I need to reboot my body, what should I do? Short-term fasting as a restart of the immune system. Challenge yourself to be more creative

You may have probably heard about fasting for weight loss and cleansing. immune system. Today we will talk about it. Let's look at why people fast, how to do it correctly, and what types of fasting there are. First of all, we want to say that fasting on a regular basis is very harmful to your body, but short-term fasting can bring considerable benefits and cleanse the body, this fact is even confirmed by science. The results of fasting entail cell renewal and strengthening of your immunity.

Fasting for weight loss is as productive as a month of dieting, all because the body will get rid of excess and not required cells, for the purpose of energy storage. Fasting once a month brings a very noticeable effect and significant improvement. general condition health, but you need to know how to get out of fasting correctly. It is with these and other nuances that we will familiarize ourselves today.

Cleansing the body after a day of fasting

Short-term fasting has medicinal properties and helps not only to lose weight and cleanse the body, but also to enrich yourself spiritually. When you start fasting, your body begins to conserve energy. The processing of cells of the immune system begins, and exactly those cells that are not currently playing are taken into account. important role. In this way, the body, as it were, eats itself, getting rid of excess material, cells, and as a result you get a natural cleansing of the body after a day of fasting. This is all extremely useful, but you need to know your body well and its indications and contraindications. this method. Consult a doctor before fasting.

People who have:

  • Lack of weight, BMI deficiency - less than 18;
  • Stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • Heart defects, arrhythmia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Gallstones and kidney stones;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Acute stage of any disease, loss of strength;
  • Treatment period;
  • Children under 14, people over 70 years old;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Availability inflammatory process in organism;
  • Tuberculosis.

In any case, even if you find your problem on the list, you shouldn’t risk fasting even at the easiest levels, and for a short time. This can aggravate your diagnosis, leading not only to its exacerbation, but also to transition to a chronic condition, including hospitalization, and in the worst case, death.

  • Vegetovascular dystonia;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Chronic cholecystitis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Nervous;
  • Frequent depression;
  • Not pronounced schizophrenia;
  • Obesity;
  • Violation of hormone production;
  • Eczema, psoriasis;
  • Disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • BPH.

In scientific research center experiments were carried out on volunteers. When scientists deprived subjects of food, it served to reduce white blood cells, which fight infection and disease. Further research showed that it didn’t end there; fasting provoked a restart of the leukocyte production system. Fasting 4 days with inspiration circulatory system destroy old and damaged cells immunity and recreate new ones. Based on this, scientists have accurately concluded that the results after fasting are impressive and cleanse the body, and have a beneficial effect on all human organs.

Short-term therapeutic fasting and its types

Among fasting there are also Various types, which can be used for different purposes and groups of people. If you want to fast without food or water for 24 hours, then this is strict fasting, and it is carried out exclusively under medical supervision. You can fast without eating food, but at the same time drink water, this will be a Complete fast, it is divided into three groups, namely, short-term, from one to three days, medium, from a week to ten days, and long-term from two weeks or more. The third type of fasting is separate species, called short-term therapeutic fasting. It lasts only a day and is suitable for those people who find it difficult to refuse food. With this type of short-term fasting, different meals and juices are allowed.

Types of intermittent fasting:

  • On the water– on the day of fasting on water, you do not eat any food, you are allowed to take only water, which can be diluted with a small amount of honey, no more than 3 teaspoons per day, and lemon juice, 1 teaspoon per glass of water.
  • On juice– per day, the maximum allowable intake of juice is one and a half liters of freshly squeezed juice, vegetable and fruit can be used. Before drinking the juice, you need to put it in the refrigerator for half an hour to an hour, and then drink it cooled in small sips.
  • Fruits and vegetables– fasting on fruits and vegetables alone, maximum reception per day, this is 600 g, the portion can be divided into two times, but the distance between doses should be at least seven hours.
  • Dairy products– within 24 hours you are allowed to drink 500 ml of kefir, sourdough, milk or whey twice.
  • Fasting in the morning– on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water, not carbonated, or a glass of any juice except beetroot. Food can be consumed 5 hours after drinking water/juice.

These five subtypes of short-term fasting will allow you to choose the most suitable one, relying on your willpower and endurance. It is also always recommended to be examined by a doctor before starting to avoid unpleasant consequences. You must be sure that this type short-term fasting is completely suitable for you and will not harm your body.

Fasting for weight loss: how to fast correctly?

