Losing weight on a fish diet. Become slim like the Little Mermaid. Fish diet for effective and quick weight loss

There is a very good trend these days - they are gaining popularity at crazy speed. healthy image life, sports, proper nutrition. People have finally realized that they need to take care of themselves, so to maintain a beautiful and fit figure, most women resort to various diets.

These days, there are a huge number of ways to get rid of extra pounds and cleanse the body, but not all of them are easy to follow, and some can even be harmful if approached without knowledge. However, there is one wonderful product, based on which various effective diets- this is a fish.

Speaking of fish

Fish is a real find for anyone who is losing weight and taking care of their health. Fish contains useful substances and microelements, and fish protein is many times healthier than meat protein, as it is completely absorbed by the body.

Fish is the staple food of Koreans, Japanese, Chinese and other Asian peoples, and just look at them: fit, slender, not a hint of excess weight.

And now specifically. Fish meat contains a huge amount of vitamins: there are B vitamins and vitamins A, D, G.

There is a wagon and a small cart of microelements in it: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, arsenic, cobalt, manganese, zinc, lead, iodine - the entire periodic table on a plate. Eating fish even improves brain function and reduces cholesterol in the blood.

Just imagine how beneficial it is to stick to a fish diet from time to time.

Simple truths of the fish diet

So, what exactly are the benefits of such a diet? The fact is that fish is low calorie product, and calories are everything to us: if we decide to lose weight, we need to pay attention to them first.

Also, of course, it is important that fish protein is absorbed much better and faster (namely, 100%), and here it is important to note that even low-fat meat does not have this property. This diet is also unique in that it is suitable for almost everyone, with the exception of those who have allergies or individual intolerance to any fish components.

If you have doubts whether this is true or not, then it is better not to take risks and consult a doctor so as not to harm your body.

Fish diet not even as boring as other types of diets, because it can be different and is calculated on different period time.

When starting a diet, you must remember that the consumption of sweets, butter and, in general, anything fatty and high-calorie is excluded. In addition, it is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

This diet also includes eating enough vegetables. Besides everything, diet alone will not be enough if you neglect physical exercise and cardio exercises.

Depending on the chosen strategy, you can lose from 1 – 2 kg to 7 kg.

Significant benefits of a fish diet

There are real benefits to the fish diet that set it apart from other diets. As is already known, it is low in calories, easily digestible protein and has a lot of useful substances.

But not only that. There is very important factor which any woman will like: eating fish prevents premature aging skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

What types of fish are there?

As you know, fish contains fish fat, but in different quantities Therefore, it is usually divided into three types: low-fat, medium-fat and fatty.

Low-fat fish is also called skinny fish; it includes species such as pike, pollock, hake, and pike perch.

Medium-fat fish includes the famous “fish of my dreams” - ide, as well as pink salmon, horse mackerel, catfish, chum salmon and carp.

And to fatty varieties include salmon, tuna, saury, sturgeon and sardines.

If you have a goal to lose a couple of extra pounds, you need to choose less fatty varieties.

Recipes fish dishes for weight loss can be found in the video.

Some Important Features

In addition to the fact that the fish diet perfectly cleanses the body of waste and toxins, saturates it with Omega-3 acid and other microelements, it, as it became clear, really contributes to the loss of extra pounds. But this is subject to compliance with all requirements.

More specifically, here are the most mandatory ones:

  1. It is best to go on a fish diet in winter and spring period, when our body needs to be replenished with vitamins and beneficial microelements.
  2. You should choose only lean fish.
  3. No hot spices or salt, and no sugar.
  4. The only alcohol you can drink is dry wine (both red and white).
  5. Vegetables are a must-have side dish.
  6. During the diet you will need to pay attention and physical activity, so trips to fitness centers are welcome.
  7. Drinking large quantities of water.

Diet for 3 days

By choosing a three-day diet, you can lose up to three kilograms. This diet can also be called the “express diet”.

