Why can a person’s cheeks and ears burn? Why does my right ear burn?

What causes your ears to turn red? This phenomenon is associated with a rush of blood to the ears, but it can be caused by the most different reasons. Let's figure out why ears burn and whether it is possible to fight it.

Redness of the ears

Redness of the ears

Redness of the ears can be caused by increased activity brain. This reaction can occur when a person gets into stressful situation. People with weakened nervous system sometimes strong excitement or fear is enough.

Ears may turn red under the influence external factors, For example sharp increase air temperature. If the room is too hot, the blood vessels begin to dilate so that the body can cool itself more effectively. Therefore, more blood begins to flow to the ears. This is why they acquire a rich red color.

This phenomenon can also be caused by increased physical activity person. At this time, the heart rate increases significantly and blood pressure increases. As a result, blood begins to move faster and flows to the ears.

Ears turn red: we are looking for the cause in diseases

Why do ears turn red? favorable conditions and in a calm state? The reason may be serious illnesses. Among them we can especially highlight:

1. Diseases of the auditory canal or external ear.

2. Infection in open wound on the auricle.

3. Psoriasis.

4. Eczema.

5. Manifestation of allergies to the metal from which earrings or other jewelry are made.

6. Formation of a boil.

7. Otmycosis. This is a disease of fungal origin. It is usually accompanied by itching.

8. Red ear syndrome. This disease is provoked by an exacerbation of cervical spondylosis. Neuralgia occurs as a result of changes in the cervical vertebrae glossopharyngeal nerve, as a result nerve fibers become more sensitive. This syndrome is accompanied not only by redness of the ears, but also by an increase in body temperature, as well as pain.

9. Carcinoid syndrome. It accompanies the appearance of neuroendocrine tumors. Tumor growth provokes an increase in serotonin levels in the blood. As a result of this, vasodilation occurs.

As you can see, it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of why ears turn red. This can be caused by many factors. If this reaction occurs regularly and is accompanied by other symptoms, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Folk signs make our lives pleasantly predictable. Itches left hand- expect a quick profit. Sparrows are bathing in dust - take an umbrella, it will start raining soon. An eyelash falls out - a gift. But why are your ears burning? Excitement, shame, brainstorming, slander from ill-wishers - these are the most popular interpretations. But why are your ears burning? Folk signs accumulated yes long years, and modern scientific knowledge allow us to answer this question quite accurately.

Why are my ears burning?

Let's start with folk signs. If your ears suddenly catch fire, there are several options:
someone is talking about you;
you will soon meet someone who thinks about you very much, impatiently;
someone is thinking about you;
the weather will change soon.

If you feel a strong fever without additional “symptoms,” then there is no need to doubt what exactly they are thinking or saying about you: it has been tested for centuries. But the context of these conversations depends on who exactly is doing it. Human energy is capable of perceiving equally both negative and positive. Therefore, if your ears are burning, only the strength of the emotion is clear. But what exactly they say - bad or good - depends on which ear burns more strongly.

A folk sign regarding the change in weather connects two sensations: heat in the ears and severe itching. Moreover, if a person was born in the summer, it will soon become warmer. If the “winter” birthday boy feels hot and itchy at the same time, wait for colder weather.

Advice! If you want to find out who exactly is washing your bones or thinking about you with terrible force, just go through all the possible candidates in a row. As soon as you mentally touch that same person, the heat will stop.

Why is it burning? left ear

The left side is traditionally the area of ​​the heart, soul, and therefore many signs associate it with negative energy. Therefore, mothers-in-law, sarcastically explaining to young daughters-in-law why the left ear is burning, superstitiously spit... right! Through left shoulder. Drives away evil spirits.

And they do it right. According to popular wisdom, if it catches fire left lobe, then they scold you mercilessly, slander you with or without reason, in general, they diligently fill you with negative energy. If the energy shell is weak, then such an impact can also affect health. Especially if a bad person smiles in your face, but gives vent to his anger behind his back, gossips, and uses dirty words.

It’s not enough to know why your left ear is burning. You need to be able to fight back an invisible enemy.

