Service life of metal-ceramic crowns. Metal-ceramic crowns for front teeth

Modern prosthetic technology teeth, used today in orthopedics, allows you to use the most various materials for the manufacture of dentures, of which the most popular is.

Metal-ceramics is prosthetics, the stages of which boil down to the manufacture of teeth and bridge structures from the same material.

As the name implies, metal-ceramic dentures are a frame consisting of metal, covered with a thin layer of ceramic on top. Metal-free ceramics and metal ceramics, the difference between them is in composition.

Dental prosthetics with metal-ceramics

Dental prosthetics with metal-ceramics today makes it possible to solve the problem of their absence at any age. The advantage of such dentures is that with their help, damaged and lost teeth restore the previous function of the dentition and have an ideal appearance.

Metal ceramics are widely used for removable and fixed prosthetics teeth. A removable prosthesis made of metal-ceramics is made if it is impossible to install a fixed structure.

Photo: what crowns look like from behind

What a metal-ceramic crown looks like: rear view - see photo.

How are teeth made from metal ceramics?

The doctor makes an impression of the dental structure and gives it to the dental technician. The dental technician models the frame of future crowns on it. The doctor then tries it on the patient's teeth.

If the frame fits well on the teeth, then ceramics is applied on top of it. Ultimately, the structure is covered with glaze. That's it - the prosthesis is ready.

How to insert metal-ceramic teeth

Prosthetics using metal-ceramics is a process extended over time. Installation of the prosthesis takes several minutes. But before inserting metal-ceramic teeth, you need to undergo a series of procedures by visiting an orthopedic doctor.

Stages of dental prosthetics with metal-ceramics

  1. On initial stage Teeth are prepared for metal-ceramic prosthetics.
  2. If necessary, non-viable teeth are removed and teeth and gums are treated.
  3. Based on the examination and the budget planned by the patient, one or another type of crown is selected and an estimate is drawn up.

Preparing teeth for metal ceramics

Grinding of teeth for metal-ceramics is a mandatory procedure. If a bridge is placed, then the supporting teeth must be prepared. Tooth preparation for a metal-ceramic crown is carried out in such a way that the tooth takes on a conical shape.

How do you insert metal-ceramic teeth if only the roots remain? In this case, part of the tooth crown is restored using a pin or stump inlay.

Indications and contraindications

Dental crowns made of metal-ceramics are installed when the dental crown of real teeth is inadequate or absent.

Indications for installation of metal ceramics:

  • Destruction of tooth crowns when it is impossible to restore them with fillings or inlays.
  • Anomalies in the development of teeth that cannot be eliminated by any other means.
  • Pathological abrasion of tooth enamel.
  • Crown defects (loss of shine, color change, loss of shape).
  • Defects of the dentition.
  • Inconsistency of existing crowns (plastic, metal, combined) and bridge prostheses with aesthetic requirements.
  • To restore two or more teeth in a bridge.
  • Restoration of lost chewing teeth.

Ceramic dentures can be installed in all cases that are not a contraindication.

Contraindications for the use of metal ceramics:

  • Allergic reaction to metal ceramics.
  • Teeth with periodontal pathology.
  • Pronounced convergence of teeth.
  • Teeth grinding at night (bruxism).
  • Long-term dental defects.
  • Teeth with a shortened crown.
  • If a tooth hurts, metal ceramics cannot be installed until it is completely cured.

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to their excellent qualities, dental crowns and bridges are very popular among the population. But no matter how good metal-ceramic teeth are, all types of materials have pros and cons.

Pros and cons of metal ceramics:

  • Aesthetics. Full resemblance to real teeth in color and shape. But since the rod present in the prosthesis does not transmit light well, this can affect the different appearance of two adjacent teeth.
  • Hygiene. Metal-ceramic teeth are not exposed to microbes.
  • Full biocompatibility. If the teeth are set correctly, they cannot affect the health of the gums.
  • Strength and durability. Metal ceramics can withstand heavy loads. If you maintain good oral hygiene, your teeth and dental bridge can last more than 15 years.
  • Functionality. No difference is felt while eating.
  • Protection of the remaining part of the tooth under the crown from the destructive effects of the aggressive environment of the oral cavity.
  • The color of teeth does not change over time.
  • The price is low compared to non-metallic prostheses and implants.
  • The cost is higher than for dental prosthetics with metal structures.

