Plantar wart, or “chicken ass”: how to cure? Photos, treatment and causes of chicken ass on the leg

In humans, entering the body through small cracks or cuts in the skin of the feet, plantar warts can cause. This is a benign formation, popularly known as a “chicken ass”. We will find out below how to treat this problem and whether anything needs to be done at all. However, people should know that spinules (this is another name for the disease) are a benign formation that mainly affects the soles of the feet. For the most part, such warts do not pose a serious threat, but if they cause discomfort, then they should be gotten rid of. You can read in the article what methods to do this.


Before understanding the diagnosis of “chicken ass” and how to treat the disease, you need to understand the factors of its occurrence. Thus, the cause of plantar warts is human infection with a virus. And it can be picked up in public places (bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool) if the rules of personal hygiene are insufficiently observed.

Why is it called “chicken ass”?

It is no coincidence that this name among the people for plantar warts is no coincidence: it was precisely because of its appearance that people began to call it that. In medicine, this disease has another name - “spike”. "Chicken ass" has yellow, inside it there is a small papilla from which vertical formations appear. Outwardly it looks like anus chicken, hence the name.

The spine mainly appears on the feet and toes, on the fingers, and also on the eyelids (rarely).

Is it necessary to get rid of a wart?

Often, “chicken ass” goes away on its own without treatment. early stage. This happens if a person has a good, strong the immune system. Then the body suppresses the virus, and at the same time skin covering is healing. Self-healing can last from 2 weeks to 1.5 years.

However, the spine may not always go away on its own. If the immune system is weakened, then the virus can feel great in the human body, and then the “chicken ass” can manifest itself. Treat plantar wart should be in the following cases:

If it hurts a lot;

Interferes with walking;

Rapidly increases in size;

If daughter growths are already beginning to appear nearby.

Ways to get rid of tumors

“Chicken ass”, the treatment of which can be both traditional and non-traditional, must be eliminated using the following methods:

Chemical methods of elimination at home

How to get rid of “chicken ass” without torturing yourself with trips to the hospital? For this you can use chemical method removal of warts, due to which the neoplasm is destroyed by caustic substances. Since the altered skin of the “chicken ass” is rough, it can be subjected to aggressive influences. For this, various ointments are used, for example salicylic, oxolinic, and also camphor alcohol. A bandage is applied to the affected area. This treatment takes longer than other methods of eliminating the formation, but it is safe and also painless. After some time, the “chicken butt” on the toe or heel disappears on its own.

No less effective means is the “Ferezol” solution for warts. It cauterizes tumors remarkably and also has excellent bactericidal properties. When treating warts on the sole of the foot with Ferezol solution, first thoroughly steam them, then smear the growth without stopping for an hour. Then you don’t need to put anything on your foot; the affected area should air dry. Typically, treatment with Ferezol ends after the fifth procedure.

Surgical removal

“Chicken ass” can be quickly eliminated with a scalpel. The operation itself is not complicated, but after it a relapse is possible, since particles of wart tissue still remain. Also, another unpleasant moment after surgery is the formation of scars.

Removal with liquid nitrogen

“Chicken butt” on the leg can also be removed using cryodestruction. This means that the wart is first frozen, after which it turns white, and after a few days it disappears. The main advantage of removing a tumor using liquid nitrogen is that there are no scars left after the procedure. However, this method, unlike others, is best not used in relation to people with weakened immune systems. The fact is that under the influence of cold, blisters can form on the body, and during those few days while the “chicken ass” is rejected, an infection can penetrate through these water bubbles.

Getting rid of plantar warts using electrocoagulation

In this case, the neoplasm is cauterized using a special electrical device. This procedure must be done under local anesthesia. Some time after electrocoagulation sore spot turns black, but heals quickly enough. In this case, the plantar wart is removed along with the root, but a small scar may still remain.

Laser elimination

This is the youngest method of getting rid of “chicken ass”. The doctor burns out the plantar wart layer by layer with a laser, and this leads to fast healing feet. This method has the advantage of allowing you to control the depth of removal. However, as with other methods of physically destroying such a formation, it can leave scars. But do not worry, since plantar warts are not in visible places.

