Food allergens. Allergy to fruits

A food allergy is a negative reaction of the body to a product to the properties of which there is increased sensitivity. Main feature food allergies It is believed that any product without exception can cause it.

Since in Lately, the number of people suffering from food allergies has increased, doctors and allergists are increasingly prescribing the diet for their patients. Moreover, the diet for food allergies is individual for everyone.

Basic principles of diet for food allergies

Diet for food allergies: a subtle healing process. Whatever form of diet you are offered for food allergies, in any case, foods to which you have a negative reaction will be excluded. Also excluded are products that, in principle, contain allergens: vegetables/fruits, fish/seafood, canned food, soda. In this case, you can get rid of allergies much faster.

In principle, there are quite a lot of products that contain many allergens. Long list These foods can be easily excluded from the diet: sweet soda, smoked meats, marinades, canned food, alcohol. These also include products with flavors, preservatives, dyes, and emulsifiers.

But among the foods that cause allergies, there are also healthy ones, namely: fish/seafood, chicken/beef, offal, whole milk, eggs, fruits/vegetables/berries, citrus fruits, cocoa/coffee, chocolate.

A diet for food allergies categorically prohibits their use, and, as you yourself understand, you cannot competently make a full-fledged replacement on your own. Be sure to consult an allergist and he will create a diet for you that will give your body good nutrition, and, at the same time, relieve allergies.

The consolation is that a diet for food allergies will slowly but surely relieve you of unpleasant symptoms, and you can return your favorite foods to your diet - but carefully and little by little. When and how long this can be done will be decided by your doctor.

The diet will teach you to monitor your diet very carefully, and you will definitely lose weight and feel much better.

Which foods are the most allergenic?

Variety. So, for example, among residents of coastal regions, where fish is considered one of the main foods consumed. It quite often causes an allergic reaction.

More often, allergic reaction arises on sea ​​fish. Some people may be allergic to the smell of fish. Quite often, allergies to seafood such as shrimp, crayfish, caviar, crabs occur, since they contain very a large number of pure protein.

However, meat, although it contains a high amount of protein, rarely causes an allergic reaction. For example, pork, horse meat, and chicken are much more likely to cause allergies than lamb or beef. In these types of meat, the quantitative composition of the protein varies greatly, and therefore those who cannot eat beef may well eat lamb or pork.

It would seem that the most beneficial foods for humans, such as vegetables, fruits, and berries, can be potential allergens.

Particularly active are:

  • tomatoes
  • peas
  • oranges
  • peaches
  • lemons
  • tangerines
  • raspberries
  • black currant
  • blackberry
  • strawberries

Nuts are considered one of the most powerful allergens.

True, an allergy may manifest itself to one type of nut and not occur at all when consuming another. The manifestation of a nut allergy can be so severe that even just traces left by the presence of any type of nut can cause a severe reaction.

Symptoms of food allergies

The symptoms and timing of food allergies directly depend on the type of allergic reaction. So, with an immediate allergic reaction, the allergy manifests itself within a few minutes (usually 20-30 minutes) or 3-4 hours after eating.

The following manifestations occur: urticaria, anaphylactic reactions, rhinitis, dermatitis, asthma, vascular edema.

Delayed reactions appear 10-24 hours or a few days after taking the product.

Symptoms appear gradually: depression, muscle pain, joint inflammation, headaches, vascular spasms, urinary dysfunction, enuresis, bronchitis, poor appetite, constipation, blurred vision.

With food allergies in children, symptoms most often arise from the skin and respiratory system, less often from the gastrointestinal tract.

Skin: itching, rashes, redness and dryness of the skin. The following foods are most often caused: tomatoes, citrus fruits, milk, chocolate, eggs.

From the respiratory system: cough, nasal discharge, sneezing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, nasal congestion. The following foods are most often caused: milk, vegetables, fruits, wheat, eggs.

From the outside digestive system: abnormal stool, vomiting, abdominal pain, sore throat. The following foods are most often caused: milk, fish, cereals, meat, eggs.

Diet for allergies to tree pollen

(birch, alder, hazel, oak, elm, maple)


  • bread products - bread, bakery products and cookies;
  • soups and meat dishes - any of lean beef, veal, poultry;
  • egg dishes - any
  • milk and dairy products - milk, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, acidophilus milk, sour cream, non-sour cottage cheese short term storage;
  • porridges, cereal casseroles, pasta;
  • vegetables - old harvest potatoes, beets, radishes, radishes, cucumber, tomato;
  • legumes - beans, peas, lentils, peanuts;
  • drinks: tea, weak coffee with milk, drinking and mineral water.


  • sweet dishes and confectionery - sugar, sweets, jam
  • food colors and nutritional supplements
  • pickles
  • smoking
  • marinades
  • smoked sausages
  • cold drinks
  • chocolate
  • cocoa
  • ice cream
  • alcohol


  • apples
  • nuts
  • cherry
  • peach
  • apricot
  • cherries
  • strawberry
  • new potatoes
  • carrot
  • Birch juice
  • cognac

In addition, the use of certain drugs is prohibited. herbal remedies- birch buds, alder cones.

Diet for allergies to cow's milk

Allergy to cow's milk- one of the most common, especially in children. If you have such an allergy, you will need to exclude from the diet all products that contain milk or are prepared on its basis.

