Trace elements: small agents in the human body and their great importance in his life. The role of macro- and microelements in the human body

Exist various functions trace elements in the human body various fields vital activity. Many of them are sources of energy and the ability to conduct electrical impulses. In case of violation electrolyte balance interruptions in the work of the cardiovascular system may occur, change acid- alkaline balance blood and other pathological changes occur.

Since ancient times in Rus' there has been a custom to meet guests with bread and salt, and for good reason. The diet, including the diet, should include a sufficient amount of minerals, since their lack usually causes various diseases. So, animals that cannot replenish the reserves of the salts they need soon die. Plants draw salt from the soil, the characteristics of which naturally affect mineral composition plants themselves, which indirectly affects the body composition of herbivores. However, an excess of these substances is also fraught with severe health disorders.

All minerals It is customary to divide into micro and macro elements.

Minerals - inorganic chemical elements that are part of the body and are components of food. Currently, 16 such elements are considered indispensable. Minerals are just as essential to humans as vitamins. Moreover, many vitamins and minerals work in close interaction with each other.

The body's need for macronutrients - sodium, potassium, phosphorus, etc. - is significant: from hundreds of milligrams to several grams.

A person's need for trace elements - iron, copper, zinc, etc. - is extremely small: it is measured in thousandths of a gram (micrograms).

Table: macronutrients in the human body and their role

Macronutrients in the human body are potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine. Biological role macronutrients, the body's need for them, signs of deficiency and the main sources are presented in the table.

The table of macronutrients includes their main types and varieties, among which are essential elements. By carefully studying the data, you will understand the role of macronutrients in the human body.

Table - The role and sources of essential macronutrients, the body's need for them and signs of deficiency:

trace elements

Role in the body

Need, mg/day

Signs of deficiency

food sources

Membrane potential of the cell

Muscle weakness, arrhythmia, apathy

Dried apricots, raisins, peas, nuts, potatoes, chicken, mushrooms

Osmotic balance

Hypotension, oliguria, seizures

Salt, cheese, canned food

The structure of the bones of the skeleton, blood clotting

Osteoporosis, tetany, arrhythmias, hypotension

Cheese, cottage cheese, milk, nuts, peas, raisins

Synthesis of proteins, urea, carbohydrate metabolism

Muscle weakness, tremor, convulsions, arrhythmias, depression

watermelons, buckwheat, hercules, soy flour, bran, squid

Osmotic balance

Hypotension, polyuria, vomiting

Salt, cheese, canned food

Energy metabolism (ATP)

Respiratory arrest, hemolytic anemia

Cheeses, soy flour, rice, fish, eggs

The tissues contain a lot of minerals, including macronutrients, and therefore they have to be consumed with food. In this case, a balance should be maintained between individual chemicals. Thus, the ratio between calcium, phosphorus and magnesium recommended for adults is 1:1.5:0.5. In children of the first year of life, the proportion between calcium and phosphorus changes by 2:1, which corresponds to chemical composition human milk and its substitutes.

Table: trace elements and their role in the human body

The role of trace elements in the human body is that they also perform important features in the body, and with their deficiency, very severe disorders and even diseases develop. We offer a table of trace elements in the human body indicating the signs of their deficiency.

Table - The role and sources of essential trace elements, the body's need for them and signs of deficiency:


Role in the body

Need, mg/day

Signs of deficiency

food sources

Oxygen transport

hypochromic anemia

Liver, peas, buckwheat, mushrooms

Hematopoiesis, collagen synthesis

Hypochromic anemia, leukopenia, osteoporosis

Cod liver, beef liver, squid, nuts, buckwheat

Hormones thyroid gland

Goiter, hypothyroidism, cretinism

Seaweed, iodized salt

tissue respiration

Diarrhea, dermatitis, alopecia

Oysters, beef liver, cheeses


cholesterol metabolism

atherosclerosis, dermatitis

Blueberries, oats, rice, dried apricots, soy

carbohydrate metabolism

Hyperglycemia, polyneuropathy

Pears, tomatoes, gouda cheese, beer


Increased methionine in the blood

Beans, peas, cereals

Included in vitamin B12

pernicious anemia

Squid, cod liver, semolina

Tooth enamel


Immune disorders, cardiomyopathy

Lobsters, herring, eel, carp, kidneys, pork liver

The diet of a significant part of people, especially children, pregnant and lactating women, does not provide sufficient intake of a number of essential minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine. There is a danger of deficiency and trace elements such as zinc, fluorine and some others.