The weight will go away gradually, and the body will not experience stress.

1 BREAKFAST: 1 boiled egg, 1 fruit + a glass of green tea or a glass of juice without sugar.

DINNER: optional - easy vegetable salad or vegetable soup on the water, a small portion of boiled fish. You are also allowed to eat 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

SUPPORT: 1 glass low-fat kefir+ fruit.

DINNER: to choose from - baked vegetable stew, green tea and skim cheese, or vegetable soup and vegetable salad. You can drink green tea without sugar.

2 BREAKFAST: oatmeal or fish soup + juice. You can prepare a salad from fresh spring vegetables.

DINNER: fish soup + juice or green tea.

AFTERNOON SNACK: you can eat a little hard cheese and drink green tea.

DINNER: baked vegetables (for example, in the oven) or salad fresh vegetables+ a glass of green tea or kefir.

3 BREAKFAST: oatmeal and apple + green tea.

DINNER: fish soup, a little hard cheese, maybe light carrot salad+ green tea.

AFTERNOON SNACK: a glass of kefir 1% + fruit.

DINNER: Steamed fish, light salad or fish soup + green tea.

After this diet ends, there is no need to indulge in sweets: you should wait a couple more days for the result to be more noticeable.

Diet for 7 days

In 7 days of a fish diet for weight loss, there is a high chance of losing all 5 kg excess weight. This technique is especially worth paying attention to those women who are tormented by fat in the abdomen and sides. In such seven day diet There is a certain menu that must be followed for all 7 days.

A weekly diet will help not only get rid of excess weight, changes in better side will also affect the condition of the skin.

Diet for 10 days

The ten-day diet, just like the seven-day diet, suggests sticking to a certain menu throughout the entire period.

Reviews: what Internet users say about this diet

As practice shows and proves, negative reviews There is nothing about this diet - everyone who loses weight really loses weight.

Here are some of them.

Excellent diet, you can cook a lot of fish dishes. Fish aspic or stewed fish with vegetables - you can eat it every day and count on results.
I made this conclusion for myself - fish is now my favorite product, not only is it tasty and healthy, it also helps me lose weight. I recommend. Include in your daily diet seafood, you won't regret it.

-Maria, 33 years old

This diet is suitable for you if you want to not only lose weight, but also improve your body health. In five days it took 5,200. But I want to say that I drank a lot of water, two glasses before meals. I didn’t salt the fish, but sprinkled it lemon juice. Who wants to lose weight, do not take fatty fish. And yet, don’t fry it in oil, it’s better to bake it, it’s healthier. Good luck to everyone in losing weight!

-Valentina, 42 years old

On the third day of the diet - minus one and a half kg. On the fourth day - another minus half a kilo. And in the end I lost three kilograms, but I think there’s more to it large quantity the water that I drank. A few days later I started eating a little more varied - I boiled meat. I think this diet is good not so much for weight loss as for improving metabolism.

-Tatiana, 51 years old

Results of a fish diet

As a result, a fish diet will lead to excellent results - excess weight will go away, and in its place will come lightness, excellent well-being and excellent health.

So this is what we get:

  1. First of all, unnecessary ones will go away overweight- on average, 5 kg, but if you are not lazy, then all 7 - 8 kg.
  2. Along with the passing kilograms comes health, since you eat exclusively healthy foods.
  3. Due to the Omega-3 acid contained in fish, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.
  4. The body is saturated with vitamins, which is very important in the spring.
  5. Slags and toxins leave.
  6. Your mood improves.

Therefore, based on the reviews and results of this method of losing excess weight, you probably won’t find a better diet than fish.

Learn about losing weight with a fish diet from the video.

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Hello, dear readers!

Healthy lifestyle for modern people includes the primary refusal bad habits, compliance proper nutrition, active sports. One of the options in this direction is balanced diets.

