Ointments for bruises, hematomas, bruises. Bruised eye. Treatment with folk remedies. Treatment of subcutaneous hematoma

Many people ask the question of how to quickly remove a bruise at home. After all, no one is immune from bumps and falls. If a hematoma has formed in a visible place, then you want to get rid of it in the shortest possible time. I exist effective ways that will help you do this.

Removing bruises at home

The first thing to do immediately after receiving an injury is to wrap it in a towel.

This compress should be kept for no more than 15 minutes, otherwise the process of tissue frostbite will begin. Thanks to the cold, it will be possible to narrow the blood vessels and reduce bruising. Moreover, the pain will subside much faster and the appearance of a tumor can be avoided.

After a few hours, it is recommended to warm up the hematoma. This procedure will speed up the regeneration of damaged tissue and help the bruise disappear. For heating, you can use ordinary salt or sand. They need to be calcined in the oven, put in a fabric bag and applied to the site of the bruise. It is recommended to do up to three procedures per day. You can also simply iron a cotton napkin and apply it to the bruise. After a few days, the hematoma should disappear almost completely.

Absorbable compresses for hematomas

Compresses are good for removing bruises. They have a resolving effect, and anyone can find the components for them. You can make a compress from onions and salt. The vegetable is rubbed on a fine grater and mixed with table salt. The resulting pulp is applied to the hematoma three times a day for 30 minutes. In a few days the bruise will resolve. If you find garlic, you can make a paste from it and apply it to the bruise. The effect will not take long to appear.

Of course, not everyone likes the smell of onions and garlic, but you can use other means. A cabbage leaf will help in this matter. First you will need to crush it in your hands, or better yet, beat it with a kitchen hammer. After which it is applied to the site of the injury. In a similar way You should do the same with plantain and burdock. These plants are excellent means from bruises.

A mixture of red beets and honey removes hematoma well. These components can be found in every home. The vegetable should be chopped using a grater and mixed with honey in equal proportions. The ointment is applied in a thick layer to the bruise, and gauze and adhesive tape are placed on top of it. You need to keep the compress for at least an hour. After 3 days, the hematoma will completely resolve. This recipe is good when the bruise is located on the face. Its components will not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes.

If you have potato starch in the refrigerator, it can also be used to remove bruises. To do this, you need to take a little product and mix it with water to make a paste. It is applied to the site of the bruise, then a bandage is applied, which can be removed only after 3-4 hours. The procedure can be repeated twice a day. Ordinary potatoes also resolve hematomas well. The tuber needs to be cut into 2 parts and one of them should be applied to the site of the bruise. If the potatoes come from the refrigerator, you can apply them immediately after the impact. The effect will be amazing; although a hematoma will appear, its size will be very small. It won't be difficult to disguise it.

Many people have a plant like aloe. It is known for its miraculous properties that help cope with many diseases. However, few people know that aloe also copes well with hematomas. You need to cut the sheet into 2 parts, apply it to the bruise and secure it with a bandage. It is recommended to change the compress three times a day. After 3 days, the bruise will almost disappear.

A compress from table salt. You need to make a solution by pouring 10 g of salt into 100 ml of water. Then a cotton napkin is moistened in the solution and applied to the problem area three times a day for 15-20 minutes.

Hematomas will quickly disappear if you make a compress with the following components three times a day:

  • 20 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 10 ml salt;
  • 4 drops of iodine.

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the bruise for 1 hour. This treatment helps to quickly reduce blue-black hematomas, which disappear only after a month. Thanks to this compress, you can get rid of the problem in about a week. You can simply apply iodine to the bruise three times a day. This product will remove it in a few days. Iodine has a warming property, so the hematoma quickly resolves. Calendula tincture, which is sold in pharmacies, is used in a similar way.

If bruises appear quite often, it is recommended to prepare parsley ice in advance. To do this, you need to chop a handful of greens, add 70 ml of water, mix and pour into molds. They are then placed in the freezer and taken out when needed. This remedy allows you to prevent bruising if you use it immediately after a bruise.

You can search in pharmacies essential oil lavender. They need to lubricate the hematoma immediately after the bruise. It will resolve in a short time. If the bruise has appeared a long time ago and still won’t go away, it is recommended to smear it with rosemary essential oil.

