Neuroleptics - a list of drugs of all groups and the safest drugs. Treatment of VSD - treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

For neuroses and depression, doctors prescribe antipsychotics. A number of drugs can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription - for them strict rules do not apply.

Antipsychotics without a prescription - types, groups, indications

Neuroleptics in pharmacology mean antipsychotics, or antipsychotic drugs. These drugs are preferred in the treatment of nervous, psychological, mental disorders. The action of the drugs is powerful, but side effects are also common, so they are taken only when indicated.

There are two types of antipsychotics - typical and atypical, their main differences are in the table:

Due to the negative impact on the body, drugs of the first group are almost never used; only in a hospital setting, some of them are used in patients with schizophrenia. Modern, atypical antipsychotics are in some cases sold without a prescription, as they are considered safe for the patient. They calm, relieve stress, remove muscle spasms, and reduce the manifestations of neuroses.

Olanzapine is a popular drug

In the list of drugs in the group that can be bought without a prescription, Olanzapine occupies the leading position. It belongs to the new generation of atypical neuroleptics, its price is low - 130 rubles for 28 tablets. It contains the active substance of the same name and a number of auxiliary components.

The medicine acts on dopamine and serotonin receptors.

Olanzapine acts as follows - it selectively reduces the excitability of a number of neurons, while improving the functioning of nerve pathways responsible for motor functions. During the course of treatment, negative manifestations decrease, and a pronounced anti-anxiety effect is observed.

Side effects of Olanzapine are more often observed with a long course or exceeding the dosages specified by the doctor:

IN isolated cases were noted sharp increase sugar, ketoacidosis, hepatitis, blood disorders. Indications include various psychotic disorders, neurotic attacks. It is prohibited to purchase and take the product during pregnancy, kidney disease, liver failure, in people under 18 years of age. The dose is 10 mg/day, it can be increased only according to strict indications! Analogues with the same active substance are Zyprexa Zidis, Zalasta, Egolanza.

Medicines based on risperidone

Such funds are found wide application in neurological and psychotherapeutic practice. Active ingredient Risperidone is part of a whole list of non-prescription antipsychotic drugs. Risperidone is a strong antipsychotic drug, and in parallel has a number of other effects:

Risperidone binds to serotonin and dopamine receptors and also interacts with H1-histamine receptors. The medicine copes well with both serious mental disorders (delusions, hallucinations, manifestations of schizophrenia), and helps with more common problems - neuroses, depression, nervous overexcitation. Among others, indications for risperidone include:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • senile dementia;
  • aggressive behavior in children 5-16 years old.

The most inexpensive drug is Risperidone - it costs 150 rubles for 20 tablets, you can also buy Risset for 160 rubles, and Ridonex for 320. Rispaxol and Rileptide cost about 600-700 rubles, and the medicine Rispolet in the form of powders for suspension is sold for 4,500 rubles.

Ariprizole and Serdolect

The drugs have a similar mechanism of action and are quite safe for the treatment of psychosis. The cost of Ariprizole is very high - more than 5,500 rubles/30 tablets, so it is better to purchase it with the approval of a specialist and according to strict indications. It contains the antipsychotic aripiprazole, which acts on the nerve receptor system and produces a powerful sedative and antipsychotic effect.

The therapeutic effect of treatment usually develops within 3-5 days and increases over time.

The medicine is indicated for any depressive disorders, but in some cases it must be combined with antidepressants. Treatment is carried out with great caution in patients with cardiac pathologies; a number of possible side effects(arrhythmia, heart failure, hypotension).

The medicine Serdolect costs less - 2200 rubles/30 tablets. They can replace the drug described above, since their effect is similar. It is forbidden to give Serdolect for any moderate to severe heart disease, with reduced levels of potassium and magnesium in the blood, for children, and for pregnant women.

What other antipsychotics are on the market?

On pharmaceutical market There are not many drugs in this group that can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. The first generation of products are not sold commercially and are only available in state pharmacies.

IN childhood From the age of 3, the drug Clozapine is prescribed - a strong antipsychotic with a number of serious side effects.

Experts often recommend the antipsychotic Tizercin (Levomepromazine) as a mild sedative. It has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, reducing the frequency of mood swings, depressive states, and asthenic manifestations. Also the drug:

Another remedy is Quetiapine (680 rubles) with the active substance of the same name. Its big advantage is the lack of impact on hormonal system body. Even with long-term use, prolactin levels remain at the same level. Side effects are also rare - headaches, dizziness, diarrhea or constipation, and increased levels of liver enzymes (reversible) prevail among them. The drug is widely used against various types of depressive disorders.

Other known antipsychotics:

  • Invega;
  • Eglonil;
  • Aminazine;
  • Leponex;
  • Melleril.

The course of treatment can last for months, but the longer it is, the higher the risk of developing withdrawal syndrome. You need to stop taking medications in stages, gradually reducing the dose.

