Acute carbon monoxide poisoning. What to do in case of carbon monoxide poisoning, how to provide first aid

Carbon monoxide is a fairly common form of intoxication of the body, which is characterized by rapid and extremely severe course, causes damage to all organs and systems, often ending in death. If the victim is promptly and competently provided with first aid at the scene of the incident, the risk of developing severe complications can be significantly reduced. Adequate actions of others can save the victim from death.

Why is carbon monoxide dangerous?

Carbon monoxide is a poison of rapid and general toxic action. If its concentration in the air reaches 1.2% or more, then the death of the victim occurs within 3 minutes. The dangers of carbon monoxide are as follows:

  1. It has neither color nor smell - a person simply will not feel its presence in the room.
  2. Able to penetrate through soil layers, walls and any partitions.
  3. It is not absorbed by porous materials, so even conventional filter gas masks do not protect against the toxic effects of carbon monoxide.

How does carbon monoxide affect the body?

First of all, the type of gas in question blocks the delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues - it is considered a blood poison, since red blood cells are primarily affected. Normally, these blood cells carry oxygen to organs and systems with the help of hemoglobin, and when carbon monoxide enters the body, it binds with hemoglobin and forms carboxyhemoglobin, which is considered a compound harmful to the entire body. As a result, red blood cells are unable to deliver oxygen to organs and tissues, and the entire body experiences acute oxygen starvation (hypoxia).

Because nerve cells are the most sensitive to a lack of oxygen, then in case of carbon monoxide poisoning they first appear characteristic symptoms damage to the central nervous system - loss of coordination, .

Another important point: carbon monoxide disrupts the functioning of the heart muscle and skeletal muscles. The fact is that this type When gas enters the body, it binds to protein skeletal muscles and heart muscle, and this is manifested by serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart - rapid breathing/heartbeat, weak pulse.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

The intensity of symptoms depends only on how long carbon monoxide has been exposed to the human body and what its concentration in the air was - it is on the basis of these data that the degree of intoxication is determined.

central nervous system

With mild and medium degree poisoning will be present:

  • encircling in nature with localization in the temples and forehead;
  • nausea and;
  • flickering of the image, “flies”;
  • fog;
  • a sharp decline hearing and visual acuity;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • of a short-term nature.

If there is poisoning carbon monoxide severe, the victim will experience:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • coma;
  • involuntary urination and defecation.

The cardiovascular system

Mild and moderate poisoning will be characterized by:

At severe poisoning Symptoms characteristic of severe carbon monoxide intoxication will appear:

  • significantly increased heart rate - up to 130 beats per minute, but at the same time it is practically not palpable;
  • the highest risk of rapid development.

Respiratory system

This part of the body suffers precisely because of an acute lack of oxygen at the time of carbon monoxide poisoning. If intoxication occurs in a mild to moderate degree, then the person will also experience rapid breathing. But in case of severe poisoning with the type of gas in question, the victim’s breathing will be intermittent and shallow.

Skin and mucous membranes

It is almost impossible to notice any pronounced changes on the skin and mucous membranes during carbon monoxide poisoning. The only thing that can appear with mild to moderate degrees of intoxication is their bright red or pronounced pink tint. In severe cases of the condition in question, on the contrary, skin and the mucous membranes will be pale, with a barely noticeable pink tint.

In medicine there are atypical forms carbon monoxide poisoning. In this case, the following symptoms will be present:

  1. Fainting form– intense, pronounced pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, loss of consciousness.
  2. Euphoric form– the patient is excited, there are hallucinations, there may be unmotivated actions, loss of consciousness coupled with cardiac and respiratory failure.

Consequences of carbon monoxide poisoning

The condition in question entails a number of complications, which in medicine are usually divided into early and late.

Early complications acute poisoning carbon monoxide (the first 2 days after the incident):

Late complications of carbon monoxide poisoning (2-40 days):

  1. From the central nervous system: memory loss, decreased intelligence, disorder motor functions, apathy, blindness, dysfunction pelvic organs, parkinsonism, paralysis.
  2. From the side of the heart vascular system: , cardiac asthma, mycoarditis different types, .
  3. From the outside respiratory system: swift.

To reduce the intensity of complications and protect the victim from severe intoxication, you need to know how to act when you discover a person who has been poisoned by carbon monoxide.

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

The first thing to do when you find a victim is to call an ambulance, and this must be done even if the victim himself says he is feeling normal. Remember the important points:

And before the ambulance team arrives, the following assistance can and should be provided:

  1. Stop exposure of the victim to carbon monoxide. To do this, the person should be taken out into fresh air, the source of carbon monoxide should be shut off (if possible), and an oxygen mask or a special gas mask with a hopcalite cartridge should be put on the poisoned person. The latest recommendations apply to those cases when such funds are “at hand”.
  2. Ensure the passage of oxygen through Airways. It is highly advisable to lay the victim on his side, after unbuttoning his tie, shirt, belt on his trousers, taking off his sweater or jacket, or jacket.
  3. Bring to consciousness, ensure a rush of blood to the brain. This goal can be achieved with the help of ammonia - drop it on a cotton swab and bring it to the victim’s nose at a distance of at least 1 cm. You can rub the chest, and if you have mustard plasters “at hand,” put them on the back or chest (only outside the area of ​​anatomical location hearts). Give the victim a drink of hot tea or coffee, if possible and the poisoned person is already conscious.
  4. If there is a need, then you need to do it to the victim indirect massage heart and artificial respiration. At the same time, the cycle must be specific: 2 breaths and 30 chest compressions.
  5. The victim should not waste his energy; he must be provided with peace. To do this, it is enough to lay the poisoned person on his side, cover him with a blanket or wrap him in a jacket/coat. It is imperative to ensure that the victim does not overheat.

Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning - headache, nausea, suffocation, impaired movement with a gas density of 0.02-0.03% and exposure to a person for 4-6 hours. At a density of 0.1-0.2% and exposure for 1-2 hours - coma occurs, breathing stops, death is possible. Intoxication by combustion products during a fire is 80% of the factors contributing to human mortality; more than 60% is due to carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance that has a rapid toxic effect on the body. Dangerous for human life. At a density of 1.2% in space, the death of the victim without medical assistance occurs within 3 minutes.

The dangerous effects of carbon monoxide occur in a short time:

  1. It is impossible to determine by color, smell, or feel its presence in the room.
  2. Seeps through barriers and soil.
  3. Passes through porous materials, a regular gas mask cannot prevent its toxicity.
  4. Organ systems and tissues are affected due to the gas blocking the flow of oxygen to them.
  5. The substance combines with hemoglobin; when combined, carboxyhemoglobin is formed, which disrupts the functioning of organs. Red blood cells cannot deliver O2 to tissues, hypoxia occurs.
  6. The central nervous system is affected as a result of lack of oxygen. Nausea, confusion in the head, and pain appear.

There is a disruption in the functioning of the heart muscle and striated muscles. The combination of a gaseous substance with muscle protein is manifested by weak pulse, palpitations, and difficulty breathing.

Causes and symptoms

The causes of poisoning are:

  1. Household poisoning. Broken heating units: stoves, fireplaces. Leakage of propane containing 4-11% CO, long burning of kerosene.
  2. Fire. When burning Vehicle, buildings, fuel cars.
  3. Traffic fumes. When the car is operated indoors, they contain a maximum of 13.5% carbon monoxide, an average of 6-6.5%. Concentrations can become lethal within 5 minutes.
  4. Gas, wiring in industrial premises. Gas product used for the synthesis of acetone, phenol, methyl alcohol, methane. If ignited, their vapors are dangerous.
  5. Gas on site with gas appliances. Stoves and heat generators with insufficient air ventilation and blockages in ventilation pipes provoke an influx of carbon monoxide into production rooms.

Intoxication occurs when using hookahs and breathing units.

There are 3 degrees of intoxication due to the presence of CO density in space. You can distinguish and recognize to what extent the person inhaling the vapors was poisoned using symptoms according to severity:

Easy stage Middle stage Severe stage
Presence of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood
no higher than 30% 30-40% 40-50%
  • consciousness is pure;
  • acute headache;
  • noise in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • lacrimation;;
  • mucus from the sinuses;
  • the patient is feeling nauseous;
  • vomit;
  • temporary vision damage;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • dry throat;
  • hoarse cough.
  • short-term interruptions of consciousness;
  • dyspnea;
  • breathe heavily;
  • dilated pupils;
  • hallucinogenic visions, delusions;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • rapid heartbeat, chest pain;
  • redness of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • visual acuity decreases, spots appear;
  • hearing decreases.
  • possible coma for several days;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • decreased heart rate;
  • breathing is interrupted;
  • cyanosis of the dermis.

Atypical symptoms of poisoning in three forms:

  1. Fainting form. Rapid drop in pressure 70/50 mmHg. or lower. Temporary loss of consciousness.
  2. Euphoric form. Poor orientation in the room, severe agitation, delirium, fainting, breathing failure.
  3. Lightning form. The density of carbon monoxide reaches 1.2% per 1m³. The level of carboxyhemoglobin in the patient's blood reaches 75%. Signs: convulsions, paralysis of the respiratory tract, lack of consciousness, death within 2-3 minutes.

Signs of smoke inhalation appear within 2-6 hours after inhaling air containing 0.22-0.23 mg CO per liter. Death occurs within 20-30 minutes if the CO concentration is 3.4-5.7 mg/l - within 1-3 minutes at a density of 14 mg/l. Code in ICD-10 X47.

Necessary antidote

It is important to administer the antidote “Acyzol” to the patient in the first minutes of providing first aid.

"Acyzol" - fast acting medicine counteracts carbon monoxide poisoning. It blocks the formation of carboxyhemoglobin and quickly helps cleanse the victim’s body of carbon monoxide.

Condition - the sooner administration is undertaken after poisoning, the greater the chances of avoiding negative consequences for the patient.

Medicine offers an application algorithm:

  1. Treatment involves intramuscular injection— 1 ml immediately after evacuation. The procedure is repeated after 60 minutes.
  2. Prevention involves 1 ml intramuscularly 20-30 minutes before entering the danger zone.

The drug reduces the negative impact of poison on the body several times.

First aid at home

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning involves the following sequence:

  1. Evacuate a person with the help of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  2. Call an ambulance immediately.
  3. The patient must be given access fresh air. Unfasten the collar and chest, lay it on one side to avoid the tongue falling in. Open the windows indoors.
  4. In a conscious state, give the victim tea to activate the vasomotor and respiratory centers.
  5. To restore consciousness, apply ammonia. Soak the cotton wool in the solution and let it breathe. If there is no reaction, rub your arms, legs, chest, face to stimulate blood flow.
  6. Availability of indicators clinical death: no breathing, no pulse, carotid arteries do not pulsate, there is no movement of the pupils in the presence of light. In such situations, provide pulmonary and cardiac resuscitation. At home, the prehospital mechanism is as follows: 2 breaths, 30 chest compressions.
  7. If the patient is conscious, lay him on his side and cover with something warm.

When evacuating a room, be sure to hold your breath and exit as quickly as possible with the victim.

First aid at home includes important points:

  1. Take the patient outside, then the carboxyhemoglobin content in the blood will decrease by 50%.
  2. The folk method is to place mustard plasters on the chest or back. Apply chest rub, which will increase blood circulation.
  3. Do not overheat the victim.

