Antiviral drugs for swine flu. There are treatments for swine flu

Modern medicine actively used special drugs to strengthen the body's defenses. Among the group of immunomodulatory agents, Interferon for the prevention of influenza stands out as one of the most effective means to combat influenza and cold viruses.

Human interferon is a low-molecular protein with a pronounced ability to raise immune forces in short time. In addition, it has established itself as a drug with high activity against tumors and is widely used today for the treatment of cancer.

Interferon is widely used to prevent influenza and ARVI.

Interferon (abbreviated as IFN) for influenza and ARVI is available in the form of powders or suppositories for rectal administration. One ampoule of the drug with a volume of 2 ml. contains 1000 units (IU) of the active substance.

The main principle of IFN action is to stimulate the immune system at the cellular level. To briefly describe how IFN works: it reaches the cell surface and interacts with special receptors there. This allows you to change the properties of the cell, stimulate their growth and thereby neutralize the pathogenic effect of the virus.

Thus, the drugs:

  • Suppresses tumor growth.
  • Stops the action of chlamydia.
  • Prevents the development of ARVI and influenza.

The properties of interferon (including for the prevention of influenza) were discovered in the middle of the last century. In 1957, scientists made the discovery that this protein can prevent the proliferation of infectious viruses respiratory tract and influenza that attacked humans. Over time, interferon was obtained synthetically and is now produced by pharmaceutical companies around the world in the form of suppositories, powders and ointments.

The main task of Interferon is to destroy influenza viruses in the human body

Indications for use

Interferon is most often prescribed against influenza or upper respiratory tract infections. It is relevant for use both in the acute phase and for preventing the disease. But in addition to these diseases, IFN is very often prescribed to stimulate the immune system for such diagnoses as:

  • Chronic hepatitis C.
  • Spicy and chronic hepatitis IN.
  • Tick-borne encephalitis.
  • Myelomas.
  • Lymphomas.
  • Kaposi's syndrome (it is detected in patients with AIDS)
  • Condylomas and papillomas.
  • Herpes.
  • Leukemia.

It is often used for certain pathologies of the urinary system, to combat viral skin rashes and blood diseases. As a rule, for complex treatment Interferon is prescribed in the form of suppositories, which are administered through the rectum, or ointments for external use. Recommended age: adults and children from 2 to 12 years.

Remember: if your doctor has prescribed Interferon against ARVI, you will need powder, which you will dilute according to the instructions and instill into the nasal passages. But if the cold causes a complication in the form of conjunctivitis or keratitis, it is prescribed to be dropped into the eyes under the eyelids.

Interferon can be taken by instilling the medicine into the nasal cavity

How to use and in what doses

How to properly dilute Interferon with water? What proportions should I maintain? Correctly prepare the drug in this way: an ampoule with dry powder of the drug is diluted in 2 ml clean water(you can take filtered, boiled or distilled water). The result is a red solution that can only be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

For prevention colds you need to instill 5 drops of IFN into each nasal passage in the morning and evening (the break between procedures should be at least 6 hours). It is important to start taking the drug at the first symptoms of a cold: as soon as a runny nose or slight cough appears. Use the drug for at least 3 days in a row.

Inhalations using IFN drugs are no less effective. To do this, 3 ampoules are diluted in 10 ml warm water, the water is slightly heated and the patient is forced to breathe in steam 2 times a day. Just a few procedures should help the patient recover.

For other diagnoses, such as kidney dysfunction, immunodeficiency, and especially oncology, the dosage, time and number of appointments are prescribed by the attending physician.

We treat children! Interferon is widely used for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu in children, but in this case, the dosage and release form (powder, drops, or ointment) are best agreed with the pediatrician.

Treatment of children with Interferon is also allowed, but such treatment must be agreed with a pediatrician

Side effects

Can anti-flu medications with interferon cause side effects? IN in some cases Doctors record such consequences as:

  • Muscle pain.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Feverish phenomena.
  • Nausea, vomiting, or heartburn.
  • Bloating.
  • Constipation or, on the contrary, intestinal upset.

