Is it possible to get your period ahead of schedule and how to speed up its arrival? Is it possible to speed up the process of menstruation? Is it possible to speed up?

There are ways to speed up the end of menstruation, but their use must be approached with caution, otherwise they can cause significant harm to the body.

What's worth knowing?

When choosing a way to make your period pass and end faster, it is worth remembering that menstruation is natural process any female body and interfering with its normal course is not recommended.

Once menstruation has begun, it is almost impossible to stop the process immediately. Often, the desire for menstruation to pass and end faster is associated with a woman’s natural desire to eliminate painful sensations and speed up the end of the abundance of discharge.

Don’t immediately look for miracle drugs and recipes traditional medicine, since when the lifestyle is normalized, ordering occurs menstrual cycle and its duration.

The following will help reduce the pain of your cycle and shorten its duration:

  • active image life with exercises, visits to the fitness room, walking;
  • regular sex life;
  • security balanced nutrition, excluding the use of strict diets.

Scientists have proven that in women who strictly limit themselves in the volume and caloric content of food intake, the period of menstruation is increased by 2 days.

When should you worry?

Often attempts to speed up the end of menstruation are associated with excessively large volumes of discharge or a prolonged period. In such situations, you need to understand what is normal for the female body and what is a sign pathological changes. Normal reads:

  • the volume of discharge for the entire cycle is 40-50 grams;
  • The duration of discharge is from 3 to 7 days.

If your period has not ended within 1 week or volume bloody discharge exceeds the norm, you should consult a doctor. Such failures may indicate gynecological diseases - endometriosis, fibroids, polyps.

Without timely measures, excessive blood loss can cause a decrease in blood pressure, oxygen starvation, heart attack or stroke.

To solve problems of this kind, medications will most likely be prescribed, the independent use of which is fraught with complications.


There is a category of hemostatic drugs that can help make your period go by faster. Any use of such a drug must be agreed with a specialist, since some of them are associated with a number of side effects in the form of pressure drop, dizziness, anemia of the limbs, allergic reactions.


Solution for intramuscular administration, providing best property blood clotting due to the content of concentrated vitamin K. It is prohibited to take in case of thrombosis, thromboembolism, increased rates blood clotting, heart attack or stroke. The administration of the drug will help speed up the end of menstruation, but the effect can only be expected after 10-12 hours.

The medicine is taken for 4 or 5 days to stop heavy discharge. For preventive purposes, this drug is used a week after the end of menstruation in order to normalize the cycle in the next month.


The drug is in tablet form, the basis of which is tranexamic acid. This component leads to an improvement in blood clotting properties, so it can speed up the end of menstruation. At the same time, the medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the severity of pain.

The drug is taken from the first day of the cycle, in order to speed up the end of menstruation, its dosage is gradually increased. The effect can last up to 3 cycles. You should not take the drug if you have kidney disease.


The action of the drug is based on the processes of stimulating the formation of platelets, an increase in the number of which has an effect in the form of blood thickening and strengthening of blood vessels. It is often prescribed to eliminate bleeding.

Reception begins 5 days before the first days of menstruation in order to speed up the end of menstruation if there is a problem with heavy discharge.

Traditional medicine recipes

Women have known for a long time how to speed up their periods so that they pass faster and use the possibilities of traditional medicine recipes for this. In order for menstruation to pass and end faster, you can use decoctions of herbs that have the effect of increasing blood clotting. The production of such products will take time, but the quantity adverse reactions when taking them is significantly lower than when taking pharmacological agents. The following recipes are effective:

  • 35-40 grams of dry parsley per 1 glass of water;
  • nettle in the amount of 5 tbsp. l. for 1 glass of water.

A decoction of parsley or nettle is prepared for 10 minutes using the water bath method, then squeezed out and, after completely cooling, consumed orally in a volume of 0.5 liquid 3 times during the day. Parsley is a powerful diuretic, so it thickens the blood, causing your period to pass faster.

Nettle contains large quantities vitamin K and has the properties of increasing blood clotting, so this remedy is worth considering as a way to speed up your periods so that they end faster. Such herbal components contain essential oils And useful microelements, therefore, I help not only make your periods go by and end faster, but also make them less painful.

