Maine Coon is large. Maine Coon cats (28 photos). Longest Maine Coon Stewie

The biggest domestic cat in the world - Maine Coon. Adults of this breed grow on average up to one meter in length, and the record figure is 1 meter 23 centimeters. Moreover, the weight of Maine Coons usually ranges from 6 to 9 kilograms, although you can often find such cats weighing 12 kilograms. And the Maine Coon's weight record is 15 kilos.

Of course, nowadays most people prefer to see their cats, usually having the average size. However, there are also extremes: someone wants to have a dwarf pussy, and someone wants to have a big cat in their home. For lovers of big fluffy cats Today we want to talk about the American Maine Coon breed.

It should be noted that under the characteristics of the big cat in the world, this refers to the general dimensions, since there is also the tallest cat in the world - Savannah. This is also a record holder, but less known and popular. In turn, Maine Coons are aborigines for the United States. The breed originated from wild cats, who once lived only on farms in the American state of Maine.

At first, Americans called only black tabby animals Maine Coon. I wonder what appearance, powerful build and huge fluffy tail gave such cats the appearance of raccoons. Therefore, the phrase Maine Coon literally means Maine Coon, since Maine is the name of the state of Maine, "coon" translates as "coon".

Although most people also agree that these cats are more like lynxes than raccoons: Maine Coons have tufted ears and massive paws.

The very first domesticated cat of the breed is considered to be a cat with an amazing name - Captain-Jenks-of-the-Sea-Cavalry. He began appearing in public in 1861, and graced cat shows held in Boston and New York. It was this handsome man who became the key to the popularity of the Maine Coon breed.

However, over time, cat lovers lost great interest in such large cats. And the breed owes its survival only to farmers from Maine. They greatly valued Maine Coons for their docile nature, excellent hunting skills and large size.

Currently this breed is considered the pride of Maine, which has made it famous throughout the world. In honor of this, in 1993, a coin was even issued here with the image of an easily recognizable cat. You can’t go wrong with this, because this breed is very large and fluffy.

Separately, I would like to note the beauty of the Maine Coon’s tail. As a rule, it is equal to 4/5 of total length animal. That is, the record holder with a length of 1.23 meters had a tail equal to one meter.

Today Maine Coons are bred all over the world in sufficient numbers. At the same time, it is especially appreciated that the surprisingly fluffy, long-haired pussies do not need special combing, such as “Persians”, whose fur begins to clump and get tangled without human care. In this regard, Maine Coons can take care of their fur on their own, without the help of their owners.

There are now many recognized Maine Coon colors, of which the most interesting is the "red merle", which is unique to cats in general and boils down to a bright red color with a clear ornate merle pattern.

However, feeding such big cats is not so easy. And the point is in two points at once: firstly, such giants eat twice as much as an ordinary cat, and secondly, Maine Coons prefer fresh natural food, rather than some dubious food from bags.

Otherwise, such cats behave the same way as other breeds of mustache-striped cats. In addition, their owners always note that representatives of this giant breed are surprisingly affectionate, friendly and peaceful. At the same time, Maine Coons are very smart.

For example, they will never scratch furniture if they have a scratching post at home. Also, they will not throw objects off the shelf that prevent them from walking, and they will not climb into the closet, since they do not like cramped and narrow spaces. Well, besides, Maine Coons love their owners very much and quickly get used to the new environment.

We continue to introduce you to record holders in the animal world - this time we will talk about the world's largest domestic cat breed. Of course, most people gravitate toward regular-sized animals; some time ago there was even a serious surge in popularity dwarf breeds cats and dogs, but not everyone can raise, feed and properly raise a truly large pet. The largest cat in the world at the moment is American breed Maine Coon.

It is worth noting that by the characteristic “large” we mean exactly how large these animals are, because if you compare only by the height of the withers, then the record holder will be a completely different, no less amazing and radically different breed from the Maine Coons - Savannah.