Upon arrival, emergency workers provide the patient with oxygen through a special pillow and administer an antidote. The doctor conducts diagnostics and makes an accurate diagnosis. Symptoms in some cases may not indicate consequences. Only a doctor can recognize possible complications, determine correctly from the tests, the type of patient, the severity of the degree of intoxication.

The decision to hospitalize is made by the doctor. The following categories of patients are required to be admitted to the hospital:

  • patients with a blood carboxyhemoglobin concentration of more than 25%;
  • during pregnancy (more than 10%);
  • With cardiovascular pathology(more than 15%);
  • those who lost consciousness, became delirious;
  • with a body temperature less than 36.6 °C.

A small child should be examined and hospitalized, including patients with mild intoxication.

Early treatment reduces mortality and disability.

Carbon monoxide poisoning requires the following treatment:

  1. The victim is given oxygen breathing with a partial pressure of 1.5-2 atm or carbogen (95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide). The procedure lasts for 3-6 hours.
  2. Quartz treatment is prescribed. Using a lamp, the breakdown of carboxyhemoglobin is accelerated.
  3. Injection of 1 ml of cordiamine and 1 ml of 10% caffeine under the skin. Used for heart failure.
  4. In case of complications of the respiratory tract, Isoniazid tablets are prescribed for prevention purposes. The drug is used in the treatment of pneumonia in children and adults. The dose is 5-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight, 1-3 times a day after meals.

Symptomatic infusion therapy includes the following steps:

  1. Soda 4% solution 400 ml, hemodez 400 ml are administered intravenously.
  2. Apply vitamins: solution of ascorbic acid 5%, 20 ml and glucose 40%, 60 ml intravenously.
  3. The relief of seizures is carried out with the medication “Diazepam”.
  4. Coma involves the administration of 0.01 mg/kg naloxone + 40-80 ml of 40% glucose + 100 mg of thiamine.

Drug therapy is aimed at normalizing the central nervous system, other systems and organs, depending on the severity of the poisoning.

Consequences and life prognosis

After the onset of carbon dioxide poisoning, deterioration may occur:

  • circulatory disorders, cerebral edema;
  • hemorrhages;
  • deterioration of hearing and vision;
  • possible myocardial infarction;
  • blisters and swelling appear on the skin, necrosis and nephrosis are possible;
  • coma is accompanied by chronic pneumonia.

If the carboxyhemoglobin level reaches 75%, death occurs within 3 minutes.

To prevent serious violations, it is necessary to take preventive measures:

  1. Use gaseous appliances only in working condition.
  2. Carry out periodic preventive inspections of equipment by a specialist.
  3. Choose air access through ventilation.
  4. Check the stove damper.
  5. Do not work in enclosed spaces with the car engine running.
  6. When working with carbon monoxide, adhere to safety regulations.

By following simple rules, you can avoid intoxication.

Gas poisoning is highly dangerous. In case of intoxication, it is necessary to ensure the elimination of smoke and quickly take the victim outside. Then immediately call an ambulance. Give the patient hot tea, turn him on his side, and provide warmth. The faster these measures occur, the higher the likelihood of saving the patient’s life.

Carbon monoxide poisoning- This pathological process, which has severe form intoxication syndrome. Without providing due medical care death may occur. Increased concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) block the delivery of oxygen in the bloodstream, causing the entire body and especially the brain to suffer. Unfortunately, brain hypoxia is irreversible.

Carbon monoxide is dangerous because it is almost invisible when inhaled and does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor, colors. In order to help a person with carbon monoxide poisoning, you need to know the symptoms, first aid and treatment methods. After all, intoxication occurs quickly and has serious consequences: all human organs are affected, often ending in his death.

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning of people who happen to be nearby can restore the life of someone in trouble and save them from serious consequences. Such intoxication is classified by ICD-10 code T58 and requires the administration of an antidote.

What happens with carbon monoxide poisoning?

After entering the blood, carbon monoxide blocks hemoglobin, forming a complex with it - carboxyhemoglobin, which is deprived of the ability to transport oxygen to tissues. This leads to oxygen starvation every cell of the human body, but first of all in such conditions the brain suffers from hypoxia. In addition, carbon monoxide is actively involved in various oxidative reactions, which also negatively affects tissues and organs.

Expressiveness clinical picture carbon monoxide intoxication directly depends on how much dangerous substance a person inhaled, how much carboxyhemoglobin was formed in his blood, and, accordingly, how much hemoglobin cannot perform its function. So, the first symptoms of poisoning appear if 10-20% of hemoglobin is blocked, but if 50% or more, the person simply falls into a coma and dies if first aid is not provided in a timely manner.

When does carbon monoxide poisoning occur?

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, poisonous, tasteless and odorless gas that fills the air space during combustion processes and intensively interacts with hemoglobin, preventing the penetration of oxygen into the body’s tissues, which stimulates the occurrence of hypoxia. When CO enters the human body, it begins to take part in oxidation reactions, thereby changing the biochemical balance.

The big danger with carbon monoxide poisoning is that it is almost impossible to recognize: the effects of carbon monoxide are practically undetectable. Therefore, the only way to protect your health from carbon monoxide poisoning is to understand when such a threat occurs and then prevent these incidents.

Precedents when first aid is urgently needed for carbon monoxide poisoning happen in everyday life:

  • When you are close to closed highways parking spaces. Vehicle exhaust contains approximately 1–3% carbon monoxide, and to obtain severe carbon monoxide poisoning, 0.1% CO in the air is sufficient.
  • When working in a garage for a long time with the doors closed, for example, when the vehicle engine is warming up for a long time.
  • If there is poor ventilation of heating columns or such equipment is located in cramped rooms, i.e. in conditions where the oxygen level decreases, the carbon monoxide content after oxygen combustion increases and the likelihood of poisoning increases.
  • In case of violation of the rules for the use of stove installations in bathhouses, country cottages with stove heating systems. If a person closes the stove damper before the set time, then Great chance become a victim of carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • In case of fire.
  • When working in hazardous industries.

