Disturbed sleep-wake patterns: consequences of nightlife. Consequences of a violation of the daily routine Failure of the sleep pattern

The deepest processes in our body “rest” earlier, more superficial ones - later. The mind and mind rest most actively from 21.00 to 23.00. Therefore, if you do not fall asleep at least by 22.00, then your mental and intellectual functions will suffer. If you neglect this information by going to bed after 23.00, then mental capacity man and his intelligence will gradually decline. The decline in mental strength and intelligence does not occur immediately. Therefore, it is difficult for many to notice these problems in themselves, although their signs can be tracked. At first, this is a decrease in concentration or excessive mental tension. A decrease in the power of the mind is indicated by an increase in bad habits, a decrease in willpower and an increase in the need for sex, food, sleep and conflicts, and causeless irritability. Prolonged late going to bed usually leads to chronic mental fatigue and excessive mental tension, which is often relieved by smoking or drinking large quantities of coffee. Also often in similar cases vascular regulation is disrupted and, as a result, increases arterial pressure. Sallow complexion, tired dull look, mental retardation, headaches are all signs of fatigue in the mind and mind when going to bed late. If a person does not sleep from 23.00 to 1 a.m., then he will experience a decrease in the vital tone of the entire body, and after some time, disorders of the muscular and nervous system will appear. Therefore, if a person does not rest for at least a few days at this particular time, he will almost immediately feel weakness, pessimism, lethargy, decreased appetite, heaviness in the body, physical and mental weakness. If you don't rest from one in the morning to three, your emotional strength will decrease. Excessive irritability, aggressiveness, and antagonism will appear. Of course, each person has his own individual need for sleep. It greatly depends on age, daily routine, constitution and type of activity. If human activity takes place in vanity and strong nervous tension, then he is advised to sleep 7-8 hours. However, in all cases, going to bed later than 22:00 is harmful to both mental and physical health. Depression is a consequence chronic fatigue mind and reason. The more calm and elevated a person’s lifestyle is, the less time he needs to sleep. In a state where the power of the mind is reduced, a person cannot understand what to do is good and what is bad. It is difficult for him to figure out how to act in life situations. This is especially dangerous during periods when you have to decide who to choose as a husband or wife, or decide what work activity to engage in. It is enough for saints to sleep 3 hours or less. Spiritual people can sleep from 21.00 to 0.00 or 1 am, receiving emotional strength from communication with God, from prayers addressed to the Almighty, and this strength will constantly increase. If a person gets up before 3 a.m. without mental or health problems, then he is able to deeply comprehend his spiritual nature. At this time, the activity of the Sun is very weak, and the Moon continues to act on the mind quite strongly. As a result of this, the mind is naturally peaceful and calm. In such early morning hours, it is especially favorable to think about God and praise Him. However, people who prefer to get up at this time have a rather sensitive psyche, and they are not recommended to stay in crowded places for a long time. Therefore, such an early rise is usually recommended mainly for clergy who renounce ordinary worldly life, living in monasteries and conducting night services. Those who are able to get up from 3 to 4 in the morning also have enough strength to understand their spiritual nature. Moreover, their mental sensitivity is not so high that it is necessary to lead a detached lifestyle. When climbing into this early time It is recommended to engage only in spiritual practice. The morning hours by nature are intended exclusively for this. During this period, Time is preparing a big surprise for people: the deep secrets of the soul and the universe are revealed to them. The only condition is that they should try to communicate more with those who strive for holiness, and less with those whose consciousness is absorbed in sinful activities.

If a person starts his day from 4 to 5 am,then he is able to change from a pessimist to an optimist. It is at this time that the Earth is in an atmosphere of optimism. All songbirds, being in goodness, feel this and begin to sing to different tunes. Those who are actively awake at this time are capable of being good scientists, poets, composers, singers, and simply cheerful people. Getting up early is associated with a joyful, optimistic song: “The morning greets us with coolness, the river greets us with the wind!..” This early time is intended for joy and creative work.