The largest cat in the world is native to the United States domestic breed, descended from wild cats that lived on farms in the American state of Maine during the colonization of New England.

Initially, only cats of the "black tabby" color were called Maine Coons - with their appearance, powerful physique and huge fluffy tail, they reminded local residents of raccoons - hence the name "Maine Coon", literally translated as Maine Raccoon ("Maine" is the name of the state Maine, "coon" is the second part of the word "racoon", meaning "raccoon").

Although, if you look closely, they still more closely resemble lynxes and similar wild cats with massive paws and tufts on their ears.

The first representative of the domesticated breed is considered to be a cat with the long name Captain-Jenks-of-the-Sea-Cavalry, who in 1861 became a real decoration of cat shows in Boston and New York and the key to the growing popularity of the new breed.

Unfortunately, subsequently the breed did not really take root as a domestic dog and owed its survival only to Maine farmers, who valued these cats for their docile nature, large size and excellent hunting skills.

Today, the Maine Coon breed is considered pride and one of the symbols of the state, in honor of which a 1 crown (25 pence) coin was even issued in 1993 with the image of an easily recognizable breed.

These friendly domestic cats are unusually large in size and weight. Adults average at least 1 meter in length, with the record being 1.23 meters. The weight of Maine Coons ranges between 6 and 9 kilograms (although 12-kilogram individuals are often found), with the record weight being 15 kg.

The length of the tail is usually equal to 4/5 of the total length of the cat, reaching it to the shoulder, that is, the 1.23-meter record holder had at least a meter-long tail.

Even though this long-haired breed, its coat does not require special care and regular combing, as, for example, in the case of “Persians”, whose coat becomes crumpled and braided into tangles without proper attention.

There are many recognized Maine Coon colors, the most interesting of which is “red merle” - unlike other breeds, Maine Coons are characterized by a much brighter red color with a clear merle pattern.

Feeding an adult Maine Coon is not so easy - it eats several times more food compared to regular-sized pets, while preferring fresh natural food to all kinds of food.

Almost every family has cute creatures - domestic cats. Thanks to them, our homes become more comfortable and warmer. Often they replace our friends and even doctors. It’s nice to feel a warm, living lump on your lap, listen to its purr, and feel joy.

We forgive him even scratches made through negligence and torn curtains on which he loves to frolic. And the larger our kitten is, the more pleasant it is to snuggle up to him.

Before we determine the biggest cat in the world, let's look at the smallest ones. It is believed that these include pets of the Singapura breed; this title is secured by the Guinness Book of Records. These crumbs weigh up to 2 kilograms. The tiny Himalayan cat was recognized as the smallest, weighing 680 grams. Tinker Toy the cat has grown to a height of 7 centimeters and a length of 18 centimeters. But it turns out that its small size was due to hormonal disorders in his body.

If we consider the largest cat by weight, we may encounter a similar problem. The fattest cat is not a completely healthy individual. The Australian pet Himmy, recognized as the fattest cat in the world, surpassed the cat Spice, who lives in Connecticut.

Himmy the Cat

The cat Himmi weighed 21 kilograms, and his “waist” was 84 centimeters. The Spice cat was listed in the Guinness Book of Records, but he weighed 20 kilograms. The cat Himmi, according to the owners, was lazy by nature, which affected his weight. He died because he could not move on his own and his breathing stopped. Himmi lived for 10 years.

Which felines living in houses in our neighborhood are recognized as the largest in the world? Domestic cats of the Maine Coon and Asher breeds are recognized as such companion animals (see which is the case).

Maine Coon

Animals of this breed are also called Maine cats. The Maine Coon breed held the title of the largest cat in the world for a long time. An adult individual reached a weight of up to 10 kilograms. A very beautiful individual, similar to both a jungle cat and a wild lynx.