What can be done:
wash off the negativity with water. Water is a very powerful energy assistant; it has an incredible power of cleansing and healing, both physical and mental. You can get by by dousing your limbs or even just washing your face (remember how they wash babies from the evil eye - the same principle);
if there is holy water, you need to wash yourself with it three times, making sure to include the top of your head. If you know the prayer, be sure to read it. After washing with holy water, do not wipe off - the moisture must dry naturally. The fever will go away with it;
Instead of prayer, some people read slander. If this method works for you, please read.

By the way, the Dutch use a peculiar way to silence a bad-tongued person from a distance. True, they do not think about why the left ear is burning, since they consider ringing in the left ear to be a sign of slander behind their backs. But this is particular! So, if it appeared unpleasant feeling in the left ear, you just need to bite your little finger. At that very moment the gossiper will bite his dirty tongue. So much so that he won’t want to chat and slander about you for a long time.

Why is it burning? right ear

As for why the right ear is burning, folk wisdom It’s also not limited to one option, there are several of them:

Friends say something very good;
some of them are trying to contact you, meet you, but cannot do this in any way and therefore are upset, maybe even swearing;
they just talk about you in a neutral context;
someone praises you;
good news awaits;
your friends tell the truth about you;
someone is rushing to you, and the meeting will take place soon.

The right side is always something good, correct, and therefore there is no need to worry about what the right ear is burning for. To something good. If you really want to find out who needs you so much, who is talking about you good words or needs an urgent conversation or meeting, mentally go through all your family and friends. The principle is the same as with the left ear: when you reach the right person, your ear will stop burning.

Some parallels can be drawn between the folk superstition about why the right ear is burning, and scientific research. Scientists say that when adrenaline is released, it is this that begins to burn. Therefore, strong joy, fear, excitement, shame - any strong emotion can provoke just such a physiological reaction.

Why your ears burn: signs by day of the week

Eat a fun way fortune telling by days of the week. But by cards or beans, but by... ears! Or rather, by the exact day on which they began to burn.

1. Monday: morning heat - someone is very jealous, afternoon or evening - there will be a quarrel.

2. Tuesday: for lovers it marks a sad parting, for single people - slander and deception.

3. Wednesday: ears burn in the morning for a long-awaited date or meeting, in the afternoon for the appearance of an envious person, in the evening for a new romantic adventure, light flirting or a full-fledged romance novel.

4. Why are your ears burning on Thursday? Good news.

5. Friday: The date you've been dreaming about will finally happen.

6. Saturday: evening heat means trouble. Morning or afternoon doesn't mean anything.

7. Sunday: to profit regardless of the time of day.

If the omen is good, just wait for a joyful event. But if burning ears portend trouble or trouble, you need to try to cope with a bad reaction, calm down and concentrate. Forewarned is forearmed.

Why do my ears burn? medical point vision

Modern science, which over the past decades has been trying to understand why so often completely unscientific folk signs turn out to be more accurate than measuring instruments and test tube studies, and has an opinion about burning ears.

Why do ears burn from a medical point of view? There are several hypotheses confirmed with varying degrees of probability.

The brain works in enhanced mode. Australian scientists, having conducted a number of serious studies, have come to the conclusion that there is a direct relationship between a surge in brain activity and burning ears. Increased blood flow to the brain stimulates blood flow to all tissues of the head. Therefore, teachers at the Unified State Exam should take a closer look at schoolchildren. Those whose ears are on fire have prepared long and carefully. But pale-eared guys may not be ready for texts. To be honest, this is a very unconvincing theory. Otherwise, why are there excellent students whose ears do not burn at all, and poor students whose right or left ear burns?..

My ears are simply frostbitten. Yes, if a person spent an hour or two in severe frost without covering his head properly, mild frostbite he is guaranteed. Another thing is that such an event in Russia, for example, is not uncommon. The body itself has learned to perfectly restore blood circulation in a frostbitten area. Heat in the ears is a physiological reaction to heat. Why do ears burn from a medical point of view? Because this is how the body tries to cool down and give off excess heat due to the rush of blood.

Mild vegetative-vascular dystonia. Simply put, there is not enough water in the body, and therefore normal blood flow is disrupted. The brain does not receive proper nutrition, reacting to the delay in this way.

