Purslane salad. Step-by-step recipe with photos. The benefits of purslane: features of the “rejuvenating” weed and recipes for its use

In Armenia, almost every housewife prepares pickled purslane for the winter. This annual plant is extremely popular in a number of other eastern countries. Previously it was considered medicinal. It lowers blood pressure, normalizes blood sugar levels, and is useful for a number of liver and stomach diseases, and for some other ailments. Now purslane is widely used in cooking. It is stewed, added to meat dishes as a seasoning, and marinated. When pickled, it resembles capers. It can be served separately, added to salads and soups, and added to main courses. The piquant taste of purslane may seem a little unusual to our compatriots, but it is worth getting acquainted with for those who respect oriental cuisine. Gourmets believe that when pickled, it is also suitable as a snack for vodka.

Cooking features

Despite the fact that purslane seems like an exotic plant to many of our compatriots, pickling it is no more difficult than garlic. You just need to know a few subtleties.

  • It is advisable to harvest purslane when its seeds have not yet ripened, ideally even before flowering. At this time, the shoots and leaves of the plant are still tender and more pleasant to the taste. If you did not have time to cut the plant before the seeds formed, this can be done later. The main thing is not to forget to remove the seed boxes, otherwise the seeds will crunch on your teeth like sand, ruining the pleasure of eating a savory snack.
  • Purslane usually gets very dusty because it grows close to the ground. It should be washed thoroughly before cooking.
  • Both stems and leaves of purslane are suitable for food, and they are pickled together. But the snack looks more appetizing if the leaves and stems are chopped separately. Therefore, preparing a plant for harvesting for the winter consists not only of washing and drying, but also of separating the leaves from the stem. Shoots for pickling are cut into pieces no longer than 5 cm.
  • To make purslane stems more tender and soft, it is recommended to blanch them for several minutes in boiling water. After this, it remains to be placed in jars and marinated.
  • Gradually, the purslane shoots will acquire a burgundy hue, even if they did not have it at first, and the marinade will turn pink. This is normal.
  • The jars in which pickled purslane will be stored must be sterilized. The lids that fit them are also boiled. Otherwise, the snack will spoil before it lasts until winter.

Under what conditions to store pickled purslane depends on the specific recipe. Most of them allow the workpiece to be stored at room temperature.

Purslane marinated with garlic and coriander

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • purslane – 0.5 kg;
  • coriander grains – 15 pcs.;
  • laurel leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • parsley – 9 sprigs;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) – 90 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Separate the purslane leaves from the stems. Wash all parts of the plant. Cut the shoots into 3-4 cm pieces. If they are old, place them in a colander and lower them into boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
  • Let the purslane dry.
  • Wash the laurel leaves and parsley sprigs and dry them.
  • Peel the garlic cloves.
  • Sterilize the jars. It is better to use small containers, since pickled purslane is usually used as a seasoning and is not used up too quickly.
  • When the jars are dry, distribute parsley sprigs, garlic cloves, coriander seeds and bay leaves among them.
  • Fill the jars with purslane leaves and shoots. Compact it.
  • Pour water into the pan, add sugar and salt.
  • Heat, stir. Boil for 10 minutes.
  • Pour in vinegar, stir, remove from heat.
  • Pour the marinade over the purslane.
  • Roll up the jars.
  • Turn the jars over and wrap them up. Leave to cool slowly under conditions steam bath for additional preservation.

Purslane, pickled for the winter according to the given recipe, turns out tender and aromatic, with a piquant taste. It can be served as a spicy addition to meat appetizers.

A simple recipe for pickled purslane

Composition (per 1 l):

  • purslane – 0.3 kg;
  • Bay leaf- 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • vinegar essence (70 percent) – 20 ml;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the purslane shoots, cleared of leaves, place them in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Drain in a colander. Let it dry.
  • Cut into 5 cm pieces.
  • Place a bay leaf and a clove of garlic at the bottom of the sterilized jars.
  • Fill the jars with purslane as tightly as possible.
  • Boil the water. You can use the one in which purslane was boiled.
  • Add salt. Cook the marinade for 5-10 minutes. The salt should dissolve completely in it.
  • Pour in vinegar essence. Cook the marinade for another minute and remove from heat.
  • Fill the jars with purslane with marinade and seal them tightly.
  • Turn over and cover with something warm. After cooling, put it in the pantry or other place where you are used to storing canned vegetables.

Despite the fact that the recipe for this version of the purslane snack is simple, it turns out tasty and is liked by many.

Pickled purslane with eggplant

Composition (per 2 l):

  • purslane stems – 1.5 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • eggplants – 0.5 kg;
  • bell pepper – 0.2 kg;
  • onions – 0.3 kg;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) – 60 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 0.3 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the purslane, dry it, cut it into pieces about 5 cm long. No need to blanch.
  • Wash the eggplants, cut into cubes about 1.5 cm in size, put in brine(20 g salt per 1 liter of water). Rinse. Let the “little blue ones” dry.
  • Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into squares about 1 cm in size.
  • Remove the peel from the onion and cut into half rings.
  • Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skins. Remove the seals around the stems. Puree the tomato pulp with a blender.
  • Add finely chopped garlic, salt, sugar and vinegar to the tomato puree, stir.
  • Pour oil into a non-stick pan and heat it. Place onion in oil. When it turns golden, add the peppers and eggplants and fry the vegetables for 5 minutes.
  • Pour over the vegetables tomato sauce. Simmer them for 15 minutes over low heat.
  • Add purslane. Continue cooking for another 15 minutes.
  • Place the snack in prepared jars and seal them tightly with metal lids.

Canned food prepared according to this recipe is served as an independent snack. Purslane makes the product taste unique.

Pickled purslane is a popular dish in Armenian cuisine. It tastes like gherkins. If you like such snacks, you can pickle purslane for the winter yourself - this process is not very complicated.

Pickled purslane– homemade food plant preparation for the winter. Purslane is an annual plant with a branched stem and fleshy leaves (see photo). Scientists consider India to be the birthplace of the plant; it is also found in the Mediterranean in the Caucasus. Purslane was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans; it was known as medicinal plant, although they were often added to food. Today, purslane is used both in fresh, and marinated, it is added to familiar dishes in order to give them a new taste. Pickled purslane is a popular product in oriental cuisine.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of purslane are due to the presence of protein, minerals, and other biological active substances. Ancient healers knew about its ability to cleanse the body of harmful compounds. The properties that were attributed to the plant back in Antiquity are quite justified, because it has a diuretic effect and also acts as an antioxidant. Under Hippocrates, the plant was used as effective remedy for kidney diseases.

