Large burdock (burdock). Burdock root and leaves - medicinal properties and contraindications. What does burdock cure? The use of oils, decoction, tinctures and juice of burdock for medicinal purposes: recipes

In nature, there are several types of burdock or burdock, but only large and felt ones have healing properties. It is quite difficult for an amateur who is not well versed in botany to distinguish these plants. In cooking they are cleaned, boiled or stewed and eaten. The delicacy is especially popular in Japan, where it is cultivated.

The list of beneficial properties of burdock is impressive, which is quite surprising for a weed that grows “under every fence” in the summer and clings to clothes with its thorns.

IN folk medicine All parts of burdock are used: stems, roots, seeds and leaves. Juice is squeezed out of parts of the plant, compresses, ointments, tinctures, decoctions and infusions are made. Pharmacies sell both simply the dried root of the plant and a number of medicines made from it. Treatment with burdock is not only the province of traditional medicine; it can be prescribed by qualified medical specialists, which significantly strengthens the “reputation” of the healing plant.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Although burdock is considered a weed, it contains many beneficial substances.

The roots, stems and leaves of the plant contain:

  • organic acids;
  • inulin;
  • tannins;
  • B vitamins;
  • proteins;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils.

The highest content of microelements is:

  • calcium;
  • gland;
  • zinc

Only the leaves contain vitamin C and carotene, and the seeds contain arctiin and fatty acid. The plant has a choleretic, diuretic and laxative effect. The benefits of burdock leaves include analgesic, disinfectant, antirheumatic and anti-inflammatory effects. Range medicinal properties the plant root is slightly wider: clinical studies Burdock root tincture has been shown to lower blood sugar and increase glycogen levels in the liver.

Thanks to high concentration antioxidants, are recommended to be taken for prevention and as a additional treatment oncology.

However, therapy with plant derivatives also has its contraindications. First of all, an obstacle to taking medicine from burdock may be individual intolerance to its individual components. Allergies can be identified either experimentally or with the help of a specialist. It is not advisable for pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children to drink decoctions or tinctures. By at least It’s definitely not worth experimenting without consulting a specialist.

Healing properties and rules of use

Medicinal properties big burdock practically completely identical to the properties of felt:

  • Burdock is effective for diseases of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder;
  • The juice of the plant is used to lubricate wounds, burns, bedsores and ulcers. Natural antiseptic often saves the situation when at hand special means No. Burdock leaf juice is much more effective and healthier than dusty plantain leaf;
  • The juice of the roots of the plant helps with ulcers, gastritis, diabetes and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • The product helps with weight loss: in just a week, a decoction of burdock cleanses the body;
  • IN Chinese medicine The juice of the plant is given to those who have been bitten by a snake to drink to detoxify the body.

You will learn all the details about the beneficial properties of burdock from the video:

You can buy a concentrated liquid at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself.
For this:

  • Leaves or roots are thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt;
  • Then soak for a couple of hours, squeeze out and dry thoroughly. It is important that raw water does not get into the finished medicine;
  • Then the mass is crushed, placed in gauze, folded several times, and squeezed out.

You need to take the medicine on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon three times a day. On average, the course of treatment usually does not take more than 7 days. This is followed by a break of 7-10 days.

The plant occupies a special place in cosmetology due to the fact that burdock heals whole line"cosmetic" diseases: from teenage acne and to dandruff.
Use it as a basis for:

  • shampoos;
  • balms;
  • creams;
  • lotions;
  • body milk

You can prepare the decoction yourself:

  • For every 50 grams of leaves, stems and roots, there are 150-200 grams of water;
  • The washed and dried parts of the plant are crushed, filled with water and brought to a boil;
  • You need to infuse the solution for about a day;
  • Then it is filtered.

Apply the decoction to problem areas of the skin or rinse your hair after washing.
The plant made a “name” for itself through the famous burdock oil, which is sold in every pharmacy. It's also easy to make at home. In a ratio of 1:2, crushed burdock roots are poured with olive oil. Leave for two weeks, and healing elixir beauty is ready.

