Diet menu group 1 is positive. Nutrition according to the first blood group

Many experts agree that you can only lose quality and significant weight if you eat in accordance with your own blood type. The peculiarity of such a diet is not in reducing calories and not in reducing the volume of the daily meal, but in the exclusion of certain foods that provoke weight gain in women with the first positive blood group. And this approach to compiling correct menu allows you to eat nutritiously while losing extra pounds.

Nutrition rules for blood type 1

The essence of the blood type diet is that all foods are divided into three groups:

  1. Harmful. During digestion, they release toxic substances inside the body that negatively affect cells, slowing down metabolic processes in them.
  2. Neutral. Products that do not affect metabolism in any way.
  3. Useful. When they are broken down, energy is released, which promotes the internal burning of fat deposits and has a positive effect on the general condition of the body.

The main place in the diet of representatives of the fairer sex with 1 positive Rh blood group is meat. Especially lamb, poultry and beef. But products made from flour should be significantly limited. The same applies to wheat and oatmeal. At the same time, we must not forget about plant foods. This primarily applies to radishes and turnips. These products not only nourish the body mineral elements, but also improve activity endocrine system. Must be present in the diet buckwheat and legume products.

The most acceptable methods of cooking are boiling, stewing, steaming and grilling. But if we are talking about meat products, then the last preparation option should not be used so often.

Meals should be five times a day. The duration of the diet in accordance with these recommendations is about two months. During this period, the woman will not experience hunger, but at the same time she will be able to achieve the coveted slimness. At first, when you need to lose excess weight, you need to eat only healthy products. And then to simply secure and support achieved result, you can add neutral foods to your diet.

In order to eat and lose weight, the emphasis should be on healthy foods that will stimulate metabolism; the list of allowed foods for women of the first positive blood group will help you in this choice.

type of product Name Nuances of use
Meat Mutton, beef, rabbit, lamb and poultry, turkey, you can Ground beef, heart and liver It is better, of course, to choose the leanest pieces for consumption. The skin should be removed from the chicken and any visible fat should be removed from the pieces. As for lamb and beef, preference should be given to the meat of young animals.
Milk Kefir, cottage cheese, milk
Seafood Tuna and halibut, cod and pink salmon, river pike, trout, seaweed, mackerel, squid and shrimp As for squid and shrimp, it is better to include them in the diet no more than once every seven days.
Cereals Buckwheat, rice and barley, millet and pearl barley It is better to take brown rice, and buckwheat should not be cooked for a long time; you can simply steam it with boiled water in advance.
Fruits and vegetables Plums and pineapple, spinach, broccoli, radishes and carrots. Fruits and vegetables are best consumed raw, sometimes stewed and steamed.
Oil Flaxseed and olive It is better to add vegetable oil to cold salads.
Eggs Quail and chicken Can be fresh or boiled, but not fried.
Nuts Walnuts, pumpkin seeds They can be consumed as a separate snack or as an addition to salads and cottage cheese.

For a more complete study, you can use this table

The most preferable drinks to choose from are Mint tea and dandelion infusion, as well as pineapple juice. The tea, of course, is not bagged, but freshly brewed.

The table below clearly shows which products should prevail on the table of a woman who wants to lose weight and at the same time has a positive blood type. In addition, there are also neutral foods that can also be included in the diet, since they will not harm the figure, but you also shouldn’t expect any special benefits from them:

  • duck meat, broiler chickens;
  • carp, flounder, perch, eel and pike perch, all crustaceans;
  • sheep cheese;
  • soy sauce, butter, margarine, sunflower oil;
  • hazelnuts and almonds.
  • goose and pork meat, lard;
  • ham, ham and bacon, prepared foods;
  • caviar, salmon, salted and pickled herring, catfish;
  • whole and goat milk, yogurt, processed cheese;
  • ice cream and cream, sour cream;
  • peanut and corn oil;
  • pistachios, peanuts, poppy seeds;
  • pasta, wheat, corn and oat flakes;
  • citrus fruits, strawberries and melon;
  • cabbage, mushrooms, potatoes, avocados and olives;
  • mustard and ketchup.