What to take if there are contraindications?

Manufacturers produce so-called “light” over-the-counter drugs that belong to the group of antidepressants and antipsychotics. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, and no clear indications for use are required. Basically, they are purchased as sedatives, as well as for chronic stress.

A striking example of a new generation of drugs with a minimum of side effects is Afobazol. Its active substance helps perfectly with:

Occasionally, allergies and headaches are observed during therapy, but more often the drug is well tolerated. Among effective means You can also specify Adaptol, Paroxetine, Mebicar, Oxilidine. The course of therapy is 1-3 months, it is enough to eliminate neurotic disorders.


Neuroleptics are a large group of medications used in the treatment of mental disorders. Doctors often call them antipsychotics because the drugs' greatest value is in fighting psychosis. Many antipsychotics have a large number of contraindications, so they can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.


All antipsychotics are classified into 2 groups:

Typical antipsychotics have a stronger antipsychotic effect, but can also cause unwanted effects. Such drugs only act on positive symptoms. They can significantly disrupt the patient’s quality of life, cause depression, and worsen cognitive function.

Neuroleptics are large group medications used in the treatment of mental disorders

Atypical antipsychotics have a fairly pronounced antipsychotic effect. They practically do not cause adrenergic and anticholinergic effects and have therapeutic effect for positive and negative symptoms. Atypical antipsychotics are better tolerated by patients and improve their emotional condition, cognitive functions and quality of life. In addition, they can be used in the treatment of children.

Depending on the clinical effect, antipsychotics are divided into 3 types:

  • antipsychotic;
  • sedatives;
  • stimulating.

Based on the duration of action, antipsychotics are divided into short-acting drugs and long-acting drugs.

Typical antipsychotics

The first antipsychotic drug is Aminazine. It has general antipsychotic effects and is used to treat delusional and hallucinatory disorders. With long-term use it can cause depression and Parkinson-like disorders.

Patients with neurotic and anxiety disorders, also for phobic syndrome, the typical antipsychotic Propazine is prescribed. It has a sedative and anti-anxiety effect. Unlike Aminazine, Propazine is useless for hallucinations and delusional disorders.

Tizercin has a more pronounced anti-anxiety effect. It is used for the treatment of affective-delusional disorders and. In small doses it has a hypnotic effect.

Note! Most typical antipsychotics are available in tablet form and solution for intramuscular administration. Maximum daily dosage for oral use – 300 mg.

Atypical antipsychotics

In 1968, a drug with an atypical structure, Sulpiride, was first synthesized. It is used to treat Briquet syndrome, hypochondriacal and senestopathic syndromes. The drug is effective for serious behavioral disorders in children over 6 years of age, especially with autistic syndrome.

If a patient is diagnosed with hallucinatory-delusional disorder, then he is prescribed the atypical antipsychotic Solian. It is similar in action to Sulpiride and is effective for the treatment of apathetic manifestations and conditions with hypobulia.

The most popular atypical antipsychotic drug is Risperidone. It is prescribed to patients with psychosis, symptoms of hallucinatory-delusional disorders, obsessive states.

Quite often, the drug Clozapine is used for catatonic syndromes. It has a sedative effect and, unlike Aminazine, does not cause depression.

Risperidone is prescribed to patients with psychosis, symptoms of hallucinatory-delusional disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder


Neuroleptics have the following indications for use:

  • psychosis;
  • schizophrenia;
  • depression;
  • bipolar disorder;
  • increased feeling of anxiety;
  • anxiety and panic.

Antipsychotics are prescribed for chronic insomnia, phobias, mood swings and hallucinations.

Mechanism of action

Neuroleptics have appeared relatively recently. Before their discovery, specialists in psychiatry used poisonous and narcotic plants, administered bromides intravenously, and used comatose therapy. In the 50s of the 20th century, drugs began to be prescribed to patients with psychosis. A few years later, first-generation antipsychotics appeared. Such drugs differ in the following pharmacological effects:

  1. Helps reduce body temperature.
  2. Provides antiemetic effect.
  3. They have a sedative effect.
  4. They have a tranquilizing effect.
  5. Normalize human behavior.
  6. Reduce vegetative reactions.
  7. They have a hypotensive effect.
  8. Strengthen the effect of alcohol, narcotic analgesics, sleeping pills and tranquilizers.

The mechanism of action of the drugs is aimed at reducing the speed of transmission of brain impulses. They inhibit the substance dopamine, which transmits impulses in some brain cells. Most antipsychotics break down quickly and are easily eliminated from the body.

In the 50s of the 20th century, patients with psychosis began to be prescribed drugs

Quite often, doctors prescribe long-acting medications. They are capable of providing a therapeutic effect lasting up to 30 days. These drugs include Haloperidol decanoate and Clopixol-depot. The advantage of long-acting drugs is ease of use, however, they are typical antipsychotics, and therefore are inferior in safety to most atypical antipsychotics.