The antibacterial effect of purslane is effective against dysentery. Eating this plant will protect a person from intestinal infections and their consequences. Externally the plant is used for treatment purulent wounds, to do this, just apply the washed leaves to the affected area. Purslane can be used in cases where it is not possible, turn to medical workers, for example, in the case of providing the first medical care on hiking trips. The plant is used to treat ulcers; it is also effective for psoriasis.

Purslane is rich in proteins, contains oxalic acid, carotene, vitamins C, PP, B1 and B2. The plant is also valuable source easily digestible proteins that are necessary for the functioning of the body, This plant is especially useful for vegetarians. The plant is a valuable source of mucous and resinous substances.

Purslane is widely known in medicine; the plant is effective removes headache, helps in treatment diabetes mellitus, as well as for diseases of the liver and stomach. Purslane is used for inflammation of the bladder, helps with enterocolitis and hemorrhoids.

In cosmetology, the plant is used to get rid of dandruff. For this purpose, prepare an infusion from 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials, infuse for an hour. The product is rubbed into the scalp for dandruff until it disappears. Purslane extract is a good prevention of skin aging. The plant prevents the formation of wrinkles, also purslane treats acne and tightens pores.

Use in cooking

In cooking, purslane is known as a food plant. Purslane is consumed fresh or prepared from it. various dishes. The plant has a pleasant taste, which is distinguished by light sourness and moderate pungency. The taste of purslane is a little similar to sorrel and spinach. Young shoots and leaves of the plant are eaten. Purslane is great for making scrambled eggs, omelets, salads, and the plant is also used as a seasoning.

Pickled purslane goes well with meat and fish dishes. In terms of taste characteristics, purslane in marinade resembles capers - flower buds of the caper plant, prepared in a certain way. Some lovers of pickled purslane claim that it can completely replace capers. Pickled purslane goes well with cucumbers.

The plant is very popular in French and oriental cuisine. Purslane can decorate any dish. The tradition of using the plant in preparing meat dishes came to France from Rome. Purslane is stewed, fried, dried, the plant has an excellent taste in any form. Shoots and leaves are fried, stewed, and added to soups. The plant perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes the taste of any dish. A pleasant taste impression remains from the combination of purslane with egg dishes and fresh vegetables. The plant is used instead of seasoning; it is added when preparing sauces that go well with vegetable and meat dishes.

How to marinate?

In order to prepare pickled purslane according to our recipe, you should prepare young leaves and shoots of this plant (by the way, ripe shoots of purslane are pickled together with cucumbers, resulting in a very tasty vegetable platter). Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, cloves, a few allspice peas and a bay leaf, and boil for 10 minutes. Vinegar is poured into the pan. After this, you cannot boil the marinade, as the vinegar will evaporate. The prepared greens are placed in jars, then poured with marinade and rolled up with lids. If the dish is prepared for consumption, and not as a winter preparation, then the greens are simply added to the marinade and left for 15 minutes. In a day, the pickled purslane will be ready for use.

The benefits of pickled purslane and treatment

The benefits of the plant are obvious for flatulence, kidney and liver diseases, colpitis. Purslane helps with insomnia; it has been used for sleep problems since the time of Hippocrates. Avicenna revered this plant and considered it obligatory for consumption, since purslane is one of the most effective natural medicines. Pliny the Elder also knew about the benefits of this plant and widely used it in his practice.

In Chinese medicine, purslane occupies a special place; its juice is used for blood purification and treatment eye diseases , especially conjunctivitis. The plant is used as an antipyretic and diuretic. Purslane is considered an excellent hemostatic agent. Plant juice is taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Purslane infusions reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Purslane is effective stops internal bleeding and stimulates the work of the heart muscle.

It was found that the plant has a hypoglycemic effect, which makes it possible to use it in the diet of people suffering from diabetes mellitus.

In folk medicine, the seeds of the plant are also used; they have antipyretic properties. Seeds contain fixed oils, cellulose, starch. Infusions from seeds are used for colds to reduce fever. Also, such decoctions have a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition with stomach diseases, kidney diseases, and intestinal diseases. To treat male impotence, use an infusion of 1 spoon of dry raw material, which is infused for an hour and taken 2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.

Harm of pickled purslane and contraindications

Due to the presence of oxalic acid in its composition, the plant can cause harm to the body. in the presence of urolithiasis, gout, arthritis, articular rheumatism. During heat treatment, the acid combines with free calcium and turns into a salt of oxalic acid, which becomes the cause of many diseases. That's why for kidney diseases or any other diseases associated with salt deposition, you should consume greens that contain oxalic acid only fresh. Canned foods and foods that have undergone heat treatment are harmful to the body.

It is not recommended to use purslane for hypertension. The plant causes the release of insulin, which provokes hypoglycemia and increases blood pressure.

The plant is contraindicated with low heart rate, seizures.

Excessive consumption of this plant can also cause feeling unwell, V medicinal purposes It will be enough to eat 100 grams of young shoots.

The content of the article:

Purslane or dandur is an annual herbaceous plant from the family and genus of the same name Portulacaceae. Stem height is 10-30 cm. The root is branched, spindle-shaped. The stem is brown, woody, branched. Branches-shoots are fleshy. The leaves are small, oval-shaped, juicy, pale or bright green, smooth, as if varnished. Flowering from mid-July to September. The flowers resemble a cross between double carnations and marigolds; the color of the petals depends on the variety of dandura. Initially, purslane was found in India and from there it spread throughout Eurasia, Far East and Central Asia. The plant is unpretentious, can withstand frost, and reproduces by seeds. Folk names: flea, chicken leg, pine. Only purslane is used for food. It differs from other plant species in its small yellow flowers and multiple branches extending from the stem. Externally, the edible variety looks like a small bush.

Composition and calorie content of dandur

The nutritional value of the leaves of the plant is low, which makes it possible to include it in diets for losing weight.

