In war, all means are good, or how to quickly remove lice at home using folk remedies? Pediculosis - home treatment and prevention. How to remove lice and nits from children or adults

Types of lice

It is impossible to say which type of lice is more dangerous. They are all vampires, carriers of other people's blood and infection. You can catch them only by contacting a sick person or using his personal belongings, bedding, clothing, or comb. Lice move from one object to another during contact.

Symptoms of lice

  • Itching where lice appear
  • Bluish marks on the skin
  • Scratching, scratching, inflammation of the skin
  • Visual detection of insects and their larvae - nits
  • Discomfort, chills
  • Sleep disturbance, nervousness

This disease is ancient, so there are many folk recipes to get rid of pediculosis. You can resort to the help of the sanitary service, but few people want to advertise their curious disease. Most patients prefer to be treated at home. You still have to go to the pharmacy. The most popular lice remedy is hellebore water. It is applied to dry hair and covered with film. After the time specified in the instructions, wash off the product. Dead insects and nits are combed out of the hair with a fine-toothed comb.

Advice! The treatment must be repeated after 5–7 days. The lifespan of an individual is a month. Therefore, within 30 days you need to repeat the procedure 4-5 times.

All pharmaceutical compositions should be used strictly according to the instructions so as not to burn the skin. Homemade decoctions are also far from harmless.

The medicine should be applied to dry hair, starting from the roots. Then moisten the entire length of hair with the composition. You should not wash your hair with conditioner before treatment. It creates protection for the hair and the product will not be able to penetrate it. For a better effect, put a plastic cap on your head.

Vinegar or alcohol does not kill insects, but only repels them. But these products can cause significant harm to the skin - burns.

Methods of fighting lice can be divided into chemical, physical and folk.

Mechanical methods

You can use an electronic comb, which destroys surviving individuals with weak current discharges. But first, before combing, the head must be treated with a product that will kill insects and their larvae. The procedure must be repeated until the lice are completely gone. To ensure that the comb glides well through your hair, you can rinse it with rinse aid or lubricate it with olive oil.

You need to comb out strand by strand, without missing sections of hair. This method is especially suitable for children, since chemicals can cause allergies or irritate delicate skin child. Pediculosis can happen to anyone. And if the use of chemicals is prohibited, then with the help of a comb and patience you can get rid of insects in your hair. This is applicable for pregnant and lactating women and allergy sufferers.

Daily long combing of hair is also a massage for the scalp. It has a beneficial effect on hair growth and quality.

Chemical method

The most reliable and quick way to get rid of lice - buy a special medicine for external use at the pharmacy kiosk. These are insecticidal chemicals that have a toxic or asphyxiating effect on insects. The products are applied to the head under a scarf or cap. Then they are washed off and the hair is combed out. And liquid silicones in Dimethicone and Cyclomethicone envelop and prevent lice from moving. They die from dehydration.

Medicine knows many drugs to combat head lice. These are gels, mousses, shampoos, sprays, creams.

List of pharmaceutical products:

  • Shampoos – Antibit, Veda, Reed (Permethrin), Hygia
  • Sprays - Nyuda (Dimethicone), Para-plus, Rosh tov with oils, Spegal.
  • Gels – Nit – fries with mint oil, Pedilin.
  • Healing creams – Nyx, Nittifor.

As preventive measures, use Nit-free shampoo and gel, spray with castor oil. Some products are used not only for scalp hair, but also for treating clothes. After each procedure, lice are combed out. The manipulations should be repeated 3-4 times with an interval of 7-8 days.

Pharmacy products are strong, effective and reliable. But it is precisely these qualities that are determined by the content of strong toxic chemicals in them. In case of accidental contact with the mucous membrane oral cavity or eyes, they may cause harm to human health.

In the instructions you should read whether the person who is going to use this drug fits into the category of citizens for whom the drug is dangerous. Asthmatics, allergy sufferers, people suffering from dermatitis, children under 3 years of age and some other categories are at risk for the use of certain medications for head lice.

Pharmaceutical preparations should be combined with herbal decoctions and tinctures. Some of them help remove nits that are glued to the hair with a special glue.

How to get rid of lice using folk remedies

The experience accumulated by the people in the fight against lice can be useful today. The methods are different, among them you can choose those that are suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. But, no matter how harmless they may be at first glance, they must be used with caution. The duration of action of each product is individual. Folk remedies- these are mixtures of various homemade remedies, decoctions and infusions of herbs and rhizomes, homemade ointments.