Rarely, visual disturbances, failure of the liver and kidneys, and even depression are observed. Any of the above signs should be a stop signal to stop taking IFN and immediately consult a doctor.

It is important to understand! Too frequent use Interferon may lead to dysfunction reproductive system person, especially female. There are studies that have proven that IFNs can disrupt menstrual cycle, reduce the level of estrogen and progesterone, without which it becomes difficult to get pregnant and bear a baby. This is why your doctor may recommend using protection during treatment. Until complete recovery.

Increased sweating is one of the side effects when using Interferon

Who should not use IFN?

The main contraindication is the presence of hypersensitivity and autoimmune diseases. With caution and only with the permission of a doctor, medications can be used for people with heart disease, diabetes, epilepsy, cirrhosis of the liver and for prolonged depression, which is treated with powerful antidepressants.

Interferon should not be prescribed to people who are susceptible to obsessions and have suicidal tendencies.

Thyroid diseases, age under two years, pregnancy and lactation always require the consent of a doctor, but in most cases the use of IFN is still not recommended.

Remember: treating yourself with Interferon, using it at your own discretion, is strictly prohibited. Only a specialist should give you a recommendation based on your state of health, age, and the presence of chronic and congenital diseases.

How to properly store the drug

It is best to store ampoules and candles on a separate shelf in the refrigerator. The storage time of the finished solution does not exceed 2 days. The standard shelf life of dry powders and candles is 24 months from the date of release.

Analogues of the drug

Currently, pharmaceutical companies offer a large selection of products containing interferon, which are available in different forms.

The most famous among them:

  • Viferon.
  • Genferon-Light.
  • Grippferon.
  • Imuan.
  • Gammaferon.
  • Betaseron.
  • Welferon.

There are also drugs available today called interferon inducers. What it is? These include drugs that do not themselves contain IFN, but stimulate their production.
Among them: Kagocel, Cycloferon, Neovir and Ridostin.

There are many analogues of the drug that can also be purchased at the pharmacy

All of them are recommended as drugs for successful treatment, prevention viral diseases, and, according to advertising, some interferon analogues are effectively used to combat strains that are rare in Russia and are prescribed, for example, for swine flu.

As practice shows, inexpensive interferon in classic form release can be no less effective if treatment was prescribed on time. So the most important thing is to get advice from a qualified physician and only then decide on the choice of a drug containing IFN.

« Swine flu» - acute, highly contagious infection, caused by the pandemic influenza A(H1N1) virus, transmitted from pigs and humans to humans, having high susceptibility among the population as the pandemic develops and characterized by fever, respiratory syndrome and severe course with the possibility of death.

The swine flu virus itself was discovered in 1930 by Richard Shoup (USA). For 50-60 years, this virus was found and circulated only among pigs in North America and Mexico. Then swine flu was recorded sporadically in humans, mainly in pig farm workers and veterinarians.

We all remember the last sensational swine flu epidemic in 2009 (the so-called California/2009), about which the public was emotionally and persistently informed by the media mass media. The epidemic has been spreading since March 2009. The first cases of infection with an unknown strain of the virus were reported in Mexico City, and then in Canada and the United States. IN epidemic process Many countries were involved - USA, Canada, Mexico, Chile, UK, France, Germany, Australia, Russia, China, Japan and many others. As of the end of October, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 537,248 cases of swine flu were laboratory confirmed. The greatest susceptibility was noted among the group of people from 5 to 24 years old, with children under 5 years of age in second place. During the epidemic, the virus was assigned danger class 6 (that is, registration of a swine flu pandemic, which is easily transmitted from person to person, and the disease covers many countries and continents). By official information WHO cases fatal outcome following the results of the pandemic (California/2009) amounted to 17.4 thousand people. The pandemic came to Russia in the fall of 2009, with its peak at the end of October - beginning of November. In total, more than 2,500 patients with a confirmed diagnosis were registered. There were deaths.