Taking decoctions prepared according to the following recipes per 200 grams of water has a good effect:

  • decoction of equal parts in the amount of 1 tsp. shepherd's purse, raspberries, peppermint prepares in 10 minutes, consumes 3 times in one day;
  • remedy from valerian root, nettle, yarrow, bloodroot, burnet, 1 tsp. each of the plants, brewed for 30 minutes, consumed orally 3 times during the day;
  • viburnum 2 tsp. prepares in 30 minutes, use 3 times a day, 1 tsp.

Today you can buy a ready-made product called water pepper at the pharmacy. As a means to speed up the end of menstruation, take 1 tsp. 3 times a day 3 days before the start of the cycle.

What foods to eat?

To make your period pass and end faster, it is recommended to consume foods high in vitamin C. The most available means refers to lemon. This is the fruit that women used to use to make the process go faster and the discharge to be less painful.

3 days before the start of the discharge, they began to take 2 lemons per day until their end occurred. Eating today sour product can be replaced with more pleasant recipes:

  • making smoothies;
  • adding to tea;
  • making cocktails.

Significant amounts of vitamin C are found in foods such as rose hips and currants. If it is impossible to use natural products, you can drink it pharmaceutical drug containing vitamin C. It is recommended to start taking the product 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation, 1 tablet per day. It's worth knowing that maximum dose vitamin for 24 hours is 500 mg per day. This method should not be used by people who have problems and diseases of the digestive system.

Drinking honey will help move the end date of your period. Such a product will allow you to shift the onset of your period to an earlier date, but will not affect the duration of the discharge. In order for the discharge to begin a couple of days earlier, you need to start consuming a beekeeping product a week before the start of your period.

When thinking about how to speed up your periods so that they end faster, you should remember the safety rules. Such methods cannot be used on an ongoing basis, as a temporary effect can later result in serious health problems. It is recommended not to overuse medicinal drugs and traditional medicine recipes, but to use the possibilities of physical activity and proper diet nutrition for normalization regular cycle menstruation.

You can't speed up your metabolism - you can learn to burn more calories

People are ready to come up with any fantastic stories just to avoid counting calories. Metabolism, in a simplified form, is primarily your intake and expenditure of calories.

There are no wizards with very fast or very slow metabolisms

There is a misconception that different people food is absorbed in different ways: one ate a bun and it was deposited in fat, for another it was burned in his “fast metabolism” (aka metabolism).

Leading Russian-speaking fitness expert Sergei Strukov (like many scientists before him). Yes, different people different products are absorbed into varying degrees, but firstly, for everyone, some are absorbed better, others worse, and we must consider the average temperature in the hospital, and secondly, the difference is so insignificant that it simply does not make sense to discuss it seriously and take it into account.

To put it simply: there are no people with high and low (or slow and fast) metabolic levels (it is approximately the same and depends on lifestyle, weight, genetics, etc.), there are people who consume and spend more or less calories.

You can't speed up your metabolism (metabolism) - you can just burn more calories

Before proceeding to the main part of the material, we note that metabolism is a thing that we cannot influence, because the speed metabolic processes depends mainly on the amount of thyroid hormones produced by our thyroid gland, and also, as already noted, on gender, age, etc.

The methods presented below are just some of the tools that will help increase your energy (calorie) expenditure. That is, when reading metabolism (metabolism), you need to understand that this simply means ways to burn extra calories.

1. Exercise strength training

Your body burns calories constantly, even when you're lying on the couch. But those of us with more muscle burn more calories due to their metabolic activity. Every extra kilogram of muscle, simply due to its existence, burns you an extra 13 kcal/day. This is not as much as it seems, but even at rest, an extra 10 kg of muscle on the body (for example, instead of 10 kg of fat) will burn you an extra hundred kcal per day. And when your muscles work, they also give you an extra boost in your calorie expenditure.

In fact, researchers from the University of Maryland have once again proven that strength training increases calorie expenditure after training, at rest. They are also supported by scientists from Greece, who found that intense strength training can waste your calories up to 48 hours after training - and this is not only due to the volume of muscles and the cost of their existence at rest, but also to the additional expenditure of body energy after training .