Weekly menu

Day Menu
Monday Breakfast: consists of tea without sugar and a few slices of pineapple.
Snack: a glass of cherry juice and cottage cheese.
Dinner: fish soup and stewed vegetables.
Afternoon snack: rosehip tea and a handful of walnuts.
Dinner: fried liver with onions and a piece of rye bread.
Tuesday Breakfast: Herb tea and fresh plums, as well as some buckwheat.
Snack: glass of pineapple juice.
Dinner: chicken meat, broccoli soup and buckwheat again.
Afternoon snack: three plums.
Dinner: steamed trout and seaweed salad and eggs.
Wednesday Breakfast: chamomile tea and salad from permitted fruits.
Snack: two cheesecakes and a glass of kefir.
Dinner: chicken bouillon, 150 g lamb, cucumber salad.
Afternoon snack: a glass of apricot juice and nuts.
Dinner: zucchini stuffed with shrimp, herbs and cottage cheese.
Thursday Breakfast: one banana and drink a glass of milk.
Snack: raspberry tea and a piece of curd pudding.
Dinner: solyanka, vegetable stew and beef cutlets.
Afternoon snack: carrot salad.
Dinner: baked trout with arugula salad.
Friday Breakfast: omelette with chicken, tea, one loaf of bread.
Snack: cucumber and radish salad.
Dinner: meatball soup, brown rice with pieces of any fish.
Afternoon snack: some fresh cherries.
Dinner: vegetable stew with a piece of veal.
Saturday Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with liver and carrots, tea.
Snack: Three zucchini pancakes will do.
Dinner: borscht, vegetable casserole and grilled steak.
Afternoon snack: chamomile tea with pumpkin seeds and some apricot.
Dinner: fish cutlets with fresh vegetables.
Sunday Breakfast: tea, boiled egg and porridge from permitted cereals.
Snack: allowed to make a sandwich from rye toast and squash caviar, and you can wash it down with pineapple juice.
Dinner: stewed chicken with bell pepper.
Afternoon snack: one lazy cabbage roll and rosehip broth.
Dinner: squid with rice.

Problem excess weight today affects a huge number of people. To cope with it, to make their bodies slim and attractive, thousands of women and men work out in gyms, limit their diet, and also resort to the services of nutritionists and plastic surgeons.

Thanks to the developments of the world's leading nutritionists, completely new nutritional concepts have emerged, which are based on individual characteristics human body. If you adhere to the scheme they proposed, then weight loss occurs on its own, since all processes in the body are normalized.

This system also includes a diet that takes into account the blood type, as well as its Rh factor.

A little history

The genetic characteristics of human blood, which made it possible to divide it into several separate groups, were noticed and studied at the beginning of the last century. At the same time, the theory of the appearance of antigens in the blood was developed, the presence or absence of which makes it possible to divide human blood into different types. It is believed that such changes arose as a result of sudden changes in people's lifestyles.

Initially, all existing tribes were engaged in hunting and ate exclusively meat. All people of that time had the same blood type, today it is called the first. Over time, the climate on earth has changed, and the conditions of human existence have also undergone certain changes. Grains began to appear in the diet of the first people, and around the same time gene differences began to appear in the blood of people.

People who have an antigen in their blood that allows them to be classified in the third group are descendants of Asian nomads. A feature of the diet of those times was the appearance on the table of milk from animals that people began to domesticate.

The emergence of the youngest group, the fourth, was facilitated by the mixing of blood of people of different races and nationalities. This group is also the smallest.

Nutrition rules

According to the famous American nutritionist D'Adamo, for normal operation all systems of the body, we must try to eat only those foods that our ancestors ate. If your blood belongs to the most ancient and numerous group - the first, then the basis daily menu must be meat.

Also “hunters” hold various types of fish, but vegetables and grains are used only as an addition to the main diet.

Vegetarianism is contraindicated for people with the first blood group; their food should contain a lot of protein and iodine.

This diet is designed for a fairly long period. The first results will appear only after a few weeks: this is due to the fact that the body needs time to rebuild. When all vital systems are functioning properly, natural weight loss will begin.

Judging by the reviews, this diet is very effective.

Product table

The choice of products is based on the effect they have on the human body. Most people with blood type O have similar health problems. Therefore, they are recommended products that can solve existing problems.

Frequent consumption of red meat is an excellent way to combat anemia, and seafood is useful for iodine deficiency and thyroid diseases.