It differs from cats of other breeds in its tiger-like gait and tufts on its ears. It differs from its wild counterparts in its friendly disposition. There is so much kindness and beauty in your home. Even somewhat similar to a Maine Coon.

A representative of the breed, the pet Stewie, who lives in the city of Reno, Nevada, USA, is listed in the famous book of records as the largest in length. domestic cat. The registered record indicates a length of 123 centimeters, if measured from the head to the tailbone, stretching the cat.

An application to register the record was submitted by its owner, Robin Hendrickson. What prompted her to do this was the constant surprise of her friends at the size of her 5-year-old pet. Robin Hendrickson notes not only the size of her pet. In her opinion, Stewie the cat is also the most gentle and affectionate creature.

Leopard or Asherah cat

Cats of this breed appeared relatively recently, were bred American geneticists, which was led by the British entrepreneur Simon Brodie. The long-legged African Serval, which is the name given to the wild cat, and the Asian leopard predator were crossed.

As a result, biotechnologists got a cat - a leopard. She bears the name of the goddess Asherah. The goal of geneticists was to breed an animal that could be considered a perfect creature in all respects.

The leopard cat differs from other species of the cat family by its impressive size, menacing appearance, powerful paws, predatory grin and exotic appearance.

At the same time, Asher cats have typical habits of domestic pets and an easy-going and affectionate character. They, just like other individuals, love to play, cuddle and “sing” songs - they purr. These unpretentious creatures love to play and frolic with children. At the same time, they are careful and try not to scratch anyone.

Simon Brodie's employees were removed several years ago. This achievement will help many people have a furry, affectionate and beloved friend in their home. True, this desire can be expensive. A small Usher can cost around $22,000, but more often than not the amount is much higher.

If you buy a hypoallergenic cat, then you need to add about six thousand more to this amount.

By purchasing this pet, you get:

  • complete vaccination of the individual;
  • annual health insurance;
  • identifier – a microchip implanted into the body of an individual;
  • hygiene kit;
  • special toys made from safe material;
  • food that can be called not only dietary, but also elite;
  • claw attachments made of vinyl included in the set;
  • as well as a consultation with veterinarian Ronald Tripp for 10 years.

It is this luminary of veterinary science who is a recognized expert on cats; he knows better than others how to properly care for them.

Asher cats are recognized as the largest, but this fact is already disputed by the creators of the Savannah breed. The scandalous fame of the dispute is fueled by legal showdowns, during which DNA tests are even carried out.

Savannah cat

Animals of this breed appeared in the 80s from the mixing of individuals of a domestic non-pedigreed species and a wild cat from Africa. And although Asher’s pets are recognized as the largest in the world, Savannah cats weigh more, up to 15 kilograms. Cm. .

It was the Trumble cat of the Savannah breed that was included in the Book of Records as the largest in the world. Body height – 48 centimeters. Measurements were taken from the shoulders to the tips of the paws. With such a long length, it weighs little - about 9 kilograms.

This individual is distinguished by its great activity, inherited from its wild ancestor, and by the fact that it eats little. Trumble lives with his owner Debbie Maraspina in Sacramento, California. Already at the age of 3 years, Trumble overtook other record-breaking cats. The previous record holder, the cat Scarletts Magic, was 44 centimeters in size. The cat Trumble was given a certificate confirming the record.

Another record holder - hybrid Liger

But the largest cat is recognized as Hercules, who needs 45 kilograms of food per day. And he weighs a lot - 408 kilograms with a length of 3.6 meters, and his height is 1.8 meters. Hercules the cat is not a pet, but he loves his owner, Dr. Bhagavan. Being kind and obedient, Hercules belongs to the Liger breed. This is a hybrid of a tigress and a lion.

The cats we know are predators belonging to a subspecies of the forest cat, the domestication of which occurred approximately 10 thousand years ago in human history. If you count total of these pets in the world, it will be approximately 600 million. And the number of cat breeds in the world is 256. Among them are long-haired ones, which are called Persians, and hairless Sphynx breeds. But they all live next to us, they are all companions of people.

