Plastic surgery can restore functionality to damaged fingers. How to straighten your fingers

Curvature of toes for modern man Not unusual. The majority of patients presenting with the disorder are women. What happened with feminine love wear shoes with heels, sometimes the wrong size. It is believed that the disease is not serious, but belated attention to such deformation leads to unpleasant consequences and long-term treatment.

A common cause of curvature in the legs is flat feet. The arch of the foot is lowered, and the muscles gradually lose tone. As a result, the toes curl and deformation occurs. Flat feet do not affect the curvature of the big toe.

Medicine knows two types of pathology. The first, claw-shaped, is capable of changing all the toes except the big one. Occurs due to loss of tone in the short flexor muscle. The toes seem to be wrapped inside the foot. The second, hammertoe, is capable of bending only the little finger. Occurs when the tone of the flexor longus muscle increases. The little finger bends and bends under the foot.

Claw pathology

With claw-shaped pathology, the patient gradually becomes uncomfortable moving. If you delay and allow bone deformation, normal movement will cease to be possible and will begin to be accompanied by terrible pain. Treatment of deformity is possible only with surgical intervention.

Hammertoe deformity

In the case of hammertoe, it is important to pay attention to the extent of the injury. If the violation is not fixed, it is possible to straighten the little finger with your hands; a doctor is called to perform the action. If the degree of damage becomes fixed, it is not easy to get rid of the pathology even with the help medical treatment. A crooked little finger interferes with normal walking and causes pain.

Big toe deformity

Hallux valgus is a curvature of the big toe. This defect is extremely common among joint diseases. As pathology occurs, the joint of the big toe becomes bent. At the site of damage to the joint, a bone appears, causing discomfort accompanied by pain.

At first, the thumb bone does not bother the patient; many do not attach any importance to the bump. Gradually swelling, the damage creates a lot of inconvenience. Choosing shoes becomes problematic.

Curvature of the thumb is considered a complex defect, in most cases attributed to surgical treatment. The disease has 4 stages:

  1. Not too noticeable curvature, not causing symptoms, troubles and pain.
  2. It becomes noticeable that thumb feet looking in reverse side, pain occurs periodically.
  3. The displacement of the finger becomes pronounced, and the appearance of a bone is noticeable. Painful sensations occur more often, choosing shoes causes difficulties.
  4. The finger is displaced, pain becomes a constant companion.

Causes of curvature

Certain types of toe deformities occur due to congenital flat feet; external factors often become irritants.

  1. Incorrectly chosen shoes can cause crooked toes. You should not purchase shoes that are the wrong size or give preference to beautiful but uncomfortable shoes.
  2. Frequent hiking in heels, over long distances, depriving the foot of the opportunity to rest.
  3. Genetic predisposition to musculoskeletal diseases increases the risk of finger deformities.

If a person has suffered a certain number of diseases, deformity can arise as a type of complication. TO similar diseases include:

  • Psoriasis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Arthritis;
  • Damage to the muscles of the leg and foot.

Symptoms of curvature

The disease can occur suddenly, without being noticed primary symptoms It's hard enough. The first sign is pain in the area of ​​the finger when you touch it. The pain is especially acute when the toe is in closed, tight shoes. Gradually the pain becomes stronger and manifests itself even when walking barefoot.

Calluses often appear in the area of ​​curved limbs. It is visually clear that the toes are changing appearance, color. If not timely treatment Small ulcers appear on the surface.

How to treat curvature

Curvature of the toes is treated individually. Depends on the type of deformation of the disease, stage of development. Methods are chosen conservatively, using medical supplies and therapies, or surgical ones, in cases of late consultation with a doctor.

In the early stages, the doctor recommends symptomatic treatment, which involves the use of various devices: special shoes, the use of arch supports, the application of special correctors, or wearing small rollers between the toes. The device is required to adjust the toes in correct position helping to get rid of further deformation feet.

At conservative therapy The doctor strives to relieve the patient of pain. If a curvature of the thumb occurs, it is important to relieve the inflammatory process. The patient is prescribed a course of drugs to relieve pain, additional procedures so that your toes do not bend.

