Borage (borage): cultivation, use and recipes. Borage borage herb has medicinal properties. Borage in cosmetology

In this article we will talk about what borage or borage is, how it is eaten, who it is useful for, and how to grow it correctly in your garden plot.

borage or Borago adds flavor to various dishes when cucumber seedlings are just planted in the greenhouse.

This spicy plant crop became popular with the advent of fashion for healthy eating.

The smell of the herb is similar to the aroma of cucumber, which is why it got its name.

The plant culture is actively growing and seedlings can be seen after just one and a half to two weeks, and after 30 days you can already crumble the vitamin-enriched greens into okroshka, snack bars and salad dishes.

Borage - to brief description

Borago (Borago officinalis) is an annual plant that is part of the borage family.

The grass originated in the Mediterranean Sea.

The plant culture looks very decorative, which is also why it is planted in the country.

The borage has spectacular silver-green foliage with moss:

  • rough;
  • fleshy;
  • large.

The stem part is erect, stretches up to 600 mm and even up to a meter.

The shoots are spreading on the side.

Root system with many branches.

The greenery has soft bluish flowers with a pinkish tint, pubescent along the edges with long whitish bristles.

During the flowering period, the mini-bush is completely shrouded in flowers.

It blooms in early summer and provides color until September.

Why is borage needed?

This green is a storehouse of ascorbic acid.

There is 3 times more vitamin C in the grass than in cucumber fruits! The foliage of this plant crop is rich in:

  1. Mineral salts.
  2. Vitamins.
  3. Valuable organic acids.
  4. Tannins.
  5. Useful mucus.

For medicinal needs, the plant crop is harvested during the flowering period: the stems are dried separately, the flowers separately.

The collected raw materials are dried in a shady place, naturally, with good ventilation. The medicine is used to strengthen the central nervous system; decoctions and infusions of cucumber herb eliminate stress within the body and relieve irritability.

The product also gently loosens and eliminates inflammatory processes. To make an infusion medicinal plant, you need to use dry foliage.

According to the traditional ancient recipe, the medicine is made as follows:

  1. A spoonful of dried herbs or a small spoonful of dried flowers should be brewed with 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Infuse the composition in a closed container wrapped in a blanket for 5 hours (today you can use a thermal mug).
  3. Filter, add granulated sugar to taste, and drink 2 tablespoons for 5 days in a row.

The medicine will help relieve swelling, eliminate the inflammatory process in paired organ and will alleviate a person’s condition with rheumatism.

The medicine is a diuretic and diaphoretic, it starts the functioning of the adrenal glands.

The drug also restores metabolic processes in the body, helps with gout and pathologies skin and rheumatism of the joints.

Use in cooking

Young borage has the aroma of fresh cucumber and a slightly salty taste.

It goes great with almost any green salad dish:

  • traditional with tomatoes and peppers;
  • okroshka;
  • the vinaigrette.

However, before using young greens for food, you should crush the foliage with a rolling pin in a wooden mortar or chop it into very fine strips, since the thorns must be removed.

The foliage of borage does not tolerate heat treatment.

It is used exclusively in cold dishes.

The plant's flowers are also used for food; they are delicate and have a pale blue hue.

Homemade aromatic liqueurs are prepared using flowers.

Even a beginner can grow borage

IN autumn period When digging up a dacha area, you need to add superphosphate (about 25 grams per 1 sq.m.) and potassium salt (15 grams per 1 sq.m.) to the soil.

In spring, the soil is fed with nitrogenous compounds (ammonium nitrate is an excellent solution) at a rate of 15 grams. per 1 sq.m.

Sow borage in early spring, in March, placing the seeds to a depth of approximately 20 mm.

If young grass needs to be grown earlier, you can cover the plantings with film.

Sow borage in rows (the optimal number of seeds is 3-6 grams per square) with an interval of approximately 400 mm. Shoots can be seen in a week or two.

To collect fresh nutritious grass before frost, borage is sown again at the end of summer.

Many summer residents sow this plant crop “before winter.”

Sowing in 2-3 stages is justified, since borage grows very quickly:

  • stretches out;
  • foliage becomes rough;
  • taste qualities are lost.

The plant is suitable as a herb for growing at home.

When grown on a windowsill, borage produces fresh greenberries all year round: to do this, you need to wait two weeks between planting seeds.

