The products are easily digestible. Easily Digestible Food

Today, nutritionists are increasingly talking about compatibility food products, since it is their harmonious combination that is an indicator of health, slim figure And Have a good mood. In this case, what is the food compatibility system?!

IN modern world, in a world of stress, in a world of chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, food compatibility is indeed important for the healthy functioning of the whole body, as well as getting everything essential vitamins, microelements and nutrients, as well as for the prevention of a number of diseases.

Food Compatibility System

Have you ever wondered why, after a “heavy” lunch or dinner, we feel the urge to sleep? Our body tends to sleep because large digestion of “heavy” and difficult-to-digest food requires a colossal amount of energy. For normal functioning of the heart, nerves, lungs, glands internal secretion and other systems and organs of our body, energy is needed, first of all. But, precisely, digestion “takes” more energy than we expend during running, physical education, during physical activity. What to do?

There are two ways to solve this problem:

A) firstly, it is necessary to learn the rule that our body needs easily digestible food, the processing of which will require much less energy.

b) secondly, proper nutrition for compatibility, or rather, a combination of foods with proper nutrition, will allow you to digest food faster, with minimum cost for energy.

Easily Digestible Foods

Plant products grown in an environmentally friendly place, incorporating Sun rays, good quality water and clean air, oxygen, contain a large number of vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids, alkaline bases and fatty useful acids. Therefore, try to eat organically healthy food.

So, fresh raw fruits are digested (if eaten separately from other foods) in about half an hour to eighty minutes.

Vegetables eaten separately are digested in a little more than an hour. By the way, our body is both physiologically and genetically prepared and adapted to receive vegetables and fruits. If we talk about the combination of vegetables and other foods, then it will definitely be difficult to answer this question, since there are certain rules by which our body “works”. Knowing these rules will help prevent such unpleasant phenomena such as gas formation, discomfort, which, in the future, can cause chronic diseases. So what are these rules?

The process of digestion of vegetables and fruits occurs in small intestine and is very quickly left by the stomach. But meat or bread (and other flour products), are pre-treated with gastric juice. Therefore, if you eat fruit, meat and bread together, then “fermentation” will certainly form in the stomach and this process will lead to the appearance of acetic acid, alcohol and a host of other negative consequences. The conclusion suggests itself: it turns out that the products themselves are not harmful, but their incorrect or even harmful combinations are harmful.

If incompatible products enter the stomach at the same time, thereby disrupting natural processes digestion of food and even become toxic. Hence the toxins in the body.

Poorly combined with each other:

fish with milk (cannot be consumed at the same time); fruits and milk (fruits cannot be combined with any other food); fish and eggs (protein food overload); sugar and peas (carbs and vegetable protein are not compatible with each other); spoiled milk and chicken (these two proteins are not digestible with each other); butter and honey (carbohydrates and fats).

General rules for product compatibility

When dieting, food compatibility is also taken into account; by following certain food compatibility rules, you can lose several kilograms in a month.

Greens fresh vegetables should be the basis of each meal; Moreover, most of them must be raw. Do not overdo it with oils and acids (vinegar, lemon juice, etc.) when dressing salads. Since cabbage juice promotes the release of enzymes and gastric juice, so cabbage goes well with fish and green vegetables, as well as meat. But fruits, on the contrary, if eaten with regular food, become a rotting mass in the intestines and stomach. Fruits should always be eaten separately from other foods, as the body will need forty to sixty minutes to digest fruits. Therefore, always follow the rule: if you have eaten fruit, you can start eating regular food no earlier than an hour later. And further! Don't mix sweets and sour fruits. Take sweet fruits separately from sour ones. Raw vegetables and fruits will help heal the body, make it healthy and strong. This also applies to those who like to drink freshly squeezed juices (vegetable and fruit), and also eat vegetable salads daily.

Myth or scientifically based approach to nutrition?!

So, what foods should you eat for proper nutrition and how to take into account the general compatibility of weight loss products?

It turns out that the well-known physiologist I.P. Pavlov spoke about the principles of product compatibility, about which the article “The Work of the Digestive Glands” was published, the general idea of ​​which was that each food product produces certain juices and enzymes. For example, bread or meat juices.