If the curvature of the thumb or little finger progresses, special ties are recommended. The devices are placed through the foot onto the crooked toe and worn for several hours. It is important to regulate the process of wearing a screed; it blocks normal blood circulation.

Folk remedies for curvature treatment

Many people who complain of crooked fingers resort to using folk remedies. The methods are really effective if the defect has just begun to appear and you need to act quickly. No one folk method will not provide complete treatment, it is better to consult a doctor.

With the help of folk remedies you can relieve foot pain if you have a difficult day ahead. It is permissible to use a variety of foot baths such as: aid during the period of main treatment.

Gymnastics for crooked limbs

Some medical professionals argue that in the early stages of finger curvature it is permissible to use gymnastics to help avoid the disease from progressing to complicated stages. You will need to exercise daily in the morning and evening.

Warm-up should be done by spreading and moving your fingers. Then pat them on the floor. Then proceed to the main exercise - collecting small objects from the floor using your toes. Such gymnastics is useful for curvature and flat feet.


Remember, you can completely get rid of crooked toes if you consult a doctor at the first stage of the disease. Treatment is not enough; you will have to find the causes of the defect. Good doctor will talk about the right choice shoes, determine whether the curvature is a complication of the disease, and make a prognosis.

If treatment of the toes is not completed on time, you need to understand that surgery Necessarily. The described methods will not eliminate the main causes of curvature and will become auxiliary to improve the patient’s condition.

The operation does not occur to change the aesthetic shape, but to prevent possible development diseases. During the operation, the doctor removes part of the phalanx of the finger, without which the tension in the muscles will return to normal and the person will feel healthy again. The operation is considered simple, partial treatment required, the patient's full recovery occurs within 30-50 days.

Possibilities of relapse

After surgery, the patient should listen to the doctor's recommendations. If the treatment is carried out correctly, the patient is careful during the period after the operation, relapse of the disease is impossible. When the patient does not pay attention to the doctor’s instructions and continues his normal life schedule, curvature of the fingers is possible even after surgery.

Curvature is not a sentence to wearing ugly shoes or painful walking. This is a signal that you need to listen to your health.

Spending most of his life on his feet, a person constantly loads his lower limbs: lifting and carrying weights, wearing tight shoes, changing his gait with uncomfortable heels. The foot often experiences loads of a level for which it is not adapted, which leads to deformations of the phalanges and articular apparatus of the toes.

Toe deformities are associated with many factors and can vary depending on which particular structure of the phalanx is damaged. The following are distinguished: types of toe deformities:

  • Hammer-shaped curvature of the phalanges of the fingers,
  • Claw-shaped curvature of the phalanges of the fingers,
  • Crossing toes
  • Hallux valgus deformity,
  • Taylor's deformity is a curvature of the fifth toe.

Hammer-shaped curvature of the phalanges, in which the toes acquire a constantly bent position, occurs mainly as a result of wearing shoes of a smaller size than the length of the toes requires, with violations of the degree of tension of the flexor ligament of the phalangeal joints. Hammertoe deformity often develops in conjunction with other painful conditions feet: transverse flatfoot, arthritis of the joints, injuries to the toes (dislocations, fractures), paralysis of the muscular structures of the foot. This kind of deformity can be fixed, if it is not possible to straighten the fingers manually, or unfixed, if the fingers can be straightened.

Treatment of hammertoe deformity is successful if you seek help from an orthopedic doctor as early as possible. Used for treatment special exercises to stimulate the extension of the toes, massage and select comfortable shoes; if necessary, correct the position of the foot in the shoe using orthopedic insoles, clamps, finger straighteners. Fixed chronic hammertoe deformity is treated with surgery.

Claw-shaped curvature of the toes occurs due to wearing narrow, tight shoes, diseases affecting bone and muscle structure phalanges of the toes, as well as diseases affecting the innervation of the toes. Trauma to the toes can lead to claw-shaped toes.

