Seborrhea in dogs - idiopathic, shampoo. Seborrheic dermatitis in dogs: diagnosis, treatment, prevention measures

Causes of secondary seborrhea

  • Pyoderma
  • Dermatophytosis
  • Malassezia dermatitis
  • Leishmaniasis

Endocrine causes

Dietary causes of seborrhea

  • Dermatosis responding to treatment with vitamin A
  • Dermatosis responding to zinc treatment
  • Nutritional imbalance

Immune-mediated diseases causing seborrhea in dogs

  • Pemphigus foliaceus
  • Erythematous pemphigus
  • Discoid lupus erythematosus
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Skin reactions to drugs
  • Sebaceous adenitis

Metabolic causes

  • Malabsorption
  • Superficial necrolytic dermatitis

Tumor causes

  • Cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma

Infectious diseases - causes of seborrhea in dogs

Allergic diseases of dogs - causes of seborrhea

Endocrine causes

Dietary causes of seborrhea

Immune-mediated diseases causing seborrhea in dogs

Metabolic causes

Tumor causes

Treatment of ichthyosis as opposed to seborrhea

1. Purpose of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

These substances are found in large quantities in fish oil. 2

Local use of antiseborrheic shampoos, as well as products that are characterized by softening and moisturizing ( Vaseline oil, fatty creams). 3

Course use of retinoic ointment. The duration of such treatment can reach 4 months.

4. Intravenous administration vitamin B12.

5. In summer, solar irradiation of a sick animal is indicated.

Oxygen baths (oxygen therapy). 7

Prolonged course of ichthyosis in dogs is an indication for use hormonal drugs(prednisolone). Such medications can be used in the form of ointments or tablets but can provoke enterocolitis in dogs.

8. When attaching secondary bacterial flora, the use of antibacterial drugs With wide range action (penicillin).

Affected dogs are subject to exclusion from breeding. As a rule, the prognosis is unfavorable.

Clinical picture

In dogs, seborrhea usually affects areas of the skin that are especially rich in sebaceous glands. Thus, in almost all cases, the skin along the spinal ridge suffers. In these cases, you can see not only greasy skin and fur, but also dandruff, which appears in the form of large flakes.

The dog's spine looks as if it has been caught in heavy snow. The skin may become noticeably red. Contrary to popular belief, with seborrhea, the epithelial layer does not always become greasy - sometimes it dries out noticeably, causing the skin of dogs with seborrhea to become scaly.

Seborrheic dermatitis is most severe in cases where areas with folds of the skin are affected, that is, legs, neck, armpits, inner side hips In addition, the symptoms of seborrhea often imply the appearance from an animal of severe, unpleasant odor.

As the disease worsens, when seborrhea is accompanied by bacterial and fungal infections, the “aroma” can become completely unbearable.

General clinical signs of seborrhea

A disease such as seborrhea can bring inconvenience not only to a person, it is very intense in Lately also affects domestic animals.

Seborrhea in dogs is considered to be a disease skin, accompanied by a special unpleasant smell of “dog”. Seborrhea is accompanied by a violation of the keratinization of the skin (in the cells of the epidermis there is a disruption in the formation of keratin in the dog, which in turn protects the skin from mechanical injuries).

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of seborrhea in dogs are

  1. Dull and matte coat
  2. Unpleasant, foul odor, the smell of "dog"
  3. Dry wool
  4. Follicular casts
  5. Excess dandruff
  6. Scaly and crusty skin
  7. Plaques on the skin
  8. Oily skin and coat
  9. Change in skin color
  10. Black skin, black spots on the skin
  11. Skin pigmentation
  12. Itchy skin

Common symptoms of dermatitis in dogs are:

  • Attempts to scratch the wound with claws or teeth;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Coarsening or thinning of the skin;
  • Skin affected by dermatitis is hot to the touch;
  • Edema;
  • Thinning or hair loss in affected areas;
  • Anxiety (the dog sleeps poorly, loses appetite, does not want to play).

Despite the fact that dermatitis has many various reasons, the symptoms of the diseases are similar. The danger lies in the subtlety of the signs in the first stages, if the dog is not white or has always been in excellent health. Most types of dermatitis can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • spots with redness on the skin;
  • peeling;
  • vesicles (bubbles with liquid);
  • a sweetish and unpleasant odor from the skin, a separate area of ​​it;
  • redness or hair loss;
  • the dog is constantly itching;
  • There may be a depressed state, irritability.

Damaged areas of the skin in some cases have elevated temperature. If bacteria get on the wound, then “pimples” with purulent contents or discharge of pus are observed. Also, dermatitis is often characterized by discharge from the eyes, redness of the mucous membranes, and whites.