Structural features circulatory system and skin tissue. Red-haired and thin-skinned people are the first at risk. The cruel idea that all redheads are rogues and often swindlers and deceivers comes from here. It’s just that in people with such delicate skin, the vessels are located very close to the surface of the dermis. Therefore, any, even the slightest, excitement can cause unsightly spots on the cheeks or neck, and redness of the ears.

Allergies, constant malfunctions of some kind internal organs. It is worth paying attention to your health if your ears are constantly burning. Something is clearly wrong. The reaction is most often caused by alcohol, spicy food, medications, bee products, cocoa, hot tea, coffee.

High blood pressure is also one of the most dangerous signs of why ears burn from a medical point of view. Poor circulation can cause redness of the ears, and if it is accompanied increased heart rate, headache, feeling of heaviness in the head, pressure on the ears, diagnostics is needed. You can do it yourself at the primary level - using a tonometer and regular measurements in the mornings throughout the week. If the disorder is persistent, you should immediately go to the doctor. Pressure is no joke.

Diseases inner ear, troubles with eardrums. A sign of a disorder is constant burning of the ears for several days, accompanied by itching and pain.

Stroke. This is one of the signs of a dangerous rush of blood to the brain. Very danger sign, especially if a person is prone to hypertension, is constantly nervous, experiences stress, and falls into an aggressive state. Immediate hospitalization and a full examination are needed.

Why do ears burn from a medical point of view? There are a lot of reasons, and some of them require serious examination, and sometimes - immediate medical care. There is no need to take this recommendation with a smile. Our life consists of little things, and each one can turn out to be fatal.

Ears are burning: how to protect yourself from the evil eye

Burning ears are one of the signs of the evil eye.

There are many ways to protect yourself from ill-wishers and simply ogling people.

A small pocket mirror that needs to be placed with the reflective surface facing out. It is believed that all evil will be reflected from the mirror protection and will not go to you, but to the one who jinxed it.
Amulet. There are many of them: made of wood, natural stone, fabric, bone, glass beads, twigs, threads. What is important is not the item itself, but the belief that it can help. Give it a try.
Psychological reception, which is essentially similar to wearing a mirror. It is called mirroring and is used as mental protection. You need to put a mental block in front of yourself and the hypothetical villain, visualizing it as a large mirror or mirror barrier, a wall that reflects all evil. Negative messages are sent back and harm the villain himself. The method works great.
If you know that the person who is next to you is potentially dangerous energetically, can jinx it, or you are in confined space with a large number of people, you can protect yourself in a proven way. Cross your arms or legs in a closed, defensive position. If this is difficult to do, you can simply close the big one and index fingers, forming a protective ring.

Ears are burning: how to relieve anxiety

If heat in the ears accompanies any excitement, and a person knows about it, he needs to master some effective method calm nerves, relieve tension. Especially if there is a really exciting event coming up - a speech to a large audience, a wedding, a thesis defense, etc.

Common methods:
calming Herb tea;
pharmaceutical light preparations: valerian, motherwort, glycine;
warm bath or shower;
long walks;
reading your favorite book with a funny or kind plot;
a good series with a favorite hero;
friendly chat;
fitness room or dance class;

Usually a glass of cognac in a therapeutic dose is also recommended. But you need to be extremely careful with her. For most people, this therapy causes, on the contrary, a rush of blood to the head. Calm down, maybe it will calm down. But it may well make your ears burn.

What to do with physiology: fight or be friends?

Coping with the body’s physiological reaction to cold, heat, and excitement is very difficult. If your ears are severely frostbitten, for example, then any temperature difference in the future will cause redness of the skin in the frostbitten area.

The same goes for long stay in the open sun. People who are exposed to constant sun at work and do not cover their heads may experience a chronic overdose of UV radiation. Therefore, in the evenings their ears will definitely burn.

It also causes a reaction and a strong temperature difference due to thermal procedures: sauna, bath, steam room, swimming pool, shower - all this can lead to heat in the ears. Of course, the reaction will go away on its own, but to speed up the process, you can use cool compresses, soothing creams, and lotions.