Unconventional methods of treatment

How to remove a “chicken ass” without involving it medical staff? You can try to get rid of it at home. There are many methods for eliminating this formation, but the most common are the following:

  1. Garlic therapy.
  2. Treatment with celandine.
  3. Prayers and conspiracies.
  4. Acetic acid.

Treatment of plantar warts with garlic

Everyone knows that this plant kills viruses, and some people are even confident that it can also eliminate the papilloma virus in the human body. The recipe for getting rid of the spine is as follows:

Treatment of spine with celandine

The juice of this plant also kills the papilloma virus. For the desired effect, you need to lubricate the affected area on the leg with celandine juice twice a day. By the way, you can trim the spine a little. If you don’t have celandine, you can replace it with milkweed or dandelion. The juices of these plants also promote healing. If you still want to try to get rid of the growth with the help of celandine, but it is not available anywhere, then you can buy it at the pharmacy.

Prayers and spells

Some people resort to this method of eliminating warts. Patients are even sure that it is petitions to God that help them get rid of their “chicken ass.” There are special prayers for plantar warts. But in general, the clergy say that it does not matter what the words in the petition are. The most important thing is that the prayer comes from the heart, and not just a set of words, a recitative. Because only a sincere petition to God can cure not only plantar warts, but also any other ailment.

Removing spines using acetic acid

People often use this liquid with pungent odor. Once a day you need to apply a drop to the spine. The duration of treatment is usually 5-7 days. But you need to be extremely careful with acetic acid, even though the skin on the foot is rough, it can still be damaged. Therefore, it is better to seal the skin around the wart with a plaster, leaving only the window with the growth. To make it easier to use the acid, it should be poured onto a small napkin or cotton sponge, which should then be applied to the spine. The whole thing needs to be sealed with a bactericidal plaster.


You now know how to cure “chicken ass” or spine scientifically, but now we’ll find out how to prevent this disease from appearing. So, to prevent a plantar wart from darkening your life, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Wear shoes that fit properly.
  2. Treat excessive sweating of the feet in a timely manner, since a humid environment for the papilloma virus is ideal.
  3. Promptly treat various cuts, injuries, scratches on the legs and feet.
  4. News healthy image life: exercise, eat right, sleep at least 8 hours a day, do not drink alcohol, and do not smoke. All these activities will help improve immunity, and if the body is strong, it will be able to cope with any illness. And he won’t care about the papilloma virus.

Now you know what “chicken ass” is, where the name came from, and what other names this disease can have. We have identified ways to get rid of this growth, as well as in which cases it is not necessary to remove it. Medical methods eliminating plantar warts is surgical intervention, laser therapy, electrocoagulation, use of liquid nitrogen. Also some people turn to unconventional methods treatment: prayers, use of garlic, celandine, acetic acid. However, the result of such treatment has not been proven, so if you have a plantar wart on your foot, it is better to first go to the doctor so that he can prescribe the appropriate therapy.

Chicken ass on the leg is quite common. This is a common problem that is becoming more pressing as the number of people infected with human papillomavirus increases. Such a neoplasm as chicken ass has many other names, but this does not change the essence of the problem. A foot affected by a chicken ass provokes serious discomfort, which few people will agree to tolerate.

If you look at the chicken ass on the leg, the photo of which is presented to you, even from the outside such a neoplasm is unlikely to seem pleasant.

But what is a chicken ass? This is a wart caused by the human papillomavirus. In fact, such warts have quite a few names:

  • Chicken ass;
  • Chicken Jolka;
  • Chicken callus;
  • Shipica;
  • Shipiga;
  • Plantar wart.

From point of view medical terminology it is the last name that is correct. But regardless of whether you call this growth a chicken ass, a chicken callus, a thorn, or a plantar wart, the main thing remains - the neoplasm requires mandatory and surgical treatment.

Reasons for education

The main cause of chicken butt is the human papillomavirus. Infection and the appearance of a tumor on a leg or toe can be caused by:

  • Due to transmission of the virus through contact and household contact;
  • Failure to comply with basic personal hygiene rules;
  • In case of use general subjects hygiene;
  • When wearing someone else's shoes;
  • Due to tight and synthetic shoes that do not allow the feet to breathe;
  • Because of increased sweating skin of legs;
  • For excessive dry skin;
  • Deformation of the foot, toes or bones;
  • Due to flat feet;
  • In case of damage and injury to the skin, including those caused by contact with aggressive substances;
  • Consequences of chronic diseases;
  • Side effects of long-term use medicines etc.

Any factor that entails a decrease in the protective functions of the body, that is, immunity, can potentially act as a cause of the formation of papillomas, including plantar warts or chicken asses.