Often people who are allergic to cow's milk tolerate goat milk, which allows you to slightly expand your diet.

Prohibited for use:

  • any soups prepared using milk;
  • cheese (including homemade), sausages containing milk;
  • mashed potatoes(cooked with milk);
  • Pasta with cheese;
  • bakery products prepared with the addition of milk: donuts, cookies, cakes, pancakes, pancakes, waffles, pies, crackers;
  • porridge with milk, as well as cereals with high content squirrel;
  • butter, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese (some patients tolerate cottage cheese in in moderation);
  • mayonnaise and margarine containing milk;
  • yoghurts and curd cheeses;
  • condensed milk with or without sugar, powdered milk, cocoa with milk;
  • milkshakes, alcoholic drinks with added cream;
  • milk chocolate;
  • products cooked with butter;
  • breaded (breaded) products;
  • for children - artificial formulas prepared on the basis of milk; Some children cannot tolerate kefir and cottage cheese; others can be given these products, but in moderation.

It should be remembered that milk contains: butter, margarine, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, dry and condensed milk, ice cream and many ready-made confectionery products. Milk also includes names: whey, lactose, casein, casein hydrolysate, which can be read in the composition of products.

Before buying a product, be sure to ask the seller how it was prepared and what is included in it, or read the label carefully. If the label does not indicate the composition of the product, then it is better not to take it.

Allowed for use:

  • broths and decoctions seasoned with foods included in the diet;
  • products with a high protein content - meat of all varieties, fish, poultry, ham, kidneys, liver, sausages and canned meats that do not contain milk and its components;
  • eggs, nuts and legumes;
  • any vegetables and fruits;
  • bakery products: French, Italian and Viennese rolls and other varieties wheat bread that do not contain milk or its components (most types of bread contain milk), Rye bread;
  • cereal dishes: cereals and casseroles from cereals and pasta that do not contain butter, milk and its components;
  • drinks: water, weak tea, carbonated drinks, any fruit and vegetable juices without milk and cream.

Diet for egg allergies

Excluded from the diet: foods containing egg whites(marshmallows, omelets, baked goods, sausages, mayonnaise, sausages, ice cream, yoghurts). You should also pay attention to product labels that contain the names of egg whites: lecithin, albumin, ovomucin, vitellin, globulin, livetin, lysozyme, ovalbumin, ovomucoid.

Treatment with diet alone allows you to achieve recovery in a period of 1 week to 1 month. If the duration of the disease does not exceed 3 years, then in most patients the complete disappearance of symptoms occurs in 5-7 days. If the disease lasts more than 4 years, remission occurs after at least 1 month. The earlier an appropriate diet is started, the faster the allergic process is stabilized.

Diet for fish allergies

Products allowed for consumption:

  • decoctions and broths seasoned with those included in the list of permitted products;
  • high protein foods(legumes, nuts, mushrooms, canned food that does not contain fish, liver, kidneys, ham, animal meat and poultry of all varieties),
  • any bakery products,
  • any fruits and vegetables,
  • any cereal dishes,
  • any dairy,
  • products high in sucrose (halva, candies, chocolate, molasses, marmalade, confiture, jam),
  • drinks (any alcohol, any vegetable and fruit juices, carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, drinking water).


  • fish and fish products in absolutely any form;
  • products containing fish components ( fish fat, bone flour, caviar).

☀ Do not drink alcoholic beverages, as they increase blood flow, accelerating the absorption of food by the stomach and intestinal mucosa, and enhance the effect of food allergens.

☀ Do not purchase products containing GMOs (they are allergenic): most often these are soybeans, corn, rice, pumpkin, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes; also, transgenic proteins are used in cooking baby food, milk formula for children, sausages, sweets, various drinks.

Please know that in Russia more than three hundred products contain GMOs, which is why over the past five years the number of children suffering from allergies has tripled.

☀ Dyes and additives prohibited for allergy sufferers: E100, E101, E102, E104, E107, E110, E120, E122-E124, E127-E129, E131-E133, E141.

☀ To avoid an allergy attack, remove carpets and down pillows for the summer. Also, it is necessary to do wet cleaning often.

☀ We remove poisonous and allergenic substances from the house houseplants(ambrosia, plants of the family Euphorbiaceae, Aroidaceae, Amaryllis, Cutraceae, Primrose).

☀ Take a shower and wash your long hair more often.

Fruit allergens

Allergies are one of the most common diseases in the world. Nowadays, every third child has a food allergy. The sharp development of the food industry is to blame for this unpleasant pattern. The massive use of various flavors, dyes and preservatives in production prevents humanity from eating healthy and natural food.

Today, dear readers, I will tell you what fruits you can eat if you have allergies, if you or your child have one.

What is an allergy and what to do about it?

With a disease such as allergies, your body or your child’s body perceives an inappropriate product as a foreign body. Thus, in one form or another, it creates an irritation reaction.

Allergy sufferers should see the slightest manifestations allergies, be able to stop and prevent them. To do this, I advise you to be selective about foods and follow a hypoallergenic diet.

Causes of allergies and their characteristics.

How is it so delicious and healthy treat How can fruits cause allergies?

The thing is that fruits contain special acids that cause severe allergic reactions.