This work laid the foundation for the principles of food combinations. This was followed by numerous studies by scientists around the world regarding food combinations, which literally revolutionized the science of nutrition. One such scientist was Herbert M. Shelton. Thanks to his discoveries, it was created a whole science about nutrition “Orthotrophy”, where the basic principles of combining food products were clearly formulated, that is, the clear compatibility of products was determined.

Food Compatibility Principles

You cannot take concentrated carbohydrate and concentrated protein at the same time. That is, you cannot take eggs, nuts, meat and other foods at the same time. protein food with bread, potatoes, cereals, sweet fruits, cakes and confectionery products. It is very important to consume eggs in one meal, milk in another, fish in a third, and cheese in a fourth. At other times, you can take porridge or bread, or noodles. For those who cannot live without baked goods and other products, eat them separately. You should not eat acidic and carbohydrate foods at the same time. That is, lemons, oranges, pineapples, sour berries, tomatoes, etc. Do not eat at the same time as potatoes, bananas, legumes and dates. It is not recommended to take two concentrated proteins at one time. So protein food different composition and the species also requires various digestive juices and enzymes. These juices are not released simultaneously. Therefore, remember the rule: at one time, only one protein. You cannot eat protein and fatty foods at the same time. Cream, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, vegetable oil should not be eaten together with meat, cheese, eggs, nuts and other proteins, since fat helps suppress the functioning of the gastric glands, and this slows down the secretion of gastric juice. You should not eat sour fruits and protein foods at the same time. This means that eggs, meat, fish, cheese cannot be consumed with oranges, lemons, pineapples, sour varieties apples and sour plum. Remember that the less food composition dishes, the better for digestion. You should not eat starches and foods containing sugar at the same time. Therefore, jams, jellies, fruit butter, syrup and molasses sugar should not be consumed with cereals, pastries, buns, or bread. All this will cause fermentation in the intestines, and then lead to the production of toxins. Very often, holiday cakes with sweets and confectionery cause vomiting and feeling unwell, both in children and adults. Take one concentrated starch meal at a time. For example, either potatoes or porridge, or bread. Otherwise, this may cause increased acidity gastric juice and cause belching and others unpleasant symptoms. But it is recommended to consume melon on an empty stomach one and a half hours before meals. Digestion of dairy products is also difficult, so you need to remember the rules. Milk is better absorbed fermented milk product, since the fat contained in milk interferes with the secretion of gastric juice. By the way, milk itself is digested in duodenum, and not in the stomach. The presence of milk interferes with the absorption of other foods that are supplied simultaneously with milk and dairy products. Attention! According to scientist Shelton, it is better not to add any vegetable oils, and also no acids, this will interfere with the absorption of proteins and starch. Fats also interfere with the complete absorption of proteins. Therefore, season your salads with the juices of the vegetables themselves, for example, cabbage juice. If possible, avoid or minimize fatty foods. Because fatty food slows down the production of gastric juice. Always eat fruits separately from any other food. And further! Compliance with all these rules, as well as a raw food diet and observing 24-36 hour fasts (once a week), here The best way prevention of many diseases.

And the last thing! All these principles of product compatibility do not just restore normal work body, but also help get rid of excess weight. Good luck!

Lyudmila D. was with you.

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Food compatibility - easily digestible food

Diet plays an important role in maintaining proper health. A healthy diet helps in the prevention of obesity, as well as gastrointestinal diseases.

There are several types of foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, fish, etc., which can be digested easily by the body. Typically, these products are indicated for people who suffer from digestive disorders or have recently undergone surgery. However, it is advisable to include these foods in your diet to prevent illnesses such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), etc.

Easily Digestible Fruits

Fruits and vegetables are the easiest foods to digest. They contain fiber, which helps in speeding up the digestion process in the body. Therefore, fruits and vegetables are first on the list of easily digestible foods.
Fresh juices

Vegetables that have been thoroughly cooked are easier to digest than raw vegetables (for example, in salads). It should also be noted that the presence of large amounts of legumes, beans and lentils can lead to digestive problems and, therefore, it is advisable to limit their consumption.

Beans (black, Lima)
Sweet potato

Several sources of carbohydrates can be easily absorbed by the body, and fermented foods can be beneficial for digestion. However, it is wise to consult a nutritionist about the effects of fermented food. Apart from the above, here are a few more products that may be included in the list.