Country of Origin: USA

Recognition: WCF, CFA, FIFe, TICA, GCCF

Breed standard according to CFA classification

General description: natural look cats, hardy, able to survive in harsh climates. Distinctive feature cats have shaggy, smooth fur. The animals are well built, the body is balanced. Type is more important than size. Animals with wonderful personalities adapt to changing environments.

Parameter Description
Head Medium width and length. High cheekbones. Males may have a wider head than females.

Strong, square muzzle, middle length, ending stupidly. In profile there is no impression that the muzzle is narrow or wedge-shaped. The length and width of the muzzle are proportional to the rest of the head. The overall appearance is balanced.

The chin is strong, deep, in line with upper lip and nose. In profile, the chin is clearly at an angle of 90°. A chin that tapers towards the lips is not desirable; such a chin is not considered strong or strong.

Profile In proportion to the muzzle and head size. A slight concavity is noticeable in profile. The profile is relatively smooth, without pronounced stop and/or humps. There should be no sign of a break or stop.
Ears Large, well pubescent, wide at the base, tapering towards the tip. The tips are pointed. The ears are set high. The distance between the ears is no more than the width of one ear at the base.
Eyes Large, expressive, wide open, oval shape. Set slightly obliquely towards the outer base of the ear. Eyes of any shade of green, gold, copper, green-golden. White individuals and cats with white color may have blue eyes; eyes of different colors are allowed.
Neck Middle length.
Body Medium to very large, muscular. The chest is wide. Females are generally smaller than males. The body is long, rectangular, in proportion to all parts, well balanced. The body should not be too weak or too heavy. Assumptions are made for young, not yet formed individuals.
Legs and paws

Legs are strong, of medium length, proportional to the body. The front legs are straight. The hind legs are straight when viewed from behind.

The paws are large, round, well-furred, with tufts of hair. Five toes on the front feet and four toes on the hind feet.

Tail Long, wide at the base and tapering towards the tip. The hair is long and flowing.
Wool Thick, shaggy. The coat is shorter on the shoulders, longer on the belly and hind legs. A collar is desirable. The texture is silky, the hair is flowing.

Flaws: The coat is short or of the same length throughout the body.


  • Delicate bone.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Strabismus.
  • Curved tail.
  • Wrong number of fingers.
  • White buttons, white medallions or white spots.
  • Presence of signs of hybridization (chocolate, lavender or Himalayan color).

Origin story

The origin of the amazing Maine Coons is mysterious. Many legends explain the origin of the breed, but none of them are confirmed. reliable facts. Maine Coons are believed to have been bred over 150 years ago in North America. Confession long-haired cats received in Maine. The cat became the official symbol of the state of Maine, where representatives of the breed were special treatment, and numerous competitions were held to showcase the cats' talents. Initially, representatives of this breed were valued for their working qualities; Maine Coons were excellent at catching rodents.

Since the appearance of Maine Coons in the earliest cat shows, very little was known about them, only that they were native to Maine. But thanks to the unbridled imagination of people, several versions of the origin of Maine Coons have received their right to exist. Some noticed the Maine Coon's similarities with a wild lynx (tufted ears, large paws), and others with a raccoon (tabby pattern, meowing, reminiscent of the sounds that young raccoons make). But the probability of Maine Coons being born as a result of crossing domestic cats with lynx and raccoons is zero, since offspring are obtained from two different types genetically impossible. Although the name Maine raccoon cat was assigned to the breed.

According to another legend, Maine Coons originated from Persian cats and Turkish Angoras. The captain of an English ship named Charles Coon was sailing along the New England coast. There were many cats on board the ship, among which long-haired Persians and Angoras predominated. Having moored to the shore, some animals ended up on land and, as a result of random matings with street and domestic cats, kittens with long hair appeared.