Although the plant has goals nearby healing properties, its use is often limited to the treatment of diseased joints. For these purposes, fresh burdock leaves are cleaned of dirt and washed. Then lubricate with natural vegetable oil and apply the smooth “front” side to the sore spot. The top of the compress is covered with cotton wool and wrapped in cellophane to preserve it. temperature regime. It is recommended to apply the leaves at night. Usually, after the second application of the compress, the first results appear: sharp pains dull and the swelling subsides.

Apple cider vinegar can also help heal sore joints.

Burdock seeds: their medicinal properties and how to use them

Burdock seeds are used very rarely for treatment. Not because they are ineffective. They are simply more difficult to assemble and prepare. If the roots are collected at the end of spring, the leaves throughout the summer, then it will be possible to get to the seeds only in the fall. They can only be collected in dry weather, approximately between the end of September and mid-October. In some regions, capricious nature “pleases” with rains, which turn into a “chronic” stage. That is why collecting seeds that will be suitable for use in traditional medicine recipes is quite problematic.

Their benefit lies in a powerful laxative effect, and harm can only be caused by a severe overdose. Place 1 tablespoon of seeds into a saucepan with 200 grams of water. They are boiled for five minutes, and then the resulting decoction is allowed to brew thoroughly. Usually a few hours are enough, but you can extend this process over a whole day to make the liquid more concentrated. Drink a decoction of seeds, 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day before meals. The result makes itself felt by the evening of the first day of treatment for constipation.

Burdock tincture and its medicinal properties

Burdock tincture is used to treat gout, atherosclerosis, influenza, furunculosis and urolithiasis. The product has a long shelf life, and you can even prepare it at home.

By classic recipe you will need:

  • 250 grams of vodka;
  • 1 cup crushed burdock root.

The plant mass is simply poured with vodka and left for about a week in a dark, cool place. It is better to use a container for the medicine made of dark glass. After a week, the tincture is filtered.

All the details about the benefits of the tincture and various recipes You will learn how to prepare it from the video:

As a preventive measure, it is enough to drink 1 teaspoon per day. To treat colds, 3-4 times a day, 1 teaspoon of tincture is mixed with honey in equal proportions and consumed with hot tea. At urolithiasis The tincture is drunk for about a week, 2-3 times a day. To treat joints and muscles, the root is also added to it for greater effectiveness. You should be careful with the dosage, especially for diseases in severe stages. Consultation with your attending physician is considered mandatory.

Medicinal properties and contraindications for women

The product, thanks to its healing properties, has found its use in gynecology:

  • Burdock decoction helps normalize the menstrual cycle, which may be disrupted after surgery or due to a nervous breakdown;
  • The plant is also useful after childbirth: it helps a woman activate hidden reserves and restore strength after a difficult ordeal for the body;
  • Directly during menstruation, the active substances of burdock juice “save” a woman from painful cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • During menopause, a radical restructuring of the body to a new regime will be easier and with less stress if you systematically take medications plant based;
  • As is known, cystitis in chronic form Mostly only women are affected. Men because of the structure genitourinary system“this cup” has passed around. The cause of cystitis lies in the inflamed bladder, which burdock will help cure.

Although doctors prescribe burdock as a additional method therapy, but it still received a place of honor only in folk medicine. Burdock is especially respected in China.

Chinese doctors use the plant as a real panacea:

  • for colds;
  • flu;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • constipation;
  • and even syphilis.

Few people know that burdock decoction helps not only with snake bites and poisoning, but also to relieve hangover syndrome. Just half a glass of plant decoction is enough to stop the noise in your head and improve your mood. And you don't need newfangled Alco-Seltzer or classic cucumber pickle.

The strongest advantage of burdock can be considered its prevalence. An adaptable plant systematically covers more and more new territories.

To collect burdock, you just need to go outside and get close to the most impassable thickets of weeds. Just one such trip and the healing bush will be in your hands. All that remains is to “cook” it correctly.

Similar materials

Burdock. Medicinal properties

Burdock among medicinal plants it deservedly occupies an honorable place, although it is very unpretentious and grows wherever it can: along roads, in the garden, in the vegetable garden, near homes, in fields, along streams, rivers, in forests.

The leaves, seed fruits and roots of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.

