Damage to tooth enamel treatment. How to restore tooth enamel using special means

Every day our teeth are exposed to destructive factors. Enamel - the armor of teeth - may not always resist the influence of these factors. Gradually it becomes thinner. The tooth begins to decay. How you can stop tooth decay, read this article.

External and internal causes of enamel destruction

There are many factors that influence the decay of our teeth. TO external factors include:

Internal causes of destruction include:

  • Lack of fluoride and calcium.
  • Poor nutrition, diets.
  • Disruptions at the hormonal level.
  • Heredity.
  • Exposure to any medications.

Tooth decay: general causes

There are also common causes of enamel destruction. They can affect women, men and children:

Knowing the reasons leading to the destruction of enamel, it is much easier to prevent trouble.

Symptoms indicating enamel damage

Tooth decay does not occur immediately. This is a long process that can be slowed down or stopped. You should pay attention to the slightest change in oral cavity. What are the symptoms of this phenomenon?

Bacteria, penetrating into the hole, will soon cause pulpitis. If you do not start treatment at this moment, then complete destruction tooth crowns. Treatment in this case is long and expensive, because installing pins is not an easy process. Pin teeth may consist of various materials, fasten differently. Only an experienced dentist can resolve such issues.

Tooth decay in children

Unfortunately, enamel tends to deteriorate not only in adults, but also in children. Already when a child reaches two years of age, obvious symptoms of the disease may be observed. Very often, destruction occurs in children who are bottle-fed.

The formula often contains too many carbohydrates, which are converted into organic acids in the child's mouth. They can lead to demineralization of the enamel, because children's teeth are still so weak. It is very difficult to find out that demineralization occurs in the oral cavity, because the process is hidden from view.

If the mother has a metabolic disorder during pregnancy, the child will also suffer from this. Poor nutrition during gestation, severe toxicosis in the first trimester, some past illnesses can lead to problems such as underdevelopment of enamel or improper development of the crown shape.

It is imperative to maintain personal hygiene in a home with a small child. Often parents, without noticing it themselves, spoil their baby’s teeth by passing on theirs to him. pathogenic bacteria. Do not share cutlery, lick a pacifier, or kiss your child on the lips too often. All of this can cause tooth decay.

Children's saliva has a low level of alkali content. This means that saliva cannot perform its mineralizing function. It is for this reason that many children's teeth begin to decay very early.

Why is enamel destroyed in women?

Scientists have found that women's enamel is destroyed more often than men's. This is facilitated not only common factors, but also purely female reasons. Among them:

Why do men's teeth decay?

Of course, men's teeth deteriorate due to common reasons. But there are also special factors inherent specifically to males.

It is men who often experience mechanical tooth decay. This is due to the characteristics of the professions, dangerous species sports, and sometimes simple aggressiveness.

Moreover, men fewer women They take care of their teeth, having the habit of opening corks with them and gnawing nuts. Men smoke and drink alcohol more. This leads to demineralization of the enamel.

Prevention of complete tooth decay

The destruction of enamel occurring in the oral cavity is an unpleasant phenomenon. This makes it worse aesthetic appearance smiles. In addition, bacteria get into cracks and chips, which can cause additional diseases. How to prevent complete tooth decay?

You definitely need to brush your teeth. This must be done regularly, and not occasionally. No one canceled visiting the dentist once every six months! Take control of your habits - do not chew hard objects, do not bite threads, do not open lids with your teeth, limit seeds and nuts in your diet.

If you see the slightest changes in your mouth, make an appointment with your dentist immediately.

To strengthen enamel, taking vitamins and increasing the dose of foods containing calcium is helpful. Eat more fish, greens and dairy products. You can also visit the dentist and strengthen your teeth in his chair with fluoridation.

How to treat?

The destruction of the tooth crown is an irreversible process. Therefore, it is always better to take care of your teeth correctly, preventing disease. But if there is still destruction, treat it urgently! How to restore a tooth?

  1. If you have a chipped small piece cutting edge or tooth crumbling is observed, build-up with photopolymer composites is used.
  2. If the destruction of the crown is significant, pins or intra-root inlays are used.
  3. With the help of veneers, you can hide defects in the smile area.
  4. If the tooth is severely damaged (more than 70%), then treatment consists only of installing a crown.
  5. If a wisdom tooth is decaying, a specialist will most likely prescribe its removal. This tooth does not take part in chewing food and is a potential breeding ground for bacteria, so there is no point in preserving and treating it.

