Salicylic peeling: gentle but effective! Salicylic peeling: reviews, prices. Salicylic peeling at home

Among skin care procedures, there is one that can be called universal. This is peeling salicylic acid. It helps with various problems, does not require long-term rehabilitation, and is easy to carry out. In addition, manipulation is also available at home.

Read in this article

Who should do it?

The procedure is indicated for the following skin problems:

  • increased sebum secretion, causing oily shine;
  • acne of the 1st and 2nd degrees;
  • enlarged pores, "";
  • age-related changes (fine wrinkles, dryness, peeling);
  • withering caused by prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • hyperkeratosis caused by ultraviolet radiation;
  • skin that has become rough over time (in the elbows, knees, etc.);
  • irregularities that are the consequences of acne;

Types of peeling

Salicylic peeling for the face are divided depending on the concentration of the main substance and the intensity of exposure.

2 types of salicylic peeling For what purpose is it used?
Surface Used to treat acne, comedones, normalize function sebaceous glands, eliminating irregularities. For this type of procedure, take a 15 - 20% solution of salicylic acid. The composition should remain on the skin for no longer than 20 minutes;
Mid-superficial This peeling involves the use of a 25-30% solution, that is, it also affects the deeper layers of the skin. With its help you can smooth it out, increase elasticity, and lighten it. The composition is applied to the face for 10 minutes.

Features of the event

Salicylic acid has the ability to dissolve dead skin cells, sebum and impurities. Therefore, it acts on the surface very carefully, without injuring it. Dissolved fat is easier to remove from the pores.

The salicylic acid itself remains in them, flushing the ducts. The antibacterial properties of the substance help eliminate inflammatory phenomena and the prerequisites for them. The acid also affects the sebaceous glands, reducing their activity.

At the same time, the component has the ability to restore the skin, stimulating regenerative processes in it. Salicylic acid stimulates cell division of the collagen and elastin layers.

The variety of effects makes the procedure useful at any age:

  • at 20-25 years old, it will improve the appearance of the skin by reducing sebum production, narrowing pores, and smoothing the surface;
  • in the period from 25 to 35 can be used to prevent aging, whitening, improve the effect of nourishing creams, masks;
  • For those over 35 years old, mid-superficial peeling is recommended to stimulate metabolic processes.

The procedure will give the best effect if you adhere to several rules:

  • carried out in autumn or winter, on a cloudy day, when there is a greater chance of being protected from exposure sun rays;
  • do a course of 5 - 7 sessions for the face and décolleté area with a break of 1 - 2 weeks (at the same time);
  • When caring for the skin of your hands, limit yourself to 3 to 5 manipulations, performing each one once a month;
  • for hyperpigmentation, do a course of 8 sessions with breaks between them of 14 days;
  • 2 weeks before peeling, avoid visiting the pool or sauna;
  • carry out the procedure at night so that you can not go outside for several hours.


If you do facial peeling with salicylic acid yourself, it is important to take care of safety. There are a couple of recipes that will provide the desired effect without harming the skin:

  • 1 tablet of aspirin (you should take a non-effervescent drug) plus 7 ml of fatty face cream. The mixture can be kept on the skin for up to an hour. The recipe is suitable for those who have dry and sensitive skin.
  • 1 aspirin tablet, 15 ml of water, a pinch of soda and 5 ml of liquid honey. The ingredients must be mixed well, applied to the face and left for 5 minutes. This product is intended for oily skin.

You can also buy a ready-made solution of salicylic acid. You need to choose its concentration according to your skin type.

Salicylic enzyme peeling can also be carried out using a ready-made cosmetic product. It should be used together with the entire line, that is, lotion, cream-gel, mask. The product is also suitable for sensitive skin and can be used instead of a scrub.


The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • The face should be thoroughly cleaned of cosmetics and dirt. You can use a softening mask. Then you must wipe the skin with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine or miramistin).

All this is necessary so that the remaining contaminants do not penetrate into the pores along with the acid and provoke a more active inflammatory process.

  • The prepared composition should be applied to the surface of the face, distributing it evenly. To do this, use a cotton swab or disk. You can simply smear the skin or rub the product. But in the latter case the impact will be more intense. While the product is on the face, it may sting slightly. If pain occurs, strong burning sensation, the composition must be washed off immediately.
  • After the allotted time (not later!) you should remove the remaining product using cool water. Then the skin is treated again with an antiseptic. To restore it, you can make a cool compress of green tea or a decoction of the string. Then apply aloe vera cream or gel.

If severe discomfort occurs during the main stage of peeling, do not immediately refuse the opportunity to carry out the procedure. When the time comes for the next session, you just need to reduce the concentration of salicylic acid. Perhaps the skin will accept this product better.

To learn how salicylic peeling is carried out in the salon, watch this video:


  • damage to the skin in the affected area (cuts, scratches);
  • severe local inflammation;
  • intolerance to salicylic acid;
  • exacerbation of herpetic infection.

A recent tan is also an obstacle to peeling. It should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. The special balance of hormones that exists in the body during both periods can lead to new skin problems. IN best case scenario the procedure will simply be ineffective.

Side effects

Salicylic chemical peeling is a gentle procedure. But even after it
Possible side effects:

  • slight swelling in the area affected by the composition;
  • redness of the skin of the peeled area in whole or in part;
  • feeling of tightness and dryness;
  • the appearance of crusts;
  • peeling.

All these signs appear to a minimal extent. And if you take proper care of your skin, they disappear quickly and without consequences. Usually after a week it takes on its normal appearance.