2. Do high intensity interval cardio (HIIT)

Scientists prove that intense exercise burns off your post-workout calories. Depending on the type of load after training, the body spends an additional average of about 5-15% of the calories burned during the training itself. Moreover, the more intensely you exercised, the larger part of the calorie expenditure will occur after training, during recovery. For example, in 10-12 seconds when running 100 meters, an athlete manages to consume only a small fraction of the necessary oxygen and consumes the bulk of it (and spends calories) essentially after the race. A similar analogy can be drawn with cardio and strength training.

Back in 1996, experts from Baylor College of Medicine found in their experiment that high-intensity interval cardio training burns more calories over a 24-hour period than long-term cardio at a moderate pace.

In 2007, University of Florida scientists supported their colleagues by reporting at the annual meeting of the American College sports medicine that compared to long-term cardio at a moderate pace, high-intensity interval cardio allows you to burn 10% more for 24 hours after the end of the workout.

The bottom line: High-intensity interval cardio, for example, burns more calories through post-workout “afterburn” compared to low-intensity cardio. Likewise, strength training burns calories during recovery.

3. Get Enough Protein

It follows from point No. 1 that when doing strength training in order to gain muscle (we know that the more muscles, the more calories our body consumes due to their energy “gluttony”), it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein, which is the main building material for muscle tissue.

In addition, protein foods have a thermic effect, that is, the body spends more energy on its breakdown than on the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats.

Experts from the Department of Nutrition at Harvard Boston School in their review emphasize the importance of consuming enough protein precisely because of the additional thermic effect that protein foods provide. This position is also shared by Dutch specialists from the University of Maastricht. They note that consuming high amounts of protein improves the metabolic profile.

Conclusion: our body burns more calories to digest protein foods.

4. Stay away from fasting and crash diets

Hunger strikes and diets that involve consuming extremely low amounts of calories lead to an even greater reduction in calorie intake (due to the body burning muscle), driving people into a vicious circle of decreasing calorie intake. With each stage of their hunger strike daily norm calories are getting lower and lower, and it’s becoming more and more difficult to maintain it.

As a result, in most cases, a person gains even more than before the fasting diet. This is called the "yo-yo" effect and is described in detail in the text "Old Body with a New Way."

To confirm this, we present data from researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, which they received after conducting a 24-week experiment. The study involved 13 overweight women. The group of subjects was divided into 2 subgroups, the first of which consumed a sharply limited amount of calories - 500 kcal per day, and the second - a moderately limited amount of calories - 1200 kcal per day. After 8 weeks, scientists noted a 17% decrease in caloric intake at rest in the group that consumed 500 kcal per day, while in the second group the data remained virtually unchanged.

Moreover, in addition to hindering the process of losing weight, a sharp restriction in calories causes significant harm to our health.

Conclusion: Avoid fasting and low-calorie diets.


Zozhnik’s advice: forget about the phrases “speed up/accelerate metabolism/metabolism”, “I have such a metabolism/he has such a metabolism” - they ultimately mean the same simple formula: the difference between calories consumed and calories burned. Yes, of course, there are medical abnormalities associated with metabolism, but this phenomenon is rare and if you suspect it, just consult a doctor and get checked.

Once again, there is no fast or slow, high or low metabolism or metabolism. There are only calories that you consume and expend, and the result depends greatly on the difference between these quantities.

There are also no miracle people with a super-high metabolic rate or unfortunate people with a very low one. There are people who spend different quantities calories (at rest with the help of muscles) or due to intense or not very intense training.

As you can see: again there are no secrets and again we come across the same formula: the difference between calories consumed and calories burned. Well, in ours we show, even with pictures, that at every moment of your life you have these 4 options:

1. Eat more calories than you burn + do nothing= getting fatter, gaining fat.

2. Eat more calories than you burn + do strength training= gain muscle mass and some fat.

3. Eat fewer calories than you burn + do nothing= you lose weight, mainly due to muscle loss, and if you consume extremely little, you drop your calorie intake so low that then you will inevitably stop fitting into the norm and sooner or later you will fall into the first category.