What is the danger of carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is a combustion product various substances, it is very toxic and poisonous. When inhaled, it spreads quickly and enters the bloodstream. If a little more than 1% of this gas accumulates in the air, a person will not live even 5 minutes. It happens that people “burn out” due to improper use of stove heating.

The disease under ICD-10 code T58 represents mortal danger the following reasons:

  1. Its presence in the room is imperceptible; when inhaled, it is not felt.
  2. Able to seep through thick layers of any substance - through the ground, wooden partitions and doors.
  3. Not retained by porous gas mask filters.

How does gas enter the body?

The main reason for the rapid death of a victim from CO2 occurs because the gas completely blocks the supply of O2 to the vital cells important organs. In this case, red blood cells (erythrocytes) die. Hypoxia of the body occurs.

The cells of the brain and nervous system are the first to experience a lack of air. Severe headache, vomiting, loss of balance appears. The toxic gas penetrates the protein of skeletal muscles and heart muscle. The rhythm of contractions is lost, the blood flows unevenly, and the person begins to choke. The heart beats very weakly and quickly. Movements are constrained.

Symptoms, causes of poisoning and treatment

The first signs of intoxication appear the sooner the higher the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and the longer a person inhales poisoned air. Based on these conditions, the degree of intoxication is determined.

At 1.2 degrees of poisoning, the following symptoms appear:

  • the whole head hurts, with foci of unbearable pain in the temples and frontal part;
  • noise in ears;
  • loss of coordination and balance;
  • vomit;
  • blurred vision, blurred vision;
  • lethargy;
  • temporary weakening of hearing and vision;
  • short fainting.

Severe carbon monoxide poisoning will be accompanied by obvious painful symptoms:

  • the person is unconscious;
  • convulsions;
  • coma;
  • uncontrolled urination.

In mild poisoning, heart rhythms become more frequent and aching pain in the area of ​​the heart. In the third degree of damage, the pulse reaches 140 beats per minute, but is very weak. It often follows later real threat myocardial infarction.

During carbon monoxide poisoning respiratory organs are affected first. If the dose of intoxication is insignificant, shortness of breath and rapid shallow breathing are observed. IN severe cases respiratory function is severely impaired, the person inhales air intermittently and in small portions.

Changes in the skin and mucous membranes during CO2 intoxication are not noticeable. Sometimes the face and top part the body turns red. With significant poisoning, the skin turns pale and the mucous membranes lose their normal appearance. The blood supply to the epidermis, like the whole body, is disrupted.

The condition of a person who has been poisoned by fumes varies depending on the time he spent in the room poisoned by the toxic substance and its amount in the air. There are mild, moderate, severe harm to health, pathological or chronic poisoning. On initial stage a person may feel nauseated, muscle weakness, decreased hearing sensitivity, body tremors, pulsations in the head, and near fainting.

Remember that professional health care You must call at the first sign feeling unwell. You should not wait until the person loses consciousness. With moderate poisoning, weakness of the body, a sharp decrease in physical and mental activity, intolerance to harsh light, sound or smells, memory loss, trembling in the body or impaired muscle coordination may be observed.

With prolonged or concentrated exposure there is serious condition sick. Its signs are a coma, accompanied by loss of consciousness, involuntary bowel movements, convulsions, a significant increase in body temperature, problems with breathing and pulse. If you don't bring a person to his senses short period time, death may occur due to paralysis of the respiratory system.

Causes of carbon monoxide intoxication

You can select following reasons carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • being in a closed garage where workers are working on a running car;
  • inhalation of car exhaust fumes when near busy highways;
  • improper use of home stoves and boilers: if you close the damper too early, there is a high probability of getting burned from carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • in case of fires in apartments and houses;
  • in chemical production.

The considered causes of intoxication are the most common. As you can see, carbon monoxide poisoning very often occurs due to our carelessness.

In medical practice, there are cases of atypical manifestations of CO2 poisoning:

  • sharp decrease in blood pressure, anemia upper layers skin, fainting;
  • state of euphoria - the patient behaves animatedly, excitedly, and reacts inadequately to real events. Then the activity abruptly comes to naught, loss of consciousness occurs, which leads to cardiac arrest and cessation of breathing.

What consequences can gas poisoning cause?

Most unpleasant consequence carbon monoxide poisoning - the appearance of neuropsychiatric symptoms after a latent period of poisoning, which can last from 1 to 6 weeks. 10-30% of people after severe carbon monoxide poisoning experience symptoms such as memory loss, personality changes, euphoria, lack of self-criticism and the ability to abstract thinking, and inability to nitrate. Carbon monoxide poisoning in pregnant women poses a serious threat to the life and neuropsychic development of the child.

After CO poisoning, inflammatory processes often appear in the respiratory tract, and in severe cases even pulmonary edema and pulmonary hemorrhage. In acute poisoning, acute toxicity may occur. liver failure, trophic skin disorders, renal failure, myoglobinuria that occurs without visible reasons. There may be disturbances to the sensory organs, especially hearing and vision.

Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning

The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning depend on the amount of carbon monoxide released into the air and general condition human health. There are a number of symptoms general group characteristic of carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • pain in the head, tapping in the temporal region;
  • urge to feel sick;
  • decreased attentiveness;
  • decline in concentration;
  • craving for sleep;
  • red rashes on the skin;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • tearfulness;
  • cutting pain in the eyes;
  • pulse failures;
  • feeling of pain in the chest area;
  • dyspnea,
  • appearance of cough;
  • dry throat;
  • high blood pressure;
  • Possibly hallucinations.

