Beneficial properties of prunes for humans. Fresh and dried prunes: composition, calories, benefits and harm to the body

Prunes - there are few products in the world that can be called a real delicacy, and even healthy. One of these rare cases is the familiar and beloved prune. With its addition, many snacks and desserts, meat dishes and medicinal drinks are prepared. Prunes store well and can be on the table all year round.

The most delicious dried plums are obtained from the ripe fruits of the Hungarian and Green Renclod varieties - they have dense pulp, quite juicy and sweet, and the stone is very small.

A little history

Humanity has been cultivating plum trees for at least 2 thousand years. According to the modern classifier, plum belongs to the Rosaceae family, and its “parents” were cherry plum and sloe - it originated from the crossing of these species.

In Asian territories, plums were grown in prehistoric times, and its fruits were one of the first that people learned to specially dry in order to extend their shelf life.

From Asia, the plum migrated to the lands of North America, where today more than 150 varieties are grown. The berry was also brought to Europe and Russia from Asia, but much later, in the 15-17th century.

The fruits of the famous Hungarian variety, which is most often used for prunes, are never plucked from the tree by the Hungarians themselves. The berries should naturally fall off - this is a guarantee that they are fully ripe and have even begun to dry out.

And so that the fruits have less moisture and more sugar, plum trees stop watering at least a month before the start of shedding.

Chemical composition of prunes

A simple and familiar plum in terms of vitamins and other content useful elements can compete with many overseas plant delicacies that have become so fashionable to indulge in.

The chemical composition of not only plum pulp, but also tree leaves and even seeds makes it possible to derive enormous benefits from them for human body.

100 grams of dried plum fruits contain:
vitamin PP – 1.5 mg;
vitamin E – 1.8 mg;
vitamin A – up to 10 mcg;
beta-carotene – 0.05 mg;
vitamin C 3 mg;
vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.02 mg;
vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.1 mg;
dietary fiber– up to 10 g;
proteins – 2.5 g;
carbohydrates – 58 g, including saccharides – 57 g;
fat – 0.7 g;
water – 25 g;
organic acids – up to 4 g;
saturated and unsaturated fatty acids– 0.1 g each;
ash substances – 2 g;
starch - 0.5 g;
minerals: iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium.

Prunes, among other things, have quite high calorie content– 256 kcal, this is 5 times more than the nutritional value fresh fruits plums, so people with overweight You need to be careful when consuming this popular delicacy.

Prunes due to their pleasant taste, wide range of vitamins and minerals, as well as its availability, has become not only a popular food product, but also a source of strength and longevity for many people.

Many notes have been written about its benefits and no less recommendations have been given on how to use it. Let's remind you of them again:

1. The high content of antioxidant substances has a general positive impact for the whole body.

2. Prunes, like fresh fruits plums, has a pronounced wound-healing effect.

3. Use this product to improve appetite and digestion.

4. There is no natural remedy better than prunes for intestinal sluggishness. It acts as a mild laxative and also has a diuretic effect, so it is useful for constipation and fluid retention in tissues.

5. Kissels and decoctions based on prunes normalize motor secretory abilities gastrointestinal tract and minimize the absorption of cholesterol through the intestines.

6. Prune tinctures are useful for gout, kidney dysfunction, atherosclerosis and rheumatism.

7. Humanity has long known about the ability of prunes to depress pathogenic flora, so it was often used to extend the shelf life of meat products.

8. Prunes as an antiseptic are also effective against pathogenic microbes, including coli and salmonella. It suppresses their reproduction.

9. Regular consumption of dried plums helps normalize blood pressure and get rid of initial stages hypertension. It also reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

11. Has a choleretic effect.

12. Prunes, although high in calories, are still widely recommended by nutritionists as a healthy snack or a replacement for your favorite, but less healthy sweets.

13. If you constantly consume this dried fruit, you can achieve a significant improvement in memory and brain performance - the sugar and vitamins contained in the fruit will help with this.

14. Vitamins A, C and E, contained in prunes in the right proportion, protect eye health.

15. Calcium, which is so important for the structure of bone tissue, is found in prunes in an easily digestible form for the body, therefore best source to strengthen bones cannot be found.

Scientists have also proven that prunes prevent aging of the body, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, have a beneficial effect on the skin, and help strengthen the immune system.

Damage to prunes

Despite nutritional value and vitamins, prunes should not be consumed by some categories of people.

For diabetics – prunes have too much sugar.