Neuroleptics are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • dysfunction of the liver or kidneys;
  • Availability ;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • chronic heart pathologies;
  • fever;
  • coma.

Side effects

The likelihood of side effects depends on several factors:

  • dosage used;
  • patient's age;
  • his state of health;
  • interaction of antipsychotics with other drugs the patient is taking.

Neuroleptics can cause a number of side effects:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • neuroleptic syndrome;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increase or decrease in body weight.

With neuroleptic syndrome, the patient may experience mild dizziness, weakness, drowsiness and dry mouth. Once symptoms appear, the person falls asleep and may remain dormant for more than 24 hours. It is very easy to wake him up, but he again falls asleep. Additional symptoms that may occur with neuroleptic malignant syndrome include:

  • constriction of the pupils;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • tremor in the limbs;
  • sudden attack of anxiety;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

Doctors often note seizures and disorders respiratory system, which is due to the negative influence of Aminazine.

Note! Gastric lavage will be required to remove the drug from the body. It should be carried out as quickly as possible to avoid problems with gastrointestinal tract. The specialist then prescribes oxygen therapy.

Use of antipsychotics

Antipsychotics can be taken as follows:

  1. Fast method. The dosage is adjusted to the optimal dose over 1-2 days, then remains unchanged until the end of the course of treatment.
  2. Slow build-up. The attending physician increases the dose of the drug gradually. Afterwards, it remains at the optimal level throughout the therapeutic period.
  3. Zigzag method. The patient takes medicine high dosages, then sharply decreases, and then increases again. This way the entire course of treatment lasts.
  4. Treatment with medications at intervals of 5-6 days.
  5. Shock therapy. The patient takes the drug 2 times a week in very large dosages. As a result of therapy, the body experiences chemoshock, and psychosis disappears.
  6. Alternative method. The regimen involves taking various psychotropic drugs.
  1. Benzodiazepines. In combination with antipsychotics, they can cause respiratory depression.
  2. Antihistamines. Lead to failure to the central nervous system.
  3. Insulin and antidiabetic drugs reduce the effectiveness of antipsychotics.
  4. Tetracyclines. Increase the risk of liver damage from toxins.

Antipsychotics are taken for an average of 6 weeks. In some cases, to achieve lasting positive result Longer therapy may be required. For some patients, treatment lasts a lifetime with short breaks.

Withdrawal of drugs

After stopping treatment with antipsychotics, the patient's condition may worsen. Neuroleptic withdrawal syndrome manifests itself almost immediately. It lasts up to 14 days. To alleviate the patient’s condition, the doctor can switch him from antipsychotics to tranquilizers. In addition, he prescribes B vitamins.

Over-the-counter antipsychotics

You can buy the following antipsychotics at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription:

  • Ariprizole;
  • Olanzapine;
  • Serdolect;
  • Chloprothixene;
  • Etaperazine.

New generation neuroleptics without side effects

The most effective and safe are the new generation of atypical antipsychotics. This group includes:

  • Betamax;
  • Deprall;
  • Zeldox;
  • Clozapine;
  • Lakvel;
  • Limipranil;
  • Prosulpin;
  • Solian;
  • Sertindole and others.

Modern antipsychotics have a sedative and hypnotic effect, reduce stress, clarify the thought process and relieve muscle tension.

Antipsychotics are taken for an average of 6 weeks

Top 5 best antipsychotics

The list of the most popular antipsychotics includes the following drugs:

  • Abilify;
  • Quetiapine;
  • Levomepromazine;
  • Fluphenazine;
  • Fluanxol.


The active ingredient in Abilify is aripiprazole. The drug has the following indications:

  • acute attacks of schizophrenia;
  • schizophrenia of any kind;
  • acute manic disorders.

Abilify is contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age and people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


It is considered the safest atypical antipsychotic. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of schizophrenia and manic episodes in bipolar disorders. Unlike other antipsychotics, Quetiapine does not cause anticholinergic side effects and hyperprolactinemia. Side effects can only occur with an overdose. These include dizziness, drowsiness and depression.


Has an anti-anxiety effect and is more a powerful tool unlike Aminazine. The drug is prescribed for psychomotor agitation, paranoid-hallucinatory syndromes and for complex therapy patients with oligophrenia.


It is one of the best antipsychotics, which relieves irritability and has a significant psychoactivating effect. The drug is prescribed for neuroses and hallucinatory disorders. It is administered into the gluteal muscle at a dosage of 12.5 mg or 0.5 ml for adult patients and 6.25 or 0.25 ml for elderly people.

Nuance! Fluphenazine should not be combined with other sedatives, alcohol or narcotic analgesics.


Has anxiolytic and antipsychotic effects. Used to treat psychosis, thinking disorders and hallucinations. In addition, Fluanxol is prescribed for the syndrome. The drug weakens secondary mood disorders, facilitates social adaptation and improves the sociability of patients.