The causative agent of swine flu

There are several subtypes of the swine influenza virus (H1N1, H1N2, H3N2, H3N1), but only the H1N1 subtype has acquired highly pathogenic properties and the ability to be transmitted from person to person. The influenza A (H1N1) virus is the result of crossing the human influenza A (H1N1) virus and the swine flu virus, as a result the virus mutated and became highly pathogenic, and it is called the California/2009 pandemic virus. Just like the regular human influenza virus, the pandemic virus has hemagglutinin in its envelope (promotes the attachment of the virus to the cell) and neuraminidase (promotes the penetration of the virus into the cell).

Swine flu virus

Reasons for the spread of swine flu

The source of infection is pigs (sick or carriers of the virus) and sick people. A sick person becomes contagious a day before symptoms of the disease appear and during the week of illness. Accordingly, potential patients at the end of the incubation period are of great epidemic importance. Up to 15% of patients continue to shed the virus for 10-14 days during treatment.

Mechanisms of infection:
- aerogenic ( airborne) – the patient’s discharge is dangerous when sneezing, coughing – 1.5-2 meters in diameter;
- contact-household - dangerous discharge of the patient on the hands of others, as well as on household items (tables, surfaces, towels, cups) - the virus retains its properties for 2 hours or more (the virus can be transferred from hands to mucous membranes) oral cavity and eyes).

Susceptibility to infection is universal. There are risk groups for developing severe forms of swine flu:
- children under 5 years old;
- adults over 65 years of age;
- pregnant women;
- persons with accompanying chronic diseases(chronic pulmonary diseases, oncology, blood diseases, liver diseases, urinary system, hearts, diabetes, as well as infectious immunodeficiencies, such as HIV).

Clinical symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of regular seasonal flu, with minor differences. Incubation period(from the moment of infection until the appearance of the first complaints) with swine flu lasts from a day to 4 days on average, sometimes extended to a week. Patients are concerned about symptoms of intoxication ( heat up to 38-39°, severe weakness, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting central genesis, that is, against a background of high fever, body aches, lethargy).

Another group of complaints is related to development respiratory syndrome(dry cough, severe sore throat, feeling of lack of air), as well as the likelihood of rapid development of one of the complications - the development of pneumonia in early stages(2-3rd day of illness).

The difference from seasonal influenza is the presence of dyspeptic syndrome in 30-45% of patients - patients develop constant nausea, repeated vomiting, and stool disturbances.

Manifestations of severe forms of swine flu

In the first days of illness, intense headaches, pain in eyeballs, photophobia that increases with eye movement. Possible development serous meningitis, encephalitis. Muscle pain are one of severe symptoms diseases.

One of dangerous complications with swine flu is the development of pneumonia. Pneumonia may be a consequence of exposure to the influenza virus (primary; may be associated with the addition of secondary bacterial flora (secondary); may be a consequence of the action of both the virus and the concomitant layering of bacterial flora (mixed).

Primary pneumonia develops on the second or third day from the onset of the disease and is characterized by the development of symptoms of acute respiratory failure: the patient breathes frequently (about 40 breaths per minute when the norm is 16), auxiliary muscles (diaphragm, abdominal muscles) are actively involved in the act of breathing, severe dry or unproductive cough (mucous and transparent discharge), severe shortness of breath, blue discoloration skin(cyanosis). When listening to the lungs: moist rales in lower parts lungs mainly at the height of inspiration, dullness of percussion sound when tapping the lungs.

Often primary pneumonia leads to the formation of respiratory distress syndrome (development pulmonary edema) with possible fatal consequences.

Secondary pneumonia occurs 6-10 days from the onset of the disease. Most often, pneumococcal contamination occurs (in 45% of patients), less often Staphylococcus aureus(no more than 18%), as well as hemophilus influenzae. A feature of this pneumonia will be an increase in cough: it becomes painful, almost constant, against the background of increased cough, the patient has a second wave of fever and intoxication, the patient practically does not eat. The pain in the chest when coughing and even breathing. The discharge from the lungs (sputum) is no longer transparent, but has a purulent tint. X-ray shows foci of inflammation in the lungs. The course of secondary pneumonia is long, patients cannot recover for a month and a half. Staphylococcal pneumonia often leads to the formation of a lung abscess.