Skin care after

Even at-home chemical peels with salicylic acid require special attention to the skin. What should you do over the next 10 days to get a positive effect and prevent

  • Use moisturizing washes, tonics and creams. They must be hypoallergenic.
  • After 2 - 4 days, when peeling of the skin is detected, do not try to speed up this process by tearing off films and crusts. The update should be running naturally, otherwise scars will appear.
  • Avoid swimming in a pool, open water, or visiting a bathhouse.. These pleasures can provoke an inflammatory process. After all, the face after salicylic peeling, like other areas subjected to it, are still deprived of protection. Skin immunity will be restored some time after completion of the course of procedures.
  • Avoid ultraviolet rays. Tanning in a solarium or in the open sun will cause a burn now and may later lead to the formation of age spots. Therefore, before going outside, you should use a protective product.
  • Avoid hypothermia. This is especially important immediately after peeling, so you will have to stay at home for several hours.
  • Postpone other cosmetic procedures, which have an aggressive, irritating effect on the epidermis. These are scrubs, hardware manipulations, deep cleansing products.

To learn how to speed up skin recovery after peeling, watch this video:

Salicylic peeling is a fairly safe procedure, even if done at home. But it is better to visit a cosmetologist before using it to clarify the existing problems with your face and their features. This will help you avoid surprises and get excellent results - fresh, clean, smooth, tightened skin.

Peeling with salicylic acid is used to combat acne, oily, porous skin, and also as an excellent care for dull, dry and aging skin with a scattering of age spots, fine wrinkles and uneven bad color faces.

These properties make salicylic peeling a universal procedure, suitable both for young, oily and problematic skin, and for dry and fragile age-related skin, with beginning or pronounced signs of aging.

Those who are just getting acquainted with salon procedures are very interested in what it is - facial peeling with salicylic acid. This is one of the types of chemical rejection of the surface layer of the skin, which is caused by exposure to acid of varying concentrations.

For salicylic peeling, the main component is salicylic acid, but the composition of the preparations may also include lactic and various fruit acids. They complement each other perfectly and mutually enhance the effect.

Indications for the procedure

  • Acne associated with puberty and hormonal disorders in organism.
  • Residual traces of acne - post-acne (pigmentation, scars, depressions and compactions at the site of past or squeezed out acne).
  • Excessively oily or combination skin.
  • Wide contaminated pores.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Dull, gray and sallow complexion.
  • Uneven skin with areas of hyperkeratosis.
  • Dry aging skin.
  • Wrinkles and folds.
  • Age pigmentation, spots.
  • Flabbiness and dullness of the skin.

Despite the fact that salicylic peeling has an excellent effect on acne, it has a pronounced caring effect on aging skin. In general, the effects of peeling with salicylic acid for skin with wrinkles and spots are very expressive - after a very short time, the skin is renewed, becomes denser and smoother, and acquires a uniform appearance. beautiful colour and texture.

In this case, the effect depends on how to care for the skin after salicylic peeling. If you complete the full course of procedures, the result will be very good, comparable to the effects of more risky invasive procedures. Good care significantly prolongs the effectiveness of peeling.

Nowadays allura esthetics USA chemical peels are very popular, in which you can find 25 types various acids, among which there is salicylic acid with a concentration of 15, 20 and 30%. For young skin, a superficial allure peeling is offered, and for older skin - a medium one.


With all the unconditional advantages that salicylic peeling provides, there are conditions when it is contraindicated.

  • Availability skin lesions: open wounds, deep scratches, ulcers.
  • Herpes in the active phase.
  • Hypersensitivity to salicylic acid or allergy.
  • Viral diseases, influenza, ARVI.
  • Pregnancy. The procedures are not recommended during breastfeeding.

Types of salicylic peels

There are two main types of peeling:

  • Salicylic superficial peeling with a concentration of 15%, sometimes 20%. For young problem skin with acne, it has an excellent cleansing and refreshing effect. Fat content decreases, porosity decreases, the number of acne is sharply reduced or they disappear altogether. The surface of the skin becomes smooth, and the complexion becomes even and healthy.
  • Median salicylic peeling. This is a peeling based on 25% or 30% salicylic acid. This deep peeling is great for caring for aging skin with wrinkles and pigmentation.

Most people are wondering if they can wash their face after a chemical peel. In order to stimulate the process of rejection of dead skin, this can be done no earlier than a day after applying the drug.

The rate at which the skin dries, a film forms, and the onset of peeling depends on many factors. The thinner the skin, the faster the skin desquamation occurs; it occurs even faster at high concentrations of the drug. But in some cases, redness and peeling may not occur, because the skin different people reacts to chemical ingredients in different ways.

Excessive hyperemia should be alarming, severe swelling and the appearance of air or water bubbles on the skin, severe pain.

Do not take any risky measures in such a situation, contact medical care or call your cosmetologist. Most likely, this is how individual or allergic reaction on the composition of the drug.

In-salon procedure

To get a good result, it is important to know how to do salicylic peeling according to all the rules. In principle, superficial salicylic peeling can be done at home if you have sufficient experience, but more concentrated products can only be used by trained specialists in beauty salons and clinics.

Superficial peeling is great for adolescence, for skin with acne, and also how effective care for oily skin with enlarged pores. Before starting the procedure, the cometologist must prepare the drug from powder or take a ready-made product, which most often takes the form of a gel or liquid.

For aging skin, a thick salicylic paste is most often used, which can also be applied to areas with very thick and rough skin, such as knees and elbows.

