvantage of the latter is considered to be low quality, and the disadvantage of the former is the high starch content. Steps to make corn oil:

  • corn germs are cleaned of impurities;
  • crushed on grooved and five-roller rollers;
  • fry the resulting mint;
  • pressed on screws;
  • primary purification;
  • prepare the cake for extraction;
  • pour a special solution and get the finished product.

What are the benefits of corn oil?

Nutritionists and doctors highlight the following beneficial properties of corn oil for humans, which are applicable in practice:

  • rich in vitamin E - twice as much as sunflower or olive oil;
  • the substance helps normalize the functioning of the endocrine, reproductive systems, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland;
  • product increases muscle tone, increases the body's endurance;
  • provides protective effect on the genetic cellular apparatus, prevents mutations due to chemical substances and ionization;
  • increases resistance to infections and viruses due to unsaturated acids;
  • antioxidant property lecithin – used in the manufacture of confectionery and cosmetics;
  • cleanses blood vessels from excess bad cholesterol;
  • improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and hematopoietic function with the help of vitamin K;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids satisfy the body's need for Omega-6;
  • actively regenerates tissues, has dietary properties;
  • phytosterols prevent the formation of malignant tumors;
  • useful for pregnant women for fetal development.

For the body

  • stimulation of the gallbladder;
  • to improve metabolic processes during diabetes mellitus, intestinal disorders;
  • external use for treating burns, healing wounds, cracked lips;
  • reduction in cholesterol in the body, relaxation of the smooth muscles of the gallbladder and ducts;
  • active choleretic, hypocholesteric effect;
  • treatment of atherosclerosis, psoriasis, eczema.

For hair

Corn oil for hair is actively used by cosmetologists. Can be used on the scalp and main hair length. Rubbing the heated product an hour before washing strengthens the roots. For greater effect, it is recommended to wrap your head in a warm, damp towel. To restore dry ends, the wrap is done under a plastic bag. Hair becomes soft and smooth.

For face

Corn oil for face and body prevents skin aging due to its antioxidant properties. In cosmetology, lecithin is found possible ways Applications:

  • wiping age spots, applying a fruit mask;
  • mask with honey, egg yolk – eliminates small wrinkles, apply the mask to the skin for 20 minutes;
  • eliminating cracks – warm compresses with the addition of a couple of drops of iodine, can be used on hands (15-minute baths);
  • massage the face, hands and body when mixing the product with essential oils.

How to take corn oil

Due to its high digestibility (95-98%), the benefits of corn oil for the body are great; it is recommended to consume up to 75 g of the dietary product per day. It is used for therapeutic nutrition, in folk medicine:

  • for liver diseases, biliary tract, kidney stones, cardiac edema, internal bleeding, hypertension, atherosclerosis – a tablespoon twice a day for a month;
  • for natural stimulation of the gallbladder - a tablespoon twice a day, 35 minutes before meals;
  • for hay fever, migraine, asthma, skin diseases– 20-25 ml three times a day, half an hour before meals;
  • for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema - drink a tablespoon with food, with a glass warm water with apple cider vinegar, a spoonful of honey, twice a day.

Contraindications for use include individual intolerance to the components, allergic reactions for legumes, cross products. Possible health harm from regular consumption of the product: increased blood viscosity, clotting disorders, increased risk of blood clots. An excess of corn germs in the diet leads to decreased immunity. If the oil is not stored correctly, there is a risk of the formation of free radicals, which negatively affect the body.

Corn oil contains a record amount of unsaturated fatty acids - 86%, saturated fats make up only 10-14%. Leads in the presence of linoleic and oleic acids (56% and 49%, respectively). In large proportions: palmitic, stearic. Also present: myristic, arachidic, hexadecenic, lignoceric. There is a fatty aromatic substance - ferul. Vitamins: PP, A, B1, B2, K, F, E, K. The presence of vitamin F is twice as high as olive and sunflower oil. There is a saturation of tocopherol (vitamin E). In 1 tbsp. l. corn oil contains 3 daily norms of vitamin E. Mineral compounds: phosphorus, iron, nickel, copper, etc.

