Review of sedatives: what kind of pills are there for nerves and stress? List of sedative drugs for osteochondrosis: review of drugs Sleeping pills have a sedative effect

Responds to verbal commands with or without light tactile stimulation. Calming and (with increasing dose) hypnotic effect.

Opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, alcohol, first generation antihistamines and other classes of substances have a sedative effect.

Sedative effects of first generation antihistamines

The sedative effect of antihistamines is determined by the fact that most first-generation antihistamines are fat-soluble, penetrate well through the blood-brain barrier and bind to H1 receptors in the brain. The sedative effect increases when combined with alcohol and psychotropic drugs. Sometimes psychomotor agitation may occur (usually in moderate therapeutic doses in children and in high toxic doses in adults). Due to the sedative effect, most medications cannot be used while performing work that requires attention - training, driving, etc. All antihistamines The first generation enhances the effect of sedative and hypnotic drugs, narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors and alcohol.

see also

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    A condition that occurs after taking sedatives (see Sedative). Source: Medical Dictionary... Medical terms

    SEDATIVE EFFECT- (sedation) a state that occurs after taking sedatives (see Sedative)... Explanatory dictionary of medicine

    Active ingredient ›› Valerian medicinal rhizomes with roots + Peppermint leaves + Motherwort herb + Licorice roots + Hops fruit (Valerianae officinalis rhizomata cum radicibus + Menthae piperitae folia + Leonuri herba +… … Dictionary medical supplies

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    Antipsychotic drugs, or antipsychotics, are psychotropic drugs intended primarily for the treatment of psychoses, in particular various types of schizophrenia, as well as neurotic, affective, dyssomnic and other disorders. Previously they... ... Wikipedia

Sedatives I Sedatives (sedativa; Late Lat. sedativus sedative)

Hypnotics have a sedative effect in small doses: especially phenobarbital (0.01-0.03 G per appointment), urea derivative bromizovat, etc. Preparations containing phenobarbital in combination with ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid, peppermint oil, etc. (valocordin, valoserdin, corvalol, etc.) are prescribed for neuroses accompanied by increased irritability, mildly severe spasms of heart vessels, with tachycardia, insomnia, intestinal spasms, etc. Side effects usually not observed; drowsiness during the daytime and slight dizziness are possible.

Drugs containing barbiturates, dihydrogenated ergots and belladonna (bellataminal, bellaspon, belloid) reduce the excitability of the central and peripheral adrenergic and cholinergic systems of the body and have a calming effect on the central nervous system. They are used for increased irritability, insomnia, menopausal neuroses, autonomic dysfunction, neurodermatitis, etc. Possible side effects: parasthesia, dry mouth, vomiting, disorders menstrual cycle, disturbances of accommodation. Basic for use: pronounced violations functions of the liver and kidneys, pronounced vasospasm of the heart and peripheral vessels, prostate hypertrophy, pregnancy, . Bellaspon and bellataminal are contraindicated in. Preparations containing phenobarbital (bellaspon, bellataminal) suppress or significantly weaken the effect of thymoleptics, indirect anticoagulants, oral contraceptives. Belloid may reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulants and oral contraceptives.

A calming effect is also characteristic of some medications that are usually not considered directly as agents affecting the central nervous system. In such drugs, a sedative effect accompanies the main pharmacological action. For example, a pronounced sedative effect can be observed when using the diuretic acetazolamide (Diacarb), some antihypertensive drugs - clonidine hydrochloride (clonidine), methyldopa, etc. Some, especially diphenhydramine hydrochloride (diphenhydramine) and diprazine, have a sedative and even hypnotic effect.

To achieve optimal therapeutic effect very important right choice S. s. or corresponding combination medicines and establishing the most effective individual dose.

The main S. pages, their release forms, and methods of use are given below.

Sedatives plant origin

Valerian officinalis, rhizomes and roots. Crushed raw materials are produced in various packaging; briquettes from crushed raw materials; valerian (in 70% alcohol, 1:5) in bottles of 30 ml; thick valerian extract in the form of film-coated tablets, 0.02 each G. Infusions are prepared from crushed raw materials (6, 10 or 20 G at 180 - 200 ml water) or decoctions (2 teaspoons per 1 glass of water), they are prescribed internally to adults, 1-2 tablespoons. l. 3-4 times a day. For children, the decoction is prepared at the rate of 4-6 G raw materials for 200 ml water and give 1 teaspoon, dessert or tablespoon (depending on age). The tincture is prescribed for adults, 20-30 drops per dose, for children - as many drops as the age of the child; frequency of administration - 3-4 times a day. Adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets per dose.