Symptoms of seborrhea in dogs are

Most of the body is affected. However, the most severely affected areas are the perineum, head, armpits, lower side of the neck, interdigital areas, abdomen, skin folds. Itching can range from mild to intense, often accompanied by ceruminous otitis externa. Often complicated by secondary infection with bacteria and Malassezia.

The appearance of seborrhea in a dog should be noticed by the appearance of the following signs:

  1. The fur becomes dull or dull in color.
  2. Sudden appearance foul odor dogs.
  3. Wool pet becomes dry and brittle.
  4. Follicular casts and a huge amount of dandruff are visible to the naked eye.
  5. Small wounds and crusts appear on the animal's skin.
  6. The skin and coat acquire a greasy, unhealthy shine.
  7. The animal is constantly itching because it is constantly itching.
  8. Black spots begin to appear on the pet’s skin, or it may completely turn black, and so on.

When a dog develops seborrhea, most of its body is affected by this disease. The disease likes to affect the perineal area, head, skin folds and abdomen. The dog begins to constantly experience itching, occurring in the soft and intensive forms, which is also quite often accompanied by a disease such as ceruminous otitis externa.

Clinical picture The disease can be observed with the naked eye in dogs from the puppyhood period. IN in this case the symptoms may be completely insignificant, but over the years they can only worsen, becoming more and more noticeable, in addition, they can worsen if some other disease contributes to this phenomenon.

Surely every person will be pleased to stroke his pet if he feels soft and pleasant fur under his hands. But, unfortunately, due to some health problems in dogs, the fluffy and pleasant coat can become greasy, matted into lumps, and also smell unpleasant. Seborrhea in dogs can cause such symptoms. This disease not only causes a deterioration in the appearance of the pet, but also leads to unpleasant sensations in the dog, as a result of which the animal becomes restless and lethargic. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to treat seborrhea in a dog on your own, since the disease requires complex therapy, which will help eliminate the cause of the disease, as well as overcome the unpleasant signs of the disease. How to recognize the course of the disease, and how to properly treat seborrhea in dogs?

Seborrheic dermatitis in dogs: general information

Seborrhea in dogs is a pet skin disease that is characterized by the appearance of dandruff and a layer of fat on the dog's skin. Today, seborrheic dermatitis is most often observed in dogs, but the pathology also occurs in cats, although in this case it is milder.

The main problem of marginal seborrhea of ​​the ears in dogs (the lesion also develops on other parts of the animal’s body) is the increased work of sweat and sebaceous glands, which leads to the production large quantity fat Although sweat glands dogs are practically absent; as the disease develops, fat is still released in large quantities, which leads to the appearance of symptoms of seborrhea.

Often, seborrheic dermatitis in dogs is accompanied by the development of inflammation or damage to the animal’s body by a secondary infection.

In the photo, seborrheic dermatitis in dogs looks like dandruff, but this phenomenon causes more harm for the health of the animal, since in 77% of cases the disease develops against the background of the activation of a certain disease in the dog. Therefore, often seborrhea edges ears or body is called secondary, that is, appearing against the background of the course of a particular disease.

Primary pathology rarely develops - doctors currently have not been able to identify the causes of the disease. Scientists believe that unfavorable heredity can cause seborrhea in dogs. Moreover, this only applies to certain breeds that have medium or long hair. Seborrhea of ​​dog skin is especially common in the following breeds:

Therefore, before buying a puppy, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the breed in order to know what diseases it may develop.

Typically, the symptoms of seborrhea in dogs begin to actively manifest themselves in at a young age animal - most often this happens between 18-24 months. After this, seborrhea, as a rule, begins to progress, which occurs throughout the dog’s life.

Attention! In 17-24% of cases, dogs are diagnosed with seborrhea incorrectly, since today there are a large number of dermatological problems that often attack pets. Such diseases have the same clinical picture, so it is quite difficult to distinguish them from each other.

In this case, there is no need to blame the veterinarian, since sometimes the course of seborrhea of ​​the edges of the ears in dogs occurs in a “muffled” form, since the main disease that caused its development occurs in a more pronounced form. Then, oily seborrhea in dogs can be characterized by the development of skin with scabs or a thick layer of fat.

In order for the treatment of skin seborrhea in dogs to be effective and quick, it is necessary to correctly establish the diagnosis, because the treatment of the pet directly depends on it.

Doctors say that the factors that influence the development of seborrhea in dogs are:

Such factors lead to the dog developing oily seborrhea, the signs of which can be noticed soon after the onset of the pathology. You can also familiarize yourself with them in the photo so as not to miss the development of the disease in your pet.

Symptoms of the disease in dogs

In order for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis in dogs to be effective and not to cause recurrence of the disease, the pet owner should correctly identify the symptoms of the disease.

At the initial stage of development of the disease, a change in the color of the dog’s coat is clearly visible, which becomes duller and “lifeless.” Your pet's skin becomes oily, and you can also notice flaking on it, which looks like dandruff. At first, owners do not take such symptoms seriously, but over time they become more characteristic, which forces a person to pay attention to them.