The peeling procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • The process should begin with thoroughly cleansing your face of makeup; you can wash your face with special soap.
  • Then the prepared composition is applied to the skin of the face, and, if necessary, the neck and décolleté and left for a certain amount of time.
  • The duration of the procedure is determined individually and is directly related to the concentration of the drug, the thickness and type of the patient’s skin.
  • After the allotted exposure time, the drug must be neutralized.

Post-procedure care

  • You can wash your face after superficial exposure no earlier than 24 hours, and after medium exposure no earlier than 48 hours.
  • With superficial peeling, there may be no redness; with a medium level of redness, the level of redness depends on the sensitivity of the skin. This stage is possible, but not required.
  • Peeling usually begins with the formation of a thin shiny “parchment” film on the skin, which darkens over time, bursts and is torn off. Under no circumstances should you tear off pieces of skin, try to steam it, or roll it up. by special means or use scrubs, otherwise any peelings will not have a positive effect, but negative effect. It is better to touch the skin, especially with acne, as little as possible.

You can help your skin by using the drug “Panthenol” - it will soften the skin, remove tightness and counteract any inflammation. The use of salicylic peeling does not exclude the use of other cosmetic procedures, for example, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasma lifting, Botox injections, and so on. The main condition is to give the skin the opportunity to recover, this most often takes from 5 to 10 days, on average a week - the period is very individual.

After peeling, the face should be protected from exposure to sunlight. Sunbathing in the sun or in a solarium, or being outside without protection is strictly prohibited; this can lead to the appearance of highly pigmented dark marks or, conversely, discolored areas of the skin.

And also, after peeling, you should not use decorative cosmetics until the dead skin is completely exfoliated and the layer of young and healthy cells is restored. This can prolong the process of peeling off dead cells and also threatens the introduction of infection, which is contained in cosmetics, especially those with an oily or liquid texture.

Peeling technology at home

Salicylic peeling is a fairly gentle procedure. Contraindications are rare; negative results in the form of burns and other troubles are practically excluded. That is why those who want to experience the effects of acid do not have to go to the salon. It is enough to visit a cosmetologist, get advice on choosing a product for your skin type and carry out the procedure yourself.

To prepare a home peel, you need to purchase a 2% salicylic acid solution at the pharmacy. Costs in the range of 20-50 rubles.

Stages of home procedure

  1. Prepare your face 2-3 weeks in advance - wash your face cosmetics, which contain fruit acids. If the purpose of the procedure is lifting, then preparatory stage products with a lifting effect should be used.
  2. Before the procedure, clean the skin of cosmetics and degrease.
  3. Before applying the product, you need to make or apply hot wipes to the décolleté area (if peeling is carried out for this part of the body), steamed skin will more effectively absorb the prepared mixture.
  4. Prepare the selected composition and carefully apply it to the skin, avoiding particularly sensitive areas ( soft skin around the eyes, lip contour).
  5. After the product is removed using water or soda solution, be sure to moisturize the skin using cream or cosmetic oil.

Salicylic acid is used in beauty procedures and is included in products, because its effect is complex. In current cosmetology, the substance is used due to its ability to dissolve the surface layer of dead cells covering the skin. Salicylic peeling is prescribed for acne, melasma, manifestations of photoaging, lentigo. What do you need to know about this procedure?

What is good about salicylic peeling?

Exfoliation, which can be superficial or mid-superficial, is effective, safe and has few contraindications. Peeling with salicylic acid will delight you with the following advantages:

  • versatility, since it is suitable for different parts of the body (for comprehensive rejuvenation, it is also necessary to treat the neck, décolleté and back of the hands);
  • the ability to carry out the procedure even with dark skin;
  • effectiveness for patients of all age categories.

Chemical exfoliation based on salicylic acid does not eliminate pronounced defects: for deep wrinkles, severe photoaging and acne scars, you will have to look potent drugs. Nevertheless, the main component falls into the group of beta hydroxy acids, known for their ability to exfoliate dead cells.

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The substance also has an antibacterial and disinfectant effect, reducing the risk of inflammation. It is accompanied by a rejuvenating effect, since the component prevents destruction hyaluronic acid, so necessary for natural moisturizing of the integument.

Thanks to these features, exfoliation is carried out in the presence of the following skin problems:

  • acne and rashes;
  • melasma;
  • post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation;
  • mild to moderate photoaging;
  • superficial wrinkles;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • freckles, lentigines and age spots;
  • uneven texture of the integument.

The effectiveness of the procedure is confirmed by independent dermatologists, including Paula Begun, an American beauty expert. It confirms that salicylic acid penetrates into the pores, eliminating acne and blackheads. However, you need to remember about contraindications, which include the following:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • dermatitis on the treated area;
  • Availability deep tan;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of infections or herpes virus in acute form;
  • increased sensitivity of the integument;
  • recent use of isotretinoin.

To reduce the likelihood side effects, consult a qualified dermatologist. After all, despite the apparent safety of the procedure, it is a controlled chemical burn. An ordinary cosmetologist does not have sufficient understanding of the processes or the ability to recognize signs of potential complications in a timely manner, so it is not worth saving on facial peeling.

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Skin condition at 1st and 4th week after peeling

Features of the options

The concentration of the component depends on the tasks to be solved:

  1. For oily skin with sebaceous plugs and acne, the dermatologist uses a 15-20% solution. In this case, peeling is superficial and does not require a long recovery period. The procedure is called "lunch break exfoliation" because you will be able to resume your normal activities. Looking at the photos taken before and after salicylic peeling, you will be convinced that it returns a healthy complexion and improves the texture of the skin.
  2. The mid-superficial procedure is carried out if it is necessary to eliminate the results of photoaging, age-related changes, post-acne. The concentration of the component is 30%.

