Iceland moss plant. For the cardiovascular system. Application for cough

Cough is a protective reaction of the body and a way to remove sputum, but it irritates, deprives you of rest and sleep, and interferes with work. The pharmaceutical market offers various tools that help relieve the annoying reflex. Medicinal plants with the same properties are also known. They help no worse, without having side effects. One of them is Iceland moss. Iceland moss is actually a lichen called Icelandic Cetraria..

The composition of the medicinal plant and characteristics

Most commonly used is Iceland moss for coughs.. What are the nutritional and medicinal properties of lichen based on? It consists of:

  • vitamins and minerals, an almost complete set of trace elements;
  • organic acids with antimicrobial properties;
  • carbohydrates, fats, proteins (enzymes);
  • polysaccharides that form mucus (70%), capable of thinning, enveloping and soothing the epithelium respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.

This composition makes cetraria important component in the treatment of diseases different nature. But more often it is used for diseases of the respiratory system.

Lichen grows in many parts of Russia and Northern Europe. Places of growth are humid and sunny. It does not occur in arid areas and in regions with polluted air. Where does citraria grow in an environmentally friendly atmosphere: the plant is classified as a natural indicator of clean air.

Characteristics of lichen: has a brown-green color with white spots. Grows in bushes. The thallus is twisted and branched, similar to deer antlers. The plant is inconspicuous and difficult to notice in the forest.

Icelandic moss is harvested at any time of the year, but the collection is not easy. It needs to be found, cut and cleared of numerous forest debris accumulated in thick branches. The collected moss is crushed and dried.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of the plant were known 400 years ago. And today they do not refuse his help. Most often, Icelandic moss is used for coughs. In addition, it treats:

  • colds: influenza, SARS;
  • throat diseases: tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
  • complex ailments: tuberculosis, whooping cough, pneumonia, asthma;
  • V complex therapy- bronchitis and allergies.

Cetraria destroys viruses and bacteria, working in unison with the immune system. Icelandic moss helps not only with colds, they are treated various ailments. For example, it relieves foci of inflammation, fights cancer and aging of the body, and helps with stress.

We know little about the medicinal properties of lichen, but in the West, pharmacists have adopted it and produce medicines, cosmetics and hygiene products.

Among the peoples of the north in ancient times, Icelandic moss was used not only for treatment, but they ate it in lean years. When crushed and boiled, jelly is formed - a decoction of a mucous consistency that helped people survive.

Cough Recipes

There are different recipes for using Icelandic moss for coughs. Here are the most common ones:

Recipe N1. Pour a glass of clean cold water 2 tbsp. l. dry moss and boil for about an hour. The broth is ready if it has become a thick, jelly-like consistency.. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes, then strain. The decoction is taken throughout the day, drinking 2-3 sips and taking a break between them. It is best to drink it warm.

Recipe N2. Pour 2 tsp into a glass of milk. lichen and simmer for 30 minutes. until thickened. Better to drink it before bed. Helps Icelandic moss with bronchitis, if you use this recipe.

How to determine the quality of a dry plant? We take a piece of lichen thallus and fill it with water at room temperature. If it changes color to bright green, the thallus straightens out and the smell of fresh chanterelles appears, then the raw material is of high quality.

Recipe N3. With asthma and a strong cough, a tea drink helps out. Pour a glass of boiling water over 1 tsp. raw materials and insist 5 minutes. We take the drink three times a day in a warm form in a glass. Children are recommended to drink half a glass of this tea.

Recipe N4. If the cough is paroxysmal in nature, then alcohol tincture will save. Pour 40 g of Icelandic moss with 1/2 liter of alcohol. The tincture is prepared for a week. Dosage - 10 drops twice a day.

Ready-made broths can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. It is better to brew Icelandic cough moss in small portions for one day. Usually decoctions are taken before meals for 10 days.

Cetraria has a rather specific sour-salty taste, which not everyone likes. But since the decoction of the herb is really a panacea for colds of various nature, the taste can be neglected. Plus, you can get used to it over time.

Syrup and yogurt for the treatment of children

It is allowed to use it when coughing for children, but since it is almost impossible to make them drink a tasteless decoction, honey is added to it.. This not only improves the taste, but also enhances the positive effect. You can add milk to the decoction, which will help get rid of unpleasant taste sensations. But more often, Icelandic moss is prescribed for children in the form of a delicious syrup.

Recipe N5. Dilute cetraria powder (150 g) in a glass of water. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and boil for 7 minutes. When the composition has cooled, add 4 tbsp. l. sugar and a little citric acid. Continue to simmer for another 35 minutes until thickened. When the syrup becomes warm, you can drink it to the child. Syrup is consumed during the day, several sips intermittently.

