Tetanus vaccination ac. Equine anti-tetanus serum, purified, concentrated

Instructions for use:

Equine anti-tetanus serum, purified, concentrated (anti-tetanus serum)

Registration number: LS 000058 dated 09/20/2011.

Name of the medicinal product. Equine antitetanus serum, purified, concentrated (Antitetanus serum).
Group name. Tetanus antitoxin
Dosage form. Injection.

Compound. The drug is an immunoglobulin fraction of the blood serum of horses immunized with tetanus, toxoid or toxin, containing specific antibodies. 1 ml contains at least 1200 international antitoxic activity units (IU). Available complete with purified horse serum diluted 1:100, which is a clear, colorless liquid without sediment.


It is a clear or slightly opalescent, colorless or yellowish liquid without sediment.
Immunobiological properties.

Neutralizes tetanus toxin.

Pharmacotherapeutic group. MIBP globulin.
CodeATX: J06AA02.

Indications for use.

Emergency specific prevention and treatment of tetanus.

Contraindications for use.

Contraindications to the use of specific means of emergency prophylaxis of tetanus.

1. A history of systemic, allergic reactions and complications to the previous administration of horse serum diluted 1:100, antitetanus serum or hypersensitivity to drugs.

2. Pregnancy: in the first half, the administration of AS toxoid and antitetanus serum is contraindicated; in the second half, the administration of antitetanus serum is contraindicated.

Dosage regimen and route of administration.
Emergency prevention of tetanus.

Emergency prevention of tetanus involves primary surgical treatment of the wound and the creation, if necessary, of specific immunity against tetanus.

Emergency specific prevention of tetanus is carried out:

In case of injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous frostbite and burns of the second, third and fourth degrees,

Out-of-hospital abortions,
- childbirth outside medical institutions,

Gangrene or tissue necrosis of any type, abscesses,

Penetrating injuries gastrointestinal tract,

Animal bites.
For emergency specific prevention of tetanus, AS anatoxin, human antitetanus immunoglobulin (HIT) are used, and in the absence of HIT - antitetanus serum. AS anatoxin and ICHPS are administered in accordance with the instructions for use of these drugs.

The scheme for selecting prophylactic agents for emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus is presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Scheme for the selection of prophylactic agents during emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus

Previous tetanus vaccinations with a product containing tetanus toxoid

Age group

Time elapsed since the last vaccination

Drugs used

AS-toxoid 1

There is documentary evidence of vaccinations

Full course of routine vaccinations according to age

children and teenagers

Regardless of the deadline

don't enter 3

do not enter

Full course of planned
vaccinations without the last age revaccination

children and teenagers

Regardless of the deadline

do not enter

Full course of immunization 4


no more than 5 years

do not enter

more than 5 years

do not enter

Two vaccinations 5

all ages

no more than 5 years

do not enter

more than 5 years

One vaccination

all ages

no more than 2 years

do not enter 6

more than 2 years


children under 5 months

don't enter 9

other ages

No documentation of vaccinations

There was no history of contraindications to

children under 5 months

do not enter

children from 5 months, teenagers,
military personnel,
former military personnel

Do not enter 6

Rest of the contingent

all ages

PSS - antitetanus serum,

ICHPS - human immunoglobulin antitetanus


1. Instead of 0.5 ml of AC toxoid, you can use ADS-M toxoid if vaccination against diphtheria with this drug is necessary. If the localization of the wound allows, it is preferable to administer AC toxoid to the area where it is located by subcutaneous injection.

2. Use one of the indicated drugs: IPSC or PSS (it is preferable to administer IPSC).

3. For infected wounds, 0.5 ml of AC toxoid is administered if 5 or more years have passed since the last revaccination.

4. The full course of immunization with AC toxoid for adults consists of two vaccinations of 0.5 ml each with an interval of 30-40 days and revaccination after 6-12 months with the same dose. According to the abbreviated scheme full course immunization includes a single vaccination with AC toxoid in a double dose (1 ml) and revaccination after 6 months - 2 years with a dose of 0.5 ml of AC toxoid.

