Behavior of a married man after forty years. Man after forty: rules of life to maintain health and strength

Sexual activity men between 40-49 years old gains quite interesting features and if you don’t pay attention to them, you’ll soon have to forget about sex altogether. Men's activity will decrease slightly during this period, as overuse fried meat and beer will lead to narrowing blood vessels, including those located in the penis.

Psychologically sex after forty usually goes into the stage of all permissible relations. Therefore, many rush to the side or, on the contrary, find their last love, which helps them find out the value of themselves, a woman and sex after 40.

Sexual activity in men largely depends on the partner. If she is the same age, then she will have to deal with her own crisis, but more on that in other articles on our site, here are tips exclusively for men.

Sex after forty should avoid regulation and routine For example, you might be advised to set yourself a goal of changing at least three positions during a sex swim. Extraordinary solutions will help maintain partners’ interest in each other: outlaw the missionary position for half a year or establish a rule not to have sex in bed on the new moon.

Again I will focus on getting rid of the possibility of sex after forty becoming a routine matter. Sometimes men begin to take sexual relations with their wives for granted. As a result, the woman feels treated like furniture and responds in kind. The key to success is in the little things. Activity of men in bed will be significantly higher if you maintain the partners’ interest in the mutual act. Therefore, call your wife more often, not only about dinner, but simply to tell her something kind. Believe me, she will be very pleased and she will thank you for it. When you come home from work, don’t throw yourself onto the sofa, but hug your woman, talk to her about her problems, simply give her flowers!

Sexual activity in men after 40 years will determine the situation for the future. The more often you have an erection now, the longer you will have this ability in the future when you get even older. Therefore, in a state of work stress or during periods of family troubles don't be shy to take matters into your own hands. Yes Yes. Treat frequent masturbation as a preventive measure against old age.

Sex after forty should happen consciously. Your appearance may no longer excite your partner as much as it did before, because we probably didn’t play sports, right? So it is important to have lubricant ready for water based, since your peers probably have problems with dryness more and more often.

The period of 40-49 years is the time to get into the habit of checking your cholesterol level, if this has not been done before, because right now the first signs of heart problems appear. Cardiovascular diseases not only kill people but also poison them sex life. It will be useful to start actively eating soy, since it contains a substance such as genistein, which inhibits the increase in prostate gland and increases the ability to fertilize.

And finally pose of the decade. By the age of forty, physical endurance declines. Sexual activity in men is decreasing, and sexual marathons are increasingly being completed ahead of time for the sake of restorative sleep. And another unpleasant surprise awaits you on the way to orgasm: blood can unexpectedly flow from the penis to the legs - hence the weakening of the erection and tingling in the legs. But, firstly, this only happens during prolonged acts. Secondly, it’s easy to find a remedy for tingling legs: give your partner a couple of horse riding lessons. When she's on top, you're out of danger.

Age is not an obstacle to romantic relationships; a person can meet his true love even at 40 years old. At this age, there is already a clear idea of ​​what the chosen one should look like and what qualities he should have. At this time, people already have an established life, a stable job, if they have children from a previous marriage, then they have already grown up. And at this moment there comes a period when life presents new challenges, which each person copes with differently.

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    Behavior of married men

    The psychology of a man at 40 is based on a change in his perception of himself. He is not old yet, although he already has external signs aging. The opportunities and aspirations that were present in his life just recently have already faded into the background. Fear of the future has settled in my soul, which forces me to do rash acts.

    Sex life

    At this time, sexual activity of the stronger sex becomes noticeably less. This is due to the natural physiological processes that occur in the body. Each age has its own frequency of sexual intercourse, and a decrease in activity is a completely natural phenomenon.

    Over the years, hearing becomes weaker, vision decreases and reaction speed slows down, but it is precisely the decrease physical activity can plunge a man into depression. The fear that one day he will not be able to please his woman forces him to commit rash acts.