Recipe N6. Pour into a blender 3 tbsp. l. cetraria powder, add 3 tbsp. l. honey (can be replaced with rosehip or sea buckthorn syrup) and 350-400 ml of kefir. Mix the composition thoroughly and let stand for a while. This yogurt can be drunk for breakfast or dinner. It has a good general strengthening effect..

Iceland moss cough syrup

Icelandic moss for coughing is prescribed in the form of tablets, lozenges, lozenges, syrup. The composition of the syrup includes:

  • Iceland moss thallus extract;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • peppermint oil;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • auxiliary components.

Larinal - cough syrup with Icelandic moss and vitamin C can relieve a cough that has a paroxysmal character. It is a syrupy mixture, clear or with sediment. The shade can vary from yellow to brown. The syrup has a pleasant taste with a slight smell of menthol.

The instructions say that the dietary supplements that make up the syrup have antiseptic, antitussive and enveloping effects. Shake the contents of the bottle before use. Adults take 1 tbsp. 3-5 times a day. The product is washed down with tea or water. The duration of treatment is from a week to 10 days. If after 4 days there is no relief, you should consult your doctor.

Contraindications include sensitivity to the composition of the drug, pregnancy, age up to 18 years. It is not used for thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, diabetes. Applied only after medical consultation, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder, with a diseased liver.

Icelandic moss cough syrup, due to the large amount of mucus, prevents the absorption of drugs if all drugs are taken at the same time. Therefore, Larinal is not drunk immediately, but an hour after taking other drugs. You should not use products with vitamin C in parallel, because it is already in the composition of the drug.

The syrup is available in a 130 g bottle packed in cardboard box, Instructions for use are enclosed in it. The drug is produced in the Czech Republic by the company "Doctor Müller". Valid for 3 years. During storage, it may become cloudy, which does not affect the composition and quality. The price in different pharmacies varies from 7 to 11 rubles, so it is available for customers with any wallet.

Tablets also give a positive effect. They are absorbed, swallowed or inhaled as a powder through the nose. Due to the antibacterial effect, as well as the content of additional components ( black elderberry, sage, calendula) tablets help relieve inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, which occur with cough and fever.

Cetraria Icelandic or, as it is commonly called this plant among the people, Icelandic moss, belongs to the class of lichens. It grows in the European and African continents, as well as in Australia. Cetraria Iceland moss is known for its medicinal properties, so it is often used in folk medicine to eliminate a number of diseases. About the beneficial properties of the plant, methods of its use and contraindications - later in the article.

Where does Iceland moss grow?

Grass Icelandic moss - ground lichen. It can be found in forests and swamps, on the soil itself or on the bark of trees. Looking through the photo of Icelandic moss, you can see that it grows in thickets, on sandy soil. This is a photophilous plant that prefers unshaded places. It fully develops only in regions with clean air.

Lichen grows all year round, collect it with scissors, separating it from the root right in the forest. This necessary measure in order to subsequently determine exactly where the plant has the top. Collected Icelandic moss is dried in well-ventilated rooms or special dryers, which provide ventilation.

Interesting fact: it is better to collect Icelandic cetraria in large quantities, because, when dried, the plant significantly loses in volume.

What is useful?

Reviews of the medicinal properties of Icelandic moss indicate that the plant really has a positive effect on individual bodies and the state of the organism as a whole. The plant has antibacterial properties due to the presence of protolichesteric and lichesteric acids in its composition. It is often used to eliminate bacterial infections: staphylococcal or streptococcal. healing leaves also used externally to treat burns and wounds. In addition, cetraria has a number of other positive properties.

For the body as a whole

Iceland moss contains healthy carbohydrates, acids and polysaccharides. Thanks to the latter, as well as various trace elements (iron, manganese, copper, iodine, titanium), the plant helps to strengthen the immune system. Based on this, doctors often prescribe cetraria as a prophylactic drug.

Interesting fact: In ancient Iceland, whose soil is hardly suitable for agriculture, cetraria for a long time used as an additive to bread, which had a positive effect on the health of local residents.

People's reviews of Icelandic moss also indicate that the plant is successfully used to treat general exhaustion of the body, anemia, and even diaper rash in infants. Often, cetraria is used as an external remedy to eliminate various skin ailments.

In addition, useful lichen has tannic and astringent properties, making the plant effective for poisoning with heavy metals and plant poisons.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Cetraria is often used to treat various diseases. gastrointestinal tract:

    Treating intestinal disorders with Icelandic moss is a common practice. Due to the enveloping properties of the plant, it eliminates the problem in a short time.

    Just 2-3 tablespoons of Iceland moss decoction quickly relieves diarrhea.

    The medicinal plant treats atony of the stomach and intestines.

    Lichen is an effective concomitant drug in the treatment chronic gastritis and ulcers.

Among other things, the consumption of the plant as a dietary supplement relieves constipation and significantly improves the digestive process in general.