If you use fasting to lose weight, you will get double benefits: weight loss and body renewal. To achieve a good result, you need to do everything correctly, and most importantly regularly, almost on schedule, weekly. Scientific centers Research has proven that even one day of fasting per month is very beneficial for your health. Such fasting every week will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, oncology, and the severity of asthma. It is not at all necessary to fast all day; it is enough to skip dinner or breakfast on the allotted day every week.

According to tests, fasting is most effective on Mondays. It is very important that your fast is strictly on a specific day with equal days in between. The main thing in such regular fasting is to drink water; fasting without water is not designed for this repetition. After just a month of regular short-term fasting, you will notice changes in yourself.

How to get out of fasting without harm to the body?

The issue of breaking fasting is extremely important, because if you quit abruptly, you can cause significant harm to your body. The exit should be smooth and gradual, everything should start with cereals and light soups. Going straight depends on the type of fasting you went through, but they all have something in common.

  1. First, this fasting must necessarily end in the evenings; before that, around eight o’clock in the evening, drink non-concentrated juice, any juice other than beetroot. An hour after drinking the juice, eat an apple. In the morning, the first thing you should drink is two glasses of sparkling water, and only after an hour oatmeal, you can use both water and milk minimum percentage fat content
  2. The next day you will need to eat often and in small portions, fruits, cereals, vegetables. Important Features. After strict fasting, fruits are not allowed, porridge and boiled vegetables. If you have not been fasting for a long time or strictly, then you can eat fruit, and you can also eat boiled chicken fillet in the evening. You should drink kefir throughout the day.
  3. Second day, begin with mineral water, two glasses, like the first. On the second day, bread, cottage cheese, and boiled eggs are allowed. The time between doses is a maximum of two hours.
  4. On the third day much more is allowed. Fish, meat, bread are included, but you still can’t have coffee and sugar. Now you need to fill your body with the right proteins, fats and carbohydrates. During the meal, do not eat to full, leave a slight feeling of hunger. It is best to drink a glass of water half an hour, an hour before meals, it will help you not to overeat.

Reboot your body. Button “BACK” - restores youth, eliminates malfunctions in the body, erases any ailments, renews the body’s cells. Live JUICES of wild plants.
Juices are now out of favor pharmaceutical business. This is understandable - they cannot be patented, they cannot be sold in a pharmacy, they are free for everyone, and, moreover, they are as effective as possible - truly Living Medicines! They are widely used by practicing herbalists who care about healing rather than "commercial dosage form", i.e., not related to the final result - recovery. Of course, other forms are also treated - decoctions, infusions and others. Only, apparently, they have a much weaker effect - that is why it often takes a long time to be treated with such forms .. .
Here is a quote from Zhdanov’s lecture, using propolis as an example. But, for example, poplar buds are very close in composition to propolis! And if they are highly healing even in the form alcohol solution, then what is their healing power WITHOUT alcohol?
"in all medical books it is written to dissolve Propolis in alcohol, dissolve Propolis in vodka. At our Institute organic chemistry took the analysis of "Propolis" from alcohol tincture. Gasp! Sixty percent of the most healing substances alcohol kills immediately"

Increasing the body's energy level ---
* “He makes people so bright, so joyful, as if they had absorbed the sun!” — St. John's wort; and also, if you drink St. John's wort: for a person, even the Sun will shine brighter, the person will suddenly rush towards joy and unusualness; and it will give girls and young women a kind of luminosity
*the mood will rise and the Soul will become joyful - Strawberry
*Improves well-being, brings harmony to the mind - Angelica
*the power of the juice and simply the berries of this plant generates such energy in the heart that people are drawn to - it is very pleasant - Hawthorn; and paintings painted under the shade of this tree will be liked by people and will be in great demand
*You can drink the juice of this plant, but simply communicating with a living plant will give the same effect: humanity awakens in a person, pleasant feelings appear from somewhere - warmth and joy! - elecampane tall

Let's transform. We transform the oppressed cells of our body---
*alfalfa - stimulates the body’s generation of new, living cells
*red clover - renews the body, cleanses the blood, treats cancer, constant use will give a lot of strength
* sedum - “Raw sedum contains silicon, in which all oxides dissolve; oxides are used to build new cells, that is, the body rejuvenates; take in small quantities” /Petrenko/
* a person becomes younger if dill is consumed DAILY, especially its juice.
* dandelion lek - course 4-6 weeks - “after it you feel really healthy and rejuvenated”, 1 tablespoon per day, 2 rubles per day. /Palov/
* juice of the fruits of Loja multiflorum - reduces oxidative stress fabrics
*Rehmannia adhesive - will relieve disorders associated with aging of the body; rejuvenates the body; builds up nerve tissue Bone marrow and reproductive tissue; In general, the range of uses of this plant is huge - see details here

Modern man often feels chronic fatigue, complains of decreased performance, Bad mood, sleep disturbance, overweight, allergies, skin problems. These and many other troubles may indicate that the body is polluted and needs to be detoxified.

