Periodic coughing attacks in a child at night. Severe night cough in a child: treatment with medications and folk remedies. Traditional medicine methods

Among the causes of night cough in a child there are dangerous diseases, but there are also many causes that do not threaten the baby’s health and are easy to correct. How to recognize the causes of a cough, what to do if a child has severe attacks at night?

Individual coughing is observed in all people without exception. Paroxysmal coughing tremors that occur several times during the day and night should alert parents.

Attacks at night often intensify due to the fact that the walls of the respiratory tract lose their tone and relax. The mucus secreted for their lubrication, which daytime easily evacuated from the respiratory tract, stagnates at night, irritating the throat, causing an attempt to cough up.

Coughing attacks at night in a child can be caused by:

  • bacterial, viral infection of the respiratory system, ENT organs;
  • asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • reflux esophagitis.

Whooping cough

Attacks intensify at night with whooping cough. An attack of dry night cough causes redness of the child's face and tension, which is resolved by the discharge of viscous sputum and vomiting.

The child takes it for severe coughing attacks at night caused by whooping cough. characteristic pose with a leaning forward, tensely extended tongue with a curved tip. It’s hard for him to breathe; when he exhales, he hears whistling and wheezing.

With whooping cough, it is difficult to give any medicine to children. If the attacks are repeated and begin with a wheezing breath, almost a scream, you should definitely show the baby to a doctor.

Whooping cough - extremely contagious disease, the patient is dangerous to others for 30 days from the onset of infection.


One of characteristic features sinusitis – night cough. It is caused by the drainage of purulent discharge from maxillary sinuses By back wall larynx.

During the day, mucus is swallowed into the stomach, and at night, due to horizontal position, she falls into Airways, causing a cough reflex.

The baby wakes up to cough up phlegm that has accumulated in the throat. Such a wet cough with phlegm wakes the child up several times at night, and the cough can only be gotten rid of by treating sinusitis.

If you have an allergic predisposition, in the event of an attack at night, you can give your child Zyrtec once, this will help relieve swelling and allow the baby to sleep. But in the morning you definitely need to visit a doctor to find out the cause of the attack.

A night cough can be triggered by:

  • feather in pillow;
  • tobacco smoke - including fumes from ingested tobacco smoke in clothes, for a child with allergies this may be quite enough;
  • deodorant, perfume, household chemicals;
  • clothes, linen washed with new washing powder;
  • children's personal hygiene products.

The inscription “hypoallergenic” on anything cannot always protect you from a nighttime attack. You definitely need to visit an allergist-pulmonologist, undergo an examination and get a doctor’s prescription.


The frequency of coughing shocks increases at night with adenoids. To save children from attacks at night, you should not delay treatment or waste time self-medicating.

Temporary relief, if an attack of night cough occurs suddenly, will bring the use of Zyrtec, short acting(Nazivina), but the doctor must make a prescription and recommend how to treat a child for adenoids.

Heart cough

IN in rare cases With heart disease, children experience a cardiac cough. It is provoked by congestion in the pulmonary circulation caused by heart failure.

Cardiac cough in children occurs mainly at night, and if a child coughs at night, it may be a sign of heart disease.

A cardiologist should recommend how to treat such a night cough in a child, since it is impossible to use the usual methods that usually treat dry cough in children. It is even more dangerous to carry out warming procedures.

The causes of cardiac cough and treatment methods are described in detail in the article.

Reflux esophagitis

Coughing at night in children can be caused by reflux - esophagitis - a disease of the esophagus in which, due to relaxation of the esophageal sphincter, stomach contents are thrown into the throat.

The acidic contents irritate the mucous membrane of the throat, causing a cough reflex. Typical signs illness is night sweats, night cough, heartburn, and the symptom of heartburn may be absent.

Night sweats with reflux esophagitis are usually mild, and then the child only has a cough and only at night.

Physiological conditions causing cough

The cause of night attacks in very young children under 2 years of age may be a reaction to teething. This process increases salivation and causes involuntary swallowing of saliva during sleep.