They help a person improve their metabolism, adjust their weight, or be a special addition to a specifically prescribed therapy. One of them is a diet based on fish and vegetables. She is very useful.

It is easy to endure or even specially select according to your taste priorities and timing. At the same time, experts not recommended test this nutritional system for people allergic to fish and chronic diseases liver or kidneys.

However, for everyone else who has no health contraindications, the fish and vegetable diet allows get rid of from extra pounds, prolong youth, cheer up, give your body lightness and beauty.

So today I will tell you about features fish and vegetable diet, rules for its implementation and results.

Fish diet on vegetables belongs to the system low calorie few carbohydrate nutrition, which experts recommend to many women for weight loss. This one by itself easy diet and satisfying.

After all, fish is one of those products that is completely 100% absorbed by the human body. For many people it tastes much better:

  • Pork;
  • Beef;
  • Veal;
  • Turkey meat;
  • Chicken meat.

Fish contains a lot of valuable substances for our body. substances type:

  1. Fluorine;
  2. Yoda;
  3. Zinc;
  4. Vitamins from group A, B, E;
  5. Polyunsaturated acids.

Moreover, for the diet of this food a priority should be given:

  • Heku.
  • Teske.
  • Pike perch.
  • Karasyu.
  • Flounder.
  • Pollock.
  • Pike.
  • Perch.
  • Tarani.

About what better fish eating on a diet is explained in the next video.

As for vegetables, this is a unique storehouse useful vitamins, fiber, mineral components. From them you can prepare useful and delicious soups or side dishes. As main ingredients preference here should be given to:

  1. Carrots;
  2. Cucumbers;
  3. Zucchini;
  4. Various types of cabbage;
  5. Fresh herbs;
  6. Spinach;
  7. Green beans;
  8. Sweet bell pepper.

However, the combination of fish with potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, mushrooms or radishes is highly not recommended by experts. And under ban White bread, coffee, animal fats, confectionery, sweet fruits or carbonated drinks.

Traditionally, the fish and vegetable diet menu should consist from boiled, baked, steamed or grilled dishes. To add flavor to fish or vegetables, you can add:

  • Spices;
  • Soy sauce;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Spices in the form of ginger, garlic, onion, cilantro, basil or coriander.

But salt or sugar should be completely exclude from the diet to prevent the accumulation of water in the body, to promote the rapid removal of waste and toxins from it.

It also copes well with extra pounds, in which you are allowed to eat not only fish, but also any meat.

Varieties of fish and vegetable diets

The duration of the fish and vegetable diet can be a minimum of 3 days, optimally 7 days and a maximum of two weeks. At the same time, when developing the menu, nutritionists allow a little diversify this diet, replacing fish with seafood, vegetables with cottage cheese, eggs or freshly squeezed citrus juice, and for side dishes use a little rice or oatmeal.

A prerequisite for all fish and vegetable diets is to consume at least one and a half liters clean water. And so that you understand the essence of the fish and vegetable diet at specific points, we will consider its positions in more detail in different variations.

Features of three-day nutrition

This fish and vegetable diet, which many people choose to lose weight, is test. It allows women to understand whether they can eat according to this plan or abandon it if their health deteriorates.

As for the lighter version of fish and vegetable nutrition, its calorie content should not exceed 1500 kcal, and in its menu you can include:

  1. On breakfast:
  • Boiled egg;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 200 grams of boiled hake;
  • A glass of green tea.
  • On snack– half a grapefruit, one kiwi or orange.
  • On dinner suitable:
    • 250 grams of baked pollock fillet;
    • Green bean soup;
    • Salad with cabbage and cucumbers, dressed with low-fat yogurt.
  • On dinner you can eat:
    • 200 grams of pike stuffed with carrots and onions;
    • Brown rice seasoned with sweet peppers and onions;
    • A glass of kefir.

    Seven day diet

    According to many women, a diet of fish with vegetables for a week is the most optimal, strict and effective. It really allows you to lose from 5 to 7 extra pounds during this time.