Whole grains
Boiled rice (white, brown)
Rice macaroni
Rice cakes and crackers
wheat bran
chicken fillet
Among these foods, rice in any form, properly cooked. It is prescribed to people suffering from illness, children, elderly people, etc. Chicken and fish, when cooked, are also digested faster than when consumed in other forms.

On the other hand, if you want to know which foods take longer to digest, then look at nuts, seeds, soy products, cabbage, wheat, rye, milk and dairy products, etc. Consuming these foods in large amounts every day can lead to constipation. At the same time, consumption of curry, spicy foods, tea, coffee, etc. can also cause digestive problems and should therefore be limited.

Apart from changing your diet, you also need to make changes to your lifestyle. It is recommended to have small and frequent meals, 4-5/day. Secondly, you should not lie down or sleep immediately after eating as this can disrupt the digestion process. It is better to eat 1-2 hours before rest or any physical activity.

Why has there been such a boom in healthy eating in the world in recent years? Because people realized that the thesis “we are what we eat” is true: with the help of food you can achieve beauty, health and longevity. Food that is easy on the stomach is quickly digested, does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and does not lead to an exacerbation of many chronic diseases. In this article you will find a list of the most useful foods for the human body, as well as recipes for simple dishes that can be eaten even by gastroenterologist patients.

Who needs to eat right

For some, it replaces the pleasures everyone is used to. It is a hobby, entertainment and adventure at the same time. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are addicted to fast food, as if on a drug. Sugar, monosodium glutamate, beer - all these goodies are very harmful to health.

For girls, the motivation to choose food that is easy on the stomach is their figure. You can stay slim only by eating right. For young people, the motivation is to gain muscle mass, to pump up muscles. This is impossible without careful attention to your own nutrition. Therefore, the younger generation is increasingly aware of their taste preferences and focuses on food that is easy on the stomach.

Another undeniable advantage of such food is that it costs much less than fast food. Eating food that is easy on the stomach is not only healthy, but it can also save you enough money for an annual trip abroad. Often this factor is decisive in a person’s choice of diet.

The easiest food for the stomach

Very often a person changes his diet after receiving diagnoses such as gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, etc. The only way to not feel pain is to change your diet once and for all.

The nutrition of any person (and even more so if he suffers from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract), as a rule, should be aimed at reducing the production of hydrochloric acid and gastric secretions. To do this, the following rules must be observed:

  • remove spices from the diet as much as possible, you can only use salt and sometimes black pepper, as well as herbs, horseradish, garlic;
  • completely stop drinking any alcoholic beverages;
  • once and for all exclude spicy and fast food from the diet;
  • do not drink water immediately after eating;
  • reduce the consumption of black tea and coffee to a minimum;
  • eat in small portions and have snacks as often as possible;
  • do not allow the development of a strong feeling of hunger and do not take breaks between meals longer than three hours;
  • You should never skip breakfast.

List of foods that are easy on the stomach:

  • vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • boiled chicken and quail eggs;
  • fermented milk products with fat content not exceeding 5 percent;
  • vegetable broths and soups based on them;
  • fish (not salmon species);
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal porridge with water;
  • from spices - herbs, garlic, black pepper, curry, turmeric, coriander (in small quantities).

Clean water: benefits and harm

Of course, water is necessary for the human body. But there is a difference in how you drink it. Sometimes it can cause harm. In particular, if you wash down every meal, acidity will be disrupted and digestion will worsen.

Light food for the stomach after poisoning cannot replace proper drinking regimen. After any intoxication, the water-salt balance is disrupted. Diarrhea, vomiting - all these symptoms lead to severe dehydration. At such moments, you need to drink a glass of clean, cool water every two hours.

List of prohibited products

You should once and for all stop eating the following foods:

  • canned food (both meat and vegetables);
  • kebab and fried meat;
  • fast food;
  • sweet pastries;
  • baked goods made from white flour;
  • cakes, pastries, ice cream;
  • factory-made sweets with trans fats;
  • rich bone broths and first courses made from them;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • alcoholic drinks of any strength;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, factory sauces;
  • pizza and homemade pies with yeast or unleavened dough;
  • pancakes, pancakes, sandwiches.

Even the usual glasses of coffee in the morning are a difficult test for the digestive system. They usually contain artificial cream and a lot of sugar, which causes a surge in insulin and unnecessary activation of the pancreas and liver.

What is a smoothie and why has it conquered the whole world?

