Tablets for abdominal pain: a choice of painkillers and auxiliaries. Tablets for stomach pain

Prolonged pain in abdominal cavity– an unpleasant symptom that interferes with eating well and leading a normal lifestyle. Therefore, many people facing this problem try to relieve pain with painkillers. However, before taking any medical supplies, it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition. This will require an examination by a doctor and diagnosis. It should also be remembered that pain that occurs regularly indicates pathology. Painful sensations in the stomach area can occur with malignant tumors, peptic ulcers and other diseases.

Stomach pain can occur for many reasons, each of which requires a special approach and course therapeutic therapy, and sometimes surgical intervention.

Stomach pain is observed in the following pathological conditions:

  • gastric polyposis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

Pain syndrome can occur due to unfavorable factors: poor diet, stress, allergic reaction, poisoning, trauma, dyspepsia, kidney and liver diseases, drug and alcohol abuse, and smoking.

Reception medicines for pain is indicated in following cases: inflamed esophagus, gastritis, peptic ulcer, increased or low acidity gastric juice, food poisoning, spastic constipation, spasms, colic, damage to the mucous membrane, as well as stress spasms.

Tablets for pain should be taken according to the instructions, having studied the available contraindications and side effects. Useful articles on the topic -.

Effective pain medications

Tablets for abdominal pain are intended for oral administration, most often they are coated with a protective coating. Drugs for treatment pain syndrome can be dissolved, chewed and swallowed with water. In some cases, a special medicine is used in the form of a solution. It should be taken 1 or 2 teaspoons. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, drugs for intramuscular or intravenous administration may be prescribed.

Painkillers for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract are presented in a wide range. The following drugs are considered the most effective:

  • Maalox;
  • No-Shpa;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Almagel;
  • Spasmalgon;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Mezim;
  • Drotaverine.

Medicines are prescribed according to symptoms. These medications can quickly relieve pain and discomfort, normalize the condition.

Even if the pain syndrome has passed and no longer bothers you, it is recommended to visit a doctor and get examined, as the attack may recur.

Review your own diet because normal operation the gastrointestinal tract requires strict balanced diet. Diet therapy excludes: alcohol, smoking, sweets, coffee, strong tea, fatty, spicy and fried foods, baked goods and fresh bread, smoked meats and sausages. If pain rarely bothers you, try to follow the principle proper nutrition to avoid relapse and worsening of the condition. Thanks to diet, you can prevent dangerous pathologies.

Medicines for gastritis and ulcers

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is accompanied by sharp pains, concentrated in epigastric region. Clinical picture: low blood pressure, elevated temperature, sweating, belching, flatulence, nausea, vomiting reflex, loose stool or constipation, as well as heartburn. With such symptoms, the following medications will help: Atropine, Piren, Almagel, Gastropin, Rabeprazole, Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin and others. In order to understand how such they need to be studied more carefully.

With peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, acute, cutting pain. Most often, it appears after eating. Clinical picture: nausea, belching, flatulence, weight loss, malaise, blood from the anus, vomiting. Recommended medications: Azitral, Antacid, De-Nol, Histodil, Kvamatel. This pharmacological group eliminates pain and normalizes activity gastrointestinal tract.

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Character painful sensations in case of illness - cutting, pulling and sharp. Symptoms appear after acute fatty foods, therefore, during therapy you will need a strict diet drawn up by the treating doctor. To normalize the condition of a sick person, the following medications are prescribed: Creon, Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin.

Features of treatment during pregnancy

Pregnant women experience pain in the gastrointestinal tract quite often. However, discomfort does not always signal illness. The most common cause of pain is the growth of the uterus, as a result of which all internal organs are displaced. Most often, such sensations occur at a later date.

If such symptoms are present on early stages, that is, there is a risk of miscarriage, so you need to urgently report all suspicious manifestations to the gynecologist. The causes of abdominal pain in pregnant women include the following factors:

  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • stressful situation;
  • indigestion and overeating;
  • contractions are false;
  • heartburn;
  • gastritis;
  • infection;
  • toxicosis.

It is not advisable to take medications during pregnancy, therefore it is recommended folk recipes: mineral waters, herbal teas and decoctions, honey and aloe. As for medications, No-Shpa is allowed, but not in all trimesters. In some cases, suppositories with papaverine are prescribed.

Treatment of pain in children

If your child has a stomach ache, you should contact your pediatrician, as self-medication can lead to complications. It is important to monitor the child’s nutrition to avoid the development of pathologies. In children under six months of age the cause feeling unwell As a rule, colic appears. In this situation, you can take: Bebikal, Espumisan, Samsimplex, dill water.

In children aged two to three years, abdominal pain may be caused by gas, diarrhea or constipation. Nurofen and Espumisan will help eliminate discomfort. For older children, the following medications are indicated: Mezim, Festal, Buscopan, Linex.

