Why does a girl's chest itch? Development of skin diseases. Important note about this

The cause of itching in the nipples may be trivial or may indicate diseases of the mammary glands. Knowing this, women, as a rule, cannot take this symptom calmly, especially if external changes in the breasts are noticeable. It is better to be vigilant and visit doctors (dermatologist, mammologist). A dermatological problem is easier to solve, more serious illnesses may require emergency treatment. No matter how harmless the cause of the itching, it must be eliminated so that skin irritation does not lead to infection in the mammary glands.


Everyday causes of itching

Causes of itching can be dryness, irritation, skin infection, allergic reaction body. The peripapillary area itches and when various diseases mammary glands. In some cases, eliminating the cause is quite simple, and itching is not very dangerous. IN Everyday life Many women encounter this manifestation.

Skin irritation

First of all, it can be assumed that the problem arose due to the wrong choice of underwear and outerwear. Increased sweating leads to diaper rash. In addition, the area around the nipples itches due to mechanical irritation from rough seams or the surface of synthetic material, poor circulation in the mammary glands as a result of compression by a tight bra. In order to eliminate the itching, in this case it is enough to change clothes to more comfortable ones.

If your skin is sensitive, you should wear a bra made of natural material so that it can “breathe.” Skin irritation is especially common during the hot season. Itchy nipples often affect women who wear compressive synthetic underwear during sports training.

Irritated skin should be washed clean water or chamomile decoction, lubricate with baby cream; in case of severe redness, you can use levomekol or bepanten ointments.

The cause of irritation may be a mosquito bite, in which the skin of the nipples becomes unbearably itchy and swollen. Scratching leads to the formation of microcracks through which infection easily penetrates. An abscess may form, and the help of a surgeon is often required. To moderate itching, a mosquito bite is necessary after treatment. antiseptic solution lubricate with fenistil gel. In this case, it is especially important to avoid irritation of the bite site with underwear.

Dry skin

The cause of itching may be increased dryness skin. It occurs, for example, after sunbathing, frequent use of soap, or treating the skin of the nipples with liquids containing alcohol. In this case, you should stop using irritants, lubricate the skin of the nipples with a moisturizing baby cream (Avanta, for example). If dry skin occurs as a result of dehydration, then you need to drink more fluid (up to 2 liters per day).

Measures to prevent the occurrence of nipple itching in these cases are:

  1. Correct hygiene care for the skin of the chest, refusal to wash in a bath with added aromatic products and dyes, frequent use of soap, which dries out the skin.
  2. Using linen made from natural fabrics, reasonable approach to the choice of clothing for sports. Clothing must be appropriate for the weather. Overheating is harmful to the skin.
  3. Refusal long stay under direct sunlight.

Dry and itchy nipples may also be a reaction nervous systems s if a woman is nervous, tired or experiencing any other stress.

Video: Why does a woman's breasts itch? Prevention measures

Itchy nipples associated with hormonal processes in the body

Change hormonal levels in the body necessarily affects the condition of the skin. You may notice that itchy nipples occur during certain periods of a woman’s life.


During puberty, a hormonal surge occurs in a girl’s body, and therefore the development of mammary glands begins. As they enlarge, the skin stretches, causing the skin of the nipples to itch.

Before your period

Many women wonder why their nipples itch before their period. During this period, the level of estrogen, which stimulates work, is significantly reduced. sebaceous glands. Therefore, dry skin increases, including in the nipple area. By the end of menstruation, when the level of this hormone begins to rise, the itching stops. In addition, itching is caused by the fact that the breasts swell slightly before menstruation.

During pregnancy

Changes occur in the mammary glands in preparation for the upcoming lactation. The number of milk ducts emerging on the surface of the nipple and the surrounding area increases, the network grows blood vessels. A yellowish, thick discharge from the nipples (colostrum) may appear. Therefore, itchy nipples in pregnant women are the most common occurrence. It is important to pay increased attention to breast skin hygiene.

Recommendation: When a woman begins to breastfeed her baby, she soft skin nipples are easily damaged and cracked. Feeding in the first days is a painful process for some, and the formation of cracks causes mastitis. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare the breasts for this process. For example, treat nipples with a decoction oak bark(has an astringent effect, tightens the skin, disinfects it), lightly rub the chest with a towel so that the skin roughens a little.