If there are any chronic diseases, the possibility of consuming prunes requires medical advice.

Since the product has a diuretic effect, it is not recommended for sufferers stone disease kidney

If you are intolerant or allergic to plums.

It is better to avoid regular consumption of prunes during breastfeeding, since the active substances of the fetus can cause colic, bloating or indigestion in the baby.

If you are overweight or obese, you must take into account the high calorie content of the product.

When buying prunes you should be careful. Quality product always black, not brown or "plum". It should be clean and sweet, without bitterness.

And before eating, do not forget to get rid of the glycerin film that covers the fruit. To do this, prunes are washed in a small amount of boiling water. Be healthy.

Nutritionists call dried fruits not the most good products for the diet of those who care beautiful figure, because they have a lot of calories. However, some of them are used in diets: prunes for weight loss are as popular as kefir, since they are recognized as beneficial for the intestines. Does it affect body fat and how you need to use it to lose it excess weight?

What are prunes

When it comes to those dried fruits that are allowed to be eaten in small quantities even on the most strict diet, which implies a serious reduction in daily calorie intake, experts mention it - dried plum fruit of any dark variety. It is known as a natural laxative that cleanses the intestines well. From a nutritional standpoint, prunes are a rare dried fruit that can please those losing weight:

  • Glycemic index: only 29 units (according to other sources - 25). The remaining representatives of this group have more high values– only dried apricots can be called as useful, since they have 30 units.
  • The energy value, in which sugar accounts for only 38 g (per 100 gram serving), and the calorie content of prunes itself is also low - 241 kcal.

What's in prunes?

From the standpoint of a set of BZHU, this dried fruit is attractive with a relatively small amount of carbohydrates - 63.88 g per 100-gram serving, of which slightly more than half are sugars - fructose, glucose, sucrose. In terms of health (not only in the matter of losing weight), it is much more important to understand what microelements are contained in prunes. Here, the presence of potassium is primarily noted, moreover, than in bananas. Also worthy of attention:

  • several types of organic acids;
  • all B vitamins;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • iron, boron, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • antioxidants;
  • phenolic complexes.

The benefits of prunes

The value of this dried fruit is not only in its active effect on constipation - even in relation to the figure, it is two-faced: you can hear about the use of prunes for weight loss, and about introducing it into the menu for people who want to gain weight. The reason for this is the property of this product to increase appetite, stimulate the production gastric juice. The latter property is actively used by cooks, serving fatty meat with it: this improves absorption heavy product.

The benefits of prunes also lie in:

  • a large amount of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • improving the condition of an anemic patient due to iron content;
  • reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol and, as a result, preventing thrombosis;
  • antibacterial properties (an additional reason to eat a little of this dried fruit when infectious diseases);
  • choleretic effect on the body;
  • stabilizing mood swings (therefore, prunes on a diet are also necessary to reduce the likelihood of a breakdown);
  • help of bone tissue.

For the intestines

Doctors call the main property of this product its ability to weaken the intestines, so it is introduced into the diet of people who struggle with constipation. This point is determined by the presence of phenol complexes and sorbitol, and fiber stimulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This effect of prunes on the intestines has led to its appearance in mono-diets and fasting days for weight loss, when you need to lose a couple of kilograms very quickly. Weight loss is achieved by cleansing the intestines, but such a prune diet for weight loss has no effect on fat deposits.

Prunes for weight loss

Against the backdrop of factory-made sweets (meaning confectionery) even dried fruits with a high calorie content can be considered useful during weight loss due to their naturalness and less negative influence for glucose surges. However, it cannot be denied that eating prunes in large quantities during a diet can cause weight gain, since the body will receive an excess amount of calories and sugar, albeit natural. Doctors insist on observing the measure - the daily norm of prunes for weight loss is 4-5 pieces, which is equivalent to 35-40 grams or 96 kcal.

Anyone who cares about their own kilograms is recommended to choose from the following methods of consuming prunes when losing weight:

  • Mix with your morning portion of porridge (it goes well with rolled oats, millet and rice).
  • Drink with kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt (buy options without additives) during a late dinner.
  • Do cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes (with egg white and whole grain flour), replacing sugar with prunes.
  • Cook compote (do not add sweeteners, but you can add other fruits).
  • Prepare a mixture of dried fruits (try to add as few raisins as possible, if using), almonds/cashews/pistachios for snacking - even a small portion will perfectly satisfy your hunger.
  • Drinking an infusion of steamed prunes when losing weight is also useful - it has minimal calorie content, but it suppresses appetite well. Similarly, you can specially prepare a decoction of this dried fruit.