In most cases, allergic reactions of this kind occur in people who are allergic to pollen, that is, with hay fever. Acute allergies can occur even from the aroma or touch of fruits.

Allergy sufferers should especially beware of overripe fruits. It is in these fruits that a huge amount of specific acids accumulate - such fruits cause the maximum number of allergic reactions.

Tip: Always remove the skin and upper layer fruit. The fact is that the skin contains much more allergens that irritate the body than the center.

It should be remembered that the body may react not to the fruit itself, but to the frequent consumption of food in our time. chemical treatment its surface. This is another reason why it is recommended to remove the skin of the fruit before eating it.

If the fruit is processed - boiled, dried, baked - the allergens will be destroyed and the fruit will become much safer.

Symptoms of fruit allergy.

Nowadays, a considerable amount of irritants have spread in fruits. human body allergens. All of them can manifest themselves in both adults and children.

The symptoms of this allergy vary widely.

I will list the main symptoms food intolerance fruit fruits:

  1. Immediately after eating the fruit: burning in the mouth, itching on the lips (in areas of contact with the fruit), swelling or numbness.
  2. On the body: scabies, contact dermatitis or urticaria.
  3. IN abdominal cavity: bloating or colic, diarrhea, severe nausea.
  4. In the nasopharynx: runny nose (allergic rhinitis), sneezing.

In particularly difficult cases, complications occur: Quincke's edema, respiratory failure. Such syndromes require urgent intervention from specialists.

So, “fruit” allergies, like all other forms of allergic reactions, tend to worsen. To avoid this, I recommend sticking to hypoallergenic diet.

Hypoallergenic diet. Which fruits are suitable for an adult or child with allergies?

If an allergic reaction occurs, you should identify its causes - the allergens that irritate your body. You can contact a specialist and do an allergen test. To prevent the development of a reaction, you need to follow a proper hypoallergenic diet.

I think all of us love to eat fruits and berries. But with allergies you don’t have to choose – most people think – and they force themselves to give up this pleasant and healthy delicacy.

But it turns out that not all fruits cause severe allergies. Some of them can be eaten, but be careful, you must consult your doctor, because all fruits, without exception, can cause allergies.

Let's figure out what fruits you can eat if allergens are not identified.

So, all food products for people with allergies can be divided into three main color groups:

  1. Low level of allergens (GREEN).
  2. Medium level of allergens (YELLOW).
  3. High levels of allergens (RED).

Food colors RED Allergy sufferers should absolutely not consume it in their daily diet.

Color YELLOW consumption should be limited. It is not safe to eat foods with this color, but it is allowed. Of course, only after consulting a doctor.

Products color GREEN you can eat in peace. Low-allergenic foods will not cause harm. These foods are safe and can be eaten during the most severe flare-ups.

Fruit fruits fall almost directly into the colors of these categories.

Allowed fruits. Green color:

  • Apples are green
  • Pears of different varieties
  • Gooseberry
  • White cherries, white currants
  • Prunes
  • Dried pears and apples

Fruits whose consumption can be limited. Yellow color:

Important! Bananas included yellow list, but people with latex allergies should absolutely not eat bananas.

Consumption prohibited. Color RED:

Dishes made from the following fruits are also prohibited: jelly, compote.

Note: Pregnant women without allergy symptoms should also not eat the listed prohibited foods from the red list. In addition, you should follow a hypoallergenic diet in the first months of breastfeeding so as not to cause allergic reactions in your child in the form of diathesis.

Dear readers, remember that by following these recommendations and eating approved foods, you can live healthy and fulfillingly, despite your allergies.

Nutrition for skin allergies - elimination diet

Spring hay fever: how to cope with allergies - products that alleviate the condition

Will egg shells help treat allergies?

Is it possible to be allergic to eggs?

What to do if you are allergic to chocolate

Hidden gluten: how to recognize it?

How to choose the right gluten-free products?

The right diet is a step towards successful treatment asthma.

What foods cause food allergies?

Thank you for your attention! Best regards, Olga.

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Attention! The information is provided for informational purposes only. Before taking any prescriptions, be sure to consult your physician.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about allergy treatments

Vice-President of the Association of Children's Allergists and Immunologists of Russia. Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Smolkin Yuri Solomonovich Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the majority of fatal diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, and in some cases, suffocation.

7 million people die every year due to allergies, and the scale of the damage is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. This is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

An allergy to fruits can occur at any time in any person, regardless of age. This condition is especially difficult for children. It’s quite difficult to explain to a baby that he shouldn’t eat. juicy peach, fragrant orange or an apple.

The most dangerous fruits from the point of view of the development of food allergies are orange and red fruits (orange, tangerine, persimmon, grapes, strawberries) and fruits with seeds (plum, apricot, peach, etc.). A separate group consists Exotic fruits(papaya, mango, pineapple).

Fortunately, when heat treatment Most of the allergens are destroyed, so the fruit can be consumed in this form. In addition, it is recommended to remove the top layer of the fruit: the closer to the core of the fruit, the fewer allergens.

Causes of the disease

The reason for the development of true allergies are specific substances (acids) contained in fruits that cause allergy symptoms. Patients suffering from hay fever are most susceptible to them. An allergic reaction can occur even to the smell of the fruit or touching it.