The question arises: if ear burning is caused by physiological reasons due to activation brain activity, is it possible to start the reverse process? For example, rub your ears until they turn crimson during an exam to get blood flowing and get your brain firing on all cylinders? Will this help me get a good grade on a test or exam?

No matter how strange it may sound, but yes: it can help. True, if there is something to help, then there is some knowledge embedded in the brain. It exists for a reason easy way invigorate yourself with a massage of your earlobes and shells. It really invigorates, makes you get ready, and at the same time increases your immune protection body. It is no coincidence that the ears are rubbed first of all in order to revive a person who has lost consciousness or is dead drunk.

You can simply vigorously rub your ears with your palms until you feel hot, and this will be enough to concentrate on the task. Perhaps this is where another student superstition comes from: you need to scold and swear at the examinee to the best of his ability. It is believed that such abuse is for the good - the exam will definitely be passed. So parents try and best friends, they burn the student for no reason.

And this is already from the realm of folk superstitions. Ears burning means they are talking badly or emotionally about you, scolding you, remembering you, dreaming of talking or meeting. During the exam, it turns out that this is exactly what is needed to stimulate brain activity due to the rush of blood to the head. So folk signs can be used not only to predict your future, but also to correct it.

Probably everyone has heard that if a person’s ears are burning, then someone is talking about him. Is it really? This question is relevant, because every person faces this symptom. Let's try to understand the question “why do a person’s ears burn” in our article.


Our whole body is entwined with a network blood vessels, ears are no exception. The heart works at an intense rhythm, its work can be affected by many factors: medications, hereditary diseases, stress, mental disorders and many other factors that surround us.

With increased work, the heart rate and cardiac output increase, so the blood through the vessels begins to move at a more active rhythm, the organs begin to be supplied with oxygen and nutrients to the greatest extent.

This is how hyperemia of the organ is formed, so we can observe redness in the area of ​​the organ. It is the heated blood that gives us the sensation of redness in the ears. The hearing organ performs very important function. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of this organ and pay attention to any changes. Color change auricle may be a signal that something is happening in the body.

Causes of redness of the hearing organs

Nowadays, people are very often exposed to stress. These situations are very diverse, so it’s worth paying attention to them Special attention. It is very interesting to understand the phenomenon when only one ear burns, either the right or the left.

  • When active mental stress the brain needs large quantities oxygen for its activation, blood flow to the head, as well as the ears, causes a feeling of warmth or burning;
  • Any emotion can cause your ears to burn. The cause may be fear, anger, frustration, shame, extreme excitement, or intense laughter. In this case, the hearing organs may not redden evenly, since at this moment the condition of the vessels may be different;
  • If a person is very frightened, this can also cause hyperemia of the ears and even the face. This is due to the fact that when frightened, the body begins to produce the hormone adrenaline. It, in turn, increases the work of the heart and increases blood pressure. This promotes blood flow to the organs;
  • Weather conditions can also play a role in ear redness. Each body is individual, so everyone reacts differently to heat and cold. In hot weather, blood vessels dilate and blood pressure increases. Also, the body may not cope with the temperature in rooms;
  • It’s worth considering if your ears burn for a long period of time. This may cause some kind of infection. This case may arise if you recently cleaned your ears with objects that are not suitable for this procedure. As a result, you could damage delicate skin ears;
  • The headdress should always be the right size. Otherwise, compression of the ears occurs, and therefore compression of the blood vessels. This also applies to lovers of headphones, especially large ones. If the skin is squeezed for a long time, then its shade may become not only red, but also acquire a bluish tint;
  • Another reason may be the restructuring of the body. This category especially includes girls during menopause.

May provoke

  • Respiratory system disease;
  • Development of microorganisms in the nasal and ear cavities;
  • Changes in hormonal levels;
  • Hypertensive crisis (increased blood pressure);
  • Medicines that regulate blood pressure.

Folk signs

If you notice that both your ears are burning, then they are talking about you behind your back. This can be explained by the fact that people have the power to capture information flows that affect their personality. Again, this depends on the specifics of the body: some may have slight redness, while others may feel hot and itchy.