There are two ways to treat claw-shaped toes:

  • Conservative treatment - changing the shape of the shoe toe as wide as possible, choosing soft shoes, which will create the opportunity for the correct and free arrangement of the phalanges of the fingers, as well as the use of therapeutic orthopedic devices for straightening the fingers (splint, comb, cap, ring);
  • Surgical treatment corrects the tendon system of the phalanges of the toes. For the reconstruction of the phalanges of the fingers, there is a minimally invasive surgical method correction of finger deformities by puncture with a special instrument (without incisions and long healing).

Crossed toes appear as a result of the development of transverse flatfoot, hallux valgus deformity or arthritis. Crossed toes can result from wearing shoes with a toe that is too narrow.

Treatment of deformities such as crossed toes, should start with choosing shoes with a wide and high toe box to create room for your toes and reduce the pressure of one toe on another. To straighten crossed toes, special orthopedic straighteners and intertoe inserts are used. In complex old cases, when the mobility of the joints of the toes is impaired, surgical treatment is used.

Hallux valgus deformity of the big toe causes the formation of a bone in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe, which leads to disruption and pain when flexing the foot while walking. The disease can progress, increasing deformity, causing inflammatory processes in the joint of the big toe. The causes of this kind of pathology can be disturbances in the functioning of the abductor muscles, changes in the degree of tension of the muscles attached to the big toe, as a result of developing flat feet. Hallux valgus is often aggravated by wearing shoes with very narrow toes and high heels.

Treatment of hallux valgus deformity is usually carried out by surgical correction position of the bones of the thumb and ligaments.

Taylor deformity(or deformation of the fifth metatarsal feet, deformity of the little toe) develops as a result of the foot turning inward during sitting in such a way that it rests on its side (fifth toe). As a result of this incorrect positioning of the foot in the area of ​​the fifth toe, a bone spur(bump).

Little toe deformity It is treated by selecting spacious shoes, changing the usual pathological turns of the foot while sitting to a physiologically correct position, and surgical intervention to correct the deformed phalanx of the little toe.

Toe deformities may not only cause inconvenience when walking, cause pain, and make it impossible to stand on tiptoe, but will also lead to serious complications in the form of arthrosis, bursitis, the appearance of calluses and corns, making walking difficult. Deformities of the toes disrupt the geometry of the foot skeleton, which often causes spasms and

Curvature of toes initial stage may seem trivial, but as the defect progresses, it will likely arise serious problems related to walking. This pathology should not be run. With timely treatment, conservative treatment methods can be used, while ignoring the pathology will lead to the need for surgical intervention.

The essence of the problem

Crooked toes are joint deformities or bone tissue, changing the configuration and direction of the fingers. Although such defects are hidden from the eyes of strangers and practically do not make an unpleasant impression, the pathology causes many problems. When a person moves, enormous loads arise, which are ultimately concentrated at the points of support, i.e. feet of the lower extremities. The fingers play their very important role, any anomaly in their location leads to uneven loads, which causes various joint diseases. Difficulties arise with choosing shoes, and the gait becomes unnatural and awkward.

Fingers may become crooked various reasons, both exogenous and endogenous. The deformity can originate during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, then it is detected already in infancy. But it can also have an acquired etiology, with development in both children and adults. Of course, the likelihood of crooked toes is much higher in childhood when bone formation is still ongoing.

Many people who have the foot defect in question are quite negligent about the problem, trying to somehow adapt to the situation. Naturally, they do not see a doctor, and this can lead to serious complications.

The following consequences of advanced pathology can be noted:

  • deformation of the entire foot leading to lameness;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • chronic calluses and corns;
  • joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • flat feet.

Types of pathology

The development of pathology is influenced by many factors, which causes the appearance of curvatures different types. The following main types of toe deformities can be distinguished:

Etiology of the phenomenon

Acquired deformity of the toes is caused by external factors associated with excessive loads (compression), friction, and injuries. Curvature can also be provoked by certain diseases.