A small amount of saliva entering the respiratory tract causes irritation and reflex coughing. It is not difficult to help in this case. It is enough to slightly raise the pillow under your head and lay it on its side.

Dry air can also cause a child to cough at night. Respiratory system in children is different from respiratory system adults with their incompleteness. The respiratory organs have not yet formed and are much more sensitive to external changes, in particular to air humidity.

Attacks are caused not only by dry air, but also by too cold air in the room. What to do with a child at night?

If they are not caused by illness, then it is enough to create comfortable conditions during sleep - provide a temperature of 20-22 0 C and air humidity of 55-60%.

Possible errors in treatment

You cannot treat a child without a doctor’s prescription, such as Sinecod syrup, Bronholitin. Moreover, you cannot take them together with drugs aimed at increasing sputum discharge.

The antitussive suppresses the cough reflex, and excess phlegm will accumulate, causing severe attacks.

If the cough is caused by a runny nose, you can. But you should not give your child decoctions of medicinal herbs unless they are recommended by a doctor.

If you have an allergy, there is a risk of manifestation cross allergies. If a child is allergic to strawberries, there is a risk of cross allergic reaction for tea with raspberries, with which he is carefully treated for a cold.

Without knowing the cause of a coughing attack at night, you can harm the child with your actions - intensify the allergic reaction.

Medical cups, mustard plasters, and warming compresses are allowed for children over 5 years old on the recommendation of a doctor. Precautions are caused by the peculiarities of the subcutaneous fat layer in children - it is thinner in them than in adults.

The heat is not distributed evenly, like in adults, due to subcutaneous fat, but it overheats the place where the jar or mustard plaster is applied, which can cause burns in underweight children.

It is especially dangerous to warm up a child for a night cough if it is caused by heart disease.

What to do

How can I help with attacks of dry cough in a child at night, if the attack occurs suddenly and its cause is unknown?

First of all, you shouldn’t panic yourself. Parents need to calm down and not frighten the baby with their fear. The child should be offered warm water, try to distract.

A glass of warm milk with buckwheat honey drunk at night in a child, unless, of course, the child is allergic to these products, eases an attack of a dry cough at night.

You can do inhalations through a nebulizer with saline 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, this is an excellent way to moisturize the mucous membranes during laryngitis.

It is useful to give to a child in the evening mashed potatoes with milk and a piece of butter. But it is best to follow the doctor’s orders and treat the underlying disease, not to treat the cough itself, but the cause of its occurrence. Otherwise, the attacks will recur.

Coughing attacks often occur in young children and may be caused by:

  • cough often occurs due to the structural features of the larynx and vocal cords in children of this age;
  • colds;
  • laryngitis;
  • allergic reactions of the body;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inhalation of small crumbs, dust, etc.

Traditional methods of treatment

Other causes of cough and treatment

Buy a special one at the pharmacy baby syrup From cough. They help cope well with an attack due to high content essential oils included.

Licorice root syrup is very good for treating coughs.. It is very effective and natural remedy for the treatment of cough. The syrup not only helps to liquefy mucus and remove it from the lungs, but also acts as a disinfectant and heals small wounds that appeared in the larynx when coughing. It is better not to give syrup to children with diabetes, as it contains sugar.

If you dilute the syrup, do it only warm clean water. There is no need to add syrup to tea or any hot drink; high temperature will negatively affect the properties of the drug. It is important to drink plenty of fluids when taking licorice. Without enough water, licorice causes thick mucus to appear, which can make breathing even more difficult.

Naturally, if none of the self-medication helps and the attacks continue, you need to call a doctor, since coughing may be a sign of laryngitis. If the doctor suggests hospitalizing the child, there is no need to refuse; in some cases, coughing attacks can provoke suffocation and swelling of the lungs and larynx. This is the so-called false croup, in which the lumen of the larynx narrows greatly, which can even lead to fatal outcome. Such severe attacks can only be relieved under the supervision of a doctor. Even before arriving at the hospital, the child will be given prednisolone, and during the treatment process, inhalations using special equipment and other treatment will be performed.