    Since his wife lived with him for a long time and remembers his activity in his youth, then many men begin to look for a partner on the side. She doesn’t know his past victories and everything will be as if life began anew. Some men resort to artificial potency enhancers. Such behavior often undermines a person’s health and morally depresses them.

    Excessive sexual activity at this age often causes heart attacks, strokes and other complex diseases. The short-term joy of a new relationship can give way to a hospital bed.

    If at this time a loving and faithful wife is next to the man, then she will be able to find words of support for her chosen one. You shouldn't blame your husband. He requires attention, love and constant praise. A man will feel calm if he understands what is next to him real woman.

    The appearance of a rival

    To make it easier to survive times of crisis, married men often take mistresses. The desire to change something in life makes him act rashly and not think about tomorrow. Trying to keep your husband by force will not yield results, but will only aggravate the situation. It's best to be patient and wait.

    Scandals, conflicts, and constant showdowns can only speed up separation. If you become an understanding girlfriend, lock your emotions and offer him help, then the man will not have the courage to insult his wife.

    Those women who begin to follow their husbands, seek meetings with rivals and sort things out with them look unpleasant. An aggressive atmosphere in the house will push a man to divorce.


    A hormonal imbalance in the body can cause a change in a man’s behavior. He is often tired, he is not interested in anything and does not want anything. His previously favorite dishes lost their taste, and his appearance stopped bothering him altogether.

    The behavior of the spouse during this period is very annoying, as she constantly demands something. Daily responsibilities become a burden. Personal space has been violated. At this point, men often decide to get a divorce or simply move away for a while. He leaves not because there is another woman, but because of unbearable fatigue.

    If such a situation arises, then psychologists recommend artificial separation. This is easy to do when the couple has an additional apartment or relatives live nearby.

    There is no need to try to control the life of a spouse who has left home. Calls, meetings, conversations will not work positive result, but will only push the man to file for divorce. You can call, but from time to time, discussing interesting news or the progress of children.

    At every opportunity, it is necessary to remind a man of his feelings and how dear he is. If the husband feels his importance in his wife’s life, then he will quickly have a desire to return. Having done everything correctly, the woman will not have to wait long for her husband to return to the family.

    Excessive energy

    Sometimes it happens that a previously calm and balanced man changes his behavior and turns into an adult child. He starts playing sports, invents new hobbies for himself, and goes on trips. This is how men try to make up for lost time and distract themselves from thoughts about old age.

    At this moment it is very difficult for men. By overestimating his capabilities, he can cause irreparable harm to his health. Constant overload of the body causes serious illnesses. Even climate change can have a negative impact on general condition person.

    Keeping a man at home is not a way out of this situation. You need to try to find words that will clearly convey to him the danger of these events. In no case should one talk about age; one should refer to the harm of a sudden change in lifestyle.

    Change of image

    Changes in psychological state men will force him to change his appearance and wardrobe. Old clothes are thrown away and new ones are purchased in their place, in a completely different style. His interests begin to include various fashion trends, which in the recent past caused a storm of indignation.

    In this situation, the spouse must be attentive. This behavior of the husband indicates a radical change in his tastes. You can't criticize him new image or laugh at him. You need to look at it from the other side or choose outfits in the same style as your partner.

    If the wife ignores her husband’s progress to a new level, then in the future there is a risk of losing her lover. With a different image, the husband will gain self-confidence and will think that he is now guaranteed success with the opposite sex.

    A wife who has stopped taking care of herself no longer arouses interest, so the man begins to look at other, more well-groomed women. A man who keeps up with the times will find another, more interesting life partner, and may even decide to divorce his wife.

    Peculiarities of behavior of a 40-year-old bachelor

    Having met the man of her dreams, a woman may be disappointed. Men at this age rarely strive for serious and long-term relationships. They often behave in strange ways. At first they are attracted to a woman, confess their love to her, and after a few dates they begin to ignore calls, avoid meetings and do not want to give explanations.