To obtain the product as quickly as possible, the bed should be made in the sun, and for consumption in the summer - in the shade.

Sowing before winter tolerates cold well, as the plant is frost-resistant. On spring days, borage will delight you with abundant shoots.

Watering and feeding

Caring for borage is quite simple. This:

  1. Timely and not too abundant watering.
  2. Loosening the soil.
  3. Thinning beds.

Those specimens that are grown for greenery must be thinned out, leaving a distance of 100 mm between the mini-bushes. If the crop goes to seed, you need to leave a distance of 35-60 mm. Watering cannot be ignored, otherwise the foliage will lose its fleshiness and juiciness.

It should be fed with organic compounds before color begins.

You can use mullein infusion. Borage grass is strong and strong, almost does not get sick.

Among the insects you need to be wary of are burdock caterpillars and oxalum lancet.

However, these pests attack seedlings quite infrequently.

Borago harvest

The first leaves can be collected 28 days after germination of the seedlings.

Specimens with cotyledons and two true leaves (50-70 mm) are harvested completely, like spinach, they are the most.

borage ( ), borage, borage or simply borage is an annual heat-loving plant that is easily recognized by its characteristic sky-blue flowers. Southern Europe is considered its homeland. Found both in gardens and wild conditions– in sunny areas with rich soil.

The therapeutic properties of borage were known back in Ancient Greece and Rome. The leaves were added to the wine of gladiators to stimulate the fighting spirit.

At the French court, borage was considered a delicacy; its young leaves were added to spinach and asparagus. They say the taste was amazing.

The beneficial properties of borage allow us to recommend it for improving memory, detoxifying the body and improving cardiovascular health. vascular system.

Borage contains mucilage, tannins, saponins, vitamin C, minerals (calcium, manganese and potassium), as well as valuable amino acids and resins. This one is unique chemical composition allows you to successfully use different parts of the plant (stems, leaves and flowers) in folk medicine.

Borage is contraindicated for people suffering from liver disease.


1 tablespoon dried borage stems or 1 tsp. flowers are poured with 250 ml of boiling water. Drink 1 cup per day for a maximum of 3-4 weeks.

This recipe is used to reduce fever, treat infections of the upper respiratory tract, lowering blood pressure, strengthening the heart muscle and increasing lactation in nursing mothers.

For excessive sweating, prepare the following infusion: 1 part cucumber herb and 1 part strawberry leaves are poured with boiling water, infused and drunk regularly instead of regular black tea.

Fresh Juice

Fresh stems and leaves are placed in a juicer. The resulting borage juice is especially useful during spring vitamin deficiency, to detoxify the body, speed up metabolism and as a mild herbal antidepressant.

Borage juice also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and normalizes blood pressure, regulates blood glucose levels in diabetes.

Still fresh borage juice successfully fights obesity. For weight loss, it is recommended to drink it twice a day. pure form or combined with celery juice.


An infusion for the face is prepared from a handful dried leaves cucumber and half a liter of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes in a thermos or in a wrapped jar. Warm compresses promote the healing of wounds, abrasions, burns and various ulcers on the skin.

Oil and seeds

Borage seed oil in capsules can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. At home, you can grind the seeds in a coffee grinder or mixer. IN medicinal purposes They should be taken 3 times a day, ¼ teaspoon.

Borage oil helps in the treatment of psoriasis and atopic eczema, acne. Facilitates various inflammatory processes: intestines, joints, upper respiratory tract, etc.

Collection and drying

The flowering tops of borage are collected for medicinal purposes. They are used fresh or dried. Borage can also be frozen.

Dry the borage in a thin layer in a place where the sun's rays do not reach. Fresh young leaves are used in the kitchen. The seeds of the plant are also used, they are extracted from aroma oil for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

In the kitchen

Young borage leaves are added instead of greens to salads. They are finely chopped, and the resulting juice smells pleasantly of fresh cucumbers.

In addition to salads, since the Middle Ages fresh leaves have been present in recipes for pickled vegetables and mushrooms; they are added to vegetable oils along with mint and garlic, to aromatic sauces for meat dishes and pasta, used for flavoring mayonnaises and spreads.