If the child’s illness is not so serious, but colds or infectious diseases, it is important that the cough becomes. To do this, you need mucolytic drugs that will thin the sputum. Then, expectorants should be introduced into treatment to help remove phlegm from the lungs. During treatment, it is very important to give the child plenty of warm drinks and massage to speed up expectoration of mucus. You can soar your feet and put on mustard plasters, but only if the child does not have a fever. Mustard plasters are contraindicated for children with allergies.

Cough may be caused by exposure to foreign objects into the child's respiratory tract. This cough can be very sharp, accompanied by difficulty breathing and bluishness of the face. If the object is not very large, the child will be able to cough it up on his own. If the cough does not go away, the child needs help. You need to put it on your lap face down and lightly tap on the back between the shoulder blades, tapping out the foreign body. If this does not help, the child must be urgently taken to the hospital; it is important to do this in a sitting position so that the child does not suffocate.

So, it is important to remember that a child’s cough can be caused by a variety of diseases; before starting any treatment, you need to consult a doctor and make an accurate diagnosis.

Coughing attacks in children often occur in younger age. Their appearance may be due to the structural features of the larynx in the area of ​​the vocal cords. Acute cough, resembling barking, occurs due to swelling of the mucous membrane and leads to the development of laryngitis. The attacks occur in the first 2–3 days from the onset of the disease and bother the baby at night. They also occur against the background of an allergic reaction and are a consequence of a sore throat during a cold.

As a reflex response to viruses paroxysmal cough may last 2 – 3 weeks. If the problem is accompanied by vomiting, fever and redness/bluishness of the skin, this affects the well-being and indicates serious illness infectious nature. But when a child coughs without additional symptoms, over time, the attacks go away on their own.

Ways to stop night cough in children

If an attack of night cough occurs, experts recommend waking up the child, sitting him down and giving him something to drink.

Warm milk will come to the rescue, chamomile infusion with honey and alkaline mineral water.

Drinking will soften the mucous membrane and eliminate sore throat. Accordingly, the cough will also weaken. But if the discomfort in the throat continues to bother you, the baby needs to walk around the room for a while.

Pharmacy syrups containing essential oils and inhalations help get rid of a persistent cough. The procedures are carried out using a nebulizer filled with cedar ether or decoctions of thyme, chamomile, oak bark. From medicines for inhalation use Mucolvan, Ventolin or special solutions of Ambrobene or Lazolvan. If there is no allergy, the child is given 1 tsp. honey for slow resorption. If a beekeeping product is contraindicated, it is replaced butter.

IN in case of emergency, when suffocation occurs with laryngitis, it is urgent to take the baby to the bathroom and let him breathe in the steam coming from hot water. Droplets of liquid increase the level of humidity in the room and at the same time moisten the respiratory tract. The attack of dry cough subsides and the child feels better.

Help with wet cough

A good help when wet cough are medications that remove mucus from the bronchi. The rapid discharge of sputum is facilitated by taking medications with ambroxol:

  • Ambrobene;
  • Halixol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrohexal and others.

Children under 6 years old are given them in the form of syrup.

Provoked by swelling of the mucous membrane, antihistamines - Ketotifen, Suprastin, Tavegil - will help improve breathing. Doctors usually prescribe antiallergic drugs along with antitussive medications. When the cause of the cough is really an allergy, take antihistamine eliminates unpleasant symptoms in 30 – 60 minutes.

Antitussive traditional medicine

Strong child's cough has always been and will be treated with burnt sugar. The dark brown mass is obtained by melting 1 large spoon of granulated sugar in an iron mug. After placing the dish on the fire, its contents are continuously stirred until a thick substance is obtained. Then add 50 ml to the mug boiled water and add a few drops of aloe juice. The child should drink the prepared drug at once.