4. Eat fewer calories than you burn + do strength training= you lose weight by losing fat and some muscle.


o Pratley R., Nicklas.B., Strength training increases resting metabolic rate and norepinephrine levels in healthy 50- to 65-year-old men, Department of Medicine, University of Maryland.

o Fatouros I.G., Tournis S., Intensity of resistance exercises determines adipokine and resting energy expenditure responses in overweight elderly individuals, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Democritus University of Thrace.

o Treuth M.S., Hunter G.R., Effects of exercise intensity on 24-h energy expenditure and substrate oxidation, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine.

o Halton T.L., Hu F.B., The effects of high protein diets on thermogenesis, satiety and weight loss: a critical review, Harvard School of Public Health.

o Westerterp-Plantenga M.S., The significance of protein in food intake and body weight regulation, Department of Human Biology, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

o Foster G.D., Wadden T.A., Controlled trial of the metabolic effects of a very low calorie diet: short and long term effects, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

Metabolism is the process of metabolism in the body. For each person, it has specific properties, leading to weight loss or weight gain. Metabolic speed largely determines both well-being and a possible tendency to become overweight.

How does a high metabolism affect the body?

For example, two people ate a high-calorie dinner. One person gains weight the next morning, while for another, a hearty meal will have no effect on weight. The difference between them is the rate of metabolism, or metabolism. The first one is slower. The second hero is the lucky owner good exchange substances. Surely everyone has a friend who, instead of a green salad, eats a hamburger, fries, snacks on ice cream and a pie, and does not have an ounce of excess fat. They say about such people: “It’s not good food for a horse.” But it's just a matter of physiological processes. With an accelerated metabolism, more calories are burned. This means that you need less effort to lose or maintain weight.

Giving up diets

Paradoxically, for a fast metabolism, diet is the main enemy. Say no to fasting and low-calorie diets. As soon as the amount of food becomes insufficient, the body perceives this as a threat and switches to energy saving mode. This means that the metabolism slows down so that enough calories are stored in reserve.

The most unpleasant thing is that even when there is enough food, the body will continue to store fats “for a rainy day,” but in larger quantities. This is why so often, after a strict diet, weight is gained at double the speed. The permissible minimum kilocalories per day is 1200-1600, depending on gender, lifestyle and body type.

Many people who go on diets stop eating normally from day one. For example, on Sunday their diet was 2,500 thousand calories, and on Monday they began to consume 1,500 calories. You should not do this if you want to speed up your metabolism. If you are going on a diet, you need to reduce your calorie intake day by day. Otherwise, the body will consider that difficult times have come in life and it is time to intensively store fats in reserve. It is best to reduce your calorie intake by 100 per day. This is one of the most effective ways switch to a dietary diet.

Eat more protein foods

Lean protein allows you to significantly speed up your metabolism, and for this reason. By eating protein human body spends almost twice as many calories on its utilization. Therefore, you should definitely include it in your diet chicken breast, lean types of fish. Protein food not only allows you to get rid of the feeling of hunger, but also increases the level of activity of fat-burning enzymes.

Starting your metabolism in the morning

It is very important to turn on your metabolism as soon as possible after waking up. A little trick of Indian yogis - you need to drink half a glass of water on an empty stomach. This will wake up your stomach and speed up your metabolism in the morning. You should also not skip breakfast. 30-40 minutes after waking up, you must have breakfast so that your metabolism does not go into reverse gear. The optimal choice is porridge, cottage cheese or eggs.

Walking to boost your metabolism

Spend more time outside. The body begins to burn calories faster outdoors because it has to constantly adapt to changing temperatures. In addition, on fresh air, as a rule, people move more. To speed up your metabolism, you need to eat more often, but in small portions. When the body constantly receives nutrition, it stops storing reserves.

Quality food

Monitor the quality of your food. A kilogram of cucumbers and a piece of sausage can contain the same number of calories. However, cucumbers will not affect your waistline in any way, which cannot be said about sausage. The body must receive everything it needs from food nutrients and microelements. Otherwise, oh good metabolism one can only dream.

Don't overeat at night

The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime. After all, if you eat enough at night, then almost all the calories absorbed during sleep will be converted into body fat. At this time, vegetables, fruits, and kefir are acceptable. Give yours a rest digestive system.

Physical exercise

Active leisure can increase energy expenditure by 5-10%. Swimming, playing beach volleyball, dancing, skating, skiing, horseback riding and just hanging out with friends, you won’t even notice how you’ve lost extra pounds while having a good time.

Strength exercises are great for speeding up your metabolism. The more muscle mass, the more calories are burned even at rest.

Active lifestyle

Take every opportunity to move. Replace the elevator with stairs, speed up your step when walking, talk on the phone while standing rather than sitting - and the extra pounds will go away on their own.

