Dog business breeding purebred dogs. Who to knit with? Where to start and how to succeed in the dog breeding business

Some decide to make money by breeding dogs.

They draw for themselves beautiful picture: They will have several dogs - females and males - and after the animals start breeding, the kennel will quickly become profitable.

But, perhaps, no one has yet thought about why such a business has not yet formed in the market and has not become its separate industry.

Who is destined to become a breeder?

Dog breeding as a business is not just about breeding and selling them. Animals need care, they need to be fed, washed, combed, taken to a veterinary clinic in order to receive one or another injection. And such care for dogs should be constant. That is why only those people who love dogs, understand what they need, can play with them and enjoy the hours spent together should engage in this business.

Where to begin? First steps as a breeder

Dog breeding as a business involves a gradual increase in buyers and demand. And don't forget about competition.

For those who love man's four-legged friends, want to take care of them and make money from them, we recommend purchasing purebred dogs, and also find out in advance what approximate amount you can ask for them when selling.

In addition, it is important to take into account the paper side of the issue. Here is a list of documents that will need to be completed if you decide to start this business:

  1. For a breeding female or male: pedigree and certificate of admission to breeding issued by the RKF;
  2. For the breeder: a document confirming specialized education; confirmation of the rental of a factory console, which allows you to open a nursery; registration of the breeding farm in the RKF register.

But don’t forget to first study some literature about dogs, find out what they eat, how to raise them correctly, how to educate them, what vaccinations animals need to be given, how to teach them basic commands.

Next you will need to choose a dog breed. Of course, you can purchase several females and several males, but their breed must be the same - this is the key to the purity of the lines. The most important thing is to know how to properly care for a particular breed of dog.

You should not initially choose the animal that is more expensive. It is best to choose a species that you are knowledgeable about. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Study them all carefully and very well so that there are no incidents later. Choose a puppy that will be a leader among other dogs.

Selection of territory and premises

Before getting your first couple of dogs, you must decide where they will live and what their living conditions will be like. Also decide in advance what breed of pets you will breed: these can be individuals of the same species or, conversely, animals of different breeds.

The most ideal solution for keeping dogs is a house located outside the city. It will be most convenient for you to walk your pets. And if something is missing, then you can easily complete the area and develop dog breeding as a large-scale business.

If the apartment is two-room, then only two or three dogs can live there with all amenities. Of course, more is possible, but provided that no one else lives in the apartment. Also, before starting your own business, read specialized literature about this type of activity so as not to go broke later.

Who will help?

You can even find the breeder from whom you buy your first pair among your neighbors. He will also be able to help you when buying or selling puppies. It is best, of course, if this person is a professional dog handler or expert, one who can answer all questions and advise on any topic related to four-legged pets.

You must understand for what purpose you are purchasing this or that breed of dog and why you need it. And also find out whether the breeder helps in making a profit. This is very important point. If you choose the right breeder, you can save on food and vaccinations.

Such services will cost you much less than veterinary clinic. Also, the owner of the puppy's parents will be able to tell you how to properly care for the dog's coat, and will help with advice during mating, pregnancy and childbirth.

Dog breeding as a business: calculating the first profit

The female bears offspring once a year. And if you choose the right female dog, she will be able to bring you four or five healthy puppies.

If you breed her to a purebred male, the puppies can end up costing from twenty to thirty thousand rubles (the average cost of a puppy with a pedigree, regardless of breed). Now let’s calculate the annual sales revenue if you have not one, but at least five breeding bitches.

To do this, multiply the cost of one puppy (20 thousand rubles) by the size of the litter (for example, your dog gave birth to five babies), in the end it turns out that in a year you can get about a hundred thousand rubles! Of course, this is not much, but for additional income it is quite a decent amount.

The needs of our little brothers

Now let's calculate what exactly your dog needs in order for it to be happy, healthy and able to whelp regularly, that is, to be fertile. First, she needs to buy quality food.

In this material:

Dog breeding as a business is a new promising activity for animal lovers. However, for this it is not enough to have two purebred individuals. It is important to have a good understanding of the intricacies of this business.