Stronger solutions stimulate the production of collagen and elastin - proteins that give elasticity to the skin. It must be taken into account that the component has an aggressive effect at high concentrations, so it is combined with fruit acids.

According to the American Academy of Dermatologists, cleansing should be done regularly for optimal results. The frequency of procedures is determined taking into account the condition of the skin and the characteristics of daily care, but on average 5-7 visits to the salon with a break of 7-14 days are sufficient. With seborrheic dermatitis and hyperpigmentation, the number of exfoliations increases to 8; if you suffer from hyperkeratosis, 5 repetitions with a break of 1 week are enough.

Pre-peeling preparation: what you need to consider

Salicylic facial peeling, although a relatively harmless procedure, requires preliminary preparation. The more intense the impact, the more careful care should be taken. At this stage, you will evaluate the qualifications of the dermatologist, because he must do the following:

  • study the condition of your skin;
  • find out if there are contraindications;
  • describe in detail the results achieved;
  • make sure that the patient's expectations correspond to the effect that can be obtained;
  • warn about complications.

An obligatory part remains the assessment of the condition of the integument according to the Fitzpatrick classification and the level of photoaging according to the Glogau scale. The dermatologist then asks about your medical history and finds out what procedures you have used in the past.

To reduce side effects, products containing tretinoin, hydroxy acids, hydroquinone and kojic acid are used. They are applied 2-6 weeks prior to your scheduled procedure to achieve the following results:

  • reduce the thickness of the layer of keratinized tissue;
  • accelerate the production of new cells;
  • improve penetration active substances during exfoliation.

You will be asked to quit smoking, avoid long stay in the sun and use cream with SPF filters. If you follow the rules, the procedure will become more effective: so that the results correspond to the improvements after salicylic peeling in the photo , do not neglect the recommendations of a dermatologist.

Exfoliation stages: step-by-step description

Exfoliation itself consists of the following stages:

  1. Cleansing involves removing decorative cosmetics. Then the doctor treats your face with a composition that softens upper layer epidermis.
  2. Sebum removal and disinfection are intended to prevent side effects. The result depends on the thoroughness of the stage, because active ingredients should penetrate the integument evenly.
  3. The dermatologist treats the skin with a solution of the substance, usually resorting to a concentration of 20-30%. Techniques may vary, but often doctors apply the mixture to the cheeks first, then around the mouth, chin and forehead. The face is covered with an acid solution in 2-3 layers, then allowed to act for 3-5 minutes. If clients complain of a burning sensation, the symptoms are relieved by directing a stream of air onto the face.
  4. If you look at the photos before and after salicylic peeling, you will notice that the duration of the recovery period depends on the intensity of peeling. And their appearance is associated with the formation of frosting during the procedure - a white crust resulting from acid crystallization. This is how salicylic peeling differs from exfoliation using TCA, because in the latter case, frosting is associated with a protein reaction in the cells. Only a qualified dermatologist can control the appearance of a white crust: it is necessary in the treatment of photoaging, and when fighting melasma or age spots, the mixture is removed in advance.
  5. The solution is washed off with water or special means.

Finally, a soothing mask or cream with aloe extract is applied to the face, accelerating regeneration and protecting against aggressive influences. You can learn more about salicylic peeling using the video:

Post-peeling period and skin care

Because the procedure is a controlled chemical burn, you will experience a feeling of tightness and dryness. With superficial-medium peeling, redness is possible, and the severity of symptoms depends on the characteristics of the body and the concentration of acids. To reduce manifestations, use cleansers without fragrances or aggressive ingredients, and apply moisturizer.

48-72 hours after the procedure, the desquamation process begins, when dead layers of skin peel off. It is important not to tear off the rags, otherwise scars will form; instead, apply topical steroids as prescribed by your doctor, which reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation.

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After the recovery period, the condition of the integument improves compared to the initial one:

  • the skin becomes smooth and elastic;
  • unevenness and wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • acne and rashes are noticeably reduced.

Thanks to these features, salicylic peels do not lose popularity even after the advent of laser technology.

Complications and side effects

Possible side effects after exfoliation:

  • abnormal redness of the skin, called erythema, in 8.8% of cases does not disappear within 48 hours or more;
  • severe dryness of the skin makes itself felt in 32.3% of patients, but the manifestations can be reduced by applying moisturizers;
  • excessively deep exfoliation is accompanied by peeling for 7-10 days and the formation of crusts; later the problem disappears without additional measures.

IN in some cases There are complaints about the appearance of age spots, swelling, and a burning sensation. If the doctor did not ask you about your medical history and did not carry out appropriate prevention, exacerbations of herpes are possible.

If the procedure is carried out correctly and proper restorative measures are taken, side effects can be avoided, and the effectiveness is not satisfactory.

Prices and brands in showrooms

The cost of exfoliation ranges from 1,300-5,500 rubles, and you will also have to purchase preparations for the preparation and regeneration period. They are more expensive: 5,000-12,000 rubles. In total, the course will cost 25,000 rubles.