Can be quickly removed using flax seeds. They need to be ground almost into dust and placed in a cotton bag. Then it is dipped in boiling water for 2 minutes and applied to the hematoma. You need to keep the bag until it cools down. The procedure is repeated twice a day.

Vodka compress quickly resolves hematomas. It is necessary to moisten a cotton cloth, bandage or gauze in vodka and apply it to the bruise. Then it is wrapped first in polyethylene and then in a bandage. It is best to do this at night.

Wormwood will help get rid of bruises on any part of the body, including the face. Will need to be crushed fresh stems to make a paste. It needs to be applied to the problem area and secured with a band-aid. As soon as the grass dries, the compress should be changed. To increase its effectiveness, it is recommended to add a little honey to the pulp. The dressing should be changed every 3 hours. The very next day the hematoma will decrease in size. You can remove bruises at home using this method in just a few days.

Anyone can get a black eye. The reason for this may be a bad fall, a fight, an attack, or a sports competition. Even men try to hide the black eye under their eyes, let alone women who are accustomed to the impeccability of their appearance. What is a bruise, why does it most often form under the eye and what Urgent measures It’s worth accepting in order to quickly close this trail, we’ll try to figure it out.

Black eye

A bruise is a hematoma, that is, internal bleeding. Most often, a bruise appears under the eyes, because it is located there a large number of blood vessels. After an injury, blood fills the subcutaneous space, which forms such a rich bright color hematomas. Over time, the bruise changes color and loses intensity, which is caused by the gradual outflow of blood collected under the skin.

A bruise is not inherently dangerous to human health, but it is a purely aesthetic defect. A black eye, even if you got it as a result of a fall, is a tarnished reputation. After all, you won’t tell every passerby about the cause of the hematoma. Therefore, in the event of a blow (even before a bruise appears), it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim to prevent the appearance of a bruise.

Immediately after impact

If the blow was so strong that the face burns and the area under the eye causes unbearable pain– you need to immediately apply something cold. Take any frozen product from the freezer - meat, vegetables or just ice, wrap it in a clean cloth and apply it to the impact site.

If the injury occurred outside the home, you need to find a way out of this situation as well. Place a bottle of cold drink on your eye, wet wipe, soaked in cold water handkerchief. Try to buy something cold from the nearest store. Quick first aid is the key to avoiding a hematoma. In addition, cold reduces pain after an impact.

You need to hold cold objects near the bruise for at least half an hour. If cold is applied in time, the blood vessels narrow, which means less blood gets under the skin. If you feel pain specifically in the eye, you need to consult a traumatologist. May be damaged if subjected to strong impact eyeball. Timely request for qualified medical care can save you from many problems.

To avoid unpleasant questions and sidelong glances, you need to get rid of a black eye as soon as possible. If you don't touch the bruise, it will go away within a couple of weeks. You can speed up this process with the help of some pharmaceutical products.

  1. Badyaga. This drug is widely used as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. Its main purpose is to combat hematomas and bruises. Badyagu is diluted with water to form a paste and applied to the black eye. Be careful not to get the composition into your eyes. The drug irritates the skin, increases blood circulation and speeds up the healing process of the bruise. After a while you may feel a burning sensation. When the pain becomes unbearable, wash off the paste. You should make lotions from badyagi twice a day.
  2. Troxevasin. This ointment is sold in any pharmacy; it has a pronounced absorbable effect. The ointment should be applied to the bruise in a thin layer. Do not rub the ointment into the skin, otherwise you may injure damaged vessels and cause the formation of an additional hematoma. The ointment should be used often - every one and a half to two hours.
  3. Heparin. This is another one effective ointment, which can cope with a black eye in a few days. Heparin is an anticoagulant, that is, a drug that reduces blood clotting. Heparin perfectly resolves even the most serious hematomas.
  4. Lyoton. This ointment is intended to relieve swelling and blood clots in the legs. It contains a large amount of heparin, which resolves internal hematomas and fights bruises. When applying the ointment, you must remember that open wounds cannot be treated with this product.
  5. Vitamin K In addition to local treatment, it is necessary to act on the body from the inside. Take vitamin K, which helps repair damaged tissue, improves blood circulation and helps bruises heal faster.
  6. Bruise Off. This ointment is intended for the treatment of bruises, contusions and hematomas. It is made from the saliva of leeches. The ointment blocks blood clotting, which speeds up the resorption of the bruise. This drug has excellent regenerating properties.