Kefir with prunes

A glass of this drink - effective remedy to normalize intestinal function, due to which visual weight loss is achieved: a person loses kilograms due to cleansing the body. In the future, there is also an effect on body fat, but for this you need to mix prunes with kefir every day, and the result will be visible in a month. It is advisable to do this closer to the night, and not prepare such a mixture for yourself in the morning if you plan to go somewhere. Please note that for a laxative effect, the fermented milk drink must be as fresh as possible (made today or yesterday).

When losing weight, you can mix prunes with kefir (ryazhenka, sourdough, etc.) as follows:

  • Leave 200 ml of fermented milk drink + 30 g of chopped dried fruit for an hour.
  • 150 ml kefir + 50 g steamed (!) chopped dried fruit.

Prunes at night

A small portion of this dried fruit (steamed) eaten before bed can also help you lose weight. However, this method will be correctly practiced only in case of acute hunger that occurs after dinner, because... all fruits, especially dried ones, are recommended in the evening only as an exception and replacement harmful products. Prunes are consumed at night in the amount of 3-4 pieces, you can mix them with a couple of nuts. A larger volume is allowed only by a mono-diet for the day, where up to 100 g is allowed in the evening of this product.

Oatmeal with prunes

Porridge with fruit for breakfast is a great recipe for a sweet start to the day, but without the risk of gaining weight. When losing weight, prunes go well with all nuts, although they are mainly combined with walnuts and almonds - the latter is recognized as the best of its group in terms of weight loss. Oatmeal with prunes provides a long-lasting satiety effect because there is no sugar spike. How many pieces to put is up to you, but it is advisable not to cross the line of 40 grams, and if nuts are used, then 30 grams. You can complement the dish with dried apricots.

Cottage cheese with prunes

This option for breakfast, afternoon snack or even dinner, if you need to eat after a workout, is attractive due to its low calorie content, but good nutritional value. It is not necessary to mix only skim cheese with prunes for weight loss - similarly, you can use a 2% or 5% product. However, nutritionists remind that the presence of lactose in dairy products makes them not the safest for weight loss, therefore, in order not to gain weight, physical exercise is needed before consuming them.

Diet with prunes for weight loss

The number of ways to use this product for weight loss, even as part of a healthy diet, is countless - salads, mixtures with any cereals, meat dishes. However, the most effective option– a diet based on prunes, which can be a couple of “hungry” days for fasting, or can look almost classic healthy menu for a week. No matter how you decide to use prunes when losing weight, keep in mind that you will have to forget about smoked products and all rich fast carbohydrates.

Effective options losing weight with this dried fruit:

  • For 3 days, mix a 200-gram portion with kefir (1 l) and walnuts(100 g). The amount in brackets is indicated per day; it would be correct to divide by 5 times.
  • For a week, instead of dinner, eat 50 g of this dried fruit with a spoon of honey. There is morning and afternoon boiled buckwheat, alternating with brown rice (servings - 50 g of dry cereal, cook without flavoring additives) and fresh vegetables. The required volume of liquid is 1.5 liters. Possible weight loss of 4 kg.


After finding out why prunes are useful for weight loss and why a person loses weight from this product, it is worth assessing the possible negative consequences associated with it. The laxative and choleretic properties of this dried fruit require caution in people who have problems with the liver and bile ducts or suffer from diarrhea. Contraindications for prunes include stomach diseases. You should not supplement your diet with them and:

  • At breastfeeding, because You can provoke intestinal upset in your baby.
  • Persons with diabetes (only after talking with a doctor);
  • Hypotonics.

Video: how to eat prunes

Prunes are the dried fruit of a plum. Like other dried fruits, it is used for making compotes and uzvars, as well as in desserts, salads and sauces. It goes well with meat, adding a characteristic sweet note. But in addition to its expressive taste, prunes are distinguished by their rich composition of vitamins and microelements. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes bile secretion and improves the general condition of the body.

In what cases are prunes good for health, and in what cases is it better not to eat them? How to choose the right dried fruit and how to properly dry plums at home?