The calorie content of purslane is 20 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 2.03 g;
  • Fats - 0.36 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.39 g;
  • Water - 92.86 g;
  • Ash - 1.36 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Vitamin A, RE - 66 mcg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.047 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.112 mg;
  • Vitamin B4, choline - 12.8 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid- 0.036 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.073 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folate - 12 mcg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid- 21 mg;
  • Vitamin RR, NE - 0.48 mg.
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Potassium, K - 494 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 65 mg;
  • Magnesium Mg - 68 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 45 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 44 mg.
Microelements per 100 g:
  • Iron, Fe - 1.99 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.303 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 113 μg;
  • Selenium, Se - 0.9 μg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.17 mg.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 0.05 g;
  • Valine - 0.063 g;
  • Histidine - 0.02 g;
  • Isoleucine - 0.047 g;
  • Leucine - 0.08 g;
  • Lysine - 0.057 g;
  • Methionine - 0.012 g;
  • Threonine - 0.044 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.014 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0.051 g.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Alanine - 0.05 g;
  • Aspartic acid - 0.068 g;
  • Glycine - 0.04 g;
  • Glutamic acid- 0.191 g;
  • Proline - 0.061 g;
  • Serine - 0.039 g;
  • Tyrosine - 0.021 g;
  • Cysteine ​​- 0.009 g.
The healing properties of purslane provide:
  1. Choline prevents nervous system disorders and fatty liver, regulates hematopoiesis.
  2. Folic acid stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells, platelets and leukocytes, amino acids, prevents pathological changes RNA structures.
  3. Vitamin A has antioxidant effect.
  4. Ascorbic acid normalizes the immune system, helps the body fight the effects of stress, and stops the release of adrenaline.
  5. Potassium is involved in the work of all organs and systems: kidneys, liver, nervous system, heart, is included in the structure of keratinized formations, stabilizes heartbeat.
  6. Calcium is responsible for bone strength and reduces symptoms of allergic reactions.
  7. Magnesium is the main element of thermoregulation of the body, helps to cleanse itself of toxins, and controls the synthesis of new cells.
  8. Sodium causes vasoconstriction, increases arterial pressure, prevents dehydration.
  9. Phosphorus is the main component of proteins, an energy conductor, and normalizes biosynthesis processes.
  10. Iron prevents the development of anemia and stimulates the hematopoietic activity of the liver and adrenal glands.
  11. Copper stimulates the body's defenses; this element can be called a “colleague” of iron in hematopoietic activity.
You can understand how useful it is to include purslane in your daily menu by looking at the following facts: 100 g fresh leaves contain 1/8 of the body's daily requirement for vitamin C and 1/3 of the required nicotinic acid. Without these nutrients, normal functioning of the human body is impossible.

Useful properties of purslane

Proven useful action on the body of the product when introduced into the diet and when used in traditional medicine recipes.

Benefits of purslane for the body:

  • Normalizes blood pressure and dilates blood vessels;
  • Stabilizes cardiac activity and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and coronary disease;
  • Relieves hunger and helps get rid of excess weight. Like most types of greens, it fills the stomach, providing a feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • The high fiber content increases the speed of peristalsis, helps the intestines to cleanse themselves of old waste and toxins;
  • It has an antioxidant effect, prevents the malignancy of intestinal tumors, prevents the appearance of rectal and larynx cancer, and blocks the activity of free radicals spreading throughout the intestines;
  • Stimulates collagen production;
  • Strengthens bone strength and improves tone muscle fibers, prevents the development of osteoporosis;
  • Improves night vision, prevents aging and degenerative changes in the optic nerve;
  • Reduces blood sugar levels;
  • Normalizes work circulatory system, stimulates the production of red blood cells.
Purslane helps get rid of inflammatory processes skin. External use eliminates dark spots, ulcers, reduces the severity of symptoms allergic reaction- redness and itching - with insect bites and burns from plants.

The beneficial properties of purslane appear in the treatment of prostatitis. Daily use helps stop growth benign tumor, adenomas.

It is very useful to introduce dishes with garden leaves into the diet of children. It has been noticed that children who receive a vitamin-mineral complex with food have a reduced risk of developing hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. Before feeding young children - from one to two years old - fresh greens, you should consult your pediatrician. If the digestive system is unstable, preference is given to medications.

Harm and contraindications to the use of purslane

Despite the fact that the plant has many beneficial properties, it should be used as food with restrictions.

Harm from purslane can occur when consumed:

  1. For hypertension, since the property of the plant is to increase blood pressure;
  2. In case of cardiac dysfunction, tachycardia and angina - for the same reason;
  3. If there is a history convulsive readiness- due to the stimulating effect;
  4. Against the background of nervous overstrain, as the tone of the body will increase even more.
This does not mean that dandur dishes should be abandoned. It is enough to limit consumption, for example, to 1-2 times a week.

The contraindications for introducing purslane into the diet are as follows:

  • Temporary - pregnancy and lactation;
  • Persistent - epilepsy, severe autonomic disorders.
There is one more absolute contraindication to the use of garden crops - individual intolerance.

How to eat purslane

Dandur is collected during flowering. Pluck or cut off the leaves along with the young stems. No preliminary heat treatment is required, the greens are only washed.

Sprouts are consumed fresh, boiled, added to sauces, pickled, and stored for future use. Drying and grinding are also practiced - in this case, purslane is eaten as a spice, seasoning dishes to give them a new flavor. This spice is often used to add spice to meat and fish dishes. The taste of dandur goes perfectly with mint.

If food is being prepared for a child, the leaves should first be doused with boiling water and then ground into a puree.

Recipes for dishes with purslane

Dishes with it are not popular, although the plant’s beneficial properties are not inferior to parsley and green salad. And there are many more cooking methods than traditional greens.

Recipes with purslane:

  1. Pickled greens. All solid parts of the stems are removed, the grass is washed with running water, and then doused with boiling water. No need to blanch. Liter jars are sterilized, half a clove of garlic is placed on the bottom and filled tightly with leaves. Proportions for the marinade: for 600 g of purslane - 1 liter of water, 2 teaspoons of salt. Vinegar - 4 tablespoons - pour into boiling water before turning off, when the salt has dissolved. At the same time, throw in 4 bay leaves. Boiling marinade is poured into the jars and the lids are rolled up. After 3 days you can already try. If you plan to store long time, then before rolling up the lids, the jars are sterilized for 5 minutes. It is best to cover with some sterilized lids and roll up with other, “fresh” lids.
  2. Stewed purslane with meat. Pour water into the rice (glass), leave for 20 minutes, and rinse. Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil, fry finely chopped onion until golden brown, then successively add 2 crushed garlic cloves, 250 g of minced beef, 1.5 tablespoons tomato paste. After 3-4 minutes, add rice, and after another 5 minutes - 400 g of purslane. As soon as the rice is ready, add salt, pepper, mix well and remove from heat.
  3. Vegetable stew. Rice is prepared as in the previous recipe. Purslane, 500 g, cut together with the branches into equal parts, squeeze out excess moisture. Finely chop a large onion and crush 2 cloves of garlic. Tomatoes, 2 fleshy varieties, blanched, peeled, cut into cubes, 2 sweet peppers are also cut into even slices. Heat the frying pan, lay out for frying one by one: onion, garlic, rice, Bell pepper, tomatoes, purslane. As soon as the purslane becomes soft, pour the washed rice into the frying pan and pour in a glass of boiling water. Simmer over low heat until the rice is cooked. Add black pepper, ground paprika and salt to taste.
  4. Simple Braised Purslane Salad. The leaves are washed several times with running water and soaked for 5-10 minutes. This water will be useful later for preparing purslane; it is not drained. Add some salt to the greens and simmer, stirring constantly, until the color becomes darker. The water usually evaporates at this stage. Cool the purslane, place it on a plate, season with crushed garlic and olive oil, and a little vinegar - preferably apple cider vinegar. After refueling, cool thoroughly. Serve cold, you can sprinkle with parsley.
  5. Fresh purslane salad. The greens are washed and soaked in water, as in the previous recipe. But this time the dandur is drained in a colander. Then the branches are finely chopped, the dish is seasoned with crushed garlic, mint and kefir, and some salt is added. It is best to take kefir matsoni. Focus on your own taste.
  6. Sandwich paste. Pure purslane, 200 g, blanched and placed in a blender bowl. Add 150 g of sour cream and processed (or soft) cheese, 70 g of finely chopped parsley, green onions and dill. Stir. The paste is stored in the refrigerator. Sour cream can be replaced with butter.
  7. Omelet with purslane. Beat 2-3 eggs with salt, add milk. Finely chop 200 g of greens and fry in a frying pan (without a handle) in butter. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Pour the beaten egg mixture into the frying pan with the purslane and sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Place the pan in the oven and bake the omelette until the cheese melts. Serve warm.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to preserve dandur fresh. It withers in the refrigerator, but when frozen it loses beneficial features And nutritional quality. If you want to enjoy the “summer” taste in winter, you will have to pickle the greens.

The plant was used in food and medicinal purposes also in Ancient Greece and Rome. Hippocrates used it as an ingredient in many medicines. The Arabs called purslane "blessed."

Avicenna made lotions from it for snake bites and treated dysentery and male impotence with the help of a decoction.

And already in the 19th century traditional healers used the “flea” for the opposite purpose - to suppress libido. Dried herbs were added to dishes without limiting the quantity. This caused weakness and constant nausea Of course, sexual desire disappeared when unwell.

In the 18th century, dandour's popularity in France was so great that William Cobbett, a gardening expert, wrote sarcastically in his book on plants that it was a weed that "the French and pigs eat." American gardeners really perceived the plant as a weed and uprooted it from their plots.

But in Rus', the herb was respected by sorcerers, but it was rarely added to medicines. Dried flowers were recommended to be sewn into an amulet or placed under a pillow to get rid of bad dreams and ward off evil spirits. The branches of the plant were laid on the floor under the cradle to drive out the kikimora.

Interestingly, the Chinese still use purslane to treat gonorrhea. Official studies of the properties of the plant did not reveal the composition natural antibiotics And antimicrobial action. However, when the root and leaves were included in the mixture, the symptoms of the disease were actually eliminated.

Types of decorative purslane: large-flowered - with white, yellow and red flowers; terry - with multi-colored terry heads. The leaves of decorative varieties are inedible.

Watch a video about purslane:

Decorative purslane is often planted in city flower beds. But in garden plots they prefer to grow even edible plants in special boxes. Before introducing vitamin salads into your diet, you should think about whether you are ready to sacrifice space in the garden and your own time. Once you plant a herbaceous plant, it will subsequently spread to the entire area.

​Similar articles​ Dicotyledonous weeds: lapis lazuli, ​mulch is formed by nasturtium,​​growing season can give​ ​remains green, and if the roots​Salad. If you add to any vegetable salad, which you love is 50% purslane and 50% vegetables, the salad will only benefit from this, and you will become healthier and nourish the body useful microelements. The taste of purslane is not pronounced, so it is difficult to spoil the dish with it.​

​Important! Many respected sources write that further care of purslane consists of weeding, loosening the soil, moderate watering and thinning of seedlings, as well as mulching. In fact, you should understand that purslane behaves like any weed: it takes over territory, has amazing vitality and adapts to unfavorable conditions. So: you can leave everything as it is, without bothering yourself too much.​ ​, which means “gate”. Opening a purslane seed pod is exactly like opening a gate. In total, there are about 100 species of this plant, all of them are common in tropical and subtropical latitudes of both hemispheres.​​See Purslane salad, pickled purslane.​ Purslane herb contains a hormone-like substance - norepinephrine, which in its structure and action is similar to the hormone synthesized by the human adrenal cortex. Norepinephrine stimulates the central nervous system and increases tone, and also increases energy expenditure in the body. This is a kind of doping that stimulates the body. Therefore, when exhausted and increased excitability nervous system purslane as medicine and a permanent component of the diet is not desirable.​ ​)​ This plant is found very widely in the southern regions under the names flea beetles, buterlak, chicken leg, and sucker. Once in the garden, it appears with enviable persistence in subsequent years. The Latin name purslane means a corruption of Latin Octigen, pyramine. In the tank ​calendula, marigolds. If​up to 3-4 seed generations, so​sprinkled with earth, then in the wet​Scrambled eggs: lightly simmer the purslane and pour the eggs on top. Very tasty.​

​The first harvest of purslane leaves and shoots can be harvested 3 weeks after emergence. Next, new branches and leaves will begin to grow from the shoots; they can be torn off during the next harvest. To prolong the pleasure and be able to constantly enjoy fresh purslane, the seeds can be sown in several stages.​

​But out of all this diversity, we will be interested in only two species that are common in our regions, this is a vegetable variety - garden purslane or vegetable purslane and decorative large-flowered.​

​Porslane greens have been especially popular for a long time among the population of the Transcaucasian states.​

What to treat?