The most common cause of pathology is shoes. Tight, hard shoes can significantly affect the deformation process. Particular attention should be paid to the case when its size is less than normal. Tightening shoes, when worn for a long time, create significant compression, disrupt blood supply, and pinch nerve fibers. Excessively high heels are also dangerous, as they increase the load on the foot, especially on the toes. A crooked big toe is most often caused by ill-fitting shoes. A more common disease in women is explained by a craving for dress shoes.

To the group increased risk should include dancers, ballerinas, gymnasts. Dancing on your toes puts excessive stress on your toes, which gradually leads to their deformation. An incorrect gait can also cause an undesirable process. Provoking factors are aggravated by a person’s age. Statistics show that a crooked toe is detected at the age of 16-30 years in no more than 2.5-3% of people, and already in the period 35-55 years it is 8-10%. In older people, the frequency of pathology increases to 17-18%. Various foot injuries play an important role.

Congenital anomalies significantly increase the risk of deformities of the finger joints and bone tissue. Characteristic defects include:

  • flat feet or high arched feet;
  • longer finger;
  • abnormal location of ligaments;
  • excessively narrow foot.

A number of diseases (so-called associated) can lead to biomechanical joint instability, incl. to neuromuscular disorders. Such changes gradually lead to deformations of joints and bone tissue.

The following diseases are particularly highlighted:

  • arthritis (especially polyarthritis);
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • psoriatic arthropathy;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • Sharot's disease;
  • Marfan and Down syndromes;
  • bursitis.

Principles of pathology treatment

Treatment of curvature of the fingers is necessary in the early stages, without waiting for dangerous joint complications. How to treat pathology is a question that is decided taking into account its type, degree of deformation, and the presence of complicating factors. As an important complicating element, one should consider joining the inflammatory reaction in the joints to the process.

Treatment of pathology can be carried out by conservative and surgical methods. Conservative treatment includes drug therapy, physiotherapeutic effects, therapeutic exercises and massage, special orthopedic measures.

The purpose of drug therapy is mainly symptomatic therapy, namely the elimination of pain, inflammatory reaction, swelling, as well as normalization metabolic processes and blood supply to the joints. The most commonly prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which simultaneously have analgesic properties. For complications, hormonal corticosteroids can be used. The latter are sometimes injected directly into the lesions on the foot. Such drugs include Kenalog, Hydrocortisone, Diprospan. If the deformity is due to pathology internal organs, then treatment is directed against the underlying disease. In this case, rheumatologists and endocrinologists are involved.

Orthopedic measures can relieve sore joints and eliminate the risk of injury. The problem is solved with the help of special shoes and various devices. On early stage positive result achieved by wearing regular, but soft and wide shoes.

Orthopedic devices are used to correct finger defects:

  • special insoles;
  • arch supports;
  • proofreaders.

When the fingers are bent, splints, scallops, caps, and rings can be installed. Such elements fix the affected phalanges in the correct position, which inhibits the development of the further process. The selection of shoes, type and size of devices is made by a doctor and is strictly individual.

Surgical intervention

The finger defect can only be completely eliminated promptly. Surgical intervention carried out taking into account the type of deformation. The most typical operations are:

  • exostectomy (implies removal of the affected area of ​​the metatarsal head);
  • osteotomy (removal of a small element of the phalanx or metatarsal bone);
  • resection arthroplasty, which is based on the removal of the end section of the metatarsal bone;
  • resection and replacement of soft tissues surrounding the affected joint;
  • (ensuring artificial joint immobility);
  • installation of implants;
  • distal osteotomy, i.e. reducing the angle between the bones by cutting the distal edge and moving it to the lateral area;
  • removal .

After the operation, rehabilitation measures are carried out. Full recovery normal condition fingers occurs only 5-7 weeks after surgery.

Curvature of the toes is quite common; it is not recommended to joke with this pathology. Left untreated, it can lead to serious joint problems and ultimately limited mobility.

If signs of deformation are pronounced, you should consult a doctor, who will determine a treatment regimen.


Rub in and fingers hand moisturizing cream, massaging fingers and then squeeze fingers one hands into a fist. Overcoming the resistance of your fingers, bend them outward with your other hand, and then squeeze and unclench them several times fingers, stretching them. Repeat the same with the other hand at least 5 times. Then shake each finger individually and relax the hand, rotating it clockwise and counterclockwise.