There is a pseudo-allergic reaction that occurs with excessive consumption. food products. In addition, negative reactions may occur chemical substances, which are used to treat the surface of fruits to preserve them appearance and extending shelf life during transportation.

Fruit intolerance directly depends on the ripeness of the fruit. Numerous studies have shown that overripe fruits cause greatest number allergies. This comes from an overabundance fruit acids and the possibility of mold fungi appearing on the surface of the fruit.

IN childhood Allergies may appear due to an imperfect immune system. Therefore, children require special supervision. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to exclude the product from the diet. Repeated administration is not recommended before three years.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of food intolerance affect skin, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. The most common manifestations include:

  • the appearance of burning of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity after eating the fruit;
  • swelling of the lips, numbness;
  • Urticaria almost always appears, accompanied by severe itching;
  • there is bloating, colic, diarrhea;
  • nausea with bouts of vomiting;
  • allergic rhinitis develops;

Sometimes fruit allergies can be complicated respiratory failure(anaphylactic shock), swelling of the throat and face (Quincke's edema). These symptoms are quite dangerous and require immediate medical intervention.

Drug treatment

It is necessary to begin treatment for allergies by completely eliminating the product from the diet.

  • at the first symptoms of allergies are prescribed antihistamines(tavegil, suprastin, diazolin). These drugs inhibit the production of histamine, reducing symptoms of the disease;
  • any allergic reaction requires rapid removal of toxic substances from the body. For this, enterosorbents (polysorb, activated carbon) are prescribed;
  • for removing external skin manifestations creams, gels, ointments (sinaflane, lokaid, etc.) are prescribed for the skin;
  • used for severe symptoms hormonal ointments(prednisolone, hydrocortisone);

  • to relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis are prescribed vasoconstrictor drops(vibrocil, naphthyzin, nazol, galazolin, etc.);
  • V severe cases tablets are prescribed (cetrin, loratadine). For children, tablets will be replaced with syrups from the age of two;
  • with weakened immune system immunomodulators are prescribed (alfetin, tactivin, etc.).

Most a strong drug Erius is used to relieve allergies. However, it must be taken into account that it contains Desloratadine. This drug should not be used during pregnancy and should not be used with caution in young children. All drugs and their dosage are selected by an allergist, depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient.

Cross reactions

Fruit allergies are very often caused by cross-allergens, complicating an already existing disease.

  • for example: if you have an allergic reaction to latex, it is not recommended to eat kiwi, bananas, avocados, nectarines, peaches and some varieties of apples;
  • increased sensitivity to birch pollen and apples suggests frequent development allergies when eating fruits with seeds;
  • hypersensitivity to wormwood can cause an allergic reaction when eating watermelon, melon, banana;
  • intolerance to cereal pollen suggests the development of allergies when eating peaches and apricots.

Another substitute can be dried fruits and natural juices. However, it should be borne in mind that after drying, the amount of sugar becomes greater, and juices sold in supermarkets usually contain many preservatives and flavor enhancers. Such substitutions can only be made if there is no cross allergies. Otherwise, their use is prohibited.

The most hypoallergenic fruits are those that have white or green color. If the desire to eat fruit becomes unbearable, then you can try a little green pear, apple, or white cherry pulp.

If an allergy is still observed when consuming a green apple, which is considered the most low-allergenic, it means that all other fruits may also develop negative reaction. They can only be used under the supervision of a physician.

Fruit allergens

Doctors call allergies the disease of the century because modern world For almost every person there is one or two irritants that can cause him or her to experience certain symptoms of an allergic reaction. Children, who today are born surrounded by car exhaust, especially suffer from allergies. household chemicals and many synthetic substances that lead to the development of allergic diseases.

To control the load of allergens on the body, many methods are used, and one of them is diet. An anti-allergenic diet is indicated for all types of allergies (food allergies, eczema, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc.), regardless of their cause and origin. The diet is followed for life or for a certain period of time (for example, nursing mothers adhere to this diet for the entire period of breastfeeding).

By recommending a specific list of products to an allergy sufferer, the doctor solves two problems at the same time. Firstly, such a table has a diagnostic, and secondly, a therapeutic focus. This means that by eliminating highly allergenic foods from one's diet one by one, the patient can identify which foods are causing the adverse reactions and significantly improve their health.

Prescribing a low-allergen menu for a nursing mother has slightly different goals. Such nutrition is already preventive, not therapeutic. While on breastfeeding, the child receives with mother's milk the components of all products that her diet includes.

The immune system of a newborn is imperfect, so you need to avoid overstimulating it with potential allergens.

Failure to comply with antihistamine nutrition by a nursing mother can lead to the development of such allergic diseases, How atopic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, bronchial asthma.

When an acute allergic reaction of any kind appears for the first time, it is necessary to this state exclude from the diet:

  • any nuts;
  • citrus fruit;
  • grapes, melon, pineapples;
  • all seasonings, sauces, spices and marinades;
  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • spicy root vegetables and vegetables (turnips, radishes, radishes);
  • red and orange fruits and vegetables;
  • fish, caviar, seafood;
  • poultry meat (except white chicken meat and turkey meat);
  • eggs;
  • full-fat milk and dairy products, including hard cheese, butter;
  • any mushrooms;
  • coffee and chocolate;
  • any alcoholic drinks;
  • confectionery, sweets and baked goods;
  • any products made in industrial conditions (pates, canned food, juices, etc.), except for baby food.