small quantities


livestock farming

Red meats, including lamb and turkey, beef and veal. It is also recommended to consume liver and heart Colic, duck and chicken meat, as well as eggs Any types of pork, as well as lard and goose meat
Seafood Most varieties of fish (sea, lake and river), salmon varieties (not smoked and salted) Seaweed is very useful Flounder, tuna, shrimp, crayfish, lobster and crab, squid, eel, pike perch Catfish, catfish, any caviar
Milk This group of products is not allowed for the descendants of “hunters” In rare cases, you can eat cottage cheese or cheese, butter You should not consume milk and products obtained after its fermentation, processed cheese. Ice cream is also strictly prohibited
Vegetable fats Olive oil (any type) Table margarine, fat extract from soybeans and sunflower seeds. You can also take fish oil Oil obtained from peanuts, corn, coconut, cotton
Seeds, nuts White seeds (pumpkin seeds), walnuts Nuts from cedar cones, almonds, hazelnuts, and sunflower seeds Pistachios, poppy seeds, peanut(peanut)
Cereals, flour products It is best for representatives of the first group to avoid eating flour dishes. In small quantities you can eat barley and pearl barley porridge, as well as rice, buckwheat, and barley. Bakery products can be made from rye, buckwheat or rice flour It is strictly forbidden to eat foods that contain wheat and oatmeal, as well as semolina and corn.
Spices Curry and parsley are beneficial You can use mustard, coriander, a little mayonnaise, bay, cloves and paprika. The use of fennel, cumin and dill, horseradish is allowed. Sweet lovers can add a little sugar or honey to their food, chocolate is also allowed Vinegar is strictly contraindicated, as well as various marinades and homemade pickles, ketchups. Cinnamon, vanilla in pods and ground, nutmeg, black pepper are prohibited
Vegetables Broccoli and kohlrabi, sweet potato, different kinds onion, turnip, watercress, chicory, spinach, pumpkin pulp, beet leaf Mushrooms include oyster mushrooms (a type of milk mushroom), zucchini, daikon, cucumbers, Bell pepper, carrots, white radish and radishes, asparagus, celery and tomatoes Champignons, rhubarb stems, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Peking sprouts, white and red cabbage,
Fruits Cherries, different varieties of plums, including cherry plums and prunes, as well as apples and figs Black, red and white currants, lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries and gooseberries, blueberries, blueberries, persimmons, nectarines and peaches, kiwi, raisins, pear, pomegranate, banana, cherries and grapes, lemon and grapefruit, pineapple and watermelons Melon, oranges and tangerines, strawberries, green and black olives, avocados,
Beverages Juices, compotes and fruit drinks can be made from permitted fruits and berries; teas made from linden blossom, parsley, dandelion and rosehip are also recommended for consumption. Infusions of valerian, hawthorn, ginseng root, raspberry fruits and leaves, mint, chamomile, echinacea, yarrow, thyme and licorice root. In rare cases, it is possible to drink beer, dry white or red wine. Green tea. Herbal tea made from coltsfoot, burdock, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves. Also prohibited are strong alcoholic drinks, coffee and carbonated drinks

Sample diet menu for 1 (positive) blood group

By following the recommendations of the creator of this diet, you will not need to limit yourself in the amount of food you eat to improve your well-being and lose weight. To achieve a sustainable result, you only need to minimize the use of neutral foods when preparing food, and also not eat prohibited foods at all.

This diet may seem quite difficult.

But from those products that are allowed for people with the first blood group, you can prepare enough a large number of tasty and healthy dishes.

When creating a menu, it is advisable to take into account general recommendations on healthy eating:

  • It is better to eat boiled or baked foods, but you should avoid heavy fried foods:
  • While following the diet, you should not drink alcoholic beverages. The only exception is dry wine, both red and white;
  • although the number of meals and portion size are not limited, you should still not overeat, especially in the afternoon;
  • should not be neglected physical activities. This will not only allow you to achieve the desired result faster, but will also improve the overall condition of the body.

Since people with the oldest blood group are allowed a fairly large amount of meat and fish dishes, then there will be no problems with creating a menu.

Breakfast may consist of boiled eggs, any of the suggested fruits, herbal or green tea. As a second breakfast, you can have a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

For lunch can be cooked vegetable soup, and as a second course baked fish or boiled meat is suitable. If you wish, you can prepare a tomato salad, and you can finish the meal with herbal tea.

For afternoon tea You can eat cottage cheese or allowed fruit, it can be replaced with freshly squeezed juice. But there can be a great variety of options for dinner. Choose your favorite type of meat or fish and cook it the way you like. Complete the dish with vegetables, and you can wash it all down herbal tea or juice.


What is special about people with the first blood group? What should the nutrition be like for carriers of 1 positive and negative group blood.

The Blood Type 1 Positive Diet is a table of foods for women and men who wish to take genetic factors into account when planning their diet. In developing his own method, Dr. D'Adamo adhered to individual approach to the development of diets, since diseases cannot be treated in different people the same. He delved into the study of the characteristics of each genotype in order to reflect this in dietary recommendations.

History of diet according to blood type 1

First blood group - oldest type. The ancestors were Neanderthals who lived almost 40 thousand years ago. They hunted and created primitive tools to kill animals and obtain meat. Protein food was the main source of energy. Later, competition for hunting grounds forced them to disperse from Africa to Europe and Asia, occupying all lands except Antarctica.

Peculiarities people with the first blood group:

  • strong digestive tract;
  • active immune system;
  • endurance and resistance to stress;
  • easily adapt to dietary and environmental changes;
  • have a high metabolism, remain healthy and energetic for a long time.

Of course, after thousands of years, changes have occurred in the diet of hunters; the modern diet differs from the previous one, which was high in protein, fat and low in carbohydrates.

What diet is needed for the first positive blood group?

The main reason overweight people with the first blood group - the amount of grains and legumes in the diet. Wheat contains gluten, which slows digestion by working against ketosis, or the use of fat as the main source of energy. Therefore, calories are used ineffectively, since lectins disrupt insulin production.