    The peculiarity of this diet is that here the diet menu should be made up of a set of allowed foods for every day with their own calorie content according to a certain scheme. So, for example, for:

    • Monday is 1200 kcal;
    • Tuesday – 1000 kcal;
    • Wednesdays – 800 kcal;
    • Thursday – 600 kcal;
    • Fridays – 400 kcal;
    • Saturdays – 200 kcal;
    • Sundays – 100 kcal.

    At the same time, according to the calorie table, for each day’s menu you need pick up in different variations and according to taste priorities, something like:

    1. Sea kale;
    2. Fresh or boiled vegetables;
    3. Seasonal fruits;
    4. Low-fat fish;
    5. Low-fat cheese;
    6. Lactic acid products;
    7. Fruit sorbet;
    8. A small amount of rye bread;
    9. Boiled squid, mussels or shrimp.

    Of course, fish is a truly great product that many women successfully use for weight loss. With her with help they are good:

    • The sides are losing weight;
    • The stomach is drawn in;
    • Cellulite is smoothed out;
    • The feeling of hunger is relieved.

    Compliance All the settings and rules of the fish and vegetable diet allow many women to increase their performance and mood, and also reduce depressive symptoms.

    At the same time, if you decide to lose weight on fish and vegetables, you should initially consult with doctor. And for each day’s menu, try to choose for yourself the right products and count calories to achieve the desired result.

    Happy weight loss! See you!

    Based on expert reviews, the menu healthy eating must necessarily include a fish diet and boiled vegetables, because they have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. In addition, such a diet saturates the body with all essential vitamins and microelements that contribute active image life.

    Fish diet for weight loss

    Fish for diet is considered a win-win strategy fast weight loss. The choice in favor of seafood is due not only high content protein, but also completely digestible, which helps to avoid rotting of leftover food in the stomach. This way of eating enriches human body such essential nutrients as the Omega-3 amino acid, which are much less in other products.

    The main advantage of such a diet is unloading effect, due to which there is a reduction in fat deposits. Principle separate power supply plays an important role here, because the consumption of pure proteins without any additions eliminates the possibility of mixing micronutrients, thereby helping to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract systems. However, you shouldn’t radically change your usual way of life without a doctor’s prescription, as there is a risk of developing allergic reactions due to diet.

    What kind of fish can you eat on a diet?

    There are many options dietary dishes, the exquisite taste of which can be emphasized by seafood. The best weight loss fish for these purposes would be bream, carp, flounder or carp. They contain a minimal amount of fat and go well with most well-known side dishes, for example, boiled or baked potatoes, peas, cabbage, asparagus or carrots. You can eat low-fat varieties with a salad of fresh vegetables or eat the fillet separately, after pouring it with lemon juice to enhance the piquancy.

    Boiled fish for weight loss

    The meat processing process has important during preparation healthy food. It is believed that fried foods are more difficult to digest and take up additional resources from the body. Therefore, baked or boiled fish for weight loss is a better choice if a person wants to become slimmer. The right diet during a diet, it involves choosing lean meat, fresh vegetables or fruits with a lot of nutrients. In addition, the menu must include eggs and cottage cheese.

    Is it possible to eat fried fish when you are losing weight?

    Nutritionists unanimously insist on minimizing fried foods in the human diet, especially for late dinners. Therefore, the most frequently asked question is: “Can I eat fried fish while on a diet?” experts unequivocally answer that a contraindication to the consumption of these dishes is gastritis or other serious illnesses stomach. All other people are allowed to take small portions of fried fish meat.

    Canned fish for weight loss

    During the diet, the body must receive enough protein to build muscle tissue, otherwise the result health program will not be aesthetically attractive. Any fitness trainer will confirm that canned fish when losing weight, they are an acceptable diet product, however, only if they are rolled up in own juice. Canned oil gives extra calories, which will negate all the efforts spent on the diet.