Valerian and its components are part of numerous herbal preparations and combined preparations containing synthetic S. s. (bromides, barbiturates) and drugs of other groups.

Kava-kava, rhizomes. The preparations “Antares 120” (tablets) and “Laitan” (capsules) contain dry extract of rhizomes, 400 and 50, respectively mg, incl. kava lactone 120 and 35 mg. Used as a sedative and sleeping pills, and also how additional remedy for acute and chronic enterocolitis, infections urinary tract. is selected individually. Possible side effects: lethargy, symptoms of irritation of parenchymal organs, allergic and paradoxical () reactions. Contraindications: acute and glomerulonephritis, renal failure.

Melissa officinalis, herb. Filter bags contain 1.5 G medicinal raw materials. prepared at the rate of 1-2 filter bags per 200 ml water, take 30-50 after meals ml 2-4 times a day, and in order to normalize digestion - 15-20 min before meals.

Passionflower incarnate, herb. Liquid passionflower extract is available in bottles of 25 ml. Prescribed to adults: 20-40 drops 3 times a day for 20-30 days. Contraindications: myocardial infarction, severe atherosclerosis.

Peony evasive, grass and roots. Peony tincture (10%, 40% alcohol) is available in bottles of 200 ml. Prescribed to adults orally (before meals) 30-40 drops 3 times a day for 30 days. After a 10-day break you can repeat.

Motherwort cordial (herb). Cut raw materials are produced, including those pressed into round briquettes; tincture of motherwort (in 70% alcohol, 1:5) in dropper bottles of 25 ml; motherwort extract liquid in bottles of 25 ml. Raw materials are used to prepare infusions (15 G herbs per 1 glass of water). The infusion is taken orally, before meals. Adults are prescribed 1 table. l. 3-4 times a day. For children, the infusion is prepared and dosed in the same way as valerian infusion. Adults are prescribed tincture 30-50 drops 3-4 times a day; children are given as many drops as the child’s age. The extract is prescribed 15-20 drops (adults) 3-4 times a day.

Combined herbal preparations

Novo-passit- solution for oral administration in bottles of 100 ml; contains in 5 ml 150 mg extracts of hawthorn, common hop, St. John's wort, lemon balm, passionflower incarnate, black elderberry, valerian. Used as a sedative and anxiolytic. Prescribed orally 5 ml(to 10 ml) 3 times a day. Side effects: drowsiness, mild muscle weakness, nausea. You should not take the drug if drowsiness is unacceptable, relative contraindication - .

Calming fees No. 2 and No. 3- plant materials for preparing infusions. No. 2: valerian rhizomes with roots (15%), motherwort herb (40%), hop cones (20%), mint leaves (15%), licorice root (10%). Collection No. 3: valerian rhizomes with roots (17%), sweet clover herb (8%), thyme herb (25%), oregano herb (25%), motherwort herb (25%). Infusions are prepared at the rate of 8-10 G fee for 200 ml water, prescribed orally 1/4 - 1/3 cup (adults) 1-2 times a day after meals.


Bromcamphor(camphor bromide) - ; tablets of 0.15 and 0.25 G. Prescribed orally, after meals. Single doses for adults - 0.15-0.5 G, for children 1 year - 2 years - 0.05 G, 3-6 years - 0.1 G, 7-9 years - 0.15 G, 10-14 years - 0.15-0.25 G. The frequency of administration is 2-3 times a day.

Potassium bromide- powder; tablets 0.5 G ml(for children). Prescribed orally (before meals), adults 0.1-1 G for reception 3-4 times a day. Average single doses for children 1 year - 2 years - 0.15 G, 3-4 years - 0.2 G, 5-6 years - 0.25 G, 7-9 years - 0.3 G, 10-14 years - 0.4-0.5 G.

Sodium bromide- powder; tablets 0.5 G; 3% solution in bottles of 200 ml; 1%, 2% and 3% solutions with fruit syrup in bottles of 100 ml(for children). Prescribed orally, as S. s. in the same doses as potassium bromide. For epilepsy, initial daily doses for adults are 1-2 G, they are increased weekly, bringing them to 6-8 G while limiting dietary intake table salt(up to 5-6 G at daily dose sodium bromide 4-5 G).