Service life of cermets

The service life of metal-ceramic structures depends on many factors. In order for dentures to last longer, you must adhere to certain rules. The attitude towards them should be the same as towards real teeth. There is no need to make any food restrictions.

But also experiment with opening bottles, chewing nuts, bones, etc. no need either. If, in the process of chewing solid food, a tooth nevertheless breaks off, it means that the technology for making the prosthesis was violated.

According to WHO, the service life of metal-ceramic crowns is 7-8 years.


Complications when using metal-ceramic prostheses can occur due to side effects of the prostheses themselves, side effects of the materials that make up the prosthesis, and as a result of technical or medical errors.

Complications may include: side effects, How:

  • Changes in the condition of the gum margin and gingivitis.
  • If a tooth hurts under metal-ceramics, this may indicate that periodontitis has begun to develop. Typically, this happens if the crown was installed on a living tooth.


What is the pricemetal-ceramic crown?

  • You can find a cheap metal-ceramic crown for 3000 rubles, then such a design will most likely be stamped.
  • A metal-ceramic crown from a Japanese or German manufacturer will cost approximately 6,000 rubles per unit.
  • If the crown is Belarusian or Russian production, then the price will be lower - 4500 rubles.
  • A crown made of metal-ceramics on gold-platinum or gold-palladium alloys - 9,000 rubles.
  • The cost of a metal-ceramic crown on gold is 17,000 rubles per unit.
  • You can put metal ceramics only on the front teeth, and on the side teeth and wisdom teeth, for example, plastic.

Installing a turnkey crown in Moscow, including diagnostics, anesthesia, grinding of the tooth, taking an impression, making and fixing the crown will cost 12,000 rubles.

Video: How to prepare teeth for metal ceramics

Dental crowns are the most popular method of prosthetics for various defects, trauma or other destruction of the dentition. Let's look at the features different options crowns for teeth, the preparatory process and the installation of this product itself, as well as probable complications and some nuances of removing dentures.

Why do you need to get a dental crown?

People who have lost teeth, especially in a particularly visible part, do not ask: “Why is it necessary to put dental crown?. However, there are times when there is a need to install a crown, even if all teeth are available:

Types of dental crowns

Today, dentists offer patients several types of dentures, made from different materials and having certain pros and cons.

Metal crowns

Dental crowns made of different metals are considered a classic method of prosthetics and have been used for for long years. The most common method of prosthetics is gold crowns.

The advantages of gold teeth are their reliability, durability and long service life. These crowns not subject to oxidation, and their abrasion coefficient is closest to human enamel, this does not create deformation of antagonist teeth during chewing food. These prostheses have one drawback - a rather unattractive appearance, which is why they are usually placed in a part that is invisible to other people.

Metal-ceramic dentures

Metal ceramics combines all the advantages of porcelain and metal products. These crowns have excellent aesthetic characteristics, are reliable and durable. The price for these crowns is much lower than for all-ceramic products. Disadvantages include the need to prepare a significant area of ​​your own dental tissues before installation, as well as high risk of enamel wear coefficient on dentures. Moreover, if the edge of the gum is low or the prosthesis is not made correctly, there is the possibility of a visible metal strip appearing.

Porcelain or ceramic

All-ceramic metal-free dentures are considered the most aesthetic. They best imitate natural teeth and do not lose their properties even after a long time. However, ceramic is a very fragile material and may not withstand heavy chewing forces. Therefore, they are usually placed on the front row of teeth. The disadvantages include the high price of the products.

Features of attaching dentures to the front row of teeth

Dentures for the front teeth must be durable and aesthetically attractive. What are cermets and ceramics usually used for? Most people are inclined to install metal ceramics, given the best price-quality ratio. It should also be added that the process of fitting, preparing, measuring and attaching the prosthesis to the anterior dentition is in no way different from the standard algorithm. You need to be prepared for possible negative and temporary complications:

  • The color difference of the prosthesis - appears during the installation of one prosthesis on front tooth. Can be restored using special pastes.
  • Darkening of the gums - after fastening the prosthesis, some people experience cyanosis of the gums, which goes away when the body is rehabilitated after the implantation of the material.

Preparing to install a crown

Preparation procedure for installing a dental crown has a number of stages:

How to install a denture: stages and fastening technique

Installation and fastening of the prosthesis considered the final stage:

  • When the crown is removed from the temporary cement, it is thoroughly cleaned.
  • The parried tooth stump is sandblasted to provide micro-roughness.
  • The final fitting is performed, and the dentist makes sure that the crown is positioned correctly and does not interfere with the normal closure of the jaws.
  • Special cement is applied to the inside of the prosthesis, and the crown is placed on the tooth. Then the structure is exposed to radiation from a special lamp, which accelerates the hardening process.
  • All unnecessary parts of the cement composition are carefully removed, since even a small amount of it causes inflammatory process and gum irritation.