The blood of people with developed muscles has an acidic environment. Therefore, they should avoid legumes, which make tissues unnaturally alkaline. Thyroid regulation is another factor in weight gain. Hypothyroidism - often leads to obesity in people with the first blood group. Insufficient iodine levels reduce muscle mass, cause fatigue and swelling.

Basic enemies of metabolism:

  • wheat and gluten;
  • sweet corn.

Beans and lentils interfere with calorie burning. Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts suppress the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Products with high level iodine: kelp, seafood and iodized salt.

For efficient metabolism, people of the first blood group require sources of vitamin B: liver, red meat, spinach, broccoli.

Nutrition according to blood group 1 negative: decoding of the food table

Meat is the basis of the diet of a person of the first blood group. For one meal you need no more than 170 g product, according to Dr. D'Adamo. High acid levels in the blood make protein easier to digest, and the amount of protein in the diet increases with exercise. Helps balance your protein diet fresh fruits and vegetables, preventing excess acidification in the body, which results in irritation of the gastric mucosa and the development of ulcers.

  • Healthy foods: beef, lamb, offal, veal, venison.
  • Neutral: chicken, duck, pheasant, quail, turkey, rabbit.
  • Prohibited: bacon, goose, pork.

Seafood is necessary for carriers of the first blood group because of vitamin K, which helps improve clotting. Iodine in their composition regulates the function of the thyroid gland. Therefore, the diet for blood type 1 negative should include more seafood than meat:

  • Useful to eat: hake, halibut, mackerel, perch, trout, salmon, sardine, sturgeon.
  • Neutral in composition: anchovy, shellfish, crabs, crayfish, herring, flounder, lobster, mussels, oysters, shrimp, squid.
  • Avoid: caviar, smoked salmon, octopus.

Dairy and eggs not recommended add to the diet of 1 negative blood group, but it is permissible to consume soy milk and cheeses. Neutral foods include feta cheese, goat's milk cheeses, and mozzarella. Strictly avoid cottage cheese, curdled milk, brie, gouda, soft cheeses, ice cream, and yoghurts.

Oils and fats are useful for people with blood type O, especially flaxseed and olive oil. You can use rapeseed and sesame, take fish fat. Avoid corn, sunflower and peanuts.

Nuts and seeds necessary for the nervous system. Peanut butter easier to digest digestive tract Rh negative people than regular nuts. It is useful to eat pumpkin seeds and walnuts, sometimes allow yourself almonds and almond oil, hazelnuts, pecans, cedar, sesame seeds, tahini and sunflower seeds. Avoid brazil nut, cashews, peanuts (including oils), pistachios and poppy seeds.

Legumes and legumes. Moderate bean consumption - The best decision. The weakly acidic muscle tissue of people with a negative blood type is aimed at rapid fat burning, and legumes add alkaline lectins to the environment, slowing down the process. However, they strengthen gastrointestinal tract, reduce acidity. You can consume black and variegated beans, and chickpeas, green peas, and beans in limited quantities. Avoid white beans, lentils, soy.

Cereals, due to their gluten content, are dangerous for people with negative blood group O, as they provoke weight gain. Lectins interfere with absorption nutrients, slow down metabolism. Therefore, all cereals are neutral (used no more than four times a week): barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice bran. You will have to give up corn, muesli of all stripes, wheat bran and cereals.

Bakery products themselves - bad choice for negative Rh factor, since they are made on the basis of wheat. Genes are not able to cope with grains, so you should pay attention to gluten-free, rice and Rye bread, crackers, use soy flour. Products made from corn, pasta, and semolina are strictly not suitable.

Vegetables contain vitamin K, so herbs take the lead: dandelion greens, escarole lettuce, garlic, beet leaves and broccoli, artichokes, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, parsley, red peppers, pumpkin, spinach and seaweed. Sometimes you can eat beets, carrots, celery, endive, zucchini, cucumber, fennel, ginger, olives, iceberg lettuce, radishes, tomatoes and tofu. Avoid eggplants, white and red cabbage, mustard, olives, potatoes, and corn.

Fruits - a significant part of the diet for blood group 1, negative because they alkalinize the blood. You can eat figs, plums and prunes first, then apricots, bananas, apples, currants, cherries, gooseberries, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi, mango, nectarine, pineapple, pomegranate, raisins, watermelons. It is forbidden to eat blackberries, coconut, melon, oranges, tangerines and drink juices based on them. To reduce acidity, you should drink pineapple, cherry and plum juices, and avoid apple and orange.

Carob and cayenne pepper, turmeric are suitable as spices. But in cooking you can use almost everything except cinnamon, nutmeg, ground black pepper, vinegar and vanilla. You can dress salads with mustard, but avoid ketchup and mayonnaise.

It is useful to drink herbal teas based on mint and rose hips, and alkaline mineral water. It is better to remove coffee, sweet sodas and tea from the menu.

