Useful properties of beef meat. Nutritional properties of beef, calorie content

Beef is meat obtained from the slaughter of cows, bulls and other large cattle. In a narrower sense, beef refers to the skeletal striated muscles and adjacent connective and adipose tissue animals over eight months of age. The tender meat of younger cattle is called veal.

Beef supplied for sale is divided into categories and varieties. The basis for assigning meat to category I or II is the degree of fatness of the carcass (that is, the level of fat deposition and development muscle tissue). The division into varieties is carried out taking into account the area of ​​the animal’s body from which the meat was cut. So, 1st grade beef is called brisket, sirloin, rump, back, sirloin and rump. Second grade meat is considered to be flank, shoulder and shoulder blades. 3rd grade beef includes shanks, shanks and neck (cut).

The meat of cows, bulls and calves is eaten stewed, fried, smoked and boiled. Minced meat, soups and jellies are prepared on its basis. Older beef is used to make sausages, sausages and small sausages.

Nutritional value of beef and vitamins in its composition

The nutritional value beef varies depending on category and grade. Average data on the content of key nutrients in the meat of bulls, cows and calves are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Vitamins in beef (per serving weighing 100 g):

  • 8.874 mcg folate (B9);
  • 0.554 mg pantothenic acid(B5);
  • 0.288 mg tocopherol equivalent (E);
  • 0.176 mg riboflavin (B2);
  • 2.766 mcg cobalamin (B12);
  • 8.791 mg niacin equivalent (PP);
  • 0.384 mg pyridoxine (B6);
  • 3.248 mcg biotin (H);
  • 0.069 mg thiamine (B1).

Energy value of beef

The calorie content of beef depends on its category, on what part of the carcass the meat was cut from, and on the method of its preparation.

table 2

Calorie content of beef dishes(per 100 g serving):

  • fried beef – 379.012 kcal;
  • boiled beef – 206.484 kcal;
  • stewed beef – 229.114 kcal;
  • baked beef – 126.767 kcal;
  • beef sausages and sausages – 227.587 kcal;
  • beef jelly – 97.844 kcal;
  • azu – 102.441 kcal;
  • smoked brisket – 599.614 kcal;
  • beef stroganoff – 192.457 kcal;
  • entrecote – 219.614 kcal;
  • cutlets – 244.351 kcal;
  • beef meatballs – 143.112 kcal;
  • beefsteak – 217.894 kcal;
  • broth - 3.989 kcal.

Useful elements in beef

Macronutrients in beef (per 100 g):

  • 58.799 mg chlorine;
  • 324.414 mg potassium;
  • 21.156 mg magnesium;
  • 8.766 mg calcium;
  • 229.881 mg sulfur;
  • 64.331 mg sodium;
  • 187.647 mg phosphorus.

Microelements in beef (per 100 g):

  • 7.112 mcg iodine;
  • 62.254 mcg fluoride;
  • 181.118 mcg copper;
  • 8.527 µg nickel;
  • 2.658 mg iron;
  • 6.981 mcg cobalt;
  • 8.193 mcg chromium;
  • 11.613 µg molybdenum;
  • 76.131 µg tin;
  • 3.237 mg zinc;
  • 0.033 mg manganese.

Useful properties of beef

  • Beef is hearty, nutritious and low calorie product, which can be safely included in the menu of a person losing weight.
  • Group B vitamins, which cattle meat is rich in, help activate metabolic processes in the body.
  • Beef contains significant amount easily digestible animal protein. Athletes and people experiencing increased physical activity can use it as an additional source of proteins.
  • Vitamins, beneficial macro- and microelements contained in cattle meat have a beneficial effect on work nervous system. Regular inclusion of dishes based on it in the menu reduces the risk of developing somnological disorders (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, etc.), depression and neuroses, and helps reduce the negative effects of stress on the body.
  • Beef contains compounds that accelerate the elimination of excess cholesterol from the body. With moderate consumption of foods based on it, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced.
  • Substances present in beef strengthen the walls of blood vessels, preventing the development of cardiac disorders.
  • Beef contains compounds that can normalize acidity levels gastric juice and have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Useful elements and vitamins contained in cattle meat strengthen the immune system and help the body resist infectious diseases. Nutritionists recommend including it in the diet of people recovering from long-term illnesses, surgical interventions, injuries.
  • Vitamin E and other compounds contained in beef slow down the processes that lead to aging of the body.
  • The meat of cows and bulls is a source of iron and other substances that have beneficial influence on the functioning of the hematopoietic system. Nutritionists recommend that people with anemia include it in their diet twice or thrice a week. Lenten dishes based on it.
  • Beef is rich in substances that have positive influence on the condition of the skin, teeth, hair and nails.