Breastfeeding period

A woman feels a slight tingling and itching in her nipples due to the swelling of her breasts, which are full of milk. During this period, they may itch in another, more dangerous reason. If cracks form, bacteria can easily enter them. The inflammatory process progresses rapidly, leading to mastitis. Moreover, in addition to the fact that the nipples itch, there is pain in the chest, and lumps form in it. The skin becomes red and the woman develops a fever.

The inflammatory process can form in one or both mammary glands. It is important to see a doctor in time.

Menopause and hormonal disorders

Aging of the body leads to sharp decline estrogen levels in the blood. Dry skin is one of the most striking manifestations of this period. It does not pose a serious health problem, but it causes discomfort and therefore requires increased attention to care and hygiene.

Nipples may also itch if there is any malfunction of the organs. endocrine system(for diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, pituitary gland, adrenal glands), as well as the liver.

Itching in the nipples due to various diseases

Itching in the nipples occurs both with diseases of the skin of the breast and with pathologies in the mammary gland.


With this disease, ulceration of the skin in the peripapillary area occurs. It can be caused either by normal skin irritation or by metabolic disorders, mechanical damage breast area. Antihistamines, sedatives (novopassit, motherwort), and anti-inflammatory ointments (locacorten, lorinden) are used in treatment.

Fungal infection (thrush)

The causative agent is the Candida fungus, which often affects the skin under the breasts, in the nipple area. Lactic acid secreted by fungi during their life processes causes severe itching and burning. Antifungal agents, in particular pimafucin and clotrimazole ointments, can help get rid of itching.

Note: The nipples itch painfully and when they are affected by pathogens of scabies, herpes and others infectious diseases, which must be eliminated only with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor.

Atopic dermatitis (urticaria)

Skin irritation, inflammation, and the formation of a rash on it can be caused by an allergy to the material from which the linen, laundry or cosmetic product is made, any food product or the dyes, flavors, or preservatives it contains. It is necessary to think about which of these components became the source of the allergy. Urticaria often occurs as a result side effect many medications.

Sometimes, after eliminating the effects of allergens, the itching goes away on its own. The dermatologist makes an appointment if necessary antihistamines(suprastin, zyrtec), as well as anti-inflammatory ointments (elokom and others).

Breast injury or surgery, breast disease

The cause of itching may be the healing of the scar, a change in the structure of the skin as a result of tissue regeneration. Itching in the nipples often occurs after breast augmentation surgery.

Diseases are usually associated with hormonal disorders in organism. An independent examination of the mammary glands will certainly reveal signs of pathological changes occurring in them.

Discharge of an unusual color may appear - yellow or green when the milk ducts are dilated and inflamed (ductectasia), bloody - when cysts or papillomas form in them.

When nipple cancer (Paget's disease) occurs, the area around it is covered with eczema, and a tingling, itching, burning sensation is felt in the nipple.

When to see a doctor if you have itchy nipples

If a woman’s nipples itch, and she excludes the allergic nature of this phenomenon, and the itching does not go away after she stops wearing synthetic underwear, you need to address Special attention for availability the following signs pathologies:

  • color change and appearance breast skin, enlargement of one of them;
  • asymmetrical arrangement of nipples, formation of seals;
  • change in the shape of the nipples, the appearance of discharge from them;
  • deterioration in general health.

In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner the woman will pass mammological examination, the greater her chances of avoiding serious complications and keep your breasts in excellent condition. In any case, if your nipples are itchy, you should not self-medicate, drink medications uncontrollably, or use ointments without a doctor’s prescription. Treatment depends on the diagnosis, which can only be made by an experienced specialist.

As practice shows, the fair half of humanity often has itchy breasts due to an allergic reaction. Still itching mammary glands may not always be triggered by allergies and may be a symptom of pathological processes.

As practice shows, the fair half of humanity often has itchy breasts due to an allergic reaction.

As a rule, the mammary gland may itch as a reaction to tight underwear or synthetic fabrics, powder used to wash clothes, and cosmetics used by women.

So, why do breasts itch? The overwhelming number of women ask a similar question when faced with such a situation. Moreover, the reason that provoked this condition of the female mammary gland can be of a very different nature.

The most common causes of itching can be broadly divided into groups such as clothing, infections, eczema or dermatitis and hormonal imbalance.

Allergy as a cause of itching

Almost none of the fairer sex suggests that breast itching can be caused by the influence various kinds irritants. Objects can be called as such household chemicals, used by housewives daily, skin care products, toilet water used and jewelry on the neck. The chest hurts and itches due to piercings, in which girls pierce the nipple.