People who can get up between 5 and 6 a.m. every daywill be able to maintain physical health and good spirits throughout their lives. In addition, their ability to defeat any disease will be quite high. At this time, the Sun is not yet active, and the Moon is no longer active, so the mind becomes very sensitive to the perception of any information, and it is quickly and deeply stored in memory. This is a favorable time for reading consciousness-raising books. Those who rise from 6 to 7 am rise after the Sun. This means that they do not recognize the Laws of Time, but still try not to sleep too much. Their tone will be somewhat lower than we would like, and things will not go completely badly, but with obvious mistakes. Their health will be more or less normal. This does not apply to critical situations in their lives. Anyone who tends to get up at this time will not have a sufficient reserve of both physical and mental strength. Naturally, they should not count on any obvious progress in their lives. The fact that in winter the Sun rises much later, and in Chukotka it is not visible at all for six months, does not mean at all that people somewhere should sleep longer or go into hibernation. What matters is not whether we see the Sun on the horizon or not, but its position when it begins to influence in a certain way the point on the Earth’s surface where we are. It does not matter whether the Sun makes a vertical revolution around this point or obliquely. A full rotation of the Sun relative to our vision will still be 360 ​​degrees, and 0 degrees (nadir) will correspond to midnight, 90 degrees to 6 am, and 180 degrees (zenith) to noon. It is at 6 o'clock in the morning that the Sun begins to actively influence our body. Those who get up early know that until six o'clock in the morning nature is always calm, but immediately after six a light breeze appears and the Earth goes from a peaceful state to a cheerful one. This always happens at the same time in both winter and summer, regardless of whether people set their clocks forward or back. A person must wake up before the Earth (before 6 hours solar time) in order to have time to mentally adopt its current mood. Only in this case the weather will not cause us all kinds of disturbances associated with magnetic storms etc. Therefore, anyone who gets up later than 6 am will no longer be able to be a true optimist; his joy will not be natural, natural, sunny, but will be strained and artificial.

If a person gets up from 7 to 8 am,then he is guaranteed a lower mental and physical vitality than what was inherent in him at the time of his birth by fate. Such a person’s entire day will pass either in fuss or in a feeling of lack of energy, strength, and concentration for successful activities. Those who get up at this time have a tendency to hypotension, migraines, decreased appetite, decreased immunity, a passive life position, low acidity in the stomach and enzymatic deficiency in the liver. And if life forces them to overcome difficulties, then nervousness, fussiness, overexertion appear and, conversely, a tendency to gluttony, increased blood pressure, increased acidity and inflammatory processes in organism. Thus. Time itself punishes those who do not take it into account. Time is one of the aspects of the will of God in this world, and the one who, at the lowest - physical - level does not enter into the rhythm of the laws of the universe, expresses disobedience to the order established by the Almighty, and, as a violator, must be punished.

Those who get up from 8 to 9 amundoubtedly, they can no longer overcome their character flaws and usually have some kind of bad habits. Rising at this time promises a confrontation with great life difficulties, chronic and incurable diseases, disappointments and failures. Such people will be led by events, without the strength to change anything in life. Those who manage to sleep until 9 or longer will encounter in their lives depression, apathy, unwillingness to live, disappointment in their fate, fears, suspiciousness, anger, as well as uncontrollable habits, accidents, serious illnesses and premature aging. Serious changes in your routine cannot be made suddenly, otherwise, if you immediately start getting up a couple of hours earlier, you will feel tired and drowsy throughout the day. Learn to wake up early morning hours It’s better gradually, getting up 15 minutes earlier every week. That being said, you should always go to bed early enough to get a good night's sleep. “Whoever goes to bed early and gets up early, God gives him wealth, health and wisdom!” - Russian proverb.

Many people say that they find it very difficult to fall asleep when they go to bed early. However, in conversation they admit that, in reality, they feel sleepy around 20 or 21 o'clock, but then this drowsiness goes away. This is explained by the alternation of the activity of the subtle forms of the elements in our body - air, water and fire. From 20 to 22 o'clock in human body The heavy energy of water predominates, causing drowsiness, lethargy and prompting a person to go to sleep. At 10 p.m., the subtle element of fire “turns on,” which is responsible for burning toxins accumulated during the day and other restorative processes of the body. If at the moment of activation of the subtle element of fire a person is awake, then the energy intended for the restoration of the body begins to nourish the brain and gives vigor to the consciousness. An interesting effect is obtained: a person just 10 minutes ago was “nodding off” and was feeling very sleepy, and then suddenly he again feels a surge of strength, and it is already very difficult for him to fall asleep. His consciousness becomes active and he says that he is a "night owl". But this late vigor is false, since the brain is already much less productive than in the afternoon or morning hours. Therefore, always try to go to bed when the body is most predisposed to this and, in order not to disrupt the body’s recovery processes, at least by 21.50 you should be fast asleep. Before going to bed, it is very important to have a good psychological relaxation, so it is better to devote the evening time to pleasant communication with loved ones, sum up the results of the day and make plans for tomorrow. Tomorrow begins from today evening, from how and what time you go to bed. If something is bothering you, write it down on paper so you can think about it later. Before going to bed, thank God for giving you another day of life, wish everyone happiness and set your alarm clock 10 minutes earlier to take another step closer to the natural rhythms of life.