Important! Before giving the drug to your child, carefully study the instructions, contraindications and indications for use, side effects and shelf life. Follow the prescribed dosage. If possible, consult your doctor.

Medicines for stomach pain are prescribed only after the cause of their occurrence has been established. Treatment course must be prescribed by a doctor. Medications should be taken in combination with therapeutic nutrition. Only in this way can good results be achieved in the treatment of pathology.

Listen to the pain syndrome: what character it has. The pain can be different: acute, stabbing, pulling, constant or paroxysmal. This information will be useful for the doctor.

Measure your body temperature; if it is, there is an inflammatory process in your body and you need to see a doctor immediately. But sometimes even with serious illnesses (for example, acute), the temperature remains within normal limits.

Pay attention to whether there are any atypical discharge from the genitals. If any, you need to contact a gynecologist, urologist () or venereologist.

Call ambulance, if the pain does not go away over time, but only intensifies. It could be acute appendicitis or cyst rupture. Such diseases require urgent surgical intervention.

Do not apply heating pads or take analgesics or any other medications unless you are sure of the cause of the pain. By taking an analgin tablet or another similar medicine, you can only mask the manifestation of conditions that require immediate intervention (appendicitis, etc.).

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Very often, the cause of severe pain in the left side can be intercostal neuralgia. Such pain comes suddenly and disturbs. Often this pain is mistaken for stomach or heart pain.

Whole line women's diseases accompanied by pain in the side. If the ovaries, then from time to time pain occurs, especially when cooling, in the lower abdomen. Severe pain that occurs in the presence of a cyst signals that its legs are twisted. Decreases along the way arterial pressure, the temperature rises and vomiting occurs. Pain localized in a woman’s left side may also indicate an ectopic.

If menstruation is delayed nagging pain in the left side may be a signal ectopic pregnancy. Emerging sharp pain- break signal fallopian tube. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help.

If it is on the side, there may be certain heart conditions. In this case, the pain is accompanied by weakness, shortness of breath, irregular pulse, tachycardia, and sweating. Sharp, not passing and burning pain- a signal of a myocardial infarction.

What to do if there is pain in the left side

Based on the location of pain and its intensity, it is not always possible to determine its cause, because often some diseases are “masked” as others. If pain appears in this area, you should not start self-medicating, relying only on your knowledge in the field of medicine. Self-medication can lead to the disease becoming chronic.

It is important to provide assistance to a person who has signs of a myocardial infarction before the ambulance arrives. You should make it easier for the patient to breathe by unbuttoning clothes and positioning top part torso higher.

Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause and answer the question of pain in the left side. After spending necessary examinations and taking into account, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Tablets for stomach pain - the most quick way get rid of unpleasant feelings.

From the article you will learn what painkillers there are for children and adults against diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, under the rib, etc. and in which cases what medications should be taken.

Localization of pain

Based on the nature of the pain, whether it is in the lower abdomen, right or left, we can assume the cause that caused it.

It is best to have a list of pills in advance that can help with certain problems. It must also be remembered that some types of pain may indicate dangerous condition, for example, appendicitis or rupture of the fallopian tube.

Lack of help in this case can cause the death of a person, so you should not try to drown out severe pain in the lower abdomen and other parts of it with the help of pills and other means - if it does not go away, then you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Most often, healthy adults and children are bothered by a dull and not too severe pain in the lower abdomen, as well as the accompanying symptoms - bloating, flatulence.

This indicates an upset stomach and intestines. The functioning of these organs can be disrupted not only due to illness, but also from poor nutrition or abuse the day before fatty foods or alcohol.

In both children and adults, intestinal upset can be accompanied by symptoms of diarrhea - this is how the body tries to get rid of toxins.

Severe pain in the lower and middle abdomen can also occur due to poisoning. In this case, in addition to diarrhea, vomiting often occurs and the temperature rises.

If the pain is localized under the rib on the right, this may indicate problems with the gallbladder or liver.

In addition to the spasm, a person may also experience nausea, and the temperature often rises.

If such symptoms systematically appear, you should consult a doctor - pills, of course, can relieve the discomfort, but this will not solve the problem.

Pain between the ribs very often indicates problems with the stomach or duodenum. Such spasms can also be accompanied by nausea, heartburn, etc.

Depending on the intensity of the sensations and other factors, such spasms may indicate either gastritis or more serious illnesses, so you should definitely consult a doctor with this problem.

In children and adults strong pain lower abdomen with right side, gradually spreading to other areas, may indicate appendicitis. This condition dangerous without medical help.

Appendicitis can also be suspected if a person cannot lie on his left side, the spasm radiates to other areas, body temperature rises, blood pressure drops, etc.

In women, pain in the lower abdomen can also be caused gynecological problems, but they often occur during menstruation - in most cases this is not a serious problem.