5. Two vaccinations according to the regular immunization schedule (for adults and children) or one vaccination according to the abbreviated immunization schedule for adults.

6. For infected wounds, IPSP or PSS is administered.

7. All persons who received active-passive prophylaxis must be revaccinated with 0.5 ml of AS-toxoid in order to complete the course of immunization after 6 months - 2 years.

8. If necessary, prescribe AC ​​toxoid to children under 6 years of age, the drug should be administered intramuscularly.

9. After normalization of the post-traumatic state, children under 3 years of age in accordance with the terms National calendar preventive vaccinations.

For the purpose of emergency prevention of tetanus, antitetanus serum is administered subcutaneously at a dose of 3000 IU.

Before administering antitetanus serum, an intradermal test is performed with purified horse serum diluted 1:100. To perform the test, use syringes with a graduation value of 0.1 ml and thin needles. The diluted serum is injected intradermally into the flexor surface of the forearm in a volume of 0.1 ml. The reaction is recorded after 20 minutes.

The test is considered negative if the diameter of the swelling or redness that appears at the injection site is less than 1 cm. The test is considered positive if the swelling or redness reaches a diameter of 1 cm or more.

If the intradermal test is negative, antitetanus serum is administered subcutaneously in an amount of 0.1 ml (use a sterile syringe, cover the opened ampoule with a sterile napkin). If there is no reaction, after 30 minutes the entire prescribed dose of serum is administered subcutaneously (for prophylactic purposes), intravenously or into the spinal canal (for therapeutic purposes) using a sterile syringe.

If the intradermal test is positive or an anaphylactic reaction occurs to a subcutaneous injection of 0.1 ml of antitetanus serum, its further administration is contraindicated. In this case, the introduction of ICHPS is indicated.

The administration of the drug is registered in the established registration form, indicating the date of vaccination, dose, manufacturer of the drug, batch number, reaction to the administration of the drug.

Treatment of tetanus.

Antitetanus serum is administered to patients as much as possible. early dates from the onset of the disease at a dose of 100,000 - 200,000ME.

The serum is injected intravenously or into the spinal canal, after testing sensitivity to a foreign protein (test with purified horse serum diluted 1:100). Depending on the severity of the disease, the administration of serum is repeated until the reflex seizures disappear.

Precautions for use.

A drug with damaged integrity or missing labeling, with an expired expiration date, with changes in physical properties and violations of storage conditions is not suitable for use.

Before insertion antitetanus serum, Necessarily perform an intradermal test with purified horse serum diluted 1:100 to detect sensitivity to foreign protein. Considering the possibility of shock when administered tetanus serum, each vaccinated person must be provided with medical supervision attraction 1 hour after drug administration. Vaccination sites must be provided with anti-shock therapy. Persons who have received tetanus toxoid serum should be warned of the need immediate appeal seek medical attention if signs characteristic of serum sickness appear.

Symptoms of overdose, measures to assist in case of overdose.

Not installed.

Possible side effects during use medicinal product.
The introduction of serum can. be accompanied by various allergic reactions: immediate (immediately after administration of the serum, or after a few hours), early (on the 2nd 6th day) and late (on the 2nd week and later). These reactions are manifested by the symptom complex of serum sickness (fever, itching, urticaria, skin rash, skin hyperemia, joint pain, etc.) and in rare cases anaphylactic shock.

Interaction with other drugs.
With the joint administration of antitetanus serum and tetanus toxoid, suppression of the immune response is noted.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The use of the drug is allowed for health reasons, taking into account the possible benefits to the mother and the risk to the fetus or child.

Information about the possible effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery.


Release form.