The origin story of Maine Coons is fascinating, connected with the escape of Marie Antoinette to North America. French Queen Marie Antoinette, planning her escape on a ship, decided to take cats with her. The queen herself could not escape punishment; she was executed. Marie Antoinette's escape did not take place, but the ship with cats on board reached the shores of North America, where individuals from France and local shorthair cats marked the beginning of the development of a new breed.

Another version of the origin of the breed is also widespread. Perhaps the breed appeared as a result of accidental crossing of cats kept by the local population and individuals that lived on board ships arriving from different parts of the planet. No one intentionally tried to deduce new breed, so the selection of Maine Coons was carried out by nature itself, leaving only hardy, large and strong animals capable of surviving in a cold, harsh climate, and the appearance of Maine Coons was formed naturally and has remained practically unchanged to this day.

The origin of Maine Coons is also associated with Norwegian forest cats, explaining the version by some similarities between the breeds. In particular, the similarities concern long hair, tufted ears, paws, as well as some character traits, for example, Norwegian Forest cats, like Maine Coons, are people-oriented, they seek human attention.

Representatives of the Maine Coon breed were brought to Russia in 1992.

Features of Maine Coons

Maine Coons are the largest of all existing breeds cats and they mature longer than others. Most cats reach their full maturity by 2 years of age, while Maine Coons mature within 4 years. On average, an adult female weighs 4-5.4 kg, and a male weighs 5.8-8 kg. The most large Maine Coon The cat Stewie is recognized, whose body length is 123.2 cm (from the tip of the nose to the tailbone), and the length of the tail is about 40 cm. The cat died of cancer in the eighth year of his life in 2013.

The colors of the Maine Coon breed are varied, although some of them are not recognized by the Standard (chocolate, lavender, Himalayan color). The pigmentation of the nose and paw pads depends on the basic coat color; in dark individuals the pigmentation ranges from brown to black, and in light and red ones it ranges from pink to brick red.

Representatives of the breed are born with a genetic anomaly - polydactyly, and although breeders and cat organizations consider polydactyly an unacceptable breed trait, Maine Coon lovers consider the anomaly to be a unique breed trait. With polydactyly, each paw can have up to 7 toes. World record for the largest number The fingers are held by a Maine Coon named Tiger, he has 27 fingers.

One of the quirks characteristic of Maine Coons is a passion for water. Cats are instinctively attracted to running water, so they do not miss the opportunity to go to the sink when one of the family members is washing dishes, they can spend hours catching drops from a leaking tap, and turn on the water themselves if the design of the tap allows it. In your own bowl with drinking water A Maine Coon can gurgle with its paw, getting carried away for a long time in a funny game.

Maine Coon character

Representatives of the breed are smart, easily trained animals, which are compared in intelligence to dogs. Gentle giants have a kind disposition and playfulness. They are very friendly. Suitable for families with children and animals. In the family they choose only one person to whom they show the greatest affection.

Very affectionate animals, not too demanding, but loving attention. For this reason, Maine Coons can sometimes be obsessive. They are actively looking human communication, which is manifested in the desire to be in the master's bed, they meet the owner at the door, greet guests with curiosity, and allow themselves to be stroked.

Excellent companions who are friendly towards children, strangers, dogs and other animals. Although females are more cautious when they find themselves in unfamiliar surroundings and among strangers. Unlike males, females are more reserved and less sociable.

Maine Coons are quiet, but they can make anyone smile with their antics. They are called the clowns of the cat world. Even the position the cat takes in its sleep makes you smile. And Maine Coons like to sleep in strange positions and in unusual places.

They easily adapt to new surroundings. Wherever your pet ends up, he will very quickly feel at home.

Maine Coon Health

Among hereditary diseases, which are not common among representatives of the breed, but are still serious, note dysplasia hip joint, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, spinal muscular atrophy.