In order to regularly meet the need for all the necessary macro- and microelements, the diet should be varied, including foods that are rich in these biologically valuable substances.

More on the topic

29 . 04.2017

Tale about trace elements in the human body and their significance. You will learn what, in addition to microelements, is part of the cells of the body and what minerals are. I will show a table of the content of the main trace elements in food products and tell you why spectral analysis of hair is used. Go!

“Why did you bring this mountain of stones?! - Ivan was indignant, trying in vain to get through a pile of cobblestones to the door to his wife's bedchamber.

- You yourself said: "The wife needs vitamins and minerals," the Serpent reminded philosophically, looking at the claws. - Minerals are here, and vitamins are in the beds ...

Hello friends! The familiar name “minerals” is not entirely true when it comes to what microelements are needed to maintain balance in the human body, and their significance. To understand what the difference is, I offer a brief excursion into inanimate nature closely related to life itself.

Macro and micronutrients

In the periodic table there are a number of elements that have great importance for biological life. Plants, animals and humans need various substances that allow us to function normally.

Some of these agents that are part of the cells of the body are called macronutrients because they make up at least one hundredth of a percent of our entire body. Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen are the basis of protein, fats and carbohydrates, organic acids.

Following them, slightly inferior in quantity, comes a number of things indispensable for building living cells - chlorine, calcium and potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, sulfur and sodium.

human cell

In addition to them, there are a number of elements that are contained in us in negligible amounts - less than a hundredth of a percent. Why is their concentration so important? Excess or deficiency significantly affects many biochemical processes of a living object.

Such agents are named − trace elements. Their common property- they are not formed in a living organism. In order to maintain the internal balance of cells, they must be supplied with food in sufficient quantities.

Do not look in a box of gems

All gardeners know that a plant will not grow without natural fertilizers. For him, a person has stored "Gumat 7", but what about for himself? Special dietary supplements.

Brands and advertisers often use the wrong name: "vitamin-mineral complex". The word "mineral" taken from foreign language, in Russian means a natural body with a crystal lattice. For example, diamond is a mineral, while its constituent carbon is a trace element.

Let's not find fault with the name, let's say that only according to proven information there are at least three dozen of them, and how many more are contained in such tiny doses that it is impossible to catch any device - no one can guarantee.

Here, for example, is a group of trace elements that everyone is talking about:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt.

And many others. Impossible without selenium good vision, and without iron, red blood cells cannot exist, responsible for carrying oxygen to our cells. Phosphorus is needed by our neurocytes - brain cells, and a lack of fluorine will cause problems with teeth. Magnesium is important for, and a lack of iodine leads to the development of a serious pathology. And all of them should be present in our diet.

Where, where did you go?

What leads to a lack of certain macro- and microelements? Since in most cases food is responsible for intake, deficiency or excess arises from its inferiority.

There are antagonists among them that prevent the absorption of each other (for example, potassium and sodium).

In general, the reasons may be as follows:

  • increased radiation background, which increases the need for certain substances;
  • insufficiently mineralized water;
  • geological specifics of the region of residence (for example, chronic iodine deficiency causes endemic goiter);
  • malnutrition, monotony of dishes;
  • diseases that cause accelerated excretion of certain elements from the body (for example, irritable bowel syndrome);
  • and bleeding in the body;
  • , drugs, some drugs that prevent the absorption of a number of elements, or bind them;
  • hereditary pathologies.

The most important of the above is the type of food. It is because of the lack of trace elements we need in food that we most often get their deficiency. But too much is bad. For example, salt contains both sodium and chlorine, but if consumed in excess, it can lead to hypertension and kidney problems.

What for what?

To make it clearer why these tiny specks of mineral matter are so important, here are a few examples:

  • nails need calcium and phosphorus, otherwise they will become thick and brittle;
  • bromine reduces excitability nerve cells and is useful for stress, but its excess can extinguish sexual function;
  • but manganese;
  • copper helps to absorb iron, being part of some enzymes;
  • chrome is needed for in;
  • zinc is the basis, the exchange directly depends on it;
  • cobalt is contained in vitamin B12, necessary for hematopoiesis.