Nutrition according to blood type 1 positive food table

Meat and seafood dominate the diet. The consumption of milk and dairy products should be minimized, since they are associated with the development of heart disease in people with the first blood group. The Paleo diet is ideal for this genotype.

Recommendations for consumption of meat, dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits are similar to the blood type 1 negative diet for weight loss or gain muscle mass. Restrictions relate only to volumes and processing technology:

  1. Meat should be consumed no more than 170 g at a time, baked, fried or boiled. Excess protein acidifies the blood. Meat and seafood remain the main part of the diet.
  2. Eat nuts and seeds only raw.
  3. Beans can reduce the acidity of muscle tissue, so they are used sparingly.
  4. Use butter in moderation, eat cottage cheese and goat cheese.
  5. People with the first blood group are prone to arthritis and inflammation, so tilapia, halibut and cod will be a useful addition to the menu.
  6. Cereals and dairy products are poorly digestible by people with blood type O Rh positive. Excessive consumption of bread, corn, wheat or gluten causes obesity.
  7. Instead of three large meals, you should eat 5-6 times a day fractionally
  8. Avoid refined carbohydrates and sugar, as well as drinking too much wine and beer.
  9. In the process of losing weight, completely avoid bread, nuts and legumes.

Nutritional conclusions for blood group 1 positive and negative

All of Dr. D'Adamo's arguments are based on observations and the work of other research groups. He did not conduct clinical trials to prove the blood type theory of food tolerance. The theory of interaction of lectins from food products with antigens on red blood cells has not been proven, since in science there is no concept of their intolerance. In one of Dr. D'Adamo's books, a statement was made about beneficial effects diets for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, which also has not received scientific evidence.

The materials are published for informational purposes only and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you consult a hematologist at your medical institution!

Nutrition according to blood type has its own scientific basis. Features of the antigenic composition of blood group 1, which are inherited, determine health characteristics and the condition of organs. You should constantly include in your diet a list of foods recommended by scientists for blood type 1, and avoid prohibited foods that may adversely affect your health.

The importance of the blood type diet

Every modern man aware of the need rational nutrition, and, in particular, the dependence of his choice on blood group. This is due to the genetic characteristics of the organism belonging to a particular blood group, its strengths and weaknesses, predisposition to certain diseases.

For example, a diet for blood group 1 is built taking into account the weak links of the body, when there is Great chance diseases: joints, endocrine system, allergic reactions, diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Important! This does not mean that they will necessarily develop. Subject to preventive measures this can be avoided. Diet plays an important role in prevention, in which a set of food products should help improve the function of these organs and prevent their diseases.

In addition, the dynasty of American naturopathic scientists James and Peter D'Adamo conducted Scientific research, in which different digestibility of products was revealed in people with different group affiliations. They also developed a diet for group 1.

Nutrition for blood group 1

Through many years of research by nutritionists around the world, certain nutritional rules have been established for people with blood group 1, and a list of foods that are healthy and harmful for them has been compiled.

The most useful products 1 are:

  • seafood;
  • vegetables and fruits in fresh, stewed or steamed, baked;
  • greenery;
  • herbal teas, natural juices from non-acidic fruits without sugar;
  • dark bread.

Seafood proteins are most easily absorbed by the body, and the iodine content in them will also be beneficial. When choosing fruits, you should avoid those containing acid, and when choosing teas, the most useful are ginger, mint, rose hips, and natural green tea.

Products subject to restrictions

You can also include foods in your diet that are in moderation will not cause harm to the health of persons of the 1st blood group. This list includes:

  • potato;
  • cereal porridges (wheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, millet, barley), with the only exception being buckwheat porridge;
  • confectionery— cakes, buns, pastries, sweets;
  • alcoholic drinks - wine, beer;
  • raspberry juices and teas, tea with valerian and sage.

It will also be useful for you to learn about on our website.

These products can be consumed, but only to a limited extent. They will not bring any benefit to the body, but in small quantities they will not cause harm. Salt should also be significantly limited, food should be only slightly salted.

Prohibited foods for blood group 1

For people of the 1st blood group, foods that can cause discomfort, indigestion and general condition. These include:

  • cabbage;
  • corn in any form;
  • any marinades and canned food;
  • mayonnaise and similar sauces, ketchups, adjika;
  • drinks: strong tea, black coffee, echinacea tincture, St. John's wort.

Important! The forbidden fruit is always sweet, and people still want to diversify their diet. No one is saying that prohibited foods and drinks will necessarily cause illness, but it’s not worth the risk. Taking care of your health, it is quite possible to make a varied diet from recommended products.

Nutrition tables for people of the 1st blood group: negative and positive

The above are stated general principles nutrition according to blood group 1, however, there are some dietary features depending on whether the blood has Rh positive or negative. These differences with the list of products are presented in the tables.

