Is it possible for a nursing mother to pickle and fresh cucumbers? Cucumbers on the menu of a nursing mother: timing of the introduction of fresh vegetables and taboos on “salty” foods

Often new mothers have a question about whether it is possible to eat cucumbers when breastfeeding newborn baby. Let's try to give an answer and find out: how this vegetable can be useful and how to use it correctly during active lactation, so as not to harm the baby's health and not worsen his well-being.

What are the benefits of cucumber?

Rich vitamin composition provided this vegetable with such great popularity. Cucumber contains vitamins B, E, A, PP. Among the microelements it is worth noting calcium, fluorine, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium. Separately, it is necessary to say about iodine, which is also present in cucumbers and is necessary for normal operation thyroid gland.

Fresh cucumbers have a pronounced choleretic and diuretic effect, which helps release body tissues from toxins and is important during the postpartum period.

Among the beneficial properties of cucumber, it should be noted that this fruit:

  • has a positive effect on kidney function, providing diuretic effect;
  • improves functioning of cardio-vascular system;
  • normalizes the digestion process due to the presence of a large number of dietary fibers. This vegetable has a mild laxative effect, which is important after childbirth, especially for those women who have problems with bowel regularity.

Is it possible to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding a newborn?

Until the child is 3 months old, doctors do not recommend eating cucumbers. Otherwise, mom may face:

  • The child has;
  • flatulence;
  • development
  • allergies.

Considering the above, fresh cucumbers when actively breastfeeding a newborn, are strictly prohibited.

Upon reaching the above age, it is necessary to introduce cucumbers into the diet gradually, while observing the reaction of the tiny organism. If redness, blisters, or rashes appear, the vegetable is excluded from the diet. In such cases, you must immediately contact a medical facility. It is worth noting that similar phenomenon observed quite rarely.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the answer to the question of a young nursing mother: is it possible to eat cucumbers if the baby is a newborn and is not yet a month old? Experiments and risks that could negatively affect the baby’s health are under no circumstances acceptable. It is not justified even in those cases when you really want cucumbers.

The process of pregnancy and childbirth takes a lot of energy - in fact, it is a serious stress for the body, both psychological and physical. Of course, the joy of communicating with the baby and positivity makes these processes unnoticeable, and with the support of relatives, all the consequences of this stress quickly pass. But a young mother needs not only sleep and peace, the help of her spouse, but also a varied diet.

One of the most neutral products growing in our latitudes is the cucumber - juicy and non-allergenic. But can a nursing mother eat cucumbers while breastfeeding? Are they really that harmless? What amount will be harmless for the baby? Will a vegetable included in the diet be beneficial?

Useful properties of cucumbers

Fresh cucumbers have much more important elements than it seems:

  • dietary fiber has a positive effect on gastric tract, improve metabolism;
  • thanks to the iodine content, the functioning of the thyroid gland is improved;
  • a large number of potassium supports the cardiovascular system;
  • vitamins E, PP, group B, sodium and other microelements, in particular tartanic acid, normalize metabolism.

But are cucumbers good for breastfeeding? Young mothers approach the issue of nutrition during breastfeeding seriously, excluding allergens and products that have no natural ingredients, preservatives. Cucumber is seemingly harmless. But let's look at it from the other side.

Cucumbers will only bring benefits to a nursing mother, but they can cause big trouble for a baby, especially when it comes to babies under 4-5 months.

There are a number of diseases for which the use of cucumbers is contraindicated.

There are a number of contraindications to the use of cucumbers during breastfeeding. Is it possible or not to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding? Surprisingly, such a harmless vegetable has a number of contraindications:

  • If a nursing mother has a tendency to form stones in the kidneys or bile ducts;
  • If pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation) is in the acute phase;
  • If you have a history of gastritis, enterocolitis, etc. chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract and intestines;
  • If a nursing mother is hypertensive.

As a rule, mothers know that food restrictions are due to illness. Therefore, it would be most correct in this situation to wait until the child is one year old. At a very young age, symptoms various diseases may be blurred, more difficult to diagnose and more difficult to treat. Heredity can also manifest itself in early age. Therefore, with an older child it is easier to establish what kind of manifestation occurred and whether it has anything to do with cucumbers during feeding.

On a note! Is it possible to pickle cucumbers while breastfeeding a baby? Eating pickled gherkins can lead to allergic reactions, swelling and rashes in the baby, constipation or diarrhea, anxiety, tearfulness and colic.