After just an hour, the installed denture can be subjected to the chewing process. And the greatest pressure can be applied to the crown the next day.

Fastening with locks

One of the most promising technologies In prosthetics, crowns are secured using locks. This fastening option makes it possible to grind down abutment teeth with minimal losses; it simplifies the procedure for removing or installing a prosthesis. The fastening of these crowns begins with the fastening of dental locks using cement, which play a supporting function, followed by the installation and fastening of the prosthesis.

Fastening the crown to implants

This type of prosthetics does not require treatment of adjacent teeth. Directly design can be placed in several ways:

  • Cement fastening, in this case, the abutment is first attached to the implanted root, then the prosthesis is attached to it using cement. This method It is better suited if simultaneous prosthetics of several crowns are performed.
  • Screw fastening, in this case the prosthesis is fixed with the adapter and abutment outside oral cavity. The entire structure is then screwed to the implant using a screw passing through the hole in the crown. The canal is then closed with filling material. This option is best suited for single dentures.

Doctors' opinion

To attach a single denture to a tooth, support is required. As a support you can use the top of your healthy tooth , fixed implant or stump root.

When installing a denture on your tooth, it is advisable to do this with a ledge. This method of prosthetics consists of creating a special step near the base of the dental tissue, then the prosthesis is put on top.

Naturally, this option of prosthetics is considered more complex. But it makes it possible to distribute the pressure on the tooth, which ultimately improves aesthetics and extends its service life. Moreover, no pathology will appear in the form of blue gums, since the metal ceramics located on the prosthesis are not subject to contact with the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

How to remove a denture?

Removing dentures is not a simple manipulation, especially if it is necessary to completely preserve the crown for subsequent installation on the previous site.

If it is necessary to remove the prosthesis due to its failure, when repair of the crown is not considered, then it is sawed using special tools and removed in pieces from the tooth stump.

To preserve the crown during removal from the tooth, the following dental devices:

Possible complications when installing a dental crown

After prosthetics, Various complications are likely to occur:

The manifestation of any of the complications, especially if the tooth under the denture begins to ache, needs immediate contact with your dentist. Delay can be fraught with loss of the tooth where the crown is located. As a rule, complications involve removal of the crown and re-prosthetics.

During prosthetics, only the patient determines which dentures to install and which teeth will be supporting ones. But at the same time, it is absolutely necessary to listen to the recommendations of your dentist and fully comply with all his advice and recommendations.

Decay and loss of teeth are always associated with a number of problems. An ugly smile becomes the reason bad mood, and digestive problems lead to disruption of the usual rhythm of life. Fortunately, modern dentistry has in its arsenal effective techniques restoration of teeth. And the materials used for it are becoming more and more advanced every year.

Which teeth are better - metal-ceramics or metal-plastic?

For these purposes, ceramics, metal, plastic, and their compounds are now used. Let's look at the features of this or that material and try to answer the question of which one should be preferred.

Metal ceramics

In dental prosthetics, metal-ceramics refers to bridges or bridges made from these materials. If only part of the tooth is damaged, then crowns are installed. When one or more teeth are completely missing, a bridge is made. And if there is only a tooth root, installation is possible metal-ceramic crown on the pin.

The orthopedic structure is made of metal in the shape of a tooth, which is covered with a layer of ceramics. Ceramics are applied to a metal base using one of the following methods:

  • casting;
  • spraying

In dentistry, when creating metal-ceramic prostheses, hypoallergenic materials are used that have good compatibility with human body. And only in in rare cases Individual intolerance may occur.

Metal-ceramic crowns - photo

On a note! Most often, metal-ceramic dentures are installed in the area of ​​chewing teeth, for which appearance is not particularly important, but it is extremely necessary to restore the ability to chew food normally.

To make the frame of a metal-ceramic prosthesis, dentists use the following types of metals:

  • precious;
  • semi-precious;
  • simple.

A ceramic layer is applied to this base using one of the above methods. To make crowns, a composition specially developed for dental purposes is used. It has hypoallergenic properties, does not fade over time and does not change color. This material imitates well tooth enamel, repeating its color and structure. If in any particular case it is impossible to install a fixed prosthesis, then a removable metal-ceramic structure is used. It consists of a metal arch with metal crowns attached to it.