Medicinal properties of burdock universal. Complex contained in burdock active substances unique. Especially widely used are burdock roots, rich in inulin (up to 45%) - a polysaccharide that is effectively used as a substitute for starch and sugar in diabetes mellitus. The roots are also rich in protein (up to 12%), essential oil (up to 17%), organic acids, resins and tannins.

Burdock leaves contain a large number of ascorbic acid, flavonoids, essential oil, mucus.

The healing properties of burdock have been known since ancient times. The plant is capable of providing diaphoretic, diuretic, lactic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, tonic, immunostimulating, antioxidant, wound-healing, antitoxic, blood purifying and antitumor effects. In addition, burdock preparations are good against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Herbal medicine includes burdock in herbal treatments kidney stone disease, dysbacteriosis, obesity, hemorrhoids, tachycardia, hyperthyroidism, ascites, radiculitis, alcoholism, stomatitis, erysipelas, radiation sickness.

Burdock is remarkable because it is non-toxic and has no contraindications or side effects.


Burdock roots are used to stimulate metabolism as a diaphoretic, diuretic, and absorbent. The leaves are used mostly for skin diseases and for compresses, and are also used as an anesthetic for back pain, joint pain, and sciatica.

To do this, burdock leaves are scalded with boiling water and applied to the sore spot, 5-6 pieces at a time, covered with compress paper on top and insulated with a woolen scarf. Fresh or dry burdock leaves are soaked or boiled in milk and used to treat joint pain, non-healing wounds, ulcers, mastopathy, burns, boils and abscesses.

Burdock is also used as antitumor agent . Traditional medicine often uses this plant for many diseases, even those that are difficult to cure. So burdock is often used as an herb against cancer. When the stomach is affected by a malignant tumor, burdock roots are used in the first year of life. Such roots are dug up in the fall, when the plant has completely withered. The root is grated and fresh eat 1-2 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. For future use, you can prepare juice from burdock roots, which is preserved with vodka in 1:1 parts.

Burdock juice is consumed 1 hour before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. The same juice is used for all types of gastrointestinal tumors.

Freshly squeezed burdock juice is useful for skin cancer - it is used both externally and for internal use.

Juice from burdock root is also very valuable because it effectively resolves cysts in the body, regardless of their location.

In addition to burdock root and its inflorescence, they are suitable for the treatment of cancer. It is useful to drink tea from inflorescences that were collected during flowering or fruiting. This tea is drunk for cancer of the liver, intestines, stomach, prostate and other malignant tumors. To prepare this tea you will need 8-10 inflorescences per 1 glass of boiling water. Tea has a mild laxative and antitumor effect.

Burdock is used as antitumor agent both alone and in mixtures. For example, for stomach cancer, traditional medicine recommends the following recipe: black poplar buds - 5 g, calamus root - 10 g, burdock inflorescences - 25 g, burdock roots 35 g, thistle - 50 g. The parts of the collection are mixed and crushed. Then 1 tbsp. pour 500 ml of boiling water over a boat of the mixture. Let it brew for 1 hour. Take 150 ml 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Burdock preparations are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseased liver . According to many herbalists, burdock roots are effective means for the treatment of the liver and pancreas. It is included in the relevant herbal infusions.

In equal parts, mix the roots of burdock and elecampane, yarrow herb, St. John's wort, knotweed and tripartite, chamomile and tansy flowers, and rose hips.

Pour 1 glass of water into 1 tbsp. collection spoon. Boil for 20-30 minutes over low heat, let steep for 30 minutes. Then squeeze out the raw materials. Take half a glass 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Using burdock to lower blood sugar. The insulin-like effect of burdock root has been experimentally proven. Therefore, it is effectively used to lower blood sugar both as monotherapy and as part of medicinal herbal preparations. For example, in initial stages A collection consisting of blueberry leaves, bean fruit leaves and burdock roots, chicory roots and flax seeds is useful for diabetes. Pour 1 glass of water into 1 tbsp. spoon of mixture. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat, cool, strain. Take 1 glass of decoction 3-4 times a day.

As a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent for inflammation of the genitourinary system An infusion of burdock leaves helps a lot.