Injection. Antitetanus serum 3000, 10000, 20000, 50000 IU in ampoules. The volume of serum in the ampoule for each dosage is calculated depending on the specific activity of the drug. Purified horse serum diluted 1:100, 1 ml in ampoules. 5 ampoules with antitetanus serum and 5 ampoules with purified horse serum diluted 1:100 (5 sets) in a cardboard pack along with an ampoule knife or ampoule scarifier and instructions for use. When using ampoules with a notch, ring, or point 1 for opening, an ampoule knife or an ampoule scarifier is not inserted.

Transportation conditions. In accordance with SP 03 at temperatures from 2 to 8 °C. Freezing is not allowed.

Storage conditions. In accordance with SP 03 at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C out of the reach of children. Freezing is not allowed.

Best before date 3 years. Expired drug. not suitable for use.

Vacation conditions. For medical and preventive institutions.

Manufacturer. FSUE NPO Microgen of the Russian Ministry of Health.

Tetanus toxoid is used to provide prevention dangerous disease- tetanus. Tetanus bacillus is life-threatening. It enters the body through microdamages on the skin. A person becomes infected with a particularly dangerous pathology when receiving an agricultural injury. A contributing factor to tetanus is an abortion performed outside a hospital. The risk of infection is also high if childbirth is carried out in unsterile conditions. In such situations, tetanus prophylaxis should be provided. A necessary measure when providing emergency assistance, it is the administration of tetanus toxoid.

Tetanus disease

It occurs due to the influence of microorganisms whose spores are found in the soil. These spores enter the soil from the gastrointestinal tract of animals. When microorganisms enter the human body, they become bacteria. Infectious agents that cause tetanus multiply and produce a large number of poison called toxin. It spreads across nerve fibers, as well as the bloodstream.

When the nervous system is affected, spasm of the back and jaw muscles occurs. The first symptom of tetanus is the inability to open your mouth. A serious illness is caused by spasms of the masticatory muscles. As the toxin progresses, it affects the facial muscles.

The second symptom of pathology is a smile that is not typical for a person. The patient also experiences back muscle spasms. The patient is forced to bend, his torso takes on an arched shape. The patient realizes the severity of the pathology, but cannot provide first aid to himself.

After these symptoms, hemolysis occurs, the blood cells dissolve. The disease often leads to fatal outcome. Tetanus can be fulminant. In this case, it ends tragically. Chronic form The course is long and painful, but with treatment the patient recovers.

Description of tetanus toxoid

Tetanus toxoid contains inactive toxins (spores that lead to the development of tetanus). To neutralize these microorganisms, you need to carry out procedures using high temperatures and formaldehyde substances. As a result, the toxin loses its properties. Serum intended for vaccination promotes the formation of tetanus immunity.

Tetanus toxoid used to prevent tetanus and diphtheria. The drug contains components that are antigens of the microorganism that causes tetanus. Anatoxin is used in pure form or added to the composition combination drugs DPT.

Tetanus toxoid is an adsorbed drug. Its manufacturer is Microgen. When the active components enter the human body, antibodies are formed that prevent infection. The administration of the drug is part of medical care.

Thanks to the serum, the body develops immunity against a dangerous disease. In addition to the main active ingredient, the medicine contains formaldehyde and aluminum hydroxide. The drug is injected under the skin. If it was administered 3 times in accordance with the vaccination schedule, the duration of immunity is more than 7 years. The dosage of tetanus toxoid is 0.5 ml. If the patient has not been vaccinated childhood, doctors prescribe the same dose, the interval between vaccinations should be 35 days.

The procedures are carried out in accordance with the schedule. Repeated vaccination is carried out after 8 months. The serum must be administered every 10 years. If 5 years have passed since the first administration and there is a threat of infection, the doctor prescribes emergency immunization using this drug. The dosage is the same. In parallel with the toxoid, immunoglobulin is administered. For extensive skin lesions, toxoid is injected around the wound.