Pneumonia due to swine flu

Mixed pneumonia have clinical symptoms both one and the other pneumonias take a long time (progradiently) and are difficult to treat.

Other complications of swine flu include:

pericarditis, infectious-allergic myocarditis, hemorrhagic syndrome.

What alarming symptoms of “swine flu” should you see a doctor?

For children:
- Rapid breathing, difficulty breathing;
- A bluish tint to the skin of the limbs and torso;
- Refusal to eat and drink;
- Repeated vomiting (fountain vomiting, as well as frequent regurgitation in infants - the equivalent of vomiting at that age);
- Lethargy and drowsiness of the child;
- On the contrary, excitement, resistance even when picking up the child;
- The appearance of a second wave of symptoms with increased cough and shortness of breath.

For adults:
- Shortness of breath and its intensification during the day;
- Chest pain when breathing and coughing;
- Severe dizziness that appears suddenly;
- Periodically confused consciousness (forgetfulness, loss of individual events from memory);
- Repeated and profuse vomiting;
- Second wave with fever, cough, shortness of breath.

Immunity after swine flu is type-specific and short-lived (1 year).

Diagnosis of swine flu

Preliminary diagnosis difficult due to the similarity of the symptoms of the disease with the usual seasonal flu. The following features will help the doctor:

Contact with a patient with influenza, as well as arrival from an area endemic for swine flu (countries of North America);
- patient complaints of gastrointestinal disorders due to fever and respiratory syndrome;
- unexpressed or no sore throat in the background severe cough mostly dry;
- development of pneumonia on days 2-3 with characteristic symptoms(described above).

Today, distinguishing influenza from other acute respiratory viral infections is not particularly difficult, because modern rapid tests allow you to independently determine the influenza virus in a matter of minutes at the first suspicion of infection. They are sold in pharmacies and detect influenza types A and B, including the H1N1 subtype - swine flu.

Definitive diagnosis possible after laboratory confirmation of the disease:
- PCR diagnostics of nasopharyngeal mucus samples to detect RNA of the influenza A virus (H1N1) California/2009;
- Virological method inoculation of nasopharyngeal mucus and sputum on certain media.

Treatment of swine flu

The main goal of treatment is to reduce the number of patients with severe and complicated swine flu.

1. Organizational and routine measures– at the time of preliminary diagnosis, hospitalization is carried out according to clinical indications(severe forms, as well as moderate forms in children, the elderly and people with chronic concomitant diseases). With laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis of swine flu, mandatory hospitalization is carried out with the prescription of specific therapy. For the entire febrile period and 5-7 days normal temperature appointed bed rest in order to prevent complications.

What to do if you suspect swine flu:

If you notice symptoms of swine flu, stay home and do not go to crowded places.
- At home, protect your loved ones from the spread of infection - wear a mask and change it every 4 hours.
- Call a doctor at home. If you come from endemic countries (Mexico, USA), then tell your doctor about it.

To enhance the body's resistance, it is indicated physiologically complete diet with enough protein and increased content vitamins A, C, group B. To reduce fever, it is recommended to take a sufficient amount of liquid (preferably fruit drinks from black currant, rose hips, chokeberry, lemon). All foods are prescribed warm; spicy, fatty, fried, salty, and pickled foods are avoided.

2. Drug therapy includes:

Antiviral agents– oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza), which significantly affect the release of new viral particles from cells, which leads to the cessation of virus replication. Taking Tamiflu and Relenza is recommended in the following cases:

1) If the patient has one of listed symptoms(high temperature, nasal congestion, cough, shortness of breath);
2) Laboratory-isolated influenza A/2009 (H1N1) virus;
3) Age group under 5 years old;
4) Elderly persons - over 65 years old;
5) pregnant women;
6) people with severe concomitant diseases and immunodeficiency;

Usually the course of treatment is 5 days, sometimes more depending on the severity.