At mild degree Carbon monoxide intoxication in a child may cause the following symptoms: headache in the forehead and temples, “pulsation in the temples,” tinnitus, dizziness, vomiting, muscle weakness. There may be an increase in heart rate and breathing, as well as - fainting states. Most early symptom- impaired color perception and decreased reaction speed.

In case of intoxication moderate severity loss of consciousness occurs over several hours or large memory lapses. The child may experience tremors and poor coordination of movements. A severe form of intoxication is characterized by a prolonged coma, rigidity of the muscles of the limbs, brain damage, clonic and tonic convulsions, intermittent breathing, and a temperature of 39-40 ° C. This is very dangerous condition, since death from respiratory paralysis is possible.

In severe cases of intoxication, visual impairment, damage to the skin and hair, changes in the respiratory and circulatory system, and blood changes may occur.

How to help with carbon monoxide poisoning in a child?

First you need to take the sick baby to supine position to fresh air. After that, urgently call " ambulance"! Experts will be able to accurately determine the degree of intoxication. If doctors recommended home treatment, then the main “medicine” for the child will be complete rest. Warm the baby's limbs at home (heating pads and warm mustard plasters on the feet will help).

After intoxication, prolonged oxygen inhalation procedures are also good. Ventilate the room and wet clean it more often. Aromatherapy sessions are also good. In case of severe carbon monoxide intoxication, the child needs emergency hyperbaric special oxygen therapy.

How to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning?

It must be remembered that carbon monoxide is present everywhere in the environment and is a “silent killer”, has no odor, no color, i.e. cannot be detected. Smoking is also a source of carbon monoxide. What not to do in Everyday life to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning?

  1. Stay in the bathroom for a long time with the gas heater on, if it is there, for example, fill the bathtub with water while in it, read, smoke, fall asleep in the bathtub.
  2. Allow use hot water in the kitchen if anyone is in the bathroom, and the general speaker is also located in the bathroom.
  3. Heat an apartment using gas stove(oven or all burners turned on).
  4. Cook, fry and bake with all 4-5 gas stove burners turned on at the same time.
  5. Heat the room using a stove that has gaps in it.
  6. Close the stove damper while the combustion process is still in progress.
  7. Melt the stove overnight (without supervision).
  8. Repair a car in a garage with the engine running and the windows and doors closed.
  9. Smoking while lying in bed (you can fall asleep without extinguishing your cigarette, which will cause a fire and carbon monoxide poisoning).
  10. Able to take a bath, do laundry, cook alcohol intoxication(boiling water, burning food, carbon monoxide poisoning).
  11. Be distracted by other things while cooking.
  12. Study independently (without involvement) professional help) repair of gas and ventilation devices.

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

What to do if you have carbon monoxide poisoning? Algorithm of actions:

  • In case of carbon monoxide poisoning, the victim first of all needs to call emergency help, no matter what condition the person is in. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning may not appear immediately, and lost time will have a serious impact on the patient’s condition. Only a medical professional can reliably assess his state of health. No one can say how deeply the poisons penetrated into the blood. Providing first aid for carbon monoxide poisoning and correct actions those around you will reduce the possibility of severe consequences. There is no time to waste.
  • Helping a patient before doctors arrive involves isolating him from a burning building with a high concentration of CO2. You must immediately close the source of the poisonous gas, open the windows and doors, and transport the person outside the room with the fumes. If possible, we should try to increase the flow of oxygen into the patient’s lungs. Can be used oxygen cushion, oxygen concentrator, special gas mask.
  • These actions are possible if devices are available nearby. Usually, they don't happen. You need to know how to provide first aid for carbon monoxide poisoning. The victim should be placed on his side horizontally, with his head slightly raised. Then you need to relax the outer clothing that restricts breathing, the buttons on the collar and chest, and remove heavy, dense items.
  • It is necessary to bring the patient to his senses as soon as possible. Then the blood intensely rushes to the brain. For this procedure, you need to use ammonia, which should be in any car first aid kit. A cotton wool soaked in it should be brought to the nostrils. To improve blood flow, mustard plasters can be placed on the chest area and back. This cannot be done on the projection of the heart. If a person regains consciousness, he should be given a hot drink. sweet tea or coffee to increase blood pressure.
  • In case of cardiac arrest, before the doctor arrives, you can try to “start the engine” manual massage. They do it like this - place the palms on the heart area and make quick, strong pressure on the sternum (30 times). Before and after this, mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration is performed 2 times. If a person is conscious, he is breathing on his own, he must be covered warm blanket and provide peace. Body temperature should be monitored. In this position, the victim must wait for the doctor to arrive. He makes a diagnosis using ICD-10 code T58.

First aid

Doctor providing on-site medical assistance, must immediately administer an antidote to the patient. If a person feels normal, then hospitalization is not necessary. The victim is advised to see a doctor the next day to rule out the possibility of complications.

The following categories of people with CO2 poisoning should definitely go to a hospital for treatment after a PMP:

  1. Women are in an “interesting” position.
  2. People who are registered with a cardiologist or who have experienced loss of consciousness.
  3. Victims with noticeable symptoms - hallucinations, delusions, loss of orientation.
  4. If your body temperature is below normal.

Poisoning often ends in the death of the victim. But people nearby can help avoid this.

To undergo complete rehabilitation, the victim must be under the supervision of a doctor for some time on sick leave according to ICD-10 code T58.

To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning when helping in a fire, you need to protect your respiratory tract with a mask made of wet fabric, and not stay in the smoke for a long time.

Treatment after carbon monoxide poisoning according to ICD-10 code T58 consists of removing the effects of poisonous toxins. This is the cleansing of organs and restoration of their functions.