The reasons for the accumulation of toxins can be different: environment, food, medications, smoking, etc. A person thinking about his future should support and strengthen the body's natural detoxification abilities with the help of special supplements.

Purpose of detox

Detox is the cleansing of the body from waste and toxins, which means its improvement and, as a result, liberation from many problems that affect the quality of life. Helps rid the body of everything unnecessary and harmful physical exercise, positive attitude, maintaining water balance, proper nutrition And good dream, during which the body recovers. Significant assistance in such a “reboot” is provided by various methods cleansing the body.

Body Detox from Amway - excellent relief and natural cleansing

Cleansing the body always takes time. Therefore, the programs are designed for a certain period of impact on the body. For example, Body Detox from Amway is designed for 3 weeks, during which you should definitely think about the issue of nutrition, making up detailed plan diets. This is important, because each meal will complement the consumption special products Nutrilite brand from Amway.

The golden "plate rule"

Usually dietary food is fractional and implies three meals a day and two snacks. At the same time, the question of what the portion should be is of particular relevance. It is recommended to follow the famous “plate rule”, which came from Finland and literally revolutionized the field healthy eating. To do this, an ordinary plate is divided into four parts. Two of them must be completed vegetable dishes. The other two should contain cereals and rich in protein food. You can even purchase a special plate, already divided into parts.

Meals according to the detox program

The first meal starts the day and should be as beneficial as possible to cleanse the body. And therefore, not only to be on a special plate, but also to be supplemented with such a dietary supplement as “Liver Active”. This is an excellent phytoprotector of the liver, an organ involved in cleansing the body. During detox, which of course becomes a big burden, the product will support the functioning of this organ. Among the ingredients of this supplement are B vitamins, plant extracts: dandelion, milk thistle, turmeric.

  1. Snack
    Before proper lunch there should be a pleasant snack: for example, berry, fruit or vegetable smoothies, to which you need to add the mixture dietary fiber. They, like a brush, clean the intestines. In addition, this product is enriched with inulin, which has great benefit– helps eliminate toxins and lower cholesterol. However, snacks can be replaced with special chewable tablets, which are a Nutrilite fiber blend. They should be washed down with water (about one or two glasses). They tend to suppress the desire to eat, which means they make it easier to control your weight.
  2. Dinner
    During the diet, lunch can be quite varied and include vegetables (half a plate), fish or poultry (a quarter of a plate), a side dish - rice, pasta or potatoes (the second quarter of a plate).
  3. And another snack
    There is also a snack before dinner, during which you can enjoy a pleasant and healthy bodykey chocolate-flavored milkshake.
  4. Dinner
    In the evening, if you wish, you can have a light dinner or prefer a balanced shake with added Nutrilite protein powder. This product supplies the body with vegetable protein, replenishes protein deficiency and becomes an alternative to products such as eggs, milk, cheese, and red meat.


After just one week of following a detox program to cleanse the body, it returns wellness and lightness, a surge of energy is felt. After two it becomes slimmer figure and leave overweight and centimeters. After three weeks, the condition of the skin improves significantly.

When something happens that causes you unbearable pain, the dumbest thing you can do is wait for time to heal. This is the same as breaking your leg in three places and hoping that it will mend itself as it should. Time doesn't heal, it's in best case scenario is bombarded with new events. If you allow yourself to go with the flow, you can irrevocably screw up your life: become a gray dull piece of shit, miss true love and bury the talents given at birth.

What to do if you need to restart your life? Do we remember that in one night you can only make a decision, but not change yourself? On real change it will take time.

The 15 actions I described will be useful in rebooting, but in the process you will also discover your own working methods.

There is no need to apply the described methods in full. It’s better to choose what you like and make a plan for what you will try in the next month. Like a real scientist, be sure to take notes and record your feelings. Record on your phone, let them mistake you for a spy on public transport))) Then it will be very interesting to re-read this.