When treated with antipsychotics, the patient must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not exceed the dosage and frequency of medication prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Avoid all alcoholic beverages.
  3. Eat nutritiously, add foods enriched with protein and vitamins to your diet.
  4. Avoid driving and using other machinery, as antipsychotics slow down your reaction time.
  5. Drink enough fluids, while limiting the consumption of coffee and strong tea.
  6. Do gymnastics in the morning.
  7. When adverse reactions Seek help from a doctor immediately.

What drugs are antipsychotics? TO modern medicines helping patients with psychotic disorders. Prescribed and used when various syndromes– from psychosis to full-blown mental illness. Not all of them are dispensed by pharmacists without a doctor’s prescription, so we present antipsychotics a list of drugs without prescriptions.

What is a neuroleptic?

These are drugs that can help treat mental illness. Available in three forms, but less often - in drops. You can buy it in pharmacies in any CIS country: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and others. Patients are afraid, although the truth about over-the-counter antipsychotics is that they rarely provoke Negative influence.

Effect of antipsychotic drugs

What effect do neuroleptics have? The drugs calm, reducing external mental impact, relieve tension, reduce feelings of aggression and fear. Antipsychotics relieve the symptoms of people with mental disorders, in the treatment of schizophrenia, help get rid of obsessive thoughts, and calm down. Most antipsychotics are divided into two groups: long-acting tranquilizers and antidepressants; a group of prescription antipsychotics. According to the classification, they are divided into typical and atypical drugs. Wikipedia divides the list of antipsychotics with a prescription according to the active substance into:

  1. Thioxanthenes;
  2. Phenothiazines;
  3. Benzodiazepines;
  4. Barbiturates.

Mode of action of neuroleptics

Neuroleptic cause an antipsychotic effect: they extinguish nervousness, weaken psychosis. The side effects of the drugs are not dangerous if careful attitude. For recovery, a consultation with the attending physician is required, who will re-prescribe the antipsychotic used with or without a prescription.


Mechanism of action: antipsychotropic medications affect the dopamine structures of the brain, blocking access to them, which provokes endocrine disorders and lactation. Prescription antipsychotics have short period half-life Once ingested, the drugs do not act for long, although there are over-the-counter antipsychotics with an increased, prolonged duration. Prescription antipsychotics can be prescribed in pairs: one to stimulate the other. Additionally, it is recommended to use anti-depressant drugs, primarily of an antipsychotic nature.

Indications for use

Important! Prescription antipsychotics are indicated for use in paranoid disorders and chronic somatoform disorders with pain. The most common active ingredients: thioxanthene, phenothiazine.

The primary purpose of the drug is a standard dose that determines therapeutic symptoms. The amount of the drug taken starts at a high level, gradually decreasing. As a result, the dose is 1/4 of the original and continues to prevent relapse. Daily doses of the drug are individual, so the initial and final doses are different. Anti-relapse therapy is carried out with long-acting ones. Prescription antipsychotics are administered into the body through injections or IVs, the exact method depends on the person. Secondary administration, for maintenance, occurs orally: antipsychotics without a prescription in tablet or capsule form.

List of the most effective drugs produced without a doctor's prescription:

"Propazine" is an antipsychotic without a prescription. Medical drug serves as an anti-anxiety agent, relieves anxiety, slows down movements. Used for various types phobias, somatic disorders. Tablets 25 mg, take two or three daily, sometimes the dose is increased to six. Small doses are unable to cause side effects.

Teralen is a prescription antipsychotic. Produces antihistamine and neuroleptic effects. Along with Propazine, it has a sedative effect in various psychoses caused by infectious diseases. This prescription antipsychotic, due to its mild effect, is the only one on the list used for children, and is recommended for allergy sufferers and people with dermatological diseases. Daily dose the drug is 25 mg. Maybe intramuscular injection in the form of a half percent solution.

The prescription drug Thioridazine is used when you need sedation. Unlike analogues, it does not provoke fatigue. The medicine is effective in treating emotional disorders and helps overcome fear. When treating states borderline with psychosis, 70 +/- 30 mg per day is prescribed. In other cases: neuralgic anxiety, gastrointestinal dysfunction or of cardio-vascular system caused by neurosis, they are prescribed to be taken two to three times every day. The dose depends on the disease and the patient’s body. Range daily dose ranged between 5 and 25 mg. Psycholeptic, need a prescription.

An antipsychotic without a prescription, Triftazin helps in the treatment of depression, relieves hallucinations, and protects the body from delusional and obsessive ideas. By stimulating the body, the antipsychotic effect helps treat atypical conditions that are characterized by obsessive syndromes. As therapy, Triftazin is combined with other substances, whether tranquilizers or hypnotic antidepressants. The daily dose of an over-the-counter antipsychotic is similar to Etaperazine - 20, sometimes 25 mg.