It is believed that if only the right ear is on fire, then they say good things about you. Perhaps someone wants to meet or contact you, but they are unable to do so. If you try to guess the name of the person who is discussing you, the blush should go away.

You have no reason to worry if you notice redness in your right ear. Scientists say that during the period of adrenaline release in the human body, it is the right ear that begins to burn. In this case, any positive emotion can cause this syndrome.

If your left ear still burns, then the reviews about you are negative. Most likely, bad things are said about you or even untruthful actions are attributed to you. Many people note deterioration at such moments general well-being. This is especially true if this person smiles at you, but behind your back he discusses you and speaks badly about you.

Whether to believe folk signs is a personal matter for each person, but it is still worth paying attention to this from a medical point of view. Every manifestation on our body is a sign or signal of some internal change in an organ or organ system.

Treatment methods for hyperemia

In order to begin treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pathology. If this problem is the cause pathological changes in the body, and the redness does not go away for a long time, then you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, any disease may become complicated and lead to irreversible consequences. If there are still reasons, then it is recommended to try to remember the name of this person.

Advice: You can go through all possible candidates, thus, by naming the name of the culprit, the redness will immediately disappear.
An excellent method is to protect yourself from negative impacts, mental disorders.

Traditional methods of treatment

Wash away all negativity from yourself with water. Water is a strong energy source. It is believed that water washes away all negative energy. You can either douse yourself with water, or regular washing will do. If you have the opportunity to wash yourself with holy water, then do it three times, don’t forget to grab the top of your head. After completing this ritual, you should not wipe yourself off; the water should dry naturally.

Why is this happening? Thousands of explanations have been invented for this condition. If your ears often turn red, it is quite possible that this phenomenon is a symptom of a number of diseases. By at least Doctors think so. People find their own explanation for “burning” ears.

Let's try to figure out what causes this condition, what threat it poses, and whether there is any justification for it from a medical point of view. For any processes occurring in the human body, logical reasons can be found. Accordingly, one can also find an argument for why the ears turn red.

Activation of mental activity

Since people who are actively working mentally (schoolchildren, students, scientists) often have to deal with a similar effect, the phenomenon has a direct relationship with the activation of brain activity, which causes increased blood circulation and blood flow, including to the tissues of the head. Not only the ears, but the whole face can burn.

For example, a teacher who notices a student with external changes in the organs of hearing during an exam can have no doubt: in the head of this student there is a rapid process of retrieving memorized information. True, another aspect must be taken into account.

Feelings and nervousness

Excitement and stress are what make a person's ears turn red. In the example of the same student taking an exam, it is worth making some adjustments. A burning sensation in the tissues of the head occurs when a person experiences shame, excitement, or worry. The ears of deceivers also turn red. Why is this happening? It's all about the adrenaline intensely produced by the body, which gives a brown color not only to the ears, but to the entire face. It is quite possible that the student is not at all ready for the exam, and that is why he is very worried.

Prolonged exposure to cold

From a medical point of view, another reason can be considered. Ears usually turn red during the cold season. If the tissues of your face and head seem to be on fire outside, it is likely that they are frozen. To avoid inflammation, the body will try to restore normal blood supply. Increased blood flow causes the effect of “flaming” ears.

Uncomfortable headgear

If the external organs of hearing are burning and sore, it’s time to pay attention to the headdress. It is possible that it is inconvenient or smaller than necessary. Due to squeezing of blood vessels and rubbing of the skin, itching may occur, and It's a dull pain, as a rule, is typical for internal cartilage. Because of this, the ears turn red. What to do in this case? The answer is obvious - change the headdress to a more comfortable one of a suitable size.

Music lovers' ears are burning

It turns out that another reason for red ears may be an addiction to frequent listening to loud music on headphones. Exceeding the permissible decibel threshold leads to acoustic trauma, albeit weakly expressed. Noise and loud sounds negatively affect the vessels of the hearing organs, squeezing them, which indirectly leads to redness of the outer tissues.

Exercise stress

Among normal reasons the sensation of burning ears, which should not cause concern, is also worth noting physical activity. After vigorous exertion (for example, lifting heavy objects) or playing sports, blood circulation throughout the body accelerates. This causes a feeling of warmth, as if heat is spreading through the organs and limbs.