It is believed that the most useful time falling asleep is 21-23 hours. Sleeping later than this time can already harm internal organs and the nervous system. The main blow falls on the mind and ability to think. But the most unpleasant thing is the cumulative effect: the longer you disrupt your natural sleep pattern, the more problems it will cause in the future.

So, what does a sleep disorder lead to?

Tension, decreased concentration, and lethargy are only the first signs of an incorrect regimen and lack of rest. Further - more, the person develops lethargy, chronic mental and physical fatigue, pressure surges, as well as frequent headaches.

During from 23 to one in the morning stress on the nervous and muscular system increases significantly: weakness, apathy, a feeling of heaviness in the limbs, and weakness immediately appear.

With prolonged disruption of the natural daily routine, the body begins a painful restructuring of processes nervous system And internal organs. This has dangerous and unpleasant health consequences.

If you go to bed even later, then begins to suffer emotional sphere human psyche. Aggressive irritability, severe emotional exhaustion, disturbance of perception of the world - immediate consequences. Over time, bipolar disorder may even develop. affective disorder, in which a person’s excessively high mood is replaced by depressive phases and vice versa.

What to do if it is not possible to sleep at a useful time?

Many factors make it difficult to maintain a day-night routine: night work, studying, insomnia, or simply people and things that interfere with sleep. Brewing logical question: how to avoid these consequences and restore it? It's not easy, but it exists interesting way solve the problem of. You just really want it!

It may seem strange, but if you really want it, then after some time it will be possible to restore your daily routine and live a full life. Try to communicate with people who follow the regime and the desire will be stronger. Other methods are simply ineffective and only lead to trouble. It is stupid to quit school or change jobs if there is no other one. You just need to accept this fact and strive for better.

Based on lectures by Oleg Torsunov

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Following a routine is a necessity due to the accelerated pace of life and the need to do everything without compromising your health. The children attending are strictly observing the regime. kindergarten and school, as well as professional and other organized and responsible individuals.

General principles of proper daily routine

Everyone has their own daily routine, however, there are some general principles, following which you can get the most out of every day of your life. Correct mode day involves allocating sufficient time for rest, work (study), physical activity, household chores and leisure.

The correct daily routine is drawn up taking into account the biorhythms of the human body. Nature has laid down the stages of activity and passivity of the body, which are associated with the change of day and night.

It looks like this:

  1. Night. For adults, it is most effective from 10-11 pm to 6-7 am. If you don’t have time for this, it is advisable to at least sleep from 11 to 4 o’clock. This is the most valuable time for the reproduction of body cells, their regeneration and cleansing (maximum levels of growth hormone and melatonin, minimum body temperature and cortisol content).
  2. Morning. From 4-5 o'clock in early morning people, the level of cortisol (the "activity hormone" produced by the adrenal glands), adrenaline, hemoglobin and sugar begins to increase in the blood. For night owls this happens several hours later. By 7 o'clock in the morning, the body of any person is already ready to awaken. However sports activities It is not recommended to spend before 9 o’clock, as well as after 18.00.
  3. Day. From 10 to 12 hours peak human performance. From 12 to 14 o'clock is the period for eating and resting. You can sleep after a hearty lunch, but not for long. From 15 to 17 hours the second peak of human activity. It is advisable to have dinner no later than 20:00.

If you follow the specified daily routine (at least in terms of sleep), aging of the body as a whole is delayed. It also has a positive effect on mental and emotional condition person.