And yes... there is a long text under the cut. I warned)))

ZERO POINT. The first thing you simply need to do when you find yourself in a difficult situation (if it does not require immediate decisions) is to arrange for yourself sleepy weekend. Most likely, at this moment your nerves are on edge and you will need sleeping pills. In general, not every bird can sleep for two days without sleeping pills) But it is very necessary. You really need to give your brain a rest and not think about anything. To start the reboot, you still need to make the screen black.

Sleep like after a fight, without seeing dreams like the last time)))

Place a table with bananas and baby puree near the bed (it doesn’t need a refrigerator) so that on the second day your stomach doesn’t begin to persistently awaken your consciousness. One eye opens slightly, the banana scrambles, the skin under the bed, and then into the arms of Morpheus.

I am sure that this needs to be organized, even if you have a husband and seven shops. Even if the need to change yourself arose because of a stupid relationship with him (and this means that he will not sit with the children while you sleep, right?)
In short, whatever you want, involving your mother, sisters, friends - but you need to organize yourself two days of sleep. Yes, they have already written to me that it may not be so simple, but if you make the task a priority, I am sure that it is NOT DIFFICULT. Look around, search! I can’t even imagine what kind of dead end in life you need to be in to not be able to find these two days and three thousand within a few months to rent a room in a quiet hotel and sleep.
If you are still at such a dead end - congratulations! You shouldn't even give a fuck anymore! And you can act boldly, there is nothing to lose at all. But you may need the help of a psychotherapist.

So, did the sleepy weekend finally take place? This was the only point that should be included in any reboot scheme. Then choose what you want:

1. Organize a new person in the mirror. The easiest way for girls to do this is to go to the hairdresser. Cut off your braid, become blonde or... red-haired...

This is what my Valya Dementyev created out of me (I’ll write about him soon). I don’t know how to take a selfie, it makes a stupid face - that’s why it’s a picture.

What should boys do? You can, of course, dye your hair blonde, but damn, I'm afraid for your reputation. While in the capitals this may still go unnoticed, in the regions abrupt change image can lead those around you to have terrible thoughts))) So, we stock up on patience and so that another person looks at you from the mirror in six months, let’s move on to the second point:

2. Let's drag our ass to the gym. If you exercise regularly, not only your figure, but also your face will take on different shapes. It’s not just a matter of psychology: like a smile will appear, your eyes will light up. The point is that the face, oddly enough, also consists of muscles that we use only unconsciously. And many of them lose their shape. When you start exercising, when performing exercises that require effort, the muscles of both the face and neck are involved. So even if there were no chubby cheeks, your face will change quite noticeably. And you will definitely like it more. When muscles are toned it is always beautiful.

I don’t really trust photos on the Internet, they are often faked, but perhaps this one will illustrate what I want to say:

3. Exhausting yourself physically. It doesn't matter in what way. Let it be a hall. Without the help of a trainer in the first couple of months you won’t exhaust yourself at all (if you’ve never worked out before). It is better to immediately include the cost of an instructor in your budget. He will create a normal plan for hour-long workouts, after which it will be difficult to remove the T-shirt over your head. Instead of walking for two hours independently between exercise machines. Plus, it will teach you how to do each exercise correctly. Choose an instructor using intuition until you understand the issue. See if you trust him as a professional and how comfortable it is to communicate with him. Training should be a blast.
If not gym, then running, if not running, then swimming, skiing, bike, skating. Yes, in the end, push-ups, squats, pull-ups at home. Running is the most accessible form physical activity. If you don’t have skis and a bicycle lying around in the closet, then everyone will have old sneakers. All you need to run is desire. Then, of course, the normal form will appear.
During extreme effort, as the cardiologist told me, endorphins, polypeptide compounds that reduce pain, are released into the blood. And although this is not a hormone of happiness, as many mistakenly believe, high performance endorphins bring a person into a state of euphoria. That's why a 40-minute run, during which you run at such a speed that you get at least a little tired, has a significant effect on emotional condition. Add a hundred more squats after your run)

4. Music is very important factor in rebooting the brain. We live in an exciting time when you can carry music with you.

This is no longer relevant:

Now you can wear music that helps your brain get high, think, and be happy like this:

Operating time without recharging is about 15 hours. Price - from 2500. Memory capacity 2 GB.

Oh, I adore the time in which I happened to be born! What else will we have time to see in our lifetime?

Oh yes, music. Take the time to compile high-quality lists of music that fills you with the desire to live, create and have fun. It is difficult to overestimate its impact on the ability to think.

If you don’t have money for an iPod now, there is an analogue for 300 rubles.

The size is the same, it attaches in the same way, it looks similar))) To be honest, I don’t know the difference, except that it’s easier to upload music from a computer to the analogue one - not through iTunes, but like on a regular flash drive.