Not all trace elements and vitamins are compatible with each other. Many drugs inhibit the absorption of some useful substances. This must be remembered before buying "vitamin-mineral" complexes at the pharmacy. It is better to have them prescribed by a doctor, based on specific needs.

To determine the deficit, the method is now used spectral analysis hair. This procedure is painless, you just need to donate a couple of small strands. But it will be clear whether health problems are really associated with a lack of something in the body.

Microelements. natural sources

I will give a small list of problems associated with the lack of one or another element. This is only a small part of outward manifestation which you can suspect that you are missing something:

  • weakening ;

    Obviously, one vegetable or fruit cannot make up for everything you need. For example, a banana has a lot of potassium and calcium, but not enough of some other components.

    For healing and getting rid of excess weight, mineral balance is as important as any other. After all, many substances are directly related to metabolic processes in our cells. Using this knowledge along with my video "Active Weight Loss Course" , everyone can significantly improve their lives and well-being.

    That's all for today.
    Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog.
    And drove on!

Human organism - complex mechanism everything in it is interconnected.

An important cog in such a mechanism is the chemical elements.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency:

  • increased production of thyroid hormones;
  • goiter formation;
  • the occurrence of iodine deficiency pathologies: from addition up to deafness.


The deficit looks like this:

  • fatigue, problems with;
  • nervousness,;
  • worsening;
  • a loss taste sensations, impaired sense of smell;
  • lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • diarrhea;
  • anemia;
  • skin diseases;
  • lesions , ;
  • decline, impotence.


Its shortage is quite common, its causes are: low consumption of natural products containing manganese, refined food, poor eco-situation, heavy loads to the psyche. Symptoms:

  • weakness, dizziness, vomiting;
  • decrease in activity;
  • spasms and cramps, muscle and pain;
  • arthritis;
  • violations;
  • violations;


The main manifestations of shortage:

  • weakness, decrease;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anemia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • CNS disorders;
  • disease endocrine system and lungs.


Caries appears, bones weaken, nails break, hair falls out.


Decreases, weakens immunity, often occurs, skin diseases, wounds heal slowly, falls, impotence develops. Deficiency leads to the intake of some (paracetamol, sulfates, anti-malaria drugs, phenacetin).


Its deficiency is rare. To date, only one symptom of nickel deficiency has been established - dermatitis.

It manifests itself in a slowdown in children, a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood,. Deficiency can increase the risk of miscarriage, significantly reduce life expectancy.


It manifests itself in an overestimated level of triglycerides and phospholipids, which is underestimated, which provokes atherosclerosis.


Boron deficiency or a violation of its metabolism leads to osteoporosis, urolithiasis, hyperchromic anemia, thrombocytopenia, growth inhibition, and a decrease in mental abilities.


Cases of micronutrient deficiencies are extremely rare, but they do happen. Manifestation of deficiency: violation of the mineral balance of internal organs, hearing loss, growth retardation, development of alopecia (pathological).


Indicators: weakness bone tissue, which leads to osteoporosis, fractures, loss, increase in the level, development of atherosclerosis.


To date, there is no information on the symptoms of aluminum deficiency.

Overview table of the sufficient content of trace elements in products

The table shows those containing the most trace elements:

Products Elements
Fe Cu I Zn Mn Cr Mo co F Se Ni Br V B sn Si Al
Cereals + +
unrefined grain +
Bran +
+ + + + + + +
Soya +
+ + +
brown rice +
+ + +
+ + +
Manka +
+ + + +
+ +
+ + + + +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + +
Cauliflower +
Pepper +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +
plums +
Cherry +
Prunes +

This chemical substances necessary for living organisms for their normal existence. In the human body there is a very small amount of them, but they take part in the processes of a biochemical nature. Maintaining their quantitative composition in tissues at the proper level contributes to the preservation of health and the proper functioning of all human organs.

General information about the role of trace elements

Chemical reactions are constantly taking place in the cells and tissues of the body, as a result, nutrients are produced that are necessary for life. Lack of even one of these important components leads to disruption of the entire chain of interaction, causing interruptions in activities individual bodies and systems.