You should avoid pickled cucumbers during breastfeeding

Is it possible to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding or not?

The basis of this vegetable is 95% water. Everything else is fiber, vitamins, healthy sugars, proteins, acids, pectin, minerals. The benefits of cucumber are obvious: microflora and intestinal motility improve, kidneys are cleansed and lactation increases. Is it possible to eat fresh cucumbers during the first month while breastfeeding? A small amount (more precisely, a part or a slice) of a cucumber, which you can eat without harm to your child, will not have the benefits mentioned above. Large amounts, which will have a beneficial effect on your body, can cause diarrhea in a baby. And since his intestines are still weak, the microflora is unstable, dysbiosis can develop into inflammation.

Fresh cucumbers for breastfeeding

How does fresh cucumber affect a baby’s digestion while breastfeeding? Cucumber juice capable of provoking painful sensations in the tummy, increased gas formation, fermentation, colic and even an imbalance of intestinal microflora. When digestion is established, after 4-5 months, when introducing the first complementary foods, you can try cucumber. But this must be done in small portions, monitoring the newborn’s reaction.

Is it possible to have pickles during breastfeeding?

Store-bought pickles are especially dangerous.

Pickles contain many elements, but when breastfeeding it is better not to experiment, in particular, categorically avoid store-bought pickles. Homemade pickles can be eaten infrequently, in small quantities, and monitor the regularity and quality of the child’s stool. Any product should be as natural as possible in the first months of breastfeeding, and pickle contains salts and spices, garlic, which generally inhibits lactation.

Introduction to the diet of a nursing mother

Like any new product, cucumbers should be introduced into the diet during breastfeeding very carefully and in small portions. For a child, such a harmless vegetable in the first days and months of life can result in bloating and colic.

A newborn adapts to a new environment, each own immunity and the rate of colonization of the intestinal lactic acid bacteria. It is in the first months of life that healthy microflora is formed in the stomach and intestines.

When can you eat cucumbers while breastfeeding without harming your baby? If you see that your baby is calm and happy after feeding with milk, do not limit yourself to one experimental time. It is better to do this in the morning so that you can see the child’s reaction during the day. After a couple of days, try again and watch your child.

In what cases should you not eat cucumbers while breastfeeding?

IN winter time cucumbers are grown in greenhouses, so they may contain chemicals

The main reason why cucumbers should not be included in the diet while breastfeeding is young age child. Up to 4-5 months, microflora is formed in the intestines, and the digestive process is improved. If, upon reaching this age, the baby is growing well and does not suffer from abdominal pain, if he is gaining weight correctly, most likely, the pediatrician will support you - you can start introducing cucumbers.

If the mother does not limit herself to cucumbers physiological reasons, it’s better to try them in the morning and observe the baby’s reaction in the afternoon. If the baby's stool has not changed, if it has not become more capricious and restless, you can continue to increase the portion, at least every other day, preferably two.

When can you eat cucumbers while breastfeeding, so as not to get problems instead of benefits? The seasonality of the vegetable has become conditional thanks to supermarkets. Even in the middle of winter, you can buy cucumbers that look beautiful and are juicy.

Remember! In the depths of winter, cucumbers can only be grown in greenhouses, which means that nitrates and chemicals have greatly affected the taste and appearance of the cucumbers.

As for pickled gherkins, their use is strictly contraindicated during breastfeeding. The point is the vinegar content in large proportions.

When preserved, pickled cucumbers lose a significant part useful substances. And the spices contained in the brine (horseradish, red pepper) will be felt by the baby in the milk. He may be capricious from hunger because he does not like the taste of milk, or he may react calmly to it, but suffer from colic later.

When pickling cucumbers, various spices are used, which can enter the baby’s body along with breast milk.

Which cucumbers to choose?

Autumn, winter and in early spring vegetables in our region grow only in greenhouses, or they can be imported, where even in other climatic zones they are grown in greenhouses. Accordingly, vegetables grown on nitrates will not be beneficial.

It happens that even in the warm season, cucumbers are not collected from the garden, but also grew in greenhouses. The best option– when breastfeeding, eat only those vegetables whose origin is beyond doubt.

Cucumber salad recipes

Any mother wants to give her child the maximum benefit, so lactation will continue as long as possible. For some it’s only a couple of months. And, perhaps, it won’t be difficult to deprive yourself of the pleasure of crunching a cucumber during these 8-9 weeks. For the sake of the child this is not a sacrifice at all.