An exercise in which you cross fingers hands, guiding fingers up and wrists down. Bend fingers down, raising your wrists. Alternately push apart fingers hands in pairs, and then clench them into a fist and relax your hand. Press the pad of the thumb with each finger in turn, and then rotate your wrists, placing your elbows on the table and lowering your palms down.

If after sedentary work not only do you have hands, but also your shoulders, lean back in your chair or sofa, bring your shoulder blades together and throw your head back. Raise your shoulders, pulling your head down, and then straighten your back. Turn your head to the left, then to the right, and swing in different directions to relieve tension.

Also helps relieve fatigue simple gymnastics- hold it down fingers to the palm, and then straighten them and spread them apart. Then connect fingers together and press your thumb into your palm, then move it as far as possible and align it with your index finger again. Move the tip of your thumb across your palm, touch your little finger, and return the finger to its place.

Bend and straighten it, and then bend your palm towards your forearm and return it to its original position. Bend your wrist toward your forearm to relieve tension. A rubber ball will help you maintain the strength and flexibility of your hands - squeeze it tightly with the tips of your thumb and index finger, and then change hands. Squeeze the ball with different strengths.

Hands also help to develop flexibility and dexterity of fingers - sewing, embroidery, playing the piano and others. musical instruments. If you often work at a computer and type on a keyboard for long periods of time, regularly do relaxation exercises to give your fingers a rest, and also roll glass or ping-pong balls between your fingers.

Video on the topic

Strong strong fingers should have not only athletes, but also ordinary people, because if any life situation arises, perhaps a strong grip will help protect you from harm. There are a number of exercises aimed at strengthening your fingers.


First you need to do a light warm-up. Rub it fingers within 1 minute. Fold fingers into the lock and raise your arms up, stretch.

Try also not to do push-ups, but just stand on them. The next exercise involves tapping the fingertips of one hand on fingers another 100 times a day. It is not recommended to knock on it as it may cause loss. It is useful to squeeze a tennis ball with your fingertips 4 times a day for 2 minutes. A very simple trick with rope. To do this, you need to tie about 20 tight knots on a rope 1 cm thick and untie them 3 times a day.

Next complex exercises, borrowed from Chinese masters, using ordinary bricks. Shift the brick alternately with the fingers of one and the other hand. Toss and catch the brick with the fingers of both hands together, then one and the other in turn. The same with additional rotation of the brick. Rotate your arm at the elbow while holding the brick with your fingers. Turn the brick in one direction and the other, holding it with the fingers of both hands from the sides.

Walking in 4-steps is useful. The hands rest not on, but on fingers. Control the pressure depending on the position of your legs. The greater the distance of the legs from the hands, the harder it is.
Your fingers should not be straight, but in a half-bent position, as if you were playing a ball. The brush does not, but together with the fingers form something in the form of a dome.

You can use a wrist expander. Quickly and rhythmically clench your fist 300 times a day - and after 2 months the grip will be lightning fast and very tough.

The problem of weak wrists worries many people. Painful sensations Sometimes the wrist joints simply don’t allow you to work productively. The right one will help strengthen exercise stress on them. Perform the following exercises daily and gradually you will feel that pain syndrome V wrists x leaves.


Sit on, straighten your back, stretch your arms in front of you. Make circular movements in the wrists clockwise 10-15 times. Tighten your arms, straighten them at the elbows, open your palms and raise your fingers up, as if you are trying to protect yourself from someone. Then lower your palms, pointing your fingers straight to the floor. Repeat this exercise 10 more times.

Raise your fingers up again, spreading them out as far as possible. Imagine that you have a ball in each hand and you are grasping them. Turn your palms at the wrist joints clockwise as far as possible until they stop, then. Do 25 twists in each direction.

Sit on the floor, rest your heels on the floor, place your hands behind your back. Inhale and lift your buttocks all the way up, extending your entire body into a plank shape. Hold for at least 1 minute. Then bend your elbows slightly and continue holding the pose for another 1 minute. Exhale, sit on your buttocks, stretch your arms in front of you, relax them and shake them a little wrists X.