Combination drugs

Valocormid- for oral administration in bottles of 30 ml. Ingredients: valerian and lily of the valley tinctures, 10 each ml, belladonna tincture - 5 ml, sodium bromide - 4 G, menthol - 0.25 G, water dist. up to 30 ml. Prescribed orally 10-20 drops 2-3 times a day.

Potions. The most common recipes: potassium bromide and sodium bromide 4 each G, water dist. up to 200 ml; sodium bromide (0.5-2 G), caffeine-sodium benzoate (0.2-0.4 G), water up to 200 ml; infusion of spring adonis (6.0:180.0), sodium bromide - 6 G, codeine phosphate - 0.2 G(Bekhterev).


Proxybarbal(ipronal) - tablets 0.05 G. Prescribed orally at 0.05-0.1 G(adults) 3 times a day for 4-6 weeks.

Combination drugs

Bellaspon- tablets (phenobarbital 20 mg, radobelin 10 mcg, ergotamine tartrate 300 mcg). Prescribed orally (after meals) 1 tablet 3 times a day, exceptional cases up to 6 tablets per day. After long-term use, the dose is reduced gradually due to the possibility of developing seizures.

Bellataminal- tablets (phenobarbital 20 mg, ergotamine tartrate 300 mcg, sum of belladonna alkaloids 100 mcg). Dosing methods are the same as for bellaspon.

Belloid- dragees (butobarbital 30 mg, ergotoxin 300 mcg, L-hyoscyamine sulfate 100 mcg). Prescribe 1-2 tablets orally 3 times a day.

Valocordin- drops for oral administration in dropper bottles of 20 and 50 ml. Ingredients: α-bromoisovaleric acid (2%), phenobarbital (2%), peppermint oil (0.14%), hop oil (0.02%), and distilled water. (up to 100%). Prescribed orally (before meals) 10-20 drops 2-3 times a day. For tachycardia and vascular spasms, the dose can be increased to 40 drops per dose.

Corvalol- drops for oral administration in dropper bottles of 15 ml. The composition is close to valocordin, the difference lies in the lower content of phenobarbital (1.82%), the presence of about 3% sodium hydroxide, or caustic soda (intended to convert phenobarbital into a soluble form - sodium phenobarbital), and the absence of hop oil. The method of administration and dosage are the same as for valocordin.

II Sedatives (sedativa; lat. sedo, sedatum to calm; . sedatives)

drugs that have a general calming effect on the central nervous system(for example, valerian and motherwort preparations, bromides, barbiturates in small doses).

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First health care. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

See what “Sedatives” are in other dictionaries:

    Sedatives, or psycholeptics (lat. sedativo sedation) are a chemically heterogeneous group medicinal substances of plant and synthetic origin, which cause calming or reduction of emotional... ... Wikipedia Explanatory Dictionary of Psychology

    - (from the Middle Ages. Lat. sedativus soothing), psychotropic drugs sedative effect (for example, bromides, valerian preparations). * * * SEDATIVES SEDATIVES (from the medieval Latin sedativus sedative), psychotropic... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Late Latin sedativus soothing, from Latin sedo I make you sit down, I calm) a chemically heterogeneous group of medicinal substances of plant and synthetic origin that have a calming effect.… … Big Soviet encyclopedia

    - (sedativa; lat. sedo, sedatum to soothe; syn. sedatives) drugs that have a general calming effect on the central nervous system (for example, preparations of valerian and motherwort, bromides, barbiturates in small doses) ... Large medical dictionary

    - (lat. sedatio sedation) a group of medicinal substances that have a calming effect on the central nervous system without significantly changing its normal functions. New dictionary foreign words. by EdwART, 2009 … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Sedatives- (Latin sedo – to calm down). Medicines that have a general calming effect on the psyche (valerian preparations, bromides, barbiturates in small doses, tranquilizers) ... Explanatory dictionary of psychiatric terms

    Sedatives- - drugs that have a regulatory effect on the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, facilitate the onset of sleep, enhance the effect of sleeping pills, analgesics and other neurotropic drugs. This group includes drugs... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Higher nervous activity healthy person occurs under conditions of equilibrium, balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition. Under the influence of various unfavorable factors (stress to which each of us is regularly exposed, physical overload, air pollutants, food products, etc.), this balance is disrupted: inhibition processes are weakened, while excitations, on the contrary, are activated. Neuroses and neurosis-like disorders develop, which significantly worsen the quality of life of the patient and those around him.

And here sedatives (from the Latin “sedatio” - calm), popularly known as sedatives and sedatives, come to the rescue. You will learn about them, the principles of their action, indications, contraindications and other characteristics from our article.