Indications for urgent vaccination

The doctor prescribes emergency administration of the drug two days after the injury or improper labor activity. Indications for use of the serum:

  • damage to the skin or mucous membranes;
  • childbirth in non-sterile conditions;
  • as a result of an animal bite;
  • after self-abortion.
  • with the threat of gangrene.

After the patient has been provided emergency help, the doctor will introduce the IPCH. Tetanus toxoid may cause side effects. Some patients are diagnosed with swelling of the skin. The serum may cause a burning sensation at the injection site. Such symptoms disappear within 1 to 2 days.

There are also common side effects. These are fever, weakness, migraine. Possible exacerbation of allergies. In most cases side symptoms do not pose a threat to health. Their duration does not exceed three days. Tetanus toxoid can cause allergies. This disease is manifested by hives, itching, and increased body temperature.

The most dangerous complication- Quincke's edema. It leads to disruption respiratory function. With this dangerous condition the skin turns pale, the temperature rises, the voice becomes hoarse. Quincke's edema is characterized by severe cough, damage to the larynx.

Having discovered such manifestations, you need to urgently call an ambulance. To avoid side effects The serum is administered in a clinical setting where anti-shock treatments are available. The patient should stay in the hospital for one hour. If the administration of the serum leads to side effects, the patient will be immediately provided with help.

Contraindications for use

The doctor does not prescribe tetanus toxoid if the patient has an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Serum is not administered for ARVI, which is accompanied by elevated temperature. You should wait for remission and only then use the drug. 35 days must pass from the day of recovery. The drug can be prescribed to a patient who has cutaneous form allergies.

Permanent contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to vaccine components;
  • neurological disorders;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Immunodeficiency and HIV are not a contraindication for serum administration, however, remission should be waited for. If there is a history allergic disease, you need to take antihistamines. They are prescribed by a doctor, dosages are individual. If side effects are detected, precautions should be taken.

Tetanus immunoglobulin

The vaccine contains immunoglobulins G, which suppresses tetanus toxin. It can be used alone or in combination with toxoid. The serum is used for prevention especially dangerous pathology. The doctor prescribes it if the patient detects hypersensitivity to the drug. Immunoglobulin is administered intramuscularly into the femoral area. The doctor opens and uses the serum, observing all antiseptic requirements.

Opened medicine is unsuitable for storage. It is used immediately. If you have a serum that has changed its physical properties (there is sediment or flakes, noticeable cloudiness), you should discard it and buy a new one. Changes in properties may be due to improper storage. The dosage of the drug is checked with a doctor.

There are cases when immunoglobulin gives adverse reactions. Some patients experience swelling of the skin. This side symptom is usually harmless and goes away after a couple of days. The administration of serum can lead to an increase in body temperature (it reaches subfebrile values). The most severe complication is anaphylactic shock. It is observed in rare cases. After administering the medicine, you should be under the supervision of a doctor for half an hour. If necessary, antishock agents will be used.

The serum has one contraindication - individual hypersensitivity to individual components. The vaccine is not intended for intravenous administration. It should be in a tightly closed bottle. It is prohibited to use the remnants of the therapeutic and prophylactic agent. If the doctor has prescribed the simultaneous use of immunoglobulin and toxoid, he uses different syringes and injects the drugs into different areas of the body. The patient is prohibited from taking any other medications.

Description of the DTP vaccine

It is intended for the prevention of whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. DPT contains deactivated microorganisms that provide prevention dangerous diseases. The drug is administered to children over three months of age. When vaccinating, the doctor follows the rules of antiseptics. The drug in an opened bottle is not intended for storage. DPT is administered intramuscularly into the shoulder area. The doctor follows the vaccination schedule.

The patient may experience side symptoms: weakness, fever, swelling, allergies, itchy skin. The drug is strictly prohibited if there is hypersensitivity to it active components. In this case, convulsions may occur, serious illnesses nervous system. If a child or adult is diagnosed with pathologies in the acute stage, it is necessary to wait for recovery and then administer DPT (duration of remission is 4 months). Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid, the active component of the vaccine, provides long-term prevention of deadly pathologies. Tetanus toxoid is given to prevent tetanus. If the patient is allergic to the components of the serum, the doctor uses an analogue.