The entire list of products is prohibited only in acute period allergic reaction. After the exacerbation is relieved and the specific cause of the allergy is determined, some of these products can be returned to the table. Also, the list of products may expand, since an allergen-free diet must be individual.

Most often, the low-allergenic menu includes:

  • hypoallergenic cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
  • vegetable oils (olive, sunflower);
  • meat: white chicken, boiled beef (except veal), turkey;
  • green vegetables (cabbage, cucumber, peas) and potatoes;
  • green fruits (apples, pears), preferably baked;
  • meat-free soups containing allergen-free vegetables and grains;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, feta cheese, yogurt, yogurt (without dyes or flavoring additives);
  • drinks: tea, homemade dried fruit compote;
  • bread: white, preferably dried (crackers), unleavened flatbread, lavash.

Children's allergic reactions have different causes than adults, so anti-allergenic nutrition for children is planned a little differently. In childhood, polyvalent allergies (hypersensitivity to several products at once) are more common, and the protein of chicken eggs and cow's milk is an allergen for absolutely all children under one year of age.

It is important not to forget that the child is growing and needs sufficient vitamins, nutrients and energy. Therefore, mothers should not independently prescribe an antihistamine menu for an allergic child so that he simply does not go hungry. It is better to contact an allergist to determine specific foods that should be excluded from the diet.

Currently, doctors' views on the diet of nursing women have become less radical. If for the last two decades it was believed that a woman must adhere to a strict antiallergic diet throughout the entire lactation period, today’s research suggests the opposite. Doctors recommend that nursing mothers exclude from their diet only the most aggressive allergens (egg, cow's milk, red vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits, grapes, pineapple, melon), which can harm a breastfeeding baby.

A complete hypoallergenic diet is recommended only for those nursing mothers who themselves suffer from allergies or if the child’s father is allergic. Such nutrition for a breastfeeding woman will become preventative measure and will not allow unfavorable heredity to manifest itself in the child.

Throughout the lactation period, a nursing mother should monitor the baby’s reaction to the foods she eats. There are often situations when, after the mother has consumed a product, a child on breastfeeding reacts to it. The appearance of a rash, itching, swelling, hives, or changes in stool in the baby is a reason for a woman to refuse this food until the end of breastfeeding.

One of the popular systems hypoallergenic food developed by Soviet immunologist Andrei Dmitrievich Ado.

The goal of the Ado diet is the same as any other anti-allergy diet - to identify and eliminate the allergen from food, and thereby improve the quality of life.

Having studied the characteristics of human immunity for many years, doctor Ado identified three groups of products: allergenic, hypoallergenic and medium degree allergenicity. They are divided as follows.

Products of average allergenicity include:

  • meat: rabbit, pork, turkey;
  • vegetables and fruits: peas, bell pepper, bananas.

Such products should be added to the diet with caution, used in the morning (before lunch), so that if an allergic reaction develops, you can easily get help from a doctor.

For better effect hypoallergenic diet follow the following rules:

  1. 1. The Ado diet is prescribed by a doctor. It must be remembered that you should not self-medicate.
  2. 2. The antiallergic diet according to Ado is prescribed for a period of 14 to 21 days. A menu is prepared for each week, which includes dishes consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With the beginning of a new week, the menu is changed to make the diet more varied. It is undesirable to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet for more than three weeks, because this can lead to a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients in organism.
  3. 3. While the patient adheres to the norms of an allergen-free diet, it changes dynamically. First, all prohibited foods are completely excluded from the diet. When the acute symptoms of an allergic reaction disappear, the foods are returned to the table one by one to determine which food is the allergen.
  4. 4. During the Ado diet, you cannot take hormonal, antihistamines and other antiallergic drugs. They can hide the effect of allergenic foods on the body and distort the results of a given nutritional study.
  5. 5. Allergy sufferers following the Ado diet should food diary. This will help the doctor identify allergenic foods and adjust the diet.

During the first week on an anti-allergenic diet, you should not eat any prohibited foods. But this is not a reason to worry about the taste of food - even from a small amount of permitted ingredients you can prepare delicious and satisfying dishes. An example of a low-allergenic menu for the first (strict) week of the Ado anti-allergy diet is presented in the table.

After a “strict” week of an anti-allergenic diet, it is allowed to gradually return allergen foods to the diet. It is better to start with products of average allergenicity. After introducing the product into the diet, you need to observe the body’s reaction for several days and keep a diary. If allergies occur, seek help.

According to WHO, the incidence of the disease allergic rhinitis has tripled worldwide since 1990.

During this period of time, more than three thousand deaths of patients using antihistamines were recorded in the United States. This is why it is so important to use non-drug methods to control the allergenic load on the body, that is, primarily diets.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

Allergy to fruits is an annoying hindrance for those who strive to healthy image life and who received this diagnosis. But first, let's figure out what an allergy is. considered an atypical immune response to food. It can be acute: when even a small amount of a product containing an allergen causes a pronounced reaction. Swelling of the nasal mucosa, urticaria, vomiting, migraine - all these symptoms make it easy to determine the cause feeling unwell, since its connection with the use of a certain product can be traced. But most often, manifestations of allergies are erased and do not clearly indicate specific product nutrition.