How it affects the body

Corn oil is a product that has a powerful antioxidant effect; it slows down aging, preserves health and beauty. Regular use prevents the development of tumors, increases vascular permeability, tones the immune system, lowers cholesterol levels, blocks the deposition of fatty plaques and the formation of blood clots. Has anti-cancer properties. The ability to not only suppress growth is noted malignant tumors, but also the destruction of cancer cells.

Corn oil is good for nervous system, improves mood, helps with emotional problems, protects against stress. Improves the condition of the liver, biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract and excretory system. Is prophylactic cardiovascular problems (thrombosis, atherosclerosis, heart attack). Eliminates spasms, relieves headache, allergic reactions, promotes weight loss, normalizes metabolism. Restores blood flow, stimulates mental activity, removes toxins, cleanses the intestines. Positively affects blood composition, regulates coagulation.

With the systematic use of corn oil, the activity of the endocrine system is normalized, and a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland is observed. The beneficial properties of corn oil include the ability to tone muscular system, increase performance, relieve signs of fatigue. An amutogenic property is noted: protection of the genetic apparatus from cellular mutations, which is especially important when the body is exposed to radiation and chemicals.

How to choose correctly

The healthiest corn oil is unrefined. It is distinguished by its rich dark color and aromatic taste. Stores usually sell refined ones. Oil marked “P” or “D” is ideal for frying. In any case, the bottle must be hermetically sealed and have a production date. Quality is determined by the absence of sediment, viscosity and transparency.

Storage methods

Unrefined oil quickly deteriorates (becomes bitter) and cannot be stored for more than 4 months. Refined does not change quality for 1 year, special conditions does not require, except for the presence of a dark room and a temperature not higher than +40. If the seal of the packaging is broken, the product must be stored in the refrigerator.

What does it go with in cooking?

The neutral taste of refined corn oil opens up the possibility wide application. Various sauces, mayonnaise are produced based on the oil; it is added to dough, meat, vegetable and fish dishes, used in confectionery. The resistance of corn oil to high temperatures is especially valued (it does not burn, does not form carcinogens), so chefs prefer this product for frying, stewing, and deep-frying.

Healthy combination of products

Corn oil has a rich vitamin composition and many useful elements. Actively used in children's and dietary nutrition. It occupies a leading position in weight correction programs and increases the effectiveness of diets. Stimulates metabolic processes, affects the functionality of the intestines.

The use of corn oil in weight loss diets gives good results. Used for dressing vegetable salads and side dishes. Ideal for dishes made from beets, turnips, pumpkins, carrots, rutabaga. When compiling a diet, it is important to remember that fats should not exceed 25% of the daily menu, usually 1-2 tbsp. spoons.


Corn oil is not recommended in large proportions if you are prone to obesity. Increased blood viscosity increases the risk of blood clots. Oversaturation can lead to allergic reactions and inflammatory processes.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Allergic rhinitis is treated with corn oil, thermal burns, migraine, skin irritations, peeling. Traditional healers use it for rejuvenation, improving the functioning of the liver, stomach, endocrine system, intestines, gall bladder (one tablespoon an hour before meals). Recommended for improving the condition of blood vessels, for abdominal pain, and constipation. Used for scaly eczema, mastopathy, fractures, sprains, during pregnancy, to enhance lactation during breastfeeding.

Corn oil is included in the diet for obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes, asthma, high cholesterol, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Prescribed for nervous disorders, dermatitis. Take with meals to cleanse blood vessels, increase potency, increase blood flow, and prevent capillary fragility. For insomnia, the oil is rubbed into the back of the head.

In cosmetology, corn oil is a popular remedy for strengthening and healing hair. To enhance growth and eliminate seborrhea, rub warm oil into the skin and make compresses. Used in face masks that are suitable for dry and aging skin. Such procedures rejuvenate, increase protective functions, nourish, improve the color and structure of the skin, and promote the healing of small cracks.