What is normal sleep and how to ensure it

There is a stereotype that people who want to do more in their lives should sleep less. Examples prove this outstanding personalities– Leonardo da Vinci, Napoleon Bonaparte, Peter I, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Alva Edison. However, you cannot compare geniuses with ordinary people. If to an ordinary person If he follows the example of such people and sleeps, for example, 2 hours a day (like Edison), then he cannot avoid health problems or even death.

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There is also another stereotype that people need to sleep 8 hours a day. This rule does not apply to all people. Some people need to sleep less time, others more. It all depends on the physical characteristics and work schedule of each person.

Sleeping a lot is not harmful to health, however, in order to have time to get everything done, it is advisable to adjust the sleep period.

To fall asleep on time, it is advisable before bedtime:

  • don't eat junk food
  • take a walk on fresh air
  • ventilate the bedroom
  • Don't watch TV or movies on your laptop
  • do not play games on your phone or tablet
  • read a book
  • Follow a daily bedtime ritual

If it is not possible to eliminate disturbances in sleep and wakefulness using the indicated methods, then you can pay attention to, for example, radiola rosea, leuzea, lemongrass, honey grass stevia, sweet lipia.

It is not recommended to consume large quantities of coffee and energy drinks for energy. To wake up quickly in the morning, you can do exercises that are similar to the movements of cats (yawning, stretching and arching like them). These movements are practiced in yoga and give good results.

During the day, you can take an afternoon siesta of 15 minutes to recuperate. It is not recommended to sleep for a long time after lunch, as it may have the opposite effect.

To sleep well at night, you need to be tired during the day. Physical fatigue(especially in the fresh air) helps healthy sleep, however nervous exhaustion may, on the contrary, lead to insomnia. You can combat lack of sleep by lying down with eyes closed and trying not to think about anything. If that doesn't work, you can count the sheep.

Before traveling to another time zone, you need to fall asleep for several days and wake up close to the time of your destination.

Eating at a strictly defined time

Compliance with the regime is very important to maintain optimal weight. In the presence of healthy sleep And physical activity during the day, weight can even be reduced without dieting.

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To maintain normal weight, you need 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks between them per day. You can't eat at night. You need to drink a lot during the day, minimizing fluid intake in the evening.

Nutrition should be balanced, containing sufficient amounts of protein and fiber. It is very important not to skip breakfast. It is advisable to take all meals at the same time every day. To ensure healthy sleep, you need to give up alcohol, large quantity coffee, as well as too fatty, spicy and salty foods for dinner.

Performance and mode

The lowest performance (attentiveness) of people is from 10 p.m. to 4 p.m. Therefore, accidents due to drivers falling asleep at the wheel are not uncommon at this time.

People working the day shift need to plan their workday in such a way that the main mental activity occurred during periods of peak performance of the body (from 10 to 12, and also from 15 to 17 hours).

For full recovery strength, you need to get a good night's sleep. It is advisable to have uninterrupted sleep.

In addition, to improve performance and performance, you need to set yourself up for a positive attitude. This can be achieved, for example, through auto-training (self-hypnosis). There is a method by Dr. Sytin, according to which it is recommended to record the text of self-hypnosis in your own voice without background melodies in the spirit: “I am healthy as an ox,” and listen to it for no more than 20 minutes daily. In this way you can influence the subconscious.

What do violations of the daily routine lead to?

If you don’t follow a daily routine, the first thing that suffers is the cardiovascular system. Night owls, for example, have a better chance of doing so than early risers.

Constant lack of sleep can lead to ulcers, migraines, hallucinations, depression and other diseases. Besides, sleepless nights affect a person’s appearance: bags and bruises appear under the eyes, unhealthy complexion, etc. Failure to comply with the regime usually leads to metabolic disorders and excess weight gain.

In addition to the negative impact on health, wrong mode leads to a decrease in performance (a person is late, has less time to do in a day, makes mistakes, etc.). At this rate, it is difficult for a person to achieve great results and growth in professional and career terms.

An example of the correct daily routine for a schoolchild

A regime must be established for the harmonious development and realization of the individual, since a person, as a deeply social being, needs to take place in various roles and guises in society in order to be happy.