Types of home remedies for lice:

  • Alcohol-vinegar mixture with added table salt . You need 2 tbsp. l. Stir salt in a glass of apple cider vinegar, pour in 1 tsp. alcohol Apply gauze, generously soaked in this composition, to the head under a plastic bandage for 4–5 hours. As the gauze dries, re-wet it. It is recommended to repeat this procedure 2 times a day.
  • Honey and cranberry. You need to squeeze the juice out of 0.5 cups of cranberries. Mix it with tbsp. l. honey To completely dissolve it, heat the mixture in a water bath. Apply the warm mixture to the scalp and hair. Cover with film and leave for 1-2 hours. This product kills lice larvae.
  • Bush burdock Grind together with the rhizome and brew with boiling water. Leave the decoction for 30 minutes. Wet your hair with it and wrap your head with a towel. Leave the product on your hair for 30-40 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Insects are poisoned by burdock juice and die.
  • 1 glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice add chopped fresh mint leaves. Grind the leaves to release juice. Apply the resulting paste to your head and rub into the roots. massage movements. Rinse everything off with warm water and comb your hair with a fine comb.
  • Application dosta in some cases it is justified, but we must remember that this is a poison dangerous to health. They do not use powder, but dust soap, which is used to wash the hair, then rinse it thoroughly.

Important! You cannot remove lice from children with dust soap! Possible poisoning by vapors and substance.

  • Women can take advantage hair dye , which contains hydrogen peroxide. It is not used separately to remove lice, as it greatly discolors the hair.
  • Used to remove nits from hair lemon juice or citric acid . It eats away the adhesive substance that glues nits to the hair. They become easier to remove by combing.
  • Egg yolks are taken as the basis of the composition, to which they add onion and garlic juice . The product is applied to the scalp and hair under the film for 1–1.5 hours. After rinsing, rinse your hair with water and vinegar or lemon juice. The smell of garlic and onions will dissipate.
  • Kerosene must be used with caution. This is a highly toxic substance, even the vapors of which can cause poisoning. In addition, it is an oily substance. Which is difficult to wash out. Hair looks greasy. Blow-drying may cause hair to ignite. Kerosene is an aggressive chemical that in many cases causes skin irritation and allergies.
  • Dichlorvos can be used to remove lice from clothes and linen.
  • Tar soap works well against insects on the head. The alkali contained in it kills them. And tar has a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminating inflammation, healing scratches and pustules.
  • Dry grass wild rosemary Mix it with melted lard and let it brew for 12 hours. Apply the composition to your hair for 1 hour. Hellebore root acts similarly to wild rosemary.
  • 10 g dry herb larkspur pour boiling water and leave overnight. The infusion is rubbed into the scalp and moistened the hair.
  • Varnish Charm, applied to the hair, paralyzes the movement of insects and blocks the breathing of the larvae. They die due to dehydration.
  • Sulfuric ointment treats skin from scratching and suppuration, but does not destroy lice
  • Essential oils of tansy, mint, rosemary, lavender, geranium act similarly - soothe itching, heal wounds

The advantages of using folk remedies are obvious - they are cheap, cause minimal harm to health, and can be used for a long time.

They should be used repeatedly for complete cure. They combine folk remedies with mechanical combing.

Preventive actions

Follow the rules:

  • Keep skin, hair, linen and clothes clean. Dirt is a favorable environment for lice to breed.
  • Wash your clothes in hot water with a temperature greater than 50C. If possible, boil the laundry. Iron or steam clothes, especially children’s clothes.
  • Look after more than just your scalp. Itching in the perineum and groin should alert you
  • Check your child's hair frequently if he comes into contact with kindergarten or a school with a lot of children
  • Keep young children's hair short
  • Teach your child to use only his own combs, towels, and hairpins. Do not allow someone else to wear someone else's clothes.
  • Use essential oils instead of perfume. They repel insects.

The appearance of lice and nits, both in children and adults, should be regarded as an emergency. They feed on human blood, and at the same time they can easily infect a person with some kind of dangerous disease. To get rid of these insects, just use by various means, both pharmacy and folk.