Corn oil is much better than sunflower oil due to the fact that it does not evaporate during frying and does not emit carcinogens. In addition to these characteristics, the composition has impressive list useful substances. All of them have a beneficial effect on human health, but if used inappropriately, the composition is quite capable of causing harm. Let's look at the main aspects.

Types of Corn Oil

There are different types of corn oil available today.

  1. Marking "P" - unrefined, unrefined composition. This oil has a pronounced odor and a dark tint. In most cases, the herbal product is actively used in the industrial sector.
  2. Marking “SK” - such raw materials are subjected to refining and deodorization. The plant extract has a pleasant rich aroma with an amber tint. Corn oil of the presented labeling is in demand in the culinary world for the preparation of lard and fats.
  3. Marking “D” - raw materials undergo deodorization and refining. The oil is no longer odorless, but boasts a characteristic yellowish color. Herbal component Designed for preparing children's and dietary dishes.
  4. Marking “P” - as described earlier, the oil undergoes deodorization and refining. The composition has no odor and has a pleasant yellow tint. Such raw materials are in demand for sale through retail chains.

Composition and properties of corn oil elements

All the beneficial substances found in corn oil have a beneficial effect on health important systems and organs.

  1. The product is rich in linoleic acid, which is responsible for the correct functioning of the heart muscle and controls the balance of blood sugar. This substance also normalizes the psycho-emotional environment and enhances metabolic processes. The action is supported by oleic acid, which is also contained in the oil.
  2. A special place is given palmitic acid, it saturates the body with energy and raises the “fighting” mood. Not without the inclusion of stearic and arachidonic acids. They contribute speedy recovery after a hard workout, cholesterol is removed from the cavity of the blood channels.
  3. Retinol, otherwise called vitamin A, maintains skin turgor by increasing collagen production. The same element, in combination with tocopherol (vitamin E), cleanses the body of toxins and poisons of a different nature.
  4. Thiamine corrects activity digestive tract, reduces the likelihood of food stagnation in the intestines. Vitamin B1 improves carbohydrate metabolism, preventing sugar from turning into fat.
  5. The most valuable vitamin P is also found in corn oil. It is needed to improve vision and prevent glaucoma. Rutin, as it is also called, enhances absorption ascorbic acid, prevents premature aging fabrics.
  6. Vitamin D improves the activity of the central nervous system, reduces the impact of stress on the psyche, strengthens bone tissue, nail plates and teeth.
  7. Vitamin K in large quantities promotes rapid healing of wounds due to its regenerating properties. Phylloquinone prevents osteoporosis in older people and women during climatic periods.
  8. Tocopherol acts as a natural antioxidant that maintains skin and hair health at the proper level. Vitamin E increases metabolic processes, tightens the walls of blood vessels and removes cholesterol from the cavity of the blood channels.
  9. Ascorbic acid, which is otherwise called the well-known vitamin C, is needed to increase the body's defenses. This element stimulates the production of thyroid enzymes and normalizes the activity of the entire endocrine system.
  10. A special place is given minerals, there is an excess of them in corn oil. We will mention only the most valuable ones, such as copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium.
  11. Copper is required for complete hematopoiesis and the production of red blood cells, iron increases hemoglobin and prevents anemia. Calcium strengthens bones and teeth, magnesium and potassium are necessary for the correct functioning of the heart, kidneys, and liver.

Indications for taking corn oil

  • disrupted diet;
  • blockage blood vessels cholesterol;
  • unstable activity of the endocrine system;
  • problems with the functioning of the gallbladder;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • the presence of atherosclerosis;
  • skin problems such as eczema and increased dryness;
  • frequent headaches;
  • manifestations of asthma and breathing problems;
  • seasonal diseases and infections.