    Red fish on a diet

    Fish for dietary nutrition should be selected not only based on the amount of amino acids, but also taking into account calorie content. The meat of some types of fish is too fatty, although no less healthy. For this reason, for those who want to lose weight, the following items will have to be excluded from the diet: mackerel, salmon, trout, herring or tuna. Sometimes it is allowed to eat a few pieces of red fish during the diet, if the situation allows. To those who don't care extra centimeters, it is recommended to eat salmon or trout three times a week, because it has a beneficial effect on brain function.

    The most dietary fish

    People prone to weight gain are forced to carefully monitor the fat content of the food they consume so as not to gain extra pounds. This rule also applies to seafood, so for healthy menu Only the most dietary fish is suitable - skinny or moderately fatty varieties. These categories are fully suitable in terms of caloric content, in no way inferior to the amount of nutrients contained in their relatives. Cod tops the seafood list with low content fat, so it can often be found in all kinds of diets and health diets.

    How to cook fish for weight loss

    If you need to prepare a large piece, then before baking it should be cut into small pieces weighing no more than one hundred grams. The most in the best ways heat treatment seafood is considered grilled or steamed. These methods have the most gentle effect on the product, do not add extra calories to the dish and do not allow the formation of carcinogens.

    Fish diet menu

    For quick and productive weight loss, the so-called fasting days or even weeks. For a certain amount of time, a person follows a fish diet menu for weight loss, which, in addition to seafood, must necessarily include other nutritional components. The first rule of this recipe involves drinking plenty of water, preferably a glass before each meal.

    For breakfast, you are allowed to drink a cup of natural yogurt, without any fillers, or low-fat cottage cheese. After a couple of hours, you can eat two hundred grams of fish, and for dessert treat yourself to an orange, kiwi or apple. At lunch, a piece of fillet is baked again with a side dish of vegetables such as cucumber or green beans. For an afternoon snack, you need a rosehip decoction; for dinner, canned fish in its own juice is suitable. It is recommended to drink a glass of kefir a couple of hours before bedtime.

    Diet based on fish and vegetables

    Vegetables are an excellent side dish for any type of meat, with the exception of potatoes, which are best cooked separately due to the large amount of starch. A diet based on fish and vegetables involves four or five meals a day for several weeks; counting calories consumed is a must. The diet consists mainly of low-fat varieties, which are combined with a variety of vegetables for each meal. Don't forget about fruits and nuts, they can easily replace sweets.

    For 3 days

    The body is not always ready for drastic changes, so before you completely change the type of foods you consume, you should conduct a test. Fish diet for 3 days is the most the best way determine how the body will react to the upcoming unloading. Need to use half a kilo lean fish and several types of vegetables, tomatoes, cabbage or lettuce are best. The above list is the menu for one day, excluding snacks or dessert.

    For 7 days

    If within three days new list dishes did not cause rejection from the body, then you can safely continue the experiment. A fish diet for 7 days helps you lose about five kilograms and includes all the same foods that were mentioned earlier. At the same time, you do not have to torture yourself with hunger; you are allowed to eat your favorite vegetables and fruits, drink freshly squeezed juices, green tea or coffee without sugar.


    The fish diet is rightfully called one of the healthiest and most beneficial for the body - the basis of the diet is fish and vegetables.

    Fish contains easily digestible proteins and healthy fats, which are 80% polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 (PZhNK Omega-3). When entering the human body, Omega-3 fatty acids are able to replace already accumulated body fat low quality and prevent their deposition in the future. Also, PZhNK take an active part in the processes of metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, forming the body’s energy reserve.

    Vegetables act as suppliers of the right carbohydrates, saturate the body with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, fiber, which stimulates the functioning of organs digestive tract, antioxidants.

    The right combination of products and a fish diet help to improve the health of the body, get rid of extra pounds, increase immunity, and replenish vital energy.