"Fluanxol" is an antipsychotic without a prescription. Protects against depression, stimulates the body with an anti-delusional effect. For ongoing treatment of emotional disorders, 1/2 to 3 mg daily is prescribed - the smallest dose on the list. For the treatment of mental illness, hallucinations and schizophrenia, 3 mg per day is prescribed. The least common on the list causes drowsiness.

The non-prescription antipsychotic “Chlorprothixene” is intended to provide sedative and antipsychotic effects, and stimulates the functioning of the sleeping pill. It is considered an anxiolytic - a tranquilizer. The main area of ​​application is patients with obsessive worries and phobias. Chlorprothixene is taken after meals three times a day, single dose varies from 5 to 15 mg. This is the only nighttime drug on the list because it improves sleep.

"Etaperazine" is an antipsychotic without a prescription. It is a means of combating psychotic disorders associated with apathy. Affects areas of the brain responsible for reluctance to perform actions. Etaperazine is a potent means of combating neuroses that cause phobias and anxiety. Instructions for use recommend taking up to 20 mg per day.

Inexpensive over-the-counter drugs are not presented as they have a weak effect. The following are available without a prescription: Chlorprothixene, Propazine, Etaperazine, Thioridazine, Fluanxol. Despite this, before using non-prescription drugs, consultation with a specialist is required. Thioridazine is an over-the-counter anxiolytic, and is not the strongest of the antipsychotics.

Side effects of drugs

Incorrect use of antipsychotics without a prescription is the main provocateur of side effects. Long-term use sometimes provokes the disorders presented in the list:

  • Muscle nerves causing spontaneous sudden movements in different directions. Acceleration of movement. Additional drugs - tranquilizers - help calm this condition. From the list appears most often;
  • Disorder nerve endings facial muscles. This causes involuntary movement of the eyes and muscle structures of the face, causing the person to grimace. Why is such a process dangerous? Facial expression may not return to normal state, and then remain with the patient until death. The side effect is typical of typical over-the-counter antipsychotics;
  • Intensive treatment with antipsychotics without a prescription develops or worsens depression due to its effects on the nervous system. Depression reduces the treatment received, weakens the effect of sleeping pills;
  • Antipsychotic drugs have an effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which causes corresponding side effects - heartburn, nausea.
  • Some substances in the composition have a negative effect on the organs of vision in case of overdose.

Atypical are the new generation of drugs that do not act on dopamine receptors, causing rest. This is caused by an effect on the body's serotonin receptors. Atypical prescription antipsychotics have less effect on the brain, being more of a daytime antidepressant than a treatment for mental disorders. New generation drugs have almost no side effects. Atypical drugs cannot be called cheap.

The presented list highlights common atypicalities:

Olanzapine, an over-the-counter antipsychotic, is the only one on the list used to combat catatonia - involuntary movements. Has side effects – you can take them for a long time, but it’s frustrating endocrine system and causes obesity. Among other things, it is the strongest of those presented, therefore it tops the list of antipsychotics without prescriptions.

The non-prescription drug "Clozapine" is similar in its work to many typical drugs from the list above - it has sedative effect, but protects the body from depression. The range of uses of tablets is for hallucinations and obsessions. Has an anti-delirium effect. One from the list is shown to children over 5 years old.

Risperidone is an over-the-counter antipsychotic that is widely used in practice. The composition of the substance combines all the positive effects characteristic of those presented above: it protects against cataleptogenic symptoms, hallucinations, delusional and obsessive thoughts. It is not yet known whether it helps with childhood neuroses.

"Rispolept-Consta" is a long-acting, non-prescription antipsychotic. Normalizes, sometimes restores the previous state of health. Having a long half-life, it stays in the body for a long time, which helps fight paranoid syndromes. Quite an expensive antipsychotic without a prescription among the list.

The non-prescription antipsychotic “Quetiapine” acts on both types of receptors, protecting the body from paranoid and manic syndromes and fighting hallucinations. Slightly relieves depression, but strongly stimulates. For the same thing, you need “Amitriptyline”, not included in the list, but its analogue.

The non-prescription antipsychotic "Ariprizole" has an effect on psychosis and is good for therapeutic treatment schizophrenia. It is considered the safest on the list.

"Serdolect" is similar in effect to Ariprizole. Along with the latter, this non-prescription antipsychotic restores cognitive functions and is mainly used in the treatment of apathy. Sertindole is contraindicated in patients on the heart list.

The drug "Invega" is an alternative to Aripiprazole, protecting and restoring the body in schizophrenia. It is listed as “by prescription”.

"Eglonil" is on the list of atypical antipsychotics without a prescription, although many mistakenly classify it as a typical one. Serves to restore the functioning of the central nervous system, has an effect on depression, and helps fight apathy symptoms. The only psychoanaleptic on the list. It is highly recommended that Eglonil be used in patients with depression due to somatic problems: allergic reactions and migraines. Used to treat problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Approved for use together with sedative antidepressants.