For the cardiovascular system

Icelandic lichen is often prescribed to people with cardiovascular insufficiency, as well as patients suffering from diseases such as arterial hypotension and bradycardia. In this case, experts advise using drugs based on cetraria in small doses, and if any side effects appear, immediately stop using the medication and consult with your doctor.

For the respiratory system

Cetraria is used as a drug that helps fight various respiratory infections. For this plant received another name - “lung moss”. Decoctions and syrups based on cetraria are used as medicines From cough. There are also known cases successful treatment pneumonia with this miracle remedy. Beneficial lichen alleviates the condition of tuberculosis patients and those suffering from chronic bronchitis. When using Icelandic moss, the well-being of people who carry whooping cough stabilizes - they begin to cough less often and less intensely.

For the male genitourinary system

Icelandic moss is able to improve the genitourinary system of men, relieving a number of unpleasant ailments, including prostatitis and adenoma prostate. In these cases, it is especially effective herbal collection based on cetraria, lemon balm and toadflax.

How to apply?

Exist various recipes based on Icelandic moss, which allow you to get rid of a number of diseases or improve your overall health by strengthening the immune system:

    Decoctions. To prepare decoctions from cetraria, it is necessary to pour dried moss with boiling water, and then boil for half an hour and let it brew. Decoctions of useful lichen can get rid of intestinal diseases, improve appetite, help endure asthma attacks and fight against lung diseases. A decoction of cetraria also helps to get rid of colds and allergic cough. Decoctions of lichen also help in the treatment of problems with male genitourinary system. To do this, it must be steamed in boiling water, then insist for 2 hours and drink a glass three times a day.

    Infusions. Prepared in a water bath until the water, which was filled with lichen, boils away by half. Infusions are used as a laxative.

    Vitamin jelly. Improves general state health and boosts the immune system. In order for the jelly to lose the bitterness characteristic of Icelandic moss, the dried plant must be poured with plenty of water and soda. After that, the lichen should be washed well and placed in clean water for 4 hours. Boil the crushed plant in water with the addition of berries and sugar.

    Tea. Icelandic moss tea is used to relieve the symptoms of whooping cough. The infused and strained drink should be consumed up to three times a day, one cup each.

    Milk medicine. Helps in the treatment of bronchitis. To prepare, you need to mix a teaspoon of the crushed plant with a glass of milk and boil for half an hour under a closed lid in an enamel bowl. The tool is used before bedtime, hot.

The dosage and frequency of use of the drug depends on the disease that needs to be cured.


Cetraria - useful plant which is widely used in the treatment various diseases in adults and children. However, it has a number of contraindications for use. So, experts do not advise taking lichen to people suffering from gastritis with hyperacidity as well as pregnant and lactating women. In addition, the use of Icelandic cetraria can adversely affect health when overuse medicinal product.

Before starting treatment herbal preparation, experts recommend consulting with your doctor, as well as strictly adhere to recipes and dosages.

Video "Healing properties of Icelandic moss"

The healing properties of Icelandic moss (cetraria) are described in many sources, it does not have vegetative organs and is not at all like a leafy plant. The name is of Latin origin, meaning the semicircular shield of the Roman defenders. Cetraria consists of flat or tubular lobes, can reach a height of up to 10 cm, and a width of 4 cm. The plant in the lower part is covered with red spots, and the edges of the petals have cilia.

Amazing, unusual combination useful qualities and natural aesthetic appearance- Icelandic moss grows without roots, spreads along the ground. It is a product of symbiosis, combines green algae and fungus, which absorbs useful material from the environment. Cetraria grows on sandy soil, is the main food for reindeer. In the article you will learn about all the medicinal properties of this plant.

The composition of the cetraria

Lichen has medicinal properties, contains:

  • polysaccharide lichenin;
  • glucose;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • wax;
  • pigments.

Iceland moss - medicinal properties

The medicinal components of the plant are effectively used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, restore motor skills, relieve inflammatory processes.

Iceland moss is used officially in food additives, thanks to the polysaccharide lichenin, lichen improves the secretion of bile. This type of plant is characterized by the presence of zinc, phosphorus, lead, silicon, which are responsible for antibacterial activity and improve work immune system person.

Cetraria helps fight pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia. Moss juice is effective when applied externally, it treats sores, boils, abscesses and non-healing wounds.

With the help of concentrated decoctions, therapy is carried out to eliminate whooping cough, asthma, and colds. With seasonal ARVI diseases, this source of vigor helps to improve the functions of the immune system, lower the temperature, and relieve swelling in the nasal cavity.

Also, lichen reduces the manifestations of toxicosis, normalizes the thyroid gland, eliminates seals in the mammary glands when feeding a child and mastopathy. Great for lowering overweight. A special decoction helps to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, digest food with high quality, and eliminate fatty cell deposits.