Despite the apparent strength of enamel, there are a huge number of factors that can lead to its destruction. Remember that monitoring the condition of your teeth and caring for them properly is always easier than treating them!

The question of how to restore tooth enamel often worries people who care about oral health. - This hard fabric, which may become thinner over time. It is a transparent shell around the tooth, it is thanks to it that the teeth have such shine and are protected from harmful effects. Tooth enamel consists of 35% calcium and 17% fluoride, the rest of the composition is occupied by various minerals.

If there is a deviation from this percentage composition as a result of exposure to harmful chemical or mechanical influences, the tooth enamel may become thinner, and in advanced cases, completely destroyed.

Destroyers of tooth enamel

Mechanical impact. Improper brushing of teeth with an excessively hard brush, some types of tooth powders form gaps and irregularities in the enamel, which can lead to caries. A harsh impact on the enamel can injure it; for example, you should not try to pick or open something with your teeth. Even from slight contact of teeth with objects external environment should be abandoned so that in the future you will not have to resort to drugs to restore tooth enamel.

Lack of balanced and proper nutrition. In order to preserve dental health, you should avoid eating too hot and cold foods. It is best to limit acidic and sweet foods to reduce the impact on the alkaline balance of the mouth.

Digestive diseases can be detrimental to enamel due to disruption of the pH environment.

Taking antibiotics by a pregnant woman can affect the development of baby teeth. A course of antibiotic treatment for a child disrupts the formation of molars.

Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol are the most harmful to the beauty of teeth. Drinking alcohol is a direct path to thinning enamel and tooth loss.

Hormonal changes - pregnancy, lactation, menopause, puberty in adolescents - lead to changes in the quality of tooth enamel.

Destruction of the tooth surface does not cause discomfort only in the early stages of development. Later, a painful reaction to cold and hot food appears, and tooth sensitivity increases.

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Is tooth enamel restored?

Due to the large number of factors that change tooth enamel, the question arises: is it restored and how to restore tooth enamel?

Enamel cannot recover on its own, but the level of modern innovation in this area has reached great heights. Artificial restoration of tooth enamel is possible; in addition, there are restoration methods that hide defects and problems with teeth.

By exposing the enamel to fluoride, the deficiency of this component is replenished. It is impossible to independently recognize the need for fluoridation. This procedure can only be prescribed by a dentist. When prescribed, the procedure can be done at home using dental paste with fluoride; sometimes it is recommended to wear a mouth guard filled with gel and fluoride for several hours. In dentistry, they are used to restore tooth enamel. deep fluoridation(transparent varnishes with this element are applied to the surface of the tooth).

The newest method was developed in Japan. A method of remineralization has been found. This method involves the creation of dental plates saturated with essential microelements. At night they are placed on the surface of the teeth. The active components nourish the enamel with calcium, fluorine, phosphorus.

It is possible to apply a thin layer in the form of a film of hydroxyapatite, which also contains microelements. The surface of the teeth is leveled and acquires a beautiful snow-white color.

Enamel transplantation is advisable only in cases of damage to large areas. A material similar to a real coating is applied to the tooth. Specialized fiberglass is used for surface restoration.

Veneers - ultra-thin plates placed on teeth - hide defects and smooth out the surface of the enamel. This type of recovery will help correct the situation even in a very advanced case. Usually, when choosing this type of plate, it is possible to perform the procedure with the treatment of damaged areas of enamel, without resorting to treatment.

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Recovery remedies are also available for use at home, but only after consultation with a specialist. There are a lot of gels, pastes and solutions that are designed for this purpose. Besides what you will use pharmaceutical drugs, there are also funds from traditional medicine, which can also improve enamel.

Choosing a toothpaste with useful microelements, after regular and thorough brushing of your teeth, you can notice positive dynamics in the change in the condition of the enamel. It is important not to forget about the health of the gums; they should not be allowed to become inflamed and bleeding.

A healthy lifestyle is important for tooth enamel: good food, absence of bad habits, sufficient vitamin content in the body and strong immunity. These factors will prevent damage to the integrity of the tooth and will protect you from pain and other inconveniences.

