The most important vitamins in winter. Vitamins in winter - which ones are best to take to strengthen the immune system

Dullness, dampness, lack sunlight and getting up early is bad for the body as it prepares to go into hibernation, so it needs additional support. Laziness, apathy, and unwillingness to do anything appear. All this combined with weather conditions leads to weakened immunity and frequent illnesses, undermining general state, reducing performance and worsening appearance (dryness, tightness, peeling, redness of the skin). This is a message from the body about a lack of vitamins. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the lack useful substances in the diet leads to overeating, hence the fight against overweight in the spring.

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to warmer climes and eat fresh fruit and vegetables to get the entire daily requirement of microelements from food. To stay in line, have wellness and not to be “horrified” at the end of winter by your own reflection in the mirror, doctors recommend using supporting complexes and various supplements to boost immunity during the cold season. Below is the TOP 5 best vitamins. The rating is based on customer reviews, which will help form an objective idea of ​​​​multivitamin complexes.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

TOP 5 best vitamins to take in winter

5 Aevit

Affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 73 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Gelatin elastic capsules resembling appearance fish fat, are probably a childhood memory. Their main components are fat soluble vitamins A and E, so medicinal drug used to solve various tasks. It will work both outside and inside. To achieve the greatest effect, it is recommended to take Aevit in courses a couple of times a year.

Judging by customer reviews, the capsule can be pierced, the contents squeezed out and applied to the problem area of ​​the face or body. In addition, many actively use these multivitamins as a cosmetic supplement, mixing a couple of drops into a face cream, mask or other care product. Girls note that the condition of the skin noticeably improves, the complexion becomes smoother, the pores narrow, and the amount of inflammation decreases. Also, the drug improves the condition of hair and nails. You just need to rub in the contents of the capsule and leave for a while. Dull hair becomes shiny and silky, nails become strong.

4 Alphabet Classic

A unique combination of nutrients
Country Russia
Average price: 296 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Three tablets different color with a pleasant taste - the best thing you can think of for cold winter. Each contains the maximum combination of substances necessary for daily norm person. The first (white) tablet includes iron and vitamin B1, which are involved in the process of formation and maturation of blood and maintaining normal hemoglobin. The second (blue) contains antioxidants that protect the human body from the harmful effects of free radicals. They are easily formed during smoking, stress and various diseases. The third (pink) tablet combines retinol, biotin, vitamin D3 and calcium to help strengthen teeth and improve hair and nail structure.

The complex is perfect for anyone who does not forget to take tablets 3 times a day. It is also convenient because it can be supplemented with vitamins and microelements, selected individually. It is recommended to “assemble” a kind of “mosaic” only on the recommendation of a doctor.

3 Complivit

Excellent value for money and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 165 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Perhaps the best combination of price and quality is this complex from a domestic manufacturer. It is more adapted than others to the diet of the average Russian consumer, so there is no doubt about the set of necessary substances. Complivit can be taken all year round thanks to the perfectly selected composition and separate granulation technology. It ensures maximum compatibility of the components contained in one tablet.

Judging by customer reviews, a noticeable improvement in well-being occurs a week after starting treatment. Complivit is also suitable for those who have already undergone colds and tries to return to the usual rhythm of life. The manufacturer does not recommend drinking it to pregnant women and the elderly, because for this category of citizens a line of special complexes has been developed that best meet their needs.

2 Vitrum

Most Popular Product
Country: USA
Average price: 600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most popular vitamin and mineral complex on Russian market. Thanks to its composition, the product is universal. It will help you easily maintain your immune system at any time of the year, not just in winter. Suitable for those who experience severe mental and physical activity. Contains 13 vitamins and 17 minerals. Among them: retinol, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, biotin, folic acid, – having a positive effect on the body.

Doctors recommend it for adults, 1 tablet daily. You should not use Vitrum in combination with vitamins A and D (as well as drugs containing them) due to possible overdose. The manufacturer produces large packages, so you can safely drink the course with the whole family.

1 Multi-tabs Immuno Plus

Better efficiency
Country: Denmark
Average price: 867 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

It has long been known that the vast majority of cells responsible for the state of immunity are located in the human intestine. Irregular meals and stress, first of all, negatively affect it, and, consequently, on general health. Microflora gastrointestinal tract needs continuous protection. The vitamin complex contains a probiotic that helps normalize it and maintain it in excellent condition.