Another contraindication for purslane is pregnancy. This plant increases the tone of the uterus, which can lead to sad consequences.​

with highly branched, prostrate, fleshy, red-brown stems up to 40 cm long. Its leaves are very fleshy, the lower ones are opposite, the upper ones are rosette, elongated wedge-shaped with a blunt tip. The flowers are rather inconspicuous, bisexual, solitary or arranged in bunches in the branches of the stems and in the axils of the leaves. Petals yellow color. The fruit is a multi-seeded, spherical capsule 5-8 mm long.​


​sprayer first​

​carry out mulching

​as part of freshly ripened seeds​

​time is quickly taking root again.​

​Fried potatoes with purslane taste like potatoes with mushrooms, only more nutritious and healthier.​

​Important! Purslane seeds remain viable for many years. If you leave the plant to bloom and allow the seeds to form, they will fall off and sprout the next year. This is how purslane “clogs” areas, which is how it got into our garden.​

​Take a closer look at the photo depicting purslane, doesn’t it remind you of anything?​

​But it came to America in the 17th century and the attitude towards it was rather dismissive, like a weed that could only be eaten in very hungry times. And so far little has changed.​

Purslane leaves were used in Rus' as a wound-healing and antitoxic agent for bites of poisonous snakes and insects, for trichomonas colpitis, liver and kidney diseases, as a diuretic, for vitamin deficiencies, and dysentery; the seeds were used for scaly lichen.

​Blooms in June - August. The fruits ripen in September - October. The whole plant has a well-defined sour taste.​

​dissolve lapis lazuli, then​

​regularly, the fertility of the layer with​

​Grows up immediately.​

You can pull it out by the roots

​Pickled purslane. The recipe is exactly the same as how you make cucumbers. They put it in a jar, poured it with marinade, it’s no different from a vegetable. In winter it can be used in salads and vegetable stews.​

Purslane is an excellent ground cover that acts as a living mulch for tall plants. For example, there is no point in removing it from beds with tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, eggplants, peppers and others. It does not represent any competition for its “cultured” neighbors, since its roots are in the very top layer of soil.​

Have you ever mercilessly pulled out this “malicious weed” that strives to fill the empty space? They remembered their frustration: “You tear and tear it, but it keeps climbing and climbing!” But this is vegetable purslane or, as it is also called, garden purslane or “dandur”, dishes with which are still considered a delicacy in many countries. On the Internet you can find a lot of information on how to grow it in seedlings. For us, this is funny - the floor of the garden is clogged with it, but in Asia they take the cultivation of purslane very seriously.​

What's on the plate?

​Despite the fact that this wonderful vegetable crop is distributed mainly in the southern regions and countries, it is possible to grow it even in our risky farming zone with virtually no hassle. To begin with, the main thing is to get the seeds.​

​Externally, in the form of rinses, an infusion of the whole plant is effective for inflammation of the gums.​​In its wild form, it is distributed in the south of the European part of Russia, mainly in the black earth zone, in the Caucasus and in Central Asia, in the south of the Far East. Most often found along roads, near housing, along river banks, and in fields. It grows well on sand and pebble deposits along the banks of reservoirs. This is the so-called Old World plant. But it has successfully naturalized on other continents. - “chicken leg”. And the species name

Roundup At the same time, you need to remember

The time will increase greatly. When

In the fight against purslane

Purslane in a seed bed

​only if the soil is moist. And if

Stew. You can add purslane to any vegetable stew in the same amount as white cabbage.​

​The decorative cousin of the garden purslane is the grandiflora purslane; it came to us from South America and is noticeably different in appearance from a weed.​

​B natural conditions vegetable purslane grows in the southern regions of Ukraine, Crimea, Central and Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Iran, Mongolia, and China. Favorite habitats are river banks, fields, meadows, and wet sandy places.​

​The bed is dug up, freed from weeds, organic fertilizers are added, leveled and sowing begins.​

Purslane seeds were used as an antipyretic, for which purpose they were imported to Central Asia from Iran before the revolution. Seeds were used for the same purpose in the Caucasus. In the form of a “medicinal bandage” or drink, this plant helps with inflammation of the stomach. In Central Asia, the herb is used for bloody diarrhea and intestinal ulcers.​

Purslane also grows quite successfully in the Non-Black Earth zone, for example, in the Moscow region. And it even reproduces itself the next year by self-sowing.​


How to get rid of purslane in the garden: chemicals and folk remedies- Onwomen.ru

What does garden purslane look like?

​what if within 10 hours after​

​this will get rid of frequent

What is the most important thing in weed control?

​must be observed​

Methods of combating garden purslane


Portulaca oleracea and grandiflora. Growing and recipes.

​do this constantly until​​Unfortunately, purslane is rarely used for food by us. This is mainly due to certain psychological barriers, upbringing and imposed values, as well as ignorance of its benefits. It's time to reconsider your diet and stop sending this juicy vegetable to the compost heap. It belongs on our table.​ ​Its leaves are fleshy, but needle-shaped, elongated, cylindrical. The flowers are simple, but much larger, from 3 to 7 cm in diameter, semi-double or double. The color of purslane flowers is very diverse: orange, white, yellow, burgundy, red, crimson, pink. The breeders did all this. The flowers are odorless and located at the top of the shoot. In cloudy weather and at night they are closed, and when the sun is shining, they are open and pleasing to the eye.​

​This is an annual herbaceous plant with an erect or creeping stem, 10–40 centimeters high. A special feature is the fleshy round-oval leaves, reminiscent of “ Money Tree", the flowers of this type of purslane are very small, yellow in color, collected in inflorescences of 2 - 3 pieces in the upper part of the shoot.​

​Make grooves in the soil at a distance of 35-45 cm, spill them with water and sow the seeds. It is better not to sprinkle the seeds with soil, but to cover them with agril or lutrasil to protect the soil surface from drying out. When the shoots appear, the shelter is removed.

​Doctor F. Leclerc, a leading figure in French herbal medicine, believed that due to the mucus content, purslane has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect in case of inflammation gastrointestinal tract And skin diseases. In addition, he pointed out the mild laxative effect of this plant and recommended it to prevent constipation.​

​The aerial part of purslane contains carbohydrates (glucose, galactose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, raffinose), carotenoids (lutein, β-carotene), higher fatty acids (primarily α-linolenic acid), organic acids (mainly oxalic acid), flavonoids (liquiritin), betacyanins, phenolcarboxylic acids, steroids (sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol), terpenoids (glutathione, β-amyrin, butyrospermol, parkol, 24-methylene, 24-dihydroparkeol), alkaloids, saponins, nitrogen-containing compounds, norepinephrine, vitamins B1 , C (up to 300 mg%), α-tocopherol (E), PP and K, mucous and resinous substances (up to 2.4%). The seeds contain fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, palmitic).