In the presented list of atypical antipsychotics without a prescription, only Invega is available with a prescription. Each over-the-counter drug is a daily use. Atypical drugs approved for retail sale are sold in any pharmacies. In Russia, the price depends on the drug, ranging from 100 to several thousand rubles.

What is the best drug after a stroke?

After a stroke, atypical drugs, such as Clozapine, are preferred for recovery from emotional distress. In the post-painful period, you can stop taking prescription antipsychotics if feeling good.

Side effects of atypical antipsychotics

How atypical drugs work: The way some drugs work causes neurolepsy and has negative impact on endocrine structures. These factors cause obesity and bulimia.

Attention! Pharmacists, having conducted research, say with confidence: atypical neuroleptics without a prescription are little better than regular ones. Because of this, they are prescribed only in the absence of a positive effect of typical antipsychotic drugs. Any side effects that arise are resolved by correctors.

Withdrawal syndrome

Most non-prescription antipsychotics that affect the psyche can be addictive. Unexpected withdrawal of medication causes aggression, develops depression, reduces nervous stability - a person quickly loses patience and begins to cry easily. Additionally, side effects may occur from taking antipsychotics without a prescription. Antipsychotic withdrawal syndrome has common features with drug cessation. The patient experiences bone aches, migraines, constant lack of sleep due to insomnia, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible: nausea, vomiting. From the psychological point of view, the patient is afraid to return to depressive state due to refusal to take the drug, for which you need to be able to correctly stop using antipsychotics without a prescription.

Important! A doctor will help you get off psychotropic and antipsychotropic medications without a prescription.

Using antipsychotics without a prescription can cause problems; only an experienced doctor can correctly assess the problem and prescribe the right treatment. The doctor will tell you how to take it and how to reduce the amount of the drug you take. At the end of taking prescription antipsychotics, antidepressants are additionally prescribed, which will support mood and mental condition at a good level.

Neuroleptic or neuroblockers are drugs, usually with a prescription, that help normalize mental disorders, bringing a person’s nervous states back to normal. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions regarding taking medications - this will help avoid side effects. Although the prices are high, many antipsychotics are sold without a prescription.

Treatment of psychoses of various etiologies, neurotic and psychopathic conditions is successfully carried out with the help of antipsychotics, but the range of side effects of drugs in this group is quite wide. However, there are new generation atypical antipsychotics without side effects, their effectiveness is higher.

Types of atypical antipsychotics

Atypical antipsychotic medications have their own classification depending on the following characteristics:

  • according to the duration of the expressed effect;
  • according to the severity of the clinical effect;
  • according to the mechanism of action on dopamine receptors;
  • according to chemical structure.

Thanks to the classification according to the mechanism of action on dopamine receptors, it is possible to select a drug that the patient’s body will perceive most favorably. Grouping by chemical structure is necessary for prediction adverse reactions and the effects of the drug. Despite the extreme conventionality of these classifications, doctors have the opportunity to select an individual treatment regimen for each patient.

The effectiveness of new generation neuroleptics

The mechanism of action and structure of typical antipsychotics and drugs of the new generation are different, but despite this, absolutely all antipsychotics affect the receptors of the systems that are responsible for the formation of psychopathic symptoms.

Modern medicine also classifies powerful medicinal tranquilizers as antipsychotics due to a similar effect.

What effect can atypical antipsychotics have?

The wider the spectrum of action of the drug, the more harm it can bring, which is why, when developing a new generation of nootropics, special attention was paid to the narrow focus of a particular medication.

Benefits of atypical antipsychotics

Despite the effectiveness of conventional antipsychotics in the treatment of mental disorders, it is their negative effect on the body that has led to the search for new drugs. It is difficult to get off such medications, they can negatively affect potency, prolactin production, and the restoration of optimal brain activity after them is also questioned.

Third generation nootropics are fundamentally different from traditional medications and have the following advantages.

Since the group of drugs in question binds only to dopamine receptors, the amount undesirable consequences decreases several times.

Antipsychotics without side effects

Among all the existing new generation antipsychotics, only a few are used in medical practice most active thanks to the combination high efficiency and a minimum number of side effects.


As the main active ingredient Aripiprazole is used. The relevance of taking tablets is observed in the following cases:

  • at acute attacks schizophrenia;
  • for maintenance treatment of schizophrenia of any kind;
  • for acute manic episodes due to bipolar disorder 1st type;
  • for maintenance therapy after a manic or mixed episode due to bipolar disorder.

Administration is carried out orally and eating does not affect the effectiveness of the medicine. The determination of dosage is influenced by factors such as the nature of the therapy, the presence of concomitant pathologies and the nature of the underlying disease. Dose adjustment is not carried out if kidney and liver function are impaired, as well as after the age of 65 years.