Many argue that chicken butt or prickle is difficult to identify because this growth closely resembles ordinary calluses in appearance. In fact, the similarity is observed only in primary stages development. Even in this case, you can recognize a chicken ass if you know the characteristic features of a plantar wart:

  • At the beginning of its development, the spine or plantar wart is characterized by a smooth surface, but gradually it hardens, becomes rough, and upper layer covered with keratinized tissue;
  • If you touch the growth, it will turn out to be hard;
  • The outline of the neoplasm is clear;
  • The size of a chicken ass can reach several centimeters;
  • Mostly plantar warts form on the foot or toe. In more in rare cases appears on the hands;
  • The neoplasm rises slightly above healthy skin - literally by 1-2 millimeters;
  • The shape is usually round or oval;
  • With active growth of the tumor, daughter chicken asses may appear. But when the main and largest plantar wart is removed, the daughter spines go away on their own;
  • In advanced cases, small plantar warts unite, creating a single large growth.

How to treat chicken ass

This is the most main question, finding the answer to which is simply necessary. Chicken asses or plantar warts are more difficult to treat than other types of papillomas. Simultaneously complex treatment is complemented by another unpleasant factor - painful sensations which a person experiences when pressing on the spine.

The presence of a spine in some cases can deprive a person of the ability to move. So you shouldn’t delay treatment to such an extent that you can’t even go to the clinic on your own to have your chicken ass removed.

All available methods Treatments for plantar warts or thorns are conventionally divided into three categories:

  • Traditional methods;
  • Drug effects;
  • Hardware-surgical.

Let's say right away that treating chicken ass on your toe with traditional medicine, when the growth is already large enough and causes severe pain, pointless. Folk remedies will only work in initial stages. If you have already passed this stage, then you should only use medications or hardware surgical methods struggle.


Drug treatment of plantar warts is based on two principles or rules.

  1. The main direction in drug treatment is the fight directly against the cause of the appearance of chicken ass, that is, the human papillomavirus. To do this, a dermatologist prescribes patients a course of Imiquimod, Acyclovir or Isoprinosine. That is, there are various analogues antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. In some cases, patients may require immunostimulants.
  2. And an additional measure is the use of medications, the task of which is to rid a person of the external manifestations of papillomavirus, that is, chicken ass or plantar wart. Cauterizing and killing growths can be presented in the form of a cream, ointment, solution or patch.

The most popular drugs for removing chicken ass or spine are:

  • Solcoderm;
  • Feresol;
  • Kolomak;
  • Cryopharma;
  • Wartner Cryo;
  • Lapis;
  • Superphystotelus;
  • Argonica;
  • Verucacid, etc.

To make the product work faster, but at the same time ensure the proper level of safety, it is recommended to steam the plantar wart before applying the drug, and cover the skin around the chicken ass with a plaster or treat it with a rich cream. This way the aggressive substances of medications will not affect healthy skin, and therefore the risk of burns as a result of treatment will be minimized.

Hardware-surgical methods

For surgical removal spines use hardware and surgical methods. Not all of them are safe, however, sometimes a person simply has no choice.

  1. Laser. Fastest and most safe method to remove warts. The laser acts precisely on the growth, destroying it to the very root. In rare cases, surgery may leave a scar. This is mainly due to improper care behind the wound after removing the growth.
  2. Radio knife. Tool for non-contact spine removal. The method is modern, safe and practically painless. Together with a laser, it is the most preferred way to get rid of any types of papillomas, including spines.
  3. Credestruction. This is freezing of the growth, where liquid nitrogen is used. A blister appears at the treatment site, which should be properly cared for to avoid scarring.
  4. Electrocoagulation. The tool used to remove build-up is a high-frequency current. It is rarely used because the method does not allow penetration deep into the skin. After removal there is a possibility of relapse because electricity cannot burn out the neoplasm at the root.
  5. Excision with a scalpel. The oldest and most undesirable method. But sometimes only he is able to rid a person of a large wart. A huge disadvantage is the 100% chance of scar formation after cutting out the spine.

Spikes are really difficult to treat, so it is not recommended to deal with this problem yourself at home. Contact a dermatologist who will help you build the right treatment strategy.

A wart that appears on the body becomes not only an aesthetic cause, but also a medical one. This is due to frequent unintentional injury to tumors. In addition to their unsightly appearance, such growths can be hazardous to health.