Mild and moderate forms of swine flu allow the following to be prescribed: antiviral drugs– arbidol, interferon alpha 2b (gripferon, viferon), interferon alpha 2a (reaferon lipind) and interferon gamma (ingaron), ingavirin, kagocel, cycloferon.

If pneumonia of a bacterial nature occurs, antibacterial drugs(III-IV generation cephalosporins, carbapenems, IV generation fluoroquinolones, vancomycin).

Pathogenetic therapy includes infusion detoxification therapy, glucocorticosteroids, sympathomimetics to reduce the manifestations of intoxication and ease breathing (carried out in a hospital). At home with mild form Swine flu requires drinking plenty of fluids (fruit drinks, tea, honey water).

Symptomatic remedies: antipyretics (paracetamol, ibuprofen), vasoconstrictors for the nose (nazol, tizin, Nazivin, Otrivin and others), for cough relief (Tussin, Stoptussin, Ambroxol, ACC and others), antihistamines (Claritin, Zodak).

Particular attention is paid to children and pregnant women. Children - taking aspirin-containing drugs is prohibited due to the risk of developing Reye's syndrome (encephalopathy with cerebral edema and development liver failure), therefore, from the group of antipyretics, preference is given to paracetamol and nurofen. Among the antiviral agents shown are Tamiflu, Relenza, Viferon 1, Gripferon, Reaferon Lipind, Kagocel from 3 years old, Anaferon.

Pregnant women - drink plenty of fluids in the absence of edema;
- for mild forms - from antiviral drugs - viferon in suppositories, influenza, arbidol, if it is impossible to take tablets (vomiting) - administration of panavir intramuscularly; at severe forms Tamiflu, Relenza, Viferon;
- to reduce the severity of fever - paracetamol, ascorutin;
- during development bacterial pneumonia– III-IV generation cephalosporins, macrolides, carbapenems;
- during the epidemic, mandatory hospitalization is indicated for all pregnant women with severe intoxication.

Prevention of swine flu

Activities for healthy people (according to WHO recommendations):
Wash your hands often with soap or alcohol-containing solutions.
Avoid close contact with sick people.
Avoid hugging, kissing and shaking hands.
If you are sick, stay home and limit contact with other people.
If you experience flu-like symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. If you are sick, stay home for 7 days after you notice symptoms to avoid infecting others.

For nonspecific drug prevention are used the following drugs: Kagocel, Arbidol, Anaferon, Gripferon, Viferon for pregnant women, Tamiflu.

For specific prevention To date, a vaccine has been created against the highly pathogenic swine flu virus (H1N1). This vaccine protects against influenza B, and the A/H1N1 (swine) and H3N2 strains of influenza A (Grippol plus), that is, both swine flu and seasonal flu. It is impossible to get sick after vaccination, since it does not contain the whole virus, but only surface antigens viruses that cannot cause disease on their own. The vaccine is administered annually.

Infectious disease doctor N.I. Bykova

Several years ago, a new type of influenza appeared, to which the population did not yet have immunity. Influenza type A, H1N1, became known as swine influenza, since outbreaks of this disease occur quite often in pigs. This influenza virus is practically not transmitted to humans from these animals, only in very rare cases.

This virus is very difficult for patients to tolerate and is complicated by viral infections lungs and can be fatal. In this regard, it is very important to know which antiviral drugs are effective against swine flu.

Influenza epidemics occur almost every year. When the threat of getting sick during the season increases, many people decide to take various antiviral medications for both prevention and treatment purposes. Exists various shapes and influenza strains and, as a rule, the cause of seasonal increases in incidence are several types of viruses.

Effective ones have been developed from some strains medicines, from others not yet. Often, many do not understand at all what, how and with what they are trying to be treated.

Antiviral drugs are usually dispensed in pharmacies with a prescription in the form of tablets, inhalers or mixtures. Flu medications are designed to treat influenza viruses only; they will not help fight other infections or viruses. Cure the flu antimicrobials or antibiotics are not allowed.

If swine flu is diagnosed, treatment with these drugs can only be done with a doctor’s prescription. Before taking any antiviral drugs Be sure to consult with your doctor and carefully read the instructions for the medications.