It turns out very tasty if you lightly stew borage in oil with spinach. Borago adds a pleasant spicy taste to fried meat and grill marinades. Fresh flowers can garnish sweet and savory desserts and cocktails.

Green lemonade

Grind 1 handful at a time fresh leaves borage and lemon balm with peeled lemon. Add 20-30g maple syrup (agave or stevia syrup are alternatives), some ice cubes and 2-3 glasses cold water. Melissa can be replaced with parsley or mint.

Borage, if you let its growth take its course and stop caring for it, very quickly runs wild and turns into a weed. Therefore, it is better to control the spread of this grass.

The planting scheme for borage grass depends on the further purposes of using the plant. If the stems are taken whole, then the seeds are planted according to the 10*10 cm pattern, increasing the distance between the rows to 30 cm as the plant grows. And when growing borage for flowers and seeds, the distance between adult plantings should be at least 70 cm. Seed planting depth – 1-2 cm.

Plant care consists of regular loosening, thinning and timely watering of plantings. However, borage can withstand drought. Young leaves and succulent stems can be cut for fresh salads throughout the season.
And when the borage seeds ripen, do not forget to collect them - this is a valuable product for the treatment of many diseases. When cutting whole plants, be sure to leave a few of them on the site, because bees love them so much.

On the windowsill

Growing borage grass from seeds can be done not only in an open summer cottage, but also at home - in flower pots.

Borago: benefits and harm

What else makes borage stand out, besides its cucumber aroma and taste?
A mass was found in its leaves and stems useful substances:
vitamin C,
mineral salts,
organic acids,
essential oils,
tannins and mucous substances.
The inflorescences of borage contain a large percentage of sugars, and its seeds are rich in healthy fatty oils.
Thanks to this composition, borage is known among the people as a real healer. By preparing culinary dishes based on this plant, you can not only satisfy your taste needs, but also replenish the lack of nutrients in the body.

But, as is the case with many other crops, there are a number of contraindications. Borage in large quantities should not be consumed by those who have liver problems. The latest research reports that with frequent consumption of borage by people with chronic liver diseases, blood clots may form in the liver. Therefore, using borage as medicinal product, be sure to take breaks between courses.

Use of borage in cooking

In many European countries, borage has been grown as a vegetable plant for a very long time. Nothing surprising - this is a real “substitute” for the familiar cucumber. The leaves are famous for their refreshing (as if with an onion flavor) taste and aroma of a fresh cucumber.

Leaves, stems, flowers and even roots are used for culinary purposes. They can also be eaten in fresh, and pre-processed.

Fresh leaves and shoots of borage are chopped into salads, added to sauces, okroshka, hot soups, and main courses. Teas brewed with borage leaves are no less tasty.
The roots of the plant, collected in the fall, are used in the preparation of green oil, to flavor many alcoholic drinks(wine, punch, beer).
Flowers serve as an original decoration for various dishes; they are also often consumed as a completely independent dish in candied form.

For preparing culinary dishes it is better to take young cucumber leaves. During this period they are especially tasty. And as the plant grows, the foliage becomes coarser, and instead of a light fluff, rather hard hairs form on it. Therefore, it is important to harvest the green mass on time. But even if you are a little late, the stems are still suitable for consumption. The skin is easily peeled off, and the shoots are used for their intended purpose. Flowers can be picked at any time.

Use of borage in medicine

A long time ago, back in Ancient Rome, borage was given to soldiers before battle to give them courage, and to those feasting to lift their spirits.
Now borage herb is included in the pharmacopoeias of some European countries. She happens to be one of the components in many dietary supplements.
But in scientific medicine former countries CIS borage has not yet been found wide application and official recognition, although you can buy its seeds and oil at any pharmacy. And this ingredient is often found in “grandmother’s” recipes.

Western nutritionists always prescribe borage for metabolic disorders and constipation. Due to the high content of mucous substances in borage, all toxins are eliminated from the body very quickly. Compresses made from borage will cure rheumatism and skin diseases.
Tinctures and teas from the leaves of the plant can be used as a medicine for inflammation of the kidneys and gall bladder, diseases of the vascular system, neuroses and sleep disorders.
Borage oil treats eczema, acne, and rashes. It is extremely useful for diseases of the intestines and upper respiratory tract.

Borago adds a cucumber flavor to spring hash and salads, when cucumber seedlings are just beginning to take root in greenhouses.