Potential source of income - private nursery

Owners of specialized nurseries provide buyers with a package of documents confirming the dog’s pedigree. Puppies raised in prestigious farms, with champion pedigrees and without breed defects, are sold at high prices to private clients. This business does not bring instant profit. Setting up a nursery is a capital-intensive business. The business requires investment.

A considerable amount will have to be invested in the nursery. The conditions for keeping and feeding purebred puppies are not cheap. It costs about 800 thousand rubles to enter the dog breeding business. You need to be prepared for various difficulties when deciding to start a dog breeding business. This activity should not be considered as the main stable income, since there is not a single dog kennel in the world that brings huge profits to its owners.

Algorithm for creating a dog kennel

Registration of individual entrepreneurs for commercial dog breeding Russian laws allow not to carry out. However, the owner of the kennel must provide tax office Required documents, submit an income tax return and pay 13% tax for the year.

Where to start your business

The profitability and success of this business is determined by the price of puppies and the popularity of the breed. When opening a nursery, it is necessary to analyze the market saturation in this segment and make a decision on breeding and selling a certain variety of purebred puppies. Puppies of popular dog varieties are sold at fairly high prices. A purebred, good-quality puppy costs from $500 to $1000.

The most popular breeds of puppies are:

  1. The Pekingese is stubborn, but this dog is petite and adorable. It is very convenient to keep it in a small apartment. Typically, breeding small breeds of dogs requires less expense.
  2. Specialized service breeds of these animals are in demand to participate in hunting and protect homes. They have high breed working qualities. The Staffordshire Terrier, Bull Terrier, Rottweiler, and Doberman Pinscher have innate guarding properties. They are hardy, strong, large dogs.
  3. Labradors are different playful nature and vigor. They are hardy and loyal to their owner. They are often used as a nanny or guide.
  4. Cocker spaniels are distinguished by obedience and friendliness. Such dogs are very popular in Russia.
  5. The German Shepherd is smart, very loyal to its owner, and easy to train.
  6. Decorative breed dogs are very pleasant and peaceful, but they often get sick. Payment for medicines and veterinarian services are additional expenses for the owners of the nursery.
  7. Spitz, Chihuahua, and Yorkshire terriers, which do not need a lot of food, are in demand. These animals cost up to $1,500.

The profitability criteria for breeding a certain breed of puppies are:

  • rapid reproduction;
  • unpretentiousness and resistance to weather changes and diseases;
  • ease of training;
  • small amount of food consumed.

Problems of breeding purebred puppies for sale

To start your own business, breeding dogs can be a good idea. Where to create a dog kennel? Special buildings are required to house these animals. It is important to have an open space for walking dogs near your home. A separate room is required for sick animals and bitches with puppies. Dogs should not cause any problems to surrounding people and private property. Under no circumstances should a residential apartment be used for breeding dogs, since the animals’ well-being will significantly deteriorate in such conditions. The owner of such an apartment will have to face the indignation of people living next door.

What kind of staff should a dog kennel have? Experienced professionals are absolutely essential. We need specialists for hygiene care and preparing dogs for exhibitions. Treatment and vaccination of animals is a task veterinarian. A trainer is definitely needed. How to organize promotion on the market? Potential buyers may be attracted to the nursery's website. It should be attractive, bright, beautiful. Ads in the media will help to successfully organize active sales. It is imperative to obtain official registration in the city dog ​​handlers society.

Financial part of the business plan

Proper planning of expenses and income will help to establish profitable business. You should not expect numerous offspring from a young bitch. Gradually the number of dogs can be increased. An annual income of about $15,000 can be obtained with 4 mother bitches. The initial costs include the maintenance of animals in the first year of life, since the 1st pregnancy of bitches can only occur at about 8 months. In the expenses column, you need to provide for the purchase of necessary accessories, high-quality feed, and expenses for participation in official exhibitions. The high level of training and preparation of animals will be confirmed by certificates and diplomas received at the exhibition.

If you engage in commercial dog breeding professionally, it is a profitable business. You can have a good addition to the basic family budget.

However, it will take many years of hard work to create a sustainable dog breeding business.

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When thinking about what breed of dog is profitable to breed for sale, you should take into account a lot of nuances, including the cost of breeding dogs and bitches, care and maintenance of the offspring, as well as the likely price of the puppy. When choosing such a business, you should keep in mind that main goal The right breeder was and is preserving the purity of the breed.

