Mustard seeds uses. Sarepta, white and black mustard seeds. Mustard seeds and their use in cooking

Asia is considered the birthplace of mustard. Mustard seed is used in canning vegetables, mushrooms, fish, and in cooking vegetable dishes, meat soups, minced meat.

Mustard seed white

White mustard is a plant whose homeland is considered to be in the Mediterranean countries, most likely North Africa. Since ancient times, the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians began to grow it specifically to prepare seasoning from the seeds. In the writings of Theophrastus there is a mention of "napi" or "Sinapi", hence the Latin name of the genus. Like many other spices, mustard came first to Western and then to Central Europe. In Russia it is cultivated in the Central Chernozem region. Grows in Ukraine. It has other names: yellow mustard, English mustard.


White mustard is an annual plant reaching a height of 50-80 cm. It has lyre-shaped leaves. During flowering it forms yellow inflorescences. The seeds ripen in pods that resemble curved hooks. Of all types of mustard, white mustard seeds are the largest. Light yellow or straw-yellow in color, their smell is not expressed in any way, the taste is rough and pungent. Other spices are used to prepare table mustard.

White mustard seeds contain up to 35% fatty oil and about 1% essential oil, sinalbin and potassium salt. Beneficial features It has long been used in medicine for vascular sclerosis, hypertension, liver and gallbladder diseases, digestive disorders, flatulence, and rheumatism.

White mustard seeds are used to obtain mustard oil, which is stored for a long time and does not burn during cooking; it is widely used in the food and chemical-pharmaceutical industries. The absence of odor in white mustard seeds requires an additive when making table mustard. aromatic spices. Mustard powder is prepared from the seeds, which is used in vegetable and mushroom dishes, mushroom marinades, in the preparation of pork and beef meat, game dishes. In the old days, white mustard seeds were placed in pickles made from cucumbers and vegetables, and flavored with smoked meats.

Green leaves of white mustard can also be used as a spice to add some heat to dishes. They are used to season soups and marinades with vinegar to obtain a piquant taste.

White mustard, like other types of mustard, is grown industrially. A fairly frost-resistant crop. Tolerates frosts down to minus 6°C.

The spice pods are harvested when they are ripe enough to acquire brown-yellow color. The plants are mowed, dried and threshed. Store in bags in a dry, warm enough storage with good ventilation.

Mustard seed brown

Black mustard is a spicy aromatic plant, known, like the previous species, to the ancient Greeks and Romans. They grew it as a food product, which they considered at the same time medicine. As now, table mustard was prepared from seeds. According to old books, the seeds were first soaked in water, then crushed and boiled, adding honey and vegetable oil.

The brown mustard plant is grown in France, Italy, England, Romania, Turkey, as well as in India, China. Black mustard is found wild in the south of Russia, where it is also cultivated. Grows in the Caucasus and Central Asian countries.

It has other names: real mustard, French mustard.


By appearance very similar to white mustard. "" Reaches a height of 30-60-80 cm. Its leaves are lyre-shaped, pinnately incised. The flowers are yellow. When ripe, a pod (fruit) is formed, which contains round small seeds of yellow-brown, sometimes even black, color more than 1 mm in diameter. Brown mustard seeds have a sharp, tart taste and smell reminiscent of horseradish.

Chemical composition. Medicinal properties

IN medical practice They use black mustard seeds, which have approximately the same composition as white mustard seeds. That is, they contain fatty oil, essential oil (35% and 1%, respectively), sinigrin glycoside, etc. potassium salt, etc. Powder is made from mustard seeds, which is used to prepare mustard plaster, which helps relieve pain from rheumatism.

Black mustard is used in the pharmaceutical industry for various herbal remedies.

Taste qualities. Application

Black mustard seeds due to the presence of vegetable oil, as well as a characteristic smell and taste, are used quite often in home cooking and Food Industry.

When crushed, they are sharp, with a tart taste, reminiscent of horseradish in smell.