Quite often, women have a desire to scratch as a result of an insect bite or an allergic reaction caused by the consumption of certain food products. In this case, the mammary glands may become extremely painful and the nipples may become very swollen.

Underwear and clothing

Another very common cause of itching is clothing. This is how the body reacts to the materials used in sewing clothes, or to detergents, used in washing clothes.

As for clothing that can provoke the fact that the mammary glands begin to itch, an example of this is a bra that is smaller than the required size, which rubs and squeezes the breasts. Synthetic underwear can also cause breast pain and itching. Therefore, when choosing underwear, it is better to give preference to cotton fabrics.

Breast infections

One of the most common pathologies in women is mastitis. The reasons may also lie in infectious pathologies such as chickenpox, scabies, dermatitis, urticaria, milk candidiasis, psoriasis, or acne. At the same time, the woman’s mammary gland is very itchy. It is very important in this situation to properly care for the body, paying more attention to the affected areas.

Women during lactation are constantly trying to deal with such a problem as itchy mammary glands. At improper care the discomfort intensifies. A situation in which the mammary gland is incorrectly applied to the child can also contribute to the appearance of the same problem.

Mammary glands may itch due to the development of the herpes virus. If herpes is accompanied severe itching and the appearance of blisters, you should immediately seek medical attention medical assistance. If the blisters begin to burst, the infection will spread to other areas of the body.

Skin irritation. In the summer, every woman experiences the unpleasant sensation of sweating a lot under her breasts. If the bust is of a significant size, then you have to deal with problems such as diaper rash and itching.

In addition, the causes of dermatological problems may be disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems. Examples of such skin problems include swelling, rashes, redness and unbearable itching. Such symptoms require drug treatment.

The most common causes of itching can be broadly divided into groups such as clothing, infections, eczema or dermatitis and hormonal imbalances.

Hormonal imbalance

The mammary glands can itch starting from the first weeks of pregnancy, when the body expectant mother changes occur, including hormonal levels. The female mammary gland may itch before and after menstrual bleeding. This is how the body reacts to changes in hormonal levels that occur during the designated period.

During puberty, when girls' breasts grow, they may become painful and itchy. This condition is a variant of the norm, since during this period the skin of the breast stretches. Menopause can also provoke itching in the chest. At the same time, they can also be observed due to severe sun tanning and injuries to this area.

Three causes of itching (video)

Folk signs

As you know, women tend to believe omens. In accordance with folk signs, a woman’s left mammary gland itches because a young man or husband is thinking about it. A similar state may arise before an upcoming meeting with a lover. Regarding itching in the left breast, there is also negative omen, according to which the mammary gland itches to part with a loved one.

In accordance with folk signs, a woman’s left mammary gland itches because a young man or husband thinks about it

As for the right breast, itching in it promises betrayal of a lover. Despite the negative interpretation, many are inclined to believe it. Another version of the sign of such a condition is the interpretation according to which the right mammary gland itches when friends or enemies are talking about a woman who has itching.

Lump in the chest (video)

Elimination of itching in the mammary glands

As you can see, there can be a lot of possible answers to the question of why your chest itches. And provoking factors may not always be harmless. Therefore, if a feeling of itching occurs, you should not put off visiting a doctor for too long and, if necessary, get a qualified medical care. If it is not possible to see a doctor in the near future, then there are some remedies that can alleviate the condition somewhat or eliminate the itching completely. Such funds include:

  1. Soothing lotions and ointments containing analgesics, which are widely available in pharmacies. Treat breast skin by specified means should be done twice during the day.
  2. Juice obtained from the aloe plant or aloe gel purchased from a pharmacy can soothe itching.
  3. Cooling compresses can temporarily relieve the itching sensation.
  4. In case of such a problem, it is very important to exclude contact with hot water and use cosmetics with fragrances.
  5. Prolonged exposure should be avoided sun rays.
  6. Cocoa butter, which is a natural product.
  7. It is recommended to avoid using a washcloth.

If itching occurs, it is very important to consult a doctor promptly.

The mammary glands are a very delicate and sensitive area of ​​the body. They should be given more attention. If itching occurs, it is very important to consult a doctor promptly. After all, such a sign may be evidence of the development of the disease. For example, if, in addition to itching in the breasts, a woman experiences the formation of lumps and discharge from the nipples, this may be a symptom of advanced cancer. Thus, ignoring chest itching and other accompanying symptoms sometimes it can cost lives.