How can you tell if you have an allergic reaction to fruit?

The most dangerous fruits for people prone to allergies are bananas, cherries, kiwis, apricots, melons, papaya, pineapples, plums, and peaches. Eating them is often accompanied by an oral symptom, which is characterized by allergic reactions in the mouth and throat. Itching, tingling and swelling in the mouth may occur. An allergic reaction is usually accompanied by sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes.

Cross allergic reactions

Cross allergic reactions between different products not uncommon. In other words, if a person is allergic to one product, then it can almost certainly be assumed that he is allergic to a number of other products. Thus, 20% of people with an allergy to natural latex (the so-called rubber allergy) are likely to react negatively to avocados, kiwis, bananas, apples, cherries, figs, papaya, melon, nectarines and peaches.

Allergies to fruits are observed in people suffering from hay fever (allergy to pollen). Birch pollen gives a cross-reaction in the form of food allergies to stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots) and apples. Ambrosia wormwood pollen - on melon, bananas and watermelon. Grass pollen - on peach.

An example of a cross allergy is an allergy to kiwi. It is not found too often, although kiwi contains very strong allergen. Symptoms can even occur when inhaling the odor and storing the fruit. Along with an allergy to kiwi, there is a reaction to pineapple, papaya and foods high in vitamin C.

Allergies to lemon are most common in children. In this case it is possible cross reaction for citrus fruits: tangerines and oranges.

Food allergy syndrome can manifest as an immediate allergic reaction in the form of irritation, itching, slight swelling mucous membrane immediately after ingestion fresh vegetables and fruits. Contact of fruit juice on the lips or contact of fruit peels with skin during processing may be accompanied by symptoms contact dermatitis, urticaria and allergic rhinitis. Plums and strawberries can cause rashes, while citrus fruits and apples can sometimes trigger asthma.

IN in rare cases an allergic reaction to fruits can lead to very serious consequences that are life-threatening. These are anaphylactic reactions: shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. Bananas can be the culprit in causing anaphylaxis. There are known cases of occurrence anaphylactic shock if you are allergic to plums.

What should people do if they have certain contraindications to eating fruit? Should we really look for a replacement? natural vitamins in pharmacies and buy synthetic drugs? Fortunately, everything is not so bleak.

  • Eat processed fruits and berries. The fact is that an allergic reaction most often occurs when eating fruits raw. If the fruits are subjected to heat treatment: bake in microwave oven, cook or preserve, the allergic reaction is smoothed out or does not occur at all. Therefore, even if there is a confirmed allergy to fresh apples, a person can eat applesauce, Apple juice, apple jelly, apple pie. An allergic reaction to apple juice is extremely rare, even in young children. But if it is observed, it is necessary to use only green apples for making juice - they are less allergenic compared to brightly colored fruits.
  • Cut off the peel and eat only the pulp. It has long been known that the most allergenic part of the fruit is the peel, so allergy sufferers are advised to peel the fruit before eating it. Those who are allergic to peaches can safely eat their pulp (as a reference: in this case, it is likely that you are allergic to pears).
  • Eat unripe fruits. Ripe fruits contain more allergens. Unripe fruits cause milder allergic reactions.

All of the above advice should be taken with reservation, since each person’s body is individual and what is acceptable for one may not be suitable for another. People who are allergic to fruits should include them in their diet with great caution and little by little. By consuming peeled or partially ripened fruits, observe whether this leads to a smoothing of the allergic reaction. If this does not happen and the manifestations of allergies are not long in coming, you should immediately stop eating these fruits and take antihistamines to eliminate the symptoms.

The best thing you can do is to completely avoid those fruits that cause your allergies. Try to find a complete replacement for them. Fruits and berries such as mangoes, figs, avocados, grapes, gooseberries, currants, guava, pomegranates, persimmons are no less useful and at the same time are not considered a risk group. In any case, when introducing new, especially exotic, fruits into your diet, you should consult with an allergist.

Doctors call allergies the disease of the century, since in the modern world, for almost every person there is one or two irritants that can cause one or another symptoms of an allergic reaction. Children, who today are born surrounded by car exhaust, household chemicals and many synthetic substances that lead to the development of diseases of an allergic nature, especially suffer from allergies.

To control the load of allergens on the body, many methods are used, and one of them is diet. An anti-allergenic diet is indicated for all types of allergies (food allergies, eczema, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc.), regardless of their cause and origin. The diet is followed for life or for a certain period of time (for example, nursing mothers adhere to this diet for the entire period of breastfeeding).

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    Goals of prescribing an allergen-free diet

    By recommending a specific list of products to an allergy sufferer, the doctor solves two problems at the same time. Firstly, such a table has a diagnostic, and secondly, a therapeutic focus. This means that by eliminating highly allergenic foods from one's diet one by one, the patient can identify which foods are causing the adverse reactions and significantly improve their health.

    Prescribing a low-allergen menu for a nursing mother has slightly different goals. Such nutrition is already preventive, not therapeutic. While on breastfeeding, the child receives with mother's milk the components of all products that her diet includes.

    The immune system of a newborn is imperfect, so you need to avoid overstimulating it with potential allergens.