When a flashlight flashes on your face, going to the pharmacy becomes an insurmountable obstacle. That's why we have prepared several recipes for you. home medicine, the ingredients of which can be found in every home.

  1. Cabbage. White cabbage resolves any bruises and subcutaneous bumps. It is often used as an additional measure in the fight against mastitis. Cabbage also successfully copes with a black eye. Take a fresh leaf white cabbage and mash it with a rolling pin on a cutting board. Then apply the soft part of the leaf to the bruise. The cabbage can be changed every 10 minutes to speed up the healing process.
  2. Bloodroot. Two tablespoons of this plant (fresh or dried) must be crushed and boiled in a small amount of water. The broth needs to be filtered, but the cake itself should not be thrown away. Treatment should occur in two stages. First you need to soak a piece of clean bandage in the broth and apply it to the bruise as a compress. Mix the plant cake remaining after the decoction with a small amount of rich baby cream. After applying the lotion, lubricate the bruise with the prepared ointment. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times a day so that the bruise becomes less noticeable the next day.
  3. Contrasting lotions. If your bruise is more than three days old, you can start applying contrast lotions. To do this, prepare two cups of water - hot and cold. Apply pieces of clean cloth soaked in cold and cold water to the bruise, one at a time. hot water. This technique allows you to speed up the blood circulation process. However, it should not be used if there is swelling and swelling at the site of the bruise. It is also impossible to do contrast lotions in the first days after injury.
  4. Witch hazel. This plant is successfully used in pharmacology. Witch hazel extract is used in the fight against varicose veins veins We will need the property of resolving subcutaneous formations in today's problem. The plant can be purchased dried at the pharmacy. Pour three tablespoons of herbs into a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat. When the broth is sufficiently infused, it needs to be strained and cooled. You need to moisten cotton pads in the prepared broth and apply them to the bruise.
  5. Honey, flour, egg, butter. Take a teaspoon of natural fresh honey and heat it in a water bath. Add to honey chicken yolk and a teaspoon vegetable oil. You need to add enough flour so that the consistency of the ointment is plasticine. Make a crescent-shaped cake from the mixture and apply it to the black eye. Keep the cake in place for as long as possible, you can even secure it and leave it overnight.
  6. Frozen vodka. This remedy was used in the winter in villages. They took vodka diluted half and half with water out into the cold. When the composition froze, it had to be applied to the bruise. As the ice melted, the bruise became discolored.
  7. Viburnum, celandine, aloe. Take two tablespoons of crushed viburnum bark, a tablespoon of chopped aloe leaves and the same amount of celandine. Mix the ingredients and pour three tablespoons of vegetable oil over them. Place the mixture on water bath for about an hour. During this time, the herbs will give the oil all their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Strain the composition and lubricate healthy oil bruises, contusions, cuts, wounds. This is beautiful natural medicine external use.
  8. Burnet. If you need to look 100% tomorrow, but you can see a bruise on your face, burnet herb will help you. Its name speaks for itself. This plant has a unique ability to stop and absorb blood. You need to prepare a rich decoction from the herb - five tablespoons per 500 ml of water. Boil over low heat for about an hour, then cover the container tightly with a lid. When the prepared broth has infused and cooled, it needs to be strained. Soak pieces of cotton wool in the broth and apply them to the bruise. Change the cotton as it dries. Apply the lotion every hour, and the next day the bruise will become much paler.

When folk remedies and ointments help only partially, time is not in our favor. For several days you need to skillfully hide the bruise to avoid questioning glances. The simplest way is to wear Sunglasses and a cap. However, you can’t sit at work looking like this, so makeup comes to the aid of women. Use makeup base wisely Foundation, powder, concealer and shadows to hide a temporary flaw. Don't focus on eye makeup - keep it minimal. It is better to focus on bright lips. Skillful camouflage is also suitable for men - no traces of a bruise or any cosmetics will be visible on the face.

When choosing a remedy to treat a bruise, do not give preference to aggressive components. After all, the skin under the eyes is very delicate and soft - it can suffer. Correct Actions after a blow or injury, they will help you avoid the appearance of a bruise or get rid of it within a day. Be careful and careful not to look for an answer to a similar question again.