Cetraria promotes wound healing, restores the body after fractures and other complex diseases. It is used as a folk remedy for the relief of toothache, as well as in the treatment of body disorders.

Iceland moss recipes

Shown in pneumonia

For the treatment of pneumonia, the following composition is effective: 2 tablespoons of the plant must be boiled in 0.5 liters of water for about 5 minutes, over low heat. After insisting for 30 minutes, take half a glass three times a day. It is recommended to drink decoctions after meals or an hour before the main meal. Iceland moss does not replace the need for antibiotics.

With bronchitis

The following recipe will be useful: one spoonful of dried moss is poured into a glass of milk, boiled for several minutes on fire, with a tightly closed lid. Used before bed. It can also be added to herbs mother and stepmother, calendula or chamomile.

For tuberculosis and stomach problems

for the treatment of tuberculosis and gastric ulcer you need to make such a decoction: put a spoonful of the plant and three glasses of water in a saucepan, boil. During the day, use the decoction in three doses.

For the treatment of the common cold

To eliminate the common cold, we take one tablespoon of Icelandic moss, St. John's wort, sage, fill it with water, insist for three hours. Before going to bed, wash your nose and gargle. You can also breathe over the hot composition for 10 minutes, until the product cools down. The tool helps to remove a runny nose, improve the general condition of the patient, eliminate dry cough.

For intestinal disorders

For people who suffer from flatulence, bloating, frequent constipation, you can use the following recipe: grind moss leaves into powder, pour two liters of cool water, leave to infuse for 24 hours. In order not to get the opposite effect and not cause an excessive laxative process, you need to reduce the dosage of the medicine or completely stop drinking it.

Treatment of allergic manifestations

Thanks to the healing components, cetraria helps fight against seasonal allergies, removing puffiness, lacrimation, redness and shortness of breath. A handful of moss is taken, poured with cool water, after 2 hours it is added to the composition of 0.5 liters of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 25 minutes. The infusion is used throughout the day in small doses.

To cleanse the face and improve overall well-being

To eliminate on the face teenage acne, heal wounds, remove pustular lesions skin, it is necessary to make an ordinary decoction of moss and a drug to wash the wounds every day, make lotions, wipe the face after cosmetics. It is advisable to rinse your head with such a decoction in order to get rid of dandruff and lice.

And for a general improvement in well-being and rejuvenation of the body, it is allowed to drink a glass of healing liquid on an empty stomach per day.

With impotence

The collection of moss, toad grass, lemon balm and salep tubers is effectively used for impotence, they drink a decoction of three glasses daily.

For weight loss

Such a healing drink can be used during fasting days in order to remove extra centimeters at the waist for a very a short time. To do this, you need to drink a decoction of lichen before meals, as well as at night. The intestines will work better, the body will be cleansed of harmful toxins and toxins.

With varicose veins

5 parts of moss and arrows of horsetail are taken, the mixture is poured with water, boiled for 5 minutes. You can also wipe your legs with tincture during depilation, so that the skin is velvety and elastic, heal faster small cuts on foot.

Prevention and assistance in the treatment of cancer

Japanese doctors conducted studies that showed that Icelandic moss in combination with green tea is effective tool for the treatment of oncological diseases - relieves symptoms of intoxication, improves general well-being, restores the body after chemotherapy.

The recipe for the decoction is as follows: mix 2 parts of crushed dry lichen with knotweed, St. John's wort, celandine, plantain, nettle leaves and green tea. For 4 spoons of herbs - 4 cups of water. After an hour, you can strain the tincture, take a glass 4 times a day in a warm form. It is not recommended to store the composition in the refrigerator, it is better to always use it fresh, cooked in a timely manner.

Alcohol tincture of Icelandic moss

Perfectly restores strength, helps control blood sugar levels. To do this, pour 100 g of the plant with a glass of vodka, put it in a cool place for two weeks. This composition helps to fight insomnia, relieves anxiety and irritation. During use, the infusion is diluted with cold boiled water.


Drying of the plant occurs at the end of summer, lichen bushes are collected and dried in the shade in the air. Then the grass is finely ground and put into a dry box, covered with a lid. sunlight should not get inside, so as not to overdry the moss and reduce its healing properties.

For children from one to six years old, the tincture is done as follows:

  • 1 teaspoon of pureed powder is poured with half a glass of boiled milk;
  • infused for 10 minutes;
  • drunk three times before each full meal.

For children over six years old, a tablespoon of powder is taken and 200 ml of milk is diluted. An infusion is used to relieve the inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract, with bronchitis and various complications.


Numerous studies have shown that the plant does not cause any particular side effects and has no significant contraindications. The main thing is to drink medicine in correct dosages, before using a tincture or decoction of moss, you should consult your doctor.

In the presence of individual intolerance to individual components of the lichen, it is not recommended to use the plant in medicinal purposes!