  1. Reception of raw materials has a beneficial effect on operations circulatory system. Despite the accumulation of acids, cholesterol accumulations are removed from the vascular cavity. Against this background, prevention of atherosclerosis and thrombosis is carried out.
  2. The oil has a positive effect on eye health. Regular consumption of raw materials promotes the production of natural tears, strengthens eye muscles, increases visual acuity. The product must be taken in small doses to prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
  3. There is no sodium in the composition, this feature is appreciated by people who suffer from kidney disease and increased blood pressure. The oil is also useful for categories of people with high intracranial pressure to relieve headaches and migraines.
  4. The product is completely natural, so the oil is used for allergic skin rashes and other dermatological ailments. The wound-healing properties encourage people to lubricate abrasions and cracks with oil.
  5. The product is in demand in cosmetology. Oil is added to home hair remedies to prevent and treat dandruff, seborrhea, alopecia, and dryness. If you lubricate your facial skin with this raw material, the number of wrinkles will decrease.
  6. Corn oil is famous for its list of substances, which is completely balanced. When you receive raw materials, you will make up for the deficiency in useful elements, strengthen your immune system during the off-season and the spread of flu.
  7. Thanks to the accumulation of vitamins from group B, the composition has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. With its regular consumption, insomnia, nervousness, fast fatiguability, chronic fatigue. It is especially useful to drink oil for people who work with mental work.
  8. The oil is taken for intestinal problems and constipation. It lubricates the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, making food easier and faster to digest, and after a meal there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach. The product frees the gastrointestinal tract from toxins and waste, promoting weight loss.
  9. Oil from corn grains is prescribed for consumption by categories of people suffering from heart ailments or who have a tendency to develop them. Polyunsaturated acids the composition of the raw materials prevents myocardial infarction, stroke, ischemia, tachycardia and other pathologies.
  10. In case of new growths of the fungal type, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with a squeeze of corn seeds. The composition kills spores and promotes healing. Also, the diuretic properties of the oil help relieve swelling.

Rules for using corn oil

  1. To prevent vitamin deficiency and seasonal diseases, it is recommended to take about 20 ml. oils per day. A standard procedure will help strengthen immune system and improve overall well-being.
  2. If you are faced with the problem of impaired gallbladder activity, then the oil should be taken in 30 ml doses. 40 minutes before the start of the meal. This procedure is carried out twice a day. The raw materials will help normalize the production of bile, and congestion in the ducts will disappear.
  3. For skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, you can resort to help traditional medicine and corresponding recipes. Take 40 ml twice a day during meals. vegetable oil. Take 250 ml of the mixture. boiled water, diluted 30 ml. apple cider vinegar and 25 gr. flower honey.
  4. In the presence of skin lesions in the form of scratches, abrasions, cuts and burns, it is recommended to resort to the help of a corn composition. Systematically treat problem areas with oil; soon the wounds will heal without problems.

For hair growth and baldness

  1. A mask made from raw materials has a beneficial effect on hair and returns it to its former health, eliminating serious problems. Remedy in pure form must be rubbed directly into the skin. It is not recommended to apply the composition to curls.
  2. To enhance the effect, the oil can be heated to steam bath to an acceptable temperature. Warm yourself with a cosmetic cap and towel. Leave the mask on for about 1 hour. Rinse it off natural shampoo. The course lasts about 5-7 months.

For the treatment of the gallbladder

  1. Consuming corn oil daily as a salad dressing will help increase bile flow. As a result, the activity of the gallbladder improves. Also, the raw material goes well with various cereals.
  2. Corn oil can also be taken in fresh. To do this, drink 50 ml. plant composition on an empty stomach 30 minutes before a meal. The course lasts for half a month, after which you need to take a break of 10 days. Further treatment can be continued according to the same scheme.

For the skin

  1. During periods of unfavorable weather and cold seasons, many people face unpleasant problem in the form of peeling and dry skin.
  2. To replenish the body's need for essential enzymes and return the epidermis beautiful view, you need to drink 20 ml. oils on an empty stomach. It is also recommended to moisturize the skin before bed.

Corn oil contraindications

  1. The herbal product has a small number of contraindications, including individual intolerance. With this feature, raw materials can be harmful.
  2. Treat oil with caution if you are not sure of its freshness. The spoiled product must not be accepted or used. This oil is cloudy, bitter and bad smell.
  3. The product may deteriorate if stored incorrectly or for a long period of time. It is also worth limiting oil intake if you are prone to obesity.