Northern working dog, active and hardy, with thick hair and a characteristic pattern on the face. Thanks to his peaceful nature and external beauty they get it everywhere - this dog is especially popular in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Novosibirsk. Future owners are not embarrassed that the temperamental dog is not suitable for keeping in a city apartment and can run away forever during a walk. The puppies are selling like hotcakes. A show-class baby costs from 20,000 rubles, and a toddler without documents can be purchased for 3,000 rubles.

The first standard for this breed was exclusively black Labradors with a deep charcoal color.

A kind, loyal and patient companion dog with excellent service qualities. It is distinguished by endurance, high intelligence, a patient attitude towards other pets, and also a love for children. The Labrador adapts well to apartment life, although it loves long walks. It is not particularly difficult to care for, so it is suitable for novice dog owners. average cost a puppy from a kennel with a full set of documents is at least 18,000 rubles.

Shepherd dogs serve in the police, help rescuers and make life easier for blind and deaf people by working as guide dogs.

This is a shepherd dog, which, in addition to working in the pastures, does an excellent job of protecting the house and its owners, and is also trainable and is distinguished by its intelligence and intelligence. The animal requires mandatory training and is more suitable for official use, life in a country house, but often turns out to be an apartment pet. Despite the fact that shepherd dogs have long ceased to be a rarity, they are still one of the most popular breeds of domestic dogs. A puppy from elite producers can cost from 25,000 rubles.

American Cocker Spaniel

If American cocker Since a spaniel grows up with a cat, they often have a very close relationship

A hunting dog that helps hunt birds and other game. This is a hardy, handsome animal with a cheerful character and beautiful silky fur. He adores children, is easy to train, is quick-witted and is able to make independent decisions. The Cocker Spaniel is unobtrusive and delicate. He senses his owner's mood and is always ready to cheer him up. A puppy will cost 25,000 rubles, and a specimen for exhibitions will cost three times as much.

The breed received its official name in honor of the historical region of Pomerania, which is located on the Baltic coast.

Representatives of the breed are playful, charming and daring dogs that have lightning-fast reactions and can bark loudly. Spitz are classified as small decorative dogs, but they don’t realize this, so they consider themselves large and brave animals, always ready to rush into battle and stand up for themselves. Externally, Spitz dogs differ: some resemble fluffy foxes, while others resemble teddy bear cubs. The latter are especially valued in Europe and the USA, so their cost amounts to thousands of dollars. In Russia, a young Pomeranian with documents can be bought for 35,000–40,000 rubles.

Samoyed huskies natural hunters with a strong stalking instinct

This is a large and strong northern dog, dressed in fluffy snow-colored fur. The signature feature of the breed is their charming “Samoyed smile”. The dogs are hardy and resistant to cold, so they are suitable for living and working in northern latitudes, but thanks to their beauty they have become beloved pets everywhere. average price a puppy in Russia ranges from 17,000 to 20,000 rubles.

It usually takes about 6 months for a Yorkie puppy to grow long hair.

Miniature decorative dogs with silk “hair” have been loved by Russians ever since they began to be brought as a souvenir from abroad. “Yoricks” turned out to be sociable and loving, as well as cheerful and brave. Despite the fact that caring for the fur of such pets requires labor and patience, they are happily bought for 20,000 rubles or more.

The above list of popular dogs is not exhaustive and is not limited to popular breeds. Sometimes representatives rare species, not the most flexible and cute, like the four-legged owner of dreadlocks - the Komondor, for example, cost several times more than their beloved dogs.

About costs and benefits

Large dogs give birth starting from one and a half years of age, animals of medium and small breeds can be knitted from 15 months

Dog breeding is an interesting business, but experienced owners know that often the selling price barely covers the cost of raising the animal. To obtain marketable puppies, you should take care of the following nuances:

  • suitable territory and maintaining its cleanliness;
  • premium and super premium segment feed;
  • groomer services or purchase of equipment and means for self-care of animals;
  • veterinary support in the form of examinations, vaccinations, nutritional and treatment consultations;
  • registration of litter and preparation of relevant documents.