Diet table for 1 positive blood group

Foods that should be limited

Prohibited Products

Meat: lean lamb, lean beef, veal, turkey

duck, chicken, rabbit

pork, bacon, lard, ham, ham, goose meat

Seafood: seaweed, sea fish

pike perch, carp, squid, crustaceans

smoked fish, salted, dried and marinated fish, catfish, caviar

cottage cheese, white curd cheese, low-fat bio-yogurt

milk, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, hard cheeses

Fats: olive oil linseed oil is also useful

sunflower, oil, margarine, fish oil

corn oil, butter and soybean, pork and lamb fat, lard

Cereals, porridges: dark and spotted beans

rice, buckwheat, peas, barley

oatmeal, peanuts, wheat barley, corn flour and grits

Vegetables: onions, beets, lettuce, spinach, sweet potatoes, broccoli, turnips

mushrooms, radish, radishes, celery, zucchini, cucumbers

cabbage, potatoes, champignons, rhubarb

Fruits: apples, cherries, prunes, cherry plum

most fruits and berries that are not prohibited (apricot, pear, currant, banana and others)

orange, tangerine, lemon, melon, raspberry, avocado, blackberry

Drinks: green tea, rosehip, linden tea

tea with oregano, chamomile, mint

alcoholic drinks, strong tea, coffee, all carbonated drinks

The listed products for 1 positive blood group will fully provide a varied and complete diet, which will have a beneficial effect on health.

Nutrition table 1 blood group negative

Allowed products in limited quantities

Prohibited Products

Meat: low-fat varieties(beef, veal, chicken breast)

duck, goose and chicken meat, rabbit meat

pork, bacon, lard, ham

Seafood: sea fish, cabbage, shrimp


salted fish, smoked and dried fish, balyk, caviar

Fruits, vegetables: fresh and stewed, with the exception of sour varieties, pumpkin, turnips

mushrooms, zucchini, squash, potatoes

cabbage, eggplant, avocado

Cereals: buckwheat

oatmeal, wheat, pearl barley, beans


low-fat cottage cheese, white cheeses

milk, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cheeses

Drinks: green tea, rosehip infusion, linden and ginger tea, chamomile decoction

mint, oregano, low alcohol drinks

coffee, strong tea, alcohol, ginseng

Weight loss with the first positive blood group

The problem is that many people with the 1st positive group are prone to obesity. This is explained by temperament, increased activity of life and appetite, in particular. How to lose weight if you have blood type 1 positive? Nutritionists answer this question. Their recommendations are quite feasible; they consist in observing the following measures:

  • eat more seafood and lean meat;
  • exclude porridge from the diet, with the exception of buckwheat, exclude potatoes;
  • exclude confectionery, chocolate, white bread, rolls;
  • instead of table salt use iodine, this will increase the function of the thyroid gland and enhance metabolism;
  • consume regularly seaweed, which contains a lot of iodine;
  • Among fruits, prefer pineapple (not sour varieties), pineapple juice without sugar.

This is about diet. You can’t do without weight loss physical activity. It is necessary to make daily morning exercises mandatory, walk more, it is highly advisable to visit GYM's, swimming pool, aerobics classes. In winter it is good to ski and visit the skating rink.

Important! Diet alone for weight loss for blood group 1 will not give the desired effect. There is no way to do this without increasing physical activity.

Following the blood type 1 diet is very important to maintain its unique natural properties, save good health and well-being, ensure active longevity.

In 1997, an American scientist published the book “4 Blood Types – 4 Paths to Health.” In his work, Peter D'Adamo urged everyone to eat as they should by nature, or more precisely, by their blood type. According to the results of thirty years of testing and observations by the author of the book and his father, each group is characterized by its own set of products and eating habits, which were formed in the process of human evolution. Thus, carriers of the first group belong to the descendants ancient people and require an appropriate set of products, D’Adamo has created an individual diet for them.

Features of the first group according to D’Adamo

The author of the book, which later became a bestseller, became interested in naturopathy following the example of his father. A family of naturopathic doctors have devoted most of their lives to studying diseases caused by poor lifestyle and poor nutrition. For more than 30 years, father and son have been testing people, products, and the relationship between health and eating habits. They were particularly interested in belonging to one or another blood group.

As a result, the D'Adamo family came to the conclusion that blood type is the basis for healthy body. It is she who tells a person which products he should choose and which are unnatural for him. For this discrepancy, Peter “blames” lecithins, which are found in every human body and food products. To work correctly internal organs, immunity and digestion did not suffer, you need to eat foods with lecithins that are suitable for those that are already in the body.

According to the naturopath, what is good for one group is unnatural for another. Such differences were formed during human evolution. At first there was only the first blood group, it served as the basis for all subsequent ones. It is simply designated I, according to the European gradation from first to fourth, or in the American way - O. Since it relates to the most ancient, its bearers also have echoes of those qualities that were inherent in our first ancestors.

The scientist called such people hunters; in his opinion, they have a number of characteristic features, which were handed down to them by the cave forefathers. Carriers of the first group are distinguished by their endurance, both physical and moral. According to a naturopath, such a person needs to be constantly on the move; he tolerates hard physical work well, but over time he can adapt to an office lifestyle. What comes easiest to him is collective work.