Plantar growths or spines are popularly called chicken butts. This is one of the most common types of neoplasms of viral etymology. Chicken ass on the leg refers to benign formations with a low risk of malignancy. However, rubbing with shoes can lead to the transformation of growth cells into an oncological tumor.


Most often, wart growths appear on the lower extremities: on the toes, between them, on the sole or heel. Initially, a yellowish smooth spot appears on the foot, which over time becomes covered with scales and becomes brown. Chicken butt between the toes is often mistaken for a dry callus. This is due to the keratinized outer layer covering the wart. It consists of dead cells of the upper layer of the epithelium - the dermis. A chicken butt does not have “legs”; its roots grow deep, so it is quite difficult to remove such a growth.

If you thoroughly steam the foot and use a pumice stone or a foot file to remove the keratinized top layer of the wart, dark spots become noticeable. These are clotted small vessels - capillaries.

Chicken wart resembles an iceberg. The part located on the surface makes up a small fraction of the entire neoplasm. Most of the roots grow in depth and can be several times larger than the “top” in size.


The main cause of any wart is infection with papillomavirus (HPV). The main route of infection is through household contact. HPV infection can occur:

  • In close contact with its carrier;
  • Due to violation hygiene rules(wearing someone else's shoes, trying on without a sock, using someone else's bath accessories, visiting the pool without rubber slides).

Increase the risk of infection:

  • Sweaty feet;
  • Dry, cracked skin on the feet;
  • Lack of foot hygiene;
  • Deformation of the foot (appearance of a bone, curvature of the fingers, especially the little finger, flat feet);
  • Wearing tight, small or uncomfortable shoes;
  • Wounds or microcracks on the skin of the foot;
  • Related chronic diseases (diabetes, atherosclerosis, varicose veins).

Distinctive feature of HPV is long lasting incubation period. As long as the human body is able to provide an immune response to the attack of the virus, HPV is in “hibernation.” Its activation is facilitated by weakening immune defense or its switch to another “enemy”.

Therefore, the appearance of chicken growths - alarm bell! This is a signal of weakened immunity.


The formation of a chicken butt goes through a number of stages:

Discomfort and then pain syndrome associated with the location and deep roots of chicken growths. As the wart grows, it compresses its roots nerve endings. This leads to pain when walking. Over time, the pain syndrome intensifies, turning a person into a disabled person, unable to move independently.

How to make a diagnosis

The appearance of a neoplasm on any part of the body requires mandatory visit specialist Contact medical institution– the key to an accurate diagnosis, timely correct purpose, and required condition fast and effective treatment.

Diagnosis of wart tumors includes:

  • Visual inspection of the wart;
  • Dermoscopy (scraping of the top layer of growth);
  • Blood test for the presence of papillomavirus.

The danger of chicken wart on the leg

Papillomavirus strains, causing the appearance plantar outgrowths are not classified as oncogenic. However, the risk of malignancy of the tumor remains. Transformation of a growth from benign to oncological can occur due to:

  • Constant rubbing of calluses with shoes;
  • An unsuccessful attempt to get rid of the formation by cutting it off with a knife;
  • Unintentional injury to the wart.

To prevent the process of tumor degeneration into cancerous tumor, you should remove the wart as soon as possible.

How to cure chicken callus

Therapy for chicken warts, like other types of tumors caused by papillomavirus, is a complex undertaking. It includes getting rid of the growth, taking antiviral drugs and strengthening the immune system.

It is best that the treatment regimen is prescribed by a doctor. He will confirm the diagnosis and prescribe the most suitable drugs, taking into account the course of the disease, a history of chronic diseases, allergic reactions and others physiological characteristics patient.

You can try to cure chicken ass yourself using pharmaceutical drugs or folk remedies. But you should be patient, such treatment is usually long and less effective than radical methods traditional medicine. You should not try home treatment for warts in children or people suffering from such chronic diseases like diabetes. Atherosclerosis or varicose veins.