On a note! Despite the fact that the ceramic layer on dentures perfectly imitates tooth enamel, the metal base often shines through it.

If they are installed in place of chewing teeth, this is not critical. But when prosthetics are performed on the front teeth, it is necessary to resort to other materials in order to avoid this effect. In this case, as a rule, solid ceramics are used, but a base of zirconium dioxide or oxide can also be used.

Table. Metal-ceramic dentures - indications and contraindications.

Video - Metal-ceramic bridge

Pros and cons of metal ceramics

The following advantages of metal-ceramic prostheses are highlighted:

  • aesthetic appearance— they practically do not differ in appearance from real teeth (the selection of a suitable shade is carried out from a large palette of ceramic coating colors);
  • biocompatibility with oral tissues, and hypoallergenic(in extremely rare cases, individual intolerance was observed);
  • complete restoration of chewing function: metal-ceramic dentures practically do not differ from living teeth in functionality and do not cause discomfort;
  • reliability and durability: metal ceramics can withstand the stress of chewing food, are not subject to cracks, chips and deformation, can last more than 10 years;
  • hygiene: does not lead to the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • color fastness under the influence of food dyes - no need to avoid eating any foods;
  • Preservation of the tooth from further destruction thanks to the tight fit.

Metal ceramics - before and after

The disadvantages of metal-ceramic prostheses include:

  • turning- removal of a significant part of the tooth tissue is required;
  • depulpation— tooth nerves are also removed when installing metal-ceramics;
  • wear of the contact surface living teeth adjacent to the prosthesis.

Video - Which is better, ceramics or cermets


Like metal-ceramics, metal-plastic prostheses consist of a metal frame and coating. The only difference is the material from which it is made upper layer. For this purpose, high-strength dental plastic is used, which is characterized by non-toxicity, a strong connection with the metal, and the ability to well imitate the surface of the tooth.

Such prostheses are installed in the following situations:

  • as temporary structures designed to replace missing teeth while metal-ceramic dentures are being manufactured;
  • as an external coating for implants with a metal base;
  • when combining several types of prosthetics to restore the dentition;
  • for prosthetics of individual front or chewing teeth.

Pros and cons of metal-plastic

The main advantages of metal-plastic prostheses:

  • fast production times;
  • ease of repair if necessary;
  • relatively non-traumatic installation;
  • affordable price.

The disadvantages include:

  • short service life (maximum 3 years);
  • fragility, which leads to chipping and deformation;
  • the porous composition of the material promotes staining under the influence of food dyes, which worsens the appearance of teeth;
  • poor fit, which leads to bad smell due to pieces of food getting stuck under the denture.

What to give preference to?

Depending on the goals of prosthetics and the financial capabilities of the patient, dentists can install ones made according to various technologies and using a wide variety of materials. The most reliable, durable and aesthetic prostheses require the use of expensive materials for their creation. Another factor influencing the choice of material is the location of the tooth that needs restoration.

Plastic used in dentistry is characterized by high quality, perfectly recreates the structure of tooth enamel and the shade of living teeth, and is hypoallergenic. However, in a number of characteristics this material is much inferior to metal ceramics. Therefore, when choosing between these two materials for dental prosthetics It is recommended to give preference to metal ceramics.

Metal-plastic prostheses are less reliable. They are unable to imitate the surface of natural teeth as well as metal-ceramics. Metal-plastic prostheses are used primarily as a temporary measure for the period while the process of manufacturing metal-ceramic structures is underway or if time is needed for the patient’s body to get used to the implant. Installing metal-plastic crowns for a long time is not justified also for the reason that plastic deteriorates much faster than metal.

3 best options for removable dentures for complete absence of teeth

Acrylic prosthesisThe material is affordable, but due to its hardness it is the most difficult to get used to. Such prostheses are not recommended for people with traumatic work. In addition, acrylic can cause allergic reactions
Nylon prosthesisNylon, on the other hand, is hypoallergenic and soft. It's easier to get used to. In terms of aesthetic qualities, nylon is many times superior to acrylic: such a prosthesis cannot be visually distinguished from natural tissues
Acri-free prosthesisConstructions made from acry-free material are even thinner and lighter. They are somewhat stiffer than nylon ones, but unlike the latter they can be adjusted in case of damage. But their cost is slightly higher

Video - What types of dental prosthetics are there?

