Kandyk honey is a rare gift from nature. Kandyk honey is a friend to the stomach, it only takes a minute to heal

In early spring flowers of relict origin appear - kandyk. This medicinal plant, listed in the Red Book, has bulbs reminiscent of a dog's fang, hence its name - kandyk - dog fang. From the nectar collected from these touching early flowers, bees make white kandyk honey. What are the beneficial properties, what are the contraindications, how not to make a mistake when choosing?

This bee product belongs to the white variety. Freshly picked, it has a dark color, like buckwheat, and a viscous structure. During the process of crystallization, the substance brightens and becomes light yellow with a granular surface, characteristic of halva. White-cream with a tint baked milk the substance is obtained if it is regularly stirred during the formation of crystals.

Stirring creates conditions for the formation of smaller crystals, which is why the honey becomes so light and creamy in consistency. The substance crystallizes quickly - two to three weeks.

The smell is not bright, honey-waxy with floral and herbaceous notes. The taste is moderately sweet, tender, there is a slight sourness and tartness. There may be a sore throat - this is how some honeys with increased healing properties manifest themselves. After consumption, a unique aftertaste remains in the mouth.


Like others, kandyk honey has a rich composition, but as a product from the nectar of taiga primroses, it has more vitamins and is richer in minerals. For composition healing substance many factors influence, even the time at which the kandyk nectar was collected.

The energy value of the healing substance consists primarily of carbohydrates. They are represented by fruit and wine monosaccharides - 75% fructose and glucose, disaccharides up to 20% are represented by maltose and sucrose. You may notice that after taking a healing product, you feel a surge of strength. These carbohydrates perform their main function - they provide the necessary energy. muscle tissue, including heart muscle and brain tissue. Participation of carbohydrates in activity nerve cells reduces Negative consequences emotional and physical overload.

Protein compounds such as invertase, catalase, diastase and a number of others are biocatalysts involved in chemical reactions, thanks to which the body lives and renews itself. These natural enzymes are necessary for all metabolic reactions, as well as to accelerate the breakdown, elimination and replacement of dead cells with new ones. Without them, food absorption is impossible. The active oxygen released by catalase acts as an antiseptic, inhibiting the activity of putrefactive bacteria. More than 15 types of enzymes were found in the healing product.

Non-protein compounds of the healing substance are represented by amino acids. This - construction material to produce new cells and repair old ones. Most amino acids are needed for normal activities nervous system. Part of it activates the metabolism of fats and other substances in the body, promotes its growth. The kandyk product contains all the amino acids that are called essential due to the inability of the human body to synthesize them on its own.

The composition also contains very valuable substances, such as inorganic acids, organic minerals and acids, natural dyes, lipids, biostimulants and hormones, pollen, aromatic and tannins, beneficial microflora.


The story about the honey plant begins with information about what kandyk is. Once widespread on the planet in relic times, a very beautiful bulbous plant - ephemeroid, now grows only in small areas in the southern part of Siberia - in Altai, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, North America, Japan and Manchuria. There are three endemic species in Russia:

  • Siberian - in coniferous and mixed Altai and Sayan forests, alpine forests of Mountain Shoria;
  • Caucasian - in the western forests of the mountainous Transcaucasus, Krasnodar deciduous forests;
  • Japanese - in the south Kuril Islands and Sakhalin.

From wild populations of kandyk growing in Siberia, researchers have isolated three more species: Krylova, Suleva and Sayan.

Good honey plant and pollen supplier. In Altai it blooms in the second half of April - the first days of May. Flowering in Krasnodar region starts two months earlier. The duration and onset of flowering depend on weather conditions. Flowering does not last long - from two weeks (in warm spring) to a month. Perfectly adapted to low temperatures: pollen, tightly covered with petals, does not die during frosts.

Planting kandyk plantations is complicated by its “capriciousness” and reduced seed germination. It usually blooms in 3-5 years. Therefore, the plant area as a food source is very small. Kandyk honey is a real rarity. Hence the high cost of the healing substance.

Beneficial features

Even in ancient times, shamans used the petals and bulbs of the taiga flower to treat epilepsy and liver diseases. White kandyka honey is more effective than other analogues in treating liver diseases, and is good for curing hepatitis and restoring the cells of this organ. A product made from kandyk nectar is also recommended for pancreatitis and intoxication that occurs after drinking alcohol.

Possessing antibacterial properties, supplying minerals and enzymes, honey accelerates tissue regeneration, therefore it is effective in healing ulcers and wounds, as well as in recovery period after long-term use antibiotics. Performed well during treatment nervous disorders, mental fatigue, insomnia and epilepsy.