Important! To understand how to treat a disease, you need to know at what stage it occurs. If the disease is advanced, it becomes a real problem for the animal, as it will need to be treated special drugs that will help restore the health of the skin.

At the initial stage of the disease, doctors prescribe special healing shampoos for seborrhea for dogs. Thanks to their use, it is possible to restore skin health and also overcome unpleasant symptoms diseases. These include:
increased unpleasant odor coming from the dog:

  1. the appearance of small white scales on the body - the more advanced the dermatitis, the more of them there will be on the body;
  2. the appearance of peeling skin around the ears;
  3. oily skin, which leads to greasy hair (this change can be seen by looking at the photo of dermatitis);
  4. change in coat color;
  5. itching on the body, due to which the animal constantly scratches;
  6. fragility of claws, which do not have time to grow due to the fact that they constantly break;
  7. thickening of the pads located on the paws;
  8. the appearance of “plaques” on the body, which are clearly visible in the photo;
  9. inflammation on the body, which is characterized by redness of the affected area.

Such symptoms can be seen in almost every part of the animal’s body, but at the initial stage of the disease they actively manifest themselves around the ears, in the perineum, between the fingers, on the head and in the folds of the skin.

Attention! Seborrhea is best seen around the edges of the ears in dogs, since they are constantly in sight of the owner. Therefore, the condition of the ears requires special attention. If you don’t know what dermatitis looks like, you can look at photos of seborrhea in dogs, which will help you notice the progress of the disease in your pet in time.

How is the disease diagnosed?

Before thinking about how to treat skin pathology, you need to correctly diagnose the dog. First of all, it is worth noting that the symptoms and treatment of dermatitis are inextricably linked, because it is by the signs of the disease that it is possible to determine that the animal is developing marginal seborrhea.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, you should visit a veterinarian who has everything to conduct a full examination of the animal. It is especially important for the doctor to correctly establish the cause of the development of primary seborrhea, on the basis of which the veterinarian prescribes correct scheme treatment.

After this, the pet should be tested, after which it will be possible to identify problems. internal character, which are the cause of the development of the disease. Such analyzes include:

  • donating urine;
  • blood donation.

Sometimes marginal seborrhea is detected through a biopsy, which involves a thorough examination of a specific area of ​​skin.

The symptoms and treatment of seborrhea in dogs are closely related, so in order to accurately identify the disease, you will need to full diagnostics, thanks to which it will be possible to deliver correct diagnosis and start effective treatment diseases.

How is seborrhea treated in animals?

How to treat dermatitis in dogs? To cure the disease, it is enough to use one of several treatment methods. These include:

1. Using shampoo

Seborrhea shampoo for dogs will help completely cure the disease if it occurs at the initial stage of its development. The most famous shampoos are “Doctor”, “Elite”, “Globalvet” and so on. In order for the treatment of seborrhea in a dog, which can be identified from a photo, to be successful, you first need to comb the pet well and then apply shampoo to it, as written in the instructions.

If you wash your animal regularly with special shampoos, the disease will quickly disappear and skin health will be restored. If your dog is bothered by itching, you can wash your pet 2 times a day to relieve it.

2. Use of antibiotics or ointments

Marginal seborrhea can be cured if the owner uses special pharmaceutical drugs. With them correct use you can quickly rid your dog of discomfort and restore skin health. You can see the photo on how to properly apply the ointment or give your pet antibiotics.

Most famous medications against seborrhea are considered: “Zodak”, “Diprosalik” and “Cortisone”.

Symptoms and treatment of seborrhea in dogs, which can be found in the photo, help to cure the disease in time, as well as restore the health of the pet. The main thing is to notice its signs in a timely manner so that dermatitis does not develop into an advanced form.

One of the most common diseases among dogs that replaces the pet's dermis is seborrhea. In other words, this is a failure of the process of keratinization of the skin. As a result of this disease a large number of scales appear on the skin, which contribute to the appearance of an excess layer of fat on the dermis.

If the dog does not have any health problems, then “replacement” of the skin is considered a normal physiological process. Old cells die and fall off, replaced by new formations, which is normal functioning skin. As soon as there is a disturbance in the balance between extinction and regeneration, such a rule loses its meaning.

Seborrhea in dogs: types of disease

At the present time, according to scientific evidence, there is two types of seborrhea in dogs, namely primary and secondary seborrhea.

The form of this disease, which is characterized by a genetic nature and generally cannot be treated, is called primary seborrhea y. There are cases when the causes of this form of the disease are almost impossible to establish. But in most cases it is inherited genetically.

It is impossible to determine externally that an animal is a carrier of this gene, since the pet may look absolutely healthy. You can check whether a dog has this gene by conducting a thorough check by testing all necessary tests.