This unpretentious spicy plant has become a regular in country gardens with the advent of fashion for healthy eating. The aroma of borage is reminiscent fresh cucumber, for which it is called borage grass. The plant is different rapid growth and sprouts within 10-12 days, and after a month you can already add this exclusively rich in vitamins greens in cold vegetable appetizers and salads.

Borago (Borago officinalis) is an annual plant borage family. Borago comes from the Mediterranean. The plant looks

It’s very decorative, which is also why summer residents love it. Borago has beautiful shaggy silver-green leaves, large, fleshy and rough.

The plant has a straight stem that grows up to 60 cm and even a meter in height, and spreading side shoots. Tap root with numerous branches. Borago has delicate sky-blue flowers with a pink tint, edged with long white bristles. The borage bush is compact and neat and during flowering it is completely covered with flowers. Borago blooms from June to September.

Why do you need borage?

Borago is an invaluable source of vitamin C. Borago contains three times more of this vitamin than cucumbers!

The leaves of this plant are rich mineral salts and vitamins, valuable organic acids and tannins, also contain healthy slimes. Borage is the basis of many drugs known since ancient times. alternative medicine. For medicinal purposes, the plant is harvested during flowering: the ground part is dried separately, and the flowers are also dried separately.

Both are dried in the shade, naturally, with good ventilation. The plant is used to strengthen nervous system, decoctions and infusions of borage remove internal tension and irritation. Borage is also a mild laxative and anti-inflammatory agent.

To prepare borage infusion, you need to take dried in a natural way, in a shaded place, leaves. According to Slavic folk old recipe The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves or 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the flowers and leave in a closed container wrapped in a towel for 5 hours (in our time, you can use a thermos for this purpose). After this, filter the infusion, add sugar to taste and take 2 tbsp for five days. l. The infusion helps with swelling, kidney inflammation and rheumatism. It has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, stimulates the adrenal glands. It is a means of restoring impaired metabolism, treats gout, skin diseases and articular rheumatism.


Place borage flowers in a sterilized jar, sprinkling them with fine granulated sugar (you can use powdered sugar). Close the container tightly with a lid and place it in a cool place for 15-20 days. The container should be shaken gently every day. After three weeks, the jar of candied flowers should be placed in the refrigerator. But they are not stored for long. For culinary purposes, it is better to use fresh candied flowers.

Borago is great in salads

The young leaves of this plant have a cucumber aroma and a fresh, salty taste. They are great in almost any green salad, spring okroshka and vinaigrette.

But before you use borage for food, you need to crush the leaves with a rolling pin in a wooden mortar or cut them into very small strips, since you need to get rid of the thorns.

Borago leaves do not tolerate heat treatment. They can only be used in cold dishes. The flowers of this plant are also used for food - they are delicate, sky-blue in color. Homemade liqueurs are infused with borage flowers.

Where will borage grow?

Unlike many herbs Borago is a cold-resistant plant. Sometimes it is even sown “before winter”, but in general they sow borage in early spring. This plant germinates quickly. The best predecessors of borage are cabbage, potatoes, legumes, tomatoes.

Moreover, borage, unlike most spice plants doesn't need large quantities sunlight. When grown at home on a windowsill, it develops well even on dark winter days, which so often happen in our latitudes. Borago doesn't like

direct sun rays, it is better to shade it a little, it can be planted under trees. This plant is not picky about soil. Wild borage reproduces by self-sowing: the seeds fall off and overwinter in the soil, giving vigorous shoots in the spring. But in order to obtain tender greens suitable for food, cultivated varieties of bo-rago must be grown on fertile soils. Borage is quite drought-resistant.

Borage varieties that are grown on summer cottages: Vladykinskoe Semko, Gnome and Brook. The best predecessors for borage are potatoes and cabbage.

Borago is propagated by seeds. The fruit of borage consists of four fairly large black nuts that fall off easily. Such “nuts” remain viable for up to three years. They ripen in July-September.

In order to prevent self-seeding, borage seeds are removed without waiting for them to fully ripen. They ripen on paper in a bright room.

Growing borage - even a beginner can handle it

In the fall, when digging the site, superphosphate is added (at the rate of 25 g per square meter) and potassium salt (15 g for the same area). In spring, the soil is fertilized with nitrogen fertilizer (preferably ammonium nitrate) at the rate of 10-15 g per square meter.