Specialized clinics

The easiest way to cure chicken wart is to contact medical Center. Qualified doctors can quickly and painlessly remove unwanted growth using one of the radical methods:

  • Laser destruction. One of the most effective methods getting rid of chicken growths. The laser beam, acting precisely on the tumor, evaporates its tissue layer by layer. The remaining small depression heals on its own within seven to ten days;
  • Radio wave removal. Newest contactless method impact on the growth using radio waves different frequencies. The advantage of the method is to prevent the spread of HPV, due to coagulation of capillaries, and there is no risk of developing a secondary infection;
  • Cryodestruction. Chicken callus can be treated not only by cauterization, but also by freezing its tissues. A liquid nitrogen, cooled to minimum temperatures, leads to necrosis of wart tissue. The skin first turns white, then turns red. A blister forms at the site of the removed growth, which resolves on its own within a week. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to assess the depth of nitrogen exposure. Therefore, several procedures may be needed to achieve results;
  • Electrocoagulation. Burning out a tumor with a high-frequency current closed in a loop. Dried blood and lymph form a natural dressing over the wound, protecting against the entry of pathogens. Not suitable for old formations with deep roots;
  • Surgery. The surgeon removes the growth with a scalpel. The technique is recommended only for large neoplasms or in case of suspected malignancy. The most traumatic procedure requiring the use local anesthesia. A scar remains at the site of the excised growth.

The doctor will advise which method of wart removal to choose, taking into account the characteristics of the body, the wishes and financial capabilities of the patient.

Drug therapy

For adherents conservative treatment, pharmaceutical companies offer a wide selection medications. You can buy them at any pharmacy without a prescription. However, given that such drugs contain aggressive alkalis or acids, it is better to consult a doctor before use.

Principles of using medications:

  • Complex treatment is the key to success. Therapy that combines removal of the growth with the use of antiviral and immunostimulating drugs is the most quick way get rid of them forever;
  • Strict adherence to the instructions drawn up by the manufacturer will protect you from unwanted consequences;
  • Protect healthy skin around the wart from chemical burns A thick cream or adhesive plaster will help.

Base drug therapy are antiviral drugs: Acyclovir, Imiquimod. Destroying HPV at the cellular level in most cases leads to the disappearance of warts.

If the growths remain, you can remove them at home using medications. They are available in the form of an ointment, solution, cream or patch. The most effective are:

  • Verrucacid;
  • Super clean;
  • Feresol;
  • Lapis pencil;
  • Salipod.

To enhance the effect, before using these drugs, it is recommended to steam the damaged area of ​​skin in a hot bath with sea ​​salt and soda. This way, the active substance will quickly reach the source of infection, removing not only the surface layer, but also the root of the chicken ass.

Immunomodulators - Imiquimod, Viferon promote the production of their own interferon. This substance is produced by the body healthy person in response to virus attack. They accelerate the destruction of papillomavirus cells and strengthen the body's defenses, reducing the risk of recurrence of tumors.

Folk remedies

You can remove chicken ass with the help of recipes from folk healers. Perhaps some of them will not inspire confidence in you, but their effectiveness is confirmed by reviews of patients who have tried the treatment on themselves. Harmlessness, accessibility, and the ability to carry out treatment without leaving home are the main advantages of therapy using folk remedies.


The cauterizing properties of this plant gave him a second, popular name– warthog. Juice from the stem of picked celandine - excellent remedy to get rid of chicken ass. But such treatment will be effective only during the flowering period of the plant: from the beginning of May to the end of June. At other times it can be purchased at a pharmacy Mountain celandine, containing medicinal herb extract.

A small amount of celandine juice or extract is used to treat the neoplasm two to three times a day until it disappears completely. The average course of treatment is three to four weeks.


If you have the flu or a cold, eat more garlic. If garlic copes with such viral infections, you can also use it against HPV.

To do this, the peeled garlic clove is crushed using a garlic press, grater or knife. The resulting pulp is spread on cling film or parchment. The resulting compress is wrapped around the previously steamed affected area of ​​skin and secured with a bandage or plaster. Leave until morning. Repeat the manipulation for two to three weeks until the growth completely disappears.


A household product such as vinegar can be found in any housewife’s kitchen. To remove plantar growths, you only need a few drops of ordinary table vinegar. Gently apply vinegar to the new growth, avoiding contact with healthy skin. Repeat three times a day for two to three weeks.


Take small piece propolis and knead. Cover the wart with the resulting mixture. Secure with adhesive tape. The propolis compress should be worn without removing for two weeks. After taking a bath, replace with a new one. After two weeks, remove the propolis cake, clean the top layer of the growth and apply a new compress.

Usually, to completely get rid of a chicken ass, you will need three to four procedures. The course of treatment will take from one to two months.

Prevention of relapse

It will not be possible to cure papillomavirus completely, but it can be avoided reappearance skin defects are possible.