    Failure to comply with antihistamine nutrition by a nursing mother can lead to the development of allergic diseases in the child such as atopic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, and bronchial asthma.

    List of prohibited products

    When an acute allergic reaction of any kind appears for the first time, it is necessary to exclude from the diet until the cause of this condition is determined:

    • any nuts;
    • citrus fruit;
    • grapes, melon, pineapples;
    • all seasonings, sauces, spices and marinades;
    • smoked meats and pickles;
    • spicy root vegetables and vegetables (turnips, radishes, radishes);
    • red and orange fruits and vegetables;
    • fish, caviar, seafood;
    • poultry meat (except white chicken and turkey meat);
    • eggs;
    • full-fat milk and dairy products, including hard cheese, butter;
    • any mushrooms;
    • coffee and chocolate;
    • any alcoholic drinks;
    • confectionery, sweets and baked goods;
    • any products made in industrial conditions (pates, canned food, juices, etc.), except for baby food.

    The entire list of products is prohibited only in the acute period of an allergic reaction. After the exacerbation is relieved and the specific cause of the allergy is determined, some of these products can be returned to the table. Also, the list of products may expand, since an allergen-free diet must be individual.

    List of approved products

    Most often, the low-allergenic menu includes:

    • hypoallergenic cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
    • vegetable oils (olive, sunflower);
    • meat: white chicken, boiled beef (except veal), turkey;
    • green vegetables (cabbage, cucumber, peas) and potatoes;
    • green fruits (apples, pears), preferably baked;
    • meat-free soups containing allergen-free vegetables and grains;
    • fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, feta cheese, yogurt, yogurt (without dyes or flavoring additives);
    • drinks: tea, homemade dried fruit compote;
    • bread: white, preferably dried (crackers), unleavened flatbread, lavash.

    Hypoallergenic diet for children

    Children's allergic reactions have different causes than adults, so anti-allergenic nutrition for children is planned a little differently. In childhood, polyvalent allergies (hypersensitivity to several products at once) are more common, and the protein of chicken eggs and cow's milk is an allergen for absolutely all children under one year of age.

    It is important not to forget that the child is growing and needs sufficient amounts of vitamins, nutrients and energy. Therefore, mothers should not independently prescribe an antihistamine menu for an allergic child so that he simply does not go hungry. It is better to contact an allergist to determine specific foods that should be excluded from the diet.

    Nutrition for a nursing mother

    Currently, doctors' views on the diet of nursing women have become less radical. If for the last two decades it was believed that a woman must adhere to a strict antiallergic diet throughout the entire lactation period, today’s research suggests the opposite. Doctors recommend that nursing mothers exclude from their diet only the most aggressive allergens (egg, cow's milk, red vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits, grapes, pineapple, melon), which can harm a breastfeeding baby.

    A complete hypoallergenic diet is recommended only for those nursing mothers who themselves suffer from allergies or if the child’s father is allergic. Such nutrition for a breastfeeding woman will become a preventive measure and will not allow unfavorable heredity to manifest itself in the child.

    Throughout the lactation period, a nursing mother should monitor the baby’s reaction to the foods she eats. There are often situations when, after the mother has consumed a product, a child on breastfeeding reacts to it. The appearance of a rash, itching, swelling, hives, or changes in stool in the baby is a reason for a woman to refuse this food until the end of breastfeeding.

    Ado diet

    One of the popular hypoallergenic nutrition systems was developed by the Soviet immunologist Andrei Dmitrievich Ado.

    The goal of the Ado diet is the same as any other anti-allergy diet - to identify and eliminate the allergen from food, and thereby improve the quality of life.

    Product Lists

    Having studied the characteristics of human immunity for many years, doctor Ado identified three groups of products: allergenic, hypoallergenic and moderately allergenic. They are divided as follows.

    Allergenic products Hypoallergenic products
    Fish, caviar, seafood Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice)
    Any nuts (except almonds) Non-exotic dried fruits
    Citrus fruit Allowed fruits and berries (white currants, gooseberries)
    Cocoa and products containing cocoa (chocolate, creams) Homemade desserts
    Fatty meat, fatty poultry Lean beef (not veal), lamb
    Coffee Tea (green), herbal infusions
    Sauces, vinegar, any spices Sunflower oil, olive oil
    Fruits, vegetables and red berries Fruits, green vegetables
    Any mushrooms Fresh herbs
    Smoked meats Boiled meat
    Egg Pumpkin, squash, zucchini
    Exotic fruits, incl. peaches, apricots Watermelon, plum
    Cow's milk Fermented milk products without additives (kefir, cottage cheese)
    Honey Sugar
    Any alcohol Homemade infusions and compotes
    Butter pastries White bread, unleavened (dried)

    Products of average allergenicity include:

    • meat: rabbit, pork, turkey;
    • vegetables and fruits: peas, bell peppers, bananas.

    Such products should be added to the diet with caution, used in the morning (before lunch), so that if an allergic reaction develops, you can easily get help from a doctor.