    Influence of past experience

    The human psyche is structured in such a way that they tend to evaluate each other and compare with former loved ones. Everyone wants to get something special from their partner. Both men and women desire to love and be loved. But they are in no hurry to start a new relationship, since many have unpleasant memories of a past relationship.

    Having crossed the 40-year mark, a divorced person has enough experience in love, and not everyone has a positive experience. People do not want to suffer and be tormented again heartache and disappointments. If a man is afraid of a repetition of negative situations, then he calmly refuses new relationships, creating the impression of an insensitive egoist.

    Alienated and strange behavior makes a man think about his past. He probably had various connections that created a lot of grievances in his soul. Also, his ex-lover could have hurt his pride.

    With experience, men become more cautious, preferring not to take risks. A woman who hopes serious relationship, considers such behavior unpleasant and offensive. But you should understand that this is just a defensive reaction.

    Men in their prime are more vulnerable and sensitive than women. They can easily become attached to a friend and become dependent on her not only physically, but also emotionally.

    Psychological maturity

    At first after meeting a person, he tries to show only positive sides of your character. Psychologists have calculated that this period lasts about six months. Love develops, affection grows, there is no longer any need to hide your shortcomings.

    The first negative comes out when the couple begins to live together. Tender feelings are replaced by disappointment. During rare meetings, it is difficult to adequately evaluate a person, and falling in love does not allow one to discern the negative aspects.

    Before plunging headlong into the maelstrom of new feelings, it is necessary to assess the psychological maturity of the chosen one. This indicator does not depend on the number of years a man has lived.

    If a woman values ​​herself, then she must understand that the choice of the person with whom she will go through life rests only on her shoulders. There is no need to hope that a grown man will suddenly change. If a person does not want to become better, no amount of other people's efforts can do this.

    If a woman nevertheless manages to bring her lover to a frank conversation, then she may hear something far from what she wanted. Many men say that the rapid development of events scares them. This erratic behavior may resemble that of a child.

    But not all men who reach 40 years of age avoid serious relationships. Some of them are looking for a suitable companion with whom they can build a strong and stable family in the future. Although there are often unsuccessful attempts create a love union. Psychology identifies two types of men who have opposite views on life and marriage.

    Elusive man

    When a single lady sees a man she likes, she involuntarily begins to imagine a future together with him. The relationship is developing dynamically, but after some time the woman begins to notice that the chosen one has begun to behave strangely.

    Gradually the man begins to move away. This affects his outlook on life, and his feelings change. The woman understands that the chosen one makes appointments less and less often. All attempts to develop events end in failure, since the man does not want to enter into a serious relationship. Refusal to meet is becoming more and more frequent; the partner’s reluctance to make contact is justified by being constantly busy.

    There are cases when a woman accidentally finds out about a rival with whom a man is dating at the same time as her. The most alarming call would be a refusal to introduce a woman to her parents and friends. An acquaintance in which the gentleman introduces his companion as his friend should not be counted. As a result, the woman understands that she will not be able to keep such a man next to her.

    The Elusive Man

    A divorced man seems an ideal option for starting a family. Children have grown up long ago and do not require increased attention. He is calm, able to carry on a conversation on any topic and enjoys being in women's company.

    Such men are responsible, know how to show signs of attention and make the right impression on a lady. The woman is already beginning to expect the relationship to move into a new direction. The couple meets, spends a lot of time together, and suddenly a moment comes when the gentleman begins to behave strangely.

    The man stops communicating, gradually moving away from the woman. She begins to get upset and worried, not understanding the reasons for this behavior. All attempts to reach the boyfriend and bring him into conversation do not yield any results. When we meet, he calmly talks about what he has been doing all this time, but does not consider himself guilty of anything.

    If a girlfriend is too annoying, then the man begins to reproach her for infringing on his freedom. He is in no hurry to move to a new level of relationship, and the woman is free to either accept his conditions or go in search of a new gentleman.