Borage is sown in early spring, in March, placing the seeds to a depth of about 2 cm. If you want to get fresh greens earlier, you can cover the bed with borage with film. Borage is sown in rows ( optimal quantity seeds - 3-6 g per square meter. m) with a distance between them of about 40 cm. The seedlings will hatch on the 10-12th day. In order to collect fresh greens until late autumn, borage is sown again in August. Many gardeners sow this plant “before winter.” Sowing in several stages is justified, since this plant gains height very quickly and the leaves become coarser. Borago blooms from May to July.

Borago is a biennial plant, but is grown in culture as an annual. Perfect as a herb for growing on a windowsill. The fleshy stem of this plant in indoor conditions reaches 70 cm in height. Succulent elliptical leaves and large sky-blue flowers, collected in paniculate inflorescences, will decorate any interior. Interestingly, at the end of flowering they acquire a pink tint. When grown indoors, this plant produces fresh greens all year round: to do this, it is enough to maintain an interval between sowings of 15 days.

To get greens in early dates the bed should be placed on sunny place, and for eating greens in the summer - in a shaded place. Sown before winter, borage seeds overwinter well in the soil and produce vigorous shoots in the spring.

Why a borage greenhouse?

Borage is an excellent honey plant and attracts pollinating insects. Therefore, it is often planted in greenhouses and greenhouses where insect-pollinated plants are grown - in particular, cucumbers. Another advantage of borage is that this plant kills weeds.

If borage is sown in a heated greenhouse, sowing can be done as early as the end of February or in September. In greenhouses, borage is sown scattered, as well as in rows with an interval of 8-10 cm.

Borage - watering and fertilizing

Caring for borage is not difficult. This includes regular, not too abundant watering, as well as loosening the beds and thinning out the plants. Those plants that are grown for greens are thinned out, leaving an interval of 10 cm between the bushes. Between plants grown for seeds, it is necessary to leave an interval of 35-60 cm. Watering is very important, otherwise the leaves will not be juicy. Fertilizing with organic matter must be done before borage blooms. An infusion of mullein will do.

The first borage crop is harvested 4 weeks after emergence. The most tender and fragrant plants with cotyledons and the first two true leaves (5-7 cm long) are harvested completely, like spinach. Borago should not be allowed to “outgrow”. Old leaves become coarser, lose their taste and delicate smell of fresh cucumber.

Sometimes the cucumber grass is allowed to grow for another 5-7 days and the young leaves are cut off. To preserve them, place them in baskets or boxes in a dark, cool place - then the leaves will remain fresh for several days. After all, on average, from 1 sq. m collect about 1 kg of fresh leaves.

Borago seeds are harvested when a third of the fruits become brown. They ripen in well-ventilated areas, on thick fabric or paper. Completely dried borage plants should be threshed - best in frosty weather. On average, you can get about 200 g of seeds per square meter.

Growing borage: summer residents share their experience on planting and care

Cucumber salad... without cucumbers

It is not at all necessary to add fresh cucumbers to the salad for taste. They can be successfully replaced by a plant scientifically called borage, or popularly called borage or borage.

How to grow

It can be grown in the garden, or at home, even in winter. To do this you will need a wooden box with holes in the bottom, which is filled nutritional mixture. It consists of three parts of turf soil and one part of humus with the addition of wood ash. Seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm. Growing plants should be 15-20 cm apart from each other.

The box can be placed on the windowsill. Borago does not require additional lighting; ordinary daylight is sufficient for it.

On a note

Young leaves are eaten and removed until the flower shoot appears. You can also add sugar fresh flowers plants are a wonderful treat, especially for children.


Dwarf. The period from full germination to harvesting greens is 25-30 days. The plant is up to 30-60 cm high. The leaves are large, oval shape, in adult plants, hairy-pubescent. Blue flower. The weight of one plant is 200 g.

Vladykinskoe semko. The period from germination to harvesting for greens is 40-45 days. The rosette of leaves is semi-spreading, the leaf is large, oval, heavily pubescent. The stem is erect, branched, thick, with pubescence. The flowers are large, blue in color. Plants are not very demanding on growing conditions.