The salons will offer you the following brands of peeling products:

  1. Mediderma has developed products that relieve skin problems, but the post-peel care cream leaves much to be desired due to its density, reminiscent of Vaseline. If you have pronounced defects covers, choose pyruvic or almond peeling from a Spanish manufacturer.
  2. Medic Control Peel offers a wide range, including salicylic peels. But, according to reviews from professionals on forums, preparations for this type of cleansing stand out unfavorably compared to other products from the Russian company.
  3. Egia will delight you with a line of expensive but effective exfoliation products. In addition to the main ingredient, the compositions from the Swiss brand include lactic acid, which provides hydration, or fruit acid, which dissolves the bonds between dead cells.
  4. Enerpeel has earned praise from dermatologists due to its composition and ease of application. But preparations from the Italian manufacturer cannot be left on the skin, so contact only professionals. You can verify the effectiveness of the products by looking at the reviews and photos before and after salicylic peeling.

At making the right choice medications and technology, the procedure will delight you with effectiveness. You can verify this by studying the reviews on the forums: if patients follow the recommendations and do not tear off the scabs, the improvement in every sense is obvious.

How to do the procedure at home

Although dermatologists advise against experimenting on your own, brave beauties are getting down to business. If you are one of them, purchase 15% acid solution from Don't make the common mistake of relying on high concentration in hopes of getting a better result! During the first procedures, a 15% solution will give the same effect as a 30% solution with regular use.

Frequent superficial peels are safer and more effective than infrequent and aggressive peels.

At first, the exposure time will be 1 minute, but after a couple of exfoliations, begin to increase the duration. Even in the absence of redness and irritation, it is impossible to exceed the limit of 5 minutes. The interval between procedures will be 2 weeks, which will allow for a cumulative effect. Once you complete the 3-month course, maintain results by exfoliating your face with salicylic acid every 30 days.

Follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Wash and dry your skin. Wipe it with a degreaser (you can use an alcohol solution).
  2. Apply Vaseline to your eyebrows, area around your mouth, and nostrils.
  3. Pour a small amount of peeling liquid into a glass container. Apply over skin using a brush. Try to act quickly to ensure even exfoliation. Start with the T-zone, as this is one of the most problematic areas, then work on your cheeks.
  4. Avoid contact with eyes; make sure the product does not drip. Also avoid the area around the lips and neck.
  5. Count the time from the moment you start applying the peeling liquid.

Observe the reaction of the skin in the mirror and remove the product if you notice severe redness. Pinching will be a normal reaction, and it will decrease after 30 seconds. This doesn't mean you need to add more acid! When the time is up, treat your face with a pre-prepared soda solution (pour 1/2 cup with 2 cups of water). All that remains is to apply a moisturizing and soothing agent, which can be coconut oil.


Salicylic peeling is a type of chemical exfoliation. It is used for superficial and superficial-medial cleansing, eliminating minor age-related changes, photoaging and acne. The ideal time for this will be during periods of low solar activity, so go to the salon in the fall or winter. In some cases, peeling is done at home, but products with high concentration acid should be avoided.

How to make aging skin on your face and hands smooth, clean and radiant without visiting beauty salons?

Salicylic peeling will help you, the product for which you can make yourself at home.

Such cosmetic procedure It won’t take you much time and it won’t cost a penny, but the result will probably stun you.

Is it worth doing peeling, how is the procedure carried out, popular recipes for salicylic peeling at home and useful tips You will learn about skin care after salicylic acid in this article.

Necessity or whim?

What we know as peeling, experts call exfoliation. A procedure that cleanses the skin of the upper, already keratinized layer. Why is this necessary?

Nature provides that at certain intervals the body carries out natural peeling, and dead skin cells are removed on their own.

Salicylic peeling is the safest!

But the older a person is, the less often natural cleansing occurs, and the more artificial peeling is needed. Of course, if you expect to maintain beauty and youth.

There are many ways to remove the top layer of skin, most of them are done in beauty salons, but there are also home methods. Let's talk about them.

Salicylic peeling

The cheapest and safest today is salicylic peeling. This is skin cleansing using a mask that contains salicylic acid. Products for the procedure can be purchased at the pharmacy; there are also creams, tonics and lotions for skin care after peeling.

But if professional cosmetics are not within your budget, there is another option. To prepare a mask at home, you can purchase a solution of salicylic acid. It costs about 20-30 rubles, and the effect is the same as salon products.

For superficial peeling, a 15% solution is suitable, and for deep peeling, 30% salicylic acid is needed.

If there is no solution or if you have very thin and sensitive skin, crush three aspirin tablets into powder - it is usually found in any home medicine cabinet.

Safe recipes

Universal recipe There is no salicylic mask for peeling at home, but there are several most successful variations.

For acne-prone skin

To prepare the mixture for the mask you will need:

  • One teaspoon of salicylic acid (choose the concentration yourself),
  • Half a teaspoon of honey (preferably thick),
  • A pinch of soda (creates an abrasive effect),
  • Half a teaspoon of warm water.

Mix all the ingredients well and the mask is ready. Honey will moisturize the skin and soften the effect of acid. Not recommended for use if you are allergic to bee products.

For oily skin

Required ingredients:

  • 2 aspirin tablets,
  • 1 chicken egg yolk.

This peeling will give the skin an even color and a fresh glow.

If your skin starts to look shiny within ten minutes of washing your face, try this recipe. Prepare:

This product will remove oily shine and dry the skin.

for peeling hands and feet, use a more concentrated acid solution.

Rejuvenating peeling

For ladies 35+, peeling is suitable, which will not only restore evenness and color to the skin, but also remove fine wrinkles. Mix:

  • One teaspoon of salicylic acid,
  • Half a teaspoon of jojoba oil,
  • Half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil,
  • Half a teaspoon of honey.