Black mustard seeds are used in the manufacture of canned vegetables, meat, and fish; for flavoring cabbage dishes (white and red), meat soups, minced meat. In the food industry, all types of mustard are used to prepare various types of mixtures and spices used in industry and home cooking.

The bulk of black and white mustard seeds is used to make table mustard. Brown mustard seeds give it a specific taste. Without it, it is impossible to prepare Ravigot mustard sauce.

In the states of Transcaucasia, young leaves of koichne mustard are used in the production of some cheeses.

Growing and harvesting

The plant reproduces by seeds. Care, cleaning and preparation of spices are the same as for other types of mustard.

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Mustard is a vegetable crop of the cruciferous family, which also includes White cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

Among the 40 varieties of this plant, only black, white and brown mustard are used to produce spice seeds. They can be consumed as a spice whole or ground.

White mustard seeds have a light straw-yellow hue, are slightly larger than others, and have a moderately pungent taste. Black mustard seeds are the hottest. They are mined in South Asia. But brown mustard seeds come from the Himalayan plains of India.

For commercial purposes, mustard suitable for seed production is grown today in Canada, India, China and in temperate latitudes of Europe.

Since ancient times, mustard seeds have been extremely valued as a medicinal and culinary plant.

Mustard seeds and the oil from these seeds have long been used to relieve muscle pain, rheumatic pain and gouty pain. And in India, mustard oil has become a popular remedy for stimulating hair growth.

Mustard seeds act as a natural laxative. They stimulate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and promote the rapid movement of feces.

Cancer Prevention

According to scientists at the Minnesota Cancer Center, eating cruciferous vegetables and spices (including mustard seeds) reduces the risk of developing some forms of cancer. Once in the body, the edible parts of such plants are digested, releasing special substances - isothiocyanates.

American doctors have proven that this specific composition prevents the development of lung cancer in a group of patients with high degree risk. Similar encouraging data have been obtained for the prevention of stomach, colon and rectal cancer.

Anti-inflammatory benefits

Eating mustard seeds also has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps in the treatment of a number of diseases due to its selenium content. This trace element resists prostaglandins, which doctors blame for almost everything inflammatory processes body.

First of all, the anti-inflammatory essence of mustard seeds is beneficial for patients with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

Fast Metabolism

According to John D. Kirschmann's Food Almanac, mustard seeds have the most positive effect on metabolic rate, helping to improve efficient combustion calories with maximum energy production and promote weight loss.

To lose weight, it is enough to introduce 3-5 tsp into your diet. mustard seeds on a daily basis. This will increase your metabolic rate by as much as 25%. In other words, your body will burn an additional 45 calories per hour. A very tempting prospect, isn't it?

The nutritional value

  1. The unparalleled beneficial properties of mustard seeds are due to their high nutritional value and the presence of valuable components in them plant origin, including minerals(calcium, manganese, copper, iron, selenium and zinc), phytohormones, vitamins and antioxidants.
  2. These pungent seeds contain quite a lot of energy: 100 g of product contains 508 calories. This good source dietary fiber, which is especially needed by people suffering from cholesterol and obesity. The fight against “bad” cholesterol can be carried out by vitamin B3 (niacin), which is also abundant in mustard seeds: 4.733 mg per 100 g of product.
  3. This cruciferous spice has also been found to contain beneficial antioxidant flavonoids such as zeaxanthin, lutein and carotene. But mustard seeds also contain other well-known free radical fighters: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E (in the form of gamma-tocopherol) and vitamin K.
  4. The seeds contain a lot of plant sterols (campesterol, sitosterol, avenasterol, brassicasterol, stigmasterol), as well as sinigrin, myrosin, erucic, eicosenoic, oleic and palmitic acids.

Selection and storage

Whole and well-dried mustard seeds can be stored for many months at room temperature. Although in ground form and as part of other products, it is recommended to store this spice exclusively in the refrigerator.