Effects of sedatives

Sedatives calm, relieve stress and improve sleep.

These drugs activate, stimulate inhibition processes and/or weaken excitation processes in the cerebral cortex. In addition they:

  • regulate a number essential functions central nervous system, including higher nervous activity;
  • accelerate falling asleep, promote restful, deep sleep;
  • reduce feelings of anxiety;
  • enhance the effect of painkillers, sleeping pills and some other drugs.

Sedatives act mildly and do not have any serious side effects, do not lead to addiction, are well tolerated by the vast majority of patients. It is thanks to these effects that neurologists, psychiatrists and doctors general practice, even despite the availability of many more modern and potent drugs, they continue to prescribe medications from this group to their patients. They are especially often used in the treatment of pregnant women and the elderly.

It is worth noting that, due to the main effects sedatives, during treatment with them, work with dangerous mechanisms and stop driving.


There are 2 main groups of sedatives. These are bromides (potassium and sodium) and herbal preparations (valerian, peony, motherwort and others). This also includes glycine, which, being a neurotransmitter, also has a sedative effect, among others. Let us consider each of the pharmacological groups of drugs in more detail.


Used in medicine since mid-19th centuries in the form of sodium and potassium bromides. Active ingredient– bromine anion. Trade names these funds have similar names active ingredients.

In order to exclude irritant effect on the intestines, bromine salts are used in the form of mixtures or solutions with starch mucus.

The mechanism of their action is based on the activation of inhibition processes in the cortex cerebral hemispheres brain. Taken in large doses, they have an anticonvulsant effect, and in a toxic dose they lead to coma.

Accumulates in the blood, the half-life is about 12 days. Excreted primarily by the kidneys.

Bromides are taken orally, before meals. Their dosage varies widely, ranging from 0.01-1 g per dose, and is selected individually. The frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day. The effect of these drugs is not noticeable from the first dose, it appears only after 3-4 days, gradually intensifies, and after the end of the course of treatment continues for several more days. Bromides are taken for an average of 14-21 days.

During treatment with these drugs, in order to enhance their effect, it is necessary to limit table salt in the diet, and in order to minimize side effects, strive for regular bowel movements, often take a shower or bath, and rinse the mouth.

At long-term use large doses of bromides are possible chronic poisoning them of the organism, which is called bromism. Symptoms of this condition:

  • tremor of hands, tongue, eyelids;
  • drowsiness;
  • visual hallucinations;
  • memory impairment;
  • rave;
  • speech disorders;
  • deterioration or complete absence appetite;
  • defecation disorders (constipation);
  • skin rash that looks like acne;
  • rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • bronchitis.

If these symptoms appear, bromide should be discontinued. To speed up its elimination from the body, the patient is recommended to take large volumes of liquid (3-5 liters per day) and a lot of table salt (2-3 tsp per day).

Herbal preparations

Preparations of valerian, motherwort, peony, and passionflower have a sedative effect.

Valerian vulgare

The healing properties of this plant were discovered in ancient times. It was believed that it was able to “control thoughts” and bring calm and complacency.

The effects of valerian are due to the constituents of its roots. essential oil, as well as some other active substances.

Valerian preparations are used for:

Dosages of the drug vary depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease. Its effect becomes noticeable 15-20 minutes after administration.

Take 3-5 times a day, the course of treatment is 10 days.

Available in various dosage forms: tablets, capsules, in the form of an alcohol tincture, dry raw materials in filter bags or a general pack.


It has a more pronounced sedative effect than valerian. Eliminates tachycardia, prevents the development of disorders heart rate, dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure.

Applicable in complex treatment neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, cardioneurosis, angina pectoris, hypertension, .

Available in the form of an alcohol tincture, liquid extract and dry raw materials.

Take motherwort tincture, usually 30-50 drops before meals, 3-4 times a day. An infusion is prepared from dry raw materials at home, which is then taken 1 tbsp. l. before meals 3-4 times a day.

There is a possibility of individual intolerance to this drug. In this case, it is not recommended to take it.

Peony officinalis

Biologically active substances contained in peony have a mild sedative effect. It is used for neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, insomnia, especially with difficulty falling asleep.

Release form: alcohol tincture. As a rule, a single dose of this drug is 30-40 drops, the frequency of its administration is 3-4 times a day, treatment course– 20-30 days.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Passionflower (passion flower)

The active components of this plant, in addition to the sedative, also have an anticonvulsant effect, and also successfully fight insomnia, suppress anxiety and improve the patient’s mood.