For some, lactation lasts 6 months. But in the period of 5-6 months the child is introduced to the first complementary foods. He little by little tastes a variety of foods: cereals, purees, vegetables, fruits. You don’t have to worry too much about the fact that half a cucumber eaten by mom will harm him. It’s still worth watching, but the risk that the baby will suffer from colic or flatulence is no longer great.

When the child is about a year old, feeding is still ongoing, the total share of breast milk in the child’s diet is much less than in the first months, when it made up his entire diet. You can safely consume cucumbers while breastfeeding, not only in kind, but also in salads.

We have prepared several healthy recipes for nursing mothers.

Greek salad with feta cheese


  • 1 cucumber, peeled
  • 1 tomato
  • half a yellow bell pepper,
  • a few lettuce leaves,
  • several pitted olives,
  • Feta cheese 100 grams.


Cut all the vegetables and cheese into cubes, place in lettuce leaves, garnish with rings of chopped olives and season with olive oil.

Salad with omelet


  • 1 cucumber, peeled
  • 1 egg omelette,
  • a few sprigs of dill,
  • a few lettuce leaves,
  • Russian cheese 50 grams.


Cut the cucumber and cheese into small cubes, tear the lettuce leaves, sprinkle with chopped dill. Bake an omelet from 1 egg, milk (its volume should be equal to the volume of the egg) and ½ teaspoon of flour. Cut the cooled omelette into thin strips, mix with the prepared ingredients and season with sour cream dressing (sour cream, salt, lemon juice).

Cucumber is healthy and dietary product, but at breastfeeding Any mother should carefully select her diet for a baby. Because Cucumbers can cause diarrhea and flatulence in a baby; a nursing mother should give up this vegetable in the first six months of a newborn’s life.

Is it possible for a woman to have cucumbers on her table while breastfeeding? On this issue, the opinions of specialists and pediatricians differ radically. Some argue that you can’t do without them, because cucumbers are a source of many vitamins. Others, on the contrary, believe that it is better for mothers to refuse this vegetable so as not to provoke bloating or bloating in the child. intestinal colic. Still others say that in this matter the main thing is to comply with certain norms and the rule of gradually introducing a new product into the diet.

The benefits of cucumbers for an adult are beyond doubt. However, introducing them too early into the mother’s menu during breastfeeding can negatively affect the well-being and health of the baby.

The most typical problems for a baby that may be associated with the mother’s consumption of cucumbers are:

  • excessive gas formation;
  • colic and bloating;
  • pain in the intestines;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • bowel dysfunction (more often diarrhea than constipation), thirst, allergic reaction (pickles).

For an infant under 3 months of age, these problems are already considered quite relevant, so unreasonable consumption of vegetables can only aggravate them.

It is best to start consuming cucumbers during breastfeeding when the baby’s gastrointestinal tract gets a little stronger and the digestion process improves, from about 4-5 months of life..

Like any new product, introduce cucumbers into your mother’s menu, including salted or lightly salted ones, It’s better with a minimum amount and this should be done in the morning. So, after the first feeding, the mother will have enough time to observe the baby’s reaction to the new product. If the introduction to new food goes without colic or bloating, then you can eat cucumbers in small quantities all the time while breastfeeding.

The benefits of cucumbers during breastfeeding

Fresh vegetables, and cucumbers in particular, can be very beneficial for a woman’s body after pregnancy and childbirth. Besides the fact that they are considered low-calorie product, they contain a large number of useful substances, including:

  • potassium, which helps improve the functioning of the heart muscle and kidneys;
  • vitamins, including B, PP, E, C;
  • microelements, including sodium, fluorine, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, iron, zinc;
  • iodine, which reduces the likelihood of diseases associated with normal functioning thyroid gland;
  • Tartronic acid, thanks to which carbohydrates in the body do not turn into fats.

Fresh cucumbers will help improve digestion, assimilate protein foods and normalize metabolic processes in organism. In addition, they have a slight diuretic effect, which is very good for cleansing the kidneys, and a laxative effect.

As for pickled cucumbers, they are beneficial properties almost as good as fresh ones and contain almost identical amounts of microelements. Salted or lightly salted cucumbers provide beneficial influence for appetite.

The benefits of cucumbers for the body (Video)

Precautions during breastfeeding

Cucumbers during breastfeeding, as well as other vegetables, must be consumed with extreme caution. This is especially true for salty and lightly salted cucumbers, in the preparation process of which vinegar and salt are used. It should not be forgotten that digestive system a baby, especially in the first 3 months of his life, is still completely imperfect, and the microflora is just beginning to form.