Remember these rules for speeding up your metabolism, and your weight loss will be simple and enjoyable. One of the benefits of a fast metabolism is that if you achieve it high speed, then our figure will not be afraid of even temporary deviations from proper nutrition.

First, let's define what metabolism is. The fact is that it does not come down to banal burning of calories.

Metabolism is a collection of complex chemical reactions, which allow the body to live and adapt to changing conditions environment, grow and multiply.

This process is individual and depends on a number of factors: age, gender, physical activity, health status and other components. We are unable to influence most of these processes, so it is impossible to accelerate metabolism to heights unusual for the body.

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But we are able to normalize metabolism. Especially if for some reason the metabolism has slowed down to unhealthy levels.

How to recognize a slow metabolism

The first, but far from the only sign that allows one to suspect a slow metabolism is unreasonable weight gain with a normal (without excess fatty and sweet) diet.

Slow metabolism is also fraught hormonal imbalances, skin rashes, constant fatigue and a host of other health problems.

Causes of slow metabolism

If you suspect you have a metabolic disorder, you should check your condition, find out if you are suffering from any disease, and try to optimize your lifestyle.

1. Make sure you don't have any illnesses thyroid gland

Candidate medical sciences endocrinologist Yuri Poteshkin: “Contrary to general opinion, in endocrinology there are not many diseases when weight gain occurs. One of them - ."

To make sure that you do not suffer from hypothyroidism, you can contact an endocrinologist at your local clinic. You can find a suitable doctor for free by contacting through the Medical Note application.

2. Get examined for diseases of the liver, kidneys, and pancreas

Endocrinologist Ekaterina Buzina: “With age, health usually deteriorates and metabolism slows down. If liver function is impaired, for example, toxins are eliminated worse and the body begins to oxidize less fat. Disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas lead to difficulties with the absorption of sugar, high level insulin and fat accumulation."

3. Think about how to improve your lifestyle

Most often, the reason for the slowdown in metabolism is not at all due to diseases and “ bad genetics" Poor environmental conditions can slow down metabolism sedentary lifestyle life, stress, regular overeating or, conversely, an overly strict diet, and even sudden weight loss.

The journal Obesity published research findings explaining the phenomenon of “metabolic adaptation.” Researchers have found that in response to significant weight loss, the body slows down its metabolism. This is why it is difficult to lose more than 15% of your own weight and maintain the achieved result.

“The body turns on a ‘saving mode’ that prevents weight change, even if a person tries his best,” - note Dr. Eric Ravussin and Donna Ryan from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center.

How to speed up metabolism in the body

The best way speed up metabolism - provide yourself with reasonable physical exercise

1. Eat according to your daily rhythm

To speed up metabolism, doctor highest category Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Myasnikov advises split meals and food distribution according to the time of day.

“Fats that enter the body from 6 to 9 in the morning will be burned without a trace, and those that enter the stomach in the evening will be deposited in subcutaneous tissue“,” says Dr. Myasnikov: “Therefore, it is best to have breakfast with cheese, cottage cheese, and butter.

In the middle of the day, the body better absorbs protein - fish, meat. From 16:00 the hormone insulin peaks in the blood, which lowers sugar levels. You can eat sweets at this time. At dinner, eat white meat - fish, chicken. Drink more. Water is the basis of life and metabolism.”

2. Consider your basal metabolism

If you decide to go on a diet, calculate your basal metabolic rate and remember: the calorie content of foods eaten during the day should not be lower than this indicator. Otherwise, the body will switch to “economy mode” and slow down the metabolism.

3. Eliminate fast food and processed foods

This is bad news for those who stick to a diet but indulge in unhealthy foods from time to time. Researchers published a study in The FASEB Journal showing that any dietary excess, even a single one, affects metabolism. U healthy people the consequences are short-lived, which cannot be said about people who already have metabolic disorders.

4. Get reasonable exercise

Metabolism-boosting foods

The best way to normalize your metabolism is to eat right. Consume the following products regularly, and the effect will not take long.

Whole Grain Products contain a lot of fiber. To digest fiber, the body needs to spend a lot of calories, so extra calories are not deposited on the waist and stomach. In addition, whole grain products are rich in vitamins and microelements.