Itching in the breast area is an annoying and painful problem. It can be caused by internal changes in the body and external factors environment. Why the papilla in women and the entire chest itches is not known to everyone. Not many people know what to do in this situation. There is an opinion of medical specialists, as well as folk signs, why and why this happens.

If a woman’s mammary gland itches, this indicates that the body some changes are happening. These changes may have functional character or structural restructuring is being carried out. The most common causes of itching in the area chest are:

Most often, itching in this area is not a cause for concern. But that's not true. It is imperative to find out the cause and eliminate it as soon as possible. After all, if you do not provide proper attention in time, you can get complications.

Allergies and biochemical composition of blood

The most common cause of chest itching is an allergy. It most often appears between the breasts. May be triggered by an unknown agent to the body:

  1. Cosmetics.
  2. Detergents.
  3. Medications.
  4. Synthetic underwear.
  5. Food.

The mammary gland is very itchy when cracks, redness and rashes appear on the skin. As soon as you notice changes and the appearance allergic reaction, it is necessary to stop contact with the allergen.

The body loves consistency. In order for the work to be continuous and cyclical, it is necessary to receive the same amount biologically active ingredients. When the internal constancy of the blood composition changes, the body adapts and changes the ratio of the release of other products.

The most noticeable changes occur with an increase in blood sugar and bilirubin. Small vessels also adapt, becoming more brittle and shrinking. These disturbances in the capillaries explain the fact of breast scratching.

Very often the cause of breast itching is hormonal changes in the girl's body. The release of a new portion of active components into the blood causes overstretching and swelling of the skin. Changes in a woman's hormonal levels may indicate the following conditions:

  1. IN adolescence growth of mammary glands.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Premenstrual condition.

This is an adaptation of tissues to new hormones, as well as enlargement, growth and stretching of the organ.

Very often, the causes may be skin diseases, which manifest themselves as herpes, diaper rash or eczema. May appear after an insect bite. Diaper rash mainly occurs under the breasts due to wearing a synthetic bra, poor personal hygiene, excessive sweating.

When a herpetic rash appears, the discomfort is clearly expressed. In place of the former bubbles that burst, wounds appear. The development of the virus and healing processes cause discomfort.

When visiting a solarium skin dry out. The epidermis begins to flake, flake and itch. Itching is a restorative protective reaction of the body.

At inflammatory processes the structure of the organ does not change. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the skin and then penetrate inside. As they develop and multiply, tissue swelling occurs. The skin is greatly stretched and unpleasant sensations appear.

At respiratory diseases increased sensitivity noted under the influence of the virus, as a manifestation of general intoxication. Microorganisms begin to release toxins that poison the body.

When breast tissue is damaged, the breast hurts and itches inside. Healthy tissue is replaced by pathological tissue. This leads to changes in the structure and restructuring of the organ.

Mastopathy- benign diseases, which are characterized by the replacement of glandular tissue with fibrous tissue. If you don't provide timely treatment, That benign disease may become malignant.

Papillary breast cancer- this is a malignant restructuring of the structure milk duct organ. In this case, the glandular tissue is replaced by dense scar tissue, which compresses the nerve receptors. This disease is characterized by early metastasis.

The gland can itch and hurt due to mechanical injury. This injury may be associated with surgical interventions, breastfeeding, rubbing the glands, wearing tight underwear. Discomfort will be felt as the skin defect heals. This state is a restorative defensive reaction.

Emotional shocks stimulate the release of biologically into the blood active substances and adrenaline. This leads to the narrowing of blood vessels and increased tone. Blood circulation in the tissue is strong. Causes discomfort- increased blood flow and vascular reactions.

There are many opinions about what scratching may mean. female breast. Some argue that there are problems in a woman’s body, while others are inclined to folk signs.

If the mammary gland itches, this indicates the following situations:

If the left mammary gland itches:

  1. The itching of this part of the body is mainly associated with love affairs, since the organ belongs to the intimate sphere of life.
  2. Some signs say that right at this moment your chosen one is cheating on you.
  3. But, besides this unpleasant event, signs indicate that your salary may soon be increased, a stranger is yearning for you, a lover wants to see you naked, a romantic date awaits you with your loved one, your chosen one is constantly thinking about you.