And here is another recipe for making sweet zhenka. Let's look at it step by step:

  1. half a glass of sugar is poured into a clean, dry frying pan;
  2. the product is heated until it turns brown;
  3. The transformed sugar is poured into a glass of boiling water and mixed thoroughly.

Homemade syrup is given to the baby 1 tsp. during each attack, but no more than 5 spoons per day.

Now let's figure it out how to relieve a cough in a child using lemon and honey. Fresh Juice, squeezed from one fruit, mixed with 2 tbsp. l. glycerin (preparation takes place in a glass). Fill the rest of the dish with honey, stir all the ingredients and pour the syrup into a convenient bottle. Shake it before giving it to the child. The baby should take the product 6 rubles. per day 1 tsp.

If within a few days none of the methods gives results, the child should be shown to a pediatrician. Timely consultation will help avoid the development of complications.

With the onset of the cold season, all mothers begin to be tormented by one question: how to protect your child from colds? One of the symptoms of ARVI is cough. Attacks of the strong. The child wants to sleep, but this is impossible. Sometimes it happens that during the day the child does not cough at all, but at night he begins to cough. severe attack. To cope with a problem, you first need to determine its cause, and only then begin to fight it.

Basically, a child's cough is caused by a viral infection, which also causes high fever, runny nose and sore throat. But not only respiratory infection may cause a dry cough. It could be another disease, because the cough will not develop on its own. But improper treatment can lead to complications. What diseases, besides colds, can cause a cough in a child:

Viral pharyngitis. It is characterized by dry and frequent cough. Sometimes coughing attacks in a child are accompanied by sneezing. It affects the upper respiratory tract and does not pose a threat to the child’s health. Treated with frequent drinking, inhalation and rinsing.

Whooping cough disease begins with mild coughing attacks in a child, but with its further development, they intensify, can last up to 4-5 minutes and end with the release of sputum and sometimes vomiting. Treatment of whooping cough is carried out only with the help of a qualified specialist.

Tracheitis and bronchitis. These diseases begin with. They are treated with drugs that cause phlegm, and then expectorants are prescribed. You also need to drink plenty of fluids, rub, inhale, and steam your feet.

With laryngotracheitis, the child's body temperature rises and... Immediate hospitalization is required due to possible swelling of the larynx.

Cough is the first symptom of bronchial asthma. But it does not last long and passes without special treatment. Therefore, parents do not pay attention to him. Subsequently, the cough returns and is accompanied by sputum production and shortness of breath. — dangerous disease, so her early diagnosis will help avoid many complications.

Sometimes a child’s cough lasts for several weeks after an illness. There is no need to self-medicate - it is better to undergo a thorough examination.

What kind of cough is there?

Experts distinguish between two types of cough: dry and wet. When the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract becomes inflamed, a paroxysmal dry cough develops, which may indicate the following diseases in a child:

  • acute bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pleurisy.

And sometimes such a cough indicates that the child has swallowed something that is stuck in his respiratory tract.

You need to know that a dry cough is one of the symptoms of inflammation. If a child is bothered by a dry cough, but without attacks, this is also a sign of the presence of an illness. A visit to the doctor is necessary.

Wet, paroxysmal cough that is difficult to clear. This cough is also a symptom of the above diseases. Its only difference from a dry cough is the discharge of sputum.

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if your child has a paroxysmal cough, but no fever. This cough has a completely different cause than a cough caused by influenza or ARVI. This speaks of serious problems with the child's health. Its features:

  • it is impossible to stop coughing attacks at night;
  • wheezing is heard in the child’s breathing between attacks;
  • the sputum that is released has green color or blood.

It is difficult to accurately determine the cause of paroxysmal cough in a child without the help of a doctor, but it is still possible to identify several diseases, the symptoms of which are cough without fever:

  • allergy,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • chronic respiratory diseases.