Red beans contains a lot of fiber and B vitamins. At the same time, it contains components that can fight pathogenic flora and cleanse the intestines.

Fish When consumed regularly, it increases the level of leptin in the blood, a hormone responsible for metabolism.

Linseed oil useful primarily due to the content of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. These acids increase the production of the hormone leptin, which regulates metabolism.

Lean meat and chicken contain protein, which the body has to spend a lot of effort digesting - and, accordingly, burn calories.

Skimmed milk does not directly help speed up metabolism. But at the same time, it does not allow it to decrease when a person is on low calorie diet. In addition, milk contains a lot of calcium, the deficiency of which does not have the best effect on metabolism.

Red pepper contains casaicin, a substance that accelerates metabolism. In addition, ginger and mustard help speed up metabolism. However, people suffering from digestive problems are advised to consume these products with caution.

Sauerkraut- an excellent natural remedy for improving digestion and metabolism. Lactic acid, which is part of this dish, improves intestinal microflora.

Citrus fruits and apples contain many vitamins, and therefore are very useful, including for normalizing metabolism.

bitter chocolate useful for normalizing metabolism. Dark chocolate contains cocoa, which contains flavonoids - natural regulators of metabolism.

Green tea contains caffeine and catechins, which cause the body to burn more calories, increasing the level of thermogenesis. Due to the high caffeine content, coffee is also good to speed up metabolism, only freshly brewed and without sugar.

Caution: dietary supplements to speed up metabolism

Taking such additives is unsafe, as it can cause disruption in normal work body. Among side effects taking them increases blood pressure, trembling hands, sleep disturbance and increased sweating.

List of drugs that should be used with caution:

1. B vitamins

B vitamins are important for normal functioning metabolic processes. If they are deficient, metabolism may slow down. Despite their apparent harmlessness, these vitamins should not be taken without consulting a doctor. For example, some of them cannot be taken if you have tumor processes in organism.

2. Ginseng

It is believed that ginseng extract, along with other beneficial properties regulates lipid metabolism.
However, if taken incorrectly, ginseng can cause many unpleasant side effects. Therefore, you should not “prescribe” this, albeit herbal, but still medicinal product to yourself.

3. Fat burning drugs

Fat burning products include:

  • thermogenics that increase heat production;
  • lipotropics, which increase the rate of fat breakdown;
  • drugs that affect the body's ability to metabolize fats.

What you need to know about metabolism boosters

Before buying a drug, remember that often taking any drugs to speed up metabolism is in some cases useless, in others even dangerous.

Taking medications will help normalize metabolism only if there are health problems. First of all, this concerns a decrease in thyroid function. An endocrinologist will help diagnose this condition and prescribe adequate treatment.

And here physical activity, diet and sufficient water intake will definitely not harm anyone.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Doctors strongly do not recommend interfering with the functioning of the female body on their own, for example, adjusting the menstrual cycle and “tailoring” it to one’s own needs. However, there are situations in life when it is necessary for menstruation to pass ahead of schedule, since according to the schedule they coincide with important plans or dates. Not a single girl wants to ruin her vacation in warm countries or postpone an important celebration because of such an unpleasant thing as menstruation, because they can not only stain clothes or “not let” the girl go to the beach, but also bring with them a lot of discomfort like unpleasant odor or pain. And we haven't mentioned this yet headache and nausea, which also often accompany menstruation. Doesn't sound very nice, does it? And in this regard, girls are increasingly asking their doctors, friends and, of course, the Internet: “How to speed up your periods?”

Is it possible to speed up the arrival of menstruation?

It’s more logical to start with whether it’s generally possible to speed up the onset of menstruation, and isn’t this just a nice story for girls who dream of a good and trouble-free vacation on the beach? So, in general, it is possible to speed up menstruation before going on vacation, both with medications and folk remedies.

However, it is important to remember that rest is not the only reason to adjust your body. And menstruation can be called a few days earlier if the girl is already long time there is a delay. Only in in this case calling them “early” is not entirely correct; rather, they are trying to call them just in time for the precise time at which they were supposed to arrive according to the schedule. At the same time, it is not a fact that such manipulation will be possible; it all depends on the reason for the delay. Next, we’ll look at how to speed up the arrival of your period in specific ways.