Preventive measures must be applied regularly. To protect the enamel from mineral depletion, you should adhere to simple rules. You should rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after every meal. The toothbrush itself should be soft and replaced regularly with a new one. Cleaning is carried out carefully and carefully.

Fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits, eggs enrich the enamel with minerals. It is better not to eat sweet foods.

It is surprising that toothpastes with a whitening effect have a detrimental effect on the condition of the enamel. Their use should be reduced to several times a year. People with hypersensitive teeth should avoid this type of toothpaste altogether.

The key to the health of not only the enamel, but also the teeth and oral cavity can be a regular dental examination. Problems that are detected early are easier to treat. It is much easier to eliminate minor abrasion of the enamel than its severe destruction.

Chewing gum, which provides little protection against tooth decay and fresh breath, still has a negative effect on the surface of the teeth due to the presence of sugar in its composition.

With the help of traditional medicine, you can quite effectively improve the condition of your teeth. However, traditional medicine can damage the enamel when misuse, therefore, consultation with a doctor is necessary before using any means. You need to approach various recipes for restoring enamel with all seriousness. The result appears only after prolonged and regular use of the procedures.

The most intensive way to influence enamel with folk remedies is to use lemon zest. The zest must be chewed or rubbed. The duration of the procedure is no more than one week.

Soda as a restoration option is also possible. Such exposure is permissible no more than once a week. Baking soda will help whiten and smooth the surface of your teeth.

Mixture of two tablets activated carbon and water has medicinal properties. Brush your teeth with this mixture once every few days.

A mixture of strawberries will help restore enamel. The berry pulp is applied to the surface for a few minutes, then washed off by brushing with toothpaste.

A folk remedy for many ailments, milk also strengthens teeth. Essential oil tea tree helps in the fight against bacteria that destroy enamel.

Enamel is the outer layer of the crown of teeth, protecting against thermal and physical impact. In terms of its hardness, it is the leader among all tissues in the body, due to the low level of water in its composition (about 3%). The strength of the dental membrane is quite high, but constant exposure to irritating factors ( poor hygiene, poorly chosen toothbrush, etc.) provokes its thinning.

If the enamel on the teeth has worn away too much, what to do is the main question, since the patient experiences pain due to temperature and touch. The problem is solved depending on the cause, which the dentist must find and eliminate. The further course of treatment is drawn up based on the severity of the enamel damage.

When identifying pain people go to the doctor to find out why the enamel is worn away. The emerging pathology has several causes of development:

  • Mechanical damage is considered the most common cause of tooth wear. Its essence lies in the use of a toothbrush with hard bristles and the abuse bad habits(gnaw on pens, open bottles with your mouth, etc.).
  • An incorrectly composed diet leaves its mark on tooth enamel. Sugar-containing products, which create a favorable habitat for bacteria, and the citrus group of fruits, which contain aggressive acids, have a particularly detrimental effect on it. Carbonated drinks and alcohol have an equally negative effect on the outer layer of teeth.
  • Improper brushing of teeth and poorly selected hygiene products lead to the fact that the enamel begins to wear off. The problem concerns anyone age group. Mostly people use their toothbrush incorrectly or buy toothpastes containing high concentration abrasive particles.
  • Constant thermal exposure. Temperature changes negatively affect the tooth surface. Especially if you consume hot and cold foods and drinks at the same time.
  • Weak tooth enamel is often observed in older people, as with age it loses some minerals and becomes thinner. If you do not notice the development of pathology in a timely manner and do not carry out remineralization, you can lose healthy teeth.
  • Thinning enamel is sometimes a consequence genetic predisposition. Heredity cannot be prevented, but strengthening methods can be used to stop further destruction of the outer layer of teeth.
  • An infection that enters the oral cavity contributes to the thinning of the outer layer of teeth. This is due to its effect on the proliferation of bacteria and the composition of saliva. It becomes more aggressive and negatively affects the teeth.
  • Other pathological processes occurring in the body affect the absorption of nutrients, resulting in a lack of minerals necessary for the teeth and their outer layer is erased.
  • Abnormal closure of teeth causes them to rub against each other. In this case, it is mainly the tooth surface that suffers.