Brook. The period from full germination to harvesting greens is 40-50 days. The plant is spreading with intensive branching. The rosette of leaves is horizontal, 20 cm in diameter, up to 40 cm in height. The leaf is medium-sized, sessile, dark green, with a slight waxy coating, oblong shape, slightly wrinkled. Blue flower. Young leaves with soft pubescence. The weight of one plant is 100 g.

Healing properties

Fresh borage leaves have a beneficial effect on digestive system, relieving inflammation in the intestines. Due to acceleration metabolic processes the body eliminates toxins faster, and this helps improve the condition of the kidneys, liver and blood vessels. The calming properties of borage are also known. Its herb has the ability to relieve attacks of anxiety and irritability. In addition, when regular use Borage reduces joint pain due to arthritis and arthrosis.

Cucumber herb infusion

Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 50-100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

You should not use borage herb daily for a long time - more than one month. This can have a negative impact on the liver.

IN ancient Rome It was believed that this plant improves morale, eliminates melancholy, and helps overcome any fear. The legendary warriors of Sparta drank a decoction of borage before battles in order to accumulate victories over the enemy. Over thousands of years, this herb has not lost its extraordinary properties and is valued no less today. Let’s find out more about what it is, how to use it and how to grow it.

Description of the plant

Borago (baraga) is popularly called “borage grass” due to the taste and aroma of its leaves, which resemble the taste and smell of fresh fruit, but there is no botanical relationship between them. Syria is considered to be its homeland, from where the grass spread to Europe, America and Africa. This is an annual plant with a strong stem and large leaves, reaching a height of up to 100 cm. It is part of the Borage family, which is why it is also called Borage.

From June to August, flowers with a snow-white or light purple color appear on a branched stem; sky blue shades are less common. Flowers are collected in curls and grow on long stalks. The dark blue corolla is slightly longer than the calyx, which gives the flowers a special decorative effect. After the petals fall in July-August, borage bears fruit. Fruits in the form of small tuberculate nuts are not used.

It reproduces independently using seeds. In southern Europe, borage has earned the status of a weed because it grows on its own and it can be difficult to remove it from the site if desired. In North Africa, borage is especially valued; it is grown for use in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Beneficial features

It is mainly the young shoots of the plant that are of interest for culinary and traditional medicine. Borage leaves contain,. There is also here, which is why in treatment cardiovascular diseases borage is especially prized. and are useful for blood composition and bone tissue, so this plant can also be used for general strengthening and recovery.

The stem and foliage of borage contain a lot. Most of all in it: , resinous, and fatty acid. In cosmetology, this plant is valued for high content essential oils, which is useful for both appearance and for general health.

In addition to greenery, the flowers of this herb are also useful. They are used fresh and dried, and sometimes candied for use in the confectionery industry. Borage petals also contain a lot of essential oils; their taste is mild with a slight sweetness.

Nutritional value of borage (per 100 g):

  • – 3 g;
  • – 1.8 g;
  • – 0 g;
  • calories – 21 kcal.

Among the beneficial properties of this plant are: anti-inflammatory effect, diaphoretic and diuretic, mild laxative. It enhances the production of adrenaline and improves the functioning of the adrenal glands.

Borage extract is included in some, for example, Trimegavital is popular, which includes borage and. This herb is also included in the pharmacopoeia of many European countries, her beneficial features and applications are spread across three continents.

Use of borage in cooking

Due to the taste and aroma of the leaves and stems, borage is increasingly used in cooking. They can replace fresh cucumber in any dish: cold soups, sauces, salads, smoothies. To the familiar taste fresh cucumbers here a faint hint of onion is added, which only adds piquancy to the dishes.

Leaves for cooking should be collected before flowering. When buds appear on the plant, the stem and foliage begin to become coarse and covered with fine fluff. Sometimes old leaves are used, but their taste is not so fresh, with a predominance of onion. Reviews from experienced gardeners and gardeners note that the seven-lobed leaves are the most fragrant and are best used first.

Cucumber shoots can be fried or sautéed, like other vegetables. Sometimes they are added to other vegetables in stews, hot borage goes well with cabbage, . This plant gives a special piquancy to meat and fish; you can prepare side dishes from the leaves and stem or add chopped herbs to minced meat.