When answering the question of why your ears burn, you should pay attention to the air temperature indoors or outdoors. In case of overheating, the body gets rid of excessive heat by dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow. By the way, with dehydration and lack of moisture, the opposite phenomenon occurs - blood circulation slows down. Reddened ears will indicate the need to protect yourself from overheating.

Among women

Hormonal imbalance is why the ears of women over 45 turn red. At this age, some of the signs of premenopause and menopause are usually fever, sweating, and redness of the skin in the décolleté area. The ears and face may also burn. Hormonal changes, as a rule, are short-term and do not require drug intervention.

What diseases cause your ears to burn?

However, in addition to factors that none of us pay much attention to, it is worth noting those that serve as harbingers or symptoms of diseases. ABOUT pathological reasons why the ears turn red, the following should be said:

  1. Allergic reaction. In this case, the hearing organs will not only burn, but also itch, burn, and swelling and a rash may appear. Can provoke allergies cosmetical tools, food products containing hazardous ingredients, drinks, medicines, as well as synthetic fabrics, from which the headdress is sewn.
  2. Cold. At respiratory diseases accompanied by prolonged fever, often rises blood pressure. In addition to the ears, the burning sensation may be felt in other parts of the body. If the disease is accompanied by otitis (inflammation of the inner ear), a change in the color of the shells is inevitable.
  3. Arterial hypertension. High blood pressure causes not only heat in the ears, but also increased heart rate, pain in the back of the head, and the appearance of black spots or spots in front of the eyes. With increased intracranial pressure The same symptoms occur, the whole face turns red. The appearance of these disorders is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo comprehensive examination, which will help accurately diagnose the pathology and its main cause.

By the way, sometimes with high blood pressure one ear, right or left, turns red. This is explained by the difference in the structure of blood vessels. In addition, under stress, the ears may burn and redden at the same time due to the fact that the heart muscle contracts faster and pumps blood at an unequal speed.


In some cases, burning ears can be a warning sign of a stroke. Cerebrovascular accident occurs due to a sudden rush of blood to the head, which leads to rupture weak blood vessels and hemorrhage. This symptom should especially alert people who are often worried, nervous, stressed, or behave aggressively.


No less often, a red ear is a sign of inflammatory or infectious process leaking inside the ear. If this symptom does not go away for several days, and the burning sensation and hyperemia are accompanied by itching, soreness, decreased hearing acuity and a feeling of congestion, you should urgently visit an otolaryngologist. Fungal diseases manifest themselves in a similar way.

Folk signs: why does the right or left ear burn?

If you believe popular beliefs, then reddening ears are evidence of a negative energy impact on a person. For example, if the left sink is on, it means that they think badly of him, scold him behind his back, and speak poorly of him. In addition to red ears, a person may experience discomfort. If this symptom occurs in the evenings, probably ill-wishers are slandering or discussing the person. By the way, left side the body (according to the location of the heart) is considered spiritual.

Those who believe in folk signs and fear that such energetic influence from the outside will negatively affect their health should protect themselves from evil forces. Some people spit over their left shoulder, other superstitious individuals go to church to sprinkle themselves with holy water and remove negativity with prayer or confession.

If the right ear burns, you can expect good news. It is quite possible that a person experiencing discomfort due to burning hearing organs is praised, missed and wanted to see him as soon as possible. To find out whose thoughts you are in, you need to remember all your acquaintances, friends, and relatives. Whose name you stop at means that person was thinking about you. Girls use this principle when telling fortunes about their betrothed. They say that the right red ear promises a long-awaited meeting, a joyful event.

By the way, the answer to the question of why it only lights up Right side, scientists know. It has been proven that any strong emotions, including excitement, joy, fear, delight, provoke a powerful release of the hormone norepinephrine in the body. If, for example, a man’s ears turn red in front of a woman, this may indicate that he is not indifferent to her.

It is interesting that among folk superstitions about the weather one can find beliefs related to the condition of the hearing organs. Thus, the ears of a person born in summer burn - to warmth, and those born in winter - to cold. On the contrary, this sign should be perceived if a person experiences not a burning sensation, but an itching sensation.