Even in ancient times, people began to use various herbs, as well as their essential oils to get rid of nits and lice. If you do everything correctly, the result, and a positive one, will not take long to arrive.

When lice and nits appear, you should definitely think about why they appeared. It is believed that pediculosis (lice) is the first sign of unsanitary conditions and poor body care. There are other conditions when lice can easily appear. When many people are indoors at the same time, cases of head lice occur quite often. Such premises include army barracks, correctional institutions, children's preschool institutions, schools, boarding schools, etc. When a person spends a long time in conditions where it is impossible to wash, take a bath or freshen clothes, then lice appear literally out of nowhere.

When the body and head are washed at the wrong time bed dress and underwear is serious problem. Unfortunately, lice can easily appear on clean, well-groomed hair in clean people.

There are several types of lice that can appear on humans. For example:

Need to know! Head lice are the most common form of lice in adults and children. Children most often suffer from this disease when they attend preschool institutions and junior classes of secondary schools. Quite often there are families where personal hygiene is not in the first place. Adults not only do not instill basic body care skills, but they also do not strive for it themselves.

Folk remedies have proven their effectiveness over many centuries. Infusions and herbs prepared at home are no less effective than pharmaceutical drugs, but they are much cheaper, as they are prepared from available raw materials.

When pubic lice appear, it is not recommended to use folk remedies. It is better to contact a dermatologist or dermatovenerologist, who will prescribe the appropriate medications. Still these intimate areas People are quite delicate and not worth the risk.

Folk remedies are more aimed at getting rid of head lice. Before use, it is advisable to find out whether a person has a tendency to allergies, etc. For expectant mothers, you should select formulations that do not have strong odors and they do not contain irritating ingredients. Even though homemade lice remedies are relatively cheap, they are quite effective.

The seeds of this plant have a pungent aroma. They are used together with apple cider vinegar. The result is an effective remedy for getting rid of lice and nits. To prepare the product, you need to take 2 tablespoons of crushed cumin seeds, add the same amount of apple cider vinegar and stir thoroughly. Rub your hair with this mixture, after which you need to go out into the sun. After this, the hair must be rinsed. This procedure must be done for 7 days.

It turns out quite effective remedy, which has a detrimental effect on adults. At the same time, it softens the substance with which nits are held on the hair.

The product is prepared using the following technology: take a glass of natural pomegranate juice and bring it to a boil, after which 7 mint leaves are thrown into it. After this, the solution is boiled for another 3 minutes, the fire is turned off, and the broth is covered with a lid. After cooling, the broth needs to be filtered and only then can it be used to treat the hair. The hair is combed and cellophane is put on it. After 20 minutes, the product is washed off and lice and nits are combed out using a comb.

This substance was used en masse quite recently, but gradually people began to use pharmaceutical preparations. Some people still do not forget about this effective substance. A high-quality, purified product is suitable for such purposes.

To prevent irritation skin, do this: 1 part kerosene is mixed with ten parts vegetable oil. This mass is applied to the hair, after which the hair is placed under cellophane with a scarf (a kind of compress). This procedure is carried out before going to bed, and in the morning the head is washed with shampoo and lice and nits are combed out.

This recipe has been known for a long time, but the ingredients for the ointment are quite difficult to obtain.

To prepare the ointment, raw materials are taken and crushed in a blender. You need to take an equal amount of bird cherry and angelica root. The same amount of melted butter is added pork fat(heated). All components are mixed, placed in a glass container and placed in a cool place. After 3-4 days you can already use the ointment. The ointment is rubbed into the roots of the hair, after which it is better to wrap the head, and after half an hour the product is washed off with warm water. After this, you need to wash your hair with shampoo.

Tar soap is used by many for effective fight with lice. For this soap will do with 10% content active substance. Getting rid of it occurs in the following way: you need to wet your head and soap it with tar soap, and you need to make sure that there is as much foam as possible. After this, you need to wait about 10 minutes for both adults and nits to die. Then the hair is thoroughly washed, after which you need to comb out non-living insects.

If a person has dry skin, then it is better not to use tar soap, since it washes away sebum, which is already small. As a result, scalp irritation may occur.

A decoction from the root of this plant is effective means and gives excellent results, and preparing the product is not at all difficult. Not only elecampane root is used, but also its other parts. To prepare the product, just take 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed parts of the plant and pour them with a liter of boiling water. The lice remedy is infused for one hour, after which it can be used.