So that there are offspring High Quality and was able to obtain documents, potential parent dogs are periodically taken to exhibitions, which means additional expenses and stress for the animals. However, there is a chance that high-status parents, for example, champions, will be included in the puppies’ metrics, which will automatically increase their liquidity and price.

Often you have to take a bitch for breeding to other cities and even countries, and this pleasure is not for the poor. Breeders claim that raising a dog can cost 10,000 rubles. per month or more.

Responsible owners sell puppies no younger than two months old, but sometimes the search for new owners takes longer. The older the puppy being sold, the greater the costs of its maintenance the breeder bears.

Breeding dogs is an interesting business, and if you approach it wisely, it can be profitable. However, it is not the business owner who wins who puts the business on stream and forces the bitches to give birth every year, but the patient and competent breeder who is a fan of his business, who understands the issues of zoogenetics and knows how to produce high-quality pedigree animals.

Often, after learning about the cost of a Chihuahua or Russian Toy, many begin to calculate the breeder’s earnings. In their opinion, after selling his offspring, he can afford an expensive foreign vacation or purchase a car.

And only after they tried this type activities in practice, they begin to understand that not everything is so rosy...

Initially, the dog was a domestic animal that helped a person with housework, hunted and guarded the house. Over time, such a concept as a “decorative dog” appeared, the main purpose of which was to lie on the sofa or on the owner’s lap and decorate the interior.

Modernity is such that the fashion for four-legged friend can be compared to clothing fashion: it changes rapidly and dictates rules for those who strive to match the style.

Having an expensive and prestigious dog is a symbol of success, akin to an expensive car, mansion or yacht. Breed pet may have a positive impact on social status and the image of the owner.

The level of demand is greatly influenced by economic reasons. For example, after the number of rich and wealthy people in the country increased, there was a significant increase in interest in large guard breeds, such as: German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Cane Corso.

As you know, demand creates supply, so people are increasingly starting to breed purebred pets. But you shouldn’t count on a high level of income, because the shepherd dog that was popular just six months ago may be replaced by a pug next year. In general, the sustainability of the business is quite illusory, and as practice shows, the maintenance of elite nurseries is carried out by wealthy people who love our little brothers.

Required documents

The paper side of the issue is a point that must be taken into account. You can start processing documents based on the following list:

  • a breeding bitch or dog will require a pedigree and a certificate of admission to breeding, which is issued by the Russian Canine Federation (RKF);
  • The breeder will need: documents on specialized education and a lease agreement for a factory console, giving the right to open a nursery. In addition, it is necessary to register the breeding farm in the RKF register.

By the way, it would be useful to study some specialized literature, from which you can glean a lot of useful information about proper nutrition, growing, education, necessary vaccinations and core teams.

Which breeds to choose?

Now you have to make a choice suitable breed for breeding. To do this, you need to analyze the demand market and identify the most popular ones. Taking serious action at this stage reduces the risk of failure.

Statistics show that the most popular include:

  • German Shepherd, which is the most loyal, intelligent and beautiful dog, easy to train, as well as a real protector and watchman. The cost of a puppy varies from 15 to 30 thousand rubles. depending on the purity of the breed.
  • Labrador with a loyal character. High level He owes his popularity to his endurance and childish playfulness. As an adult, she is very smart and serious dog, capable of serving as a guide or nanny. A healthy puppy with a pedigree will cost the future owner 15 thousand rubles.
  • Rottweiler. Opinions about the behavior and character of this animal are very contradictory, but one thing you can be 100% sure of is that it is the best protector. In addition, he can be called flexible, obedient and not too demanding of living conditions. A good puppy will cost at least $500.
  • English bulldog– companion dog. They become so attached to their owner that they cannot part with him for a long time. The calmness of a bulldog can be envied, which is why this breed often chosen by families with small children.
  • Dachshund and pug– a cute, affectionate and funny animal that does not require special care and performs an excellent guard function.
  • Chihuahua and Yorkshire Terrier- small pocket dogs that have become very popular in Lately. The appeal of this particular category lies in its vulnerability and incorruptibility. Such a pet is expensive and very demanding to care for.

Providing the necessary conditions

Before you start purchasing your first pair of dogs, you need to decide on the location and conditions of their living. In addition, you need to decide in advance on the number of breeds to be bred.