Successfully used as part of complex treatment of depressive and neurosis-like disorders, anxiety states, sleep disorders, disorders associated with menopause, VSD, initial stage hypertension. Indicated for patients suffering from excessive irritability, experiencing psycho-emotional stress who have recently suffered a serious infectious disease.

The most widely used passionflower preparation today is called “Alora”. It is available in two dosage forms: syrup and tablets.

Take it before meals, 3-4 times a day. Single dose is usually 1-2 tablets or 5-10 ml of syrup.

When hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding Taking Alora is not recommended. The syrup contains sucrose - this should be taken into account by people suffering from diabetes.

Combination drugs

Often, herbal sedatives contain not just one, but a whole complex of active substances. This determines their stronger action and versatile effects.

The most widely used drugs are:

  • Corvalol (contains valerian, peppermint, as well as phenobarbital and alcohol);
  • Valocormid (contains valerian, belladonna, lily of the valley, sodium bromide, menthol);
  • Dormiplant (its components are lemon balm leaves and valerian root);
  • Novo-passit (includes St. John's wort, valerian and guaifenesin);
  • Menovalen (contains valerian and peppermint);
  • Persen (ingredients – valerian, peppermint, lemon balm);
  • Persen cardio (contains passionflower and hawthorn);
  • Sedariston (contains St. John's wort, lemon balm and valerian);
  • Sedasen (valerian, lemon balm and mint);
  • Trivalumen (contains valerian, hops, mint and trifoliate) and others.


This is a non-essential amino acid involved in a number of physiological processes in the human body. Based on its effects, this drug can be classified as one of three pharmacological groups– nootropics, protein and amino acid preparations, sedatives.

Easily penetrating most tissues and fluids of the body, including the brain, glycine has the following effects:

  • normalizes the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system;
  • eliminates irritability;
  • eliminates depressive disorders;
  • increases performance;
  • improves sleep, speeds up falling asleep;
  • helps improve blood circulation in brain tissue;
  • regulates the tone of the sympathetic nervous system.

Used for stress, hyperexcitability, neurosis-like conditions and neuroses, psycho-emotional stress, decreased mental performance, neurocirculatory dystonia, sleep disorders, as well as in the complex treatment of the consequences and,.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to this medicinal substance.

Reduces the toxicity of neuroleptics.

Available in the form of tablets of various dosages.

The daily dose of the drug is on average 0.3 g, divided into 2-3 doses, the course of treatment is up to 1 month. Glycine is taken sublingually, that is, dissolved under the tongue.


Sedatives are still widely used today. They inhibit excitation processes in the cerebral cortex, and, on the contrary, stimulate inhibition processes. They have virtually no contraindications and no side effects. Well tolerated by the vast majority of patients.

The most common sedatives in our pharmacy network are herbal preparations; there are many names of them. Partially to this group medicines This includes the amino acid glycine, which, similar to sedatives, affects the processes of inhibition and excitation, and in addition to this, increases performance and improves learning ability.

Of course, sedatives act quite mildly, so in case of any serious illnesses are not used as an independent remedy, but occupy worthy place in complex treatment, often potentiating the effects of drugs from other groups. In any case, they must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Peace, absence of anxiety and apathy - this is the sedative effect that is given by a variety of medications and to varying degrees. A sedative effect is the calming effect of a medicine on the body of a sick person. In some cases, when purchasing a drug without a prescription, the instructions say that it has a sedative effect. That is, there is a calming effect.

Medical care is to help people relax, “relieve internal pressure,” and get relief. Depending on the severity of the patient's condition, the effect of the medicine can be used different ways- the patient drinks tablets or mixtures, tinctures, decoctions, inhales the smell, or the medicine is administered by injection intramuscularly or intravenously.

Drugs sold without prescription

They are usually made from herbs - valerian, motherwort, peony or a collection of herbs. Their sedative effect is not pronounced. But regular intake of drops of valerian or motherwort for mild disorders will bring calm and sleep. A pad filled with valerian herb will have the same beneficial effect. Your sleep will improve and general health. When there is no threatening danger, these medications improve sleep and bring peace of mind. They can be easily used in everyday life. In general, the sedative effect is expressed in the suppression of consciousness to one degree or another.

What diseases require calming?