Corn oil is rightfully considered the best herbal product with a minimum number of contraindications and great benefit For human body. Check out the beneficial properties and medicinal qualities. Use the oil wisely and do not overuse it.

Video: 7 vegetable oils that are harmful to your health

One of the most valuable vegetable oils considered corn. Residents know this well Latin America, who prefer this of all oils.

At our latitudes, corn oil is inferior in popularity to vegetable sunflower oil. But maybe the whole point is that we know little about the benefits and harms of corn oil.

Corn oil has been studied since the end of the 19th century, when it was first obtained. But the beneficial properties of corn seeds have been known for a long time. The plant was considered the gold of the fields, as it was part of daily diet food for local residents.

Corn oil production.
Corn oil, like many other oils, is produced in two forms:

♦ unrefined. This oil contains more vitamins and other beneficial substances. However, it may contain contaminants from chemicals that were used to grow the corn. In addition, unrefined oil deteriorates faster than refined oil;

♦ refined (deodorized) . At the deodorization stage, harmful impurities and substances that give the oil a specific odor are removed from the oil. This allows you to neutralize the oil and extend its shelf life. However, along with this, there are also fewer useful substances in it.

Composition of corn oil .

1. Unsaturated fatty acids:

  • linoleic, or Omega-6. Strengthens the body's defenses, normalizes blood clotting),
  • oleic, or Omega-9. Is building material for body cells, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol.

2. Vitamin E (). Since this vitamin is fat-soluble, it is perfectly absorbed in the oil. It is necessary to preserve youth, improve the functioning of the gonads and as an antioxidant.

3. Lecithin. It brings energy to the body and is a building material for cells. Improves the functioning of the nervous system, liver and brain.

4. Vitamins: provitamin A, B1, B2, PP, F;

5. Minerals: iron, magnesium, potassium.

The benefits of corn oil.
  • prolongs the youth of body cells;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, improves skin color, restores the protective function of the skin;
  • saturates the body with useful substances;
  • protects the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol accumulations;
  • improves cardiac activity;
  • strengthens the body.

Using corn oil.

Use in cooking. Corn oil is the best option for frying, sautéing and deep-frying foods. Unlike sunflower oil, corn oil begins to form carcinogenic substances only when very high temperatures Oh.

For everyday frying, sunflower oil may be suitable, but for long-term frying in large quantities of oil, it is better to choose corn oil. In addition, the oil does not foam, does not burn and is used sparingly.

Corn seed oil is used to make mayonnaise, sauces, and baked goods. Since this oil has many beneficial properties, it is used in the production of baby food And dietary products. Corn oil is well absorbed by our body.

Use in folk medicine.
1. For the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. Take 1 tbsp twice a day with meals. l. oils It should be washed down with 200 ml of warm boiled water, to which 1 tbsp was previously added. l. apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp. natural honey. The course of treatment is a month.

2. Healing of wounds, cracked lips, burns. Apply oil to damaged areas.

Application in cosmetology.
1. For hair. Heat corn oil to a pleasant temperature and massage it into your scalp. After this, dip in hot water a towel and wrap it around your hair. You need to wash off the oil from your hair with neutral soap.

2. To get rid of early wrinkles. Make a mask from 1 tbsp. oil, 1 tsp. honey and egg yolk. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then remove with a moistened cotton pad.

3. Removal of age spots. Wipe the problem areas with corn oil and apply a mask of fruit pulp on them.

4. For hands and nails. Prepare a bath of heated corn oil and add 3-5 drops of iodine to it. Place your hands in the bath and hold them for 15 minutes. In addition, you can apply corn oil to the skin of your hands before going to bed and put on cotton gloves on top.

Harm of corn oil.
Corn oil has no contraindications. Harm to the oil can only occur if you have an individual intolerance to corn. Otherwise, he advises you to safely use corn oil in cooking and home cosmetics.

What are the benefits of corn oil:

There is a huge amount. Some of them are useful, others are not so much, so the use of each of these products has its own characteristics. Today we will talk about corn oil, find out what benefits it has and why its use is especially important for.