1st method. Pour 2 cups boiling water over 2 tbsp. spoons of dry burdock leaves. Boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat, cover and wrap. Leave for 1 hour. Strain and drink warm 0.5 cups 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is a month. Break for 15 days and repeat treatment if necessary.

2nd method. Pour into an enamel bowl with 1 cup hot water 10 g (1 tbsp.) dry burdock roots (can be bought at the pharmacy). Close the lid and heat for 30 minutes in a water bath. Cool and drink half a glass warm 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is as in the previous recipe.

Unhealed wounds It is good to treat with burdock ointment. Recipe: pour 200 g of sunflower oil (or preferably almond oil) with 75 g of fresh crushed burdock root, leave for 24 hours dark place. Then cook for 15 minutes over low heat, strain and use for treatment.

Burdock - contraindications

Burdock contraindications relate to it internal use. Although there are no absolute contraindications for its use for treatment. For safety, pregnant and nursing mothers should still exercise caution when using burdock preparations, and also follow the prescribed doses.

To avoid adverse consequences, people prone to allergies and individual intolerances should consult a specialist about the contraindications of burdock before starting to use its preparations for treatment.

Now you know how to use wonderful medicinal properties burdock and its wide application V healing purposes. Hope they help you if needed. Be healthy!

The culture is biennial and is found everywhere. In our country, the plant has been used for healing purposes for quite a long time. And yet, beneficial effect its effect on the human body has not yet been properly assessed, since instant effect he doesn't give. Positive dynamics can usually be observed only after a long time. Further in the article we will talk about burdock leaves, as well as its use in cosmetology.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of burdock is in many ways similar to other, more traditional crops grown, and in some sectors even surpasses them. An important feature is that the leaves of this plant contain quite a lot of vitamin C, about 200-250 mg per 100 g of product. And this is 2 times more than standard daily norm, which a person needs to consume for normal functioning.

Did you know? The young leaves of the plant are edible. In many countries, and especially in Japan, this is grown as a crop. The roots are ground into flour, then added to the dough and baked bread products. Also, parts of the plant can be baked, boiled and even fried. The roots are replaced in soups, and they are also used to make flatbreads and cutlets. The Japanese even learned to make delicious jam from the plant.

So this plant will be an excellent helper in the fight against spring vitamin deficiency, and also cheaper among analogues. The leaves also contain many B vitamins, approximately 70% of the daily requirement, and a large amount of the prebiotic inulin, which helps solve existing problems with intestinal function.

The leaves of this culture contain many minerals, including iron, zinc, etc. But the calorie content of the product, with all of the above, is quite low, only 60-70 kcal per 100 g, which becomes a pleasant bonus for those who are watching their figure .

What are the benefits of burdock leaves?

Burdock is quite versatile in its healing properties. Preparations and products that are made on the basis of this plant are characterized by a number of useful qualities:

  • Detoxification. Tea, which is prepared from the leaves of the plant, can improve the overall functionality of the liver, as well as the kidneys, thereby increasing the rate of elimination of various toxins from the human body.
  • Fighting pimples and acne. If you regularly apply compresses from burdock leaves on areas of the skin where acne or pimples are present, then literally in a month general state skin will improve noticeably. More durable and quick effect can be achieved if, in parallel with compresses, teas from the same plant are included in the diet.
  • Treatment of psoriasis and eczema. Teas or soups made from burdock leaves, which will be included in daily diet nutrition will help perfectly in the fight against such unpleasant ailments. The first positive changes will become noticeable within a couple of weeks.
  • Diuretic effect. The diuretic properties of the plant will help solve problems that are based on inflammation or kidney stones. Also in cases where diseases are present urinary tract, burdock leaves will become an excellent remedy therapy.
  • Relieving Arthritis Symptoms. Burdock leaves also have healing properties for joints. Using them as a compress can reduce arthritis attacks. At the same time, you can also drink a course of tea made from the same plant. This treatment method can also help influence the development of gout.
  • Digestion. Burdock leaf tea works as a mild laxative. It can tone up the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Sunburn. Burdock can also be used as a treatment for burns. By mixing its leaves and proteins, you can prepare a remedy that will have a healing effect on skin burned under the sun's rays.
  • Correction of hormonal levels. The elements that make up the plant can affect endocrine system, thereby helping to reduce fluctuations in hormonal levels.
  • Herbal therapy. When preparing mixtures, you can include burdock leaves. The plant is rich in vitamin elements. The use of such funds will be an excellent prevention various kinds diseases. And compresses will put the sebaceous glands in order.