Although a cough without fever seems like an innocent symptom, it should only be treated with the help of a specialist. Otherwise, you can simply eliminate the symptoms, but not destroy its cause.

How to stop a coughing attack

To soothe the throat and stop the cough, you can give your child warm milk or chamomile tea. You need to let the child walk around.

  • Honey with butter - also good remedy From cough.
  • Before going to bed, you can apply a compress to your child’s chest and throat and wrap it with a scarf.
  • Inhalation using essential oils will help stop the attack.
  • A paroxysmal dry cough in a child can be stopped by using a couple. You need to fill the bathtub with hot water and bring the child in there so that he can breathe in the steam. The baby's whole body warms up and the coughing stops. After the procedure, it is advisable to immediately change the child’s clothes and put him to bed.

If a child has a paroxysmal “barking” cough, which is accompanied by heavy breathing, you should immediately call ambulance. The danger of such a cough is the possibility of swelling of the larynx, which can lead to death.

How to treat paroxysmal cough in a child

Before treating a paroxysmal dry cough in a child, it is necessary to determine whether the coughing attacks cause the child to cry and choke. If the cough is caused by normal viral infection, there is no need to immediately turn to antibiotics. It is better to use drugs that facilitate sputum discharge. But you should not buy such products without the direct instructions of a doctor. To begin with, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and regularly ventilate the room. It is important to prevent the formation of phlegm in the bronchi of the breast. After all, impaired ventilation of the lungs is one of the causes of pneumonia. If you have a cough but no fever, you can do easy for baby back massage - tap your fingers on the back in the lung area. This will help the mucus clear faster.

To quickly relieve paroxysmal cough in a child, follow these rules:

  • dress the child in warm clothes;
  • make sure that the air in the room is clean and cool, not dry and warm;
  • monitor the child’s nasal breathing;
  • let's drink a lot;
  • Call a doctor.

Cough medicines

It should be remembered that cough suppressants only eliminate the symptom, while the cause of the disease remains. To dilute mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract, use the following means:

Onion remedy for dry cough:

Add honey and sugar to the finely chopped onion and cook for 3 hours over low heat. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 5-6 times a day.

Remedy with honey:

Glass of ground walnuts mix with 0.5 cups of honey and take a teaspoon up to 4 times a day. Drink with milk.

Herbal remedy:

Brew equal proportions of raspberry, oregano and coltsfoot shoots in boiling water, like tea, and give to drink 3-4 times a day.

  1. Do not self-medicate. It is not the cough that needs to be treated, but its cause.
  2. The pharmacy worker is not yours family doctor. Assign correct treatment Only a specialist can treat the child.
  3. Even the most effective drugs will not help if the patient’s room is not regularly ventilated and if the patient does not drink often.
  4. Never use drugs, . They can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist.
  5. Domestic drugs are no worse, and sometimes even better, than their foreign counterparts.

How to protect your child from illness

It is impossible to protect a child from a cold, but it is possible to help a child overcome the disease faster and easier. What means of prevention exist:

  1. Long walks on fresh air, physical activity, swimming. Do not wrap your child in several layers of clothing. The temperature in the room should not exceed 20-22 °C.
  2. Dry air negatively affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract - it dries it out. Therefore, the apartment must have humid air. You can use a household humidifier for this.
  3. The child's body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins. You need to accustom your baby to vegetables, fruits, and grains. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can give your child vitamin complexes.
  4. Also, the child should be taught to wash his hands frequently. Keeping your hands clean will prevent harmful germs from entering your body.

But we must remember that fighting a cough is only fighting a symptom. Frequent change taking medications that do not give immediate results is an unwise and dangerous activity. And only a doctor can determine the need for their use in combating cough in a child.

A child's cough becomes a cause of concern for the entire family. This symptom always indicates some kind of problem in the body and requires emergency treatment. Severe coughing attacks can be provoked by whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. A debilitating cough is often caused by a small object caught in the respiratory tract. Parents should know how to relieve a coughing attack in a child. This can be done in different ways.