According to statistics, every third adult becomes a client of a dentist due to the need for dental prosthetics. Faced with this problem and faced with choosing a prosthetic method, most people are inclined to metal-ceramics. Why are metal-ceramic teeth so in demand, what advantages and disadvantages do they have, how does the prosthetics process work, and others no less? important questions the article will answer.

Features of metal-ceramic teeth

A metal-ceramic crown is a metal base coated with special dental ceramics. Dentures are made according to individual impressions of the patient’s jaw. The ceramic coating is applied to the metal frame manually, layer by layer. After each applied layer, the crown is sent for firing to a furnace, the temperature inside of which reaches 900 degrees. The technology makes it possible to produce an artificial tooth that does not differ in appearance from a natural one and is highly durable.

Metal-ceramic crowns look aesthetically pleasing in appearance.

The metal frame of the crown is often cast from an alloy of cobalt and chromium or nickel and chromium. Crowns made of cobalt-chromium compound have the most affordable price among the entire range of not removable dentures, approximately it is 4 thousand rubles. But more expensive metals such as gold, palladium and platinum can also be used for the frame. Based on what metal or alloy was taken for the frame, there are different metal-ceramic crowns made of gold, titanium and others. The yellow tint that alloys with gold have makes it possible to make the crown as similar as possible to a real tooth. The color of the prosthesis is warm and resembles tooth dentin. But prices for metal-ceramic teeth, the frame of which is made of gold, start from 15 thousand rubles for one prosthesis.

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What is good about metal ceramics?

  • they have a highly aesthetic appearance due to the similarity of their surface in color and structure to enamel;
  • they cope with the process of chewing food no worse than real teeth;
  • have a long service life - about 15 years;
  • they stand high loads, chips and cracks do not form on them;
  • the materials for making the prosthesis are safe and compatible with the tissues of the gums and teeth, so rejection will not occur;
  • harmful bacteria are not able to destroy the crown;
  • dyes in food do not affect the shade of dentures;
  • The crown protects the tooth from further destruction.

The ceramic coating does not wear off and does not affect the material. Only in rare cases is it possible for the prosthesis to chip, but it can be repaired directly in the patient’s mouth.

Important: careful oral care can significantly extend the life of metal-ceramic teeth. For some people, dentures do not require replacement for the rest of their lives.

Disadvantages of metal ceramics

Despite all the positive aspects that this type of prosthesis has, it is not without its disadvantages. These include:

  • To install a crown, you have to grind off a significant part of the tooth tissue;
  • most often, in the process of preparing a tooth for installation of a crown, the pulp burns and it has to be removed;
  • Metal ceramics are not suitable for everyone; there are a number of contraindications;
  • Pieces of food can become lodged under the crown, resulting in bad smell from mouth;
  • simple alloys with chromium can lead to changes in the shade of the gums;
  • as the gums recede, the metal base of the crown may become noticeable;
  • adjacent teeth may need to be ground.

The figure shows the principle of installing the prosthesis.

The pulp (or simply the nerve) is not always removed when installing a crown. But if damage to the pulp occurs during the treatment of the tooth, after some time its inflammation will make itself felt. The tooth under the crown will ache, then you will have to remove the denture and completely redo all the work. So that the patient does not have to go through this unpleasant procedure twice, dentists decide to remove the nerve before installing the prosthesis. But such a tooth is considered dead; it becomes fragile and vulnerable to external factors. So its service life will become significantly shorter.

Who should not get metal-ceramic crowns?

Various alloys for the crown frame.

Despite the fact that in most cases reviews about metal-ceramic teeth positive, this type of prosthetics is not suitable for everyone. Contraindications for installing crowns include:

  • intolerance to the materials used in the manufacture of the prosthesis;
  • in the patient;
  • bringing the roots of the teeth closer together;
  • tendency to ;
  • shortened crown part of the teeth.

In addition, if a tooth is damaged by caries or other dental disease, the prosthesis is not installed until it is completely treated.

Choosing the type of metal-ceramics depending on the location of the tooth on the jaw

A specialist can make a prosthesis that replicates the shape, size and shade of real human teeth. He can draw small grooves and cracks on the surface of a metal-ceramic crown on a tooth, reproducing the structure of the enamel. Thanks to this, metal-ceramics can be installed on both chewing and front teeth.

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Cobalt-chromium metal ceramics are most often installed on chewing teeth. Such prostheses are very durable due to the inclusion of about 30% chromium in the alloy. They organically “fit” into the place of the missing molar and perform all the functions assigned to real teeth.