Flowers and leaves of borage can be dried to make good preparation for the winter. To harvest leaves, they need to be cut and dried in a draft so that they do not begin to rot. Dried grass will be needed in winter for salads, hot and cold dishes, and medicinal.

It is better to candied flowers for the winter; for this you will need:

  • borage flowers;
  • - 2 tablespoons;
  • - 1 tablespoon;
  • powdered sugar.

Flowers should be candied immediately after they have been collected. First, make a thick syrup from one part water and two parts sugar, and cool it. Then each flower needs to be coated with syrup using a soft brush and dipped in powdered sugar. For neatness and simplicity, you can pour powder into a salt shaker and sprinkle on the petals.

Place the finished buds on parchment and dry. The oven needs to be heated to 700-900 and place a baking sheet with borage in it, dry for 2-2.5 hours with the oven door open. After this, you need to check if there are any wet parts left, cool the flowers and place them in jars. You need to work with this product carefully, since the petals break easily.

A very beautiful and tasty preparation can be made from cucumber petals. To do this, you need to pour honey and flowers into the jar in layers; such sweetness will last a long time and looks great on the table. You can also use sugar using the same technology; shake the jar with granulated sugar and flowers periodically. In one to two weeks the flower sugar will be ready.

Benefits in medicine and cosmetology

Due to its valuable composition, Borage is used in folk medicine. Young shoots are recommended fresh and in decoctions for a diuretic, diaphoretic and laxative effect.

A decoction of stems and leaves has a tonic effect, which was discovered by ancient warriors. For the decoction, take a spoonful of flowers and a spoonful of stems, pour one glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 15 minutes. This remedy is used for colds, to strengthen the heart muscle, improve concentration.

To replenish vitamin reserves, it is recommended to use freshly squeezed borage juice. To do this, you need to take young, juicy stems and leaves and pass them through a juicer. Such fresh juice can, in case of intoxication, vitamin deficiency, speed up recovery from infectious diseases. Fresh Juice borage and is used for weight loss. For such a cocktail, take an equal amount of components and drink it twice a day.

Cucumber seed oil is very popular in cosmetology. It, like the stems, has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, increases the tone of the epithelium. This product is recommended for both young skin (against acne) and older skin (for elasticity). Borage herb oil can be bought in pharmacies, rarely in cosmetic stores.

The beneficial effects of such oil can be replaced with ordinary seeds. They can be ground in a coffee grinder, then taken as medicine, a teaspoon per day. This product will cleanse the body from the inside, which will affect the cleanliness of the skin and the beauty of the hair.

Dried borage tops are also used for external use. You can make a healing infusion from it. For 200 ml hot water You will need 3 tablespoons of dry Borage, this mixture needs to be left under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Then compresses (warm) are made from the infusion, they help to heal faster skin ulcers, burns, hematomas.

Precautionary measures

The benefits and harms of borage have been well studied, positive aspects he has noticeably more. This plant can be used as a remedy for a course of no longer than 3 weeks. Large concentrations of this plant overload the liver. Also, pregnant and lactating women can use infusions and decoctions of borage only with the permission of a doctor, although this herb is believed to improve lactation.

People with stomach and intestinal diseases should also consult a doctor before using dishes and medicinal products from borage. This is where the contraindications for Borage end; it is given even to children in small portions.

Growing borage

Get one like this useful plant very simple, planting and caring for it will not require much effort. Reproduction is carried out by seeds; for sowing, you can choose shaded areas with loose soil or well-lit places. It is better not to place borage in the sun, as it will quickly bloom and its leaves will become coarse. After planting, the seeds need to be watered frequently, this is where all the care will lie.

Borago does not require any fertilizers; during the growth period, the bushes can be hilled up and freed from weeds. Abundant watering will ensure lush greenery until the end of summer. Borage can be sown in spring or winter; it has very good frost resistance.

Borage in the garden will bring another benefit; it is recommended to plant it between or near potatoes. This way the Colorado potato beetle will not touch the potato crops. Blooming borage is noted as an excellent honey plant; bees feed on nectar from it even in cloudy weather.

After the crops have sprouted, you can enjoy fresh herbs with a refreshing taste and aroma. If desired, you can plant Borage even in a pot for indoor plants, so in winter you can replenish vitamin reserves and cook fresh salad with the “taste and benefits” of summer.

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