5. Point five is directly related to the previous one, with music. Dance! The best music, carefully chosen, is already there. It's all about a place where you can be alone with yourself, at least for a short time (two days are no longer necessary). 30 minutes, an hour, as long as you want.

All living beings must dance. There is such an incredibly important thing as rhythm. In living nature, everything breathes, moves, exists rhythmically. This idea is very interestingly revealed in the amazing book by Marina and Sergei Dyachenko “Wild Energy Lana”. When a living creature loses its rhythm, it dies, crumbles, and gives up its energy to the mechanism that pulled it into the antirhythm.

Remembering or re-finding your own rhythm is very important. Dancing is a really cool way to do it. When you run, you also feel the rhythm - the rhythm of your steps, your breathing. But when you dance, you feel the rhythm of your whole self from the tips of your hair to your toes.

Dance in the dark as you have to, let your body move on its own, without thinking about how it looks from the outside. No one will see except the Almighty, and we make him laugh every day with our plans.

At some point you will feel that you have found it, and that it no longer looks funny from the outside. It's impossible to dance ugly) Don't be shy!

6. There is one more wonderful thing that requires solitude. And a car. If you have a car, consider yourself lucky. I can’t imagine where you can be more alone with yourself than in a car moving along an uninhabited highway.

Even if you get into the taiga and start doing what I want to suggest now, you can run into a stunned hunter, a hermit, or even a bear.

I suggest you just yell. To the music. To do this, you don’t have to drive fast, but scream at the top of your lungs. Nickal Back and Linkin Park are great for this.

For example:
The clips are worth watching to the end

You can try to yell in some field that is visible in all directions. Russia is big, there is a lot of space. And yet, just like in a car, knowing that no one can hear you, you won’t be able to shout anywhere!

ZY an hour ago I was driving in a car with a one-year-old child. And so she stared at the top of her lungs. I think this is a very correct instinct.

7. Find your place of power. Oddly enough, yes, such places exist. Stonehenge, they say, is the intersection of some energy flows.

Note: the term “places of power” first appeared in the books of the writer anthropologist Carlos Castaneda.

“Places of power” are geographic zones, sometimes large, sometimes small, that have energy fields that are significant to people. “Place of Power” (in English “Place of Power”) is associated with increased energy and the special atmosphere of the area. It was in such “strong” places that temples, monasteries, churches were built, and they were called saints (sacred places).

Look in your surroundings for a place where you feel good and calm in your soul, where you want to be. Having found it, you will feel that something is happening there, that your soul becomes calm...

This may be a clearing in the forest, or a high place above the river. The main thing is that it is easy enough to get there at least on weekends. Just be, think... recharge...

10. Do what you've been afraid to do for a long time- plunge into an ice hole, jump with a parachute, pick up a snake (ugh! I can’t do that))), climb onto a scary attraction in the end. Oh, by the way, you can officially shout there too!

Let the adrenaline flow!

11. Make a list of things you've been wanting to do for a long time- when compiling this list, do not think about how to realize these desires, whether you can afford it. Just write whatever you want:

Ride Sensation White, learn how to surf, walk along Lake Uyuni during the rainy season, go to a concert of your favorite band somewhere in Canada...

Think about what is needed for these desires to turn from dreams into goals? Find out the cost of tickets, hotels... Even if now these are only numbers - from now on you will be on the alert, and you will be ready to see the chance to realize your plans.

12. Imagine writing a book in which you main character, and EVERYTHING written by you will come true. By the way, real writers know that this works and there is no need to kill off the main character at the end.

Write it at least in your head before going to bed, come up with an outline, fill it with events... take notes. LiveJournal will help you)))

13. Work on your nutrition: even if you are not overweight, it won’t hurt to find out what exactly your body needs. Understand calculating calories, tables of vitamins and minerals, and your body constitution.

What we put into ourselves every day is fuel, and it must be of high quality. By changing your diet, you can change a lot in your worldview. Knowing your dosha and “what to feed it”, you can bring yourself to a very balanced state that allows you to think and create.

14. Take part in a flash mob. Or at a fitness convention. It's an absolutely incredible feeling to do something with so many people at the same time!

When there are about a thousand people standing on the field, and everyone is doing the same movements at the same time, it’s such a thrill! You become a living part of a larger whole. Not a crowd - a living organism into which at this moment all participants unite. This is a charge of energy for the year ahead. This is some kind of connection to the global information field!