    But it often happens that waiting for a long time for a girlfriend leads to nothing, and in the end the man moves away altogether. He doesn't show his upset over the breakup and acts as if there was no connection between them. A woman’s efforts to regain her lost relationship will not lead to a positive result.

    Forty-year-old men have a number of general qualities. Thus, psychologists say that negative experiences from past relationships prevent them from building serious relationships with women. Midlife crisis and a man’s emotional maturity also play an important role. .

    Middle age crisis

    At the age of 40, almost all men begin to rethink the years they have lived. This period is called a midlife crisis.

    A person wants to understand what in life matters to him and determines his future destiny. Society demands that men be strong, resilient, and self-sufficient. But not everyone is able to live up to established stereotypes. Often by this time a man does not have time to achieve what he would like. Therefore, he remains dissatisfied with life and himself.

    In the course of research, experts came to the conclusion that there are several options for the development of the period during which men experience a midlife crisis:

    1. 1. When everything planned has been fulfilled. All goals have been achieved, the man is happy with everything. In such a situation they say that life is good. A man over 40 does not focus on minor problems.
    2. 2. When the difficulties of life have driven a man into a dead end from which he sees no way out. He gradually loses self-confidence, not understanding how to live further, but tries not to show that it’s hard for him. Someone needs to show him that he is able to cope with all life's troubles.
    3. 3. When everything stopped working out for the man, his outlook on life changed. He is unable to fulfill the demands that are placed on him at work and at home. He stopped understanding what he really needed. Attitudes and values ​​have changed dramatically.
    4. 4. When nothing has changed in life. There is a category of men who face troubles throughout their lives. They are not able to overcome even minor troubles, not to mention serious problems. For such people, the midlife crisis does not stand out from the general picture of life.

    How a man can survive the crisis years is reflected in his attitude towards others and towards women in particular. If at this time life presents various hardships, then tension is felt in communicating with others.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been mine main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight in better side. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

37-40 years old man- this is the age when he begins to take stock of his life. If at this age he has his own family, an apartment (house), a car and a job that brings in a good income, then he sincerely considers himself a winner and craves delight and approval from the woman whom he has chosen as his life partner. But precisely after 15-20 years life together women begin to take all their husband’s efforts for granted and stop admiring his successes. They no longer look at their husbands with loving eyes, do not catch his every word and do not try to look the most beautiful and attractive in their husband’s eyes.

According to statistics 37-40 years old- this is the age of male heart attacks and suicides. At the age of 40, many men who have not been able to realize their plans by this age become disappointed with life. Every day they begin to think about what they have not achieved in life and suffer from low self-esteem. As a result, many men at the age of 40 become depressed, make constant scenes of jealousy for their wives, cheat or abuse alcohol.

Behavior of a married man men 37-40 years old can unbalance even the most calm woman. This difficult period life, not only for the man himself, but also for his family members. It is at this age that many men begin to repeat: “Why am I putting up with all this? Let’s file for divorce,” “You are a bad mother, you spoiled the children!”, “You only need my money,” “I earn money, but what did you do for all day?”, “Will you let me live in peace!”, “I’m sick of this mess in the house!”, “You don’t even know how to cook!” etc.

Of course, this does not mean that husband fell out of love with his wife, he just wants her to admire his successes and inspire him to new exploits. He does not think of leaving the family, but he lacks a new stimulus for life, new sexual sensations and a new emotional release. After 15-20 years of married life, love and passion dulled, transforming into calmer feelings - affection, spiritual kinship, habit, friendship, etc.

Certainly, husband's love for wife, with whom he had lived together for many years, is no longer the same as she was at the beginning of their life together. Then it was like a mountain river - passionate, stormy and noisy. But a mountain river also flows into a lake - calm, deep and quiet. So the love of a man at 40 resembles this lake. If he loves his wife, then it is already clear to him that there is no one better and dearer in the world than her. If a man has never experienced love for his wife, then at the age of 40 he no longer has any doubts and can no longer pretend to be a loving spouse.