There is an opinion that preparations based on Icelandic moss are very bitter, but if you dilute them in milk, this drawback quickly disappears. You can also add tincture extract to yogurt, jelly, compote in order to remove a specific aftertaste and be treated for pleasure.

Attention! Unit the natural limitation of the tincture is if a person has hepatitis C or an overactive thyroid gland.

Order Icelandic Cetraria

Where to buy such a healing drug? You can go to specialized pharmacies, find cetraria in many online stores. The price for 100 g ranges from 400 to 600 rubles, the larger the package, the cheaper the prices will be. For example, 300 g of moss can be bought for 1200 rubles.

Also sold ready-made alcohol tinctures and extracts based on this plant.

Conclusions about Iceland moss

The plant has wonderful healing properties, strengthens the immune system, restores the intestinal microflora, heals many viral diseases. Applied in cosmetic purposes, cleanses the skin of the face, makes it elastic, removes toxins, promotes effective weight loss.

Icelandic moss heals wounds, improves a person's well-being during treatment oncological diseases, relieves spasms in gastric colic, rejuvenates the body. Used for wounds, burns, purulent formations. Useful even for children from one year old. Cetraria is used for asthma, whooping cough, restores strength, relieves inflammation of the respiratory tract.

At correct use gives a lot of positive substances for the body.

Good health and good health to all!

Iceland moss is unique medicinal plant, which is closely related to lichens. The described species is distributed not only in temperate climates, it can be found in Africa and Australia. Like other lichens, cetraria covers the ground, tree stumps.

In Russia, such a plant can also be found, it is valued by folk medicine and grows in ecologically clean areas.

A perennial leaf-shaped lichen, a variety of which is reindeer moss, is distinguished by an upright form of bushes. The blades are ribbon-shaped irregular shape, narrow and flat, their height is up to 10 cm. The leaves are greenish-brown, have reddish marks at the base, and their underside is covered with white spots. The edges of the leaves are wrapped up, which gives the plant unusual view. Icelandic moss reproduces by transferring any part of it, but this lichen grows slowly. With a lack of moisture, the plant becomes gray and breaks.

Parmelia is a relative of cetraria, a lichen that grows on tree branches. The described species is found in all regions of Russia, with the exception of the steppe zone. You can find lichen thickets in the Caucasus and Crimea, where the plant covers the trees in an even layer. Bushes grow singly or in continuous clusters in pine forests, wastelands, alpine meadows.

Iceland moss is a unique medicinal plant that is closely related to lichens.

You cannot see Icelandic moss in places polluted with harmful emissions or near roads.

Terms and features of the collection of Icelandic cetraria

Plants are harvested in August and September; thallus is suitable for harvesting. It is necessary to stock up on moss in dry weather in order for it to be better preserved. The lichen must be torn off the soil and thoroughly cleaned of the remnants of the earth and needles, which is a difficult task.

The moss collected and cleaned of impurities is laid out in an even layer on a paper or fabric bedding, it is traditionally dried in the sun until the moisture has completely evaporated. For this purpose, it is allowed to use industrial dryers, ovens, provided that the temperature is set to low up to 45 ° C. Finished raw materials save beneficial features within 2 years, store dry moss in a tightly closed container, placed in a cool place.

Gallery: cetraria (25 photos)

How to clean the cetrarium from impurities (video)

The use of Icelandic moss in medicine

Moss treatment has been familiar to people since time immemorial. Science knows anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties plants for diseases respiratory system preparations from cetraria have a softening effect, dilute sputum and remove it from the bronchi.

With the help of the described lichen, it is possible to treat such ailments as tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia due to active ingredients moss.

Medicines made from Icelandic moss are recommended to treat inflammation of the mouth, and they can also reduce hoarseness in bronchitis. Decoctions are prepared from dry raw materials to help treat diseases of the digestive system. They gently envelop the mucous membrane, heal stomach ulcers. Cetraria is also effective in diarrhea, as the astringent compounds help to establish a natural process.

Medicines made from Icelandic moss are recommended to treat inflammation of the mouth, and they can also reduce hoarseness in bronchitis

It is known that this plant can negatively affect pathogens and inhibit the process of their reproduction, which means that cetraria can be considered natural antibiotic. This herb treats diseases caused by staphylococci, streptococci and other dangerous microbes. Moss compresses are used as an external agent. to get rid of breakouts and acne, and also the plant heals burns and abrasions.

Cetraria raises immunity, so after suffering serious illnesses shows the use of the plant as a useful supplement. With oncological ailments, preparations from Icelandic moss inhibit growth pathological cells, fight free radicals and improve well-being.

Thus, the use of cetraria in medicine is fully justified and helps to cure many diseases.

Moss compresses are used as an external agent.