And for canines, dentists recommend giving preference to metal-ceramics based on gold. Such crowns do not cause changes in the color of the gum at the junction with the prosthesis. Conventional crowns with the addition of chrome have a frame gray. To prevent the base of the prosthesis from being visible through the layers of ceramic, a special dye is applied to it. But because of this, in daylight the dentures look brighter and stand out against the background of the rest of the teeth in the jaw. Therefore, if the patient’s budget allows, dentists advise choosing metal-ceramics based on alloys containing gold for the front incisors.

Installation of metal-ceramic crowns

The process of installing crowns will be quite lengthy and will require several visits to the dentist. On average, it takes a week to install one prosthesis. Sometimes force majeure situations arise: the crowns do not fit, the patient does not like their shape or shade. Then the prosthetic procedure can take more than a long period. Let's find out in detail how metal-ceramic teeth are installed.

Preparatory stage

Preparation for prosthetics includes a CT scan of the teeth.

At the first visit to the dentist, the patient receives a referral for or x-rays. The study allows you to determine the condition of the roots and canals of the tooth. Having discovered that there is inflammation at the root tip, it is first treated. If a filling was previously installed on the tooth, the doctor checks how well the canals were treated. If poorly sealed canals are detected, the dentist must first treat them.

In teeth with living pulp, the decision to remove the nerve is made by the doctor, but most often it is performed. They preserve the nerve in rare cases on chewing teeth.

After this, based on the condition of the tooth, the doctor installs a pin or stump inlay. If the tooth is less than half destroyed, screwing in a pin will be sufficient. It is screwed into one of the root canals, and then the dentist uses filling material to recreate the crown of the tooth around it.

If there is significant tooth damage, the dentist will have to install. It will make the denture very durable and even with heavy chewing loads it will not break. The inlay is “customized” in shape and size, and then installed on the tooth.

Tooth preparation

Required preparatory stage– preparation or, more simply, turning. It involves grinding down the enamel and dentin with a dental bur. This is the most unpleasant part of the entire prosthetics process, but at the same time the most important. In order for the crown to be fixed tightly and held securely, the tooth stump must have flat surface and the correct form.

Important: the preparation procedure is carried out under. Thanks to this, the patient does not feel discomfort.

Features of tooth preparation for metal-ceramic crowns are as follows:

  • turning begins from the side surfaces of the tooth;
  • 2 millimeters of hard dental tissues are ground off on all sides;
  • a small “step” is left on the back of the tooth near the gum;
  • if the pulp is not removed, it is constantly cooled with water during turning;
  • the thickness of the dentin layer should remain at least 1 millimeter;
  • the surface of the stump is made slightly rough for more reliable fixation of the crown.

Important: turning can be carried out not only with a bur, but also with a laser, ultrasound, chemicals, abrasive fed under high pressure. These methods are less painful and do not lead to heating of the tissue, and therefore do not cause burns to the pulp.

Making crowns

A color scale is used to select the shade of the prosthesis.

When the preparation of the tooth for the metal-ceramic crown is completed, the doctor will take impressions of the jaws. At the next appointment, the patient is fitted with a metal base for the future crown. The dentist will determine the color of the denture. A careful approach to this stage will be the key to an aesthetic result. This is done using special color scales or devices for determining the shade of enamel.

While the crown is being made by a dental technician, which takes about a week on average, the patient may be asked to install a temporary plastic “plug.” Its cost is about 1000 rubles. It prevents damage to the already prepared stump. If we are talking about prosthetics of the front teeth, thanks to this temporary solution, the patient’s appearance does not suffer much.

Installation of crowns

When the crown is ready, all that remains is to install it on the stump. First, the dentist will install the denture with temporary cement. This kind of “test drive” is important. When trying it on, it may seem to the patient that the crown is perfect, but during the “wearing” process it turns out that this is not the case.

The prosthesis is installed on temporary cement, and the patient walks with it for a couple of days. If any flaws or defects are found, after removal, the crown is sharpened, ground, and its shape is corrected. The final stage is installation of the crown using permanent cement.

Despite the existence alternative methods prosthetics, metal-ceramics are widely used in dentistry and, most likely, will remain in demand for a long time. If manufactured and installed correctly, it is almost impossible to distinguish them from the real ones. Metal ceramics is optimal ratio prices and quality. By installing a crown, a person can regain the ability to smile confidently.

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