Treatment should be aimed at suppressing influenza viruses and preventing its reproduction. In addition, antiviral drugs for swine flu enhance the body's natural production of antibodies against the attacking virus and enhance immunity.

To enhance treatment antiviral agents Some rules must be followed. So, if you have the flu, you should never continue to do your daily activities and work; you must stay in bed. If you carry the flu on your feet, it can lead to serious complications.

The influenza virus is treated with antiviral drugs such as Amantadine, Rimantadine, Oseltamivir or Oseltamivir (Tamiflu), Zanamivir or Tsanamivir (Relenza) and others, which we will discuss in this article. But first, let's talk about the prevention of this disease.

How to treat swine flu

Swine flu is not always severe; there are cases of moderate and mild course diseases. Treatment in such cases involves bed rest, plenty of warm fluids and antipyretics for high temperatures.

But in order to prevent possible serious complications, antiviral drugs for swine flu were specially developed. These medications suppress the spread and reproduction of the virus in the body. Such drugs are prescribed by a doctor and only in severe manifestations of the disease.

Antiviral drugs help speed up the healing process, relieve symptoms of the disease and prevent the development of serious complications. But most effective treatment will happen if you start taking an antiviral drug no later than 24 hours after the onset of symptoms.

Recent studies have shown that the influenza A virus (H1N1), which infected people, turned out to be resistant to Amantadine or Rimantadine.

Remantadine was effective against influenza type A for many years. But those who had swine flu felt the uselessness of this drug. This is explained by the fact that Remantadine belongs to antiviral drugs adamantine class. And the H1N1 swine flu strain has a different composition and shell structure, so Remantadine is ineffective.

Arbidol for swine flu

Arbidol is one of the cheapest antiviral drugs that helps defeat swine flu by suppressing influenza viruses type B and A. Arbidol helps to increase the production of interferon by the body.

It helps to increase not only general, but also cellular immunity of the body, which is important in treatment viral infections. The use of Arbidol should be avoided by those people who are allergic to the substances included in the drug, as well as those who have cardiovascular diseases And serious illnesses liver and kidneys.

Tamiflu (Ozeltamivir) is effective against all influenza viruses types A and B, including swine. Main active substance Tamiflu is oseltamivir phosphate. It was created due to the increased incidence of swine flu.

Tamiflu suppresses the reproduction and spread of swine flu viruses throughout organs and tissues, and also prevents the release of viruses from the patient’s body into the environment.

Oseltamivir(Tamiflu) is used to treat and prevent influenza A and B viruses in children under one year of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers. In cases severe course Swine flu There are practically no contraindications for the use of this drug.

But treatment of mild forms of the disease is not recommended for them due to the presence of many side effects, such as severe nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, disorders heart rate, otitis media, conjunctivitis, nosebleeds and allergic reactions.

When treating Tamiflu, you must carefully read the instructions and follow the indicated doses.

Ingavirin is an inexpensive and effective antiviral drug. When it enters the body, it inhibits the swine flu virus, interfering with its development and reproduction. In addition, Ingavirin has a good anti-inflammatory effect and has virtually no side effects.

The drug is not prescribed to children, pregnant women and people with allergies or individual intolerance to certain substances in the drug.

Kipferon It has not only antiviral, but also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It promotes the rapid production of interferon, affecting immune system. The drug contains a large amount of synthetic interferon, which helps to quickly and effectively suppress the virus and its spread in the body.

The drug has no significant side effects, but it is prescribed with caution to pregnant women and during lactation only at the discretion of the doctor.

Cycloferon increases the production of interferon, affecting the immune system. The drug also has an antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effect. Active substance accumulates in the tissues of the liver, spleen, intestinal mucosa and lungs, activating the production of lymphoid substances.

Cycloferon has no side effects, but it is contraindicated for people with liver cirrhosis and allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate the components of the drug.

Ergoferon effective in the treatment of swine flu and its other modifications of types A and B. Take the drug at the very first symptoms of the disease.