To ensure normal life, it is necessary to rationally organize nutrition so that minerals regularly enter the body in the correct ratio. Along with nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and biologically active ingredients(vitamins) is constantly required to maintain the composition of trace elements in food. They are not synthesized in the body, but are indispensable components of its nutrition. With a lack or excess of them, disturbances in the functioning of organs that cause diseases occur. All minerals are divided into three groups:

  1. Organogens. They are basic chemical elements without which there is no life. The main ones are oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen.
  2. Macronutrients. Their content in the body is determined in large quantities, measured in milligrams.
  3. Microelements. They are necessary for life in minimal doses of micrograms.

Main functions

Answering the question of what microelements are, we note that they take part in the following processes in the human body:

  • construction of tissues, especially bone, the main material for which is phosphorus and calcium;
  • maintaining acid-base and water-salt balance;
  • maintaining osmotic pressure at the cell level;
  • effects on the circulatory and immune systems, as well as blood clotting;
  • the production of enzymes.

So what are micronutrients? These are chemicals so important for the body that with their excess or deficiency, the following diseases often occur:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • diseases of the skin, nails, hair;
  • allergic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • blood diseases;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis;
  • dysbacteriosis, gastritis, chronic colitis;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • violations of the growth and development of children;
  • infertility.

During pregnancy

A person needs a very small amount of vitamins and microelements per day, which is hundredths of a milligram, and sometimes less. But it is precisely this meager number of miraculous substances that promotes the growth and development of the fetus, improves the general condition of the mother, increases the body's resistance to diseases, strengthens muscle and bone mass, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous and circulatory systems. However, even in summer and autumn periods from food do not dial daily dose these elements necessary for the body. So, without vitamin-mineral complexes in this case, you can not do.

Difficult choice

Vitamin-mineral biological complexes prescribed during pregnancy and lactation should contain the right amount of all vitamins and microelements for a woman at this stage. It is necessary that the percentage of the daily norm of the substances contained in each tablet be indicated on the package.

By at least 20-30% of this norm should be vitamins and minerals. In case of insufficient number of required elements, they should be supplemented individual drugs(for example, containing only calcium), after consulting with your doctor.

Important element

Stimulation of hematopoiesis - this is the main role of iron in the human body. This element promotes the formation of hemoglobin, increases the amount of oxygen in tissue cells, is used for development and smooth functioning immune system. Thanks to iron, a person increases the body's resistance to various diseases he is less tired. It prevents the development of obesity, gives the skin a healthy color and restores its tone. With iron deficiency, violations occur in the following systems:

  • central nervous: dizziness, headaches occur and attention decreases;
  • muscular: weakness appears, endurance decreases;
  • immune: begin frequent colds based on immunodeficiency;
  • circulatory: anemia develops;
  • cardiovascular: violated metabolic processes.

Iron imbalance in the body

One of the most common diseases in the world is iron deficiency. Moreover, women most often lack calcium at the same time, but the presence of copper in food contributes to proper assimilation gland. An excess of this trace element, like a deficiency, negatively affects the state of the body.

It causes allergic cardiovascular diseases, leads to the appearance of neoplasms, malfunctions can also appear in the nervous system. In pregnant women, excess iron has a negative effect on fetal development. It should be remembered that coffee and tea interfere with the absorption of this trace element in the human body. The primary source of iron is animal food (red meat, chicken, fish, pork liver). Beans, mushrooms, apples, plums, peaches occupy a leading position in terms of iron content among plant foods.

No less significant

Calcium is one of the important micronutrients used by the body as construction material for bones, hair and teeth. This vital trace element occupies not the last place in the composition of the cell nucleus, in tissue fluids, membrane, and also takes part in the work of enzymes and hormones. Calcium promotes blood clotting, has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects, removes salts heavy metals, relieves irritability, reduces reaction to stress. This element is especially necessary at certain periods of a person’s life, for example, pregnant women, babies before reaching one year old, children at the time of school entry, adolescence, adults after 50 years.

Proper nutrition contributes to the replenishment of calcium in the blood. Otherwise, with its long-term shortage, joint pains begin, convulsions occur, drowsiness, constipation appear, and problems with growth in children may occur. Neglect of these factors leads to serious health problems.

Briefly about other trace elements

What is iron and calcium, as well as what is their role in our body, we have analyzed. However, it is necessary to take into account other substances that are indispensable in their effect on humans:

  • iodine - regulates the functioning of the pituitary and thyroid glands, protects against radioactive emissions, affects mental development;
  • sulfur - promotes blood clotting, synthesizes collagen, which is part of the skin, hair, nails, bones;
  • silver - has bactericidal and antiseptic action, natural antibiotic, enhances immunity;
  • fluorine - improves the strength and elasticity of bones, forms tooth enamel and hard dental tissues;
  • chlorine - produces hydrochloric acid regulates water exchange.