Contraindications and harmful properties of beef

  • According to nutritionists, daily consumption beef should not exceed:
    • 157 g - for women 19–30 years old,
    • 142 g – for women 31–50 years old,
    • 185 g – for men 19–30 years old,
    • 171 g – for men 31–50 years old.

    However, experts do not recommend eating more than 550 g of this meat within a week. Exceeding these standards may result in Negative consequences for the body. In particular, beef abuse can be one of the factors contributing to the development of atherosclerosis, gout, urolithiasis, osteochondrosis and poisoning.

  • Compound feeds that are fed to bulls and cows on modern livestock farms contain a large number of hormonal drugs, pesticides and other harmful compounds. Poisons accumulate in meat and enter the human body along with dishes prepared on its basis.
  • A high-protein diet that includes frequent consumption of beef may have a negative impact on performance digestive tract, help increase the load on the kidneys.
  • According to nutritionists, frequent consumption of beef and dishes based on it increases the risk of developing cancerous tumors in the tissues of the colon and other oncological pathologies.

How to select and store beef?

Before going to the store or market for beef, you need to decide what dishes are expected. Experienced chefs recommend choosing cattle meat in the following way:

  • for preparing soups and beef broths, it is advisable to use a sirloin or rump with a bone, shoulder blade, shoulder, front part of the sternum or rump;
  • the best roast comes from tenderloin, sirloin, rump and rump;
  • when preparing meatballs, cutlets, minced meat, meatballs and meat fillings, use rump, shoulder, bottom of the rump, flank and shank meat;
  • for stewing, it is advisable to buy brisket and rump;
  • The most delicious jellies are obtained from the shank, shank and tail.

When choosing beef, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • fresh meat of a young bull or cow has a bright red color without inclusions or spots (more dark shades indicate that the meat is from the carcass of an old animal);
  • the fat layer should have a dense (sometimes crumbling) structure and white color;
  • the surface of fresh meat should be elastic and dry;
  • high-quality meat should have no odor;
  • the package with frozen beef should not contain snow or a large number of ice crystals (they are formed when the rules for storing meat are violated or when it is re-frozen).

Fresh beef can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. In the freezer, meat retains its beneficial and taste qualities much longer – up to 10 months.

The traditional list of food products is unthinkable without meat such as beef. The benefits and harms of this product mainly depend on individual characteristics body, but there are certain facts that you need to know so as not to harm yourself. Let's find out more about this.

About the product

Beef is red meat with a slightly sweet taste. It is not as fatty as and more nutritious than poultry. A wide variety of dishes are prepared from it: salads, soups, cutlets, steaks, stews, filling for baked goods. The product rarely causes allergies and is suitable for baby food.

Beef is one of the main sources of animal protein. Its regular use affects a person’s activity and energy. The calorie content of the dish depends on the cooking method. Beef fillet can be dietary product(meaning

The nutritional value

First of all, beef meat is valuable due to its high protein content. There are 20 g of it per 100 g of product. In terms of the content of this substance, beef is the leader among other types of red meat. For comparison, 100 g of pork contains 17-19 g of protein, and 100 g - 16 g.

The calorie content of beef depends, among other things, on the conditions under which the animal was raised. Therefore, it is worth buying meat from trusted sellers.

Beef also contains a number of vitamins:


  • iron,
  • zinc,
  • calcium,
  • potassium,
  • magnesium,
  • fluorine,
  • phosphorus,
  • manganese,
  • copper,
  • molybdenum.

Amino acids:

  • valine,
  • lysine,
  • isoleucine.


The benefits of the product should be discussed with its moderate consumption. By including beef meat in your diet, you provide yourself with a feeling of fullness. Meat dishes help the body quickly recover and gain strength after illness. Boiled beef is recommended for people with increased physical and mental stress, as well as nursing women.

Beef dishes stimulate work gastrointestinal tract. The product normalizes metabolic processes, maintains a stable level of stomach acidity. Beef helps remove harmful cholesterol from the body. It has the property of strengthening the walls of blood vessels. The level of hemoglobin in the blood is normalized when eating red meat, and the risk of anemia is reduced.

What else does the product affect:

  • improves memory,
  • strengthens muscles,
  • strengthens bone tissue,
  • promotes hematopoiesis,
  • increases blood clotting,
  • accelerates wound healing,
  • supports the nervous system
  • helps to lose weight,
  • reduces the likelihood of a heart attack.