Excellent strengthening wrists push-ups This exercise can be done from different positions: emphasis on, emphasis on toes, emphasis on a hill (for example, a bench). Choose the execution option depending on the level of training, that is, the stronger they become wrists, the more complex method you use.

Don't neglect dumbbell exercises either. Stand up straight, extend your arms, and hold dumbbells in your palms. Twist wrists right, then left, as if pretending to be a propeller. Perform the exercise for 1–3 minutes.

Video on the topic


Yes, even in a well-developed state they are not striking with their power, but a lot depends on well-developed and pumped up wrists. If you have weak wrists, then no matter how strong you are, working with a barbell or kettlebell will pose a huge problem for you. Therefore, let's carefully figure out how to pump up your wrists.

Helpful advice

How to pump up your wrists? The hands should be positioned 60 degrees above the horizontal at the top of the exercise. When you grip the dumbbells tightly, you lose the ability to fully extend your wrists. How to pump up your wrists correctly? As you lower the dumbbells, you will notice that your wrists may rotate outward slightly, causing your little fingers to spread apart.

The hand muscle is quite small compared to other muscle groups, but nevertheless it plays an important role in Everyday life person. Hand weakness due to conditions such as arthritis can affect the ability to hold objects, write, and use a computer. Strengthen your hand muscles with exercises that need to be performed every 1-2 days.


Pressure strengthens the muscles of the fingers and palm. Fingers are responsible for lifting and holding objects such as a pen, book, spoon. A simple exercise will help make the muscles of your fingers stronger: alternately press the tip of your thumb onto the pads of the remaining four fingers and hold them in this position for about five. In one approach, you can work out each finger combination three times. The exercise should be performed twice a day.

Holding a weight is itself a hand strengthening exercise. But it is better to do it while sitting, so as not to put additional stress on the spine.


Squeezing a ball is a very useful exercise for strengthening your arms. It also improves your grip, ability to open doors and hold a coffee cup or bag. A tennis ball or any other suitable size ball is suitable for this exercise. Take the ball in your hand and squeeze as hard as possible. Hold the ball for about three to five minutes. However, if you feel pain or discomfort in the area, the exercise should be stopped. If possible, repeat ten compressions two to three times a day.

Movement of the hands

Bending the hands inward and outward improves their motor movement and strengthens the muscles of both the hands and fingers. The flexor and extensor tendons stretch through the hand into the tissue, so limiting the movement of the arms leads to weakening of their strength. Bend your elbows and stretch your arms. If after ten repetitions you feel tired in your muscles, you are doing everything right. When performing the exercise, the position of the forearms should be motionless; Only the brushes move. Perform three sets of ten repetitions. Circular movements with your hands clockwise and counterclockwise will also be useful.

Have you accumulated old newspapers and magazines? Tear them into small pieces. This will strengthen your hands and improve fine motor skills fingers.

Stretching an elastic band

Stretching a simple rubber band several times a day has a beneficial effect on strengthening the tendons of the fingers. Wrap the tape around your fingers and pull it as tight as possible. Repeat the exercise in three sets of 10-15 repetitions. You will also be able to develop muscles individual fingers, if you wrap the tape on two fingers, and not on the entire palm.

Carpal expander

The hand expander is an easy way to develop and strengthen the muscles of the entire hand. Exercises with an expander are based on the principle of elastic deformation. Squeezing the expander will be quite difficult at first, but with regular training you will feel your muscle strength growing.


  • Website Article "Exercises to strengthen the hands."

The beauty of your hands largely depends on the condition of your nails. With insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals they become more brittle and dull. Regular care will restore nail plate.

Methods for strengthening nails:
- vitamin complexes;
- special biogel or acrylic coating;
- strengthening varnish based on nutrients;
- baths for nails.

Home methods for strengthening nails

To prevent splitting, it is necessary to lubricate your nails with iodine weekly. If there is insufficient amount of a microelement in the body, the yellow tint disappears quite quickly.