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Night toothache: where to call and what to do


Finding what to do on your own if the enamel on a tooth has worn away is the main mistake of most patients. Only an experienced dentist can find the source of pathology and eliminate it after a thorough examination of the oral cavity. The following methods are used to strengthen weakened enamel:

  • Saturation of enamel with fluoride occurs with the help of special medications based on it. Thanks to this mineral, the outer surface of the teeth is strengthened, bacteria that provoke the development of caries are destroyed, plaque is prevented from settling, and the remineralization process is activated.
  • Remineralization is different from fluoridation active ingredients, which saturate the enamel (phosphates, calcium).

Procedures for chewing and front teeth are equally suitable.

If the enamel is severely damaged, you will have to restore it using the following methods:

  • The filling procedure to cover the thinnest areas of enamel is identical to the treatment of caries. Filling material is applied to the affected areas, and after hardening it is polished.
  • Implantation is used in severe cases violation of the integrity of the enamel. On tooth surface a special composition is applied that penetrates deep and is firmly fixed. The artificial outer layer is not particularly different in aesthetic qualities from the real one. It is virtually impossible for a non-professional to distinguish it.

The enamel on the front teeth can be covered with special overlays, which are quite strong and create the impression of a “Hollywood smile”:

  • Approximately half of the damaged tooth will have to be ground down for veneers. A special compound is applied on top, and then the overlay is mounted. The service life of veneers is 10 years or more with good care.
  • Luminaries are a type of veneers. They are more fragile and more expensive, but for installation you do not have to grind down the tooth and, if necessary, the overlays can be removed. Service life is the same as veneers.

Treatment methods at home

If your teeth are worn out, you can make gel applications and use medicated toothpaste to prevent the pathological process at home. The effect is not achieved immediately, so it is advisable to carry out treatment at home under the supervision of a dentist to avoid complications. Best effect The following pastes have:

  • "President Unique" is created on the basis of calcium to strengthen the outer layer of teeth and eliminate small cracks. With regular use, soft plaque is removed from the enamel and the environment in the oral cavity is normalized.
  • "Lacalut Activ", "Lacalut Sensitive" are used when hypersensitivity teeth. Thanks to amino fluorides, aluminum lactate and antiseptic in the composition, they help strengthen enamel, prevent bleeding gums and relieve inflammation. It is allowed to use such pastes for no more than 1 month, since they relieve symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause of thinning of the outer layer of teeth. The disease progresses to chronic stage and is asymptomatic, and prolonged exposure to an antiseptic often leads to dysbacteriosis.

The faster development progresses modern technologies, the worse the world ecology becomes every year. And this sad fact cannot but leave an imprint on people’s health. Unfortunately, modern man so attached to work, to computers and other devices, that sometimes he doesn’t even have time to eat properly. Due to poor nutrition, there is a deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in the body, which affects the teeth. In particular, with age, tooth enamel is destroyed due to constant demineralization.

The reasons why tooth enamel is destroyed are quite varied, but there are several obvious ones:

  • bad habits, such as smoking and frequent consumption of energy drinks, have a very negative effect on the enamel, and on the entire body as a whole;
  • if you love and often eat sweets (sweets, jam, condensed milk and other sugar-containing products), the remaining sugar in the mouth is constantly in contact with the enamel layer of the teeth;
  • Another reason for the destruction of tooth enamel is drinks with increased content acids, in particular lemon juice(sparkling waters with additives, lemonades, even banal tea with lemon), as well as all types of citrus fruits in any form;
  • long-term poor nutrition may lead to malfunction digestive system, due to which it is violated acid-base balance, frequent emissions occur Gastric acid outside the stomach. And this process also has a very negative effect on the teeth.
  • if you drink while eating cold water hot dish or, conversely, ice cream with hot tea, such abrupt change temperatures weaken tooth enamel and contribute to its destruction;
  • Well, of course, the reasons for the destruction of enamel can be purely mechanical. For example, constant grinding due to malocclusion or incorrect treatment, not to mention injuries.

To the question of why tooth enamel is destroyed, you can come up with a lot of answers, but there are not so many ways to correct the situation, since of all human tissues that are susceptible to damage, it is tooth enamel that is not restored naturally.

3 effective recovery methods

Despite the lack of possibility of natural restoration of tooth enamel, in modern dentistry There are several methods by which dental health can be preserved for a long time.