Laboratory research

With the help of a blood test for trace elements, the following changes in the body can be determined:

  • strengthening of the inflammatory process;
  • violations in the water-salt balance;
  • rheumatic diseases.

In addition, it is possible to determine the state of work of all organs, confirm or refute the diagnosis and prescribe the correct therapy. Do not refuse such an analysis if the attending physician has prescribed it. With an imbalance of microelements, the work of tissues and individual organs is disrupted. It leads to feeling unwell and sometimes serious illnesses.

When to take an analysis

If the patient's condition worsens, biochemical research blood for trace elements. With the help of the obtained results, it is possible to estimate what general state patient, as well as to find out the quantitative content of substances. This analysis is usually prescribed for:

  • detection of progressive pathologies, accompanied by changes in the content of trace elements;
  • control over the ongoing treatment;
  • monitoring patients at risk;
  • control of blood components of patients with artificial ventilation lungs;
  • diagnosis of patients with acute or chronic form heavy metal poisoning.

Features of the absorption of trace elements in the gastrointestinal tract

To perform all functions during life, the body constantly requires nutrients. Their source is proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. The process of digestion and absorption of food under the influence of enzymes begins in oral cavity, then in the stomach and proceeds most intensively in small intestine. From the stomach to the intestines, food comes moistened with pancreatic juice and bile. Such an environment promotes vigorous absorption of substances, which occurs in 12 duodenum. Here there is an absorption of sodium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper. But chromium, iodine, molybdenum and selenium are absorbed in the stomach. Calcium and magnesium are absorbed along the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract.

Possible failures

With a lack of magnesium in food, calcium absorption is delayed. This can lead to gastritis, impaired neuromuscular transmission, decreased functions of the central nervous system and peristalsis of the stomach. Zinc absorption mainly occurs in the duodenum. Its deficiency entails a decrease in immunity, impaired hair growth, the occurrence of tumors, dermatitis. A large amount of copper is absorbed in the stomach, and iron is absorbed in the duodenum. Zinc, iron and cobalt accelerate the absorption of copper, and it, on the contrary, inhibits the absorption of molybdenum, zinc, cobalt and iron. The imbalance of these substances causes iron deficiency anemia, urolithiasis and thyroid dysfunction. The absorption process is disrupted when inflammatory diseases intestines and gastric mucosa. In this case, there is a deficiency of trace elements and there is increased absorption. toxic substances. Knowing the role of trace elements in the human body, one should constantly monitor their quantitative composition in the blood.

All vital substances, without exception, affect human body. They contribute normal functioning certain organs and systems, strengthen the defenses and help to cope with any ailments. This is the main importance of trace elements for the human body.

The beneficial properties of trace elements are of great importance for the human body.

Our body contains various minerals. They are necessary to ensure normal operation the whole organism. All these minerals are divided into two groups:

  • macronutrients - substances that are present in the body in a volume of more than 0.01%;
  • trace elements - substances, the volume of which in the body is less than 0.001%.

But, despite such a low concentration, microelements are especially valuable for the body.

trace elements- these are inorganic substances contained in the human body in very small quantities. Most of them are necessary for normal life. Trace elements are involved in the physiological processes of the body. A person receives trace elements with food.

trace elements in the optimal natural form and dosage found in bee products - such as pollen, royal jelly and drone brood, which are part of many natural vitamin and mineral complexes of Parapharm: Leveton P, Elton P, Leveton Forte, Apitonus P, Osteomed, Osteo-Vit, Eromax", "Memo-Vit" and "Kardioton". That is why we pay so much attention to each natural substance, talking about its importance and benefits for the health of the body.

Properties of trace elements in the body

The role of trace elements in the body is very important. They regulate almost all biochemical processes occurring in the body: if trace elements are contained in the human body in sufficient quantities, then all systems function stably.

According to statistics, approximately two billion people on our planet experience a lack of micronutrients. The lack of these substances in the body can lead to mental retardation human, as well as to blindness.