Production, types and brands of corn oil

The raw materials for the production of the product are not ripe grains of the “queen of the fields”, but only their embryos, which are isolated from grains industrially - wet or dry. IN the latter case the result is better, the product has more high quality, however, this requires a special squeezing technology called extraction, since normal method pressing by pressing is difficult increased content starch in such germs. But the “wet” separation of raw materials allows the use of press technology.
So there is two main ways that corn oil producers use are pressing and extraction.

At pressing the raw materials are first crushed in a special way and then under pressure (sometimes this happens in several stages with different pressure) healing “juice” is extracted from it. For this method, the raw materials must first be treated with heat and moisture.

Extraction is a more modern and economical way of producing a product, it is based on the ability vegetable fats dissolve in certain substances, in particular in regular gasoline. As a result of such processing, a very high-quality product is obtained, as well as a dry residue, which is called meal.

Did you know? Only a tenth of a corn kernel is suitable for oil production.

Exists two main types of corn oil- unrefined (unrefined) and refined. If speak about useful qualities, then all of them are fully represented in unrefined version, which underwent minimal purification and, accordingly, lost the least amount in its composition.
This type of oil is very easy to distinguish even visually - it is a little cloudy or has a slight sediment, and its color is deep orange. When you open the container, you will notice a distinct corn aroma.

Important! For all its usefulness, unrefined oil can become a real enemy if you decide to use it for... In addition to the fact that yours will be filled with acrid smoke and the smell of burnt oil, during the cooking process the unrefined product emits toxic substances, so such dishes will not bring anything good.

Refined corn oil It goes through five stages of filtration, making it much lighter and completely transparent. Unfortunately, along with various impurities and pesticides, the most valuable substances also leave the product, so its benefits are minimal. But you can fry wonderfully on it.

In addition to the usual refined corn oil, which still retains the lightness of the raw material, there is also deodorized refined product. It is obtained using heating to very high temperatures (250 degrees), as a result of which, as you can easily guess, everything that gives the oil taste and smell is completely removed. This is a neutral option that you can simply cook with. The dish will not have any additional taste or smell.
The deodorized version of the product may be marked “P” or “D”. The latter means that the product is intended for use in dietary or nutritional settings; it is more expensive, which, however, does not mean that it contains many other useful substances.

Finally there is oil frozen or cold pressed. This is a very good compromise between refined and healthy. This product does not foam, does not burn, does not smell, but is very rich, in particular, in those that decompose during heat treatment.

Of course, in addition to the cooking method, the quality big influence provides raw materials, compliance with production technology and the integrity of the manufacturer. For this reason, you should always purchase a product from well-known brands and avoid bottles with strange labels, as well as oils that are bottled directly in large quantities. shopping centers and have the logos of the corresponding supermarket (as a rule, such products are seriously inferior in quality to “branded” ones).

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of corn oil determines the raw materials from which it is made.

Did you know? The first mention of it dates back to the fifth millennium BC, although scientists believe that people began to deliberately grow this cereal much earlier. This is one of the most ancient agricultural crops. The first ears of corn were very small; in the process of breeding work, people managed to increase the size of the “ear” at least tenfold. Corn is native to Mexico and came to Europe thanks to Christopher Columbus.

Corn oil is very rich in vitamins, primarily (tocopherol). By the amount of this useful substance Corn oil is seriously inferior to sunflower oil, but it is ahead (in corn there is 18.7 mg of tocopherol, in olive oil - 14.8 mg, in sunflower oil - up to 41.8 mg).
The product also contains (thiamine), or PP (nicotinic acid), as well as.

But the main thing in oil is, of course, fats. In corn pomace there are a variety of: saturated (stearic, palmitic), monounsaturated (), polyunsaturated (linoleic), but the latter, the most useful, form the basis of the product: in unrefined oil total unsaturated fatty acids reaches 85%. Let us note, in fairness, that contrary to statements that are often heard from various sources, in reality, in terms of the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, corn oil is insignificant, but still inferior to sunflower oil. But there are just fewer not very healthy saturated fatty acids in sunflower oil than in corn oil.

What are the benefits of corn oil for the body?