To do this you need:

  • Maintain foot hygiene;
  • Do not use other people's hygiene products;
  • Try on shoes with socks on;
  • Wear comfortable leather shoes;
  • Moisturize the skin of your feet with a nourishing cream.

These simple measures will protect your legs from repeated manifestations of papillomavirus, and chicken warts will forever be a thing of the past.

Video on topic

Category Games for boys- Original title Twenty one 21

First you come into play. In the panel in the lower left corner you can see numbers from one to 10. This is the number of fingers that your character will show. At the same time, your opponent will show his number. The result is summed up and displayed in the lower right corner. You have three moves, but you can limit yourself to one or two. If the sum of points is less than 21, you can transfer the move to your opponent by clicking on the Enough button.

A set of points should be scored on his account. The participant who comes closest to the number 21 wins. If you score extra points on your turn, victory is automatically awarded to your opponent. A tally of victories and total points is kept at the top of the screen. If you lose, the points scored by your opponent are subtracted from your total points. The opponent's tactics are constantly changing and automatically adapt to your chosen game strategy, which makes the process more exciting.


  • Use the mouse to select the required menu items.

Spikes and plantar growths are popularly called “chicken ass”. Today it is one of the most common neoplasms of viral origin. It is classified as benign, but a small risk of malignancy still exists. IN to the greatest extent this refers to warts that appear on the legs as a result of rubbing during movement.

Classification unit

This new formation is often called a callus. However, this approach is not entirely correct, since the reasons for their occurrence are external factors. Warts are caused by conditions created inside the body. Therefore, “chicken ass” should be one of them.


Most often, “chicken butts” form on the leg. They may appear on:

  • heel;
  • sole;
  • fingers;
  • between them.

The chicken butt between the toes looks like a dry callus. This is explained by the fact that on top it is covered with a keratinized layer consisting of dead dermal cells. The wart does not have a “leg”, and its roots go deep inside, so it is quite difficult to remove it.

When you carefully steam the foot and remove the stratum corneum, you can see dark inclusions, which are clogged capillaries. On top there is a small part of the “chicken ass”. Basically, its mass consists of roots, which can be several times larger than the “top”.

A distinctive feature, compared to other types of warts, is that this neoplasm has black dots on its surface. In addition, it has the shape of a circle, which is slightly raised above the surface of the skin.


The main cause of this problem is infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). Main way its penetration into the body is contact-household. Infection is promoted following conditions:

  • violation of hygiene rules (going to the pool without rubber slides, trying on shoes without socks, using someone else’s bath accessories, wearing shoes that belong to other people);
  • close contact with a carrier of the virus.

The following causes of “chicken ass” are concomitant:

  • existing chronic diseases (varicose veins, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus);
  • microcracks and wounds on the epidermis;
  • wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes;
  • deformation of the foot, resulting in the development of flat feet, curvature of the toes, and protruding bones;
  • poor hygiene limbs;
  • the epidermis is dry and cracking;
  • sweating of the extremities.

HPV does not manifest itself during long period, which is called incubation. It lies dormant until the person's immune system weakens.


The “chicken butt” wart does not form immediately, but over a period of time in several stages:

  • a smooth spot appears;
  • scales form on it;
  • a dense node is formed, having a spherical shape, with a keratinized surface and clear boundaries;
  • the growth grows further, up to a diameter of about 2 cm.

If you have a “chicken butt” on your leg, after its formation, painful sensations appear when making movements lower limbs. As the tumor grows, the roots begin to compress the nerve endings, which leads to painful syndromes when walking. If no action is taken, the pain will constantly intensify, which will turn a full-fledged person into a disabled person who will not be able to move independently.


Once such a tumor appears on the body or hands, you need to consult a specialist. Which doctor should I contact for “chicken butt”? Because this skin disease, then you need to visit, first of all, a dermatologist. He will order special tests:

  • blood test for HPV;
  • dermatoscopy (scraping, which is made from the top layer of the wart and examined under a microscope using special reagents).

In addition, the doctor will examine the tumor visually.

Wart danger

As noted above, occasionally it can turn into malignancy. The following factors contribute to this:

  • her trauma;
  • attempt to cut with a knife;
  • constant rubbing from shoes.

To prevent this process, it is necessary to identify and cure this problem in time.

Treatment methods

Any neoplasms caused by HPV require the use of comprehensive measures. This involves undergoing special procedures, reception antiviral agents in order to get rid of growth, strengthen the immune system.