The body needs microelements every day, just like vitamins, because the work of all body systems depends on them. These substances are involved in metabolic processes, playing the role of catalysts and activators. Therefore, micronutrient reserves need to be regularly replenished. It has been noticed that many newborns with a lack of trace elements die as soon as they are born.

Trace elements in the human body are primarily responsible for the formation and development of the central nervous system. They are also important in the formation of the cardiovascular system. In general, each trace element has an effect on a certain area in the body.

What are micronutrients?

What are trace elements: two groups

  • essential (vital);
  • conditionally essential (elements, biological function which have been fully studied, but there are practically no cases of deficiency of these elements).

An adult is advised to take 150-200 mg of trace elements daily.

The group of essential trace elements includes iron, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, selenium, manganese.

The group of conditionally essential trace elements includes boron, bromine, fluorine, lithium, nickel, silicon, vanadium.

Providing metabolism, synthesis of hormones, enzymes, vitamins, regulating cell membranes, taking part in the processes of hematopoiesis and growth, providing tissue respiration, stabilizing and restoring acid-base balance, increasing immunity, regulating work reproductive system, taking part in bone formation, trace elements bring great benefit to our body.

Any imbalance of microelements can provoke diseases, pathological and dangerous states, "microelementoses".

Quite a few important role trace elements are in the formation of human immunity.

Essential trace elements

Essential trace elements are responsible for the optimal functioning of the immune system. It is especially important to replenish their supply in the summer, adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet, and in winter - dried fruits and nuts.

According to the effect of microelements on immunity, they can be divided into:

  • immunomodulating (iron, iodine, copper, zinc, cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, manganese and lithium);
  • immunotoxic (aluminum, arsenic, boron, nickel, cadmium, lead, mercury and others).

And if immunomodulatory trace elements are involved in the formation and maintenance of immunity, then immunotoxic chemical compounds have the opposite effect and destroy the immune system. Under the influence of immunotoxic trace elements, unfortunately, a person gets daily. Industrial production, cars and public transport emit a huge amount of harmful substances into the air that can accumulate in our body. Their excess threatens serious problems with health.

Most of the trace elements we get from food plant origin, in dairy and meat products there are fewer of them.

What foods contain trace elements

Why are trace elements needed and in what products are contained in the required amount. We are talking about essential micronutrients.


Without iron, the process of hematopoiesis is impossible, hemoglobin cannot be formed, due to which all internal organs receive oxygen. Also, iron helps to increase immunity, participates in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and normalizes redox processes in the body.

The lack of this trace element leads to anemia and growth retardation.

Availability a large number iron in the body can cause acute gastroenteritis.

Every day a person should receive 10-13 mg of iron. Most iron contains: greens, soybeans, buckwheat, animal liver, halva, apples, eggs, pears, sea ​​fish, pumpkin, black currant, gooseberry, beetroot, melon, porcini mushrooms, cucumber, mint, wild rose, brewer's yeast, wild strawberry, zucchini, dried fruits, cherries.


Just like iron, copper is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and hemoglobin synthesis. Iron cannot participate in the formation of hemoglobin without the presence of copper.

Copper stimulates synthesis connective tissue, participates in the process of bone formation, normalizes insulin levels, causes and removes toxins, helps in tissue regeneration, etc.

With a lack of copper, dermatosis, anemia, growth retardation in children, hair loss, and atrophy of the heart muscle occur.

In excess, copper becomes toxic, causing the development kidney failure, gastroenteritis, convulsions. Excess copper is most commonly seen in people who overuse synthetic-based supplements.

For an adult daily rate copper is 3 mg. natural sources copper: legumes, eggs, potatoes, wheat germ, cocoa, quince, pineapples, rose hips, gooseberries, radishes, chocolate, bell pepper, coffee, nuts, dairy products, asparagus, Rye bread, seafood, cherries, blackberries, eggplants, garlic, citrus fruits, tomatoes.


The most main function of this microelement - participation in the synthesis of the thyroid hormone - tyrosine. Iodine normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system through the regular function of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland. Also, iodine improves metabolic processes, promotes mental development, especially in children. It removes radioactive substances from the body, improves immunity, stabilizes hormonal background and so on.

It must be remembered that in pure form iodine is not absorbed, and when large doses causes poisoning. With an excess of iodine, hyperthyroidism can develop (including Basedow's disease), tachycardia, muscle weakness, diarrhea.