How to identify a coughing attack

It is not difficult to recognize the presence of a cough spasm in a child. The cough in this case is dry, hysterical and very intense. A dry cough occurs during the day, but is especially intense at night. In most cases, such a cough ends in profuse vomiting. Along with vomit from respiratory organs comes out sticky sputum, which the child could not cough up.

As a rule, vomiting does not bring adequate relief. After some time, the sputum collects again and the baby begins to have a coughing attack again. Coughing leads to oxygen starvation tissues, which, in turn, affects the development and general condition baby. But this is still half the problem, much worse when, as a result of a spasm of the respiratory organs, emphysema or bleeding from the lungs occurs.

Any cough always indicates some kind of pathology. If coughing attacks are too intense or prolonged, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of attacks

Before starting treatment, the cause of the ailment should be identified. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. Sometimes this requires full examination, with the involvement of a number of specialized specialists. Severe coughing attacks may be caused by various diseases and condition.

Foreign body in the respiratory tract

In this case, the baby begins to cough intensely during the day, mainly during play. He's trying to do deep breath, but it fails. Whistling sounds are heard when breathing, skin acquire a bluish tint, which indicates oxygen starvation.

This condition poses a great danger to the child. In this case, only a doctor can help, using a bronchoscope to carefully remove the foreign body from the respiratory organs.

After removal foreign body from the bronchi, can be prescribed antibacterial drugs to prevent bacterial infection.

Respiratory diseases

The most common causes of coughing attacks are colds and flu. These diseases are caused by viruses that severely irritate the mucous membrane, leading to the formation of excess mucus. Intense coughing attacks do not bring relief, since the sputum is viscous and coughing it up is problematic.

Diseases of the respiratory organs of a bacterial nature

Infectious diseases of the respiratory organs lead to bronchospasm and pain in the chest. Such diseases include pneumonia, bronchitis and tracheitis.

Pharyngitis and laryngitis can cause an intense barking cough. These diseases are characterized severe inflammation pharynx and larynx. In this case, the cough is hysterical and barking. With laryngitis, a child often experiences attacks of night cough. This disease poses a danger to the baby's life. Laryngospasm and suffocation may develop.

Allergic reaction

This is enough common reason intense cough in children. When inhaling allergens, a person immediately begins to cough. This condition can be supplemented skin rashes, swelling, rhinitis and lacrimation. If this phenomenon is observed at night, then it can be assumed that the allergen is dust mites, of which there are many on bed linen and other textiles.

Quickly relieve a coughing attack small child will help antihistamines. It is preferable to give antiallergic drugs last generations, which have few side effects.

If a child is prone to allergies, animals, flowers, books and excess textiles should be removed from the children's room. There should not be a lot of plush toys and other items in the home that can accumulate dust.

Bronchial asthma

With bronchial asthma, a child coughs at any time of the day. The coughing attacks are intense, the baby tries to find support, since it is easier to cough in this position. Bronchial asthma difficult to treat. But thanks to medications, the patient’s quality of life can be significantly improved. Parents must remember that without proper treatment, this disease is life-threatening for the baby.

When to urgently call a doctor

All parents should know how to quickly relieve a cough in a child. In addition, you need to know dangerous conditions, in which you should not hesitate to call an ambulance. A doctor is called urgently in the following cases:

  • If the baby's temperature rises sharply to high levels.
  • If when you cough, blood or foam is released along with sputum.
  • If there are signs of suffocation or oxygen deficiency.
  • If the baby's skin is too pale or he faints.

It is necessary to show the baby to a doctor if the cough persists for more than 3 days. The doctor examines the child and, after establishing the cause of the illness, prescribes appropriate treatment.

An ambulance should be called immediately if there is a suspicion that a foreign body has entered the child’s respiratory tract!

How to help a child

You can also help your child at home if a cough attack is caused by allergies, bronchitis or laryngitis. According to Dr. Komarovsky, first of all, optimal conditions in the home should be created. We are talking about normalizing temperature and humidity.