​indicates that its place is in the vegetable garden (remember the Latin name for cabbage).​

​has been treated with herbicide

​weeding, you will save on watering.​

Beneficial features:

  • ​crop rotation, carry out deep​
  • ​seed formation, purslane​
  • ​Plant​
  • ​If you are looking for seeds of this species, look for “purslane flowers.” It is under this code name that the grandiflora purslane is best known.
  • ​So: is purslane a weed or not? In fact, purslane is a food plant; its juicy, fleshy, thick leaves and shoots have a refreshing aroma and a light sour-tart burning taste. When fresh, without heat treatment, they can be added to salads, green sauces and various soups, as well as prepared green smoothies. But besides this, purslane can be boiled, fried, stewed, canned, pickled, and salted. In general, everything your heart desires.​
  • ​Maintenance consists mainly of weeding, and in case of special droughts - watering.​

​In medicine in many countries around the world, purslane was used as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases urinary tract(primarily cystitis and urethritis). For example, in Korea they use a decoction of purslane with licorice roots. To prepare it, you need to take 20 g of fresh purslane leaves and 3 g of ground licorice root, pour 2 cups of boiling water and heat for 30 minutes over low heat. Strain and take the indicated amount of decoction in two doses during the day.

​As a medicinal plant, purslane has been known since the times of Hippocrates and Galen. In ancient times, it was believed that its seeds cleanse the body. Its healing properties were known back in the 11th century. Odo of Mena described the following indications for the use of the herb:​


​rain, the effect will be small.​

​If no methods

​digging or cultivation​

Large-flowered purslane

​can be withdrawn without using​

​extremely tenacious, to the soil​

Purslane blooms almost all summer. It is thanks to this property that many people want to get it for their flower beds, flower beds, alpine slides, flowerpots and containers.​

​Vegetable purslane is useful because it contains a whole complex useful substances: amino acids, minerals: calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, nickel and others. Vitamins: C, E, F, P, PP, organic acids, fats, carbohydrates, as well as carotenoids, alkaloids and other elements.​

​The harvest is harvested throughout the second half of summer as the shoots grow and is used both for food and for treatment.​

​“If you apply grated (grass), it helps swollen eyes;​

​It is also impossible after this

​help, then spraying

​soil as seeds germinate​


​herbicides. Purslane immediately

​undemanding and often​

​To be able to enjoy the cute and delicate flowers of this plant already in June, you should sow the seeds for seedlings in March, the deadline is April. Since purslane seeds are very small, they must be sown on top of the substrate (soil), without being buried in the ground. Then cover with glass or film and constantly moisten until the seeds germinate. The optimal germination temperature is 25 – 35°C.​

​Cleanses the body from waste and toxins.​

​But the seed pods ripen very unevenly, and even crack. Therefore, they are collected as they form, slightly unripe, and laid out on paper. When dried, the seeds in the boxes ripen and the boxes crack. The resulting seeds can be sown next year. It is better not to store them for a long time; they lose their viability relatively quickly.​

​French herbal medicine offers the following recipe: 10 g of seeds are boiled in ½ liter of milk and taken in the morning on an empty stomach for the helminthiasis listed above.​

​Eat in the summer, and you won’t get any harm from the intense heat;​


How to grow Crassula (purslane) in the garden?