Video: how to remove a black eye

Anyone at any age can become the owner of natural “make-up” on their eyelids. You shouldn’t think that if you managed to successfully “slip through” the teenage period, when you can get hit in the eye at any moment, then nothing like this will ever happen to you again. Practice shows that such “beauty” can be formed not only from hitting a closet door or the elbow of a clumsy colleague, but also from simply squeezing out a pimple in the wrong place. From the above, we can conclude that knowing how to quickly cure a black eye is necessary at any age. Let's look at all the available materials and methods for dealing with such “decorations”.

Having received the “blanche”, the first thing to do is apply cold. This could be a bag of ice or frozen dumplings, a glass bottle, or an iron can from the refrigerator. If you don’t have a refrigerator at hand, a regular handkerchief soaked in cold running water will do.

It is worth thinking about how to quickly cure a bruise from the very beginning, since assistance provided immediately gives greater results than the same thing half an hour later. Experts recommend applying cold not only during the first few minutes (until the pain subsides), but also during the first day every hour for fifteen to twenty minutes. Cold applied to the site of the impact prevents both the appearance of a larger hematoma and swelling, which is quite natural with any bruise.

Heat compresses will help to quickly cure a black eye, which must be done from the second day. These procedures will help the bruise resolve faster.

On its own, such a decoration will disappear from your face only after ten to fourteen days, but there are ways to quickly cure a bruise and get rid of it in short time. Why not take advantage? The most famous medicines, available without a prescription at the pharmacy, are ointments based on badyaga (“Badyaga Forte”), comfrey (“Comfrey Dr. Theiss”) or arnica (“Arnica GF”). Lotions made from lead water, which is also sold in pharmacies, have proven themselves to be excellent.

Quickly, a traumatologist can also advise, who will most likely prescribe Troxevasin or Indovazin ointment for treatment. You can also recommend the drug “Ascorutin”, vitamin C.

Our grandmothers knew well how to quickly cure a bruise, without drugs from the pharmacy. Worked great in in this case cabbage and parsley leaves, and aloe pulp. Finely chopped garlic infused in vinegar (6%) for 24 hours is perfect for grinding. Half a liter requires two heads of garlic. Pineapple can be applied to the bruise until it completely resolves.

For treatment, you may be offered medications at the pharmacy that are available without a prescription and have good feedback: “Lioton”, “Kamagel”, “Heparin” ointment, “Fastum-gel”, “Voltaren”. The balm also worked well " Ambulance", cream-balm "SOS", gel "Healer".

Bruises on exposed parts of the body cause a lot of inconvenience, so you want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Except cosmetic defect, the bruise is unpleasantly itchy and painful when pressed. An uncomplicated hematoma will go away on its own in 2 weeks, this period may increase due to individual characteristics body. There are many ways to cure a bruise. To do this, you can use products that are easy to find in any kitchen or purchased at your nearest pharmacy.

First aid against bruises

A healthy person in the prime of life is more resistant to the appearance of hematomas. With age, the walls of blood vessels become inelastic and thinner, then bruises appear practically without visible reasons, even with light pressure on the skin. Hematomas form with minor exposure if there is one of the concomitant diseases:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic or hormonal disorders;
  • avitaminosis.

If you often notice bruises on your body for no apparent reason, then you should not treat them at home, but consult a doctor. If you know for sure that the cause of the hematoma was a blow or compression, then take measures immediately after receiving the injury.

The first aid against hematomas is the use of a cold compress. It could be:

  • frozen food;
  • a towel soaked in cold water;
  • “dry ice” from a car first aid kit.

Exposure to cold helps stop bleeding, reduce the area of ​​the bruise, and prevent its appearance. You need to keep the compress for about 15 minutes. A day after the impact, when the hematoma is completely formed, you can begin to use warm compresses which will increase blood flow. To do this, apply a warm heating pad to the site of the bruise for 20 minutes, repeat the procedure every 2 hours.

Pharmaceutical drugs against hematomas

There are many ointments, gels or creams that will help the hematoma quickly resolve. Their advantages are that they act quickly:

  • Heparin ointment;
  • Lyoton;
  • Trombless;
  • Bruise-off;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Larkspur;
  • Comfrey;
  • Rescuer;
  • Badyaga;
  • Sophia.