The tumor can be removed using surgical intervention, which is produced in the following ways.

Depending on the capabilities of the clinic, the patient, and the state of the latter’s body, the doctor will suggest choosing one or another method of wart removal. It should be taken into account that laser and cryoscopy promote cauterization of adjacent tissues, which helps prevent their suppuration and inflammation.

Drug therapy

Medicines used for HPV treatment, contain aggressive acids and alkalis, so to prevent chemical burns, stick an adhesive plaster around the wart or apply a thick layer of cream.

The main means for destroying infection at the cellular level are the following:

  • "Acyclovir";
  • Imiquimod.

In addition, creams, solutions, ointments, and patches are used to remove growths:

  • "Salipod";
  • "Lapis Pencil";
  • "Ferezol";
  • "Superclean";
  • "Verrukacid."

Special patches or ointments based on salicylic acid, which allows you to eliminate external manifestations warts

For faster penetration active substance and destroying the root, before applying any medicine It is better to steam the damaged area of ​​the epidermis in a hot bath, to which soda and sea salt are added.

Immunomodulators are used to produce interferons by the body. With their help, the risk of relapse is reduced.

The most used remedy in the fight against HPV is celandine. Its name is borrowed from the name of the chemical preparation mentioned earlier, but it is not included in the composition of celandine.

Treatment of "chicken ass" folk remedies with the help of this representative of the flora (otherwise called warthog), it is effective when applied during the flowering phase (beginning of May - end of June). If this deadline is missed, you will have to purchase the plant extract in pharmacies. Its juice or a small amount of extract is used to treat the wart 2-3 times a day until it completely disappears. On average, the duration of the course is 3-4 weeks.

You can also use chopped garlic in the fight against HPV. To do this, the clove is peeled, chopped with a knife or on a grater (you can use a garlic press). The product is placed on parchment or cling film and applied to the area of ​​the skin that is damaged - it must first be steamed. For better action You need to leave the compress until the morning, so it is fixed with a plaster or bandage. Full course lasts 2-3 weeks, after which the wart disappears.

In addition, it can be applied to the damaged area. table vinegar in the amount of a few drops, avoiding contact with healthy epidermal areas. The course lasts for 2-3 weeks when used three times a day.

This disease is also cured with the help of propolis, for which it is thoroughly kneaded and the neoplasm is covered. Secure with adhesive tape and wear without removing for two weeks. If you are taking a bath, you should replace this piece with a new one. After two weeks, the cake is removed, the top layer of the wart is cleaned, and a piece of propolis is applied again for another two weeks. The full course of treatment is 1-2 months.

You can also use a decoction of spruce branches. In this case, they are first cut into pieces about 15 cm long, filled with water, boiled for 5 minutes and cooled. Every other day, baths are made using this decoction. In a week they will start to disappear painful sensations, But complete cure possible only after 1.5-2 months.

An infusion of lemon peel is also used. To prepare it, the peels removed from two lemons are infused in 0.5 cups of 70% vinegar essence. Infusion occurs over a week with periodic shaking. The resulting infusion is applied to the tumors 2-3 times a day until they are completely destroyed.

Warts can be lubricated with the juice of dandelion and milkweed. It is applied to tumors 4-5 times a day. You can also apply a paste of Kalanchoe leaves, changing the dressings daily for a week.

Another recipe: place the onion in a glass with vinegar, leave for 2 hours, then apply to the wart and fix it overnight. In addition, lubrication or application of compresses made from an infusion or decoction of wormwood is used. You can also use rubbing the tumor sour varieties apples 3-4 times a day.


Like any other virus that enters human body, it is not possible to completely get rid of HPV. However, it is quite possible to avoid defects on the epidermis. It's easier than thinking about how to get rid of the "chicken ass" later.

To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the skin needs to be moisturized with nourishing creams;
  • shoes should be purchased and worn only that are suitable for a particular person;
  • try it on at any retail outlet wearing socks only;
  • do not use other people’s hygiene products;
  • Maintain hygiene throughout the body, especially the limbs.


"Chicken ass" is the popular name for a wart, characteristic feature which is raised above the skin, with dark inclusions. It is benign in nature, but with constant rubbing with uncomfortable shoes (if placed on the foot) it can degenerate into malignant. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner to eliminate the disease. There are operative, conservative and traditional methods treatment. TO surgical method performed with a scalpel, in Lately resort quite rarely.

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