Effective drugs

We have already mentioned that you can speed up the appearance of your periods, for example, by a week, using medicines. The most effective are considered:

  1. Of course, everyone knows oral contraceptives, that is, birth control pills. However, it is not taking them that accelerates the arrival of menstruation, but interrupting the course of OK before the due date. This may cause your period to “accelerate”. But this method will require more attention in the future to preventing pregnancy, and after resuming the course of contraceptives for 2 weeks, it will be necessary to use condoms.
  2. Pulsatilla is a remedy based on plant components. However, if a girl wants to speed up her periods due to their delay, then before taking it, she must first make sure that her periods have not stopped due to pregnancy.
  3. Duphaston also requires first making sure there is no pregnancy. It is prescribed for a fairly long period of use. However, the drug helps to completely normalize hormonal system women and is guaranteed to give effect.
  4. Postinor gives a 100% result, but may be unsafe for a woman’s general well-being, as it contains a heavy dose of hormones.

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So, in this section we figured out how to speed up the onset of menstruation with the help of medications.

Not all representatives of the fair sex want or can take the medications described in the paragraph above, but they need to know how to speed up their periods if they are delayed with the help alternative ways. In this case, they come to the rescue folk remedies using medicinal herbs. But don’t forget to check for allergies to certain herbs!

How to speed up your period at home:

  • One of the quite effective methods is a decoction of onion peels. You need to take about two tablespoons of husk and pour a glass of boiling water. Before drinking, the decoction must be strained. This onion water is taken once, before meals. The effect occurs after 6–20 hours.
  • A slightly longer method is to chew carrot seeds. For a couple of days, you need to chew and swallow 5 grams of seeds three times a day.
  • Another method, although quite sweet, requires a whole week to complete. Before required period When your period arrives, you need to eat 6 tablespoons of honey every day for seven days.
  • A decoction of parsley will also help speed up the onset of menstruation, and you should drink it until the girl begins to notice signs of her period.
  • You can speed up menstruation with “aesthetic pleasure”, for example, by brewing dried cornflower flowers. The decoction should be drunk three tablespoons a day: morning, afternoon and evening.
  • The bay leaf method is used only once to get results. Boil a standard package of dry leaves (about 10 grams) in 0.5 liters of water over low heat. The decoction is prepared for an hour, after which it must be cooled and drunk twice a day.
  • An infusion of elecampane root requires a bit of tedious preparation: first it is brewed in a glass of water, then infused, then filtered. However, taking small doses over a couple of days guarantees results.

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Physical exercise

To solve the question of how to speed up your periods so that they go faster, it is not enough to just drink decoctions and eat honey; sometimes this task requires a little physical activity. Several fairly effective ways:

  • Playing sports, in particular doing exercises to develop and strengthen the oblique muscles, can be a good way to regulate the menstrual cycle, since women also improve their general state internal organs pelvis
  • Not exactly physical activity, but also not taking decoctions: hot bath for your feet. Before putting your feet in the water, add some iodine and salt. Warm water improves blood circulation and initiates a rush of blood to the pelvic organs.
  • You can contact a professional manual for effective massage lower back, but if there is no time for this, then self-massage of the earlobes at those points that are responsible for the functioning of the genital organs will also help. You can find out more about these points from your doctor.
  • The most enjoyable activity To speed up the arrival of menstruation - this is sex. In addition, it helps to ensure that menstruation ends faster, as it stimulates uterine contractions.

Thus, by performing simple physical exercise or simply massaging certain places on your body, you can not only speed up the arrival of your period, but also comprehensively help your body. And you won’t need to drink any decoctions of parsley, onions or other tasteless liquids.

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Foods that speed up your period

You can speed up the arrival of menstruation if you are late by using certain products, that is, by adjusting the diet. To improve the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to increase the consumption of the following foods:

  • Fatty fish, rich in Omega-3. This could be tuna, sprat, exotic swordfish, as well as the usual sardines and trout.
  • Protein-rich foods. These can be nuts: almonds, peanuts or Walnut. Protein is also found in cottage cheese, hard cheese and hard-boiled eggs. It is also recommended to eat lean meat.
  • Sources of vitamin D. This vitamin can be obtained not only by sunbathing in the sun, but also through food: the same sardines, as well as salmon and cod liver.
  • There is also a sweet method. In addition to honey, you can also consume dark chocolate, which contains at least 70% cocoa.

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