The drug contains a set of antioxidants that have a positive effect on metabolism and the nervous system. Reviews indicate that when taken, the well-being and condition of the skin improves. Overall this is the best complex to maintain immunity in winter, when, due to a lack of plant fiber in the diet, eating heavy and fatty foods, problems with the gastrointestinal tract begin.

Vitamins in winter help maintain the body's immune strength. There are special vitamins for women, men and children to maintain immunity during the winter. You should start taking the complex for the body after consulting a doctor. The consultation will allow you to find out what necessary funds required for parents and children.

Why do we need vitamins in winter?

Before choosing which vitamins to take in winter, you need to know that this period causes stress in the bodies of women, men and children. Their shortage leads to bad mood, drowsiness, laziness, fatigue and numerous illnesses, especially in expectant parents. This indicates the presence of vitamin deficiency.

For example, peeling, dryness, redness of the skin of the hands and face in women and men indicates a lack of vitamins E, C, A and group B. Hair loss, their dark color and brittle nails indicate a lack of vitamin C, group B, iron, magnesium and copper in women and men. Lack of vitamin B6, B3, B2 leads to frequent dermatitis and not wound healing for a long time speaks of a deficiency of vitamins K, D and C.

How to support the body and help improve immunity? Everything is very simple, it is recommended to take a special complex for the body, intended for men and women. What vitamins are best to take in winter? Yes, almost everything, because at this time there is practically no healthy vegetables and fruits, although it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting to take it.

A lack of vitamins during this period of the year has a detrimental effect on the body, and at this time a decrease in immunity may be observed. Women and men experience frequent colds, and their health may deteriorate sharply.

Vitamins on a plate

Many people wonder where to find vitamins in winter? What foods you need to eat to be beautiful and healthy, maintaining the vitality of the body. Let's try to figure it out together, which products are recommended to maintain immunity in winter time of the year.

According to statistics, with the onset of winter, women most often lack vitamin C - ascorbic acid. It is safe to say that this vitamin is the most important. Being a powerful antioxidant, it plays one of the critical roles in metabolism, forms “happiness hormones” and helps improve immunity in women and men.

To compensate for the lack of essential ascorbic acid in the body, it is recommended to eat oranges, kiwi, tomatoes, chokeberry And bell pepper. You should also remember about sauerkraut, because it contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits.

Besides ascorbic acid, what vitamins are needed in winter? The human body does not receive enough B vitamins. If the complex of vitamins is missing in the body, there are pockets in the corners of the mouth, cracks in the lips, brittle nails and hair, and watery eyes. Another person suffers from insomnia and becomes irritable for no apparent reason. To replenish the complex of vitamins, you need to eat peas, rice, buckwheat, dairy products, eggs, liver, kidneys, heart, beets and nuts.

If you have problems with vision, then you lack vitamin A, which is responsible for its sharpness, as well as strengthening the immune system, maintaining healthy nails and hair. You can get vitamin A from apricots, sorrel, dill, parsley, carrots, fish, eggs and milk.

If everything falls out of hand, and there is a rush at work, you cannot concentrate on anything? This means that you have a lack of vitamin E - tocopherol. Vitamin E is the most powerful natural antioxidant. It allows you to maintain immune system, protect against cell damage, improves their oxygen supply, slows down the creation of free radicals, allows you to cope with heavy mental stress, protects the body from stress and nervous breakdowns. Tocopherol is found in cabbage, spinach, beef liver, lettuce, vegetable oil, eggs and lean meat.

Time to go to the pharmacy

A person needs to take a complex of minerals and vitamins every day, unfortunately, this can be done on the basis of only proper nutrition very difficult. Firstly, it is almost impossible to organize your own diet with such a variety of products. Secondly, you cannot be 100% sure that all useful substances are preserved in products after long-term storage, delivery and heat treatment. Need an appointment vitamin complex with all the necessary components.

You can buy such drugs at any pharmacy without a prescription, but this does not mean that you can take them uncontrollably. It is best if your doctor selects the vitamins individually. Ask your doctor which vitamins are recommended for you to take in winter. It is believed that to the human body you need to take 2/3 of all vitamins with the “right” substances and only 1/3 with chemical components.

Particular attention should be paid to the content of vitamins in one tablet in accordance with daily requirement body. If one tablet contains daily dose, then vitamins are taken once every three days.

Beauty from a jar

Even with a balanced diet and taking a vitamin-mineral complex, we are not able to provide our hair and skin with enough vitamins from the inside. A jar of cream will help correct the situation. We can talk about the content of the required amount of vitamins in a container with cream only when active substances are contained in such large quantities that they can “work” with the skin. Cosmetologists recommend using vitamins C, E, A and group B.