Beef is a top product for athletes. Thanks to its protein content, it helps restore muscle fibers after training, strengthens interarticular ligaments. Diet dishes- soups, broths, steamed meat - are recommended for people who have undergone surgery, chronically ill patients, as well as those who want to maintain a normal immune system of the body.


It is not the beef itself that can cause harm, but its excess in the diet. Excessive amounts of beef on the menu have the opposite effect: the cardiovascular system is depressed, digestive problems arise, and the intestines become clogged. Uncontrolled use may increase blood cholesterol levels. Excess meat negatively affects the liver and kidneys. Risk appears oncological diseases. For women, the consumption rate is 150 g of beef per day, for men a little more - 170 g. Moreover, on average, the amount of meat eaten should not exceed 0.5 kg per week.

Polzateevo magazine draws your attention: beef can be harmful if stored improperly. Fresh meat must be kept in the refrigerator, at a temperature not exceeding +4°C. In this case, enamel or glassware would be ideal. It is also possible to have a plate or bowl wrapped in food-grade, breathable film. But even then, the shelf life of fresh beef does not exceed 16 days.

Freezing significantly extends the safe storage period of the product, but destroys some useful substances. Various ways Cooking meat affects calories and nutritional properties. The benefits and harms of beef depend on them. For example, an organism with sensitive digestion is unlikely to thank you for a fatty and spicy dish.

A meat dish can be harmful if the animals were raised in unfavorable conditions. Constant stress and the premonition of death affect the quality of meat. Adrenaline accumulating in the muscles of cows, the use of hormones for enhanced growth, as well as unnatural food - all this remains in the meat. Modern producers are trying to improve the quality of meat and increase its production, but the result is a product that is unsafe for humans.

For illnesses

For pancreatitis, dietary beef is allowed. Fat meat dishes are excluded. Beef fat is not recommended due to its high content fatty acids, which overload the inflamed pancreas. Choose fillets from young animals and steam them. Dietary beef is also beneficial for diabetics, especially beef broth. Fillet stewed with vegetables is well digested.

How to cook

First, we select a good cut of meat based on the following characteristics:

  • it is juicy red,
  • It has nice smell fresh meat,
  • fat - soft, cream-colored,
  • the meat has a marbled fibrous structure,
  • when pressed, the fillet should be elastic and quickly regain its shape,
  • The incision site should be shiny.

If the fillet is dark red, the fat is cloudy and has films, this is the meat of an old animal. The highest grade of beef is the fillet, back and chest parts, the first grade is the shoulder and shoulder parts, the second is the cut, the front and back shank. Beef brains, tongue and liver are also eaten.

Diet recipe:

  • beef (fillet) - 500 g,
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • celery stalk - 1 pc.,
  • thyme - 2 branches,
  • peppercorns - 5 pcs.,
  • salt,

Place the chopped fillet in a saucepan with water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat. Place whole peeled carrots, onions and celery into the pan. After a couple of minutes, add spices. Cook the meat for 2 hours, periodically skimming off the foam. Make sure that the beef is always in the broth; to do this, add it to the pan boiled water. Half an hour before cooking, add a little salt. Finished meat pieces should be easily pierced with a fork.

Beef dishes add variety to your diet. The product goes well with vegetables, berries, and herbs. Stick to proper nutrition and stay healthy!

It has long been known that meat must be present in daily diet each person. It has the maximum amount of essential protein. The meat has great nutritional value for a person. Any type of product can be eaten. But it is beef that is very popular and healthy. IN proper nutrition beef takes the lead. Like any other product, beef can be harmful. Therefore, it is worth knowing more about all its properties.

Benefits of beef

The benefits of this type of meat directly depend on its composition. So, beef is the main source of protein. It is known that this component is extremely necessary for the normal functioning of the body, and its rapid recovery after illness or other causes. 100 grams of beef contains 20 grams of protein, which allows it to take first place among all types of meat.

At the same time, the amount of fat is extremely small, which allows us to call this type dietary and as healthy as possible. It is important to prepare it correctly. As for other components, meat contains the following components:

  • Vitamins of group B, PP, H, E;
  • Amino acids;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc;
  • Calcium;
  • Potassium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Fluorine;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Manganese;
  • Copper.

The benefit of beef is its high nutritional properties. Huge benefit the product provides for digestive system. Beef neutralizes many enzymes, acids and salts that serve as irritants for the stomach. And thanks to such food, the acidity of the stomach and intestines is reduced, which is very useful for various ailments gastrointestinal tract.

Beef is absorbed quickly enough in the body, so there will be no deposits of rotten meat in the stomach. If consumed regularly, it will also be beneficial for work. of cardio-vascular system. The product can significantly strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as increase hemoglobin levels. This will help avoid anemia. Do not forget that including this variety in the diet helps reduce the risk of heart attacks.