Hip dysplasia leads to lameness and reduced cat mobility. Animals experience pain and refuse to jump, active games, move slowly. The disease can appear at any age; treatment is expensive and involves surgical intervention. Therefore, before buying a kitten, you need to ask the breeder to review the results of x-rays of both parents, carried out at the age of 2 years and confirming that the parents are healthy.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common form of heart disease in cats. The disease is diagnosed through echocardiography, the results of which (in relation to the parents) should also be obtained from the breeder.

Spinal muscular atrophy is characterized by muscle weakness and dystrophy. Kittens have difficulty walking and jumping and have a swaying gait, but the disease is not accompanied by pain.

Regular grooming of the Maine Coon's coat is a necessity, as long hair easily becomes matted in the area of ​​the ears, limbs, and tail. It is enough to brush your cat 2 times a week. It is better to get used to combing with early age. Pets tolerate the procedure calmly, because they love the attention and affection of the owner.

A cat's health is largely determined by proper nutrition. Therefore, you only need to feed your pet quality products. The basis natural diet should be chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit meat, raw or boiled. Supplements must be present, namely calcium, taurine. Among dry food, preference should be given to food that does not contain corn and wheat, artificial additives, or dyes.

Maine Coons have large paws with very sharp claws. To satisfy the need to sharpen claws, you need a scratching post. A couple of times a month it is recommended to control the length of the claws by trimming, if necessary.

Maine Coon kittens

The kittens are quite large, with a rectangular body. The babies have large paws, fluffy fur, a clearly visible collar and lynx tassels on their ears. They have an expressive and intelligent look. Before one year old kittens may look awkward, but as they go through the growing stages, babies turn into well-balanced beautiful cats. Maine Coons reach full maturity by the age of 4.

Maine Coon kittens are playful and sometimes destructive, active, and always busy with something. Once in a new home, they behave confidently, explore every corner and very quickly find contact with all the inhabitants of the house, adapting to the new living conditions. Maine Coon kittens are usually given to new house aged 12 weeks and older.

Maine Coon kittens are difficult to distinguish from mestizo, since mestizo is endowed with many features of a purebred individual.

  • But mestizos are inferior in size to purebred Maine Coons; they are not so large.
  • Purebred Maine Coons mature within 4 years, while mixed breeds reach full puberty by 2-3 years.
  • The Maine Coon has a noticeable fluffy collar coat even after molting. Mestizos may not have a pronounced collar, and may be less shaggy.

Price for kittens

Prices vary in different regions Russia and abroad. Breeders independently determine prices for Maine Coons, but the cost of individuals for show and breeding is high and amounts to approximately 100,000-125,000 rubles. Additional costs will be required for the delivery of the kitten if you buy it abroad.

Pets that are not destined to participate in breeding or attend exhibition events are given away at reduced prices. You can buy a Maine Coon kitten for a price starting from 60,000 rubles.

The human essence is such that everyone wants to have the best, the biggest and the rarest. This also applies to the cat world. It’s not for nothing that new breeds of cats are developed every time to achieve their place in the Guinness Book of Records.

So felinologists do not sleep and create more and more types of cats each time, and each of them has its own characteristics.

Discussing the most large types cats in the world, everyone evaluates them according to different parameters. For some sizes large breeds depends on the length of the cat, for some weight plays a role, and for others the indicator is height.

Leaders in the nomination “Largest cat breed”

Today, two fierce rivals fighting for the title of “most large breed domestic cats" are: Savannah and Maine Coon.

It is no secret that the third competitor intended to be a representative of the Asher family. But, as it turned out, this breed was a fictitious creation of a felinologist and, as such, does not exist, but was simply given out by Savannah under the guise of an allegedly new unique Asher individual.

After exposure, this participant was disqualified from the competition, but it is worth knowing about some nuances regarding this case. Indeed, to this day no court decision has been made regarding this breed.

A thorough genetic examination is being carried out to reveal the truth about the creation of the Ashera. The owner of this the latest type, Brady, assures that these two cats are completely two different breeds.