Vitamin A is responsible for preventing the body from aging; it is included in many anti-aging products. Vitamin E has a softening effect and takes part in tissue restoration. Vitamin C is used to eliminate dark circles, refreshes the complexion, and provides protection against free radicals.

B vitamins promote recovery vital functions all cells. Cosmetic preparations containing vitamins can be purchased from any manufacturer of cosmetic products.

  • Eat right - do not eat fast food, minimize the consumption of animal fats, smoked meats, sausages, and products made from refined white flour.
  • Drink vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Life is about movement. Play sports, walk more.
  • Go to bed no later than 10 pm, ventilate the room first.
  • Always keep a good mood.
  • Give up alcoholic drinks, quit smoking.

Advice from an expert

Vitamins for the body are especially important in the winter season. A correctly selected complex will improve immunity, lift your mood, and relieve irritability and drowsiness.

Even harmless vitamins should not be taken without consulting a doctor, especially for children and pregnant women. Be attentive to your health.

What vitamins are needed in winter?

To figure out what vitamins are needed in winter, you should analyze the state of the body and determine what problems are bothering you. For example, a lethargic state, increased susceptibility to disease, bleeding gums, dull hair and bruised skin indicate a lack of vitamin C.

Poor condition of hair and nails indicates a deficiency of vitamin B, as well as magnesium and iron. Eye fatigue increased sensitivity skin, cracks, dryness, calluses signal that it is necessary to replenish vitamin A reserves.

Symptoms of B vitamin deficiency are:

  • puffiness();
  • cracks and sores near the mouth and on the lips, dryness ();
  • peeling, skin rashes ();
  • hair fragility and pallor (B12 and);
  • nausea;
  • general weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • poor appetite;
  • headache;
  • heaviness in the legs.

If we talk about what vitamins are missing in winter, we should mention vitamin D. There is not enough of it in the body if you are irritated, suffer from sweating, feel weak and have joint pain. Vitamin E deficiency can be determined by dark circles under the eyes and bleeding gums.

Vitamins in food

Balanced diet very important for the winter period. Along with the products, the body receives the necessary nutrients. If you stick to the principles healthy eating, then the question will not arise where to find vitamins in winter. There are products that contain greatest number certain vitamins. When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account what substances the body lacks and eat more products With the necessary vitamin.

Vitamin What products contain
Carrots, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, rose hips, apples, Bell pepper, dairy products, fish oil, liver, grapes
Oatmeal, wholemeal products, fatty meat, yolk, Brussels sprouts, broccoli
Buckwheat, oatmeal, green vegetables, bread, meat, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, liver, kidneys, flour products by leaps and bounds
Cauliflower, oatmeal, buckwheat, peas, leafy vegetables, liver, kidneys, heart, fish roe
Green vegetables, avocado, soybeans, potatoes, corn, meat, walnuts, cereals, buds, yolk
Barley, legumes, oatmeal, bran, mushrooms, oranges, dates, nuts, milk, meat, salmon, pumpkin
B12 Beef, eggs, soy, poultry, seaweed, milk, yeast, cheese
Citrus fruits, cabbage, kiwi, cranberry, black currant, rose hips, bell pepper
Dairy products, fish oil
Milk, yolk, nuts, vegetable oils, liver

Cook better method baking, stewing, boiling or steaming. This way it will retain the greatest amount of nutrients. It is advisable to eat vegetables and fruits more often fresh.

An important question is also which vitamins are best for adults to take for immunity. To improve the body's resistance to negative factors external environment, you need to take enough vitamin C, which supports the body's immune system. It is also worth replenishing vitamins A, B and E.

Vitamin supplements

It is worth carefully monitoring your diet and including in your diet foods that you need to eat in winter. But sometimes food does not provide the body with enough vitamins. In such cases, you should pay attention to vitamin preparations. In winter, the lack of nutrients is felt especially acutely, so it is worth taking a course of vitamin supplements, which can be found in the pharmacy a large number of. The pharmacist will help you choose best vitamins.

What vitamins should I take in winter? Among vitamin preparations that are available in abundance on pharmacy shelves include:

  • Aevit (replenishes vitamins A, E, improves immunity, improves function nervous system, good for the skin).
  • Ascorbic acid (saturates the body with vitamin C).
  • Vitrum (contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B12, B6, considered good remedy to combat vitamin deficiency, improves immunity).
  • Multitabs (increases immunity, helps fight stress and mood swings, suitable for those who work a lot).
  • Complivit (contains vitamin B12, helps cope with digestive problems, has balanced composition, so it suits almost everyone).
  • Centrum (contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, helps fight vitamin deficiency, take 1 tablet per day).