Sometimes Ergoferon is prescribed to prevent serious complications and the formation of superinfection. The medicine has virtually no side effects, but should be avoided by children under 6 months of age and people who suffer from improper absorption of lactose.

is a good antiviral drug and also has antimicrobial property. It can be used in the treatment different types flu not only to adults, but also to children over 6 years of age.

Kagocel helps to increase the production of interferon in the body, which increases the human immune system.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as those with lactose deficiency and galactose intolerance, should avoid using the drug.

Genferon helps increase general and cellular immunity, and also has not only antiviral, but also antibacterial properties. The drug may cause allergic reactions such as itching, as well as side effects such as decreased appetite, headache, chills, fever. But they appear very rarely, usually only when taking large quantity interferon.

Oseltamivir(Tamiflu) and Zanamavir(Relenza) are prescribed only by your doctor. These antiviral drugs are designed to avoid serious complications. Medicines such as arbidol, gripferon, viferon, kagocel, cycloferon and others are also used, but their effectiveness has not been proven.

Antiviral drugs for swine flu with timely and correct intake will help cope with the disease. Take care of your health!

The strain originated from the swine, avian and human influenza virus. © Content License

There is an outbreak of influenza in Russia. Moreover, approximately 80% of strain A (H1N1) viruses are swine flu. 11 people died from this disease in Volgograd, four in the Leningrad region, three in Belgorod and two in Moscow. But most of all flu victims in St. Petersburg - death registered with 15 people. Among the dead were two pregnant women. A flu epidemic has been officially declared in the city.

Since the beginning of the morbidity season, more than 240 thousand people with influenza and ARVI have visited hospitals in the Northern capital. The second and third weeks of 2016 turned out to be extremely stressful for clinics. Every day, 11-12 thousand patients with influenza visit medical institutions, 7-8 thousand of them are children. Outpatient services, especially pediatric services, are under strain. At the same time, experts say that the peak of infections with acute respiratory diseases still to come.

The Health Committee states that the structure of the flu is dominated by 60-80% of the so-called pandemic swine flu, which is considered extremely severe and dangerous.

The influenza A virus (H1N1) has been registered in Russia, as well as in many other countries, since 2009. The strain has a triple origin - it originated from swine, avian and human influenza viruses.

In the previous few years in St. Petersburg its share did not exceed 1-2%. The reasons for the current rapid growth have yet to be explained by experts.

According to the Deputy Director for Scientific and Clinical Work of the Influenza Research Institute, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor Lyudmila Osidak, main reason Influenza disease lies, first of all, in people’s careless attitude towards their health. No matter how much doctors talk about the need for vaccination, in St. Petersburg only 30-40% of city residents get vaccinated. But if a person who has been vaccinated gets sick, it will be in a “mild” form. “And we are constantly told: what is the use of vaccinations? And here it is! Get vaccinated and you definitely won’t get sick, well, maybe you’ll get something like a cold,” Osidak believes.

The chief infectious disease specialist in St. Petersburg, Yuri Lobzin, notes that the most characteristic swine flu - its rapid development. Sometimes the patient cannot even name the exact time when he felt unwell. Body temperature rises sharply to 38-40 degrees. A sore throat appears, breathing quickens, and a dry cough occurs. The person experiences muscle pain and severe chills. A few hours later it appears nose bleed, nausea and vomiting.

As for children, WHO advises parents of the child younger age seek medical attention if rapid or difficult breathing persists elevated temperature or convulsions. However, in many cases it is enough for patients home care in compliance with all doctors' recommendations. Doctors advise children and adolescents to be given only painkillers that do not contain aspirin.

According to Yuri Lobzin, patients should immediately start taking antiviral drugs - Tamiflu and Zanamivir. They directly act on the pathogen. From the very first days of the disease, it is recommended to use Ingavirin, Influcid, as well as all interferons. It is best to stock up on antipyretics and expectorants in advance.