Fatty acids and phytosterols, contained in large quantities in corn oil, are very useful for our. They reduce the level in the body, which is a wonderful prevention not only, but also. Oleic acid helps break down fats, preventing them from being deposited on our skin, which also makes it easier for muscles to work.
As you know, people suffering from fatty food. For this reason, “core people” traditionally try to avoid consuming any oil, both animal and oil, considering them equally harmful. In fact, the fats in such products are completely different.

Important! Butter rich in saturated fatty acids, while plant foods, in particular corn, are unsaturated. Saturated fatty acids are found in fatty acids, which are usually in a solid state at normal temperatures. A large number of Monounsaturated fatty acids in the product make it liquid, and with strong cooling, such products, as a rule, do not solidify, but only thicken.

Fatty acids contained in corn treasure thin the blood, being a prophylactic against thrombosis. Thus, the product is very beneficial for blood vessels. In addition, these same substances have the ability to heal wounds and ulcers, stop inflammation and help tissues recover. They also stimulate metabolic processes.

Vitamin E, which our butter is rich in, is sometimes called the vitamin of longevity. It prevents the formation of free radicals that cause processes in the body, thus we can say that corn oil is a natural elixir. In addition, tocopherol has a very good effect on the functioning of the gonads and is especially important during pregnancy.
Thiamine improves carbohydrate-fat and water-salt metabolism, participates in cellular respiration, has a beneficial effect on.

Nicotinic acid normalizes digestive processes and is also extremely beneficial for the nerves.

The corn miracle has the ability change the composition of bile, making it more saturated. Due to its choleretic properties, this product is extremely useful for people suffering from cholelithiasis, bile outflow disorders and other gallbladder pathologies.

Did you know? In the language of the Taino, the aborigines who inhabited the Antilles and Bahamas, Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and other lands of the New World before the discovery of America, corn was called “maize” (mahiz). Interestingly, in many European languages ​​this plant has retained its ancient name. Other familiar words have a similar origin, for example, canoe, tobacco, sweet potato.

Sometimes it is said that the substances contained in the pomace from corn grains (we are primarily talking about the polyunsaturated compounds mentioned above) fatty acids and vitamin E), are able to suppress the development of atypical cells, that is, the product has an antitumor effect.
In fact, this information has not been found reliable scientific justification, so expect to overcome malignant tumor vitamin, seasoned with aromatic oil, still not worth it.

Various Applications

Thanks to such numerous beneficial properties, corn oil rightfully occupies a leading position among its vegetable “competitors” and is widely used not only in cooking, but also in food production.

In cooking

If we talk about the refined version, then it is great not only for ordinary frying and stewing, but even for deep frying. It foams much less than sunflower oil, does not burn, moreover, to prepare the same portion of food you need much less of this oil (it must be admitted that the corn “version” is more expensive, so, as they say, the game is not worth the candle) .
And yet, experts advise: when you need a lot of fat (for example, for deep-frying), it is better to use corn oil rather than sunflower oil.

Important! Monounsaturated acids(Omega-9), which are more abundant in corn oil than in sunflower oil, are more resistant to heat than polyunsaturated fatty acids and Omega-6. They oxidize less when heated, and, therefore, produce less nasty stuff. During normal frying (it takes place at a temperature of about 165 °C), this circumstance can be neglected, but at higher temperatures (from 180 °C) the issue becomes fundamental.

For this reason, it is better to add corn-based fat to the dough when baking instead of sunflower fat.

In addition, the refined variety of the product is often used for cooking sauces, soups, and other dishes, when heat treatment is intended or the presence of a “foreign” odor is not required. For preparing dietary products or dishes for children, the deodorized, refined type with the letter “D” on the packaging is best suited. Interestingly, margarine on an industrial scale is usually prepared using corn oil.

For lips

Peeling and cracking lips It is recommended to lubricate with corn oil every time before applying lipstick. You can also prepare a special one that will help you easily remove keratinized particles of the epidermis from your lips, as a result, the skin on them will become soft and tender. Mix equal parts corn base and regular ground cinnamon, lubricate your lips with this mixture. After a quarter of an hour, gently massage the treated areas of the skin to remove softened particles of dead skin and only then rinse.