Beneficial properties of prunes

  1. The composition of prunes is dominated by pectin substances, which are considered a natural anti-inflammatory and cleansing substance for the gastrointestinal tract. In combination with plant fiber, which is also present in it, it perfectly stimulates the intestines and is a preventive combination in the fight against constipation.
  2. Prunes are rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9). Vitamin B1 is essential for work nervous system, B2 stabilizes fat and protein metabolism. Vitamin B6 is involved in the metabolism of all essential microelements, as well as the absorption of glucose by cells of the nervous system. Without vitamin B9 ( folic acid) full functioning of the circulatory and immune systems is impossible.
  3. Due to the presence of iron, prunes help with anemia. Therefore, it is recommended for pregnant women and people with chronic diseases.
  4. Vitamin A contained in prunes restores vision. It also belongs to the antiviral category, so adding it to food will help in the fight against seasonal infections.
  5. Prunes are indispensable in the fight for youth. Acting as an antioxidant, it effectively fights free radicals, improves the general condition of the body and increases potency.
  6. Adding dried fruit will help satisfy your hunger. This wonderful product will not only make the taste of the dish richer, but will also fill you up. Therefore, it is often added to energy bars. It can be given to children, especially active teenagers involved in sports.
  7. Experts recommend paying attention to prunes for people suffering from problems with blood clotting. Vitamin K contained in dried fruit copes well with this problem.
  8. Tonic vitamin C is important for the functioning of the immune system, optimal functioning of connective and bone tissue.
  9. Prunes are used as prophylaxis oncological diseases. This feature of dried fruit stems from its ability to suppress pathological processes in the body.

Prunes are good for heart diseases, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and rheumatism.

But the main benefit of prunes comes from the intestines. It has an antibacterial effect, inhibiting growth pathogenic microflora: staphylococcus, salmonella and E. coli. And due to natural stimulation gastrointestinal muscles helps with normalization of stool and natural detoxification.

To combat constipation, you can eat dried fruit directly, or you can make natural infusions from it. They are suitable for people of almost any age.

Prune infusion
Take 12 units. prunes, rinse well, soak for 15-20 minutes in clean water, separate the pulp from the seeds. Place them in a convenient container and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 10-12 hours. Give children 1 teaspoon after meals; adults can drink half a glass at once, but it’s better before bed.

Laxative for babies
Prune puree is great way prevention of constipation in young children. It can be given to children starting from 8 months. Take from 5 to 10 pcs. prunes, rinse under running water, soak for half an hour in clean water. Pour boiling water over the softened fruits and place them in clean water again for 12 hours. It is optimal to do this at night. In the morning, prunes need to be boiled for several minutes in clean water, the skins removed and grinded in a meat grinder. The result is a wonderful puree that can be given to your child. Start introducing it into your diet gradually, with one coffee spoon. Adjust the maximum amount of puree yourself, based on the age and condition of the child’s intestines.

Contraindications to eating prunes

Despite its enormous benefits for the body, in some cases it is worth giving up prunes. First of all, it is contraindicated for diabetics, since it differs high content sugar in its composition. Hypotensive people should not overuse prunes, because they help lower blood pressure. In cases of individual intolerance, the use of prunes may manifest itself in the form allergic reaction.

How much prunes can you eat per day?

Optimal daily consumption prunes – 5-6 pieces. Since it has a laxative effect, excessive amounts in the diet can cause problems with stool. Besides this high-calorie product– per 100 grams there are 230 kcal.

When choosing any dried fruit, the technology for drying it is of fundamental importance. Not only the quality of the product, but also its safety for humans depends on the method chosen by the manufacturer. It could be:

Drying in the shade
An ideal way to prepare prunes, since it does not involve the use of any aids. Plus, the fruit retains all its beneficial properties, and the taste becomes even brighter. The only drawback of this approach is the large time costs.

Sun drying
An acceptable method, but not the best. Prunes dried in this way are safe for the body, they contain vitamins and microelements, but all the moisture and juice have been evaporated from them, so they taste hard, compared to prunes dried in the shade.

Drying using chemicals
This is the worst and most common way to prepare dried fruits. We most often sell prunes smoked with sulfur dioxide and colored with dyes. It looks more beautiful than prunes dried in the shade, insects do not land on it and it can be stored for years. But the reason for this is the abundance of chemistry, which makes dried fruit simply plastic.

Sometimes prunes are “smoked” with liquid smoke, which, despite manufacturers’ claims, is a carcinogen. It has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the intestines and regular use eating foods processed with it poses a risk of cancer. It is prohibited in most civilized countries.