WHO recommends Tamiflu for the prevention and treatment of swine flu. However, it is impossible to buy it in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Readers of Rosbalt reported that they contacted help services with questions about whether the drug was available, but they were answered in the negative. Moreover, it was not possible to find this medicine in popular online pharmacies. The media reported that he might appear on January 22, but this did not happen. Pharmacies explain that there were no pre-orders - perhaps the drug will appear only in a week. The equivalent of Tamiflu, Relenza, is also running low in pharmacies.

Meanwhile, doctors note that alone folk remedies The flu cannot be cured.

“Cranberries, rose hips, and citrus fruits are all, of course, very good, and you should drink them, but this is not antiviral treatment. This treatment is auxiliary, a kind of vitamin therapy. "Grippferon" - a nasal spray, is also necessary. We need different “sprinklers” with sea ​​water to flush out accumulated mucus. Everyone has the usual methods of protection - avoid coughing, don’t kiss just anyone, wear masks, wash your hands, eat normally. Don't just take antibiotics. They are absolutely useless for influenza viruses. They should be taken only if a complication has already developed, but they should be prescribed by a doctor,” recalls Lyudmila Osidak.

Contrary to stereotypes, alcohol does not help improve the patient’s condition. However, doctors recommend drinking more warm drinks, fruit drinks and drinking chicken bouillon- it thins mucus and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The St. Petersburg Health Committee notes that pregnant women are at risk.

“It is well known from the last epidemic of 2009 that swine flu really “loves” pregnant women. That’s why we put pregnant women at the forefront,” notes Tatyana Zasukhina, Deputy Chairman of the Health Committee.

The official regrets that many pregnant women refused to get vaccinated against influenza. “We regret that our health workers were not so active in involving them in immunization. No one thought that in 2016, 60-80% of flu cases would be swine flu. All last years we lived quite calmly. Such a serious situation was not noted. For pregnant women - Special attention“They need to behave extremely carefully,” reports Tatyana Zasukhina.

To date, 1.5 million people have received flu vaccinations in St. Petersburg.

Now, however, vaccination is no longer possible. Therefore, doctors recommend especially strictly following the recommendations for disease prevention.

You should avoid visiting crowded places and indoor events. When shopping, traveling on public transport, etc., it is better to wear masks (they need to be changed every two hours). But you can walk in open areas as much as you like, if it allows temperature regime. If there is a sick person in the family, then it is advisable to allocate a separate room for him. It is required to communicate with the patient at a distance of at least 1 meter from him. Moreover, only one family member should care for the patient; be sure to cover your face with a mask, scarf or handkerchief during each contact.

“Hand washing is very important. They should be washed as often as possible. Epidemiological services say that infection through hands can be reduced by up to 40%. Wet cleaning of the floor using disinfectants, frequent ventilation of the premises,” emphasizes Zasukhina. Rospotrebnadzor advises regularly cleaning and disinfecting tables, door handles, phones and other surfaces - this removes and destroys the virus. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth as this is how the influenza virus spreads.

It is known that it is easier for a person with a weakened body to get sick. Therefore, you should follow a daily routine and conduct healthy image life - to toughen up, engage in physical education and sports, walk more often, devote enough time to sleep and eat right. Doctors advise eating foods rich in vitamins C, A, E, selenium (cranberries, rose hips, citrus fruits), as well as onions and garlic (contain phytoncides).

Head of the Health Department for Organization medical care mothers and children Svetlana Rychkova notes that, first of all, diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections and influenza require a home regime. The replication activity of viruses depends on the activity of the life of the “host”. Therefore, if a person continues to go to work or school, then, accordingly, he has more high risk development of complications.

Meanwhile, in St. Petersburg, due to the flu epidemic, six classes of schools in different areas have been quarantined. Doctors were forced to suspend medical examinations of children and adults, limit planned hospitalization and impose restrictions on allowing visitors to see patients in hospitals. Relatives are allowed to visit seriously ill patients, but if the patient does not particularly need visitors, officials urge them to refrain from visiting.

The number of swine flu victims is growing every day. Lyudmila Osidak predicts that the peak of the disease in St. Petersburg will come in about three weeks.

Alexander Kalinin

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