Harm and contraindications

In small quantities, mustard seeds, mustard powder and mustard oil are completely harmless to humans. But in in rare cases this hot spice can cause stomach irritation or even gastrointestinal bleeding. Prolonged local contact may cause skin burns (remember the feeling strong burning sensation after mustard plasters).

The presence of erucic acid in mustard seeds laboratory research on animals showed some carcinogenic danger of this product, since the said acid can provoke gene mutations in the cells of the human body.

Mustard has a unique pungent flavor and is an indispensable seasoning for lovers of spicy dishes. In addition to its piquant taste, the benefits of mustard for the human body are undeniable.

Mustard seasoning has been consumed by humans for thousands of years. Most ancient peoples use plant grains as a symbol of energy and in addition to their main use - for making sauces and healthy oil. People's and official medicine declare about medicinal properties this medicinal plant.

Mustard occupies an important place in the culture of Christians, Buddhists and Muslims. For example, in the 18th century, the German Order of the Mustard Seed was founded, and Pope John and Queen Victoria of England introduced the special position of the Mustard Man at court. In Greece, Hippocrates was the first to use mustard mixture as an expectorant.

History of the use of mustard

The origin of mustard is considered to be Asia (black) and the Mediterranean countries (white), and the plant itself belongs to the cabbage family. Its Latin term literally means “burning, inflaming brain.” Even in the Bible, small mustard seeds are mentioned as a symbol of strength and greatness.

Already in the Middle Ages, European doctors widely used mustard to benefit the body and treat pain, colds, and digestive organs, and in France it has been produced since the 17th century. The centuries-old traditions of the peoples of Germany are associated with these seeds, which were sewn into the bride’s veil, and among the Danes it was customary to scatter grains in the house against “dark” forces. The plant was introduced into Russia accidentally with millet and flax, and widespread production of Sarepta mustard began only in the 18th century.

Benefits of mustard: main types

Benefits of white mustard

The composition of white mustard seeds includes 35% fatty and 1% essential oils, as well as potassium and sinalbin. This type is widespread in European countries and is commonly called "English mustard", which has a mild and slightly sweet taste. In medicine it is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of blood vessels, liver, digestion, biliary tract, flatulence, rheumatism.

Benefits of black mustard

The main composition of the black variety includes fatty and essential oils, as well as potassium and glycoside. Dijon (city of Dijon in France) mustard is prepared from the grains of this plant. This French mustard is used in pharmacy for the production of herbal preparations and mustard plasters for rheumatism.

Benefits of Sarepta mustard

In such a “Russian” and very acute form mustard contained greatest number fatty oils(up to 50%), which have valuable taste and healing properties, and about 3% essential, as well as myrosin enzyme, sinigrin, carotene, vitamin C, calcium and iron. This variety of mustard is used to produce oil, powder and mustard plasters for colds, hypertension, neuralgia and muscle spasms.

The harm and benefits of mustard

Benefits of mustard: product composition

The mustard plant is a valuable honey and oilseed crop, since it is based on unsaturated fatty acid, proteins, calcium, B vitamins and carotene, iron. The oil obtained from the seeds is used in food, technical and for cosmetic purposes. The plant has high bactericidal properties and a pungent taste due to chemical reactions glycoside and myrosin enzyme of protein origin.

What are the benefits of mustard leaf?

The leaves of the plant are widely used in folk medicine as mustard plasters in the treatment of colds. Salad type of mustard contains a large number of vitamin K, which is used to strengthen joints and bones, as well as preventive and therapeutic agent in Alzheimer's disease. The leaves of the plant are beneficial for health when consumed raw and are considered an essential dietary product.

Mustard leaves are used as a side dish for main dishes or added to salads, which allows you to intensify your work. gastrointestinal tract and increase appetite. Fresh plant rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, which helps prevent the development of cancer diseases. The product is also rich in glycosinolates and folic acid, which effectively lowers cholesterol levels in the body and protects the cardiovascular system.