After poisoning, intoxication, people with gastrointestinal diseases, and girls losing weight, all nutritionists strongly recommend eating smoothies. Here are two popular recipes for easy food for the stomach:

  • Take one ripe banana and a handful of any berries (you can do without them), immerse them in a blender, add a glass of low-fat kefir, grind until smooth - the banana smoothie is ready.
  • Take 100 grams of ripe strawberries, 50 grams of ice cream, 150 ml, blend everything in a blender - the creamy strawberry smoothie is ready.

These recipes are ideal as dessert. This is an easy food for the stomach at night, which is easily digestible and does not cause pain or the accumulation of excess fat.

Berries for the stomach: benefit or harm

Some berries can irritate the gastric mucosa and provoke pain due to gastritis and peptic ulcers. All berries should be washed thoroughly before eating.

Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries, and watermelons are allowed for consumption. Cranberries and rowan berries should be discarded. You can make compotes, fruit drinks, jams from the berries, add them to smoothies and main courses. It should be noted that some of them can cause an allergic reaction - nausea, urticaria, and itchy skin may appear. You should not eat more than one hundred grams of any berries per day.

The easiest vegetables for the stomach and dishes made from them

What food is light and satisfying for the stomach? These are vegetable stews, broths, soups. It is difficult to overestimate their benefits for the body. Vegetables that are allowed for consumption:

  • potato;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage of any variety;
  • carrot.

You should use radishes, tomatoes, and lettuce leaves with caution - they can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcers. If you pour boiling water over them before eating, it will be easier for the organs of the gastrointestinal tract to cope with their digestion.

Meat and offal: harm or benefit

What food is the easiest for the stomach? Among people without medical education, there are unfounded rumors about the dangers of meat and offal. In fact, vegetarianism and veganism can benefit very few people in our country. You need to eat meat for endurance, the ability to resist cold, and build muscle mass.

Turkey and chicken fillets are digested very quickly (if they have been stewed). Of course, you shouldn't fry it. But stewing with vegetables and herbs is a great idea! This simple and satisfying dish can be consumed both after poisoning, during the recovery period after surgery, or simply for weight loss.

Fermented milk products for the stomach

Milk, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese are all excellent sources of protein, amino acids and calcium. Under no circumstances should you refuse them! Preference should be given to products with a low fat content, no more than 5 percent. This will help the stomach digest them faster. But full-fat milk, cheese, and cottage cheese can remain rotting in the stomach cavity for several hours, which subsequently causes bloating, cramps, and problems with bowel movements.

Butter is the most problematic product in this category. You should either completely stop using it or reduce it to 10 grams per day (for example, add it to porridge).

What drinks are considered easy on the stomach?

Many patients and people losing weight forget about the importance of drinks. They are no less important than solid food. Even if the diet is prepared perfectly, but the person drinks prohibited liquids, such a diet will be of no use.

  1. You should once and for all stop drinking alcoholic beverages, as they are not only harmful to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, but are also the most common cause of severe liver pathologies - cirrhosis and toxic hepatitis.
  2. Sweet carbonated drinks have a negative effect on the walls of the esophagus and stomach. If you drink Coca-Cola and similar drinks every day, in a couple of years you are almost guaranteed to get a peptic ulcer.
  3. You should also limit black tea and coffee, which have an extremely negative effect on the stomach when drunk on an empty stomach. They also contain caffeine, which is an officially recognized psychostimulant.
  4. Packaged juices from the store, despite aggressive marketing, do more harm than good. Most of them contain a huge amount of sugar, which is a carbohydrate shock to the body. If you really want to drink fruit, berry or vegetable juice, it is better to buy a juicer and make it yourself.

List of desserts that are easy on the stomach

People who are losing weight and gastroenterologist patients often have the mistaken opinion that they will never try anything sweet or tasty again. It's a delusion. Here is a list of healthy desserts:

  1. Recipes for fruit and berry smoothies (two of them were described above) can perfectly replace any dessert. Flavorful and easy on the stomach, the food is a thick liquid. To prepare a smoothie you will need a blender, five minutes of free time and imagination.
  2. A green apple baked in the oven with cinnamon has a refined, slightly sour taste. It is perfectly absorbed, saturates the body with iron, and does not cause pain during gastritis.
  3. Low-fat cottage cheese with berries - you can simply mix with a spoon, or you can crush in a blender until smooth. The resulting berry-curd soufflé can replace both breakfast and dinner. It pleases with its wonderful aroma, sweet taste and at the same time minimal calorie content and high digestibility.