Galina Rubtsova

​carry out for 3-4 days​
​herbicides - the only one
​either from the soil surface or from​
​need to be removed from the site, as​
​grows even on sandy
About a month later, the seedlings are planted in cups. Moderate watering is the only care for seedlings that is required.​
​Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.​
But most likely, unless of course you are a supporter of sterile order in the beds, purslane will appear on the site next year from crumbled seeds. The main thing is not to weed out all the plants at once, but to wait until they grow and use them if necessary. Moreover, purslane behaves quite delicately and tries not to occupy the beds, but to slide between them.​
​It is recommended to use purslane herb in the diet of people patients with mild form of diabetes. Pour a tablespoon of fresh herbs into a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter and use 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.​
​With salt, herbs and wine serve to soften the stomach;​
​weeding. Action of herbicides
​way out in the fight against weeds. Do
​depth no more than 1.5 cm. You can
​the next day seeded​
​and sand and pebble sediments.​
​Planting purslane in open ground possible only after all frosts. Seedlings should be planted at a distance of 10 - 15 cm from each other.​
​Normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys.​
​In the southern regions of our country you can find a very unusual plant. Ingoda it is called buterlak, in some cases – chicken leg and sosonka. This plant has been known since the times of Hippocrates and Gaen for its medicinal properties. And today chicken leg is very popular in the treatment of diseases. IN traditional medicine it is very often used for liver inflammation, as well as for skin problems. Surprisingly, this particular grass is classified as a weed. After the gardener plants purslane in the garden, the plant will appear annually on different areas garden Its germination ability can be compared with such popular weeds as wheatgrass, woodlice, acorn grass and others.​
​The plant contains up to 95% water, so it is quite difficult to preserve or dry it. But in the form of juice, mixed for preservation with vodka in a ratio of 1:1 in dark place purslane will retain almost all of its medicinal properties, except vitamin C.​
​Pain in bladder, if you eat it, it usually calms you down.”​
​does not appear immediately, but after 3-5​
​this is necessary in the fall after harvesting​
​cover the area with a layer of mulch 3-4​
​Plants can pour out all their
​Numerous weeding​
​Important! Purslane is a heat-loving crop, seedlings are very small and can die even at + 10°C.​
​Reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels.​
​Weed belongs to annual plants of the Portulaca family. The naked eye can see that representatives of this species are distinguished by very, very fleshy leaves. Brown stems with a slight reddish bloom can reach up to forty centimeters in height. It cannot be said that purslane flowers are distinguished by their grace and beauty. They are located in the axils of the leaves or branching of the stems. Buterlak flowering begins in June and continues almost all summer. The purslane fruit is very small, reaching five to eight millimeters in length.
​Even though purslane is a vegetable crop, the French gourmets did not put everything on their plate. This honor had to be earned by larger leaves, a special taste or color. Cultural forms were first mentioned in 1536 in the book “De natura Stirpium” by J. De La Ruelle. Young leaves and stems have been used for food in raw and cooked form since ancient times. They are used to prepare spicy salads, soups, and seasonings for meat dishes. Salted and pickled for the winter.
​In Arab medicine, purslane was used to remove warts, for erysipelas, and for acne on the head (they washed it with herbs mixed with wine).​
​days. Plants die within
​harvest. But for such tenacious
​see For this they use hay
​seeds in the garden. On one
​help little, because the more often
​In the future, care for large-flowered purslane is minimal: water as needed and carry out 1-2 weedings until the plants get stronger and can defend their space on their own. No fertilizing or fertilizing is required.​
​Eliminates insomnia, impotence and vitamin deficiency.​
​Despite the fact that the chicken leg lives mainly along roads, in fields and along the banks of reservoirs, very often this plant appears in personal plots.​
By the way, in France there are many varieties with yellow and even reddish leaves, which adds additional elegance to dishes made from it. For example, you can cook
In traditional medicine, it is recommended to use purslane for diseases (inflammation) of the liver. It prevents vomiting of bile.
- annual herbaceous plant from the portulaca family
​1-2 weeks.​
​weeds, like purslane, take
​straw or any other​
There are about 1 million of them in plants, and they
​the plant is cut, the larger it is​
​In order to produce more flowers, it is recommended to remove the formed seeds, this will prolong the overall flowering and increase the number of flowers on the plant.​
​Has properties: antipyretic, diuretic, wound healing and antiseptic.​
The most important thing in the fight against purslane is to notice the weed in your area in time. As soon as the time for flowering comes and chicken leg seeds begin to scatter throughout the garden, you can forget about getting rid of this herb soon. After all, a developed plant is capable of producing up to forty thousand seeds, each of which can retain its vitality for forty years! That is why you should be attentive to your garden and regularly weed.
​purslane salad
​There is information about the use of this plant for impotence, gonorrhea, tumors, as an antiscorbutic and anthelmintic agent.​
​it’s probably not killable - every weekend we dig it out by the roots and put it in the compost heap, I don’t know if it will help, I’m afraid it won’t - you have to live in the beds there
​You don’t need Roundup, but a mixture of it with​
​organic material up to​
​remains viable for up to 30 years.​
​is growing. Extracted on
​Purslane flowers self-disperse well and germinate the next year. The only important nuance: the seedlings are very small; at the thread stage they can easily be crushed by spring weeds, which “wake up” earlier. Therefore, try to carefully weed the area with purslane. If it doesn’t work out, flower seedlings will be pulled out along with the weeds, well, then there is only one way out - to grow purslane every year in seedlings.​
​As medicinal plant Purslane was also used by Hippocrates, Pliny and other ancient healers. And it was used as food in Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt And Ancient Rome. In France, purslane became widely used as a vegetable in the 17th century AD. Today, dandur is grown as a vegetable in the Mediterranean countries, Central Asia and Transcaucasia.​
Purslane got its name from the Latin word
​, seasoning purslane leaves with yogurt mixed with olive oil, chopped garlic and ground black pepper. In Italy and France, the leaves are pickled in grape vinegar and also added to pureed soups to give them a thicker consistency.​
​Currently, fresh grass and seeds are used as medicinal raw materials.​
​Eat it and it will end quickly. Everything that a person begins to consume quickly ends. And purslane edible herb and useful, in terms of microelements and vitamins. Type in a search engine dishes made from purslane and many recipes will come up. This herb is also a valuable medicinal plant. In many countries, purslane is cultivated as a garden crop.​
​any herbicide against​
​freshly cut grass. "Live"​
​One plant per​
​the surface of the earth, it is long

Many of us have encountered garden purslane. If it appears in the garden, it is impossible to remove it; no amount of weeding helps. But you can use his presence to your advantage. Purslane has fleshy stems. Dishes made from this herb are found in Caucasian and Turkish cuisines. This plant tastes almost tasteless with a slight sourness, slightly tart, which is why wine vinegar is always present in recipes. Wine vinegar has an unusual grape flavor, which adds sophistication and orientalism to dishes. There is no need to dilute it; if unavailable, you can replace it with lemon juice or a 9% solution of vinegar essence (70%). For 7 tablespoons of water, take 1 tablespoon of essence, which makes about half a glass. The most difficult thing when preparing purslane is washing. No matter how much you wash it, the soil remains. I recommend soaking in water for 15 minutes and then rinsing, transferring from container to container, repeating the process three times. If you need seeds for breeding, there will always be some at the bottom of the dish.

Preparations for the winter from purslane.

As a child, my daughter called this dish stick salad. The recipe proportions are approximate, onions and garlic can be added in smaller quantities, vinegar is not only for taste, but also for preservation.
Purslane 2 kg,
garlic 1 head
Onion 2-3 large heads.
Vinegar essence (70%)
Salt to taste.
Wash the purslane thoroughly, cut off all the roots, remove spoiled shoots and leaves. Cut the stems into pieces 4-6 centimeters. Place in boiling water. The water to herb ratio is slightly less than pasta. Salt to taste. After the end of cooking, add vinegar to the pan, for a 6-7 liter pan - 1 tablespoon of essence (70%). Cool until warm. We choose the herb, do not pour out the “broth” in which the purslane was cooked, it will come in handy. We clean the onion and garlic, using large onion half rings, and garlic in larger pieces. Mix with fresh onions and garlic, then place them loosely in jars. For special lovers of pickled onions and garlic, if desired, they can be placed in jars in layers. Fill with the remaining brine after cooking. The jars are sterilized for 15 minutes and stored in a cool place, like regular marinades.

Snack of purslane and garlic arrows.

Purslane - 0.5 kg
Garlic arrows - 0.5 kg.
Carrots - 1 large
Onion - 1 large
Sunflower oil for frying.
Cut the onion into half rings. Place in a hot frying pan with sunflower oil. We wash and peel the carrots, grate them on a coarse grater (if you have a carrot grater in Chinese style - spicy carrots, so that there are long spaghetti-shaped pieces). Add the carrots to the onions in the frying pan. Wash the purslane and garlic arrows, cut them into 3-4 cm pieces. Place them in a frying pan where the onions and carrots are fried. Don’t forget to add salt and pepper for those who like pepper. Fry everything until golden brown. For greater satiety, minced meat is added to the dish. Served hot (with minced meat only hot) or cold. When cold, you can season it with mayonnaise.

Scrambled eggs with purslane.

Purslane - 1 bunch
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Sour cream or mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon
Salt, optional pepper to taste.
Vegetable oil for frying.
Greens - dill, parsley, red basil, cilantro.
Wash the purslane, cut into 2-3 cm pieces. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, lay out the purslane, fry a little until golden brown. Beat eggs with mayonnaise (sour cream), salt, pepper. Pour into a frying pan with fried purslane. Cover with a lid and leave on low heat for 10-15 minutes until the eggs are completely baked. Serve on the table, sprinkled with chopped parsley, dill, red basil, cilantro, fresh chopped tomatoes and cucumbers are served separately. Together with purslane, you can fry tomatoes cut into slices.