With a lack of iodine, diseases of the nervous system, growth inhibition in children, the development of dementia, thyroid disease, increased risk oncological diseases, inability to bear a child in pregnant women, sterility in men.

The norm of iodine per day is 2-4 mcg per kilogram of body weight. Foods rich in iodine: sea ​​salt, iodized salt, grapes, beans, potatoes, carrots, turnips, cod liver, seafood (especially sea ​​kale), sea and ocean fish, vegetables Green colour, cabbage, tomatoes, ginger, oriental spices, eggs.


This element is found in the blood and muscle tissue. It regulates the function of hormones, stimulates the function of reproduction, increases sexual activity in general. Is a catalyst chemical reactions while maintaining the acid level. Promotes regeneration skin, stabilization of the nervous system, etc.

With zinc deficiency, the following disorders occur in our body: growth inhibition and developmental delay in children, infertility, visual impairment, underdevelopment of the genital organs, weakness, hair loss.

An excess of zinc is a rather rare phenomenon, because. the toxic dose of zinc is more than 159 mg per day, and the daily requirement is only 10-25 mg. Products with high content zinc: lemons, honey, green vegetables, blueberries, cottage cheese, black currants, seafood, raspberries, dates, figs, apples.


It is part of vitamin B12, is involved in vital biochemical processes. This trace element promotes hematopoiesis, strengthens the immune system, participates in the synthesis of insulin, regenerates cells and tissues, enhances protein synthesis.

With a deficiency of cobalt, the work of the nervous and circulatory systems(most common in vegetarians).

An overdose of cobalt threatens with toxic poisoning, which is possible with overuse synthetic drugs.

Daily rate cobalt - 40-70 mcg. Foods high in cobalt: bread and by-products, legumes, eggs, nuts, rose hips , fish, strawberries, dairy products, animal kidneys and liver, butter, corn, cocoa, spinach, leafy greens, strawberries.


This element is a component of all living organisms, including humans. Chromium affects hematopoiesis, carbohydrate metabolism and energy processes in general, enhances the action of insulin, promotes the elimination of toxins, and lowers cholesterol levels.

Chromium deficiency increases glucose and cholesterol levels.

An excess of chromium leads to the development of eczema, dermatitis, bronchial asthma and even lung cancer.

Foods rich in chromium: plums, hazelnuts, cherries, blueberries, Jerusalem artichokes, radishes, onions, potatoes, brewer's yeast.


Stimulates the activity of enzymes that promote the synthesis and absorption of vitamin C, participates in the production of hemoglobin, removes from the body uric acid, rids the body of alcohol toxins.

An overdose is dangerous for the body. Manifested sharp decline weight, edema, mental disorders.

The daily norm of molybdenum: 15-30 mcg for children, 75-300 mcg for adults. Molybdenum is sourced from pistachios, wheat flakes, rice, wild rose, peas, cabbage, garlic, pasta, salt, corn, animal liver and kidneys, sunflower seeds, bread.


This element prevents the development of cancer. Selenium prevents cell mutation, improves immunity, neutralizes toxins and free radicals, enhances the action of vitamins C and E, their antioxidant properties. Stimulates the production of hemoglobin, metabolic processes.

With a deficiency of selenium, immunity weakens, the body is at risk of premature aging.

An excess of selenium causes poisoning of the body (more than 5 mg). The daily norm of selenium is 5 mcg.

Sources of selenium: sea salt, coconut, olive oil, olives, fish, sour cream, broccoli, seafood, garlic, salted lard.


AND It plays a very important role in the functioning of the central nervous system, the reproductive system. It has a positive effect on the elimination of impotence, improves memory, reduces irritability. It promotes wound healing, stabilizes digestion, regulates fat and insulin metabolism, and removes toxins.

Manganese deficiency leads to ossification of the entire skeleton, joint deformities, depression, and dizziness.

An excess of this element reduces appetite, causes manganese rickets, hallucinations, memory impairment, causes drowsiness, urination disorders, etc.

The daily norm of manganese is 5-10 mg. Foods rich in manganese: eggs, oriental spices, lemon, tomatoes, gooseberries, nuts, meat, leafy greens, black currants, coconut, rose hips, radishes, lingonberries, raspberries, cereals.

For normal productive work of the body, a balance of microelements is required. It is easy to maintain with a proper balanced diet.

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