The air humidity at home should be about 55%. But you need to ensure that this figure does not exceed 70%. It is because of the dry, stale air that children often begin to cough. This phenomenon is often observed in winter time when the heating system is running.

To humidify the air, just use a special household humidifier or hang wet towels over the heating radiators. Even if coughing is caused by other reasons, this will help to quickly relieve a severe coughing attack in a child. When the mucous membrane is moistened, pathogenic microorganisms stop actively multiplying and irritating the pharynx.

To control humidity, you need to get a hygrometer. This device is a must have in the children's room.


The air temperature in the home should not exceed 22 degrees. The air must be constantly renewed, for this purpose warm time The window is kept constantly open throughout the year, and in winter the home is simply ventilated more often.

If you have air conditioning in your home, don't forget to humidify the air. The child should not be in a draft or under a stream of air from an air conditioner.

Water treatments

Water treatments will help calm a debilitating cough. If a sick baby does not have a fever, then before going to bed he is bathed in a bathtub filled with water at a comfortable temperature. Water treatments help soften the nasopharyngeal mucosa and dilute sputum.

You should bathe your baby for at least 20 minutes. The bathroom door should be left slightly open to allow fresh air to enter.

You can add decoctions of medicinal herbs to the water. To do this, brew thyme, chamomile, sage or eucalyptus. You can pour a few tablespoons of the drug Rotokan. For children over 5 years old, you can add a little water essential oil. Oils from coniferous trees, citrus fruits and tea tree are suitable.

If there is a suspicion that the baby’s cough is caused by an allergy, then medicinal herbs It's better not to experiment. This can lead to bronchospasm and deterioration of the child's condition.

Drink plenty of fluids

Drinking plenty of fluids will also help stop a coughing attack.. A sick baby is offered warm tea, jelly or fruit drink. If the baby coughs at night, he should be woken up and given hot tea with raspberries or black currant. Usually this simple action Helps quickly stop a coughing attack.


If the above methods for eliminating cough do not help, resort to medications. You can only use those products prescribed by your doctor. For intense cough attacks, the following medications are prescribed:

  • Mucolytics.
  • Expectorants.
  • Immunomodulatory drugs.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Antitussives based on Codeine.

Antitussives are used only for dry coughs, when the child cannot sleep normally at all. You can give your baby such medications only as prescribed by a doctor.

Coughing is often accompanied by high temperature. To bring it down, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen is prescribed. Children over 7 years of age can be prescribed drugs based on Nimesulide. Children under 3 years of age are recommended to use rectal suppositories. The drug Analdim, which contains Analgin and Diphenhydramine, is good at reducing fever.

Antitussive drugs should not be given to a child at the same time as mucolytics. This will lead to stagnation and deterioration of the patient’s condition.


Inhalations must be included in the treatment regimen for respiratory diseases. It is recommended to carry out inhalations through a nebulizer, but if there is no such device in the house, then you can use the old-fashioned method and breathe the vapors over a pan of boiled potatoes.

Inhalation via nebulizer

To eliminate an intense cough attack in a child, he is allowed to breathe in the vapor of alkaline mineral water or saline solution. For bronchitis and pneumonia, the doctor prescribes inhalations with Ambrobene, Berodual and other drugs.

Inhalations are carried out 3-4 times a day. Medications can be alternated. They are pre-diluted with saline solution in a ratio of 1:3. The duration of one procedure is 15 minutes.

Steam inhalations

Such procedures are carried out only under the supervision of adults, which helps to avoid accidents. You can inhale the vapors over a pan of boiled potatoes or drop a little thuja essential oil into the water. Inhalations with balm help " Golden Star" But they can only be carried out if there is no allergy to plant raw materials.

To quickly stop an intense cough attack in a child, he is allowed to breathe over mineral water heated in a pan. It is worth considering that mineral water You can heat up to no more than 50 degrees.

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