How to solve a problem?

What to do in such cases? How to deal with such an uncomfortable phenomenon? People have come up with many protective methods: amulets, building walls in front of enemies in their thoughts, carrying amulets, mirrors in their pockets, reading prayers, crossing fingers, etc. For example, if your left ear is burning, they advise you to bite your little finger - at this moment the gossiper will bite his own language.

If the cause of a blushing face is excitement, you need to stop being nervous over trifles, learn to calm yourself in any incomprehensible situations. Herbal tea and walks will not harm fresh air, good rest, pleasant pastime. If you cannot curb your anxiety on your own, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a suitable sedative.

Phenomena when some parts of the body and even the face become “hot” are present quite often. People often encounter situations where the temperature in the ear area rises. And the question arises: why do my ears burn? Does it causative factor some kind of disease or it is worth paying special attention to folk signs. They create greater predictability in our lives and help us understand many things. Within the framework of this material, various assumptions in this regard will be considered.


The most popular explanations for this phenomenon can be identified among the people. So, why do ears burn, what should you pay attention to first?

  • A person is overexcited, then his cheeks may burn along with his ears;
  • the individual took part in brainstorming or other intellectual activity;
  • the individual suffers from shame, especially when someone shamed him publicly;
  • another common reason often lies in slander and the ill intentions of enemies;
  • or perhaps “burning” is a sign of an imminent meeting with a person who constantly thinks about you and is waiting for this moment;
  • there is a possibility that they are eager for an early change in plan weather conditions- it will rain, there will be a storm, a thunderstorm, warming, melting snow.
  • If intense heat in the ear area is the only symptom of the phenomenon, there can be no doubt that these interpretations are true. The fact is that human energy is designed in such a way that it equally accepts positive and negative attitudes. If the phenomenon is accompanied additional symptoms in the form of an increase in body temperature, the answer to the question of why your ears are burning should be sought in the otolaryngologist’s office.

My left ear is burning: why?

The left front part is the heart center, the soul, so many magicians associate this area with the invasion of negative energy. That is, if the ear burns on the left side, this indicates merciless abuse about you, slander for any reason and without it, in general, that you are taking on a flow of negative energy.

If we are talking about a bad person, such actions have every chance of having Negative influence to your health. This is perhaps the main answer to the question of why the left ear burns. The following steps will help combat this problem:

  • washing away all negativity with water;
  • washing with holy water;
  • reading prayers or slander.

These actions, although not related to medical indications, according to reviews, are designed to help eliminate the phenomenon.

The right ear is burning: what does it mean?

So why is my right ear burning? There is folk wisdom that explains this phenomenon in several ways and directions:

  • one of the people wants to meet with you;
  • your friends say good things about you;
  • good news awaits you soon;
  • An important meeting in life will soon take place.

Unlike the left side, the right side is always good and correct, so worry about in this case not worth it.

Medical reasons for the phenomenon in question

Science also provides several answers to the question of why ears burn. But sometimes folk signs are more accurate, unlike measuring instruments and research. There are several hypotheses accompanied in different shares probabilities:

  • if your face and ears are burning, most likely, the brain is currently working in an enhanced mode, this is due to the fact that there is a close mutual connection between brain activity and the situation when the ears are burning;
  • frostbite is another common cause of this phenomenon, that is, when a person spends a certain period of time in the cold (at least half an hour or an hour), the phenomenon is observed that the ears and cheeks burn at the same time;
  • a reaction to hot weather can provoke this symptom, in principle, this is normal physiological phenomenon, this suggests that by transmitting an increase in temperature, the human body tries to cool down;
  • lack of water in the body, which leads to problems in the functioning of normal blood flow and the brain cannot receive enough nutrition;
  • individual characteristics of the circulatory system or tissue skin, usually people with dark hair or red-haired citizens suffer from this phenomenon; this situation can be caused by even minor anxiety;
  • allergic reaction - in this case, both ears usually burn, which can be a clear indication of problems in the functioning of the internal organs, so there is a need to pay attention to your health if this happens constantly;
  • An increase in blood pressure can be triggered by the fact that the entire volume of the lobes burns; in case of these diseases, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

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