Fluphenazine is one of the best antipsychotics, relieving irritability and having a significant psychoactivating effect. The relevance of use is observed in hallucinatory disorders and neuroses. The neurochemical mechanism of action is due to a moderate effect on noradrenergic receptors and a powerful blocking effect on central dopamine receptors.

The medicine is injected deep into the gluteal muscle in the following dosages:

  • elderly patients - 6.25 mg or 0.25 ml;
  • adult patients - 12.5 mg or 0.5 ml.

Depending on the body’s response to the action of the medication, the dosage regimen is further developed (intervals between administrations and dosage).

Simultaneous use with narcotic analgesics leads to respiratory depression and central nervous system function, hypotension.

Compatible with others sedatives and alcohol is undesirable, since the active substances this drug enhances the absorption of muscle relaxants, digoxin, corticosteroids, increases the effect of quinidine and anticoagulants.


This nootropic belongs to the category of the safest among atypical antipsychotics.

  • weight gain is observed less frequently than with olanzapine and clozapine (after it it is easier to lose weight);
  • hyperprolactinemia does not occur;
  • extrapyramidal disorders occur only at maximum dosages;
  • no anticholinergic side effects.

Side effects occur only with an overdose or at maximum doses and are easily eliminated by reducing the dosage. It could be depression, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, drowsiness.

Quetiapine is effective in schizophrenia, even if there is resistance to other medications. The medicine is also prescribed for the treatment of depressive and manic phases as a good mood stabilizer.

Activity of the main active substance appears as follows:

A selective decrease in the excitability of mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons is observed, while the activity of the substantia nigra is not impaired.


The drug in question has a pronounced anxiolytic, activating and antipsychotic effect. There is a reduction key symptoms psychosis, also taking into account thought disorders, paranoid delusions and hallucinations. Effective for autism syndrome.

The properties of the drug are as follows:

  • weakening of secondary mood disorders;
  • disinhibiting activating properties;
  • activation of patients with depressive symptoms;
  • relief social adaptation and improving communication skills.

A strong, yet nonspecific sedative effect occurs only at maximum dosages. Taking 3 mg per day or more can already provide an antipsychotic effect; increasing the dose leads to an increase in the intensity of the effect. A pronounced anxiolytic effect occurs at any dosage.

It is worth noting that Fluanxol in the form of a solution for intramuscular injections lasts significantly longer, which has great importance when treating patients who tend to not comply with medical prescriptions. Even if the patient stops taking medications, relapse will be prevented. Injections are given every 2-4 weeks.


Triftazine belongs to the category of phenothiazine neuroleptics; the medication is considered the most active after Tioproperazine, Trifluperidol and Haloperidol.

A moderate disinhibitory and stimulating effect complements the antipsychotic effect.

The medicine has a 20 times stronger antiemetic effect compared to aminazine.

The sedative effect occurs in hallucinatory-delusional and hallucinatory states. The effectiveness in terms of stimulating effects is similar to the drug Sonapax. Antiemetic properties are equivalent to Teraligen.


Anti-anxiety effect in in this case clearly expressed and is more powerful compared to aminazine. The relevance of taking small doses is observed in neuroses to provide a hypnotic effect.

The standard dosage is prescribed for affective-delusional disorders. For oral administration maximum dose is 300 mg per day. Release form - ampoules for intramuscular injections or tablets of 100, 50 and 25 mg.

Antipsychotics without side effects and without a prescription

The medications in question without side effects and, in addition, those available without a prescription from the attending physician are not presented. long list, so it’s worth remembering the names of the following medications.

In medical practice, atypical nootropics are actively replacing traditional first-generation antipsychotics, the effectiveness of which is not commensurate with the number of side effects.


Neuroleptic (translated as “neuro” - nervous system and “leptikos” - capable of taking) are antipsychotic drugs that forcibly inhibit the human nervous system and take control of a person’s higher nervous activity into their own hands.

These medications are used in the treatment of mentally ill people, to whom those suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia have nothing to do. Therefore, treatment of VSD with antipsychotics should not have the right to exist. Let's look at these medications in more detail.

Mechanism of action of antipsychotics


As with all psychotropic drugs, exactly where and how antipsychotics act is still unknown. There are only assumptions. According to them, the effect of antipsychotics is associated with direct interference in the metabolism of biological active substances in the central nervous system, namely in the brain. They reduce the transmission of nerve impulses in different parts of the brain, where it is carried out using a substance such as dopamine.

In addition to the necessary impact on the areas of the brain responsible for the occurrence of psychosis (limbic system), various areas of the brain and connections fall under their influence nerve cells with normal activities. This is the extrapyramidal system, hypothalamus, pituitary gland. At the same time, their activity is significantly reduced, which leads to a huge list of serious violations in organism. Disruption of dopamine receptors (dopamine-sensitive nerve connections) in the mesocortical system (the middle part of the cerebral cortex) leads to cognitive dysfunction (cognitive means mental functioning of the brain, and dysfunction means impairment normal operation). Simply put, a person turns into a simple, thoughtless and insensitive vegetable. In addition to dopamine receptors, antipsychotics block receptors sensitive to adrenaline, acetylcholine and serotonin.