After the procedure, you are unlikely to recognize yourself in the mirror, your face will look so fresh and young.

To be or not to be

Salicylic peeling has become very popular recently.

Few people manage to visit beauty salons on time and regularly, and thanks to this procedure at home, you no longer need to find time and money to visit a specialist.

Peeling with salicylic acid will help you cope with a lot of problems:

  • Will quickly get rid of acne and acne,
  • Makes facial skin smooth, soft and rosy,
  • Lightens pigment spots,
  • It will tighten your face, smooth out fine wrinkles and slow down the aging process,
  • Soothes inflamed skin
  • Cleanses pores, even the deepest ones,
  • It will remove dead cells and renew the coma.

Who needs it

Contrary to the popular belief that skin care is a woman’s activity, salicylic peeling is also recommended for men.

It may be difficult to persuade a representative of the stronger sex to undergo this procedure for the first time, but he will definitely ask for the second session himself, having assessed the results.


  • Fading skin
  • Pimples, redness and rashes (not allergic!),
  • Clogged and enlarged pores,
  • Uneven or gray complexion,
  • Oily skin,
  • Dark spots.

Who is prohibited from doing this?

Unfortunately, salicylic peeling is not suitable for everyone. There are several contraindications to the procedure:

  • Too dry skin
  • Cracks, scratches and other skin irregularities,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Diabetes,
  • A tan,
  • Allergy to mask components,
  • Any skin diseases.

Don't scrub. It can damage the skin, and salicylic acid will corrode the wounds even more!

Step-by-step instructions for peeling at home

How to make salicylic peeling for the face at home?

If you have no contraindications, you can proceed with the procedure.

Strictly follow the sequence of actions and at the slightest discomfort or burning, quickly rinse off the mask with warm water.

  1. When starting peeling, steam the skin well. If this is a salicylic facial peel, take a steam bath. You can also apply hot wet wipes to your face and wait 10 minutes.
  2. Now cleanse your face with foam cleanser.
  3. Wipe your face with an antiseptic.
  4. After choosing a recipe, mix the required ingredients and gently apply to your face. If the skin is sensitive, apply the mixture quickly, with light movements. If the skin is oily and needs deep peeling, you can rub the mass more thoroughly.
  5. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes. If you feel a strong burning sensation, quickly rinse the mixture with warm water!
  6. Wash your face and apply jojoba or wheat germ oil to your skin.

After the first use, salicylic peeling will surprise you with the results. The face will become soft, tender and pleasant to the touch.

But to constantly maintain the skin in ideal condition, it is recommended to carry out a course of 7 - 10 procedures with a break of 10 days between them. No more than three such courses can be conducted per year.

Skin after the procedure

After peeling with salicylic acid, your skin needs extra care.

Salicylic peeling is simple and cheap!

  1. Do not use cosmetics (especially decorative ones) for 24 hours after the procedure.
  2. Do not expose treated skin to sunlight under any circumstances. You can't sunbathe for at least ten days. If you exfoliate in the summer, wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face from ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Use nourishing creams twice a day to remove flaking skin.
  4. Do not scratch your face or remove flakes of skin with your nails! This can easily cause infection and only ruin your face.

Salicylic peeling is a simple remedy for rejuvenating, cleansing and treating the skin at home.

Carefully study the contraindications for the procedure, choose the optimal recipe and follow the recommendations. Then your skin will delight you with its blooming appearance.

You will be able to find Additional information on this topic in the section.

Peeling with salicylic acid is effective and easy to perform. salon procedure exfoliation of dead epidermis of the skin using preparations containing salicylic acid in various concentrations.

It is often carried out at home. Depending on the concentration of acid in the composition of the product for the procedure, salicylic peeling can be superficial (performed with a 15% acid solution), and superficial-deep (performed with a 20-25 percent solution).

The maximum acid concentration of 30 percent is not used very often. Typically, cosmetics manufacturers stop at 25%. The procedure can be performed not only on the facial skin.

It is also effective for the arms, neck, décolleté and feet. And all because salicylic acid has, in addition to exfoliating, a large number of other effects. It can often be seen as part of enzyme peels, as it enhances the effect of enzymes on the skin and improves the effect of the procedure.

An example of such a drug is the now popular “Stopproblem Enzyme Salicylic Peeling”.

Beneficial properties of salicylic acid

Salicylic acid has held its fame for several decades the best remedy for the treatment of acne, is included in the composition of many products for the treatment of acne and lightening post-acne.

And this happens because it simultaneously affects several causes of acne on the skin.

The basis for such a versatile action is its physical and chemical property: the ability to dissolve in fats. This feature is present in all beta hydroxy acids, and is absent in alpha hydroxy acids.

This is what allows the acid to penetrate deep into the pores and mouths of the sebaceous glands, dissolve in sebum and thereby create a significant local concentration, influencing the activity of the sebaceous glands and the fluidity of their secretions.

Drying effect

Spot application weak solution salicylic acid (no more than 5%) on the site of inflammation leads to the appearance of a crust, which disappears and allows the contents to exit sebaceous gland, which otherwise would have led to the formation of purulent pimple.

This is the same peeling that we see all over the face after peeling, but located in a limited area of ​​the skin.

Antibacterial action

After applying a 1-2% salicylic acid solution to the skin, the acid-base state of the skin shifts to the acidic side. It's like in advertising chewing gum, only acid is harmful for teeth, but on the contrary, it is beneficial for skin, since bacteria, causing the appearance acne, cannot live and reproduce normally in an acidic environment. This effect of salicylic acid lasts up to 8 hours after a single application.