Thanks to high content B vitamins, beef improves memory, restores the normal functioning of the central nervous system. This meat brings great benefits to athletes and people whose activities are associated with large physical activity. With him regular use spent forces are restored to the most short time. And protein returns damaged muscles their strength and tone, strengthens joint ligaments.

Boiled beef is very useful during the diet. The product has low content calories, so it will only bring positive result. It is recommended to consume such food for the first time after surgery, especially if there was a large loss of blood. You can also steam it or bake it in the oven.

The harm of beef meat

Like any other product, beef can also be harmful. This is influenced by the conditions of growing and keeping the animal. Unscrupulous farmers mix various pesticides and hormones into cattle feed, which are sure to be deposited in the meat. They cause maximum harm to humans, such as poisoning or intoxication.

With excessive consumption of the product, the level of cholesterol in the body may increase, which is not very good for a person. Because of this, there is a risk of plaque and blood clots forming in the vessels. Also, a large amount of beef can cause or aggravate chronic diseases liver and kidneys. If you don't watch the amount of meat you eat, the immune system begins to malfunction, and there is a possibility of developing cancer.

How the beef is cooked plays a big role. So, the product will be harmful when frying it. It is known that during frying, meat is saturated with various carcinogens. Therefore, there will be no benefit from such a tasty dish. Storage of the product is also important. Of course, it is better to regularly buy only fresh meat, and try not to freeze it. After all, with such processing, many beneficial properties simply evaporate.

Beef has become a part of the diet modern man. Stew made from this meat is also very popular. But few people know that the birthplace of this shelf-stable dish is France, where it was first made back in the 19th century.

The health benefits of beef, as well as its nutritional value, are beyond doubt.

Marbled beef is especially popular, a kilogram of which costs several hundred dollars. However, not every nation eats this meat. Thus, in India, the cow is considered a sacred animal. However, we are not Indians, so we are interested in the question, what are the benefits of eating beef and is there any harm from it?

Historical reference

Historically, the name beef comes from the word "govedo". The latter means cattle in translation from Old Church Slavonic.

The wild bull was the ancestor of the cow. Ancient man tamed it and cultivated it 7 thousand years ago. Historical finds confirm that beef meat was consumed by the ancient Romans and Egyptians. However, in those days, beef was considered a delicacy, so only rich people ate it. They noticed the health benefits of beef and its excellent taste.

IN Ancient Rus' Dishes made from this product were also very popular. In those days, the only possible culinary treatment was roasting on hot stones. However, the Scythian civilization preferred to bake its pieces in ash.

During times pagan Rus' vegetarianism was the food culture, although it should be noted that large and small livestock were sometimes sacrificed to the gods. The situation changed dramatically with the adoption of Christianity, when the consumption of meat, including beef, increased sharply.

By the way, the oldest dish made from the product is considered to be “Beef Wellington”. The recipe was invented in Britain several hundred years ago, but is still very popular today. This dish is a sirloin roll with herbs and spices.

Benefits and composition

The benefits of meat depend on its nutritional value and vitamin and mineral composition. The calorie content of beef also depends on the method of its preparation. So, raw meat contains approximately 190 kcal, boiled meat - 220, baked - 170, and fried - almost 390. Therefore, the most dietary product is a baked piece of beef.

The nutritional value

The nutritional composition of this meat is as follows:


Vitamins in beef include the following:

per 100 grams of product vitamin content mg
Vitamin B2 0.2
Vitamin B5 0.5
Vitamin B6 0.4
Vitamin B9 8.4
Vitamin B12 2.6
Tocopherol 0.6


In addition to vitamins, it also contains minerals, essential for normal functioning human body. Beef meat contains especially a lot of:

Benefits for the body

What are the beneficial properties of beef for the body? The main beneficial properties of this meat are:

  • Neutralization increased acidity gastric juice
  • Stimulation of the formation of digestive enzymes
  • Rapid absorption in the intestines, creating favorable conditions for its functioning
  • The protein contained in beef is used for the formation of building protein in the body, helping to restore damaged tissues
  • Relatively low calorie content in comparison with other types of meat, so the benefits of beef for women who care about their figure are obvious.

Possible harm

Beef can also be harmful to the human body. This depends on the following factors:

  • Conditions for raising cattle
  • Amount of meat consumed (everything is good in moderation)
  • Methods of storing and preparing dishes based on beef meat.