A nursing woman should stop using them if she notices the following changes in the child’s body:

  • there is a violation of the stool;
  • signs of excessive gas formation appeared;
  • the child has become irritable and nervous;
  • the baby started strong feeling thirst;
  • an allergic reaction appeared in the form of skin rashes.

How to choose good cucumbers

Eating cucumbers while breastfeeding should be done with great caution. At the same time, it is necessary to choose only the freshest, highest quality and unspoiled vegetables. It is not recommended to buy fruits in dubious trading establishments, where they may long time stored at wrong mode, and also treated with chemical components to extend shelf life.

As for imported cucumbers, they can also be processed for better transportation. various drugs and contain nitrates and pesticides that are very harmful to the baby due to not being grown open ground, and in greenhouses. The greenhouse growing method occurs in winter, so out-of-season vegetables can be dangerous for babies.

The ideal option would be cucumbers grown in your own garden. Freezing is very popular in winter. fresh vegetables. This must be done only in special packages.

Cucumber is everyone's favorite vegetable. Doctors often prohibit nursing mothers from eating it, citing the fact that the components of this product end up in breast milk and cause increased gas formation and intestinal upset in the baby.

But, as many doctors as there are, so many opinions. Therefore, you should understand this question: when can you eat cucumbers while breastfeeding and in what cases should you give them up?

About the benefits of fresh cucumbers

Many people underestimate cucumbers, believing that they contain nothing but water and fiber. Here is a list of the main components that make up the vegetable:

  • water;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • chlorine;
  • silicon;
  • water-soluble vitamins B and C, PP
  • zinc;
  • bromine;
  • cobalt:
  • tartronic acid.

The water contained in cucumbers cleanses the kidneys and urinary tract, removes toxins from the body's cells, and increases lactation. Alimentary fiber maintain microflora and intestinal motility at an optimal level, help reduce excess weight, remove cholesterol and toxins.

Tartronic acid is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, slowing down the conversion of polysaccharides into fats. This will help the nursing mother maintain her figure.

Potassium strengthens the heart muscle, removes excess liquid from the body and eliminates swelling, normalizes blood pressure. When breastfeeding, the need for minerals, microelements, so you need to eat fresh cucumbers. The trace elements zinc and silicon are responsible for the beauty of the skin and are strong antioxidants.

Iodine is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and physical development infant.

Cucumber pulp is rich in B vitamins, which are essential in cellular metabolism processes. nervous system, improve transmission nerve impulses to the cells, level out the emotional background. A good, even mood is the key to successful lactation.

Young cucumbers contain vitamin C, but it gradually disappears as the fruit ripens (overgrown cucumbers do not have it at all). Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, has antioxidant properties, participates in fiber synthesis connective tissue, which helps tighten the skin. It is important for a nursing mother to eat young cucumbers to improve the condition of the skin of the abdomen if it has become stretched during pregnancy.

Young fresh cucumbers, eaten together with meat, increase the absorption of protein and iron and reduce the load on the pancreas.

Salted cucumbers

When preserving cucumbers, a significant part of the beneficial substances is destroyed. In addition, potassium is replaced by sodium salts, which, when entering the body, retain fluid and provoke the occurrence of edema and increase blood pressure.

Salted and pickled cucumbers contain spices and vinegar, and this changes the taste of milk in the worst side and negatively affects the well-being of the baby. A nursing mother can eat them, but in small quantities and observe how the baby reacts to this product.

How to properly consume cucumbers while breastfeeding?

A nursing mother can introduce cucumbers into her diet immediately after the baby is born, but very carefully, trying a little at a time and monitoring the baby’s well-being. If not negative reaction, then the amount is gradually increased. If a violent reaction occurs in the form of colic and intestinal bloating in a baby, this vegetable should be temporarily excluded.

It's better with the introduction of pickled cucumbers wait until the baby is three months old. The spices they contain can lead to the appearance of allergic rashes, and salt causes thirst, stool retention, and restless behavior.

Cucumbers are contraindicated for a nursing mother in the following cases:

  • large stones in the kidneys, gall bladder, bladder;
  • inflammatory kidney diseases and urinary tract in the acute stage;
  • enteritis and enterocolitis;
  • promotion blood pressure(no pickled cucumbers);
  • hypersecretory gastritis;
  • ulcer or erosion in the stomach;
  • intestinal dyspepsia.

Even if there are no contraindications, cucumbers are consumed in reasonable quantities. If you eat too much, you may experience flatulence and other unpleasant phenomena in the intestines of mother and baby.