Icelandic moss tablets during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women are not prohibited from using products with the addition of Icelandic moss, however, specialist advice in this case will not be superfluous. This plant helps to eliminate sore throat, cough and other symptoms of a cold, it can be taken at any stage of pregnancy with the permission of the attending physician. The convenient form of the drug in tablets makes it simple application, and the components that make up the cetraria help to cope with the signs of toxicosis.

During lactation, medicinal moss successfully replaces prohibited drugs for sore throats and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, this remedy can be used without fear in the absence of allergies.

How to apply Icelandic moss (video)

Iceland moss: chemical composition and medicinal properties

Cetraria is rich in various biological substances and elements, and the excellent nutritional properties of the plant are due to the high content of carbohydrates in it. Chitin in the composition of lichen improves the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as Icelandic moss is saturated with the following substances:

  • vitamins of groups B and C;
  • usnic acid;
  • sugars (glucose and galactose);
  • slime;
  • wax;
  • gum;
  • trace elements - iron, magnesium, iodine and others.

The most valuable components of cetraria are usnic and other organic acids, which exhibit powerful antimicrobial properties. For this plant is so appreciated folk healers and is even used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical medicines. Vitamins and trace elements increase human immunity, help strengthen the body.

The most valuable components of cetraria are usnic and other organic acids, which exhibit powerful antimicrobial properties.

The mucus in the composition of the grass envelops the mucosa internal organs digestion, thereby relieving pain.

The benefits of cetraria are due to the following healing properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • immunostimulating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing.

The correct use of Icelandic moss helps to improve digestion, cleanse the body of harmful substances and get rid of chronic diseases. The main thing is to use the gift of nature correctly and take medicines from it as directed. Icelandic moss has no contraindications; only expired raw materials can harm health.

Iceland moss recipes

Plants for making home remedies can be purchased at a pharmacy or collected by yourself. Popularity among adherents healthy lifestyle hot lichen tea conquered life. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • dry Icelandic moss (2 teaspoons);
  • boiling water (250 ml), honey to taste.

Popularity among adherents of a healthy lifestyle won hot lichen tea

This tea is drunk at least 3 times a day. A hot drink relieves a person's condition with pneumonia, bronchitis and colds, you can combine this tool with complex treatment ailment.

Lichen plants are perceived by many as a weed crop. The rest are simply indifferent to them, considering moss an indispensable attribute of cold regions. But there are those who know about the healing properties of representatives of the botanical class of lichens, among which cetraria or Icelandic moss is especially valued. It is worth talking about her wonderful qualities in detail.

Morphological description

Icelandic moss is a lichen plant common on the European continent, as well as in Australia and Africa. Like all lichens, cetraria chooses tree stumps, rocky surfaces or soil for the substrate. It can be found in pine forests, tundra, mountainous areas, but cetraria also grows in swampy areas. A favorite place for her are sandstones and peat bogs, grassy slopes or well-lit mountain ranges. Wherein cetraria grows only in conditions of high ecological cleanliness.

Icelandic lichen is a perennial plant that has a palmate shape. Its leaves look like flat narrow ribbons twisting into different parts. The color and shape of the moss depends on the conditions in which it grows, and varies from brown to green and even whitish-beige.

Cetraria reproduces vegetatively, asexually and sexually and grows extremely slowly, which distinguishes it from other representatives of lichens.

For medicinal purposes, the thallus of the plant is used, harvested mainly in the fall. The cleaned Icelandic moss is dried in industrial conditions or natural method(on air). Dried lichen retains its healing properties for 24 months if stored in a dry and cool place.

Chemical composition

It is possible to understand why lichen has healing properties by carefully studying its chemical composition. It has been established that plant tissues contain elements that exhibit biological activity. Most often, water preparations are prepared from it, since this method of processing Icelandic moss contributes to the active transition of glucose, carbohydrates and nutrients into a liquid.

high nutritional value cetraria is also explained with scientific point vision: the thallus contains approximately 80% polysaccharides. At the same time, the use of the plant significantly improves peristalsis and the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa, which is explained by the presence of chitin in it, which exhibits the qualities of a sorbent.

The bitter taste of Icelandic moss is the result of the presence of lichen organic acids in its tissues.

In particular, it is usnic acid, a natural antioxidant that has a high antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. It is its presence in cetraria that makes it possible to use the plant for the treatment of tuberculosis and other diseases caused by the activity of gram-positive bacteria. The plant also contains mucus, proteins, natural wax, gum, triterpenes, vitamins, a number of trace elements and naphthoquinone.

Beneficial features

Collected independently or purchased in a pharmacy, the raw material of Icelandic lichen in crushed form has active healing characteristics. IN pure form Icelandic moss can be used as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent for the treatment of wounds, burns and bacterial lesions skin. But most often used in medicine aqueous solutions(decoctions, teas, infusions) with cetraria. They are indicated for any diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

The plant has a strong mucolytic effect - it quickly liquefies the sputum accumulated in the bronchi and lungs and promotes its discharge. And biologically active substances protect the mucosa from the attachment of repeated infections and negative impact other factors.

Pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies from Icelandic moss are widely used in therapy for inflammation of the nasal and nasal mucosa. oral cavity: stomatitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. The main form of application is rinsing and inhalation.

The mucous texture of decoctions based on lichen helps to normalize the condition of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

It has a natural anesthetic effect, so ulcer patients consume cetraria with food, which eliminates pain symptom when eating food due to mucosal lesions. The natural bitterness of Icelandic moss activates the appetite and normalizes the digestive processes. A decoction of the plant strengthens the immune system and gives a preventive effect to prevent disease. viral infections.

Also Icelandic moss is used to treat and prevent such diseases and dysfunctions, How:

  • Mastopathy;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Depressive disorders, neuroses;
  • Obesity;
  • Violations in the work of the endocrine system.

Application in traditional medicine

IN alternative medicine many recipes have been compiled in which Icelandic moss is the main component. At the same time, depending on the type of disease, the technology for preparing the remedy and its type differ.

There are the following how to cook cetraria for medicinal purposes:

  • Infusion on water - 15 - 20 g of dry lichen is poured cold water, boiled over a fire and taken in a cooled and strained form. The second method of preparing the infusion resembles the method of brewing tea (a pinch of raw materials in a glass of boiling water);
  • Slimy decoction - two tablespoons of crushed dried plants are poured into a saucepan, cold water is added in a volume of 1 liter. The product is boiled over low heat for an hour and a half, then filtered hot and left to reach under the lid. Ready-made decoction of Icelandic moss has a slimy consistency and is stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours;
  • Alcohol tincture - pour three tablespoons of dry moss into a glass medical alcohol, insist in a dark cool place for a week. Take 10 - 15 drops per spoon of water or drop the tincture on a piece of sugar and hold in your mouth.

Also, Icelandic moss is used to make compresses, ointments and healing creams. Usually based on vegetable oil or any neutral cream (can be for children), where the lichen is mixed in a pounded form. However, pharmacies sell ready-made cosmetical tools with cetraria, so this method of application is not very popular.

For cough and bronchitis

In acute respiratory diseases accompanied by strong cough, and bronchitis, decoctions on plant-based able to provide immediate relief. Iceland moss is no exception. So that the bitter taste of the infusion does not become an obstacle to its use, it is better to prepare the remedy in milk.

First, pour 10 g of dried cetraria into an enameled pan. Pour cold milk into it (one glass is enough). Bring to a boil and reduce the heat, continuing to cook the broth for another 30 minutes under the lid. Strain the milk and chill. You need to drink a decoction of Icelandic moss at night, before going to bed. When taking mucolytic drugs and expectorants at the same time, you should consult with the doctor who prescribed the treatment about the possibility of combining therapeutic agents.

With tuberculosis

At infectious disease lung system, provoked by mycobacteria, the body is significantly weakened. To restore its protective functions and general tone, it is used medicinal infusion Icelandic moss. Prepare it in a standard way, but the process of treating the disease largely depends on the method of administration. 20 g of dried chopped Icelandic cetraria is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused under the lid for 1.5 - 2 hours.

After cooling, strain the product and drink before meals. The dosage for adults is three tablespoons, children are given a much smaller portion (1 teaspoon). The course of treatment lasts 30 days, after which a break is made for 2 weeks. To monitor the condition, regularly visit a pulmonologist and report on the symptoms and dynamics of the disease.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Violation of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by such serious symptoms as dyspepsia, spasms and pain, loss of appetite, upset stool. With a diagnosed gastritis or ulcer, the affected mucosa of the walls of the digestive tract (stomach or duodenum) is covered with ulcers. Against this background, the process of digestion is significantly hampered, as the patient experiences constant pain at each meal and / or in the intervals between them. During such periods, he needs light, nutritious food that saturates the body and is quickly digested without burdening the stomach.

One option would be the following folk recipe: grind a glass of dried lichen in a blender and mix with muesli (take natural flakes without additives). The resulting mixture is poured with low-fat kefir or milk and left for 1.5 - 2 hours. It is better to eat it instead of breakfast or for an afternoon snack. Before eating, heat the dish in the microwave for 10 - 20 seconds so as not to eat it cold: a sick stomach does not tolerate temperature "jumps".

With a cold

Excessive secretion of muconasal secretion during a cold or allergy, which accompanies inflammation of the nasal mucosa, causes great discomfort to a person. Runny nose, lasting several days, aggravates the course of the disease and itself becomes a serious problem.