The harm of beef is in direct proportional dependence on the method of raising cattle. IN to the greatest extent this harm manifests itself if the livestock was fed growth stimulants and antibiotics were used in livestock farming technology. The latter can show affinity for muscle tissue, accumulating in it and remaining long time. Therefore, when such meat enters the human body, it leads to the development of antibiotic resistance (the person turns out to be insensitive to the antibiotics prescribed for treatment).

Boiled meat is free from such harm if the animals were raised on natural feeding without any additives. It is also important to vaccinate cattle in a timely manner to avoid the development of certain infectious diseases.

How to cook properly

Boiled beef has the greatest benefits. To preserve all the beneficial properties, you can also bake this meat. Roasting is the most in a harmful way cooking. This is due to the fact that when exposed to high temperatures Aromatic hydrocarbons are formed from fats. And they, in turn, exhibit carcinogenic properties, that is, they increase the risk of developing cancer.

Significant consumption of beef increases the risk of the following disorders:

  • Atherosclerosis (excess cholesterol in the blood)
  • Cardiac ischemia
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Insufficiency of liver function.

Considering the harm of beef, it is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • Gout (like all other types of meat, which are a product very rich in protein)
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Severe immunodeficiency.

Thus, the beneficial properties of beef for the human body are associated with the large amount of protein in its composition, as well as important vitamins and microelements. However, the beneficial properties appear only if a person stores and prepares it correctly, and also consumes this meat in moderation.

Beef is the meat of cattle (bulls, heifers, cows, steers and oxen).

The quality of their meat depends on the age, type of feed, keeping and sex of the animal. Meat aging, that is, the process of ripening meat, as well as the stress that animals experience before slaughter, also largely determines the quality of meat.

Beef is divided into 3 grades. TO top quality includes back, breast, fillet, sirloin, rump and rump; to the first - the scapular and shoulder parts, as well as the flank; to the second - the cut, the front and back shank.

The most valued beef is obtained from meat breeds of livestock, and especially the more tender veal - obtained from immature bulls and heifers.

Meat quality - beef should be juicy red in color, have a pleasant smell of fresh meat, as well as a delicately fibrous marbled structure. The fat should be soft and have a whitish-cream color. When pressing and cutting, the meat should be quite elastic and in the cut areas it should be shiny and easy to press with your finger, and the place of pressure should level itself out after a while. The meat of an old animal has a dark red hue, the fat has an abundance of films, and the meat tissues are flabby

Beef calories

Beef is considered the lowest-calorie type of meat, since its fat content is minimal (the meat itself has a small layer of fat). It is important to remember that different parts of the animal’s body have different fat content, on average from 150 kcal to 500 kcal. 100 g of beef contains 187 kcal. IN boiled beef- 153 kcal per 100 g of meat. Fried beef - 180 kcal. Consumption of this type of meat in moderate amount shown to everyone, including people suffering from obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beef contains 315-334 mg% potassium, 60-65 mg% sodium, 9-10 mg% calcium, 21-26 mg% magnesium, 198-210 mg% phosphorus, 2.6-2.8 mg% iron, vitamins Groups B, RR. Low-value proteins collagen and elastin in beef are 2.6%.

Useful properties of beef

IN beef liver, contains vitamin (8.2 mg%), (1 mg%), (33 mg%), B6 ​​(0.7 mg%), B12 (60 mg%), PP (9 mg%), B2 (2.19 mg%), B1 (0.3 mg%), etc. Beef meat is also a supplier mineral salts(sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, cobalt, etc.). Highest content iron found in beef liver is 8.4 mg%.

Beef is one of the main suppliers of complete proteins in human nutrition. When cooked, beef loses up to 40% water, 2% protein and 1% fat. Almost all proteins are used in the diet. For the most valuable protein nutrition It is best to use tenderloin - the softest part of the carcass.

Vitamin B12 (formed due to the fact that a cow chews cud - green grass) is involved in the process of absorption of iron in our body. Beef helps to successfully cope with fatigue, is useful for iron deficiency anemia, and British doctors advise men who have high level bad cholesterol, eat up to 200 grams. a day of lean beef. They found that with such a diet, cholesterol is reduced by almost 20%.

Old beef is more difficult to digest, it is not recommended for children and the elderly to eat - it is better to replace it with veal.

Dangerous properties of beef

It should be remembered that in addition to useful substances, meat contains purine bases, during the metabolism of which uric acid can form in the body. Accumulation uric acid, which occurs with excess meat nutrition, can disrupt the permeability of the capillaries of the renal nephrons, contribute to the development of gout, osteochondrosis and other diseases. It has been proven that excessive consumption of meat reduces the body's immunity and resistance to various diseases.

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