    Fish diet can be used:

    • for weight loss and recovery;
    • to normalize and accelerate metabolism;
    • to saturate the body healthy fats, carbohydrates and easily digestible protein;
    • to compensate for the deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids;
    • to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the thyroid gland;
    • to increase immunity and vitality;
    • to improve memory and brain function;
    • to strengthen bone and muscle tissue;
    • to improve vision, condition of nails, skin, hair.

    Fish diet rules

    How to cook fish:

    • For the diet, you need to purchase fresh or freshly frozen fish.
    • During the diet, it is forbidden to eat fried, canned, smoked, salted, dried and dried fish.
    • Fish can be cooked in a double boiler, stewed, baked, boiled, cooked aspic, fish and vegetable soups, meatballs (in water without adding flour, eggs, etc.).

    Which fish to choose:

    • For your diet, you can choose fish whose taste you like best.
    • If the goal of following a diet is to lose weight, give preference to low-calorie types of fish. Fatty fish can be used no more than once every two days.

    In order to determine the calorie content of a particular type of fish, use the tables nutritional value products.

    Other aspects of choice:

    • From point of view biological value fresh or chilled fish is the healthiest.
    • Among the variety of species, it is recommended to give preference to wild (commercial) fish - these are the ones that grew up in natural environment habitat and was then caught.
    • When choosing a frozen product, buy whole fish or carcass, but not steaks or fillets.
    • Select fish that has been frozen without adding an ice glaze.

    Kinds wild fish, which can be purchased in a store or at the market: pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, catfish, cod, pollock, mullet, navaga, herring, mackerel (mackerel), sardine, hake, omul, anchovies.

    Types of fish that are bred on aqua farms: carp (domesticated carp), sturgeon and all sturgeon hybrids, salmon, trout, salmon, flounder, catfish, nelma, whitefish, peled, pike, pike perch, grass carp, silver carp, blue whiting, dorado, perch .

    What kind of fish you will include in your diet - fresh or frozen, wild or aqua-farmed - is an individual question. The answer to this depends on many factors: your location, calendar season, personal preferences, availability, supply and demand conditions in your region, price, etc.

    If residents of coastal areas have the opportunity to purchase fresh fish practically all year round Since it is affordable both in price and in quality, wild fresh fish is a rarity for the vast majority of residents of continental regions. 90% of fish in retail chains big cities- aquaculture products.

    Vegetables and cereals:

    • You can include almost all white, green, yellow and purple vegetables in your diet.
    • You can eat red vegetables on a diet, but as an independent dish - separately from fish. Red vegetables make it difficult to absorb nutrients in fish (nutrients are biologically active substances beneficial to the human body).
    • Fish and starchy foods are incompatible. Potatoes, corn, rice and similar products are excluded from the diet during the diet.

    Yes, fish and rice or potatoes go together in taste, but chemical composition these products are incompatible - when they enter the body together, separately useful fish and potatoes (rice and other starchy foods) become useless.

    The dietary menu is developed so that the products on the menu give the body the maximum of their nutrients - the type of products, their quantity and place in the diet are strictly defined. The final result directly depends on adherence to the diet regimen.

    • Vegetables are cooked with a minimum amount of oil in any way except frying.
    • For breakfast you need to cook porridge with water from oatmeal, buckwheat or pearl barley, flax, milk thistle.
    • You can add honey or a handful of dried fruits or soaked bran to the porridge.

    Drinking regime:

    • Provide your body with enough clean water.
    • You can allow yourself one cup of coffee or black tea per day.
    • Other types of tea and herbal infusions You can drink it in any quantity separately from meals and without adding sweeteners.
    • During the diet, you should not drink milk, cocoa, fruit juices, chemically synthesized and alcoholic drinks.