Benefits of mustard seeds

Among healing properties The grains of the plant have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, as well as high content vitamins and nutrients. The consumption of mustard seeds of the plant is recommended for people with increased blood pressure And frequent migraines, magnesium and potassium reduce inflammation and acute attacks of rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and asthma attacks. Mustard seeds also help in the fight against flatulence, diseases of the liver, biliary tract, blood vessels, lack of appetite and constipation.

There is no doubt that French mustard and its whole grains are beneficial for weight loss, as the product accelerates metabolic processes and burning calories up to 25% with daily use 3 teaspoons. The seeds are also widely used in cooking for preparing aromatic meat, fish and vegetable dishes, for preserving vegetables and mushrooms, and even in making bakery products. However, you should not consume large amounts of mustard seeds (no more than 5 teaspoons) daily to avoid burns to the esophagus.

The benefits and harms of table mustard

The store-bought product is a favorite seasoning for many dishes for lovers of spicy and savory foods. Table mustard is made from ground or whole grains of the plant with the addition of water, salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oils. This seasoning is recommended for fatty, heavy, difficult-to-digest foods.

Enzymes in the product promote the breakdown of fats and help the body digest foods. Mustard seasoning is also considered an excellent emulsifier used for roasting meat or fish. If the product is coated with mustard before heat treatment, the dish will turn out more juicy and aromatic.

The use of too hot mustard is contraindicated for people who are allergic to the plant, as well as for intestinal and gastric colitis, peptic ulcers digestive organs, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, for tuberculosis, pneumonia, hypertension. When using the product for cosmetic purposes, you should pay attention to the absence skin lesions and wounds, and also avoid direct contact of hot seasoning with mucous membranes. Excessive or improper use of the seasoning may cause tissue burns.

Mustard Powder and Its Health Benefits

At colds, myositis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, neuritis, neuralgia, rheumatism, radiculitis, tuberculosis, bone and skin diseases, for the treatment of poisoning, wound healing and insect bites ethnoscience recommends using hot mustard baths or applying mixtures to the affected areas. Mustard powder (500 g) should be diluted warm water until a homogeneous mass forms and pour into hot bath. This procedure for 10 minutes allows you to warm up the body and relieve pain, after which you need to bed rest under a warm blanket.

For cancer respiratory organs It is recommended to take a mustard-milk drink in the proportions of 1 tsp. dry product per glass of warm milk. For migraines 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard diluted in hot water helps relieve pain if you put your hands in such a bath up to your wrists. For gout, powdered mustard is recommended to be mixed with salt and purified kerosene in equal proportions and applied to sore spots.

For colds, the powder can be poured into socks to warm your feet. For rheumatism, mustard powder is mixed with camphor in equal parts (100 g), alcohol (20 g) and egg, the mixture is applied to the affected areas for half an hour. To get rid of hiccups, you need to mix the powder with vinegar and apply it to your tongue for a minute.

Benefits of mustard oil

For prevention and treatment cardiovascular diseases The use of mustard oil is recommended. It is this product that contains polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which ensure the elasticity and strength of blood vessels. Omega fatty acids also promote brain cell growth and retina, are responsible for the health of the skin, bones and joints.

The benefits of mustard in cosmetology

As a cosmetic product, mustard is most often used for healing masks for hair. For example, for hair that is oily or prone to quickly getting dirty, you can prepare the following mask. Mix the plant powder (1 tsp) in warm water (250 ml) and apply this composition to the hair roots and scalp for 3 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with running warm water.

Applying table mustard to the hair roots and scalp every day for a month will make your hair grow faster. If the mixture begins to burn strongly, it should be washed off. With this frequent use There should be no cracks or wounds on the skin, so as not to expose the damaged area to burns.

For very dry hair, use a mask of mustard and oil. To 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise or sour cream and olive oil add 1 tsp. powdered mustard and butter. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the scalp for half an hour, and then washed off with warm water.

You can also use a mask of 2 tbsp for hair growth. l. onion juice, 1 tbsp. l. garlic juice, honey, aloe juice, mustard powder and chicken egg, the mixture is applied for an hour and then thoroughly washed off with shampoo. For hair volume, a mask with gelatin is recommended. Add an egg and 1 tsp to the swollen gelatin. mustard, apply the mixture for half an hour and wash off with warm water without using shampoo.