These are three types of depression:

  • Dreary - a person’s voice is quiet, speech is slow. He does not make eye contact and answers questions in monosyllables. He can’t do anything at home, just like he can’t work.
  • Anxious - a person behaves fussily. This is expressed in the fact that he does not find a place for himself anywhere, wanders restlessly and expects misfortune from everywhere. With obsessive thoughts, a person has the same thought spinning in his head all the time, for example, a mistake or failure at work is inflated to limitless proportions without stopping. Any most unexpected little thing becomes a global misfortune.
  • Apathetic. The person is completely immersed in himself. Doesn't answer questions. There is no reaction to the affairs of loved ones. Such a person lies on the bed for days, usually without undressing, under a blanket, and does not get up, he does not need anything - neither new information, nor food.

With these diseases, and they differ, it is impossible to do without drugs that give a sedative effect.

In addition, with all types of neuroses, the patient urgently needs to work normally and have contact with people. And the doctor, despite not feeling well, prescribes sedatives so that the person does not drop out of social life. A person’s mood improves, melancholy gradually goes away, interest in the world appears, a desire to move actively appears, and sleep improves.

Intentions of the doctor and the patient

Both the doctor and the patient strive for the same thing: to create a normal full life. And this is achieved by creating a sedative effect. What is this?

  • Peace.
  • Normal long sleep.
  • The absence of sad thoughts that do not spin like a squirrel in a wheel and do not force the patient to constantly think about the same thing.

This is how doctors answer when asked by concerned relatives: “Sedation. What is this?"

Long-term treatment

For treatment they are used in various combinations:

  • neuroleptics;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers.

Some are symptomatic, others are curative. Therefore, they must be used comprehensively. But they all have a sedative effect.

Neuroleptics relieve psychomotor agitation and have an additional sedative effect. They act sedatively quickly, within a few hours. These are the most strong drugs. A strong sedative effect is when the drug puts a person to bed for a while. The shots usually last six to eight hours.

To relieve psychomotor agitation during acute condition in the first days they use Aminazine. After Aminazine, the patient will sleep for a long time, getting up only to go to eat or go to the toilet. This drug can be taken for a month, sometimes longer, but at doses reduced by the doctor. Anxiety and excitement will subside, but the patient will be very lethargic. Lethargy and drowsiness are sedative side effects of Aminazin. "Aminazine" will not prevent a jump in excitement, therefore, when using it, it is necessary to add tranquilizers. It comes in addition to the main treatment.

Tizercin and Chlorprothixene affect the patient in a similar way, but with a smaller and weaker effect. Thus, all of them, constantly used in practical work, have several various properties. The strongest sedative effect is given by Aminazin and Tizercin.


These include about two dozen drugs, including the already mentioned “Amitriptyline”. In addition, in the practical work of doctors Russian Federation there are Anafranil, Pyrazidol, Melipramin, Fluoxetine, Fevarin, Azafen and a number of others. Some medications are prescribed with paid prescriptions, others with free prescriptions. For this purpose there are special lists, both from doctors and pharmacies. They are completely the same. All of these are antidepressants with a sedative effect.

Negative effects

The side effects of sedatives have been well studied. They are quite wide. Therefore, when taking them, constant contact with your doctor is necessary. It is necessary to note the fact that each drug causes individual reactions. This happens because the mechanisms of failure in the human nervous system have not yet been studied. This is why the doctor cannot know 100% how the medicine will work.

What are the side effects of the medicine?

Common side effects of antidepressants also include decreased levels of attention and concentration, lethargy, drowsiness, slowed thought processes and motor reactions. Active patients who are still able to control themselves go to work, so they take medications only at night.

Side effects include hypotension, tachycardia, arrhythmia, dry mouth, delayed or absent stool, and inability to urinate normally in full. Also, people using antidepressants are sure to gain weight, as their appetite inevitably increases. Headaches may occur.

Communication between relatives and doctors and sick people in the family

You must tell your doctor about all this. Nothing can be tolerated. Relatives should talk about this if the patient himself does not inform the medical worker about anything. The doctor will change the medications, selecting them individually.

Relatives of patients forced to be treated with antipsychotics, antidepressants and tranquilizers must be patient and respond to all outbreaks of the disease as carefully and calmly as possible.

To suppress internal anxiety, excitement and irritability, doctors prescribe sedatives. What is sedative action? Simply put, these are medications that calm the nervous system. They allow you to overcome neuroses and other disorders that worsen the quality of life and negatively affect your mood.

What drugs have a sedative effect?

The action of sedatives is aimed at stimulating the calm activity of the nervous system and reducing the excitation of impulses in the brain.