Some of the listed drugs are based on natural ingredients. Noticeable improvements within a day are promised by preparations that contain arnica, leech extract and bodyaga. You can remove hematomas on the face using the French remedy Arnigel. It acts quickly and gently. It can be used if a child has a hematoma or a bruise has formed under the eye.

If there is a bruise on the knee, after 2-3 days you can use warming ointments that are rubbed in massage movements. This will improve blood circulation, allowing swelling and bruising to disappear faster:

  • Finalgon;
  • Viprosal;
  • Capsicam;
  • Nicoflex.

An alternative to them can be simple alcohol compresses. If a bruise has formed at the injection site, then they can be applied immediately. Later, draw at the site of the hematoma iodine mesh. Please note that warming agents should not be used if the hematoma is located on the forehead or face. Ointments are suitable if bruises appear on the legs or body. Children are strictly prohibited from using such ointments.

Folk remedies

Most often, injuries occur when pharmaceutical drugs not at hand. In this case, you can use the means traditional medicine. Almost every person knows how to quickly get rid of a bruise. The most effective ways:

  1. Potato starch. Just cut fresh young potatoes and apply them to the bruised area. It is more effective to use a ready-made dry substance, which will have to be mixed with water to a paste. Keep the resulting medicine on the bruise for 15 minutes. It will help get rid of the hematoma in 2-3 days. Iodine can be used together with starch. Use it to draw a grid on the bruise site 2-3 times a day.
  2. A severe bruise on the body can be removed with cabbage leaf. Make several shallow cuts on it so that the leaf releases juice. Apply the prepared sheet to the hematoma and change it as the juice dries (about every hour). Secure the sheet with a bandage.
  3. Another compress can be made from fresh leaf aloe. Many people keep it indoor plant to apply in medical purposes. Remove one of the sheet films and apply it to the bruise. Use a bandage to secure the aloe vera at the site of the bruise. Keep the compress for 2-3 hours, repeat the procedure several times a day.
  4. Instead of aloe, you can apply a banana peel to the bruised area; it is enough to keep it on the hematoma for 20 minutes. Apply the compress up to 5-6 times a day.
  5. If you hit yourself in nature, you can apply a simple plantain leaf. Remember it lightly and then fix it on the bruise. You can make a paste from the leaves and place it in gauze on the hematoma.

There are a lot of folk remedies; when using them, it is necessary to take into account that some plants or components of medicines may cause allergic reaction. If you cannot tolerate plant pollen, then you should also not use honey or propolis lotions.

Very often unpleasant moments and situations happen in life, after which various “memos” remain on the body in the form of bruises, bruises and bruises. A bruise on the body, formed as a result of internal hemorrhage into the interstitial space, is a subcutaneous hematoma, which is difficult not to notice on the surface of the skin.

For a long time, people believed that it was almost impossible to eliminate a bruise that appeared, so they were forced to wait until it went away on its own. This could take several days, and in rare cases, several weeks.

Modern medicine has not ignored this problem, and today there are various effective drugs, capable of removing hematomas that appear on the human body. More information about the treatment of hematomas and bruises at home will be discussed in this article.

The main symptoms of bruises include the formation of edema and hematoma, rupture of blood vessels, which leads to hemorrhage, as well as severe pain at the site of injury. If a person feels unbearable pain when bruised, this may mean that the bone was broken as a result of a blow or fall. This may also indicate the formation of cracks in the bones, which is also unpleasant.

The appearance of pain is the very first and main symptom of any bruise, which appears literally immediately after the injury. Sometimes the pain can be significant. Gradually, the pain subsides, but after several hours of “calm” everything returns, and in some cases the pain resumes with double force. Similar character changes pain, associated with a change in their intensity, can be explained by the fact that hemorrhage or hematoma formation occurs in the body.

If the patient has damaged a joint, then at first all its movements will be preserved and the victim will be able to calmly move the limb, but over time the swelling increases and movements become impossible. This is especially pronounced in hemarthrosis. The symptoms of bruises are very different from dislocations or fractures, as a result of which movement of the damaged parts of the body becomes impossible immediately after the injury.

Very severe pain can be caused by a bruise of the periosteum, that is, when damaged ulnar nerve or the front of the shin. In rare cases, a person may experience severe shock caused by acute pain. After a bruise, hemorrhages can form in the damaged area not only in the form of bruises or large blood accumulations in the affected tissues, but also in a point form.