Active immunization of children against tetanus from 3 months of age is carried out routinely with adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DPT vaccine) or adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid (ADS or ADS-M toxoid).

Emergency specific prevention of tetanus is carried out for: injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes; frostbite and burns (thermal, chemical, radiation) of the second, third and fourth degree; out-of-hospital abortions; childbirth outside medical institutions; gangrene or tissue necrosis of any type, long-term abscesses; animal bites; penetrating injuries of the gastrointestinal tract. Emergency prevention of tetanus involves primary surgical treatment of the wound and the creation, if necessary, of specific immunity against tetanus. Emergency immunoprophylaxis of tetanus should be carried out as early as possible from the moment of injury, up to 20 days, taking into account the duration incubation period with tetanus.

For emergency specific prevention of tetanus, the following are used: antitetanus toxoid and antitetanus human Ig, and in the absence of the latter, antitetanus serum.

Considering the possibility of developing immediate allergic reactions in particularly sensitive individuals, patients should be provided with medical supervision for 30 minutes. Vaccination sites must be provided with anti-shock therapy.

Persons who have suffered acute diseases, vaccinated no earlier than 1 month after recovery.

Patients with chronic diseases vaccinated 1 month after the start of remission. Children with neurological changes are vaccinated after progression of the process has been ruled out. During exacerbation allergic diseases vaccinations are carried out 2-4 weeks after recovery. At the same time, stable manifestations of the disease (localized skin phenomena, latent bronchospasm, etc.) are not contraindications to vaccination, which can be carried out against the background of appropriate therapy.

Immunodeficiency, HIV infection, as well as maintenance course therapy (including steroid hormones and anticonvulsants) are not contraindications to vaccination. Vaccination is carried out 12 months after the end of treatment.

In order to identify contraindications, on the day of vaccination, the doctor conducts a survey of parents and examines the child with mandatory thermometry. Children temporarily exempt from vaccination must be monitored and registered and vaccinated in a timely manner.

The opening of ampoules and the vaccination procedure are carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. The drug cannot be stored in an opened ampoule.

The drug is not suitable for use in ampoules with damaged integrity, lack of labeling, if physical properties(discoloration, presence of unbreakable flakes and foreign inclusions), improper storage.

May be required in emergency situations accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin. Several drugs are used for this. The introduction must be carried out strictly by a specialist, taking into account general condition the victim. What drugs are used? Why is prevention carried out?


This disease is caused by a bacterial pathogen. Infection occurs by contact when microorganisms enter the bloodstream through damaged skin. The disease is dangerous because its target is the central nervous system. Its damage is characterized by severe generalized convulsions and general tension in skeletal muscle tone.

Clinical manifestations are due to the fact that, upon entering the human body, the bacterium begins to produce tetanus toxin. Tetanospasmin, which is part of it, causes pronounced tonic muscle contractions. In addition, tetanohemolysin accumulates in the body, which causes damage and death of red blood cells (hemolysis). Uncoordinated propagation of impulses is noted, and the excitability of the cerebral cortex increases. Later it is affected respiratory center, which can cause death.


Purified and adsorbed on the gel, tetanus toxoid is used to form immunity to the pathogen. It is used for planned and emergency prevention.

After recovery, the patient does not acquire immunity to the pathogen. This indicates that there is a risk reinfection. This is why it is necessary to use tetanus toxoid. Externally it looks like a suspension yellowish color. During storage, it is divided into two parts - transparent liquid and sediment. Available in 0.5 ml, which is one vaccination dose. This amount contains tetanus toxoid - 10 EU. It also contains a sorbent and a preservative. Liquid for injection is in 1 ml ampoules.