First of all, food should be perceived as fuel for the body, so sometimes it is worth putting in the first place not taste, but how quickly you can benefit from a particular product.
We all know that every product has nutritional value, but in addition to this, there is also a digestibility factor. We invite you to find out which foods are absorbed as quickly as possible.

1. Tofu
Tofu and any soy products can easily replace meat due to its high protein content. Moreover, these products also boast a favorable digestibility coefficient.

2. Brussels sprouts
This type of cabbage contains up to 9% protein, as well as many vitamins. This is why Brussels sprouts will be an ideal food and will not cause any stomach discomfort.

3. Cereals
With an average calorie content of 80-100 calories, rice, barley and oatmeal hide a healthy array of plant protein and fiber. In addition, cereals have a detoxifying effect and can act as a cleanser of the digestive and intestinal tract.

4. Liver
Beef liver contains a lot of iron and essential protein. At the same time, the liver is low in calories and does not contain a large amount of fat. Due to the enzymes it contains, liver is easily digestible.

5. Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese, like any other dairy product, contains a large amount of proteins that are easily digestible.

6. Hard cheese
With low fat and calorie content, hard cheeses contain a lot of protein. At the same time, such cheese is digested much better than dairy products and meat.

7. Eggs
Eggs are considered an excellent protein product, which is also easily and quickly digested and does not contain any harmful compounds.

8. Tuna and salmon
Among all types of fish, tuna and salmon stand out especially, which are beneficial for our body. Also nutritious are pike, crabs, shrimp and perch.

9. Beef
Among all types of red meat, beef is the best digestible. It is worth choosing meat from young animals, which not only has a special taste, but is also much easier to digest.

10. Chicken meat
Chicken meat contains complete protein, which is also easily digestible. It is best to buy brisket meat, which contains the necessary combination of vitamins and minerals.

Lately it has become very fashionable to eat light food, and there is a completely common explanation for this - we want to have an ideal figure and do not want to gain weight at all. But despite all this, we do not fully understand what it is. We use Cola Light or chewing gum without sugar, eat hard pasta, and recently even Light crackers have appeared. We will figure out which of this is right and which is wrong in this article.

Light food is called light not only because it should be low in calories, but also because it should be easy to digest and assimilate. Let us immediately clarify that any useless food and drinks like Cola Light, Light crackers and other foods, even if they are not high in calories, will definitely not bring any benefit, but can also affect metabolism. So, this is:

- slimy soups;

- puree soups;

- pureed vegetable soups;

- boiled minced meat, fish;

Vegetable puree from boiled vegetables;

- soft-boiled eggs;

- steamed omelettes;

- freshly prepared low-fat and non-acidic cottage cheese;

— freshly prepared fermented milk products;

- liquid, including milk, boiled cereal porridges;

- jelly, jelly mousse made from fruits and berries, containing a minimum of sugar, and preferably without it;

- weak tea.

Foods that are “light” in terms of calorie content but not digestible include some fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, but not all of them are low in calories. Low-calorie foods include cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, beets, onions, celery, peach, apricot, apple, plum, pineapple, citrus fruits, eggplant, pumpkin, raspberries, strawberries, currants, etc., but still with sweet fruits and berries You should be careful and eat no more than one bagel per day, or 1 piece if it is a fruit. Hearty and not “light” fruits and vegetables include banana, avocado, grapes, pear, and potatoes.

Now let’s describe difficult-to-digest or high-calorie foods:

- strong meat or fish broths;

- rich decoctions of vegetables or mushrooms;

- fried foods;

- pickles;

— smoked products;

— sauces (meat, tomato, mushroom, fish);

— canned meat and fish;

— fermented milk products with high acidity;

- chocolate;

- fatty foods;

- strong tea, coffee;

- carbonated drinks, alcohol.

The following group includes products that are not harmful, but mechanically irritate the digestive tract and therefore cannot be called light food:

- legumes;

- dishes made from wholemeal flour;

- whole grain cereals;

- unripe vegetables and fruits;

- meat with a high content of connective tissue, skin of birds and fish.