As a rule, prolonged hemorrhages inside damaged tissues are accompanied by the appearance of additional injuries that occur when the tissues are compressed. Parallel injuries cause an increase in pain, which is often accompanied by dysfunction.

Depending on the depth of the hemorrhage, the time it takes for a bruise to form may vary. If you were hit subcutaneous tissue or skin, it can appear almost immediately, literally in the first minutes. If the periosteum has been affected or muscle, then bruises do not form immediately.

As a rule, this occurs only on the second day after the injury, and often it forms far from the affected area. If “late” bruises appear, especially not at the site of the injury, you need to seek help from a clinic where they will do X-ray. Such a study will eliminate the possibility of a bone crack or fracture.

Over time, the color of the bruise may change slightly. This normal phenomenon, so there is no need to panic right away. The fact is that hemoglobin gradually breaks down, resulting in blue or purple may give way to a yellow, and in some cases, a purple tint.

4-5 days after the injury, the bruise becomes colored green color. Experienced doctors or people who have had to deal with bruises more than once can determine the age of the injury by the color of the resulting bruise.

Why do they arise?

Slight bruise. In most cases, a person can get it with a weak mechanical impact. As a result of this, the patient does not feel any discomfort when moving the damaged part of the body, but instead there is minor pain of a localized nature.

The resulting hematoma usually goes away the very next day after the injury. Minor bruises can be easily treated with ice or something cold. Often people simply do not pay attention to them, and the bruises go away on their own.

Medium bruise. This is a more serious form, in which the hematoma appears 3-4 hours after the injury. The patient feels severe pain, and swelling forms in the damaged area. Damage of this kind does not need to be treated by special means, just wrap the affected part of the body with a pressure bandage.

Severe bruise. Severe tissue damage human body, as a result of which a hematoma may appear after 1.5 hours from the moment of injury. May result from strong blow or falling. Often severe bruises are accompanied severe pain of an increasing nature, which greatly limits the patient’s movements.

Sometimes prolonged hemorrhage may occur, which without qualified assistance can lead to unpleasant consequences. At severe bruises You need to be examined by a doctor who will take an x-ray and prescribe a course of treatment. In addition, the doctor will be able to take care of preventive measures, which will prevent infection from entering the patient’s body.

First aid

In case of soft tissue damage, in almost all cases there is no need to provide any assistance. therapeutic measures, since the resulting bruises disappear within a few days after the injury. Only in some cases, if the bruise is serious, then it is necessary to regularly apply cold to the damaged area.

After the formed the swelling will go away, you can use various warming ointments or alcohol compresses, which help improve blood circulation in the injured area. This accelerates the resorption of the hematoma on the patient’s body.

The most serious injuries include tissue bruise, which causes severe hemorrhage. As a result, large hematomas may appear that will not go away after a couple of days, as can happen with ordinary bruises. In addition, the peculiarity of such hematomas is that they can increase in size over time.

There is also the possibility of infection entering the body, the development of necrosis or disruption of the mechanics of the body, which is triggered by the process of compression of the nerves. IN similar cases a surgical or neurological hospital is required.

In most cases, bruises are not considered health-threatening injuries, but there are still cases when nerves and small vessels are compressed by the resulting hematomas over a long period.

What to do if there is a severe bruise and a hematoma?


To the most common medical supplies, used for bruises, refers :

  • Bystrumgel;
  • Ketonal;
  • Nikoven;
  • Venoruton-gel;
  • Lyoton;
  • Dolobene-gel;
  • Fastum and others.

If there are serious injuries, it is necessary special treatment, so you need to see a doctor immediately. In rare cases, the patient is prescribed painkillers. Most often this happens with strong pain syndrome. For severe hemorrhages, medications are prescribed that promote blood clotting.

Folk remedies

In addition to modern drug treatment, many people use proven folk remedies. There are a large number of recipes used to treat bruises, but we will consider only a few of them.

How can you treat bruises and hematomas:

It is not recommended to use external local drugs in order to neutralize the probable inflammatory process. They are used for intact tissues, without open wounds or scratches. Otherwise, applying ointments or gels is strictly prohibited.

You should also not try to straighten a dislocated arm or leg on your own. If damage is suspected internal organs It is forbidden to take analgesics, as this will harm the health of the victim.

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