In some cases, vitamins for the winter can be administered intramuscularly. This mainly applies to B vitamins. This is done not only to compensate for vitamin deficiency, but also for medicinal or for cosmetic purposes. Before injecting, you must consult your doctor. If you are prescribed several vitamins at once, then inject them separately, one type per day. If you inject yourself, then follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor, and also do not forget about all safety measures.

Additional sources of vitamins in winter

You can get the vitamins you need in winter from drinks you prepare yourself. Fruit drinks will help replenish your supply of vitamins. To prepare them, it is good to use:

  • cranberries;
  • honeysuckle;
  • lingonberries;
  • rowan;
  • currants;
  • rose hip.

Will be useful herbal teas. At the pharmacy you can buy syrups that will help you survive the winter without lack of vitamins. Rosehip syrup, echinacea or lemongrass will help strengthen the immune system and relieve fatigue. You can drink these syrups to strengthen your immune system in the fall and winter.

Rosehip contains a large amount of vitamin C. In addition, it contains vitamins E, B, K and P. You can prepare a rosehip drink yourself. For this you will need half a glass dried berries rosehip. They are washed, placed in a thermos and filled with 1 liter of boiling water. It is better to prepare the drink in the evening so that it infuses overnight. In the morning ready drink drink on an empty stomach.

For skin, hair and nails in winter, in addition to taking vitamin preparations, you need to select high-quality shampoos and creams containing vitamins A, B, E, C. Vitamin A prevents skin aging. Vitamin B improves the condition of the skin, vitamin E softens and promotes its restoration. Thanks to vitamin C, the skin takes on a fresh and healthy appearance. Having selected care products with essential vitamins and by eating right, you can significantly improve your skin condition over time.

In winter, you may experience a general weakening of the body and decreased immunity. To pick up necessary complex useful substances, you need to find out which vitamins are best to take in winter. By analyzing your condition and symptoms, you can determine what useful substance your body lacks. If the diet does not provide the required amount of nutrients, take vitamin supplements. It is better to take vitamins after consulting a doctor. The video below will tell you how to prepare berries for the winter that will become good source vitamins


Vitamins are biologically active substances that the body needs for metabolism, hormone production, cell growth, etc. If they are deficient, lethargy, drowsiness, and apathy appear - these are signs of hypovitaminosis. A complex of vitamins - specially selected active substances - will help you overcome the condition. various groups in dose daily consumption. Synthetic vitamins do not completely replace their consumption, but help restore balance.

There are many types of vitamins, but in multivitamins, manufacturers group the most important ones for the body. Vital active substances include vitamin C, which strengthens blood vessels, ensures cell restoration, is indispensable in metabolic processes and is important for strong immunity. In winter, the body especially needs vitamin K, which normalizes the blood clotting process, this vitamin protects the liver and is a natural antioxidant.

Also important vitamins include active substances from group B, for example - B1 is important for normal operation nervous system and it helps copy genetic information, riboflavin (B2) is indispensable in the synthesis of nervous tissue cells and the production of red blood cells, it also protects the retina from exposure ultraviolet irradiation. A nicotinic acid(B3) is involved in the formation of certain hormones and is necessary for cell regeneration. Vitamin B6 has a huge effect on the body; the nervous, immune and cardiovascular system, it also has a beneficial effect on the skin and nails. Another important representative of B vitamins is cyanocobalamin (B12), it forms a protective shell nerve cells, activates metabolic processes, reduces cholesterol levels and protects liver cells.

You will find such a set in the multivitamins “Complivit”, “Centrum”, “Multi-tabs”, etc. These multivitamins also contain important minerals - magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, manganese and others, which are involved in metabolic processes, regeneration, and the production of enzymes and hormones. As a rule, vitamins are taken in a monthly course of 1 tablet per day.

If during the cold season your skin becomes dry, irritable and microcracks appear, these may be signs of hypovitaminosis A and E. In this case, it is recommended to take Aevit, which contains only two vitamins - A and E. These biologically active substances help regeneration of epidermal cells, give elasticity to the skin, and also have a beneficial effect on the organs of vision and take care of female sexual health.

When the first symptoms of a cold appear, you need to take maximum doses ascorbic acid (adults up to 100 mg per day). It increases the body's resistance, prevents the spread of infection and is important for the functioning of the immune system.

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