Processing is carried out every day for one week. The hair is generously moistened with the infusion, after which you need to wrap your head with any in an accessible way. After 30 minutes, the product is washed off, and after that they begin to comb out lice and nits.

Take 2 tablespoons of crushed ingredients (ledum herb and hellebore roots) and mix with 6 tbsp. spoons lard(not salty). After mixing, the components are placed in a clay pot and placed in the oven for 3-4 hours, without bringing the product to a boil.

After this, the product is immediately filtered (hot) through a sieve. The resulting ointment is rubbed into the hair roots every day for 7 days. After rubbing, the head must be wrapped with polyethylene and a terry towel. After 30 minutes, the product is washed off with shampoo. After this, lice and nits are carefully combed out with a special comb.

Folk remedies for lice in children

It is acceptable to use both fresh and dried plants. To prepare the product you need to take 3 tbsp. spoons of raw material and fill it with 1 liter of water. The composition is boiled for 10 minutes, after which it should be strained (cooled). The child’s head is washed with this decoction for a week, without using shampoo. The application technology is as follows: the hair is moistened with the decoction and wrapped in cellophane for 10 minutes, after which the product is washed off. When the hair is dry, combing out nits and lice will not be difficult.

I want my hair to always be healthy and beautiful, but what to do if there are unpleasant “guests” in your hair? Infection occurs for many reasons. It is a mistake to believe that only unscrupulous people are susceptible to pediculosis.

As soon as the female gets on the curls, the reproduction process immediately begins, the first unpleasant symptoms. The following material will help you avoid such a turn of events. In it you will learn about the causes, modes of transmission of pediculosis, folk ways getting rid of it. Also quite a lot important role Prevention plays a role in the fight against lice.


Most often, lice get in children; firstly, they are not so picky in choosing friends, they support close contact (hugs, cooperative games). Also, kids love to tinker with a huge number of toys, which can be stuffed with unpleasant guests.


Most often, lice are located on the back of the head. In these places and throughout the epidermis, the following symptoms are observed:

  • skin itching, which intensifies over time;
  • pustules or boils may form in places of bites or scratches;
  • lingering illness manifests itself in the form of pigmentation on the epidermis of the head, small seals;
  • you can visually notice small white lumps approximately one centimeter from the beginning of the hair. These are lice eggs, which are called nits.

Important! If you notice one or more symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and take your child to a pediatrician.

Fighting head lice

Treat pediculosis different ways. Some people prefer store-bought shampoos. Their composition is designed to eliminate adult individuals and neutralize nits. In most cases, eggs should be combed for a long time with a special comb.

The process is unpleasant and tedious. The alternative is to use products that have been proven by more than one generation to natural herbs and oils that will forever get rid of head lice and protect your loved ones.

Folk remedies and recipes

Table vinegar and salt

Two products can be easily found in any kitchen. You just have to use them correctly. For cooking healing agent you will need:

  • 50 g table salt;
  • 3% solution of water and vinegar;
  • 5 ml alcohol.

Method of use: Apply the resulting solution generously to the scalp and entire hair. Renew the compress within two days; during this time it is advisable not to dry your hair with a hairdryer. After 48 hours, wash your hair with shampoo, do not apply conditioner. Carry out the procedure of combing out nits. After such manipulations, not a trace of lice will remain.

Black cumin

The spice is actively used in the East. They have epidemics - common occurrence. The aroma of caraway seeds is not tolerated by lice, so if you have head lice, use the following means: Combine black cumin with apple cider vinegar in equal proportions. Distribute the resulting mass over the strands, generously lubricating the epidermis. Leave for 20 minutes, during which time it is advisable to stand in the open sun. Then the products are washed off warm water, repeat the manipulations every day for 7–10 days.

Vegetable oil and kerosene

The method is used only for adults. Children's skin from such an aggressive product may experience itching, redness, and other adverse reactions. To prepare the product you need to take:

  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • kerosene – 10 ml.

Application: mix all the components, apply to the epidermis of the head, wrap with wax paper, secure the structure with a towel or scarf. Leave the compress on overnight. In the morning, wash off with shampoo and use conditioner. It is better to comb out nits with a comb that has been lubricated with apple cider vinegar or soap solution.