You can strengthen your nails with wax. To do this, you need to melt it and place your fingertips in it. Then immediately place your hands under cold water until the wax hardens. After the procedure, put on cotton gloves and remove any remaining substance in the morning. Carry out such applications 2 times a month.

An oil mask helps save thin and brittle nails. Heat a small amount olive oil in a water bath, add a few drops of lemon juice and apply to nails. To improve the result, leave the product overnight under cloth gloves. It is also recommended to lubricate the nail plate lemon juice with the addition of a pinch of salt.

Simple and accessible method is a bathtub of sea ​​salt. In glass warm water dissolve 1 tbsp. salt and place your fingers for 20-30 minutes, then lubricate your hands with rich cream. Carry out a course of 10 procedures, then take a week break and repeat the treatment again. If desired, you can add a couple of drops of iodine to the solution, as it prevents delamination. Similar action have baths based on decoctions medicinal herbs. The most commonly used infusions are chamomile, St. John's wort, burdock roots, or a mixture of these plants.

A red pepper mask helps strengthen your nails. Take 0.5 tsp. ground pepper, add water and fat cream until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the resulting paste to the surface of the nails for 15 minutes and then rinse off. warm water. It is not recommended to repeat the procedure more than once a month, since burning properties Pepper if used frequently will damage the structure.

To enrich weakened nails with vitamins and useful substances are used sour berries: currants, cranberries, lingonberries and others. Squeeze out a small amount of juice and rub thoroughly into the nail plate. With regular manipulation, the condition of the nails improves significantly.

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A white cloud (rounded hands in front of you, fingers locked) rose above the roof. (without releasing your arms, raise them above your head) A cloud rushed (straighten your arms) Higher, higher, higher. (stretch your arms up) The wind is a cloud (smooth swaying of your arms above your head from side to side) Hooked on a steep slope. (clasp your hands with your fingertips above your head) A cloud has turned into a cloud (use your hands to describe it downwards from the sides big circle) Into a rain cloud. (sit down)

Exercises for the hands.

Useful exercises for the hands as a warm-up during the working day, which Anatomy of the hand will help improve blood circulation and over time give the hands more regular shapes. 1. Raise your hands up and forcefully clench and unclench your fingers into a fist. 2. Shake your relaxed hands in the air, gradually lifting them to the sides and up. 3. Place your palms together in front of your chest, pressing with tension on the ends of your fingers, tilt your hands first to the right, then to the left. 4. Place your palms together...

Jump rope - lifesaver

Riddle: “I twirl her in my hands and jump, jump, jump!” What is this? Jump rope Exercises with a jump rope improve coordination, strengthen leg muscles, increase foot mobility and develop overall endurance. When buying a jump rope for a child, choose one with a diameter of 0.8 or 0.9 cm. If it is thinner, it will be too light and difficult to twist; if it’s thicker, then on the contrary, it’s hard. The rope should be long enough to touch the floor when the torso is straightened and the arms...

Sportlandia: fun exercises

Exercise 1 Here is a clearing, and around (with a wide gesture, spread your arms to the sides) Linden trees are lined up in a circle. (clasp rounded hands above your head) The crowns of the linden trees make noise, (arms at the top, swing them from side to side) The winds hum in their foliage (lean forward) bend the tops down, (lean forward, swing your body from side to side) And swing them, download. After the rain and thunderstorms (straighten up, raise your arms) The linden trees shed streams of tears. (lower your hands smoothly, fingering them) Each leaf...

15-minute complex for a firm stomach.

15-minute complex for an elastic belly ============================ This 15-minute complex of exercises was developed by trainers of one of the New York fitness centers -clubs. If you do the complex at least three times a week, the result will not take long to arrive: your stomach, as well as shoulders, legs and even buttocks will begin a completely different life! Exercise No. 1 Starting position - lying on your back, arms along your body. We spread our knees so that the heels touch (see Figure A). Remaining in this pose, slowly...