Animals must be kept in clean, spacious enclosures and fed only high-quality and balanced food. The bitch and puppies should be placed in a separate enclosure. Pets must be guaranteed timely veterinary care. In no case should we forget about vaccinating individuals in accordance with age, as well as regular use them anthelmintic drugs.

It would be a good idea to hire the services of a trainer, because an ill-mannered dog is unlikely to please the buyer.

If you plan to send an animal to an exhibition, you will need careful preparation - a stylist and a grooming specialist.

The most perfect solution for keeping dogs - this is a country house. There will be no obstacles for animals to walk here. And if suddenly someone does not have enough space, then the availability of free space will make it possible to easily solve this problem and significantly expand the business.

Under no circumstances should your own apartment be used to organize a kennel, because not only will it be impossible to live in it, it will also be uncomfortable for the dogs. By the way, neighbors, sanitary services and utility companies will become your regular visitors.

Purchasing animals

The difficult path in this area begins with the acquisition of a female dog with an excellent pedigree. The duet of a good dog and a competent breeding program guarantees the achievement positive result. A person who has decided to engage in this type of business must be able to make an assessment by eye quality characteristics breeds

The ideal breed is a non-existent concept, therefore, making a choice is not so easy. Using the following criteria, you can purchase the most appropriate individual:

  • small food intake;
  • friendly character and calm disposition;
  • easily amenable to training measures;
  • resistance to various kinds of diseases and the ability to withstand negative conditions;
  • rapid reproduction and high cost.

To be honest, selecting an option that fully matches the list is not easy. difficult process, but rather impossible. But it’s still worth spending time on purchasing a decent copy, because the profitability of the business depends on this.

Care, feeding and breeding

Teeth deserve special attention - there should be no plaque on them. And the breed, which is characterized by drooping ears, requires regular cleaning ear canals and prevention against ear mites.

The level of grooming required for a longhaired breed depends on how soon the dog will be showing after being whelped. Many long-haired bitches lose their hair within 1.5 months of breeding, so there is no need to maintain full length, and a little trimming will make grooming easier.

Long hair requires daily combing, dividing into several separate strands, wrapping the resulting strips in tissue paper and curling them in the manner of paper curlers. Mastering this sequence is especially necessary for the breeder Yorkshire Terrier and Maltese.

You can count on getting strong, healthy puppies only if the bitch got good good nutrition and was kept in decent conditions. The first month does not require any adjustments to the animal’s diet. If in normal times concentrates were used for nutrition, then the pregnant woman’s menu should be diversified with meat (beef, lamb, etc.) and raw egg yolks(a small individual should receive no more than 2 yolks per week, and a large one should receive no more than 2 daily).

It is not the quantity of food that needs to be increased, but its quality. A pregnant bitch especially needs food that is characterized by a high protein content, since it is this component that acts as the main building material.

The diet must include meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. The onset of the 4th week of pregnancy should be accompanied by an increase in the number of foods with high content animal proteins. In addition, we must not forget about fish oil and vitamins - A, B1, D and E.

To learn how to determine when to breed a dog, watch the following video:

How to look for clients?

This business inevitably leads to a search for ways to sell offspring. The most the main problem is that this needs to be done as quickly as possible.

Several selling methods:

  • Placing advertisements in any media. Of course, not every call received will lead to the desired result, but, as practice shows, clients are still found.
  • Advertising puppies at an exhibition. This method cannot be ignored, because many buyers do not just want to buy purebred puppy with a good pedigree, but also look at the level of training of the parents.
  • "By acquaintance." The pets of those breeders with whom the client knows personally are much more trustworthy.
  • "By recommendation". This advertising method is win-win and free. A satisfied client who shares information about the breeder and his pets will definitely bring in several buyers.

In addition, good results can be achieved by placing advertising on transport or colorful posters in crowded areas of the city. But such costs can only be afforded by large nurseries that sell large quantity puppies.

Total costs and profit of the project

The expense side of the business includes:

  • purchase of several purebred dogs;
  • registration in the club;
  • construction of an aviary;
  • purchase of special food and fortified supplements;
  • payment for veterinary services;
  • payment for the services of a trainer;
  • payment for participation in exhibitions;
  • purchasing various accessories - muzzles, collars, leashes, etc.