For hair

The benefits of corn oil for food are primarily explained by the presence in its composition nicotinic acid which not only strengthens, but also promotes their more intensive growth. All you need is to intensively rub a few tablespoons of the product into the skin, then wrap your head well with a towel to create the effect. After an hour, you can wash off the mask and wash your hair. regular shampoo. The procedure should be applied before each wash.

For hands and nails

It will be a very useful and pleasant procedure for our overworked people. warm baths from corn material. It should be warmed up a little, add a few drops and dip into the pre-washed liquid for a quarter of an hour. If this method of using a generally expensive product seems wasteful to you, you can simply use warm oil instead of hand cream.

After thoroughly rubbing the product in, put on special gloves for cosmetic procedures on your hands (if you don’t have any, you can use ordinary disposable plastic gloves, but the effect will be much worse). Take a quiet position and do nothing for an hour. Then remove gloves and wash.
By the way, something similar can be done with, this will make yours tender, like a baby’s. After a gentle pedicure procedure (treating steamed feet with a special stone, brush or pumice stone), the heels should be generously lubricated with corn oil, wrapped with film or a bag, put woolen socks on top of the polyethylene and lie down. remove the socks and film and wash your feet with warm water.

For massage

Corn oil is often used for anti-cellulite massage. For better effect To it you need to first add a few drops of your favorite ones, it’s better. After carrying out an intensive procedure for warming up problem areas, we wash off the remaining fat from the skin in.

How to choose the right one when purchasing

When choosing a product, you should first of all focus on proven brands. It is better if the product is packaged in a glass container rather than in a container, which is where it should be stored according to technological standards.

High price is not a guarantee quality product, but the cheapest product is definitely not best choice. If you doubt the manufacturer, choose the “golden mean” in the price range.

The unrefined variety of the product may have sediment, but the refined variety is always absolutely transparent, homogeneous and clean.

And, of course, be sure to make sure that the goods are not expired. The expiration date should be checked for any product; you should not rely on the seller’s integrity and expect that he will remove expired products from the shelf.

How to store at home

When storing any vegetable oil, you need to consider some standard rules.

Important! How oil is healthier, the shorter its shelf life. An unrefined cold-pressed product can be stored for no more than four months; refined oil, subject to necessary conditions, will retain its properties for 10 months (the packaging, however, may indicate an expiration date of one year).

After opening the sealed package oil should only be stored in. It is also important to ensure that light does not fall on the container (the refrigerator allows you to meet this requirement), since light destroys the most valuable vitamins in the oil. For the refined version, such a condition is not so fundamental, but it is still better to adhere to it.

Despite the indicated shelf life, the sooner you use the product after opening the container, the better.
Unrefined oil is more likely than refined oil to acquire an unpleasant odor after a long period of use, but in general, such a nuisance is possible for any type of product. Unrefined oil also quickly becomes cloudy and begins to taste bitter.

It is strictly forbidden to use a corn product after the expiration date, since it begins to oxidize over time and becomes harmful instead of useful. Using this can have a very negative impact on metabolic processes and digestive system our body.

Contraindications and harm

Corn oil doesn't have special contraindications. IN in moderation This product cannot cause any harm to the body.

Important! In order for the oil to bring benefits and not harm, daily dose it should be no more than two tablespoons per day, and we are not talking about the corn product individually, but about all the oils in total. Drinking vegetable oil by the glass is not healthy!

Another caveat concerns people who have food supply for the raw material itself from which the product is obtained, that is, for corn. If you have such an individual intolerance, you should, of course, avoid eating dangerous foods. But don't be upset! There are many other vegetable oils in the world that have no less beneficial properties than a product made from corn. Corn oil in last years is becoming increasingly popular, seriously displacing the usual sunflower and olive products on our tables. And this trend looks quite natural, because corn oil has a number of valuable qualities, which in some cases distinguish it favorably from other types of vegetable oils. It is only important to know these features of the product, be able to choose it and use its various types correctly, in accordance with their main purpose.

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