As for the symptoms of this form of the disease, it is noticeable already from quite early age. And throughout the time, when the dog grows, it becomes even more noticeable. On initial stage development of the disease, pet owners may not notice the first symptoms, since they are not sufficiently dangerous for the dog’s life. But after the animal reaches one or one and a half years of age, the symptoms become quite obvious.

This is when most dog owners begin to turn to specialized specialists. veterinary center ambulance "YA-VET". By taking the animal to one of the center's support points in Moscow or calling a specialist to your home, which is a more convenient option. Because there is no need to waste time on the road and disturb the animal with the journey.

Secondary seborrhea in dogs is a consequence of animal-borne diseases.

General symptoms: seborrhea in dogs

    Are common symptoms of seborrhea in dogs:
  • Regular itching;
  • noticeably dull coat, lack of shine on the hairline;
  • skin color changes;
  • the skin becomes covered with dark spots;
  • the skin and coat become noticeably oilier, but in some places increased dryness may be observed;
  • a rather unpleasant odor appears;
  • pigment spots appear on the skin;
  • the dermis begins to peel off greatly;
  • nails become thin and break;
  • The pads on the paws swell noticeably.

This disease in dogs affects almost all parts of the body.

Diagnosis of seborrhea disease in dogs

Make a diagnosis by clinical signs a specialized specialist will not be able to, since the two types of seborrhea have fairly similar symptoms. In order to check whether an animal has hereditary form illness, it is necessary to exclude all causes that may contribute to the appearance of a secondary form of the disease. When, after carefully clinical trials All possibilities of secondary seborrhea have been excluded, then a biopsy is taken to confirm the diagnosis.

In order to profile a veterinary center specialist made a diagnosis, he can be called to your home for collecting all necessary tests. Naturally, you can take your dog to one of the strongholds of the YA-VET veterinary emergency center, but calling a specialist to your home will be much more convenient, and there is also a loyal pricing policy.

Immediately after you notice changes in your dog’s health, you need to urgently contact a veterinary center or call an experienced specialist at home. As soon as possible after the call, the veterinarian will come to your home. He will provide all the necessary documentation that will confirm qualifications and work experience, examine the patient, and conduct all necessary tests, make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

How is local treatment of seborrhea in dogs carried out?

For now have not yet produced a vaccine against primary type seborrhea in dogs. Therefore, the only way pet owners can help their pets is to control the disease. It is necessary to clearly understand that all measures that are used to dull the symptoms of this disease must be carried out regularly throughout the dog’s life.

If the pet primary form diseases, one of the main means of treatment will be specially designed shampoos. The choice of such shampoos is quite large, so you need to purchase them taking into account individual characteristics dogs. When your pet has a dry form of the disease, products that will moisturize are best suited. And when the dog has the opposite increased level oily skin, then you need products that will control the sebaceous balance of the dermis and at the same time remove the crust on its surface.

In some cases, it is not always possible to control the disease using shampoos, and then the specialists of the YA-VET veterinary center prescribe additional treatment with the use of medications. But this is only when the animal has a secondary form of the disease. Assign antifungal agents and a course of antibiotics.

Drugs that help slow down the division of cells and renew the epidermis also help dogs during seborrhea. It is worth noting that, if seborrhea in dogs is secondary, then the disease that caused the skin problems is first eliminated.

Another common cause of seborrheic dermatitis is the disease internal organs. "Seborrhea" often occurs secondary symptom underlying more serious disease associated with disruption of internal organs. The most common diseases among both dogs and cats are hepatobiliary and genitourinary system. In other words, these are problems with the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, Bladder. Often, any of the three forms of seborrhea occurs with endocrine disorders such as diseases thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc. In such a situation, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease that caused seborrhea. With an accurate diagnosis and prescription proper treatment A veterinarian will help.

Treatment of dandruff in dogs

Recently autoimmune diseases pets, including dogs, began to be registered more often. However, they are still very rare in their occurrence. As with other diseases, one of the symptoms of this disease is seborrhea. The clinical picture of such diseases varies and only a veterinarian can help with an accurate diagnosis.

It is important to know, that before going to a veterinarian it is strongly recommended not to treat the affected areas with any medicines 5-7 days before the planned visit. It is also undesirable to self-medicate your pet, which will subsequently blur the true picture of the disease and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

Treatment of "canine seborrhea", depending on the causes that caused it, may include the use of systemic drugs, as well as local treatments with shampoos. Shampoo with chlorhexidine 4% is increasingly preferred in the treatment of dermatitis/seborrheic dermatitis , which has a wide spectrum of action against bacteria and yeast-like fungi and is the most convenient form of application for dog owners.

It's worth remembering that seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis is rarely an independent disease, and is often important symptom for an underlying disease that requires timely and competent treatment.

Health to you and your pets.

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