If the right one itches:

  1. There is no need to prove to people that you are worthy of their understanding and attention. Your life can be better if you change your social circle and find a more interesting job for yourself.
  2. If you doubt your loved ones or have constant disputes with your employer, you don’t need to look for the problem only in yourself.
  3. You need to look at things soberly.
  4. You will soon have better relationships with people with whom you were at loggerheads.
  5. A colleague or long-time friend will fall in love with you.
  6. Tests await you soon.
  7. Your friend is jealous of you.
  8. A loved one needs your help.

In men, as in women, breast scratching most often can indicate love and romantic relationships. There are also signs about this.

If it itches left breast:

The right sternum, with the help of irritation and itching, reminds the stronger sex of compassion and conscience. If there is similar symptom, then you should look around and think about whether everything is being done correctly and whether someone needs your help and support. You need to remember if you have offended someone. If this happens, apologize quickly. Itching may be a sign that a white streak will soon begin in your life.

If the right breast itches:

  1. A strong quarrel with a loved one awaits you.
  2. Perhaps you will receive an inheritance.
  3. You will have a new crush.
  4. Review your social circle.
  5. Good luck will accompany you throughout life.

Other signs

If a person has two breasts itching at the same time, this may indicate that he will soon find himself in a hopeless situation. These people should be more restrained and control their statements and emotions. This also applies to the love sphere. You shouldn’t follow your significant other’s every step and give her an excessive amount of attention. This can negatively affect your relationship and lead to a breakup.

The signs say the following:

  1. A blood relative needs your help and support.
  2. Perhaps problems will begin at work.
  3. The object of your adoration will not reciprocate your feelings.
  4. A difficult conversation awaits you with an old enemy.
  5. Soon you will experience sadness and tears.

It is worth noting that itching in the chest area does not always bring you pleasant emotions, moments and meetings. It is the scratching between the glands that can portend both positive and negative moments in your life.

  1. A pleasant love adventure.
  2. A friend will ask for a loan.
  3. You will be given something you don't need.
  4. New acquaintances and meetings.
  5. A quick break in a relationship with a loved one.

If your breasts itch in the nipple area late in the evening, this indicates that your loved one is thinking about you. If such a feeling lasts all day, then he does not forget about you for a minute. There are situations when scratching the chest in the evening foreshadows a stormy sexual relationship.

But if this symptom appears closer to midnight, over the next 24 hours it is worth observing special caution. There is a big risk that during these days you will meet a person who will not bring the most vivid impressions and moments into your life.

Itching of the breast in the evening may indicate the following symptoms:

  1. On your life path meet a person who completely changed your worldview.
  2. Your initiative will soon bring you positive moments in life.
  3. It's time to completely change your life.
  4. You may have a rival.
  5. Your life will be measured and calm.

In the morning, the breasts are usually itchy with drastic changes weather conditions. If this part of the body itches at the same time every day, then this indicates that you are moving in the right direction. There will be many positive events in your life. Positive predictions:

  1. You can win a lot of money.
  2. Your problems are far in the past.
  3. You will be lucky for a certain time.
  4. You will get what you have dreamed of for so long.
  5. Soon you will meet your soulmate.

It is believed that scratching the chest foretells positive situations. But there are times when such a physiological process indicates the presence of minor troubles in the body. If you want to avoid negative emotions, then try to tune in to positive thoughts. When scabies starts, think about what a pleasant vacation awaits you, think about a relaxing day, or dream about a gift from your significant other. Most likely, the right attitude will help smooth out unpleasant situations, and you will not encounter failures.

Itching in the mammary glands is an annoying and painful problem. Called various factors external environment and internal changes in the body. Not every woman knows what to do if her chest itches. But sometimes it’s unimaginable to want to scratch it.

If your chest itches, your body is trying to hint at changes occurring in it. The changes may be functional in nature, but there is also a structural restructuring of the glands themselves. Most common reasons itching of the breast:

  • allergy;
  • hormonal changes;
  • skin diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • violation of the biochemical composition of the blood;
  • injuries;
  • stress.

In general, itching of the mammary glands in women does not cause serious concern. But this is not true. The cause must be identified and eliminated. After time you can earn serious problems with health.


The most common cause of itchy female breasts is an allergic reaction. Most often felt between the breasts. Called when the body encounters an unknown agent:

  • food;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • medicines;
  • detergents;
  • cosmetics.

The gland is very itchy when rashes, redness, and cracks appear on the skin. When the first symptoms of an allergy occur, the intake of the aggressive factor should be stopped immediately.