Application in folk medicine and cosmetology

Modern pharmacology has recognized the plant’s ability to help fight tumors of various origins. The effectiveness of this product has also been proven in the treatment of many diseases: diabetes, furunculosis, rickets, constipation, hemorrhoids, eczema, rheumatism, dropsy, etc. Burdock leaves can also be used to cure sexually transmitted diseases, and are also used for bites, including poisonous ones.

Important!- This universal remedy, which can be used in various directions. But do not forget about personal intolerance to any elements and, to be safe, consult a doctor before self-medicating.

Physiotherapy currently applies different shapes medicinal products based on burdock: infusions, decoctions, as well as oil extracts from various parts plants. The juice that is extracted from burdock leaves is especially widely used. It is noteworthy that the plant can be prepared for future use and used throughout the year in cases where the need arises.
The use of burdock in cosmetology is no less common. Preparations made from this plant perfectly stimulate hair growth and also fight skin rashes. Decoctions from the leaves of this herb, which should be used to rinse, help speed up hair growth. Help improve skin condition and get rid of acne alcohol tinctures from the green part of the plant.

Did you know? In 1948, engineer Georges de Mestral invented the now widely known Velcro fastener. According to the inventor, he was inspired by this idea when he saw a “bump” with burdock seeds attached to his dog’s fur.

Harvesting, drying and storage

Naturally, in winter it is unrealistic to find fresh burdock leaves; therefore, it is advisable to think in advance about the preparation of this useful raw material for future use. The optimal solution is drying. Burdock leaves as a whole or in crushed form should be thoroughly dried in a clean and well-ventilated room. It is important that direct rays of the sun do not fall on the raw materials.
In the summer, alcohol tinctures are often prepared based on the leaves of this plant. You will need glass containers (bottles), which need to be filled approximately 90% with raw materials, and then add vodka or diluted alcohol. The container must be tightly closed and then can be stored in a dry, dark place.

Important! Crushed leaves are perfect for making herbal formulations, and whole leaves are great for use as anti-inflammatory compresses. You can also prepare plant juice, but here you need to understand that as a result of sterilization, not all useful elements will be preserved. It is better to make juice from freshly cut leaves.

Burdock based recipes

Traditional medicine knows many recipes, the main ingredient of which is burdock, or rather its leaves.

Let's give Most Popular of them, with instructions on what exactly burdock leaves help with.

  • Fresh or dried leaves of the plant will perfectly help cope with headaches, as well as painful sensations in the spine and joints. To do this, you need to apply the fleecy side of the leaves to the sore spot. This type of procedure can be carried out an unlimited number of times. But if you plan to use a dried leaf, you must first soften it over steam. It is important to pay attention to which side to apply the burdock to the sore spot, otherwise high efficiency This kind of therapy will not achieve anything.
  • To stimulate the digestive system and also avoid symptoms of constipation, you can add fresh leaves to food, for example, to vegetable salads.
  • For diabetes, urolithiasis, and ulcers, you can use an infusion prepared from the leaves of the plant. You will need to pour 25 g of leaves with 250 g of boiling water. The infusion should be covered with a towel and allowed to stand for 4-5 hours. Next, you should take one glass of liquid a day before eating.
  • To prevent education malignant tumors in the intestines and stomach, you can use juice extracted from fresh leaves. This juice can be stored in the refrigerator for some time. Apply natural medicine you need 50 g once a day, mixing with, before meals.
  • A good incentive to improve the functioning of the glands internal secretion will be a tincture of burdock leaves in vodka. You will need to squeeze 250 g of juice from the leaves, then mix the juice with one glass of vodka and 250 g. The product can be stored in the refrigerator, and should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon until the drug runs out.