A mustard facial compress will improve blood flow and maintain youthful skin. Mix the grated apple thoroughly with 1 tsp. tea, mustard, egg. Spread this mixture over gauze and apply to a face lubricated with cream for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Mustard wraps are also very effective for weight loss and as prevention. varicose veins. Mix honey and mustard powder in equal proportions and apply massage movements on problem areas, then, wrapping the smeared areas in film, dress warmly and keep the mixture for at least an hour. The effect will be noticeable when daily use wraps after a full 15-day course.

Benefits of mustard: making mustard at home

Russian mustard recipe

This seasoning is considered the strongest and hottest. For 500 ml boiled warm water you need to take 300 g of mustard powder, mix thoroughly and leave overnight in a warm place. To the completely thickened mixture add 30 g of salt, 100 g of sugar, 50 ml of olive oil, 15 ml of food vinegar, black pepper and Bay leaf to taste and stir until smooth; you can also add ground nuts for a spicy aroma.

Soft mustard

300 g of powder is brewed with boiling water until a homogeneous consistency of a thick mixture is formed, which is poured with 300 ml of boiling water and infused for 24 hours at room temperature. Next, 100 g of sugar, 15 g of salt, 10 ml of vegetable oil, 30 ml of vinegar are added to the mixture. You can add your favorite spices and other ingredients to taste.

Mustard sauce

This spicy sauce is suitable for gourmets and as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes. Prepare a mixture of 2 boiled grated chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, vinegar, lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder and sugar. For fish dishes It is recommended to add capers to the sauce.

The benefits of mustard: how to choose mustard?

When purchasing store-bought seasoning, pay attention to the following important factors:

  1. Flavors. It is better to avoid such unnatural components in the product.
  2. Appearance. The color of the product should be dark and the consistency should be uniform.
  3. Preservatives. Quality product this kind can be stored for no more than 1.5 months, but if the expiration date indicated on the packaging is longer, then harmful preservatives were used in the preparation.
  4. Manufacturer country. A Russian or Polish product will be spicier compared to its American and European counterparts.
  5. Vinegar. The amount of vinegar in a product determines how bland it is, so choose a seasoning that lists vinegar as the last ingredient, as the ingredients are listed as they go. percentage in descending order.

Video about the benefits of mustard

Elena Malysheva and her colleagues will talk about the benefits of mustard products in their program “Live Healthy”:

There are three types of mustard: Sarepta (a type of black), black, white (yellow). This article is about white, i.e. yellow mustard, also called English mustard. How to use mustard seeds

By the way, mustard seeds are considered vegetables and belong to the cabbage family.

The seeds are an excellent source of selenium, a trace element that has anti-cancer effects. It is also rich in antioxidants, phyto-nutrients, vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, C, K, E, B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron and zinc. Also contains essential fatty acids such as Omega-3, Omega-6 and oleic acid.

Mustard can be used in the form of plasters, mustard plasters, body and foot baths, and for food purposes.

Benefits of mustard seeds

Relieves migraines

The main cause of migraines is a lack of magnesium in the diet. The seeds contain magnesium, 100 g contains almost daily norm magnesium


Scientific studies support the usefulness of the seeds in the treatment of psoriasis. They contain superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase, which have a protective as well as healing effect on diseases such as psoriasis.

Contact dermatitis

The seeds are good for relieving symptoms caused by contact dermatitis, such as tissue healing and reducing swelling.

Prevents cancer

Relieves muscle pain

Mustard will relieve you of pain, as well as aching muscles. To do this, you need to take a bath with mustard powder.

Slows down the aging process

The seeds are rich in vitamins A, C, and K and, in addition, contain carotene, as well as lutein. These substances act as antioxidants and, as a result, make the skin youthful, radiant and healthy.