Such products can only be consumed by people with a healthy digestive tract. In addition to all of the above products, the ease of digestion and absorption is also affected by the method of preparing and consuming foods. Liquid, jelly-like, puree-like and mushy food is quickly absorbed and leaves the stomach. Therefore, in all diets for weight loss, it is recommended to eat small meals 5-6 times a day. Solid food that does not contain enough liquid is difficult to digest and lingers in the stomach for a long time, sometimes causing heaviness in the stomach.

Among other things, it is worth considering the temperature of the food consumed. Ideally, it will be close to normal human body temperature - 36-37 degrees.

The rest of the products (products sold in the market or stores), even if it is written on them that they are low-calorie and natural, will not be light. These products include: all shelf-stable ready meals, semi-finished products, instant foods, chips, crackers, sweet carbonated drinks, confectionery, sausages, etc. This is all a ticking time bomb.

Only use light food should not either, usually small children (up to 1-1.5 years old) and people with various diseases who are prescribed such a diet should eat this food. A healthy person can consume foods from the light food group and foods from the group of foods that mechanically irritate the digestive tract, but in small quantities.

Let's summarize all of the above - food that is easily digested, does not place an increased burden on the digestive tract and is low in calories. This food is suitable for people on various types of diets, including weight loss.

What kind of food do you prefer? Are you into the trendy and healthy eating comfort food trend? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Today, nutritionists are increasingly talking about the compatibility of foods, since it is their harmonious combination that is an indicator of health, a slim figure and a good mood. In this case, what is the food compatibility system?!

In the modern world, in the world of stress, in the world of chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, food compatibility is indeed important for the healthy functioning of the whole body, as well as for it to receive all the necessary vitamins, microelements and nutrients, as well as for the prevention of a number of diseases .

Food Compatibility System

Have you ever wondered why, after a “heavy” lunch or dinner, we feel the urge to sleep? Our body tends to sleep because large digestion of “heavy” and difficult-to-digest food requires a colossal amount of energy. For the normal functioning of the heart, nerves, lungs, endocrine glands and other systems and organs of our body, energy is necessary, first of all. But, precisely, digestion “takes” more energy than we expend during running, physical education, and physical activity. What to do?

There are two ways to solve this problem:

A) firstly, it is necessary to learn the rule that our body needs easily digestible food, the processing of which will require much less energy.

b) secondly, proper nutrition for compatibility, or rather, a combination of foods with proper nutrition, will allow you to digest food faster, with minimal energy expenditure.

Easily Digestible Foods

Plant products grown in an ecologically clean place, absorbing sunlight, good quality water and clean air, oxygen, contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids, alkaline bases and healthy fatty acids. Therefore, try to eat organically healthy food.

So, fresh raw fruits are digested (if eaten separately from other foods) in about half an hour to eighty minutes.

Vegetables eaten separately are digested in a little more than an hour. By the way, our body is both physiologically and genetically prepared and adapted to receive vegetables and fruits. If we talk about the combination of vegetables and other foods, then it will definitely be difficult to answer this question, since there are certain rules by which our body “works”. Knowing these rules will help prevent such unpleasant phenomena as gas formation and discomfort, which in the future can cause chronic diseases. So what are these rules?

The process of digestion of vegetables and fruits occurs in the small intestine and is very quickly left by the stomach. But meat or bread (and other flour products) are pre-treated with gastric juice. Therefore, if you eat fruit, meat and bread together, then “fermentation” will certainly form in the stomach and this process will lead to the appearance of acetic acid, alcohol and a host of other negative consequences. The conclusion suggests itself: it turns out that the products themselves are not harmful, but their incorrect or even harmful combinations are harmful.

If incompatible products enter the stomach at the same time, they disrupt the natural processes of food digestion and even become toxic. Hence the toxins in the body.

Poorly combined with each other:

  • fish with milk (cannot be consumed at the same time);
  • fruits and milk (fruits cannot be combined with any other food);
  • fish and eggs (protein food overload);
  • sugar and peas (carbohydrates and vegetable protein do not go together);
  • sour milk and chicken (these two proteins are not digestible with each other);
  • butter and honey (carbohydrates and fats).

General rules for product compatibility

When dieting, food compatibility is also taken into account; by following certain food compatibility rules, you can lose several kilograms in a month.