An excellent anti-cold, multivitamin and polymineral remedy. Effectively taken in case of violation metabolic processes. Helps regulate pressure and improve intestinal motility. Recommended for loss of strength and exhaustion of the body. Kandyk honey has such multidimensional medicinal properties. How to take it correctly is described below.

The mentioned beneficial properties have only natural medicinal product. Folk experience and advice from beekeepers will tell you how to determine the naturalness of kandyk honey. Natural honey will never have bright synthetic colors, strong ethereal or caramel, or foreign odors, or an overly long or deteriorating aftertaste. A drop of natural honey applied to the skin is completely absorbed by the skin, leaving no lumps or pellets. A product that turns blue when a drop of iodine is added contains starch additives.


Like others, this product could be used in cooking and cosmetics. But its rarity and high price sharply limit the use of such valuable honey - only as healing product.

A teaspoon of healing substance per day as prophylactic can be used separately or in mixture with other products, for example, as a filling for sandwiches, as part of salads, vitamin cocktails, etc. General recommended daily dose for treatment - should not exceed 3 teaspoons for adults. For children, the dose should be reduced by two to three times, depending on age.

Honey taken with healing purposes should not be exposed to temperatures above 39 degrees. Goes well with dairy products. Can be used internally and externally:

  • to normalize metabolic processes and replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals - morning and evening intake is 1 teaspoon (course 2-4 weeks).
  • to normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract - take no more than a dessert spoon of a medicinal product during the day,
  • to relieve cough and eliminate skin problems- in the form of flatbreads.


Like any honey, the product produced by bees from kandyk nectar contains pollen grains. That's why allergic reaction, although rare, is possible. Children and pregnant women should consult their doctor before using it.

Persons with diabetes, as well as acute forms For gastrointestinal diseases, bee medicine is contraindicated. It is advisable not to exceed the recommended doses of the medicinal product. At negative reaction body to take kandyk honey, you should stop using it and consult a doctor.


Bees make their sweet, healing product from the nectar of a wide variety of plants. Each of them has its own nutritional, taste and healing properties. But unique honey from nectar, kandyk occupies a special position in this series, due to its rarity and healing properties.

If you are lucky enough to purchase this rare product, all that remains is to congratulate you on your purchase. Be healthy!

The most beautiful northern plant, kandyk (or erythronium), is not only an ornament created by nature, but also a very useful honey plant! ABOUT medicinal properties We will discuss such a product as kandyk honey further in our review.

Kandyk officinalis is listed in the Red Book. This flower grows in Siberia, in the southern part of this region. It is precisely because of the rarity and uniqueness of the plant that its collection and preparation is punishable by law. But no one forbids bees to collect the most healing nectar from the kandyk and do no less healthy honey kandyk.

In ancient times, plant bulbs were eaten and even a drink was prepared from them, reminiscent of mead or beer in its qualities. It's rare useful plant used to treat epilepsy and male impotence. Kandyk honey is no less useful. The advantage of this flower is that it blooms early - at the end of April and until the beginning of May, which means it is an excellent honey plant for bees.


In addition to Siberia, kandyk is also common in the Altai Territory (in the wooded part and in the mountains). In total there are more than 20 species of this plant. Erythronium flowers are very beautiful, resemble bells, and have a wide variety of colors: yellow, purple, pink. The pollen of a flower is protected by the petals in the rain, so bees always have the opportunity to get to the main flower treasure.

The flowering of the Altai beauty is accompanied by copious discharge nectar, so the bees simply cannot fly past. Well, photos of the flower only prove its beauty! In general, up to 50 kg of honey is obtained per hectare of kandyk. Not a record figure, however, and this bee product is not simple! Kandyk honey has such properties that it is the most useful variety can hardly compete with him.


When fresh, the color of the honey mass is rich and dark. Freshly collected honey has a thick consistency and forms a pyramid very well when scooped and poured from a spoon. The color of kandyk honey is similar to buckwheat honey, with the only difference being that it is lighter and brighter. Inexperienced buyers may mistakenly mistake kandyk bee product for buckwheat. Before purchasing, it is recommended to look at the photo of the original product.


The taste of this variety is very pleasant, sweet, persistent. Like most Altai honeys, erythronium honey is very aromatic. The main note in the taste palette is spice, sweetness and a wonderful, long-lasting aftertaste.


Natural, rich, honey or waxy, as it is sometimes called. The specificity of all Siberian and Altai varieties is their extreme aroma, persistent aroma of honey and wax. If you once try the original kandyk honey, you will remember its taste, perhaps, forever.