Such funds perform important functions for humans:

  • Promotes rapid falling asleep and deep, uninterrupted healthy sleep.
  • Reduce internal anxiety.
  • Regulate the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Help enhance the properties of certain medications (painkillers and sleeping pills).

For the most part, sedatives do not cause side effects, addiction and do not affect work internal organs and systems negative impact. The advantage of such drugs is that they are well tolerated by almost everyone who takes them. It is precisely because of this positive effect that a sedative acts on a person that it is often used in therapy for the elderly and pregnant women.

Drugs with a sedative effect are prohibited from being taken by people who continue to work with dangerous goods, mechanisms, are engaged in activities related to driving a car.

Sedatives may have a minor effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Otherwise, doctors give preference to these sedative medications, even if there are other drugs in modern pharmacology strong action.

When should you take sedatives?

Tablets with a sedative effect are now available in a large selection in pharmacies. When should you resort to their help? The nervous system of a healthy person should be in a state of balance. Under the influence of negative internal or external factors, it is disrupted, and the person becomes emotionally hot-tempered, cannot control himself and even sometimes be aware of his actions.

To establish a balance for such disorders, sedatives are prescribed. They allow you to improve the quality of life of both the patient and his immediate circle. Various factors can provoke neurosis, stress or similar feelings.

These include:

  1. Problems at work or school.
  2. Passing exams or reports.
  3. Conflict in the family or at work/school.
  4. Overwork and insomnia.

In most cases, a mild sedative, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, helps. In more complex and serious situations, the prescription of a potent medication with the desired sedative effect is done by a qualified specialist.

Classification of sedative drugs

In addition to the fact that drugs with a sedative effect are potent and mild, they are also divided according to the nature of their origin.

When classifying, the following main groups of funds are distinguished:

  1. Bromides containing potassium and sodium.
  2. Herbal medicines.
  3. Combined herbal medicines.

The active component of the first category of sedatives is bromine anion. The main form of release of such products is solutions and mixtures. This was done in order to reduce their irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

The work of bromides is aimed at activating the processes of impulse inhibition in the cerebral cortex. Large dose such a sedative can cause convulsions, and a toxic one (causing pathological changes in the body) provokes coma. These sedatives are eliminated primarily through the kidneys within 12 days, and their effect lasts exactly the same amount of time.

Sedative preparations of plant origin are made on the basis of valerian, peony, motherwort and passionflower. They relax the body, allowing you to achieve peace of mind and tranquility. These medications are available in the form of tablets, capsules, alcohol tinctures, dry raw materials in disposable bags or general packaging. This does not affect the strength of their action.

Combined sedatives are those that contain simultaneously a complex of active active ingredients. Their effect on the body is stronger than other anti-anxiety medications.

When and how to take bromides?

Bromides are synthetic sedatives that are prescribed at the initial stage of hypertension, for insomnia, for hysteria and neuroses.

Indications for the use of these sedatives may also be complex therapy carried out in the treatment of epilepsy.

It is necessary to use these drugs with a sedative effect according to the following scheme:

  • Inside and before meals.
  • Dosage no more than 1 gram per single dose.
  • The frequency of daily dosages is 3-4 times.

IMPORTANT! Minimize side effect Regular bowel cleansing and rinsing will prevent you from taking bromides. oral cavity, water procedures. To enhance the effect of the properties of the drug, you should limit your consumption of table salt.

The dosage in each case is selected individually for the patient and depends on the reasons for the prescription. After the first use of such a sedative, there will be no noticeable result. The medicine has a cumulative effect, so you can feel its effect after at least 3-4 days. The total duration of the bromine-containing course is 2-3 weeks.

Bromides with a potassium compound, which have a sedative effect, can also be produced in the form of powder and tablets. The liquid form of release with various dosages is used mainly for use in children. The drops are mixed with any fruit syrup and given to the child. To reduce the irritating effect of bromides on the intestines, the doctor may additionally prescribe reparants (substances that stimulate the regeneration of the gastric lining).

Plant-based sedatives: indications and course of treatment

Medicines for plant based in their properties and action they can be compared with the simultaneous intake of caffeine and bromide.

The main indications for the use of these sedatives are:

  • Insomnia.
  • Hysteria.
  • Neurosis.
  • Arrhythmia in a mild form.
  • Cardioneurosis.

Also, preparations based on a plant that has a calming effect are actively used for complex therapy angina pectoris or hypertension. The prescribed dosage of sedatives depends on the age of the patient and the severity of his condition. The sedative effect becomes noticeable within a few minutes after administration.