Main causes of carbon monoxide poisoning

All types of devices that operate on the basis of combustible fuel emit carbon monoxide during operation. And if these mechanisms are out of order or damaged, health problems cannot be avoided.

The main dangers are:

  • A car if left running indoors. The gas it releases will gradually fill the entire space.
  • Various household heating devices due to improper installation or operation.
  • Buildings where the chimney does not work properly, carbon monoxide does not pass through the shaft and stagnates in the living quarters.
  • Household fires. Frequent cases of poisoning by fumes if a person was in close proximity to the source of fire.
  • Charcoal grill. Harmful gas accumulates in gazebos and enclosed spaces where the device is installed. Therefore, it is imperative to provide the grill with a good ventilation system.
  • Scuba gear and other breathing apparatus. It is necessary to carefully ensure that they have a high-quality supply of fresh air. Read more:

In addition, proper ventilation should be ensured in new houses or apartments. Household carbon monoxide accumulates over time, and if it does not drain naturally, it will cause harm to the body.

Folk remedies to eliminate gas poisoning

Recipes for folk remedies:

  1. Cranberry-lingonberry infusion. Required: 150 grams dried berries cranberries and 200 grams of lingonberry fruits. The ingredients are thoroughly ground. Afterwards they need to be filled with 350 milliliters of boiling water. The broth should be infused for 2-3 hours, then it should be strained. Medicine consumed 5-6 times a day, 2 tablespoons.
  2. Knotweed infusion. Helps remove harmful toxins from the body as quickly as possible. Preparation: pour 3 tablespoons of chopped dry herbs into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours, strain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day.
  3. Alcohol infusion of Rhodiola rosea extract. The tincture can be bought at any pharmacy kiosk. Recommended dosage: dissolve 7-12 drops of extract in a glass of water. Drink half a glass twice a day. You can drink the infusion clean water, sweetened with a little honey.
  4. Dandelion root infusion. This plant has excellent antitoxic effects. Pour 10 grams of dry crushed raw materials with 250 milliliters of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then let the broth brew for another 40 minutes. Strain, dilute with 100 milliliters of warm boiled water. Drink 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is Chemical substance, which causes acute poisoning. It is dangerous to health and life. Negative influence carbon monoxide on the human body is based on the transformation of the blood composition and damage to the respiratory system. The consequences of poisoning are very severe and often result in death.

Physical and chemical properties of CO (carbon monoxide)

Carbon monoxide is a colorless gaseous substance, without a specific odor, lighter in density than air. Highly flammable.

The substance is very toxic. Because it has no smell. Fatal cases of poisoning are recorded frequently. CO is formed during the combustion of any material and is concentrated in the air. Once in the body, the substance interacts with hemoglobin and forms a strong complex - carboxyhemoglobin. This connection breaks physiological functions blood, blocks the transport of oxygen to tissues. As a result of oxygen starvation, biochemical processes are disrupted.

When a person inhales polluted air, carbon monoxide enters chemical reaction with hemoglobin faster than oxygen. With each breath, the concentration of carboxyhemoglobin increases.

Signs of poisoning appear when hemoglobin is replaced:

  • 20% – mild degree of general intoxication;
  • 30% – moderate poisoning;
  • 40-50% – loss of consciousness;
  • 60-70% is a lethal dose.

The higher the CO content in the air, the faster it accumulates in the body. Lethal dose– 0.1% in inspired air ( death occurs within an hour). Carbon monoxide is a toxic substance that belongs to the 2nd and 3rd hazard classes (medium and high). In enclosed spaces, signs of intoxication appear faster than in open areas. Able physical activity the time of human poisoning is reduced; at rest, the degree of poisoning increases slowly. This is due to the fact that stress on the body increases the breathing rate and lung volume.

Conditions under which a person can get carbon monoxide poisoning

Most often, CO poisoning occurs in enclosed spaces during domestic fires. Residents of private houses with gas or stove heating are at risk. An improperly designed air exchange system (ventilation, draft in chimneys) contributes to the accumulation of substances in the room.

For industrial purposes, carbon monoxide is used for synthesis organic compounds. In case of non-compliance and gross violation of safety regulations, the risk of poisoning among employees increases.

Carbon monoxide is a component of automobile exhaust. Therefore, you can become poisoned by the substance in a garage with insufficient ventilation, poor ventilation, in long tunnels, or during a long stay near highways and congested roads.

You can get poisoned at home if the stove dampers are not closed, or if there is a leak of lighting gas, which is used in heating systems of private buildings. Cases of intoxication due to hookah abuse have been recorded.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

The effect of carbon monoxide on the human body depends on the level of its concentration in the air. Mild degree damage to the body quickly becomes moderate and manifests itself as suffocation and headache. First to react to lack of oxygen nervous system. Signs of her defeat:

  • pain in the cranial cavity of a pulsating nature, pounding in the temples, dizziness, nausea not associated with food intake, single vomiting;
  • visual disturbances, lacrimation;
  • mental instability, irritability, emotional outbursts, impaired coordination of movements, especially fine motor skills, memory instability, auditory and visual hallucinations;
  • decreased mental and physical activity, shortness of breath, chest pain with any movement;
  • heart rate increases, arterial pressure increases slightly;
  • the skin and mucous membranes acquire a bright scarlet color.

Carbon monoxide poisoning during pregnancy, even at low concentrations, leads to the death of the embryo during pregnancy. early stages and fetus in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. Mild intoxication is deadly for people with severe heart and vascular diseases.

In case of severe poisoning, the victim develops drowsiness, apathy, constant noise in the ears, headaches become more intense. Due to damage to the nasal mucosa, a profuse runny nose appears. Nausea intensifies, vomiting becomes more frequent. The motor muscles are affected by paralysis due to ataxia - destabilization of the coordination of motor activity. Breathing becomes frequent and shallow. The person is conscious, but it is confused.