With age in the body men The production of male sex hormones - androgens, including testosterone, which is responsible for sexual activity, begins to decrease. Starting from the age of 30, the production of free testosterone in men decreases by 1-2% annually, as a result of which by the age of 40 they can lose up to 15% of this hormone. That is why, at the age of 37-40, men begin to notice a natural decline in sexual activity.

Not everyone men understand that erectile problems that arise are associated with age. Many people think that the wife is to blame for everything, who does not take care of herself and no longer meets his needs. Most often, men who have managed to achieve this behavior behave this way. good luck in life and became wealthy people. They enjoy great success with women; at the age of 37-40 they divorce their wife and remarry a young girl.

By age men 37-40 years old each married woman you have to be ready. There is an opinion that in order to survive this difficult period in family life and prevent divorce, the wife needs to start training hard to get back beautiful figure, regularly visit beauty salons, have a facelift, wear erotic lingerie, etc. Then the husband will not grumble all day long and will forever forget about the existence of other women.

In fact man 37-40 years old He already looks at life soberly and for him it is not so important what a woman looks like. He dreams of seeing an understanding, loving, caring and kind life partner nearby. You can give a huge number of examples when a 37-40 year old man leaves his family for a woman who is not as beautiful and slender as his ex-wife, but wise, calm and does not demand much from him...

Unfortunately, many women by 15-20 years Married life gets so used to the fact that the husband earns money and she spends it as she wants, that they forget that he may also get tired of working and want to rest. Having heard from her husband: “Now the children have grown up, come on, everyone will spend their money only on themselves!”, the offended wife shows her husband the door and the family breaks up. To prevent this from happening, every woman should be sensitive to her husband's needs. Be attentive and appreciate a husband who works hard to provide a decent life for the family. You can’t shift all your worries to children, self-care and work. It is very important to be able to delve into the peculiarities of the behavior of a 37-40 year old man, understand him and support him.

It's about hormones. With age, the production of male sex hormones - androgens, including testosterone, begins to decrease. We are talking about free testosterone, which is responsible, among other things, for momentary sexual reactions. No free testosterone - develops erectile disfunction. The production of this hormone decreases in men from 30-35 years old by 1-2% annually. It is not difficult to calculate that by the age of 40-45 a man can “lose” up to 15% of testosterone.

But testosterone also regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats, and cholesterol. He is responsible for maintaining muscle mass and fat burning. With age, when testosterone production inevitably decreases, men's figures begin to “sag,” acquiring feminine traits: full hips, shoulders, chest, protruding belly. Since most modern men move little (increasingly preferring a car) and eat a lot (especially fatty and spicy food), they develop obesity, increase arterial pressure, can appear ischemic disease hearts and diabetes. All these diseases provoke a further decrease in testosterone levels.

Behind last years medical view on adipose tissue has changed dramatically. Currently it is considered an organ endocrine system affecting metabolism. In adipose tissue, male sex hormones testosterone and androstenedione are converted into female hormones estradiol and estrone. This leads to a decrease general level male sex hormones in the blood.

The motor is acting up

At the age of 40-50, men experience a peak cardiovascular diseases. It is generally accepted that this is due to stress, which abounds at this age. But this is one part of the problem. Another is that after 40 years, circulatory disorders begin. In men, the diameter of blood vessels decreases, this is due to the development of fibrous tissue in them. connective tissue, which also grows in the heart muscle. As a result, the lumen of the arteries narrows, blood flows more slowly, and the heart and other organs do not receive enough nutrition.