Treatment of runny nose and sinusitis

Helps treat runny nose and sinusitis. This is a fantastic decongestant and expectorant that clears mucus from the airways.

Anti-poisoning remedy

A decoction of the seeds is good for cleansing the body, especially in cases of poisoning caused by drugs and alcohol.

Healing effect on the nerves

Stimulates impulses and has an invigorating effect on the nervous system.


Useful for women during menopause. Magnesium, together with calcium contained in mustard, helps strengthen bone tissue, and also helps prevent bone loss associated with menopause. This may help reduce the potential risk of osteoporosis in women during menopause.

Helps prevent constipation

Arthritis treatment

The seeds help in the fight against rheumatoid arthritis, because they contain magnesium and selenium.

Natural scrub

Can be used as a scrub by adding a little essential oil.

Skin hydration

Mustard seeds, combined with aloe vera gel, is an excellent mixture for moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Slows down aging

Against fungus on the skin

How to use mustard seeds

1. You can make a very tasty one from seeds and powder.

2. If you dilute mustard powder with water, it will become more pungent. To soften the heat, add a little or hot water.

3. Mustard seeds can be lightly fried in a frying pan before using them as food.

4. Mustard can be added to vinaigrettes for soups, sandwiches, potatoes, vegetables and rice dishes.

5. Salad: cook and cool millet, add chopped green onions, green pea, baked tofu and mustard seeds. Add a little lemon juice and...

Mustard treatment

Treatment of constipation

To do this you need to eat 1 tsp. seeds twice a day.

Bath to improve blood circulation and detoxification

Mustard powder is used to improve blood circulation and detoxification for external use. For these purposes, take a bath; if your water is chlorinated, add 1 tbsp. vitamin C ( ascorbic acid): 1/4 cup soda, 1 tbsp. mustard powder, 1-2 drops peppermint essential oil, 1-2 drops rosemary essential oil, 1-2 drops eucalyptus essential oil. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

Scalp treatment

1 tablespoon of mustard oil should be rubbed into the scalp. Then, wrap your head in plastic wrap for 30 minutes. After this, wash your hair as usual with shampoo. Carry out the procedure once a week.

Chemical composition of mustard seeds

100 g of seeds contains:

Calorie content - 508 kcal

Carbohydrates - 28.09 g

Protein – 26.08 g

Fat – 36.24 g

Cholesterol - 0 mg

Dietary Fiber - 12.2 g

Folates - 162 mcg

Niacin – 4.733 mg

Pantothenic acid – 0.810 mg

Pyridoxine - 0.397 mg

Riboflavin - 0.261 mg

Thiamine – 0.805 mg

Vitamin A 31 IU

Vitamin - C 7.1 mg

Vitamin – E 19.82 mg

Vitamin K - 5.4 mcg

Sodium - 3 mg

Potassium - 738 mg

Calcium - 266 mg

Copper - 0.645 mg

Iron - 9.21 mg

Magnesium - 370 mg

Manganese - 2.448 mg

Selenium - 208.1 mcg

Zinc – 6.08 mg

Carotene-ß – 18 mcg

Crypto-xanthin-ß – 0 mcg

Lutein-zeaxanthin - 508 mcg

Mustard seeds- a universal product that, according to history, was used as a seasoning back in Ancient India. And according to available data, it was first used in cooking in 42 AD.

These seeds are obtained from mustard fruits, which are similar in shape to hot pepper pods: they are just as thin and long. Harvesting usually occurs a month after the plant blooms.

Externally, mustard seeds look like millet. They are small round grains (see photo) that do not smell at all. The color and taste of the seasoning may differ depending on the type of mustard, which is classified into three varieties:

  • black mustard – grows in South Asia, the seeds are black in color, have a pungent taste, and are used to make the famous Dijon mustard;
  • brown mustard (Sarepta) - grows in India, the color of the grains can vary from light brown to dark brown, when bitten, a slight bitterness appears, after which a strong pungency is felt;
  • white mustard (yellow or English) - most often grown in Canada, the seeds are straw-colored, larger in size and, unlike previous types, are less pungent.