Pickles are popular among pregnant women. However, not everyone has this preference with the birth of a child, so its benefits during breastfeeding, as well as its harms, are of interest to many young mothers.

Is it possible to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding a newborn? Is it safe for a nursing woman to eat the vegetable?

Should a young mother eat this product?

Fresh vegetables are an irreplaceable source of vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

In this plan inclusion of cucumbers in the diet - an important part nutrition. As for breastfeeding women, the most important thing is that the child does not have allergies.

To check the reaction, start eating vegetables in small quantities. If there are no negative consequences, then you can gradually increase the portions.

However, this is still not the best product for mothers of newborns.

This is due to the fact that In the first months of life, children are characterized by colic and bloating, and the green friend of the tomato - the cucumber - can only aggravate these processes during breastfeeding.

Doctors advise refraining from using it in the first three months of a baby’s life.

Beneficial features

Let us list the main properties that determine the usefulness of a vegetable:

  • the presence of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and heart;
  • high content of iodine, vitamins B, E, dietary fiber;
  • the presence of vital microelements: fluorine, chlorine, magnesium, zinc, etc.;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improved digestion, etc.

Cucumbers have great benefits for the body.

The vegetable is also very popular with all weight watchers: firstly, it has low calorie content, secondly, it promotes the digestion of proteins, and thirdly, it contains tartronic acid, the main function of which is to prevent the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

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Let's talk about treatment chronic pharyngitis in children, how does this manifest itself? dangerous disease, are there any preventive measures? .

What harm can fresh and salted vegetables cause during lactation?

Why is it sometimes forbidden to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding? IN fresh they are practically harmless.

However negative consequences can occur in case of overeating and mono-diet, when, except for gherkins, a person eats nothing else.

When breastfeeding a newborn, individual intolerance to cucumbers is possible: at first they are usually eaten in the morning so that it is possible to observe the baby’s reaction throughout the day.

Another case during breastfeeding when it is better to refrain from consuming it is salted and pickled cucumbers.

And although they contain no less microelements and vitamins than fresh ones, They are dangerous for young mothers: The baby may experience abnormal bowel movements, nervousness, increased gas formation, and allergies.

In the first months of a baby's life It is better for a nursing mother to exclude pickles.

Can it be added to a baby's diet?

The beneficial functions described suggest that cucumbers can be considered part self-catering children.

When can you give cucumber to your baby?

Before a year, their addition to the diet is not recommended: The digestive system is not yet fully formed, so the likelihood of negative effects is high.

Possible consequences have already been described.

Cucumber rarely causes allergic reactions , so it, along with zucchini, can be one of the first foods in a child’s diet.

One of its functions can be used for constipation: its laxative property will help to get rid of the problem gently and quickly. To do this, you can give your baby a cucumber in grated form or in the form of juice.

When and in what form to give to a newborn

Most safe age for the first trial of this product – 1 year.

If the child does not have food allergies, you can offer it a little earlier.

The main thing is to monitor how the body reacts to a new vegetable., whether digestive disorders and other unpleasant consequences are observed.

To check the reaction, you can peel a small part of the cucumber and give it to your baby.

When he "explores" a new vegetable, parents need to monitor the reaction to the product. If everything is fine, then it can be added to purees and cream soups, but gradually.

You can also offer kids grated cucumber. Older children can eat cucumber salad dressed with olive or sunflower oil.

On the pages of our website you will learn: the most effective drugs And effective ways treatment of the disease.

How does an allergic reaction proceed? obstructive bronchitis in children? Read about the symptoms of the disease when you need to see a doctor.

How to choose

The quality of cucumbers is very important for nutrition. During cold weather, most edible goods in our markets are exposed to chemical influences– Numerous nitrates and similar products will definitely not be useful for either mother or child.

That's why In winter, nursing women should avoid this product. or purchase it only from reliable and trusted sellers.

In the summer, there can be nothing better than a vegetable grown in your own garden.

If this is not possible, buy ground varieties. Optimal size fruits – 10-15 cm.

The best of them are those that have a rich color, without cracks or other defects on the surface. Nursing mothers should refrain from eating overripe and yellowed cucumbers., even if they grew in their own garden bed.

When choosing foods, a mother should be no less attentive than when eating them.

Find out what other products can be included in the diet of a nursing mother from the following video:

Cucumbers are one of those vegetables that can diversify a nursing mother's diet without much risk of harming the baby. The main thing is to remember that gradualism and caution are the main principles when introducing any new product.

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