Cranberry juice

The berry helps speed up the process of combing out nits and getting rid of adult nits. Preparation will take a little time, but the result will please you. Use:

  • cranberries - 150 ml;
  • liquid honey - a tablespoon.

Rules of use: squeeze the juice out of the berries; if the curls are thick and thick, then take 200–300 g of cranberries. Mix the juice with heated honey. Distribute the resulting mass over your hair and rub into the epidermis of your head. Leave for half an hour, rinse and comb your hair thoroughly.

Geranium oil

The oily product is very effective in the fight against head lice. To prepare healing mask you will need:

  • 10 ml shampoo;
  • 10 ml drops of geranium ether;
  • apple cider vinegar - three tablespoons.

Usage: mix shampoo with 5 drops of oil. Apply the resulting mass to your head and massage the epidermis with massage movements. Wrap in film and leave for one hour. Rinse the mixture from your strands with a liter of water with vinegar and 5 drops of ether. Repeat the manipulations every day for ten days.

Pomegranate plus mint

The products have powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties; after use, not only lice will disappear, but also redness and peeling of the epidermis. Take:

Preparation: Finely chop the mint leaves, add the juice, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Lubricate the curls and epidermis with the resulting decoction, and be sure to wrap your head for half an hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo. Repeat the manipulations every other day for a week.


The method is effective, but smells unpleasant. For the procedure you will need a lot of vegetables. Preparation of a useful mask:

  • 200 g garlic;
  • egg yolk – 2 pcs.

Method of use: Chop the garlic using a spoon, add the beaten yolks. Rub the prepared mass into the scalp for a quarter of an hour. The procedure can be repeated several times a day. The course of treatment is ten days. To make the smell less pronounced, add a few drops of lavender or tea tree ether to the mask.

Tar soap

The healing product is actively used for hair care. With its help they fight dandruff, lice, and excess fat. Technology for getting rid of lice using a useful product:

  • Wash your hair, grate 50 g tar soap, add the same amount of water.
  • Lather the resulting mass, rub it over all strands, and rub well into the epidermis.
  • Wrap your head in a plastic bag and towel. Apply a hairdryer to the structure for 10 minutes. The heat will help speed up the process.
  • After an hour and a half, the mixture can be washed off from the curls. Use warm water with apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1:10.
  • The course of treatment is 1–2 procedures. But after it you still have to comb out the remaining nits. The result will pleasantly surprise you, the curls will become smooth and silky, small scratches and flaking will disappear.

Preventive measures

The easiest way to prevent the appearance of pediculosis is to follow simple rules:

The problem of pediculosis is very relevant these days, children are especially susceptible to the disease. Use tips for lice prevention, take note healing recipes traditional medicine. Then your hair will always shine with beauty and health.

Medical video - reference book. A few more folk recipes for fighting head lice:

Types of lice

How do lice appear?

Naturally, the appearance of all three types of lice in humans can be prevented by maintaining good hygiene. But there are times when cleanliness does not protect against such “guests”. For example, it is easy to catch a head louse while trying on a regular hat, if a person infected with lice tried it on before you. Most often head louse settles on a woman's head. Long Thick hair- the most fertile soil for it. And besides, it’s common for girls to ask their friends for a comb to fix their hair. Therefore, you always need to be prepared and know what folk remedies for lice exist.

Pubic lice are transmitted through sexual contact, sometimes through bedding and other household items.

Symptoms of the disease

Most main symptom pediculosis – severe itching .

Head lice dominate the scalp. Accordingly, a person will be bothered by itching in the scalp, on the back of the head, and behind the ears. The presence of flat spots will be indicated by severe itching in the pubic area. Body lice will bother you in the area where clothing fits tightly to your body.

If you do not use special medicinal preparations and folk remedies against lice, constant scratching can lead to the appearance of pustules, boils and the like unpleasant consequences. A open wounds are known to be great place for various infections to enter the body.

Of course, severe itching interferes relaxing holiday, as a result of which sleep is disturbed, the person becomes irritable, loses appetite, and finds it difficult to concentrate on work.

Lice treatment with folk remedies

Recipe No. 1. Salt and vinegar in the fight against nits and lice

Agree, it is very unpleasant when head lice bother you. Treatment with folk remedies will help you get rid of them quickly and effectively. Moreover, even ordinary wine vinegar and salt. You will need 43 g of salt and a glass of wine vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly and add 5 g of strong alcohol. The hair must first be washed and dried. Soak gauze in the prepared solution and apply to the most affected areas. The lotions must be kept on the head all day, but the compress must be changed three times a day. This product not only helps get rid of lice and nits, but also soothes the skin, reducing itching.