  • The juice of burdock leaves diluted in water will help treat liver and gall bladder diseases. The ratio of juice and water is 1:2. The product should be used 1 tbsp. l. before meals.
  • An ointment that you should prepare yourself will help get rid of skin problems (psoriasis, boils, ulcers, eczema). You need to take 50 g of burdock and pour boiling water over it (1 cup). The mixture should be boiled over low heat for about 5-10 minutes, after which half a pack should be added to the finished broth butter. The ointment should be rubbed with gentle movements as needed into problem areas of the skin.
  • Women who have problems with regularity menstrual cycle, can also resort to the help of burdock. You should squeeze the juice from the leaves (about 500 ml of the finished liquid), add 300 ml to it

Burdock, or burdock, is a plant that many people remember from childhood. This weed can be found in any area. His beneficial features known since ancient times, so burdock is boldly called folk plant . All parts of the plant are considered useful - from roots to seeds. The healing properties of burdock are used in various areas of medicine. In herbal medicine, its composition is still being studied.

Types of burdock

Like all common medicinal plants, burdock (photo) is easy to find on the Internet. There are 20 species of it in nature. In traditional and folk medicine, only three varieties of medicinal plants are most often used:

Science knows of many hybrid (modified) species that grow along roads. In hybrids it is difficult to determine species identity.

Chemical composition

The scope of application in medicine is wide - this is due to the richest composition chemical components. Essential Elements components of the plant:

The components complement each other and their effectiveness is enhanced together. Complex interaction allows the use of burdock to treat various diseases.

Burdock: beneficial properties and contraindications

In medicine, different parts of burdock are used for a specific disease. Medicinal properties of the burdock plant:

The list of properties and diseases for which the plant helps is very wide. But there are diseases for which burdock is used most often. These include:


Burdock – plant non-poisonous And non-toxic. It is almost impossible to get burdock poisoning. With prolonged use, only one side effect is possible - diarrhea. As with everyone medicinal plants, there are a number of contraindications to the use of burdock:

  • allergy to burdock components;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Allergic reactions can be either light or heavy. Therefore, when starting to use burdock products, you need to use small dose, to exclude allergies. People who have increased sensitivity to vegetable proteins, you should stop using the plant.

Restrictions on the use of burdock children don't have. But it is advisable not to use it in the first two years, since the child’s body is very sensitive to many allergens.

It is still not worth introducing burdock remedies on your own; consultation with a pediatrician is required.

The effect of burdock components on the fetus has not yet been fully studied. That's why burdock during pregnancy cannot be used internally. But short-term use in the form of ointments and lotions is allowed. But it has also not been established whether or not burdock substances penetrate into mother’s milk, so it is undesirable to consume it during this period. Burdock - healing properties and rules of use must strictly comply with the indications and dosage.

Burdock, how to prepare from juice, root, seeds

Beneficial properties of burdock juice

Burdock juice is considered the most healing in treatment liver diseases (hepatitis, hepatosis). What are the benefits of burdock juice? The astringent property of the juice is used for stomach disorders. It is the juice that can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Plant proteins have a beneficial effect on muscles and can improve the health of the entire body and improve the functioning of systems.

Zinc, iron, titanium, manganese, copper and others minerals concentrated in burdock juice.

It is customary to prepare juice at the end of May. The stems and leaves are used for cooking. They are thoroughly washed and only after that they are passed through a meat grinder, the juice is squeezed out and filtered. The liquid turns out bitter, dark green with a pronounced aroma.

Can be used internally or as medicine in medicine, cosmetology. For longer storage, the juice can be preserved by infusing it with ethyl alcohol or honey.

Burdock: medicinal properties

The root is no less useful than other parts of the plant. The root contains a large amount polysaccharides, acids, tannins, vitamins, essential oils, minerals and other substances. Burdock root remedies are used for a number of diseases and disorders:

Pancreatitis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, arthrosis, fever, viral diseases recede after using remedies from the plant's root.

The following medicines can be prepared from the root of the plant:

Women use the root of the plant as cosmetic product . Use the decoction to strengthen and with excessive hair loss. In the form of masks - for seborrhea of ​​the scalp and inflammation of the facial skin.