The growth of fibrous tissue is a natural and inevitable process. But diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, as well as the notorious stress, aggravate these manifestations, hence the “unexpected” heart attacks and strokes in seemingly young and full of strength men.
By the way, the same hormones increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

If estrogens have a positive effect on the female heart, then in men high level This hormone increases the risk of “heart problems” 5 times higher. Research by scientists at the University of Cambridge has shown that if testosterone levels are reduced by at least a quarter of normal, the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease in men increases by 40%.

Back to youth

Since it is testosterone that is the determining substance for, the idea arose to replace the missing hormones with drugs, by analogy with hormonal replacement therapy among women.

Hair loss, decreased energy and stamina, decreased sex drive, and erectile dysfunction may all be reasons to discuss the possibility of hormone replacement therapy with your doctor. By the way, a catastrophic decrease in testosterone in old age can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

The results of research by the American Medical Association indicate that prevention should begin when the body is still producing its own testosterone in sufficient quantities. Indeed, as a result, therapy not only helps to establish a normal sex life, but also helps to reduce excess weight, increase muscle mass, eliminate fat, increase energy and vigor.

However, this does not mean that replacement hormone therapy can be prescribed to everyone who has crossed the forty-year mark. The doctor decides for whom. If the drugs are taken uncontrollably, the production of one’s own hormones can be suppressed.

One of side effects Hormone replacement therapy can lead to prostate cancer, which is a specific target for testosterone. Therefore, it is necessary to be examined for a predisposition to this disease. Tablets, ointments, and injections are used as testosterone preparations.

Simple remedies

According to Dmitry Pushkar, chief urologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation To prevent aging, you first need to pay attention to your lifestyle.

We need to move a lot. You need to exercise until you are 40 years old. physical exercise 1 hour a day, and after 40 years - 1.5 hours.

Should not be overweight, excess consumption of carbohydrates and fats.

After forty years, a man should every year go to the urologist, do a blood test to diagnose prostate pathology. This is a standard examination that is accepted all over the world; it allows you to detect the disease at a very early stage.

Also useful:

Reduce beer consumption. The hops included in its composition contain isoflavones - plant estrogens. In their structure, they resemble female sex hormones and, therefore, trigger the same mechanisms of obesity.

Enjoy life. When a man experiences joyful excitement, elation, the level of testosterone in the blood increases. And along with it, the degree of luck and success increases.