Adaptation, by the way, is a little lame in such representatives. The scientist notes that the first group does not tolerate changes well, including changes in eating habits. Because of abrupt transition When following a new diet, your metabolism may be disrupted at first, so you need to enter the diet gradually. People with group O have powerful immunity, for such people are not scary frequent colds, even viral diseases rarely bother “hunters”.

In powerful work immune system lies the weakness of this category of people; sometimes it can function to its detriment. For example, they are at increased risk for allergies and other autoimmune disorders. The digestion of the descendants of the ancients is quite enviable, they tolerate heavy food well, and quickly recover from poisoning. There is one significant drawback in the gastrointestinal tract - increased acidity.

The scientist explains this by saying that the primitive hunter ate a large amount of plant matter. That's why digestive system increased acidity over time gastric juice so that they can be easily digested. Of the other diseases, people with the first group should be wary of hematopoietic and clotting disorders.

The right diet for a hunter

At a time when only the first blood group existed, people survived mainly by hunting. He also “tried some types of wild plant foods, fish and nuts. The descendants of the ancients require nutrition similar to distant times, when we were just exploring the young Earth.

Since at that time people ate meat, the diet for the first group according to Peter D’Adamo will be high in protein. The naturopath has compiled a table showing three categories of products:

  • recommended;
  • neutral;
  • not recommended.

The correct selection of products will ensure wellness, improved appearance, increased immunity to bacteria and fungi. Most diseases, according to the doctor, in the first group occur due to an inappropriate set of nutritional components.

Diet rules include adjusting the diet, taking additional vitamins and minerals, and mandatory physical activity. Each group corresponds to certain sports. "Hunters" are especially hardy and can afford almost any type of exercise. D'Adamo emphasizes that intensive training physical activity for the first group are especially important.

Without proper activity, the descendants of the first breadwinners may have decreased immunity and impaired mental health, blood clotting often increases, which can lead to blockage of blood vessels. To maintain shape and a healthy mind, a naturopath recommends that this category of people engage in heavy exercise: bodybuilding, extreme sports, powerlifting, cardio exercise.

There is no specific diet on the diet. The technique recommends that “hunters” focus on the feeling of hunger, as happened in prehistoric times. The first people could not afford such luxury as separate meals, so they ate exclusively according to the body’s demands. Modern “hunters” are advised to do the same.

D’Adamo doesn’t make any specific promises about weight loss. But he notes that body weight will stabilize in any case. If you have a too thin physique, your weight will increase, while for those who are plump, on the contrary, it will decrease. If you have a purposeful desire to lose weight, you just need to pay attention to the amount of food and the way it is prepared. The first group is recommended to grill, fry without oil, and stew. To reduce weight, you can boil or steam the ingredients.

Diet for 1 positive and diet for 1 negative blood group are the same thing. Peter D'Adamo did not categorize people based on their Rh factor.

"Hunting" set of products

The D'Adamo diet is marketed as a lifestyle choice, not a short-term fix. The scientist notes that the prescribed diet should become a permanent habit. The first results of changes in diet, according to blood type, will appear only after a few months. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to it for at least six months. During this period, you need to memorize “your” foods and engage in the appropriate sport.

Correct eating behavior, as we have already figured out, will improve your well-being and appearance, for which, in fact, all diets are followed. The table of foods for the first blood group was slightly adapted by scientists to modern laws of life. Therefore, these days, “hunters” can pamper themselves with spices, natural teas, enriched mineral water, and vegetable oil.

Products for diet
Recommended Neutral Not recommended
Meat, eggs, poultry
, minced meat, fillet, heart , minced poultry, wild poultry, broiler, eggs , ham, prosciutto, sausages
Milk products
Sheep and homemade curd cheeses Whole milk, fermented milk drinks, cow cheese, ice cream
Fish and seafood
, mackerel, fresh, river, Shellfish, marine, Smoked salmon, salted and pickled herring, fish roe
, products made from rye, millet, dietary rye and , pasta, and its derivatives (, gingerbread, buns), muesli, oat/corn/wheat flakes
and products made from it (,), spotted beans, (green, green), green beans, white beans , "naval"
, watercress, Tomatoes, asparagus, , /Chinese/ ,
Berries and fruits
, , , currant , olives (green and black),

From the neutral category of products, people with blood type I can use ingredients in limited quantities. According to D'Adamo, such components will not cause harm if you eat them 1-2 times a week. The basis of the diet should consist of those products that are classified as recommended. Those that are included in the exception (not recommended) are better not to use at all.

The list of products for the first positive and negative blood group is also supplemented by permitted spices and herbs. It is useful for “hunters” to sometimes use curry, paprika,... You need to handle and more carefully; it is recommended to replace the first with, and add flavor to the dishes with the help of spices. Vinegar, marinades, and pickles should be completely avoided due to the risk of increased stomach acidity.