The course of application depends on the plant on which the medicine is based:

  1. On valerian: the duration of the course does not exceed 10 days. 3-5 doses are allowed per day.
  2. On motherwort: 3-4 doses during the day, 30-50 drops at a time. You should take the medicine before meals. To brew dry raw materials, 1 tbsp is enough.
  3. On medicinal peony: The course of treatment is about 20-30 days. Single dosage 30-40 drops 3-4 times during the day.
  4. On passionflower (passion flower): taken no more than 4 times a day. When released in tablets - 1 or 2 pcs., in syrup - 5-10 ml.

If there are contraindications or personal intolerance to any herbal-based sedative, you should stop taking it.

The choice of sedatives is large enough to find an analogue that is suitable for its sedative effect. Preparations based on valerian can enhance the properties of sleeping pills, tranquilizers or neuroleptics.

List of sedatives

To remove psychomotor agitation, the patient may be prescribed sedatives, which act much more efficiently and quickly. This mechanism of operation became possible due to the content of several plant sedates in their composition.

The list of such sedative drugs includes:

Corvalol based on valerian and mint. It also contains alcohol and phenobarbital.



Valocormid based on valerian, lily of the valley, sodium bromide, menthol and belladonna.

This is an incomplete list of titles similar drugs. They differ in component composition, price and potency. These sedative drugs have been found wide application in modern medicine.

What is glycine and how to use it?

Glycine is one of the amino acids that are actively involved in many processes occurring in human body. It belongs to drugs with a sedative effect. Its advantage lies in the ease of penetration into almost all tissues and fluids of the body; it also reaches the brain without problems.

This medicine has the following effects:

  1. Improves metabolic processes central nervous system.
  2. Eliminates depressive moods.
  3. Relieves irritability.
  4. Helps you fall asleep quickly.
  5. Improves blood supply to the brain.

The sedative properties of this drug have been proven over the years. It is actively prescribed to suppress hyperactive actions, for neuroses, psycho-emotional stress, sleep problems and decreased mental activity. It is used in complex therapy for recovery from traumatic brain injuries, encephalopathy and ischemic stroke. These sedatives affect the tone of the sympathetic nervous system.

IMPORTANT! It is prohibited to take glycine if you are personally intolerant to the drug component.

The release form of glycine is tablets. Maximum daily dosage sedative is 0.3 grams. It should be divided into equal parts into 2-3 daily doses. The duration of the course is no more than 1 month. To be effective, the tablets should be dissolved under the tongue until they disappear completely.

Side effects of sedatives

Drugs that have a sedative effect on the human body can sometimes cause side effects when taken. The list of drugs of this kind is quite wide, but has not been fully studied.

Therefore, when prescribing sedatives, their use should be taken seriously. You should be in constant contact with your doctor in order to identify developing pathologies. In each case, their action can be completely different.

Common side effects are:

  • Decreased concentration and attention.
  • Increased lethargy and apathy.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Decreased speed of mental activity.
  • Slowing of motor reactions.
  • Constipation or stomach upset.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Headache.

In most cases, taking sedatives does not distract a person from their daily routine and allows them to fully control themselves, be aware of their actions and go to work. They take medications at night, which has virtually no effect on daytime activity.

Simultaneous use of antisedatives and sedatives not allowed.

Who prescribes sedatives?

Having figured out what kind of sedative effect this is, you should know who to contact to prescribe such drugs. You can get a prescription for strong sedatives, which are otherwise not available in pharmacies, by contacting a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Their specialty is working with mental illnesses, nervous disorder and violations. These medical professionals are responsible for determining the severity of symptoms of the disease and prescribing sedative medications to treat it.

For mild disorders, you can seek help from a psychologist. Except psychological assistance he may recommend medications with a mild sedative effect. Appointments this specialist doesn't do it because it doesn't relate to medical workers. This means that his appointments are advisory in nature.

Price of sedatives

The price of sedative bromides varies from 20 rubles to 300. The cost depends on the volume of the package purchased and the strength of the drug.

In conclusion about sedative medications

Drugs that can sedate the nervous system Lately have found widespread use. This is due to enough " nervous situation" V modern society, as well as safety and virtually no contraindications for sedatives. They rarely cause side effects, which means that they are well tolerated by almost all patients, including children.

The most popular when prescribed are sedatives plant origin, as well as glycine. Their action is quite mild, so independent method treatment for serious disorders they are not used, but are an important component of complex therapy.

Important! Self-medication using sedative medications is unacceptable. Appointments must be made by a specialist.

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