It is difficult to name the exact amount, since it all depends on the chosen breed and the number of animals.

A purebred puppy with a good pedigree costs approximately 20-30 thousand rubles, and an adult bitch on average produces 4-5 puppies, therefore, we can conclude that the breeder will earn about 100 thousand rubles from 1 individual. The amount is, of course, small, but if we consider it as Additional income, then quite decent.

Few breeders of purebred dogs can boast of enormous profitability and ease of doing business. However, “recruits” regularly appear in this regiment who want to purchase a breeding female famous breed and in the future make money by selling puppies for big money. Dog breeding activities have many pitfalls. Elite competitors, risks, constant hope for luck - you will have to face a number of problems. First things first.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

A dog is undoubtedly man's best friend. Tens of thousands of people are ready to get a purebred puppy with a good pedigree, which means the target audience quite wide. By using well-known methods or developing your own concept for breeding and improving the breed, you can achieve a constant influx of clients, but you can only achieve this result after several years. It will not be possible to get rich with one purchased breeding bitch - the costs will be equal to or significantly exceed the income from the sale of puppies.

The optimal option is to keep about 10-15 healthy females and one or two active males in the nursery, which will provide a stable “conveyor”. In this case, all your time will be devoted to caring for animals, keeping them and balanced diet. You must also understand that you won’t be able to get by with even a separate room in a large apartment. Need a factory attachment for the nursery. Therefore, a breeder’s own house with a plot is not just desirable, but necessary.

When choosing a dog breed for regular income, pay attention to consumer demand, size characteristics (large dogs can be bred from 18 months, small and medium dogs from 15 months), behavior, care, and most importantly - statistics on litter size and the average market price of a puppy. After all, this will be the key factor in profitability. A dog cannot give birth to offspring with the frequency of a rabbit. Average– 3 times in 2 years.

The breeder has to go through a serious journey, learn the skills of cynology, grooming, veterinary medicine (and preferably, already have one of these specialties), love his job and be patient.

Preparation and highlights

Business registration

Until you start systematically making a profit from selling puppies, you are not considered an entrepreneur. You can postpone the tax registration procedure until the first litter appears for sale. Individual entrepreneur with simplified tax system 15% – best option, since there is less paperwork and some savings, there is no need to maintain accounting records.

Deciding on a breed for breeding

Price rating for various breeds dogs must be studied in advance. You shouldn’t rely on it alone – demand is much more important. Big cities do not require a large space for walking pets, so small and ornamental breeds. In the outback, small urban settlements, large dogs are common. You can specialize in breeding hunting breeds– the target audience will be specific, but it is also more difficult to establish sales.

The best-selling dog breeds in Russia:

  • Labrador. Price – from 15 to 40 thousand rubles. The litter is usually 4-12 puppies per mating.
  • Central asian shepherd dog. There can be unpredictably few or many puppies - from 1 to 15. Price - from 7 to 30 thousand rubles.
  • Yorkshire Terrier. A puppy costs on average 15-20 thousand rubles, a litter of 2-4 puppies. In this breed, the size of the dog is of decisive importance. A small organism requires less food and space to live, which is why it is convenient to breed them.
  • Chihuahua. Popular pocket size dog. 1-4 puppies are born at a time, the price is 10-15 thousand rubles. for one.
  • Husky. A popular dog that resembles a wolf. These dogs love space and Fresh air. A female can give birth to 1-12 puppies at a time. The price of a puppy ranges from 10 to 50 thousand rubles.

The range of prices for a puppy is determined by the “quality” of the breed. There are pet class (culled offspring with color, size, defects that do not meet the standard), breed class (individuals for further procreation, breeding females and males) and show class (standard of a purebred dog that fully meets the requirements for health, appearance, skills, are ideal candidates for participation in exhibitions).

When buying a dog for breeding, pay attention to this point - for puppies from a female highest category You can get a lot of money, but it will also be very expensive. The closest attention is also paid to her nutrition.