Finger games

Finger gymnastics in verses and finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their beauty is that they instantly switch the baby’s attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations - and calm them down. This is an interesting activity when the child has nothing else to do (for example, on the road or in line). Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven sits on an oak tree, He plays a silver trumpet. View on Yandex.Photos A swan is swimming along the river. Above the bank the head bears...

Press rules. Blog of user Olga_Mo on

Do not do abs without consulting a trainer, preferably one medical education. - Follow a strict sequence: upper abs, lower, oblique, lateral and back muscles. - Pump your muscles in a circle. For each group, do two exercises, then three or four in the same order. And so bring up to ten repetitions. - Don't feel sorry for yourself. A burning sensation in the abdominal area signals that the muscles have received the necessary load. - Exhale as you lift your body...

We are often too preoccupied with trying to make our stomachs flat, our buttocks toned, and our breasts visually enlarged with the help of a bra. It doesn’t even occur to us that rather than spending an extra 40 minutes a day on body correction, it’s better to correct your posture.

Bells-flowers Very polite... And you? E. Serova DOG Left palm on the edge. Thumb up, slightly bent. Forefinger bent, middle and nameless together. The little finger alternately lowers and rises (Fig. 16). Four fours, Two splays, The seventh vertun, And the grumbler himself. CAT The middle and ring fingers rest against the thumb. The index and little fingers are raised up (Fig. 17). Our Anyutka has a Beast in a satin coat, warms himself near the stove, and washes himself without water. MOUSE The middle and ring fingers rest against the thumb. The index and little fingers are bent into arcs and pressed against the middle and ring finger(Fig. 18). A small ball is rummaging around under the floor. BUNNY AND EARS Fingers in a fist. Show...

The hairstyle can be slightly disheveled, and the hair roots can be a little darker. Clothes can be simple and discreet, the face completely devoid of makeup. Decorations can also be anything. The handbag may be canvas bag or a small shiny envelope.


Try a glass file, you can move it from side to side without damaging the nail. Good luck!

I don’t understand, how does the author imagine that “At least once a week, nails should “rest” from polish.”???
At least once, so two or three days a week is better? Should I go to the manicurist every other day? Or do you just have to do at home and remove and apply nail polish?
Will this amount of nail polish remover damage your nails?

09/30/2004 10:03:11, Ekaterinaa

Smile and, with gentle words, lightly touch the cheeks with your fingers (in children under 3 months the search reflex has not yet died out) or gently squeeze the cheeks with your fingers: the baby’s mouth will open and you can direct the medicine directly to its intended purpose. If the baby does not open his mouth and resists, you can try pressing your finger on his chin to move it down lower jaw. If this maneuver fails, you will have to insert the spoon between the teeth or gums (from the side of the cheek) and carefully turn it with its edge - when the child’s mouth opens, insert medicinal solution. Under no circumstances should you pinch your baby's nose so that he opens his mouth: the baby can easily choke. After the child swallows the medicine, yes...

Pass the exam without fear. Anti-stress program. Stress before...

Take off emotional stress Massaging the tips of the little fingers helps, as well as performing yoga for the fingers, the so-called mudras. This word refers to the joining of fingers in a certain combination. Thus, the mudra of the Earth helps with stress, deterioration of psychophysical condition, increases self-esteem and self-confidence. To perform this, press the ring and thumb fingers of both hands tightly against each other with the pads, straighten the remaining fingers and spread them slightly apart. It is useful to do this gesture as often as possible and keep your fingers in this position for as long as possible. At severe stress put left hand on the table, palm down. Right hand for 3-5 minutes, with circular movements clockwise, massage the point of intersection of the conditional lines of the large and index finger, while keeping your thumb out as far as possible...

Namely the thumb. Trembling, shaking, especially when bent. Literally on the fifth attempt I managed to write the word and then in block letters. To dial a number on a mobile phone, I somehow can’t hit the keys with a straightened finger, but with a bent one I can’t hit the keys. Weakness, or some kind of tension, I don’t even know how to describe, strikes as if along a string from the finger almost to the elbow. Basic steps, opening a carton of milk is difficult. This is a sign of where the problems are - the spine, the brain, maybe just lack of sleep (this is...

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