The effects of carbon monoxide on the human body when high concentrations characterized by the following symptoms, which indicate extremely severe poisoning:

  • fainting, unconsciousness;
  • breathing is periodic, cyclical, rare shallow breaths gradually become more frequent and become deep;
  • heart rhythms are depressed, pulse is weak;
  • convulsions, seizures;
  • pupils react poorly to light;
  • sudden bluish discoloration of the skin;
  • involuntary urination and uncontrolled bowel movements;
  • lack of reflexes, state of deep coma;
  • cessation of breathing and heartbeat, death.

First aid to the victim

Before the ambulance arrives, it is important to properly treat the person first aid. When entering the room, open the door wide and support it with any heavy object so that it does not close. Then you should stop the supply of carbon monoxide - close the damper on the stove, turn off the heating system. After this, open all the windows in the room. The air flow will instantly reduce the concentration of carbon monoxide.

Take the victim outside as quickly as possible, free him from restrictive clothing, and cover him with a warm blanket or rug. If the weather is clear outside, it is better to place the person in the sun rather than in the shade. Direct Sun rays destroy carboxyhemoglobin.

If the victim is not breathing, begin resuscitation measures– cardiac massage and artificial respiration.

Medical assistance for CO poisoning

Upon arrival of the ambulance, the patient is immediately connected to an oxygen bag. The O2 supply must be continuous and powerful for 3 hours. An emergency doctor is required to administer acyzol to a person, an antidote for carbon monoxide poisoning.

Pharmacological action of the drug:

  • prevents the formation of the carboxyhemoglobin complex;
  • promotes the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin;
  • stabilizes oxygen delivery to tissues;
  • reduces body intoxication;
  • biotransforms carboxyhemoglobin and removes it from the bloodstream;
  • increases stability internal organs to oxygen starvation, reducing the tissue need for O2;
  • replenishes zinc deficiency.

Acizol as an antidote for carbon monoxide is administered intramuscularly in a dose of 1 ml. Maximum daily dose should not exceed 4 ml. The course of treatment with the drug is from 7 to 10 days. Side effects no antidote has been identified. Sometimes a painful infiltrate may occur in the area where the drug was administered. In case of an overdose, the patient experiences a metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, and headaches.

To stimulate breathing, the nervous and vascular systems, caffeine is prescribed subcutaneously. Action of the drug:

  • enhances heart function;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • increases heart rate;
  • promotes urine separation;
  • eliminates headaches.

Carboxylase (an enzyme) helps partially remove carbon monoxide from the body. It promotes the rupture of the carboxyhemoglobin complex and the cleavage of CO molecules from hemoglobin. The drug is administered intravenously.


Carbon monoxide is a highly toxic substance. Therefore, human poisoning in rare cases passes without a trace. Intoxication of the body leads to consequences varying degrees gravity.

Possible complications:

  • damage to the sense organs - hearing, vision;
  • trophic skin lesions - swelling, blisters, necrosis;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • hemorrhages in the space between the meninges and the web;
  • numerous toxic nerve lesions;
  • signs of cerebral edema;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • myoglobinuric nephrosis – acute failure kidney, which develops with toxic damage to the organ;
  • severe pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs that occurs in a patient during a long stay in a coma.

People who have suffered CO poisoning often experience late complications, after several months or even years. The psyche and nervous system suffer the most.

Patients complain of memory loss, decreased concentration and level of intelligence. A person does not perceive new information well and loses the ability to learn. Psychoses gradually develop - reaction and mental activity person contradicts reality. The perception of the surrounding world is disrupted, behavior is disorganized.

Long-term consequences of damage to the nervous system:

  • development of blindness;
  • paralysis;
  • dysfunction of the large and small pelvic organs;
  • parkinsonism.

Over time, such pathologies appear on the part of the heart;

  • cardiac asthma;
  • inflammation of the membranes of the heart;
  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction.

From the respiratory system - frequent outbreaks of pneumonia.

To reduce the likelihood of severe complications, it is important to provide emergency medical care and administer an antidote in a timely manner.

The health effects of carbon monoxide always contribute to serious operational failure internal systems and organs. In most cases it leads to the death of a person. Therefore, caution in the operation of heating devices should be paramount. The rules of occupational safety and health must not be neglected. In rooms where there is a risk of increasing the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air, you need to install a special sensor to monitor the situation. This device runs on batteries or mains and does not require special maintenance. When a toxic substance increases in the air, it sounds a sound signal.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the most common poisonings. It occurs due to inhalation of air filled with smoke or carbon monoxide. The toxic effect on the human body of this colorless, odorless gas is undeniable, but the exact mechanism of its action has not yet been proven.

It is important to know that intoxication resulting from poisoning occurs with complications and negatively affects the functionality of internal organs and systems in both children and adults.

How does carbon monoxide poisoning occur?

Saturation of the air with toxic vapors, due to their lack of organoleptic properties, it is difficult to determine without special instruments. Therefore, poisoning often occurs both at home and at work.

If you use heating columns at home with poor ventilation or faulty stove installations, then saturation of the air with a toxic substance cannot be avoided. Intoxication of the body with poisonous gas is also often observed as a result of long stay in closed parking lots and garages with a large concentration of cars. Saturation of space in such places is as fast as possible. Sometimes symptoms of intoxication are observed in active smokers and hookah lovers.

For poisoning, it is enough to inhale air containing 0.1% CO. The severity of intoxication is also influenced by the time factor of CO exposure to the body. There is also a certain risk group of people in whom the process of acute intoxication occurs an order of magnitude faster.

The risk group includes:

  • women during pregnancy;
  • children;
  • old men;
  • young people with weakened immune systems after illness.