Psychologists say that the most difficult period for a man is the age from 37 to 43 years. It is also called a midlife crisis. The psychology of a 40-year-old man is a subject of study for leading experts, since it is very difficult to find answers to many questions. This fateful period can bring significant destruction to all areas of a man’s life. At the same time, not only one’s own self-esteem suffers, but also one’s personal life.
Reasons for disappointment
A 35-40 year old man is quite predictable. The woman no longer surprises him Bad mood and constant reproaches. You can cite short list men's "essays". “I want more freedom, you limit me and don’t let me live in peace.” And it doesn’t matter that these “interests” are completely incompatible with the role of a husband. “I work hard, so I will live the way I want.” Although, in this case, the wife can also spend the whole day at work, and in the evenings take care of the house and children. The only thing that matters is what a man does. “You follow me and forbid me to communicate with my friends.” “You are a bad mother and you raised your children wrong.” To his wife’s counter question: “What were you doing at that time?” - V best case scenario you can get one answer: “It worked.” “You are only interested in your own hobbies and interests, you are not interested in my life.” But if a wife shows interest in her husband, this is perceived as an interference in his personal space and control. "You only want my money." “The house is dirty, the children are ill-mannered, the food is tasteless.” Wives of 40-year-old husbands have to listen to this “song” every day. “Don’t ask why I behave this way, you still won’t understand.” “Why am I patient? I have one life, let’s get a divorce." When a man turns 40, he thinks about only one thing - escaping from the “prison” in which he finds himself. It depresses him that every day he has to return to the evil witch when there are so many beautiful fairies around. This “breakdown” leads to the man destroying his family and setting off towards something new and unknown. The fact that another life is not always better is of little concern to him during this period. He is sure that a miracle awaits him ahead, which will bring happiness. A man is a hero A man’s 40th birthday is the age when he begins to take stock. If he has certain successes, then he sincerely considers himself a winner and craves universal approval and admiration. First of all, from my wife. But she cannot always share his confidence in her own exclusivity. The wife stopped admiring her husband and giving him compliments, which really hurt his pride. Photos of men who are in this state often reveal their dissatisfaction. To satisfy his ambitions, a man is looking for a girl who will look at him with loving eyes and hang on every word. It seems to him that if he doesn’t find such a fan now, then it will be too late. This fear is so strong that a man is ready to rush headlong into the pool and destroy everything that was created with such difficulty. Youth is flowing away The man begins to understand that he is in his fifties, and besides, the body begins to play pranks: it will hurt here, then it will stab here. The realization that old age is not as far away as it seemed just a couple of years ago, and perhaps best years left behind causes the man to panic. Photos of men taken several years ago are further confirmation of this.
erectile disfunction
Women may not even try to understand what this means for a man. The fear of impotence or weak erection cannot be compared with the worries of the fair sex about a new wrinkle or cellulite. Sexual dysfunction for a man is like the end of life. When a man reaches 45 years old, his psychology changes. Even if there is no real problem yet, such thoughts make a man angry and aggressive. He gets irritated over trifles and tries to get rid of internal negativity. But under stress, testosterone, the hormone of aggressiveness, splashes out in large quantities, so it turns out vicious circle. Often it is the wife who becomes a hostage to the situation. The psychology of a 40-year-old man has characteristic feature– he is completely focused on his own achievements and intimate victories. He's sure that sexual relations with his wife have already outlived their usefulness and do not bring satisfaction. All that remains is a sense of duty, which does not inspire heroism at all. Quite the contrary. The man feels unhappy, he understands that he is tormented by his wife’s claims and that he blames her for the fact that his dreams have not yet been realized. During a crisis, he does not want to take care of children and delve into their problems; all this seems unimportant to him. The main thing now is your own ego and meeting your needs. Of course, in the understanding of a man, the wife is to blame for all troubles. He is sure that she has ceased to understand him, that he is lonely in the family and everyone is using him. The crisis of forty years is a real earthquake. The psychology of a man at 40 years old is such that he walks around and doesn’t think about anything. The thirst for freedom is very strong, and it seems to him that if he does not “jump on the departing train” now, then it will be too late. Primary psychology and experts are sure that at this age a man’s behavior is similar to that of a teenager, and his thoughts are just as confused. He wants romance and thrills, so he starts easy affairs and flirts with everyone. The most interesting thing is that the man sincerely thinks that he has fallen in love. For the sake of his passion, he is ready to deceive his wife and forget about his children. The only woman who gives him inspiration is a woman who is completely different from his demanding and angry wife.
How does a forty-year-old married man behave?