To fix it, try steam inhalation based on a decoction of cetraria. Throw a pinch of Icelandic moss into a pot of boiling water and wait until it acquires a characteristic color. Cool the liquid a little, otherwise the strong steam will burn the mucous membrane. Tilt your head over the water and cover yourself with a towel. Inhale the steam from the decoction through your nose for 7 to 10 minutes. Do not pour it out: the decoction can be used 2 more times - in total, three inhalations will be needed per day. Additionally, the mucous membrane can be washed with warm infusion of the plant.

For the thyroid gland

Iodine contained in live cetraria has a positive effect on the function of the thyroid gland in diseases caused by a lack of a microelement in the body. To prepare a remedy based on Icelandic moss to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, you will need natural yogurt without additives (250 ml). Add chopped plant (20 g) to it and do not a large number of lime honey. Stir in a blender and let it brew for a quarter of an hour.

Cooked yogurt will replace one of the daily snacks or become a healthy alternative to dinner. You can take the remedy every day or every other day. First, ask the endocrinologist you see if he approves similar treatment, considering individual characteristics your body.

With dysbacteriosis

Lichen thallus is high in carbohydrates and is considered an excellent nutrient for cultivation. beneficial microflora in the large intestine. Dysbacteriosis provoked by antibiotics or infections (bacterial or viral) responds well to treatment natural remedies prepared from cetraria.

With dysbacteriosis, it is useful to drink infusion of moss on cold water or kefir, but it is even better to use lichen-based jelly.

It is prepared simply: 20 - 30 g of the crushed plant is poured with cold water (200 ml) and brought to a boil. Then the mixture is cooked over low heat with constant stirring for about 10 minutes. After it is cooled, rubbed through a sieve and left in a cool place for a couple of hours. The tool should acquire a jelly consistency. It is eaten in small portions before each meal (for 15 - 25 minutes).

For constipation

Obstipation, accompanied by slow, difficult or systematically insufficient bowel movements, is not a disease, but a symptom of many diseases. For a quick and painless cleansing of the body, an infusion based on Icelandic moss is used. A glass of lichen is crushed with a meat grinder and poured with cold water (it will take 2 liters). The remedy is infused for 24 hours. After a day, add another liter of water to it and take 200 ml 30 minutes before meals. Usually the effect occurs within the first day, but the course of treatment is continued for another 2 weeks.

With oncological diseases

The use of cetraria for the treatment of diseases in the presence of malignant neoplasms may be approved as an additional therapy. It is known that in some cases decoctions and infusions based on lichen have a protective effect against side effects drugs used in chemotherapy.

However, Iceland moss is not a cure for cancer. It activates the protective functions of the body and gives a complex preventive effect.

To improve immunity and general strengthening functions of the main systems of the body, the following are used recipes:

  • A teaspoon of dried cetraria is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and infused for 10 minutes. Drink warm or hot instead of tea for a month (then you need a week break);
  • Mix two tablespoons of lichen in boiling milk and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, then let stand covered for another half hour. Drink several sips before each meal and at night. The course of prevention is 2 weeks with a break for 7 days and the resumption of treatment.

The plant, known as Icelandic moss, is used in 90% of cases for the treatment of cancer as an integral component of herbal teas. Other ingredients are usually bee products, etc.

For weight loss

To get rid of fat folds at the waist and get a dream figure, you need to follow physical activity And healthy regimen food intake. A decoction with cetraria will help speed up the process. A pinch of Icelandic moss, added to regular tea, also helps to increase metabolism, but it is better to drink a ready-made broth. Such a drink, when used, gives a complex effect, including the activation of intestinal motility and the regulation of natural emptying.

To prepare a remedy, take a tablespoon of crushed dry raw materials and pour 200 ml of boiling water. The infused decoction is drunk three times a day before each meal. You should not continue using the plant for longer than 3 months, otherwise addiction will occur.


Icelandic moss, like any herbal remedy, has limitations associated with its use. Before consuming decoctions or other lichen-based products, make sure you do not have allergic reactions. To do this, you should first take a small dose of infusion and look at your well-being. If there is no individual intolerance, gradually increase the amount consumed.

Teas, decoctions and infusions based on Icelandic moss should not be drunk when elevated temperature body. If the thermometer shows a mark of 39 degrees and above, the use of the product should be discarded in order to avoid worsening the condition.

The use of cetraria is not recommended for relapse of any chronic diseases, including gastrointestinal dysfunction, gastritis and ulcers, cholecystitis. Since a decoction of moss has some fixative effect, its use in spastic constipation will give negative effect.

To restrictions on use folk remedies prepared from cetraria are systemic autoimmune diseases. If the treatment with Icelandic moss lasts longer than three months, its effect may be weakened due to the addiction of the body. In some cases, there is marked discomfort in the digestive tract, which disappears after the abolition of the use of cetraria.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to suspend the use of funds with cetraria in the composition. If you wish to continue treatment with Icelandic moss, consult your doctor about the safety of consuming lichen for the fetus. Remember that self-medication can harm not only you, but also the unborn baby.

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