According to the international classification of diseases ICD-10, poisoning of this type is assigned code T58.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide binds red blood cells and prevents them from transporting oxygen to human organs and tissues. Thus, it inhibits mitochondrial respiration and the process of saturating the body with oxygen. The nervous system and respiratory organs suffer from a lack of oxygen, the functioning of the heart is disrupted and vascular tissue is deformed. Carbon monoxide poisoning is divided by doctors into three stages of severity. (stages below)

First easy stage With timely assistance, it passes quickly and the symptoms subside without complications. Medium and severe stages of intoxication provoke the development of serious complications. Prolonged inhalation of air saturated with carbon monoxide can even lead to death.

Symptoms of the mild stage:

  • pulsation in the temporal region, pressing headache;
  • foggy consciousness;
  • noise or ringing in the ears;
  • fainting state;
  • mild nausea;
  • decreased vision, tearfulness;
  • discomfort in the larynx, causing coughing attacks;
  • hard breathing.

With prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide, symptoms rapidly worsen. On initial stage poisoning, the concentration of carboxyhemoglobin in the body reaches 30%, then at the middle stage this figure reaches 40%.

Moderate symptoms:

  1. temporary unconsciousness;
  2. feeling of stupor and disturbance of general coordination in space;
  3. severe shortness of breath;
  4. cramps in the limbs;
  5. insufficient oxygen supply to brain cells leads to hallucinations;
  6. pressure in the chest area;
  7. difference in the size of the pupils of the eyes;
  8. temporary or permanent loss of hearing and vision.

If carbon monoxide poisoning continues, a severe form of poisoning is diagnosed. It can be complicated by a rapid course, when a person dies in a few minutes.

Main symptoms:

  1. falling into a coma, which can last several days;
  2. severe convulsions leading to paralysis;
  3. weak pulse and dilated pupils;
  4. intermittent shallow breathing;
  5. blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes;
  6. spontaneous excretion of urine and feces.

The above symptoms are characteristic of the three standard forms of carbon monoxide poisoning. Some victims exhibit atypical symptoms that were not described above.

Non-standard symptoms:

  • a sharp decrease in pressure to 70-50 mmHg, which leads to fainting;
  • excited state (euphoria) with hallucinations;
  • state of coma with fatal outcome (rapid course).

First aid for gas intoxication

An objective assessment of the situation and its severity can only be medical workers, so you need to call an ambulance immediately. Before her arrival, it is advisable to provide the victim with pre-medical care, which will reduce the risk of complications.

Before the doctors arrive you need to:

  • neutralize the source that produces carbon monoxide;
  • provide the victim with a flow of fresh air (help him go outside or open the windows);
  • free the person from tight clothing, unfasten the top buttons and loosen the belt to ensure better passage of clean air into the lungs;
  • do not let the victim fall asleep, try to keep him conscious until the doctors arrive, using ammonia.
  • when the victim regains consciousness, it is necessary to give him sorbent drugs, for example, Polysorb. It actively cleanses the body of toxic substances.

This should be first aid for carbon monoxide poisoning until doctors arrive. Next, the doctors themselves will conduct a diagnosis, administer an antidote and decide on the need for hospitalization. The actions of doctors in case of carbon monoxide poisoning must be clear and fast.

They include the following manipulations:

  1. using an oxygen mask to restore breathing;
  2. the use of the drug Acizol, which is an antidote because it destroys carboxyhemoglobin molecules;
  3. subcutaneous injections of caffeine to normalize heart rate;
  4. intravenous injections of the enzyme Carboxylase, which also destroys carboxyhemoglobin;
  5. hospitalization of the victim for full examination and symptomatic therapy. The antidote is administered daily, 1 ml for a week.

Treatment at home is only possible if an overdose of poisonous gas does not lead to serious consequences. The first degree of poisoning (mild) in adults is removed quickly and does not have any serious consequences in the future. A certain category of victims needs additional health examination in a hospital setting after carbon monoxide poisoning.

This list includes:

When is medical attention required?

All cases of acute poisoning with corresponding symptoms require emergency medical care. Depending on the general condition of the patient, he is admitted to the department intensive care or to intensive care. When first medical aid is provided, the victim may need to continue treatment aimed at restoring the functioning of all organs and systems.

Consequences and prevention

Carbon monoxide poisoning causes many people unpleasant complications associated with deteriorating health status. Doctors divide them into two groups. Early complications appear immediately after poisoning, and late complications appear weeks or even months later.

Early complications:

  1. regular headaches and dizziness;
  2. slowness of movement and low sensitivity of fingers and toes;
  3. disruption of the functioning of the intestines and urinary tract;
  4. deterioration of vision and hearing;
  5. unbalanced mental state;
  6. swelling of the brain and lungs;
  7. impaired blood flow and heart rhythm disturbances;
  8. death due to cardiac arrest.

Late complications may appear after 30-40 days. The long time it takes for pathologies to manifest is due to the fact that they develop as the functioning of internal organs and systems deteriorates. Most often, pathologies are determined in the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory organs and nervous system.

These include:

  • decreased activity of the limbs leading to paralysis;
  • development of amnesia;
  • heart attack (can cause cardiac arrest);
  • ischemic disease of the heart muscle;
  • cardiac asthma.

All listed diseases develop as a result of acute carbon monoxide poisoning and delayed assistance.

What to do to protect yourself and your loved ones from poisoning? Number one on the list of preventive measures is strict adherence to fire safety rules. People often neglect these rules, causing accidents.

To eliminate the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning at work and at home, it is recommended to avoid using broken gas and electrical equipment. You should not stay in a closed room for a long time where cars are operating. All production garages and basements must be equipped with a powerful ventilation system.

Video with Elena Malysheva about carbon monoxide

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