    Herbs, seasonings, spices:

    • Spices can be included in your diet.
    • Seasonings should be abandoned during the diet (meaning ready-made mixtures spices and sauces).
    • Keep your salt intake to a minimum; if you feel like you really want something salty, add moderate salt to the dish.
    • Sugar must be completely eliminated.
    • You can consume honey - one tablespoon per day.
    • Vegetable oil is used only for lubricating dishes in which fish or vegetables are cooked.
    • There is no need to use other fats during the diet - the body will receive a sufficient amount of fats from fish.


    • Strictly follow the menu recommendations: if thermally processed vegetables are prescribed for lunch and raw vegetables for dinner, then eat a portion of prepared vegetables for lunch, and a portion of fresh ones for dinner. Don't switch or skip meals - it makes a difference.
    • Plan your day so that you eat regularly. It is advisable to eat food at regular intervals.
    • There should be no additional foods in your diet.


    • This diet is balanced in nutrition and energy value, so you can lead your usual lifestyle.

    Menu for 3, 7, 14 days

    You won’t have to get bored or hungry on a fish diet - if you follow the rules, you can prepare any dishes from the products offered.

    The menu contains a list of ingredients with quantities for each meal.

    3 days on a fish diet

    • Breakfast. 300 g porridge.
    • Dinner. 300 g of fish and 250 g of thermally processed vegetables.
    • Afternoon snack. Large glass (330 ml) vegetable juice or 300 g of fresh (raw) vegetables.
    • Dinner. 300 g fish, 250 g cooked vegetables.
    • Breakfast. 300 g of porridge and one large apple.
    • Dinner. 300 g of fresh vegetables and 250 g of fish.
    • Afternoon snack. Vegetable juice or smoothie from 300 grams of fresh vegetables.
    • Dinner. 500 g fish.
    • Breakfast. A large glass of kefir and 200 g of porridge.
    • Dinner. 200 g of fish and thermally processed vegetables.
    • Afternoon snack. 2 boiled eggs.
    • Dinner. 200 g of fish and thermally processed vegetables.

    If your body accepts the menu well, you can continue the fish diet and follow the diet for 7 or 14 days.

    7 and 14 days on a fish diet

    • Breakfast. 200 g porridge.
    • Dinner. 2 boiled eggs and 300 g of fresh vegetables.
    • There is no afternoon snack.
    • Dinner. 300 g of fish and thermally processed vegetables.
    • Breakfast. One large apple and 200 g of porridge.
    • Dinner. 200 g of cooked vegetables and fish.
    • Afternoon snack. 300 g fish.
    • Dinner. Kefir - 300–500 ml.
    • Breakfast. Small glass of kefir, 1 boiled egg, 200 g of porridge.
    • Dinner. Large glass (330 ml) of vegetable juice or fresh (raw) vegetables - 300 g.
    • Afternoon snack. Fish - 300 g.
    • Dinner. 300 g of thermally processed vegetables and 200 g of fish.
    • Breakfast. A small glass of kefir and 250 g of cottage cheese.
    • Dinner. 300 g fish, 300 g cooked vegetables.
    • Afternoon snack. Raw vegetables- 300 g (you can make a smoothie or juice from this amount of vegetables).
    • Dinner. 300 g fish.

    If you plan to extend the diet to 14 days, repeat the seven-day nutrition cycle.

    It is not recommended to follow a fish diet for longer than 14 days. You can repeat the diet every two months.

    Contraindications, disadvantages and advantages of a fish diet

    Due to the fact that the diet is balanced in nutritional and energy value, there are practically no contraindications to the fish diet. The only limitations to note are individual intolerance to fish, the period of pregnancy and the first 5 months of lactation.

    The only disadvantage of this diet is that even those who love it very much get tired of fish during the diet.


    • Acceleration of metabolism and normalization of the functioning of the digestive system;
    • weight correction and reduction of body volume in problem areas;
    • increasing immunity, general health improvement body;
    • replenishment of the deficiency of vitamins, minerals, Omega-3 fatty acids;
    • improving the condition of bones, joints, nails, hair;
    • cleansing the skin and detoxifying the body.

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