Almost every wife of a forty-year-old husband noticed changes in his behavior that were caused by interest in other women. At the beginning of the spree, a man may not plan to leave his family, but a new sexual charge and long-forgotten emotions give him an incentive to live. After all, the passion for his wife has long subsided, although not every woman is ready to admit this fact. The peak of sexual activity occurs at the age of thirty, so it is quite natural that by the age of forty a man is no longer so strong in this regard. But this state of affairs does not suit him at all, so he blames the woman for everything. In his understanding, it is she who cannot “turn him on”. The man looks for confirmation of his own theory on the side. He feels quite confident with new women, which is not surprising, because emotions are strong, and novelty always excites the imagination. But over time, everything returns to normal, because it is impossible to deceive nature. The psychology of men in the family is such that if the wife accepts this situation and does not consider it necessary to destroy the family because of her husband’s “stupidity,” then the marriage can exist in this mode for several more years. Most likely, when the crisis is over, the husband will again become loving and caring. But not every woman is ready to forgive betrayal.
Peak of divorces
When the age of “a man after 40” comes, his psychology changes dramatically. Everything he once strived for now seems completely unimportant to him. He easily leaves his family and is firmly convinced that he will never return there. Well, who voluntarily returns to prison? But over time, his life with the new good fairy turns into a theater of the absurd: the man begins to compare her with his “old” wife, whom, as it turns out, he cannot completely let go. Obligations begin to weigh him down again, so he “runs away” to a place where he can be alone.
What should a woman do?
There is an opinion that a man’s interest can be regained with the help of a new image. But, as practice shows, this is complete nonsense. A woman should always take care of herself and look well-groomed, regardless of her husband’s attitude towards her. Most often, a man leaves not for the woman who is younger or more beautiful, but for the one who, it seems to him, understands him better and does not demand anything, agreeing to his “rules of the game.” It is this kind of young lady that attracts him most. He does not want to “stress”, spend a lot of money on courtship and sacrifice his interests for the sake of a woman. But the most important thing a man is looking for is novelty.
If a woman wants to save her family
In this case, she needs to shut her mouth and not discuss the unworthy behavior of her own husband. If a woman can show wisdom, then the man will “go crazy” and return to the family. You should not share your problem with friends and neighbors so as not to cause unnecessary gossip. You can enlist the support of your mother-in-law, because she is unlikely to approve of the behavior of her married son. But sometimes you can “run into” the opposite situation: the mother-in-law can blame her wife for all the troubles, because she is a bad housewife and her cooking is tasteless. And in general, husbands do not leave good wives. So it’s worth thinking several times about whether you need to interfere with your parents’ family problems.
Who is this rival?
A man is unlikely to tell himself who his mistress is and with whom he is cheating on his wife. Therefore, almost all women try to independently obtain information about their rival, so as not to fight the enemy with eyes closed. But this will not lead to anything good except mental anguish. Moreover, there is no need to seek contacts with your mistress and sort things out with her. It will be an unconditional loss. If a woman wants to save her family, she cannot kick her husband out on her own. When you have life in perfect harmony behind you, you shouldn’t make decisions rashly. Often, during this difficult period for him, a man expects support, understanding and action from his wife, but he behaves so aggressively that his behavior is repulsive. At this moment it seems to him that he will always think this way. But someday the crisis will end, and it will no longer be possible to return the family. As life shows, it is at this moment that the wife gets a man who loves her and the children and is ready to move mountains for them.
How to help a man
So, a man after 40... His psychology implies during this period a certain waterline that divides life into “before” and “after”. As soon as the wife sees the first symptoms of a crisis, she should devote more time to the man, surrounding him with unobtrusive care and warmth. During this period, a man begins to think about health and prefers to eat right. The wife needs to take this nuance into account and diversify or completely change her usual diet. If the husband is quite smart, he will appreciate the efforts and patience of his wife and will not allow betrayal in the form of infidelity. After such a test, their life can change dramatically and become even better than it was before the crisis. A man must be aware of every action and understand what it can lead to. The craving for novelty, no matter how strong it may be, should not prevail over reason and adequacy.
Four crisis models
The psychology of a man at 40, as well as his behavior, changes dramatically. Experts identify four crisis models.
The world is collapsing. It seems to a man that nothing is working out for him, life is passing him by and all his desires remain unfulfilled.
Pseudo-development. The man is completely dissatisfied with his life, although visible reasons for this purpose no. But at the same time, he demonstratively radiates happiness.
Offense at fate. It is more difficult for a person with such a mindset to overcome a crisis.
Full implementation. A man who is confident in his abilities and does not suffer from hidden complexes overcomes this difficult period with minimal losses. He does not destroy the family and does not indulge in all serious things. Life taught him that problems need to be solved, and not run away from them. Knowing the secrets of the psychology of men, you can survive a fatal crisis without ruining your life and without causing pain to the people around you who sincerely love and worry

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