You can buy dogs at a kennel, at an exhibition or from a private breeder. It is important to evaluate the pedigree, veterinary passport, and look at the parents. In order to start a business, you can buy a female over 1.5 years old - then there will be no need to raise a puppy until the second heat. The gestation period for all breeds is on average 2-2.5 months.

Expected costs and their reduction

Breeding dogs is an expensive business, to put it mildly. Feeding from your table or exclusively dry food will not work, since such a regime will negatively affect the offspring. To receive income, be prepared to incur expenses:

  • Dog training courses (around 5-7 thousand rubles per course). Without appropriate education (maybe veterinary), no one will register a kennel and its dogs.
  • Breeding female of the selected breed. On average it will cost 25 thousand rubles.
  • Construction and arrangement of a nursery of the required area (from 100 thousand to several million rubles). The apartment is a place for breeding puppies from one female, which, rather, can be a hobby rather than a serious business.
  • Food, vitamins, accessories, medicines. A major cost item, considering that only a pregnant female requires a minimum of 1.5 kg of meat per day. Each animal costs up to 50 thousand rubles per year.
  • Veterinarian services. Regular examination and vaccinations of dogs and offspring cost money, but without full veterinary passport It’s definitely not possible to sell an expensive puppy.
  • Registration in the system: FCI, RKF. Membership fees amount to 40 thousand rubles. The system issues metrics, pedigrees, and evaluates animals - you will also have to pay for this.
  • Exhibitions. Funds will be required not only for participation (from 1 thousand rubles), but also for carrying, a stand, and putting the dog’s appearance in order. A dog that has not been to any exhibition cannot obtain a pedigree and participate in breeding.

It is possible and necessary to minimize costs. Wholesale purchases quality feed, meat, dairy products, cereals from farms and from manufacturers, payment for breeding a puppy (in this case, the owner of the male has the right of first choice), training courses, veterinary medicine.

By not hiring assistants, you will significantly save on paying for their labor, but be prepared to look after your pets day and night, walk and feed them, pay attention to each individual, and monitor their health.

Nursery premises

To breed dogs, especially large ones, you need a lot of space and quality zoning. The area of ​​the nursery depends on the number of animals kept (from 50 to 1500 sq. m), because for 2 individuals of the same sex you need a separate box (1.5-2 sq. m) and an enclosure for it (4-8 sq. m, at least normal). Heating, ventilation, sewerage, lighting - dogs will live and breed in cold weather, too, be prepared.

When building the console, keep in mind that there should be separate rooms: for males, puppies, resting and ready-to-mating females, puppies for sale, mating, childbirth, veterinarian appointments, quarantine, outdoor boarding (for training and care), kitchen and reception of visitors. A walking area can be organized outside the nursery by building a high fence.

How are purebred dogs sold?

If, despite the risks and difficulties, you have decided to start breeding dogs and have chosen the optimal breed for yourself, get to work:

  1. Preparation of the nursery. This stage should be on your list before buying dogs, since you need to bring the animal to a place that has already been equipped for it.
  2. Selection of a purchased dog for a bitch, mating. If the nursery has its own males, mating occurs regularly in a “conveyor” mode. In addition, you will be able to receive additional income from the owners of females brought for mating.
  3. Nursing a female puppy and born puppies. Additional time, vitamins, improved nutrition, costs for complementary feeding of babies (from 2 weeks of age) - this is inevitable. The birth itself will have to be paid for by inviting a veterinarian. Therefore, it is advisable to be one yourself.
  4. Puppies for sale. You first register them in the system you are working with and receive metrics for each (after the reproductive age in return, a pedigree is issued). There are a variety of platforms for posting advertisements for sale: social networks, paid and free boards, specialized sites, magazines and newspapers, your own website. Nice puppies can be purchased directly at exhibitions or in your nursery upon recommendation.

High-quality offspring can not only be sold, but also put into circulation to improve the quality of your nursery. It happens that among the puppies born there are individuals that do not meet the standards - the little ones will be gladly taken away cheaper or for free.


Purebred dogs are popular enough to become a source of profit. There is a prospect for those breeders who have not only start-up capital and enthusiasm, but also knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine and canine science. In a purely economic sense, low profitability, a lot of risks and unpredictable situations make the dog breeding business not the most profitable option. Therefore, only those who are truly passionate about what they do achieve success.

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