He explains that the only similarity between these breeds is the serval gene, and the Asher also contains the genes of an Asian leopard cat and a predatory cat (see).

I place – Savannah breed

Breed characteristics

  • This species is considered a large cat in terms of weight, and is also distinguished by the height and length of its body.
  • Weight: 12-15 kg (about the same weight as Maine Coons, although it is known that there are other representatives that reach more weight, about 20 kg).
  • Height: about 60 cm.

One can argue for a long time about whether this breed belongs to the domestic representatives of its own kind, since it was generated by a combination of species African serval with a simple cat. But if you think about it, the ancestors of most domestic pets were wild.

The heiress of this breed, a cat named Trouble, was the first to get into the Guinness Book of Records. Her height then reached 48 cm at the withers. Therefore, she had the title of the highest.

2nd place – Maine Coon breed

Description of the breed

  • Maine Coons are not only large cats, but also charming pets with sharp tufts on the tips of their ears, like lynxes, fluffy fur and a variety of colors.
  • Weight: from 8-15 kg.
  • Height: up to 41 cm.
  • Stewie, a purebred cat from this region, broke the record and became the longest cat in the world. The length from the tip of his fluffy tail to his nose was 123 cm.

III place – representatives of the Chausie breed

Description of the breed

  • In addition to the above two legitimate contenders for the title of “biggest cat,” one can introduce a representative of the jungle cats, the Chausie breed (also known as Chausie or Houseie).
  • Weight: reaches 18 kg.
  • Height: 40cm.

The main goal for creating this breed by crossing the jungle cat and the Abyssinian (see all) was the idea of ​​the breeders to obtain a variety of domestic cat to protect wild cats from being imprisoned in captivity.

See also which one exists in the world, its weight and dimensions.

The goal was achieved and today the Shawzi gets along well with people and is quite loving towards them.

IV place - charming ragdoll cats

Description of the breed

  • although it differs in size from ordinary cats, but it’s difficult to call it gigantic. Considering that the big ones in this breed are mostly males, and not all of them.
  • Weight: 9 kg.
  • Length: 1 meter (record).
  • These cats, especially their breed, are also called rag dolls. And all thanks to their genetically built-in passionless ardor, cuteness and non-aggressive behavior.

V place – short-haired pixie-bob (domestic lynxes)

Description of the breed

The next, but not the last, representative of the cat giants is the artificially bred short-haired pixie-bob, the domestic lynx. These cats are not much different in appearance from lynxes.

They are like representatives of these animals, but in miniature: the same sharp tassels on the tips of the ears and color. And also the pixie-bot will have a short tail (5 cm, sometimes 7-10 cm)

  • Weight: males - 8kg, females -5kg

VI place – representatives of the North, Siberian cats

Description of the breed

  • Representatives of the breed are Siberian cats from Russia. Among their fellow tribesmen, they stand out for their size.
  • Weight: for males the maximum reaches 12 kg, and for females up to 5-6 kg.
  • The peculiarity of this individual is their external fluffy and nice appearance. They are like a big and bright ball of affection. At the same time, scientists guarantee that Siberian cats are among the hypoallergenic breeds, which means they do not provoke allergic reaction in sensitive people.

Curious cases

One of the criteria for giant cats is also their weight. And in this case, the winner was none other than SpongeBob, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records under the category of the most plump cat.

His weight was 15kg. Today, this cat had to be put on a serious diet. And according to a certain decision of the book’s founders, this section of the record was withdrawn for the safety of the feline representatives, so that breeders would not sacrifice their health to win.

Behind for a long time Similar nominations were awarded several times, and the most impressive result was that of the Austrian cat Khiimiya. He weighed about 21 kg and subsequently died of obesity.

Of course, having the biggest cat in the house is nice and partly becomes pride, but the main thing is, first of all, love for the animal and caring for it.

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