  • Green, fresh vegetables should be the basis of every meal; Moreover, most of them must be raw.
  • Do not overdo it with oils and acids (vinegar, lemon juice, etc.) when dressing salads.
  • Since cabbage juice promotes the release of enzymes and gastric juice, cabbage goes well with fish and green vegetables, as well as meat.
  • But fruits, on the contrary, if eaten with regular food, become a rotting mass in the intestines and stomach. Fruits should always be eaten separately from other foods, as the body will need forty to sixty minutes to digest fruits.
  • Therefore, always follow the rule: if you have eaten fruit, you can start eating regular food no earlier than an hour later. And further! Don't mix sweet and sour fruits. Take sweet fruits separately from sour ones.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits will help heal the body, make it healthy and strong. This also applies to those who like to drink freshly squeezed juices (vegetable and fruit), and also eat vegetable salads daily.

Myth or scientifically based approach to nutrition?!

So, what foods should you eat for proper nutrition and how to take into account the general compatibility of foods for weight loss?

It turns out that the well-known physiologist I.P. Pavlov spoke about the principles of product compatibility, about which the article “The Work of the Digestive Glands” was published, the general idea of ​​which was that each food product produces certain juices and enzymes. For example, bread or meat juices.

This work laid the foundation for the principles of food combinations. This was followed by numerous studies by scientists around the world regarding food combinations, which literally revolutionized the science of nutrition. One such scientist was Herbert M. Shelton. Thanks to his discoveries, an entire science of nutrition, “Orthotrophy,” was created, where the basic principles of combining food products were clearly formulated, that is, the clear compatibility of products was determined.

Food Compatibility Principles

  • You cannot take concentrated carbohydrate and concentrated protein at the same time. That is, you cannot take eggs, nuts, meat and other protein foods at the same time with bread, potatoes, cereals, sweet fruits, cakes and confectionery. It is very important to consume eggs in one meal, milk in another, fish in a third, and cheese in a fourth. At other times, you can take porridge or bread, or noodles. For those who cannot live without baked goods and other products, eat them separately.
  • You should not eat acidic and carbohydrate foods at the same time. That is, lemons, oranges, pineapples, sour berries, tomatoes, etc. They should not be consumed simultaneously with potatoes, bananas, legumes and dates.
  • It is not recommended to take two concentrated proteins at one time. Thus, protein foods of different composition and types also require different digestive juices and enzymes. These juices are not released simultaneously. Therefore, remember the rule: at one time, only one protein.
  • You cannot eat protein and fatty foods at the same time. Cream, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, vegetable oil should not be eaten together with meat, cheese, eggs, nuts and other proteins, since fat helps suppress the functioning of the gastric glands, and this slows down the secretion of gastric juice.
  • You should not eat sour fruits and protein foods at the same time. This means that eggs, meat, fish, cheese cannot be consumed with oranges, lemons, pineapples, sour apples and sour plums. Remember that the smaller the nutritional composition of a dish, the better for digestion.
  • You should not eat starches and foods containing sugar at the same time. Therefore, jams, jellies, fruit butter, syrup and molasses sugar should not be consumed with cereals, pastries, buns, bread. All this will cause fermentation in the intestines, and then lead to the production of toxins. Very often, holiday cakes with sweets and confectionery cause vomiting and poor health in both children and adults.
  • Take one concentrated starch meal at a time. For example, either potatoes or porridge, or bread. Otherwise, it may cause increased acidity of the gastric juice and cause belching and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • But it is recommended to consume melon on an empty stomach one and a half hours before meals.
  • Digestion of dairy products is also difficult, so you need to remember the rules. Milk is better digested as a fermented milk product, since the fat contained in milk interferes with the secretion of gastric juice. By the way, milk itself is absorbed in the duodenum, and not in the stomach. The presence of milk interferes with the absorption of other foods that are supplied simultaneously with milk and dairy products.
  • Attention! According to scientist Shelton, it is better not to add any vegetable oils or acids to salads, as this will interfere with the absorption of proteins and starch. Fats also interfere with the complete absorption of proteins. Therefore, season your salads with the juices of the vegetables themselves, for example, cabbage juice.
  • If possible, avoid or minimize fatty foods. Since fatty foods slow down the production of gastric juice.
  • Always eat fruits separately from any other food.
  • And further! Compliance with all these rules, as well as a raw food diet and observing 24-36-hour fasts (once a week), is the best way to prevent many diseases.

And the last thing! All these principles of product compatibility not only restore normal functioning of the body, but also help get rid of excess weight. Good luck!

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