Carrying out emergency prevention

To prevent the development of the disease, administer the following drugs: tetanus toxoid, tetanus immunoglobulin and The choice of one or another drug, their combination depends on clinical case. If they have been diagnosed and the person has documentation confirming this fact, prophylactic injections are not performed. Missing only one last scheduled vaccination is an indication for toxoid administration. If several injections have been missed, a combination of toxoid and immunoglobulin is required. The serum is administered to children under 5 months of age who have planned prevention has not yet been carried out. The situation is most difficult for pregnant women. In such cases, any administration of prophylactic drugs in the first half of pregnancy is prohibited, and in the second half only serums are contraindicated. This is why routine disease prevention is so important.

Tetanus toxoid is often used. The instructions, although simple, can only be introduced in specialized institutions.

Planned prevention

The timely administration of a combined vaccine, carried out as planned, helps prevent the occurrence of such a formidable disease as tetanus. Tetanus toxoid is the neutralized toxins of tetanus bacteria. They cannot cause harm to the body; on the contrary, they contribute to the formation of substances to combat the active toxin. The use of toxoid is the basis of prevention.

Currently used for routine prevention DTP vaccine- not only against tetanus, but also whooping cough and diphtheria.

Tetanus toxoid: instructions for use

The vaccine is administered routinely and intramuscularly, subcutaneous injections are not allowed, as they lead to the formation of compactions. It is preferable to inject the drug into the deltoid muscle in adults and into the anterolateral surface of the leg (middle) in children under 3 years of age. The routine prevention procedure includes three vaccines. They are administered at an interval of 1.5 months and starting from 2 months of the baby’s life. Revaccination - one year after the third.

Side effects

Vaccinations often lead to mild illnesses side effects. This indicates correct formation immune system and will soon pass. However, parents should be wary and contact their pediatrician if the reaction to the vaccine is intense. At the injection site, it is normal to experience local reaction- slight swelling, hyperemia and soreness. The child is worried about decreased appetite, vomiting, increased body temperature and diarrhea. If necessary, antipyretic drugs may be taken. Among the complications are allergic reaction. It is not harmful if it only appears skin rash. However, if the baby develops Quincke's edema or convulsions, you should immediately call ambulance. In any case, planned prevention should be monitored by a pediatrician at all stages. This will avoid serious complications. Specialists will provide correct introduction a drug such as tetanus toxoid. Its use must be strictly according to the instructions.

Prevention is a mandatory measure that is carried out as planned. This complex helps prevent the development of tetanus, which is considered an extremely dangerous disease.

Among the acute infectious diseases The most dangerous is tetanus, the causative agent of which affects nervous system person, which leads to fatal outcome. Therefore, all over the world, children are vaccinated against tetanus using tetanus toxoid. The drug belongs to the group of antitetanus serums and is used as part of routine vaccination according to the vaccination calendar, as well as for emergency measures when a tetanus vaccination is required.

Tetanus and its causative agent

Information about the disease has come from ancient times, it was described by Hippocrates, and Avicenna studied the development of infection. The places where tetanus is most widespread are considered to be countries with a humid, hot climate, as well as poorly developed medical care.

Most characteristic manifestations diseases are spasms skeletal muscles with convulsive clenching of the jaws, preventing breathing, leading to suffocation. Signs of tetanus are a consequence of toxins released by the infectious agent Clostridium entering the human blood. Anaerobic microorganisms live in the soil, multiplying and releasing exotoxin, a strong biological poison.

Tetanus is the most dangerous disease; the mortality rate after infection is more than 70%, which is why immunization against it, carried out according to a certain scenario using the drug anatoxin, is so important.

Vaccination objectives

  1. Nonspecific measures are associated with the prevention of injury, careful surgical treatment of wounds in case of injury.
  2. Specific measures include routine vaccination children and revaccination of adults at ten-year intervals.
  3. Emergency measures are mandatory for all people when they receive injuries, wounds, before operations and childbirth, when burns or frostbite occur.

Important: Tetanus vaccination is mandatory for every person during childhood. Adults – for any damage skin, despite the consequences of the injection.