Some resourceful companies use caustic soda to treat plums. Unripe fruits often have very hard skins, which means they take a long time to dry. To speed up this process, the plum is dipped in a solution of non-baking soda, which destroys the skin and drying occurs faster. But in the end, prunes made in this way become a breeding ground pathogenic bacteria, because any microorganisms easily leak into it through the skin.

Properly dried prunes have a matte, black color. It is not bitter and does not have a rich smoky aftertaste. Its natural taste is sweetish with neutral sourness.

If the prunes have a deep brown color, then they were placed in boiling water to soften them before packaging. There is nothing particularly bad about this, but it does not bring any benefit either. The same shade is found in dried fruits that were dipped in non-baking soda.

Prunes, which resemble coal in appearance (have a graphite tint and a glossy surface), are coated with a layer of glycerin. This is done to improve its presentation and make it more appetizing.

How to check the quality of prunes? It's very simple - wet it and set it aside for a while. The natural one will turn slightly white in some places, the unnatural one will remain “ideal”.

It is also better to buy prunes with pits. According to Eastern philosophy, the “soul” has been preserved in it, and accordingly, the taste of such a fruit is very expressive. And Western experts, based on laboratory research they claim that in such prunes more vitamins and minerals.

Don't forget that dried fruits need to be washed thoroughly, even if they seem perfectly clean. This will not only clean them of dirt, but also wash off at least some of the chemicals from them. For these purposes, it is very useful to soak prunes in hot water. It will soften the fruits and absorb some of the harmful substances.

How to prepare prunes at home

If you are not ready to expose your health and the health of your loved ones to potential risk, you can dry prunes at home. To do this, you need to stock up on fresh plums and choose the technology that suits you best. Before drying, fruits must be thoroughly washed and left to dry naturally. IN as a last resort, they can be blotted with a paper kitchen towel.

In the oven
In order to quickly dry plums in the oven, while retaining all their beneficial properties, you must first cut them in half and remove the pit. Otherwise, the rough skin of the whole plum will not allow it to dry well and you will have to plunge it into boiling water. Oven drying itself consists of three stages:

  1. Preheat the oven to 50°C and place the plums in it for 5 hours. After this time, take them out and leave to cool to room temperature.
  2. Preheat the oven to 70°C, place the plums on the other side and again leave to simmer in it for 5 hours. Then we take them out again and leave them to cool.
  3. Heat the prunes to 75°C and leave them in the oven until they are fully cooked. The final stage usually takes several hours.

Prunes dried using this technology have a very rich taste and are completely healthy.

Using an electric dryer

This is another simple and very effective method preparation of prunes without the use of chemicals and preserving all their beneficial properties. As in the previous case, the plums need to be washed, dried and preferably cut. Place them on a drying tray. If you cut the fruit, place it cut side up. The process is also divided into three stages. At first, you need to set the electric dryer to 50°C and dry the plums for 5 hours. Next, take them out and leave to cool. Then put it in the dryer again, increasing the temperature to 60°C. The plums must dry for at least 6 hours. Then we take them out and set them aside to cool again. The third stage takes 5 hours and involves drying at a temperature of 80°C. At the end, the prunes need to be cooled.

How to store prunes

You can store prunes in an enamel bowl, glass jar or cloth bag. The container must be made of natural materials and must be closed.

Prunes are an affordable dried fruit, adding which to your diet will enrich it with nutritional components. Even the simplest dish can be made more expressive and original with its help. And prune infusion is safe alternative pharmaceutical laxative, allowed even for children.

Video: benefits of prunes

Dried fruits have the ability to have a complex effect on the human body. Regular consumption of them in food normalizes performance internal organs and strengthens the immune system. Nutritionists, cosmetologists and doctors talk about the benefits of prunes. Based on the opinions of experts from different industries, we can conclude that dried plums, due to their composition, are identical pharmaceutical drugs prescribed for the prevention of certain diseases.

Composition and calorie content of prunes

Fruits are used to prepare dried fruits High Quality and fully ripe. Prunes differ slightly in composition from fresh plums, and according to some properties they are considered healthier. Dried fruits They are used in different forms, and their taste properties are universal. They make delicious compotes, medicinal decoctions, make desserts, complement baked goods, salads or meat dishes.

100 g of dried plums contain:

  • carbohydrates – 57.6 g;
  • fats – 0.6 g;
  • proteins – 2.4 g;
  • energy value– 240 Kcal.