In conclusion, recipes were once taken from books, the Internet, found in notes, but which I myself did not use or altered in my own way.

Purslane salad.

I haven't made this recipe.
300g purslane (greens),
1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or natural vinegar 6%,
2 cloves of garlic,
salt, spices - to taste,
2 tbsp. l. olive oil,
a small bunch of dill and parsley.
Sort the purslane, removing damaged parts, rinse, chop, pour boiling water over it for 10 minutes, drain in a colander and dry. Season with a mixture of vinegar, oil, finely chopped garlic and spices, salt, mix, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Pickled purslane.

I didn’t cook, I stuck to family traditions.
2 cloves of garlic,
1 -2 bay leaves,
for the marinade:
For 0.5 liters of marinade:
1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar (1 tsp vinegar essence),
1 tsp. salt.
Sort out the purslane, rinse, and pour boiling water over it. Place fresh dill (tied into knots!) or umbrellas, 1-2 bay leaves per jar, and a few peppercorns on the bottom of cleanly washed and scalded jars. Then we begin to place the purslane mixed with garlic (cut into 2-3 cloves. We fill it to the very top, quite tightly, from time to time we even compact it well, press it with our hands, because after pouring the marinade it “shrinks” quite a lot! We prepare the marinade in our own way taste! Let's say, for 1 liter of water - 2 teaspoons of salt, 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, 4-6 tablespoons of vinegar... But, I repeat, it’s better to your taste! Some people like sweets marinades, some are saltier, some are more sour... You don’t have to add sugar at all. But vinegar can be very different. So try the marinade to taste! If you like the taste, continue. Vinegar is added to the marinade at the very end and turn off the heat. You cannot boil the marinade with vinegar! Pour the purslane over the hot marinade and close with plastic lids. The color of the marinade is pink because the vinegar is WINE. Leave until it cools, and then put it in the refrigerator! You can also roll it up with iron lids. Pasteurize the jars for 5-7 minutes.
Before serving, place the purslane in a saucepan and bring to a boil, drain the brine, season the purslane with butter or vegetable oil, and can be served cold.

Purslane with minced meat

I didn't cook.
2 bunches of purslane
250 g minced meat
2 carrots
3 ripe tomatoes
2 large onions
olive oil
a little dry or fresh mint
coarsely ground red pepper.
Soak the purslane in water. Finely chop the onions and lightly fry in olive oil Add thinly sliced ​​carrots and continue. After about ten minutes, add the minced meat and after a while - the tomatoes. While all this is stewing together, we, not forgetting to stir the pan from time to time, will prepare the purslane. Rinse the purslane under running water and dry thoroughly. Remove the remaining roots and cut them together with the branches to about 5 cm in size. Add salt, a little mint and ground red pepper to the pan, reduce the heat to low and cook for 20 minutes with the lid closed. If there is not enough liquid, you can add half a glass of water. If there is too much liquid, cook everything with the lid open to allow the liquid to evaporate a little. Serve hot with cold yogurt.

Purslane (semisotu) with rice

I didn't cook.
2 bunches of purslane
2 onions
2 carrots
1 red bell pepper
1 tbsp rice
50 g olive oil
a little mint and red pepper
We sort out the purslane and soak it in water. Cut the onion into thin rings and fry in olive oil. Add thinly sliced ​​carrots and chopped bell pepper on top. After a few minutes, add washed rice to them. Wash the purslane, chop it, dry it in a centrifuge and put it in a saucepan. Add salt, cover tightly and simmer over very low heat until full readiness rice This dish is served cold and always with yogurt.

Purslane baked with egg.

I didn't cook.
200 g purslane (young shoots),
2-3 eggs,
100 ml milk,
50 g cheese,
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
salt, spices - to taste.
Wash the purslane, cut into small pieces, pour salted boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain the water. Beat eggs with milk, salt and spices. Fry the purslane in oil for a few minutes, pour in the eggs, place in a preheated oven and bake for 15-20 minutes. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, sprinkle over the casserole, keep in the oven for another 2-3 minutes and serve immediately.

Sandwich paste with purslane.

I didn't cook.
150 g purslane,
100 g thick sour cream or butter,
100 g processed cheese,
a little herbs (parsley, dill, onion) spices - to taste.
Pour boiling water over the purslane for 5 minutes, drain the water, dry the greens, finely chop them together with the herbs, add sour cream or butter, grated finely processed cheese, mix thoroughly, put in the refrigerator for an hour.

Fattoush Salad

To prepare you will need:
Lebanese bread 1/2 pcs.
Tomatoes 3 pcs.
Cucumber 3 pcs.
Radishes (optional) 3 pcs.
Green onion 4 stalks
Onion 1 pc.
Lemon juice 1/2 cup
Vinegar 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil 1/2 cup
Fresh mint 1 bunch
Parsley 1 bunch
Purslane (leaves) 1 cup
Sumac 1/2 tsp.
Salt 1 tsp.
Lettuce (leaves) 8 pcs.
Cut all vegetables into medium slices, add chopped herbs, it is better to tear the lettuce with your hands. Mix with salt, oil and vinegar, lemon juice and ground sumac. Season the salad with this mixture. Break the toasted pita bread into small pieces and sprinkle on top. Stir before serving.
You can also add olives and pomegranate juice concentrate.

Variations of Fattoush Salad.

Possible replacements: Lebanese bread on thin pita bread and wrap a mixture of greens and vegetables in them, instead of lettuce - any other variety. We did without sumac; you can look for such a spice in stores.
Brief information. Sumac is a seasoning that is widely used in the East, but is little known and poorly used in our country. They are even more often confused with barberry and cumin, but in vain. Sumac is a spice that can be successfully added to marinades for meat, grilled vegetables, various dressings and sauces. It adds sourness, a cherry tint and a unique aroma. Wild sumac can be seen on dry rocky mountain slopes in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Many of the sumacs are very decorative; they decorate alleys and parks in southern countries. But some are very poisonous and can cause burns, allergies and food poisoning. So sumac (the seasoning reaches the markets after minor processing) must be collected very carefully, preferably by trusted people. Don't buy it in random places. The best choice is a spice store. (http://fb.ru/article/89129/sumah---priprava-vostoka)

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