Video: Effect of salicylic acid

Anti-inflammatory effect

Salicylic acid is a derivative of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). When applied to the skin, the drug quickly reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction on the skin and relieves redness.

Brightening effect

Salicylic acid, due to good exfoliation, accelerates skin renewal, because everything dark spots, including post-acne and freckles, quickly lighten and gradually disappear. Along with freckles, a light tan also peels off, so the face becomes lighter after peeling.

Sebum-regulating effect

Under its influence, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, sebum becomes more liquid, therefore it is less retained in the sebaceous ducts and much less likely to form plugs, which we know as blackheads.

Considering the fact that salicylic acid is most often sold in the form of an alcohol solution, it can dry out the skin and cause a compensatory increased formation of sebum. To avoid this, you definitely need to choose an excellent moisturizing cosmetic product.

Due to the ability of the substance to penetrate deeply between the scales of the epidermis and destroy the protein that cements them, depending on the concentration and amount of the layer, it is able to perfectly exfoliate the skin and prepare it for the application of nourishing and moisturizing cosmetics.

It cleanses the mouths of the sebaceous glands well, so their secretion easily comes out to the surface of the skin and does not accumulate, forming a plug.

Anti-aging effect

Under the influence of salicylic acid in high concentrations, the skin receives controlled damage (burn), in response to which the synthesis of collagen and elastin, its own hyaluronic acid is activated in the dermis, cell division is accelerated, which together leads to skin renewal and improvement appearance.

It is this ability that makes her an indispensable tool from stretch marks, especially in complex treatment stretch marks using wraps, mesotherapy.

Eliminating sweat odor

This property of the drug is especially important for those who have rough and thick skin on their feet and who are bothered by the smell of sweat.

Professional peeling preparations

If we talk about professional facial peelings, the most popular today are preparations SalicylicPeer companies Martinex and SaliPeel D.S. companies Mediderma.

Acid peels for feet and elbows are increasingly offered by Korean and Chinese manufacturers who also produce products for home use.

Taking into account the experience of Asian cosmetics manufacturers, Russian and European cosmetic companies began to create their own products for acid foot peeling. If you have never heard of foot peeling before, you can watch the video below to familiarize yourself.

Video: Foot peeling

Salicylic peeling for feet is great way get rid of excessive sweating feet and the brutal smell of socks for men who are concerned about this problem.

Martinex products

The Martinex company has developed preparations for acid peeling in two dosages: a 15% solution of salicylic acid and a 25% solution in isopropyl alcohol.

Both drugs, according to the developers, belong to superficial peelings and are intended for people with problematic and oily skin, with acne and post-acne, acne, seborrhea.

They can be used not only on the face, but also on any other part of the body. The procedure can be performed on clients of any age except those with dry, dehydrated and irritated skin.

Indications for testing

  • sluggish, losing tone skin;
  • seborrhea;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • looseness of the skin, heterogeneity of its relief;
  • senile lentigo;
  • actinic hyperkeratosis;
  • scars in place of healed acne.


  • allergies or increased sensitivity skin to any components included in SALICYLICPEEL preparations;
  • acute bacterial, viral or fungal diseases skin (pyoderma, herpes, warts, mycoses, etc.);
  • the presence of wounds and abrasions on the skin at the site of peeling;
  • chronic dermatosis;
  • fresh tan;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Remember that the use of chemicals can lead to disastrous consequences. Find out which group yellow peeling belongs to.

Preparation and post-peeling care

For skin care before and after the procedure, Martinex specialists recommend:

  • cleansing mousse for washing Cleanser Mousse;
  • special gel problem skin Anti Acne Complex(or creams Prepeel Light, Medium or Active at the discretion of the cosmetologist depending on the characteristics of the skin);
  • special cream to accelerate skin recovery after peeling Vegefarma;
  • sunscreen MediScreen.

Pre-peeling care is prescribed for a period of 2-3 weeks. The use of sunscreen at this stage is mandatory.

After peeling, active peeling occurs in the first five days. At this time it is necessary to apply cream to the skin Vegefarma and sunscreen. Starting from day 7-10, it is imperative to use gel in addition to caring and sunscreen creams. Anti Acne Complex.


Stage 1. Cleansing. Carried out by the drug Cleanser Mousse, which not only removes impurities and cosmetics from the skin, but also evens out the acid-base condition of the skin, which makes peeling penetration more uniform. The mousse is applied to damp skin, distributed with soft massage movements, and left on the skin for 15-20 minutes. After which it is washed off warm water.

Stage 2. Degreasing. Skin degreasing is carried out with a special lotion for pre-peeling preparation. Prepeel Lotion.

Stage 3. Application of acid. The drug is applied with a cotton pad in the following sequence: forehead, temples, chin, cheeks, nose, eyelids. Already during the application of the first layer there may be a slight or significant burning sensation. The first layer is not washed off; after it dries, a whitish coating remains on the skin. By the uniformity of plaque formation, one can judge the uniformity of application of the drug.

The number of layers is determined individually depending on the thickness and characteristics of the skin and the expected result. Once the final coat is applied, it is allowed to dry for 2-3 minutes. Then the peeling preparation is washed off with water without using a neutralizer.

Stage 4 Final. After washing, a healing cream is applied to the skin Vegefarma.