Kandyk honey thickens quite quickly, and after crystallization it can acquire a lighter shade. Sometimes it is also white in color; such honey is cut as halva and sold by weight. However, beware of fakes! The high amount of glucose in this variety makes the mass very convenient for falsification. In areas that are not native to Kandyk officinalis, there is a big risk of buying other varieties.

Useful and healing properties

The beneficial properties allow us to compare this delicacy with ginseng, it is so medicinal! It is recommended to take kandyk sweetness for the following diseases:

  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • liver diseases (in particular, hepatitis);
  • digestive disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines;
  • problems with potency in men;
  • frigidity in women;
  • pulmonary diseases.

Sweetness not only treats and alleviates the symptoms of all these diseases, but also stimulates milk production in nursing mothers. Due to the high content of microelements, essential oils and phytoncides, this type of honey has a rejuvenating effect on cells. Thus, its regular use tones the entire body as a whole, and internal organs work more efficiently.

Video “Beneficial properties of Siberian kandyk”

Watch the video about what this honey plant is famous for and what beneficial properties it has.

Kandyk honey is considered one of the rarest varieties, as it is produced from a plant listed in the Red Book. In addition to the fact that the number of flowers is limited, they also bloom throughout short period time. That is why the harvest of honey from kandyk can hardly be called rich.


Besides unique characteristics, the product has beneficial properties and also contains vitamins and easily digestible minerals. Regular consumption of nectar improves the body's protective shield against viral diseases.

Calorie calculation

Kandyk honey is no different high calorie content. One teaspoon of the product contains 40 kcal, a tablespoon – 115 kcal, a glass – 660 kcal. Therefore, this variety of nectar is actively used for weight loss. To lose weight, it is enough to take two teaspoons of the product per day. To enhance the effect, you can dissolve honey in warm water and add lemon juice.


This type of honey contains a large number of easily digestible carbohydrates – more than 75%. It should be noted high content fructose and glucose. Fatty acids contains no honey at all, and this is one of the reasons why this type of honey is used by people who want to lose weight. Other microelements include iron, calcium, zinc and copper. As for vitamins, there are groups such as B, C, E and K.

Beneficial features

The medicinal properties of kandyk honey are familiar to all beekeepers. Among the main useful properties of this variety:

  1. Beneficial effects on the liver. The fact is that this type of nectar cleanses this important organ and restores damaged tissue.
  2. Cleanses the body of toxins, as well as other harmful substances, and saturates it with essential vitamins.
  3. The product helps improve the functioning of the pancreas, therefore it is used in the treatment of pancreatitis.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which is why kandyk honey is used for diseases of the duodenum.
  5. It is used for colds, as it has diaphoretic and bactericidal properties. At severe cough You can take a mixture of milk, egg yolk and a tablespoon of honey.
  6. Has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system and organs of the nervous system.
  7. Able to strengthen the body of pregnant and lactating women.
  8. Regular consumption of nectar strengthens the immune system, and is also an excellent prevention of stress and insomnia.
  9. Cream based on kandyk honey has a rejuvenating and restorative effect on the skin.
  10. The product speeds up metabolism, so it is actively used for weight loss. To normalize weight, it is enough to take 2 teaspoons of honey every day - one in the morning and the other before bed.


Women on later Pregnancy and insulin-dependent people should take no more than 30 g of the product per day. For everyone else, daily ration should not exceed 100 g. Time of administration: preferably in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.

Variety selection

To choose a high-quality variety of honey from kandyk, you need to pay attention Special attention such aspects:

  1. Freshly pumped honey has dark color and has a liquid consistency. After crystallization, it becomes creamy and takes on a milky hue.
  2. The natural product has large sugar grains that melt on the tongue.
  3. Original kandyk honey boasts a spicy aroma and has a subtle aftertaste.

Fraudsters realize that this is a scarce variety, so under the guise of kandyk honey they can sell a fake. Buckwheat and rapeseed nectar with various flavorings are most often used as counterfeits. To ensure the quality of the product, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the results of pollen analysis. If the seller refuses to show any documentation for the product, then most likely he is selling counterfeit goods.

The highest quality honey can be purchased in places close to honey plants. It is advisable to contact only trusted beekeepers who ask reasonable price on the product and do not underestimate it greatly.

Plant care

If you have your own apiary and want to receive natural honey from kandyk, you will have to plant this plant and care for it properly. At this point, we note some recommendations that will help you grow your own honey plant.

The place for planting kandyk should be located in partial shade. First you need to prepare the soil. 2 months before planting, we fertilize the soil and dig it to a depth of about 40 cm. It is worth noting that kandyk can grow in one place for no more than 6-7 years.

To increase the “plantation” it is necessary to replant the bulbs, which are dug up immediately after ripening. Bulbs cannot be stored in air for more than 1 day.

How to apply it correctly?