15. Think about your calling. Give your brain a task before going to bed, listen to yourself while doing a new thing, calculate. Do not attach excessive importance to this search, do not exaggerate its importance. Trust your heart to help you feel when “THIS IS IT!” There will be time to immerse yourself in what you have found. Until then, try everything that attracts you like candy!

Answer your questions: what do I like to do? What would I do all the time if I didn't have to be distracted by making money? Why do I experience a brain orgasm?)))) Perhaps now what you love to do seems to you to be something that is not capable of providing an influx of money. But are you rebooting? Believe me, you will find an opportunity to “monetize” your talent and do what you love not as a hobby. If you're looking.

Perhaps that's enough for a reboot for now. Again, if you start doing this, the capabilities of your brain will open up and you will see many paths.

But it’s important not only to reboot! Next you need an upgrade: go through all the files and delete unnecessary ones, clear the desktop, clear the cache and delete cookies, run the Uninstall Unused Programs Wizard, update the antivirus, defragment disks, increase system performance, increase disk space, etc. and so on.

So, research continues. In touch)))

Our body is constantly exposed to different negative factors which can worsen health. Busy lifestyle and stress, fast food and processed foods, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, polluted environment, bad dream and lack physical exercise- all this can cause bad feeling, lethargy and the development of chronic fatigue.

Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment when you need to finally shake yourself up and give your body a reboot, or detox, in order to be able to get back on the right track and improve your health and well-being. A detox program must be developed individually for each person, taking into account his condition. But there is general recommendations, which I talked a lot about with Lena Shifrina, the creator of BioFoodLab, in these videos:

Our body has self-cleaning mechanisms, but very often they cannot cope with the volume of toxins that we accumulate day after day. Various short-term programs can help him: reducing calorie intake, lightening the diet (more liquid, easily digestible food), detox drinks (lots of water, fresh juices, smoothies), digital detox, additional aerobic exercise.

A detox or body cleansing program - whatever you want to call it - can bring a lot of results for your physical and psychological state: remove excess weight, fill with energy and vigor, activate digestion, reduce cravings for sweets, improve the condition of skin, hair and nails and much more.

How do you know when it's time for you to reboot? Here are some signs that you need to address this issue:

  1. Fatigue and lethargy

If this has become for you a common occurrence, it is worth paying attention to this important indicator, signaling that everything is not as it should be. Fatigue that does not go away after a good night's sleep can continue indefinitely. Detox is a great opportunity to fill your body with energy!

  1. Intestinal dysfunction

If you experience any digestive disorders(occasional flatulence, gas, discomfort, constipation, diarrhea), then it may be time to give your digestive system relax and switch to very simple diet based on fruits and vegetables. Often during a reset when changing a diet plan, people experience improved digestion. Cleansing your body is a great way to identify possible food intolerances that may be causing problems with your digestive system.

  1. Skin diseases, rashes, pustular formations

Our skin is an excellent indicator of our overall health. More water, foods with antioxidants and fiber - and the results will be obvious on the skin of the face. After the reboot, complexion and skin condition noticeably improve.

  1. Brain fog and memory problems

If you feel like your brain is foggy, a cleansing program can help clear your mind. This occurs through hydration combined with nutrient loading. Some studies have shown that freshly squeezed juice helps improve blood circulation and flow to the brain, thereby restoring mental clarity.

  1. Excess weight and delayed weight loss

Give your body a serious boost of nutrients while cutting back on calories. This combination will start your weight loss cycle and also set you up for more success and success. healthy plan weight loss, helping to correct eating habits, get rid of constant feeling hunger and cravings harmful products.

  1. Headache

Frequent headaches may be important sign that you need a good health promotion program. Headaches can be caused by dehydration, lack of sleep, poor diet, and overuse of processed foods. food products, allergies and stress. A reboot will help eliminate these causes - and you will feel good again.

  1. Sharp and pressing pain

People often experience pain in their joints, muscles, and sometimes even bones. This common feature systemic inflammation. After starting to drink freshly squeezed juices, these pains decrease, and in many cases completely disappear. This is due to increased intake of antioxidants and other plant compounds that help fight inflammation.

  1. Immune disorders

Allergies, chemical and food sensitivities, autoimmune diseases and frequent colds- these are all signs that you need to work on your health. Nutrients Contained in plants, they support the immune system by reducing excessive inflammatory reactions. The activity of leukocytes in the blood against pathogenic microorganisms increases, and their healthy balance is restored. Research shows that calorie restriction and fasting can revitalize the immune system.

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