Reliable protection and prevention against deadly threats

To prevent tetanus infection, drugs from the group of toxoids prepared based on the pathogen toxin are used. For immunization during emergency or routine prophylaxis, tetanus toxoid is used as a single drug or as an ingredient in an associated vaccine.

Important: the choice of dose, regardless of the type of tetanus injections, is made on the basis of a general examination of the person and the results of his tests, revealing the percentage of tetanus toxins in the blood.

Ac toxoid from a chemical point of view is liquid solution tetanus toxin, maximally neutralized using formaldehyde and heating, freed from ballast (proteins) by adsorption with aluminum hydroxide gel. This is a suspension that has a yellowish-white color; in a calm state, it can be divided into two fractions - a layer of loose sediment, above which clear liquid. After shaking, the substance becomes homogeneous.

Detailed instructions on the use of the drug, informs about precautions, about the conditions of its storage:

  • store the vaccine at temperature conditions 6±2°С, storage place should be dry and dark;
  • if the drug is frozen, it becomes unsuitable for use;
  • transportation is carried out in closed transport at the same temperature as storage.

Important information:

  • the drug as toxoid, produced in ampoules, is available for a single injection in a vaccination dosage of 0.5 ml and for a double injection - 1 ml;
  • the drug is sold in packs of 10 ampoules;
  • The shelf life of liquid adsorbed toxoid is 2 or 3 years, depending on the manufacturer; a drug with an expired shelf life cannot be used;

Advice: do not forget that toxoid belongs to medicines, released strictly according to a doctor's prescription. Ampoules should be stored out of the reach of children.

More information about tetanus serum

  1. Drug with antigenic properties, capable of forming specific immunity against tetanus, active against microbes, as well as the toxin they secrete.
  2. Antitetanus serum is contraindicated:
  • in case of individual intolerance to the drug, as well as allergic reactions;
  • in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute infectious diseases;
  • in febrile conditions of unknown etiology;
  • During pregnancy, toxoid is not administered, only during pregnancy planning.

Important: if urgent prophylaxis against tetanus is necessary, contraindications are not taken into account.

  • Ac toxoid is indicated for routine and emergency prevention of tetanus. It is injected deep under the skin into scapular region, before the procedure, shake the ampoule thoroughly so that the consistency becomes homogeneous.
  • №№ Name of events Age group Explanations
    1 Planned prevention Younger children and teen group 1. During active immunization of unvaccinated children for primary vaccinations use a combined diphtheria-tetanus toxoid

    2. Revaccination is performed with toxoid in single minimal doses

    Adults 1. Revaccination of adults is carried out with a combined or toxoid once every 10 years in minimal doses

    2. People who were not vaccinated in childhood are vaccinated first combined vaccine, and for revaccination use ac toxoid at a dose of 0.5 ml

    2 Emergency vaccination Both adults and children of any age The process of primary (surgical) treatment of the wound is combined with immunoprophylaxis measures with a number of vaccines, including tetanus toxoid, taking into account the timing of the last vaccination
  • Although the vaccine contains slightly toxic bacterial fractions, the instructions indicate side effect drug:
    • temporary signs of malaise with headaches accompanied by a rise in temperature;
    • redness with pain at the injection site, swelling and thickening in the injection area is possible;
    • Allergic rashes are possible.

    Important: very rarely, administration of the toxoid vaccine may result in the development of serum sickness or symptoms anaphylactic shock, which requires urgent anti-shock therapy. Working with the drug requires strict adherence to safety measures, and opened ampoules with serum are prohibited from being used.

    The instructions do not inform about the results of interaction of antitetanus serum with other drugs.

    Advice: despite the possibility adverse reactions Tetanus vaccination is mandatory in childhood, as well as if open wounds. It is not necessary to be vaccinated during your lifetime, but do not forget about the deadly threat if you do not have the opportunity to get an emergency injection.

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