Recipe No. 8. Mercury ointment as a means of getting rid of flat spots

If you are bothered by pubic lice, treatment with folk remedies will help in this situation. Unlike the treatment of head lice, here you will have to get rid of hair. Then you need to wash your body thoroughly using laundry soap. 5% white mercury ointment should be rubbed into the affected areas. Instead, you can also use 5 percent boric ointment or loncid. These ointments must be rubbed in twice a day for two days.

Also, do not forget to pay attention to clothes and bedding. Things need to be washed thoroughly, and if possible, it is better to boil them. It is better to dry things under straight sun rays, and then carefully iron with a hot iron, especially in places where folds form.

- a popular disease accompanied by parasitic insects that settle on hairline And feed on human blood.

It is very difficult to notice lice; usually with pediculosis, itching appears in the scalp, and sometimes purulent formations form from scratching.

At the first symptoms, you should immediately examine your hair if there is any small insects gray and balls white, then you need to immediately contact a specialist or start acting on your own.

NOTE to the environment. It’s great if the disease affects only one family member, in which case the spread of lice is almost impossible. If all family members suffer, then when one person recovers, others can infect him again.

The last thing the duration of treatment depends on is preventive measures after lice are detected.

The house must be thoroughly cleaned, by special means Personal hygiene items have been processed, the bed has been washed and ironed.

Before you take action, you must understand that head lice requires careful and comprehensive treatment. Only in this case can the disease be defeated.

Is it possible to remove lice and nits in 1 day using folk remedies? Despite the fact that the disease requires close attention, with sufficient desire and effort You can get rid of lice in one day. Of course have special drugs, which are sold in pharmacies, they guarantee instant recovery. Traditional medicine recipes passed down from generation to generation can also compete with them.

How to get rid of lice at home quickly: folk remedies

If you notice signs of infection, you can turn to “grandmother’s” recipes for help. Herbal remedies are very popular for treatment, including pharmacy products in the form of alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide, and, of course, all kinds herbal infusions, such as lotions. So, how to quickly remove lice at home using folk remedies? Let's take a closer look at each of the recipes.

IMPORTANT! Pediculosis requires an integrated approach.


  • traditional recipe- to make it you will need ivy - a handful in the palm of your hand, vinegar - 90 ml, they need to be mixed and crushed until a paste forms.
  • decoctions- very effective for prevention and maintenance of the effect. They will be ineffective or require prolonged exposure. What is needed for this?

    Take a few burdock leaves, pour boiling water over it and leave to infuse. dark place. After cooling, rinse your hair with this decoction for several days after treatment and once a month as a follow-up. Also great for decoction are fragrant rue, calendula or wormwood;

IMPORTANT! For best results, use the freshest ingredients possible. IN best case scenario- straight from the garden.

  • herbal mask. Take half a glass of regular vegetable oil and apply it all over your head, cover the top with a plastic bag and leave for several hours. Then wash your hair with plenty of water and shampoo according to your hair type. Keep in mind that oil tends to protect itself from water, so you will have to work a little when washing it off. Afterwards, you can start combing out lice and nits using a comb. Usually one or two treatments help;
  • odorous mixture- consists of tar soap and oil. Mix liquid soap and a little oil, apply this mixture to your hair and rinse after 25 minutes. The method is very effective, but has bad smell, which is difficult to derive.

For example, kerosene, which has an unpleasant pungent odor and is very toxic. However, it does an excellent job of killing lice and nits in one application.

Mix kerosene with vegetable oil and apply all over your head, put on a plastic cap and leave for several hours. If there is no burning sensation, then you can stand it all night.

Then comb your hair using a comb. Kerosene has minor consequences in the form of skin redness, itching and burns. It is also difficult to remove an unpleasant odor. Another quick and aggressive remedy is vodka compress.

Cotton swabs are generously moistened and applied to the scalp, then a plastic cap is put on for 20 minutes, then everything is washed off with plenty of water. A very simple and affordable tool.

IMPORTANT! If you feel a strong burning sensation during the procedure, you should stop immediately and rinse with plenty of water.

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