The child plays the role of a son (daughter), grandson (granddaughter), friend (girlfriend), as well as a student of an educational organization. It takes time to perform all these roles with the proper quality. In addition to mastering school curriculum, many children still need to have time to study in additional clubs and sections. By focusing only on studying (without any physical activity), parents make a mistake. By creating a daily schedule for a child that does not include time for play and socializing with peers, parents may also be doing the child a disservice. In the future, such a child will reproach his parents for his not happy enough childhood.


Create a daily routine. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. If you go to bed late and get up after lunch, start gradually adjusting this. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual every day, shifting your usual routine. This best option, since you will not experience severe discomfort.

Contact a psychiatrist if you suffer from insomnia that does not respond to treatment. It is possible that you will be prescribed medications that are only available from a doctor. Don't accept potent drugs on your own, you can only make things worse. Stick to it general recommendations, then mode sleep normalizes. Of course, you will need to contribute to this too.

Even in families where mode The day is observed quite strictly by everyone; deviations do occur. Moreover, such deviations are necessary for both adults and children. Sometimes you need to take a break from once and for all established order. Most often about mode e days are forgotten on long holidays or in the summer, when you don’t want to think about what time you need to have dinner or go to bed, because there are too many interesting things around. But the holidays or vacation are over, and you need to return to your usual measured lifestyle. And first of all, it is necessary to retrain mode at baby.


If the rhythm of life got lost during the holidays, nothing bad happened. The child himself will be happy to return to his usual activities. Restore mode after the holidays, you can use the same methods that you once taught your little fidget to a certain order. A positive attitude is needed both on his part and on yours. Tell him that you are returning to kindergarten or to where old friends and new toys and activities await him. His friends miss him, they have been to many places and will definitely talk about their summer adventures. Discuss with your child what he can tell the teacher and others.

Restore mode sleep and wakefulness. In the summer you could sleep longer in the morning, but now you have to get up early again. But at the same time you need to get enough sleep, so you will also have to go to bed early. Start by getting up. The day before, outline a plan for the next day and explain why you need to get up early. Plans may include visits to the doctor and nursery, an interesting walk to familiar places, or a trip to where the child has long wanted. What is planned must be done.

Try to make the day interesting and eventful. If there are a lot of impressions, in the evening you won’t even have to try very hard to get your child to go to bed. Don't be discouraged if you don't manage to restore your usual bedtime routine on the first night. You will do it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. But it is still necessary to explain to the child why he needs to get up tomorrow.

The next day or every other day, remind your child what to do

Proper sleep and wakefulness is necessary condition to preserve health and maintain working capacity, and its violation, on the contrary, entails problems with well-being and a decrease in the quality of life.

According to statistics, about 40% of the adult population of the planet suffers from various sleep disorders. Moreover, doctors unanimously assure that The cause of certain complaints about sleep is often not any specific disease, but a violation of the regime. Habitual and seemingly harmless evening activities provoke the appearance of insomnia, and after this a malfunction occurs normal operation the whole body.

Almost none modern man cannot imagine his life without TV and the Internet. How long can exciting movies, late-night football broadcasts, or texting with friends last? Few hours? Or all night long? And how much time remains for rest?

In addition, the researchers found that Light-emitting TV and computer screens negatively affect the body's production of the hormone melatonin a, which regulates falling asleep and maintaining sleep. So, consciously using various kinds With gadgets, we ourselves contribute to the appearance of sleep disturbances, since we do not allow our body to want to sleep.

Certain dietary and bad habits. Nicotine, green and black tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, chocolate stimulate the nervous system, so should be excluded in the afternoon. Unfortunately, many people ignore this, and then suffer, lying in a dark room at night and counting sheep.

Two more malicious enemies of the regime are late awakening time and nap . By relaxing yourself and allowing yourself to sleep as long as you want, a person contributes to the appearance of problems with falling asleep, which can turn into real insomnia.

Other consequences of disrupted sleep patterns may include decreased mental activity, neuroses, anxiety and depression. If the body does not rest for a sufficient amount of time, and this rest does not occur according to schedule, this quickly leads to complications.

Try to ensure that you get enough sleep and on a regular schedule. If violations of the regime are already taking place, try to restore your daily routine as quickly as possible before it “backfires” on you. You should not use sleeping pills: it is possible that they will only make things worse. Focus on sleep hygiene and, of course, exercise self-discipline; this will help you naturally adjust your sleep and wakefulness patterns and avoid many problems in the future.


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