Neuroleptics classification


Neuroleptics are divided into chemical composition, by clinical properties, by the predominance of a certain type of action. But all these classifications are very conditional, because the effect of the drug depends on many conditions, including individual characteristics each person. I will not present this entire scheme here, especially since it is huge and does not carry any useful information to the common man and is constantly changing. And scientists have not stopped arguing about it to this day.

One pattern has been noticed - the higher the antipsychotic effect, the stronger the side effects of the drug. Based on this, there is a division of antipsychotics into two groups: typical and atypical.

Typical antipsychotics.

Drugs wide range actions. They affect all possible brain structures, in which, as a neurotransmitter (substances for transmitting nerve impulse) uses dopamine, adrenaline, acetylcholine and serotonin. This breadth of exposure creates a huge number of side effects. This group include two subgroups:

1. With a predominance of sedative action.

They cause a pronounced relaxing, sedative, hypnotic and anti-anxiety effect.
List of these drugs:
aminazine (chlorpromazine), sultopride (topral), levomepromazine (tizercin), promazan (propazine), chlorprothixene (truxal), thioridazine (sonapax), neuleptil, frenolone, tizercin.

2. With a predominance of antipsychotic action.

These include drugs:
haloperidol, trifluoperazine (triftazine), droperidol, etaprazine, zuclopenthixol (clopixol), flupenthixol (fluanxol), mazeptil, clopixol, chlorprothixene, piportil, moditen-depot.

Atypical antipsychotics.

These medications act less on dopamine receptors and more on serotonin receptors. Therefore, they have a less pronounced antipsychotic effect, and a more calming and anti-anxiety effect. They have less impact on the entire functioning of the brain, as do drugs related to typical antipsychotics.
Over the past decade, completely new antipsychotics of this second group have been invented and registered. Research in this area continues, but drugs are put on the market without full analysis, which previously took 5-7 years. Today this period has been reduced to 1 year.
These are the following drugs:
quetiapine (Seroquel), clozapine (Azaleptin, Leponex), olanzapine (Zyprexa), risperidone (Rispolept, Risset, Speridan, Torendo), paliperidone (Invega), sertindole (Serdolect), ziprasidone (Zeldox), aripiprazole (Abilify), amisulpride ( Solian), sulpiride (eglonil).

The side effects of this group are less than those of typical antipsychotics, but also serious. This is an excretion disorder important hormones, changes in blood count, toxic effects on the liver, weight gain, drowsiness, headache. In general, they cause less extrapyramidal and autonomic disorders.

I want to say that a small number of antipsychotics have a very sharp difference in the predominance of one of their actions. This is the reason why different authors classify the same drugs as different groups. But I think that for VSD specialists the information on the classification of antipsychotics is sufficient. The main thing is to know which group of psychotropic drugs the drug prescribed to you belongs to and how it can threaten your health.

Side effects of neuroleptics.

Based on the mechanism of action and their ability to block a huge number of nerve receptors, the side effects of antipsychotics are very complex and varied.

They call:

Neuroleptic syndrome - extrapyramidal disorders of the hypo- (decreased) or hyper- (increased) type motor functions skeletal muscles;

Drug dystonia (involuntary contraction and relaxation of muscles);

Drug-induced parkinsonism (tremor of hands and head), disturbance of facial expressions;

Akathisia (in order to calm down, a person feels the need to constantly move);

Cognitive dysfunction - disorder mental activity brain, decreased intelligence;

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) – occurs after treatment with neuroleptics renal failure, muscle stiffness, elevated temperature bodies, which can lead to death;

Disorder of the autonomic nervous system (fall blood pressure, tachycardia, decreased body temperature, disruption of the stomach and intestines);

Delayed urine output;

Disturbance in the production of hormones in the pituitary gland (this organ is considered the most important hormonal regulator in the body);

Sexual function disorders in both men and women;

Damage to the tissues of the liver and kidneys, and some drugs hit these organs very hard;

Deterioration of vision;

Violation of the blood formula;

Increased risk of cancer;

Violation of fetal development during pregnancy.

As a result of their effect on fat metabolism, the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, pneumonia and diabetes mellitus. This risk increases when simultaneous administration typical and atypical antipsychotics. Neuroleptics also contribute to weight gain, and disruption of the production of the hormone prolactin causes enlargement of the mammary glands. Recent studies suggest that the risk of developing diabetes mellitus is greater with the use of new atypical antipsychotics.
Antipsychotics should be prescribed to children with special caution. At long-term treatment children with antipsychotics, the development and intensification of mental illness is possible.

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