Medicinal properties of burdock seeds

The seeds also have healing properties. The seeds are very effective laxative. One spoon of seeds per glass of water is enough. The mixture is boiled for several minutes and infused for the same amount of time. Use before meals 2-3 times a day. You won't find a better natural laxative. For inflammation of the mouth and throat, the decoction is used as a rinse.

Burdock root reviews

Thanks to wide application, come across reviews about the use of burdock in cosmetics or medical purposes won't be difficult. Here are just a few of them:

"I have always been proud of my luxurious hair. But after pregnancy, all that was left was a sparse tail. We tried a lot of remedies - from cheap drugs to expensive ones, but the result was not pleasing. Then, on the advice of a friend, I bought burdock root at the pharmacy and prepared a tincture from it. So, after a week of use (I rubbed it into my scalp and rinsed my hair), I realized that my hair stopped falling out. My joy knew no bounds! Now I use the tincture in the fall and spring, for seasonal hair loss. My hair is still as strong and healthy.”

“Problems in gynecology began with the formation of a cyst, many were prescribed various drugs, including hormonal ones. But there were no significant improvements. Even then, surgery to remove the cyst was proposed. But I sincerely believe in traditional medicine, after studying the properties of burdock roots, I decided to take a course of treatment. I won’t describe it, but imagine my surprise after the next ultrasound. The extract stated that my cyst had decreased in size and surgery was no longer indicated as the only treatment. I continue to use a remedy based on burdock roots and believe that nature can heal.”

Svetlana S.

“Laryngitis is a disease that I suffer from every year. For rinsing I use burdock root tincture. Softens, relieves inflammation, kills germs - everything you need for quick recovery. Not a single newfangled remedy is capable of so quickly and without side effects cope with the disease."


“Burdock” - this word evokes a wide variety of associations. Some immediately imagine a little naive, but kind person, others – nasty round spines, others remember huge leaves. And the wisest know that this plant is a universal healer; it is also used in cosmetology, cooking and even in magic. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of burdock.

A little botany

The Latin name is Arctium, Old Slavonic: grandfather, lapushnik, dog. Belongs to the class of dicotyledons, the aster family.

Universal external description no, because there are different types of burdock (19 in total). In Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, 6 variations grow; the most common are large burdock (aka burdock) and felt burdock. The first got its name because of its size, which sometimes reaches 2 meters (the height of the stems). The second is distinguished by a grayish fluff that entwines the underside of the leaves. Both varieties are used by healers and pharmacologists.

The use of burdock for medicinal purposes: what, how, when?

It is noteworthy that healing qualities All parts of the plant are characterized, from the root to the sticky spines. To prepare medicines, different components are taken and used both externally and for oral administration.

Medicinal properties of burdock root

Main element chemical composition- inulin (from 37 to 45%), characterized by a prebiotic effect, is a source of fructose. In smaller quantities there are: proteins, essential bardan oil, useful acids, vitamins and others organic matter.

Prepared from the root:

infusions and decoctions, extracts and compositions for compresses.

Oral medications have a bile- and diuretic effect and a slight analgesic effect. Inulin is a type dietary fiber, which helps normalize digestion and stool evacuation, improves skin condition. The fructose it contains regulates blood sugar levels and metabolic processes.

Externally used for the speedy healing of wounds, for the purpose of disinfection, relieving inflammation, itching from insect bites and allergic reactions.

Recipe for burdock tincture for radiculitis: 25 g of dry crushed roots pour 100 ml ethyl alcohol. Keep in a dark place for 10-12 days. Don't forget to strain. Apply externally, rubbing into sore joints.

Using burdock leaves: rules, recipes

Contains: essential oil, tanning components, mucus, ascorbic acid and beneficial acids.

It is characterized by analgesic and restorative properties.

Treatment of joints with burdock is widespread.

The simplest recipe : cut off a medium-sized sheet without visible defects, rinse and dry. The question is often asked: which side to apply the burdock. Crush the leaf slightly to release the juice and apply smoothly. outside to a wound or inflamed joint, secure with a bandage.

For rheumatism or arthritis, such a burdock compress (for example, for the knee) is made at night.

At open wounds– after an hour or two, remove to allow the skin to “breathe”, then reapply (2-3 times a day).