    Rules for prescribing a diet

    For the best effect of a hypoallergenic diet, follow the following rules:

    1. 1. The Ado diet is prescribed by a doctor. It must be remembered that you should not self-medicate.
    2. 2. The antiallergic diet according to Ado is prescribed for a period of 14 to 21 days. A menu is prepared for each week, which includes dishes consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With the beginning of a new week, the menu is changed to make the diet more varied. Sticking to a hypoallergenic diet for more than three weeks is undesirable because it can lead to a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients in the body.
    3. 3. While the patient adheres to the norms of an allergen-free diet, it changes dynamically. First, all prohibited foods are completely excluded from the diet. When the acute symptoms of an allergic reaction disappear, the foods are returned to the table one by one to determine which food is the allergen.
    4. 4. During the Ado diet, you cannot take hormonal, antihistamines and other antiallergic drugs. They can hide the effect of allergenic foods on the body and distort the results of a given nutritional study.
    5. 5. Allergy sufferers following the Ado diet should keep a food diary. This will help the doctor identify allergenic foods and adjust the diet.

    Example of a weekly menu

    During the first week on an anti-allergenic diet, you should not eat any prohibited foods. But this is not a reason to worry about the taste of food - even from a small amount of permitted ingredients you can prepare delicious and satisfying dishes. An example of a low-allergenic menu for the first (strict) week of the Ado anti-allergy diet is presented in the table.

    Day diets Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
    First Vegetable soup, white bread Buckwheat porridge, cabbage and cucumber salad
    Second Milk millet porridge, tea Vegetable stew Cottage cheese, tea Boiled rice with vegetables
    Third Toast (white bread), unsweetened cottage cheese with herbs, tea Cabbage soup with carrots and potatoes, white bread Marmalade, apple juice Boiled beef, buckwheat, cucumber
    Fourth Oatmeal (without milk) with dried apricots, tea Vegetable broth with croutons (white bread) Green apple, natural yogurt Steamed vegetables, kefir
    Fifth Toast (white bread), green vegetable salad with olive oil Cabbage soup, white bread Toast (white bread), cottage cheese, apple juice Millet porridge, green vegetable salad
    Sixth Oatmeal (without milk), tea Beef broth with broccoli and zucchini Natural yogurt with prunes and dried apricots Vegetable stew
    Seventh Rice porridge with prunes Vegetable stew Toast (white bread), cottage cheese, tea Boiled rice, cabbage, cucumber and carrot salad

    After a “strict” week of an anti-allergenic diet, it is allowed to gradually return allergen foods to the diet. It is better to start with products of average allergenicity. After introducing the product into the diet, you need to observe the body’s reaction for several days and keep a diary. If allergies occur, seek help.


    According to WHO, the incidence of allergic rhinitis has tripled worldwide since 1990.

    During this period of time, more than three thousand deaths of patients using antihistamines were recorded in the United States. This is why it is so important to use non-drug methods to control the allergenic load on the body, that is, primarily diets.

Over the past two decades, the number of diagnosed allergic diseases has doubled. In addition to various types of allergies known to medicine, new option– food intolerance. However, idiosyncrasy has been known since ancient times, but only a few suffered from it, perhaps that is why the disease has not been studied as carefully as other diseases. Today, allergy-causing foods are ubiquitous, and the list increases every year.

Thus, quite recently, soybeans were considered almost the most dietary product in the world, however, in just ten years, starting in 2000, the number of allergic reactions to soy products increased from 1% to 22-25%. More than 10% of younger allergy sufferers suffer from intolerance to a particular product. age group, that is, children and about 5% of adults. The most common foods that cause allergies are protein food, since the protein is a thermostable component, that is, it does not lose its immunogenicity during heat treatment, and the protein is also quite resistant to the effects of enzymes and acids. The most aggressive in terms of provoking allergies are cow's milk and all products containing it, fish and chicken eggs. Protein may also be contained in small quantities in plant foods, despite the small amount, protein components may well provoke food intolerance.

We present short list main products containing immunogenic protein:

  • Wheat and its derivatives (porridges).
  • Rye and products containing rye.
  • Oats and oat products.
  • Corn.
  • Soybeans and some other legumes - beans, peanut, lupine
  • Almost all umbrella plants - parsley, carrots, celery, dill.
  • Almost all nightshades - eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes.
  • Fruits and berries containing some protein and salicylates - strawberries, peaches, apples, strawberries, kiwi, avocado, watermelon.
  • Almost all nuts - chestnut, peanut, cashew, Walnut, hazelnut, almond.
  • Plants of the cruciferous family - radish, mustard, cabbage, radish, horseradish.

Products that cause allergies from the list above may for a long time be relatively safe. However, if there is gastrointestinal diseases, if you are allergic or already have an allergic reaction to pollen, medications or other substances, food can become a real trigger for a severe allergy.

Products that cause allergies are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Dyspepsia, diarrhea, colic.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Babies under the age of one year have frequent regurgitation.
  • Hives.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Swelling of lips, face.
  • Allergic rhinitis.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Cough up to an asthmatic attack.

Anaphylactic shock due to food allergies is rare and is most often caused by peanuts, lobster, crab, crayfish, eggs and fish.

Products that cause allergies can provoke and aphthous stomatitis when an allergic reaction develops in oral cavity. The tongue, lips, and pharynx swell; all these signs are combined with severe itching and colitis. More often allergic stomatitis occurs in adolescents after eating citrus fruits, mushrooms or nuts. Seizures bronchial asthma are typical for adult allergy sufferers, and are provoked by tomatoes, carrots or apples. Hives and dermatitis are caused by nuts.

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