  • vitamins of various categories;
  • Sahara;
  • organic acids;
  • cellulose;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • zinc.

Which prunes are good for you?

When buying dried plums, you need to pay attention to some nuances. For the production of dried fruits, fruits of a certain degree of maturity are selected. If the production technology is violated, then prunes will not be beneficial for the body, and purchasing them will be a meaningless transfer Money. In some cases, consuming low-quality plums can be harmful to health.

How to choose prunes:

  • When dried, plums lose moisture, turn black and wrinkle (this is traditional appearance);
  • the surface of good dried fruits is always matte, the color is uniform (a brown tint indicates the use of boiling water, a glossy sheen indicates the use of glycerin, such fruits will not be healthy);
  • chemical treatment reduces the beneficial properties of prunes;
  • When tasting dried plums, no bitterness should be felt;
  • the fruits should not stain your fingers.

You can store dried fruits using any container with a lid. It is better not to use plastic bags (condensation will cause mold). The place chosen is cool and dark. The general shelf life ranges from 6 months to a year. If the prunes were purchased in a sealed bag, then after opening it, you need to move the dry plums into a container or jar with a lid.

Medicinal properties

For normal operation of cardio-vascular system It is necessary to regularly replenish the supply of useful elements in the body. Dried fruits cope with this task most effectively. Due to their potassium content, dried fruits help improve the functioning of the heart muscle. It is recommended to use them if you have angina pectoris, pulse irregularities, low blood pressure or established diagnoses heart diseases.

What are the benefits of prunes for the cardiovascular system:

  • negative factors environment can weaken the immunity of a healthy person, vitamins from prunes normalize immune system;
  • has a diuretic property (with diseases of the heart or blood vessels, edema is not uncommon);
  • vitamins contained in fruits normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • B vitamins provide preventive effect on the body to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • dietary fiber helps eliminate toxins or waste (prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels);
  • magnesium normalizes arterial pressure.

The benefits of prunes

Dried plums are used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, not only in medicine, dietetics, but also in cosmetology. Dried fruits have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, help cleanse the body of harmful substances, improve the appearance of the skin, and increase vitality. This product has bactericidal properties and normalizes blood pressure. It is recommended to use it if you have problems with digestion, excess weight, pregnancy and healthy people for improvement general condition.

For weight loss

Dried fruits are rich in calories, but they are among the foods that help fight excess weight. When following a diet, it is recommended to consume 4-5 dried plums throughout the day. In this case, meals should be fractional and balanced. You cannot use prunes for weight loss if diagnosed diabetes or obesity. In other cases, the product will help reduce body weight.

What are the benefits of prunes for weight loss?

  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • food saturation occurs quickly;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • acting as an antidepressant;
  • cleansing the intestines of harmful substances.

For constipation

Prunes are considered one of the most effective natural laxatives. Constipation is caused by a lack of fluid or fiber. Dried fruits replenish the supply useful substances body, improving stool. In terms of effectiveness, they are not inferior to pharmaceutical drugs. The main rule for their use is moderation. If you overeat, there will be a negative effect on the body, diarrhea will appear.

In what form to eat prunes for constipation:

  • 4-5 fruits before dinner;
  • prune compote throughout the day;
  • crushed dried fruits, one teaspoon at a time before the evening meal.

During pregnancy

During the period of gestation, a pregnant woman needs an increased amount of vitamins and beneficial elements. Prunes are contraindicated in cases of significant weight gain or high content blood sugar. Without the presence of such factors, eating it is not only possible, but also necessary. Negative Impact the body is affected by excessive introduction of dried fruits into the diet. Side effects include stool problems or an allergic reaction.

Benefits of prunes during pregnancy:

  • normalization of intestinal muscles (disorders arise due to hormonal changes);
  • prevention of anemia and vitamin deficiency (traditional companions of pregnancy);
  • eliminating constipation, normalizing the digestion process;
  • enriching the body with organic acids, vitamins, and beneficial microelements.


The consumption of prunes is prohibited in in rare cases. The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the components or the presence of an allergic reaction to all types of dried fruits. It is not recommended to introduce dried plums into the diet of women throughout the entire period of lactation. Negative consequence an eating disorder may occur in an infant.

Prunes are contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases:

  • obesity (fruits contain a large number of Sahara);
  • hypotension (dried plums lower blood pressure);
  • diabetes mellitus (due to the presence of sugar).