How many procedures are needed

For the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, salicylic peels are usually carried out once every 10 days in courses of 10 procedures. For hand skin, procedures are carried out no more than once every 4 weeks. There are 3-5 procedures per course.

  1. For the treatment of seborrhea and acne, solutions of 15 and 25 percent are used, which are used once every 7-1 days. Up to 8 procedures per course.
  2. To treat hyperkeratosis, the first two procedures are performed with an interval of 7 days, the rest with an interval of 7-10 days. There are 7-10 procedures per course.
  3. To treat skin pigmentation, use a 25% solution at intervals of 10-14 days. Up to 8 procedures per course. MediLight cream is included in post-peeling care.

The cost of Martinex drugs in Moscow is from 3200 rubles.

Mediderma line

Mediderma specialists have developed 4 different drugs for salicylic peeling, which differ in indications for use and depth of penetration:

Photo: SaliPeel Classic

The drug is intended for the treatment of stagnant spots, atrophic scars, seborrhea.

Photo: SaliPeel Plus

The drug is more suitable for patients with rosacea, chronic dermatitis without exacerbation, folliculitis.

Photo: SaliPeel Long Action

The drug is designed to eliminate melasma and visible skin rejuvenation. Salicylic acid 30%.

Photo: SaliPeel D.S.

Preparation for dry, dehydrated, sensitive skin, dark skin. Salicylic acid 30%.

Features of applying Mediderma preparations

Mediderm peeling preparations can be applied in a soft or hard way. The soft method involves applying the drug with a spatula or cotton swab light touches. In this way, several layers can be applied. The soft method is used for peeling on skin of normal thickness without pronounced cosmetic defects.

With a gentle method, slight redness and mild swelling of the skin may appear after the procedure.

Peeling with this method goes away in one or two days, the surface of the epidermis is leveled, thickened and looks more youthful.

Photo: MEDIDERMA peelings

Gentle procedures are carried out once every 7-10 days. On average, a course requires 5-7 procedures. With the hard method, the drug is applied with a cotton pad slowly and with pressure. The skin becomes very red and a frosting effect appears. After such application, especially if several layers of salicylic acid were applied, on the second day after the procedure a pronounced fibrin film is formed, which strongly tightens the face and after a while peels off in large plates.

The harsh method of applying the drug promotes deeper penetration, which stimulates the activity of fibroblast cells responsible for the production of collagen and elastin, native hyaluronic acid, and causes a significant renewal of the cellular composition. As a result, the skin not only looks young, it is rejuvenated from the inside.

Hard procedures are carried out once every 10-14 days. The course requires 6-8 procedures. Maintenance therapy – 3-5 procedures at intervals of 3-4 weeks.

Preparations Salipil

A special feature of the Salipil product line is that, unlike peeling programs from other manufacturers, here the cosmetologist has at his disposal a skin exfoliation procedure that can be easily combined with mechanical facial cleansing. This is a salvation for clients with constantly progressing acne, which is manifested by the appearance closed comedones and purulent elements.

During the procedure, one layer of Salipil Classic peeling preparation is applied in a gentle way, then mechanical cleaning face using a Uno spoon or spear. The areas of the removed rash elements are cauterized locally with a peeling solution. Then the application of layers is continued at the discretion of the cosmetologist using a soft or hard method.

The first layer of peeling preparation perfectly loosens the epidermis and facilitates the release of the contents of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, cleaning is much faster and with less damage to the skin.

Indications and contraindications for Mediderma peels are the same as for Martinex peels, and the stages of the procedure do not differ. Therefore, we will not dwell on these points in detail.

Pre-peeling preparation

If peeling is prescribed to treat acne, remove scars, rejuvenate and increase the level of skin hydration, then 1-2 weeks before the intended procedure you need to start using products for home care with 1-3% salicylic acid and sunscreen.

If the purpose of peeling is to eliminate age spots, then in addition to light exfoliating and sunscreen, a cream or serum with arbutin or kojic acid is prescribed, which block melanin synthesis and reduce tyrosinase activity.

The active components of cosmetics soothe the skin and eliminate its tendency to redness, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and improve protective properties skin and its appearance.

For those clients who have undergone peelings to rejuvenate and improve the appearance of the skin, post-peeling care is recommended with preparations from the Resveraderm series, which contain cytokines, phytohormones, growth factors, retinol, ubiquinone, resveratrol, plant extracts to enhance the skin’s ability to recover and prolong the effect of the course peelings. The price of facial peeling performed using Mediderma cosmetics in Moscow is about 3500 rubles.

General rules for post-testing care

Sunbathing, or simply being in the sun without sunscreen, is strictly prohibited, even just once, even for a minute. This is especially important for those who have areas of pigmentation on the skin.

It often happens that a year of painstaking work to eliminate age spots can be erased by one day in the sun without sunscreen: age spots appear in the same or new places almost instantly.

Cosmetologists very often now offer peelings in spring and even summer, and give the example of hot countries or Israel, where it is sunny almost at any time of the year, but at some point it needs to be done.

But you must remember that even if you did a course of peelings in the winter, in the summer it is still better to insure yourself with care or foundation or powder with SPF no lower than 25. Solarium is also not recommended.

After peeling until the end of peeling, it is not advisable to visit thermal procedures (sauna, solarium), gym and swimming pool, so as not to provoke the appearance of a pustular rash.

There is no point in speeding up the removal of scales, since scales create a favorable microclimate for young, delicate skin. If you tear off the scales ahead of time, you can get red skin, which will give another layer of peeling.

Photos before and after

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