For gastritis, prepare a decoction that has anti-inflammatory properties.

In field conditions, burdock leaves are used to treat snake bites: they are chewed into a paste, which is applied to the affected area. But first the poison is sucked out.

Burdock juice: how to prepare and what to use

Young shoots and leaves are used for pressing; sometimes roots are added. The right time for collecting phytoraw materials - mid and late May.

The simplest way preparing the healing liquid: pass through a meat grinder, squeeze the finished composition through gauze or cloth.

Basic recommendations for use: metabolic dysfunctions, liver diseases, including hepatitis. Treatment is carried out in three courses at intervals of a week. You should drink one tablespoon of juice before meals before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In gynecology, it is used for ovarian or mammary cysts, uterine fibroids. The duration of treatment is 30 days. The dosage is periodically increased. At the beginning of the course (2 days), you need to drink the juice twice: before breakfast and dinner, a teaspoon. This period is a testing period; it is necessary to carefully monitor the body’s reaction. If the therapy goes well, then a pre-dinner dose is added (in the same single dose for another 2 days). Then, until the end of the month, take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

According to some reports, the same remedy can be used in oncology. Allegedly, the juice has a cytostatic effect: it delays the spread of malignant lesions. Alas, clinicians do not confirm such information.

To preserve and enhance the healing properties, mix burdock juice with honey. Sometimes alcohol is added. Proportions: 0.5 liters of juice: 0.15 liters of honey. Store this mixture in the refrigerator. Drink also before meals, but in double dose.

Externally used for speedy healing of wounds and ulcerated skin.

The main contraindication is individual intolerance. But experiments with herbal medicine are not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Application in cosmetology: recipes

Developed pharmacopeias: burdock oil and masks, which contain an extract of a miracle plant. They are designed to strengthen and stimulate hair growth, and also make hair shiny, silky, help fight seborrhea and other skin diseases.

For those who prefer natural products, here are several ways to prepare home remedies.

Burdock decoction for hair

Dilute 15 g of chopped roots in 200 ml of water. Boil for 20 minutes, then leave for an hour. Strain. Rub into scalp after washing.
Mix 200 g of burdock root, 10 g of calendula flowers + 15 g of hop cones. Pour the composition with a liter of water. Boil. Use once a week instead of hair rinse.

Instead of a decoction, you can use an infusion of the same phyto-raw materials on whey, kefir, sour milk.

Hair growth masks that our great-grandmothers made are somewhat exotic. This is a mixture of concentrate from roots and pork fat. It’s much easier to get a similar effect by adding a couple of drops burdock oil into a ready-made (purchased) composition.

Anti-inflammatory and nourishing masks. The main ingredient is a pulp of roots. In the first case, it is mixed with salicylic acid, in the second - with sour cream, rolled oats and lemon juice.

Burdock dishes: culinary secrets

Both the tops (stems, leaves) and roots are suitable for food. The exception is inflorescences and spines. Gourmets recommend cooking in the spring, using plants of the first year of life.

The leaves can be cut into soup or green borscht, add to salads, wrap minced meat in them, like cabbage rolls.

Unusual snacks

Chop the peeled root into small circles or strips, soak for an hour in a weak vinegar solution. Rinse thoroughly and boil for 20 minutes. Heat a frying pan with plenty of vegetable oil, place the resulting semi-finished product in it, salt, add soy sauce, sesame, hot spices.
Wash the leaves of the plant thoroughly, pour over steep salted boiling water, and chop coarsely. Mix with crushed boiled egg. Season with vinegar sauce (1 tbsp.), olive oil(2 tbsp), salt and favorite spices.

There are many more recipes, the nuances of which depend on the imagination of the cook.

Now that you know how burdock is used in folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking, let us briefly dwell on the magical properties of the plant.

If a burdock bush has grown on your garden plot, do not destroy it. This is a talisman for the future harvest from envious people.

The leaves are mixed with other herbs and scattered around the house, getting rid of negative energy.

Finding burdock thorns on the threshold - bad omen. Some consider this witchcraft and immediately turn to grandmothers or psychics.

And girls who dream of a betrothed read conspiracies about marriage “for the sake of it.”

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