Excessive consumption of prunes leads to diarrhea, increased blood sugar (as a result, weight problems may arise), allergies or abnormal performance digestive system. You should not feed your baby dried plums. It is better to replace them with compote, which is not inferior in its properties to weaken the intestines dill water.

Video about the beneficial properties of prunes

Delicious prunes are popular due to their useful qualities and universal combination with various products. Based on the fruits, baked goods and decoctions are prepared, prunes are added to salads and main courses, and used externally as lotions. The product has other advantages, let’s talk about them in more detail, and consider the potential harm from taking it.

Composition of prunes

Prunes are obtained by drying the fruits of the Italian Hungarian. Ultimately, we have a great opportunity to saturate the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Among the most useful vitamins contained in prunes, it is worth highlighting thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and other B vitamins. The fruits are also rich in gamma-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, alpha-tocopherol, biotin, alpha and beta carotene, vitamin K.

If we talk about the accumulation of minerals, when you consume 5-7 fruits per day, you will replenish the norm in calcium, silicon, chlorine, sodium and magnesium. Prunes also boast a content of potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, vanadium, boron, iron and aluminum.

A special place in the product is given to cobalt, iodine, molybdenum, zinc, rubidium, and nickel. With all this the nutritional value 100 gr. fruit yield is quite low (compared to dates, for example). Calorie content is only 254 Kcal. From 100 gr. more than 57 gr. allocated to carbohydrates, 0.6 g. - fats, 2.3 g. - squirrels.

The benefits of prunes

  1. Chokeberry plum has the highest antioxidant and tonic properties. Systematic intake of dried fruit increases performance and normalizes the psycho-emotional environment. This becomes possible thanks to the presence of valuable B vitamins. They calm the body and help improve sleep.
  2. Prunes must be included in the diet of those who want to lose excess weight. Despite the carbohydrate content, protein and fat metabolism is normalized. Sugars are converted into energy rather than stored as fat around the waist. Prunes increase metabolism and cleanse the intestines.
  3. Traditional medicine has long recognized the fruits of the chokeberry as powerful tool to cleanse the liver and restore its structure. With the help of decoctions based on dried fruits, the outflow of bile is stimulated, the load on the filter organ is reduced.
  4. Prunes help to quickly improve your overall health. You need to take dried fruits with you on the road or to work to satisfy your suddenly raging hunger. In this case, no harm will be done to the figure or stomach. Fruits are better than cookies or fruits in saturating the body.
  5. Prunes are indispensable for categories of people who spend a lot of time at a PC or driving. Beta and alpha carotene improve perception and concentration and are also required for eye health. People with low vision should definitely eat prunes.
  6. Another benefit of plum fruits is to improve intestinal motility and normalize its microflora. It contains dietary fiber that cleans the esophagus and prevents food from fermenting in it. The frequency of constipation and bloating is reduced.
  7. Even with obesity, doctors allow fruits to be included in the menu to make up for the deficiency of nutrients. Don't pay attention special attention to the accumulation of saccharides, they are in correct form. But people with diabetes should be careful and consult a doctor.
  8. Decoctions based on prunes are necessary to cleanse the body of severe slagging and toxic substances. Such drinks also have a positive effect on the composition of the blood, improve blood flow and open the channels, and also cleanse them of cholesterol.
  9. If you have problems with the functioning of the heart muscle, the product must be included in your diet. Moreover, it does not have to be used in independent form. Add prunes to salads, main courses, and teas.
  10. Of course, there are some valuable qualities of dried fruit for hypertensive patients. Due to its mild diuretic effect, plum fruits reduce blood pressure. Also normalized intracranial pressure, which leads to the elimination of frequent headaches and throbbing in the temples.
  11. Prunes are good for oral cavity. Due to its bactericidal properties, the product kills pathogenic microorganisms, prevents the occurrence of caries and stomatitis, strengthens tooth enamel. Black plum fruits are necessary to prevent the proliferation of staphylococcus, salmonella and E. coli.
  12. Due to its special color, the dried fruit is called “black medicine”. It is indicated for liver diseases, osteoporosis, decreased vision, gastrointestinal problems, rheumatism, varicose veins veins and atherosclerosis. In all of these cases, prunes provide a powerful therapeutic result.
  13. Traditional medicine healers advise preparing an infusion for the treatment of bronchitis from ground prunes and vodka. After infusion, this remedy is taken one teaspoon three times a day. This helps remove mucus from the respiratory tract.