In addition, there are a number of products and dishes that the author of the method calls “garbage” and does not recommend eating by any of the groups. These are the names that are prohibited by any diet:

  • fast food;
  • synthetic flavoring additives;
  • industrial sauces and cooking fats;
  • ready-made confectionery products;
  • sweet sodas, packaged juices.

Also, the key to a good outcome of the diet will be giving up nicotine and strong alcohol. The author of the diet notes that the first group can drink a couple of glasses a week: white and red wine, natural - if there is no clear goal to lose weight. Soda drinks, herbal drinks (except leaves), and mineral drinks are considered useful for this category.

Drinking regime You need to control it, as well as your diet, based on the needs of the body. Due to the possibility of an increase acid balance, it is recommended to drink in small portions throughout the day in order to dilute the gastric juice within the acceptable limits.

Menu for the week

Having decided on a list of products, you need to get rid of everything that is prohibited. It is recommended to prepare the menu for the week ahead in advance in order to stock up on a set of products in time and find recipes, if necessary. Meal planning is especially useful if you are on a diet to lose weight. In this case, you can count calories or do without it by simply reducing the usual volume of meals.

To reduce body weight, you can resort to fractional meals or follow D'Adamo's recommendations - eat only when you feel hungry. We will consider a menu that will comply with the rules of the diet, while compatible with the “weight loss” goal.


Breakfast: buckwheat with steamed veal cutlet, echinacea tea.

Second breakfast: rye bread with cottage cheese, mineral water.

Lunch: soup with rice, tomatoes and broccoli.

Snack: fresh pear, herbal tea.

Second breakfast: fresh carrot and apple salad.

Lunch: roast liver, onions and carrots, buckwheat bread.

Snack: sheep cheese, chamomile tea.

Dinner: halibut baked in foil with spices.


Breakfast: boiled rice with chicken, tea.

Second breakfast: fresh plums, mineral water.

Dinner: steamed hake, fried asparagus or green beans.

If desired, you can reduce the number of meals, the main thing is to avoid starvation and not to overeat. Fried foods are not prohibited for this diet, but in order to lose weight it is better to reduce them. It is also better to limit the amount of salt and sugar.

In the compiled diet for the first blood group, D’Adamo focuses on additional nutritional supplements. Since the diet for “hunters” contains almost no vegetable proteins, too few and incomplete set of minerals, they need to be obtained from medicinal formulations.

It is recommended to add and . With their help, metabolism, which often suffers in carriers of the O(I) group, will improve and will also strengthen nervous system and brain function. Vitamin K is especially necessary for this group of people, as it normalizes blood clotting. In a modern “hunter” it may be increased, but most often there is a decreased ability to coagulate.

From mineral complex you need to choose, since there is practically no dairy products in the prescribed diet. In addition to it, the author of the diet advises drinking and, which will help to properly absorb vitamins and normalize water balance in the body and strengthen the heart muscle.

Conclusions: advantages and disadvantages of the technique

You don't need to be a scientist to notice the positive aspects of this technique. It completely excludes harmful products and alcohol, recommends natural ingredients. Moreover, a mandatory point of its passage is considered right choice physical exercise. Sport is part of the diet, even if it is followed without an ardent desire to lose weight.

In the course of its observance, a person, one way or another, forms the right habits: eat only when necessary; carefully monitor what goes on the table; give up bad habits. If you follow it strictly as prescribed, weight loss body will happen exactly. In addition, high-quality and natural products together with additional food additives will fill the body useful components. Reviews of those who have tried the diet often note improvement general well-being and appearance.

But you don’t need to be a scientist to doubt the scientific validity of such a diet. Reviews from doctors about this technique are overwhelmingly ironic. Even D'Adamo himself does not provide scientific arguments in defense of his theory. The blood type diet was compiled based on his observations, but exactly how diet, Rh factor and blood type are interconnected is not explained in the naturopath’s book.

D'Adamo's only pseudo-scientific explanation relates to the conflict between blood lecithins and food products. Official medicine such a statement seems completely ridiculous. After all, before entering the blood, nutritional components are broken down into. And no blood lecithins can “figure out” where these amino acids came from.

WITH scientific point In terms of vision, a person may indeed have his own specific nutrition, but it is rather determined by seasonality, nationality, and family traditions. If we talk about heredity, from our most ancient ancestors we received a unique trait - omnivorousness. This property ensured man's long evolution and prosperity on Earth.

So, the D’Adamo diet is a scientifically unfounded technique. But it firmly holds its position among popular diets, as it leads to improved well-being and weight loss. This happens thanks to a natural set of products and physical exercise, and not at all from the coincidence of blood lecithins and food proteins. Therefore, if you are a “hunter”, you can safely use the diet of a “farmer”, “wanderer” or “new person”.

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