Thanks to your unique properties, honey from kandyk has become widespread. IN preventive measures and for the sake of satisfying your taste buds, it is enough to take one teaspoon of nectar per day. If you want to increase your productivity digestive system and stop inflammatory processes, daily norm must be increased to one dessert spoon.

This type of honey is used to make healing infusions and compresses. A drink made from warm milk, egg yolk and kandyk honey helps soothe an irritated throat and get rid of a cough.

To normalize sleep, it is enough to take a teaspoon of a sweet product before falling asleep or drink it with warm tea.

This variety of nectar is used in cosmetology. A lotion made from one liter of water and half a glass of honey moisturizes the skin and has a regenerating effect.

As we have already said, the product must be included in the diet of people who want to lose weight. Kandyk nectar contains substances that accelerate metabolism, which leads to the loss of extra pounds.


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  • 1. Calorie calculation
  • 2. Composition
  • 3. Useful properties
  • 4. Contraindications
  • 5. Variety selection
  • 6. Recipes with this variety for health

Honey card

ColorDepending on the place of collection, it can be white, light pink, delicate purple, dark.
Tastesweet persistent taste.
Aromanice floral.
Crystallization time2-3 months.
Viscosityafter crystallization it becomes like a soft butter.
Calorie contentper 100 grams 330 kcal.
Geography of collectionSiberia, Caucasus, Krasnodar region.
Collection periodend of April - mid-May.

A century and a half later, Altai honey is the best in the world. Each fragrant drop of amber is a bouquet useful substances, which bees take from medicinal herbs and flowers - this is the smell of July fields and groves, these are sparks of the summer sun.

Today there are quite a large number of varieties of honey, the most common of which is, etc. However, there is a very rare and valuable variety in nature - kandyk honey. This fact is explained by the fact that the kandyk plant can be found less and less often, as it gradually disappears from the face of the earth.

Kandyk honey is considered a real curiosity for most people. This variety is so rare on sale that it becomes almost impossible to acquire it. It is worth noting that this product is quite tasty and very healthy.

Honey is very similar to oil and can help many patients cope with a variety of problems that were previously treated with great difficulty.

The uniqueness of the variety lies in the fact that before crystallization it retains its usual liquid consistency and dark color, but after the crystallization process it turns into a white oil-like substance, similar to cream.

Calorie calculation


During the flowering of the kandyk, a large amount of nectar is released, which contains fructose, glucose, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and acids, etc.

Vitaminsmg/100 g product
IN 10,26
AT 20,2
AT 90,03
AT 60,025

Beneficial features

Kandyk honey contains many useful components, thanks to which the product provides beneficial influence on human body. Recommended for those suffering from diseases of the liver tissue, bile duct. Therefore, it is useful to use for people who have had any form of hepatitis.

Thanks to this wonderful product, toxins are removed from the body. Useful after using antibiotics. The variety also has rejuvenating properties and helps get rid of potency problems and genitourinary diseases.

Kandyk honey is considered the best substance to strengthen immune system human, normalization of the nervous system, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, heart muscle. The product promotes fat burning, so it is useful for those who want to lose excess weight.

Like any other bee product, honey can heal different types colds, flu. Effectively used for skin diseases, as various masks, wraps, creams, etc. Experts often recommend the product to pregnant and nursing mothers due to improved lactation.

Another valuable quality of honey is its anti-inflammatory property. It is useful to enter into daily diet one spoon of honey as a preventive measure colds, as well as to create strong immunity.

It is worth noting that one-time use of this product will not help get rid of the above problems. Thus, it is necessary to adhere to a certain course of treatment, i.e. regularity.


There are few contraindications to this variety. Only individual intolerance to kandyk or an allergic reaction to beekeeping products can be noticed. It is believed that even an overdose will not cause harm to human health.

Variety selection

Kandyk honey is very easy to distinguish from fakes due to its characteristics. Firstly, the price is high. Due to the rarity of the variety, it cannot be cheap. Secondly, the incomparable aroma. Thirdly, it is consistency and color. IN natural product After crystallization, grains can be clearly seen. And the color becomes milky white.

Recipes with this variety for health

  1. For a cold: add one to a glass of warm milk. egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey. Drink immediately after preparation, take 2 times a day.
  2. For fat burning, it is recommended to take 2 teaspoons per day. The first - in the morning on an empty stomach, the second - before bed. To achieve better results, kandyk honey can be diluted in a glass of warm water.
  3. One teaspoon a day will help get rid of digestive problems.
  4. Dissolve 120-140 grams of honey in one liter of purified water - honey water to get rid of acne.
  5. To restore liver function, you need to take a teaspoon of honey after each meal or add it to tea.

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