Changes in the biochemical composition of blood

The body loves consistency. For cyclic continuous operation, the same amount of biologically active substances is required. When the internal constancy of the blood composition changes, the body adapts and changes the ratio of the release of other substances.

The most noticeable changes are with an increase in bilirubin and blood sugar levels. Small vessels also adapt, shrink, and become more fragile. It is the metabolic disorder in the capillaries that explains why breasts itch.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes are the reasons why the mammary glands itch. The release of a new portion of active substances into the blood causes swelling and overstretching of the skin. Hormonal changes may indicate the approach of such conditions:

This is the adaptation of tissues to a new amount of hormones, as well as stretching, growth, and an increase in the volume of the organ.

Skin diseases

The causes of itching are often skin diseases. They manifest themselves as eczema (wet sores), diaper rash, and herpes. May occur after an insect bite.

Diaper rash often appears under the breasts as a result of excessive sweating, poor personal hygiene, and wearing a synthetic bra.

When herpetic rashes discomfort is pronounced. In place of the burst bubbles, wounds form. The development of the virus and the healing processes cause unbearable sensations.

Visiting a solarium dries out the skin. The skin flakes, flakes and itches. Itching is a protective recovery reaction.

Inflammatory diseases

At inflammatory diseases There is no change in the structure of the organ. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the skin and penetrate deeper. In the process of their development and reproduction they cause tissue swelling. The skin is overstretched. Unpleasant sensations arise.

Increased sensitivity when respiratory diseases noted under the influence of the virus, as a symptom of general intoxication. Microorganisms release toxins and poison the body.

Breast diseases

When the glandular tissue is damaged, the breast hurts and itches inside, in the thickness of the gland itself. In the breast, healthy tissue is replaced by pathological tissue. This leads to changes in the structure and restructuring of the organ.

A benign disease characterized by the replacement of glandular tissue with fibrous tissue is called mastopathy. If left untreated, it can develop into a malignant form.

Papillary breast cancer (Paget's cancer) is malignant change structures of the mammary duct of the gland. There is a replacement of glandular tissue with dense scar tissue. Dense tissue compresses nerve receptors. The disease is characterized by early metastasis.


The gland can hurt and itch due to mechanical injury. Injuries are associated with wearing tight underwear, rubbing the glands, breastfeeding, and surgical interventions. Discomfort is felt during the healing of the integumentary defect. It is a protective recovery reaction.


Emotional shocks stimulate the release of adrenaline and biologically active substances into the blood. This helps to increase tone and constrict blood vessels. Blood circulation in the glandular tissue is abundant. The causes of discomfort in the mammary gland are vascular reactions and increased blood flow.

Folk signs why breasts itch

Since ancient times, it has been believed that a woman’s breasts are the area responsible for desires, reason and peace of mind. It is an emotionally vulnerable part of the body.

When experiencing mental anxiety, women wonder why their left breast itches. It is located near the heart. According to legend, it is responsible for emotions and speaks of longing for a loved one. If the left breast of a lady in love itches, then a close man thinks about her. If a girl’s heart is free and her left breast itches, it is believed that a young man is unrequitedly in love with her.

Eat folk sign what itches right breast to an unexpected pleasant acquaintance. Right gland responsible for the mind, intellect, logical thinking. Before making new acquaintances, you need to think carefully about everything.

Itching in the chest definitely has a reason. And if the gland not only itches, but also hurts, then this indicates a disease. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a doctor can help you figure out what itching of the mammary glands means. You should not ignore your preventive annual visit to the mammologist for early detection pathology.

What causes discomfort in the nipples, why does the breast itch, how long does it last? unpleasant condition and what diseases are diagnosed with this phenomenon?

The desire to constantly or periodically scratch a delicate part of the body causes inconvenience and also suggests that the person has a disease. Conditions associated with physical discomfort are classified as chronic and sometimes temporary pathologies. Most often, women suffer from the unpleasant sensation.

What causes itching: analysis of non-dangerous causes

Tingling, redness, local heat are symptoms that often accompany those who experience breast itching. Some girls want to know what it means if their breasts itch and whether they should worry about it.

Some causes are not life-threatening, although they cause discomfort, but it does not last long - from 2 to 5 days.