The very first and most often used method is local coating with fluoride-containing preparations, in other words fluoridation. This enamel restoration procedure has the most reasonable price, however, it is advisable to apply varnishes or gels in a clinical setting several times in a row at certain intervals. If you are going to use these remedies at home, be sure to consult your doctor, because some medications must be handled with extreme caution. Although fluorides create a protective film on the enamel, if they get on the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx, they can cause undesirable consequences. Of the two fluoridation methods for home use, the application method is the safest. Your dentist makes an impression of your jaw, which is filled with fluoride gel and placed on your teeth before each use. The method of restoring tooth enamel with fluoride varnish is best left to professionals, since it requires extreme care in applying the varnish to the tooth with a special brush.


Is it possible to restore tooth enamel if it is severely damaged? Which method is suitable for protecting teeth with high sensitivity to an acidic environment? The answer is simple - you need dental enamel implantation. Thereby the latest method Treatment can not only restore the enamel layer, but also change the shape and color of the tooth. To build up enamel, special materials are used that are very similar in chemical and physical composition to tooth tissue. Thanks to this build-up, tooth enamel is restored at the molecular level, allowing you to maintain the results obtained for many years. Of course, this method of applying enamel to teeth is by no means cheap, but the result is worth the money and time spent.


Since the enamel layer consists of hydroxyapatite crystals and its surface is not as smooth and uniform as it seems at first glance, pathogenic bacteria that cause caries very often get into the pores and defects of the top layer. There are cases when building up tooth enamel is not yet necessary, but to protect it from external influence and further destruction is still necessary. First of all, this applies to carious processes. initial stage. In such cases, tooth enamel is partially restored through the process of remineralization, i.e. processing upper layers tooth with a preparation saturated with essential minerals. Thus, a kind of protective film is created on the surface layer of enamel, preventing tooth destruction under the influence of acids. This film is formed by replenishing enamel defects with active ions of calcium, fluorine and other minerals, i.e. tooth enamel is regenerated as close to natural as possible.

Prevention of destruction

Of course, it is better to prevent destruction than to later face the need to treat tooth enamel. How to protect teeth from the almost inevitable process of demineralization? There are a few simple tips, which are worth taking advantage of if you want to extend healthy life your teeth.

  1. Regardless of what you ate, after finishing the meal it is advisable to brush your teeth, and if this is not possible, at least rinse your mouth with water.
  2. Eat solid foods as often as possible, as they “train” the enamel. The same advice applies to foods fortified with vitamins and minerals (milk and dairy products, fish, eggs, vegetables, herbs, etc.)
  3. Avoid consuming sugar-based products whenever possible.
  4. Use special medicated pastes containing calcium and fluoride, and rinses to brush your teeth. In our country, it is customary to rinse your mouth with water immediately after brushing, however, this is wrong, since all the substances beneficial to the enamel are immediately washed off. If you are not ready to give up rinsing, then at least do not rush to do it immediately after cleaning, wait a couple of minutes, let minerals penetrate the enamel.
  5. Choose wisely toothbrush. You should not rub weakened gums with hard bristles until they bleed; this will not help remove plaque and will only damage the periodontal tissue. It is recommended to change your toothbrush every three to four months. By the way, the paste must be changed regularly, especially if it is medicinal.
  6. Do not forget to massage your gums, because they provide an influx of nutrients to the tissues around the tooth.
  7. Toothpastes with a whitening effect greatly destroy the enamel layer, so people with sensitive teeth It is not recommended at all, and if your enamel is strong enough, limit yourself to using such pastes for a maximum of two approaches per year.
  8. Don't overuse chewing gum. Although they give your breath a pleasant aroma, they contain sugar. And not every filling can withstand frequent use of chewing gum.
  9. Most importantly, do not forget to come for a medical examination to a specialist at least a couple of times a year. This will allow you to detect problems at the earliest stages, so you may not even need treatment, but just a series of simple preventive procedures.

Recovery Tools

In order to completely restore the enamel teeth, you are unlikely to find the remedy in a pharmacy. However, currently there are a large number of different toothpastes and gels, the use of which at home for effectively strengthening enamel is recommended by doctors.

If you find any noticeable damage to yourself, do not self-medicate, natural recovery Tooth enamel if it is seriously damaged is impossible even with the use of all commercially available products. Only professional dentist will be able to assess the extent of the damage and prescribe appropriate treatment, as well as recommend what products you need to use at home.

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