In some countries, there are even traditions of ritual use of mustard seeds. For example, in Germany. In this part of the world this product hemmed into a wedding veil for the strength and longevity of the marriage. In a country like Denmark, mustard seeds are used as amulets to ward off evil spirits and protect the family hearth. And in eastern countries this spice is used as a traditional aphrodisiac.

How to select and store?

When choosing mustard seeds, first of all you need to pay attention to their expiration date, because an expired product is completely deprived of its beneficial properties. Also, spoiled mustard seeds can cause serious damage to health.

Before choosing a spice, it is recommended to inspect it externally. It must have an exclusively natural color without any suspicious spots. Their detection will indicate that the product has been dyed. Also, no foreign ingredients should be found among the mustard seeds.

It is advisable to store mustard seeds in a dark room at a temperature of ten degrees. Under such conditions, the shelf life of the product reaches forty-five days. In winter, this seasoning can retain its properties for three months.

In addition, mustard seeds should be stored in fabric bags. It is highly not recommended to use plastic bags for this purpose, since they usually accumulate moisture.

Uses of mustard seeds

Today, mustard seeds are actively used in many vital industries. They have found application in cooking, medicine, as well as cosmetology and even in the field of Agriculture. IN the latter case the product is used as soil fertilizer. The entire garden and sometimes even entire fields are sown with mustard seeds. The sown areas are dug up and the mustard is left underground to ultimately obtain natural plant fertilizer. Some gardeners use such seeds as effective remedy against weeds.

In cooking

Both whole and ground mustard seeds are actively used in cooking. This famous spicy spice is used in almost all cuisines of the world. For example, in India and Pakistan. In these countries, mustard seeds are fried in a pan before use. During this processing, the product bursts, acquires a grayish tint and unusual smell, reminiscent of pepper aroma.

Raw mustard seeds are in perfect harmony with any fresh herbs, and when dried, they are actively used in canning mushrooms and vegetables. This spice is especially often used in the preparation of various marinades for pickling cucumbers.

Interestingly, mustard seeds can be used to make two other very popular mustard products: paste and oil. In the first case, dry grains are used. They are ground into powder using a mortar or coffee grinder. In the meantime, honey is placed on the stove to melt, after which ground seeds and pre-boiled, cooled vinegar are added to it. The resulting mass is kneaded until smooth and cooled (all ingredients included in this recipe are taken in equal quantities).

Fresh mustard seeds are used to obtain oil. Also in this case, a special press is used. Before use, the finished product must be strained and filtered.

Ground mustard seeds are included in many different salads and snacks. This spice is also considered an indispensable ingredient in the preparation of all kinds of mayonnaise.

It is impossible to imagine the famous Curry sauce without mustard seeds. It is a spicy, aromatic mass that is served hot, accompanying fish, poultry or a rice side dish.

In medicine

As history goes, the use of mustard seeds in medicine began in ancient times. Already at that time, people considered this spice healing product, with which it was possible to remove swelling and get rid of joint pain in short term. Some took mustard seeds every morning before meals, believing that it would increase intelligence.

Today it has been confirmed that mustard seeds effectively help in the treatment of diseases respiratory tract, as well as for runny nose and gastritis. In the latter case, it is recommended to take mustard seeds daily on an empty stomach. On the first day of treatment you need to consume only one grain, and on the second - two. Thus, the dose of seeds can be increased to twenty pieces per day, after which the countdown should begin in the opposite direction.


to relieve swelling

Prepare healing decoction from fresh mustard seeds (7 g), purified water (1 l) and flaxseeds(40 g). Mix all ingredients and boil for ten minutes. Before use, the healing liquid must infuse for one hour. Take the finished decoction sixty milliliters every three hours.

for pneumonia

Grind mustard seeds (5 g). Pour the resulting mixture with warm milk (50 ml), mix well and leave overnight in a cool place. If necessary milk product can be replaced with plain water. Take the infusion only in the morning on an empty stomach. This amount of ingredients is calculated for one serving of the medicinal product.