Conditions for chafing and skin damage:

  • wearing tight bras;
  • use of clothing made of synthetic materials;
  • reaction to contact with washing powder;
  • use of low-quality body cream;
  • irritation due to wearing woolen sweaters;
  • topless sunbathing;
  • unconscious scratching in a dream.

Women should also pay attention to hygiene: take a shower daily and lubricate the nipples with moisturizing creams if the doctor has diagnosed cracking of the outer part of the breast.

Sex also becomes a condition for problems in the diaphragm area when frequent stimulation of the nipples is carried out. If caresses are performed by an unshaven man, the stubble digs into the skin and leads to the appearance of microcracks.

Mammologists also identify other causes that occur during premenstrual syndrome. Among the list of consequences is just itching in the nipple area. When using a breast pump, women should also be prepared that the likelihood of discomfort increases.

Allergic reactions occur mainly due to intolerance to the materials from which the device for expressing physiological fluid is made.

Teenage girls often experience itching of the mammary glands. Similar phenomenon- confirmation of breast growth. It is completely physiological.

Ancient beliefs: how the ancestors reacted

Magi and simple people They observed their lives closely and then compared the sensations they had with the unfolding events.

A well-known sign is associated with the sensations experienced by a woman in the upper body. The ancestors attached special, sacred significance to the right breast, while itching on the left side of the body was not considered a signal of some upcoming event.

Faint tingling sensations are evidence that the girl misses her lover. However, if the sensations are strong, then the interpretation changes to a negative one: imminent or already occurred betrayal - this is what the young lady’s right breast itches for.

There is another option - the arrival of guests, for whom you need to prepare in detail in order to show yourself as a homely housewife.

Factor of hormonal changes

Increased estrogen levels during pregnancy increase the sensitivity of the nipples and lead to their swelling (needed by the body to stimulate lactation). Visible changes are observed within 2 weeks after fertilization.

During feeding, the most sensitive parts of the body come into contact with the baby's mouth, which also causes natural but mild itching. By accumulating milk, the glands increase in size, which leads to tissue stretching due to increased load.

Incomplete milk output often causes itching, especially if a woman develops lactostasis - a state of stagnation of fluid in the ducts.

Another disease that develops during lactation is mastitis, or mastitis. The pathology is manifested by tissue inflammation, which causes a red breast (the spot is localized in the center).

The end of fertile age also leads to a change in the structure of the mammary glands, in which fibrous tissue turns into fatty tissue. Many older women who have entered menopause experience strange sensations in their nipples, but there is nothing to be afraid of.

A condition where the chest hurts and itches - individual reaction on the use of hormonal medications, including contraceptives.

Dermatological diseases

Nipple eczema is a common consequence of feeding a baby, which is often interrupted if the mother experiences severe pain.

Signs of eczema:

  • skin redness;
  • burning;

Treatment begins when wounds appear: violation of the integrity of the integument leads to the risk of infection penetrating into the dermis. High risk Fungal infection occurs in those patients who have itching under the breasts and there are spots there.

Folds are a convenient place for reproduction pathogenic microflora That's why doctors often visit this area.

Dermatitis of the glands is still observed during periods of stress, which can be associated both with difficulties at work and with the adaptation of the psyche to the birth of a child.

Women suffering increased sweating, redness and other pathological phenomena are often detected in the lower part of the gland. The cause of itching is the appearance of diaper rash.

Cancer tumor

When the sternum area hurts badly, a woman gets scared and thinks about the worst thing - an oncological tumor. Paget's disease, which affects the sweat and mammary glands, does have a similar symptom.

Types of lesions in the sternum area:

  • tumor-like (a cancerous node appears under the nipple);
  • ulcerative (wounds secrete pus and expose the deep layers of the epidermis);
  • psoriatic();
  • eczematoid (rashes turn into weeping ulcers).

In every 2 cases, the cancerous spot is located in the area of ​​the nipple or its areola. Increased risks exists in patients with a genetic predisposition, constant trauma to the dermis and a preference for sunbathing without a swimsuit.

Women suffering from mastopathy should be attentive to their health: the appearance of cysts in the lobules of the gland increases the risk of transformation benign formations to cancer.

Paget's disease rarely spreads to both breasts at once.


Irritation, allergies, minor damage to the mammary glands lead to the formation of dots on the glands. If painful red spots on the chest itch, then this is not yet a reason to think about the presence cancer.

Although serious damage to the mammary glands is also possible. To be sure, it is wise for a woman to visit a mammologist and get objective information about her health.

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