  1. Dried fruits should be included in the diet of girls who experience pain during the menstrual cycle. Prunes eliminate spasms, normalize the abundance of secretions, replenish iron deficiency, eliminating dizziness and lethargy.
  2. It was not without benefits for women during the climatic period. Prunes reduce the number of hot flashes, replenish the lack of vitamin D and calcium, thereby preventing osteoporosis.
  3. Ladies during pregnancy are advised to take dried fruit to suppress anemia and its consequences. The fruits of the chokeberry plum are necessary for the correct formation of the child’s central nervous system.
  4. Dried fruit is used by women for weight loss because it has the ability to enhance metabolism and trigger the breakdown of fat. Weight loss is achieved by cleansing the intestines and removing excess fluid.
  5. It is important for girls and women to always look well-groomed. Prunes cope with this task perfectly. It maintains the beauty and health of hair, skin, teeth, and nails.

The benefits of prunes for pregnant women

  1. Any dried fruit has a valuable niche of beneficial enzymes for the human body. Prunes are one of these products. Representatives of the fair sex need active substances during pregnancy.
  2. An abundance of B vitamins is necessary for quick recovery activity of the nervous system. Prunes significantly improve mood, prevent panic attacks and depressive states.
  3. Availability ascorbic acid allows a pregnant girl to protect herself from seasonal viruses. Tocopherol has a positive effect on the tone of muscle tissue. The enzyme also improves hormonal levels.
  4. Vitamin K is necessary for the formation of bones in a baby. With the help of an enzyme, protein is properly synthesized in the body. The abundance of iron in the product helps to avoid the development of anemia. The mineral has a positive effect on hematopoiesis.
  5. Prunes are famous for their richness of folic acid, a substance necessary for the formation of the baby’s nervous system. Silicon synthesizes collagen in the body. The substance prevents the development of rickets in a child.
  6. The only condition remains the rationed consumption of prunes. If the prescribed norm is not followed, the level of sugar in the blood and urine may jump. The risk of obesity and skin rashes increases.

  1. Systematic consumption of dried fruit helps reduce the amount of bad cholesterol. Prunes have shown themselves well in the fight against harmful deposits.
  2. In addition, the product produces soft laxative effect, removing all the nasty things from the body. The result is natural weight loss.
  3. The undoubted advantage of the product is considered to be low glycemic index. As a result, eating prunes will give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. The fruits have a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, due to which the stomach feels full.
  4. Prunes will be a good alternative to snacks during snacks. You need to exclude fast food and all kinds of sandwiches. Dried fruit is useful because it does not contain saturated fats, which cause obesity and heart pathologies.
  5. The sweetness of the product is achieved by the presence of natural sugars. Therefore, while losing weight, you can replace all kinds of unhealthy treats with natural dried fruit. It is enough to eat about 3 fruits to satisfy your desire.
  6. Observations have confirmed the fact that prunes are an excellent antidepressant. Consistently eating the product allows you to have a stable mood. The effectiveness of weight loss may depend on this.
  7. Weight loss with the inclusion of prunes in the diet will help improve your psycho-emotional background and increase brain activity. The product saturates the body with necessary enzymes. Also, you are not at risk of vitamin deficiency.
  8. Active substances in raw materials are stopped premature aging. Prunes increase skin elasticity, sagging gradually disappears, wrinkles and creases are smoothed out.
  9. The abundance of potassium in prunes allows you to avoid cardiovascular diseases and strengthen muscle tissue. Do not forget that timely intake of dried fruit improves metabolism and prevents constipation.
  10. Nutritionists recommend combining prunes with homemade yogurt. This duet allows you to lose weight as much as possible. short time without harm to the body. Taken together, the products have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  11. During the diet, replace 1 meal with a glass low-fat kefir or yogurt with 4 dried fruits. You can pass the product through a blender and enjoy a healthy cocktail.

Damage to prunes

If you don't stick practical recommendations and excessive consumption of dried fruit, you may encounter serious problems.
  1. It is not recommended to eat prunes if you have diabetes. Dried fruit can provoke sudden jump blood glucose levels.
  2. It is prohibited to include raw materials in the daily diet if you are obese. Abuse of the product provokes complications.
  3. If you suffer from prolonged diarrhea, prunes are contraindicated for a while.

Undoubtedly, prunes can be classified as healthy products, which should be included in the daily diet in the absence of contraindications. The only condition remains that you must comply daily norm dried fruit

Video: 10 reasons to love prunes

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