for chronic constipation

Crush the mustard seeds with a mortar and combine with honey (proportion 1:1). Take the resulting mixture three times a day, five grams fifteen minutes before meals. You can wash down the honey-mustard mixture with plain water.

for urolithiasis

In one container, mix mustard seeds (10 g) and hot water (400 ml). Keep the ingredients on the fire for five minutes, then leave for two hours. Strain the finished broth and take twenty milliliters three times a day.

for fever

Add a pinch of ground mustard seeds and salt to thirty milliliters of red wine (dry). Use the finished product in one dose. This procedure is recommended to be carried out three times a day.

for angina pectoris

Fill a suitable bowl with one liter of hot water. Pour a tablespoon of crushed mustard seeds into it. In the received medicinal bath hold your hands for five minutes.

In addition, mustard seeds help with radiculitis, hiccups and flu epidemics. You can also get rid of toothache with this product. To do this, you just need to make a special solution from ground mustard seeds and water (proportion 1:20). It is recommended to rinse your mouth no more than three times a day.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, mustard seeds are primarily known as an effective remedy for rapid growth hair. Many cosmetologists claim that this product really has magical properties. The thing is that mustard applied to the hair slightly heats the scalp, which increases blood flow to the scalp. hair follicles and, accordingly, awakens sleeping roots.

Such seeds are also useful for facial skin. This product has anti-aging properties, as well as moisturizing and soothing properties.

It is worth noting that for the manufacture cosmetics Only dry powder made from mustard seeds is suitable.

For these purposes, fresh grains are not used, as well as ready-made mustard paste.


Examples of masks for hair and facial skin care are given in the table below.


to preserve youthful skin Chopped fresh parsley (2 tsp) mixed with ground seeds

mustard (1 tsp) and sour cream (10 g).

The finished mixture is applied to all parts of the face, including the eyelids. The product lasts for fifteen minutes.

acne remover

In one standard glass of heated milk, two tablespoons of crushed mustard seeds are thoroughly mixed.

The composition is applied only to areas with acne. After ten minutes, the mask is removed with warm water.

for hair growth To begin with, mix mustard seed powder and a decoction of any medicinal herbs

The finished product is rubbed into the scalp and lasts from twenty to forty minutes, depending on sensitivity.

Mustard seeds are also considered an effective remedy for weight loss. In this case, the product is crushed into powder and used for wrapping. After just a few of these home treatments, an excellent effect is noticed.

In order to get rid of extra pounds and cellulite, you need to prepare a unique honey-mustard mixture. To do this, you need to mix ground mustard and honey until smooth (proportion 1:1). The finished mass should be applied to problem areas of the body and wrapped well cling film. To obtain the desired result, manipulation with the wrap should last at least twenty minutes. However, if a burning or tingling sensation begins to be felt, the procedure should be stopped immediately and the product applied to the body should be washed off immediately.

Beneficial properties, harm and contraindications

Mustard seeds have many beneficial properties. This product effectively helps with common headaches, and also helps with severe migraines and reduces blood pressure. It has antiseptic and antibacterial effects.

In addition, this spice improves the performance digestive system and increases appetite, copes with diseases such as rheumatism, hypertension, flatulence. It is also very useful for diabetes mellitus, because it is capable of restoring the body.

Mustard seeds are rich in chemical composition. They contain vitamins (A, E, K, C), many minerals, as well as plant sterols, unsaturated fatty acids and oils. The benefit of mustard seeds is that they are rich in magnesium and selenium, which have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and relieve asthma symptoms.

Despite rich content useful substances, this product also has contraindications for use. It should not be used for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Also, seeds can be harmful in the presence of cardiovascular and kidney diseases. If in these cases you do not limit yourself in the use of such spices, then loss of consciousness will become more frequent, shortness of breath will appear and your heart rate will decrease.

Mustard seeds – required product, with which you can create miracles in the kitchen, as well as maintain health and beauty for many years!

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