Nonsteroidal drugs

Such tablets are a fairly common solution for pain in the lower abdomen and other areas.

Non-steroidal tablets can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription - these include: known drugs, like Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, etc.

Some types of such tablets are also suitable for children, including small ones, but usually they are produced for children in the form of a suspension.

Non-steroidal tablets are quite often used for abdominal cramps during menstruation, when it is known that they are not caused by any inflammation or other complications.

Such tablets have a good analgesic effect, and they act not only during an attack of pain - with their help you can prevent an attack and make the discomfort much less pronounced.

It is best to take anti-spasm pills a few days before the start of menstruation. They also help with other types of spasms.

Since these are quite strong painkillers, they can relieve pain even after operations or abdominal injuries.

Drink non-steroidal drugs necessary before meals, because... full stomach reduces their effectiveness. The tablets are washed down plain water or other liquid.

The tablets act quite quickly - a maximum of an hour after taking them, but usually the spasms go away within 20 - 30 minutes. These tablets help for 4-5 hours.

It is worth understanding that, despite the fact that such drugs are available without a prescription, they are not harmless to the body.

You need to take anti-pain tablets following the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. It is not recommended to take them longer than 4 days.

In addition, reception non-steroidal tablets has a number of limitations.

They should not be given to children and adults who suspect the following problems in the body:

  • hidden internal bleeding;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • problems with the kidneys and liver;
  • allergy to components included in medications.

In addition, non-steroidal drugs are not intended for pregnant and lactating women - other, safer tablets are produced for them.

Other types of drugs

Non-steroidal tablets are intended against muscle spasms internal organs. If the abdominal pain is caused by other reasons, then you need to take other remedies.

For example, if diarrhea, bloating and other signs of intestinal disorder appear, causing pain in the lower abdomen, you can take drugs such as Sulgin, Phthalazol or Imodium.

They all have antibacterial effect and help to quickly reduce diarrhea.

If, in addition to diarrhea, a person is also bothered by vomiting, severe pain in the abdomen, and a rise in temperature, then this may indicate poisoning.

The best drugs against diarrhea and vomiting are sorbents - they are able to eliminate toxins from the stomach and intestines, while preventing their absorption into the blood.

One of the most famous and safe sorbents is Activated carbon– it is suitable for both children and adults. The drug is completely safe, you need to drink it at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

In case of poisoning, an adult needs to drink at least 10 tablets and wash them down with plenty of water, then induce vomiting. Gastric lavage should continue until it is completely cleansed.

If the spasm is localized under the right rib, then this may indicate inflammation and other problems in the functioning of the gallbladder, liver, stomach or duodenum.

This condition can be caused by the most various diseases– pancreatitis, cholecystitis, biliary colic, inflammation of the gallbladder, etc.

The usual “No-spa”, which contains drotaverine, which quickly relieves spasm, can help relieve pain, but not solve the problem.

If the diagnosis has already been established and it is known that pain in the hypochondrium is caused by problems with gallbladder, then you can take choleretic medications - “Allohol”, “Hologon”, “Cholenzim”. They improve the flow of bile and relieve spasms, and you can buy them without a doctor's prescription.

Against hepatic colic, you can take “No-shpa” or “Nitroglycerin”. “No-spa” is taken orally, and “Nitroglycerin” is placed under the tongue - such measures can make the pain in the abdomen much less noticeable.

In some cases, cramps in the lower abdomen occur due to nervous tension, and not as a result of diseases of internal organs. Valerian or motherwort can help in this case - they are diluted with water and taken orally.

If it is not possible to determine the origin of pain in adults and children in the lower peritoneum or other areas, then you can take any antispasmodic, unless there are obvious contraindications.

If the spasm is very strong and is accompanied by other symptoms, then you need to call a doctor - the list of pills most likely will not help here.

If the pain has gone away, but periodically occurs again, then you should definitely consult a doctor yourself, as this may indicate an illness.

The stomach may hurt due to spasm of smooth muscles, lack of enzymes or bile, increased gas formation, inflammatory process, toxic substances, allergens, after discontinuation of contraceptives. Depending on the etiology of the disease, medication for abdominal pain is prescribed.

If the pain syndrome appears as a result of a violation of bile secretion, then it can be eliminated choleretic drugs or antispasmodics, but sorbents or carminatives will not have a pronounced therapeutic effect. Therefore, before taking the medicine, you need to understand the causes of pain and read the instructions for the medicine.

Why does my stomach hurt and what medications can I take to relieve the pain?

Only a qualified specialist can make a diagnosis after diagnostic measures. Often, after collecting an anamnesis and physical examination, the doctor can assume the presence of a particular pathology. If aching or burning pain in the abdomen occurs after eating or on an empty stomach and it is localized in the area of ​​the xiphoid process, and sour belching appears, increased salivation, white coating on the tongue, nausea or vomiting bothers you, this indicates the development of gastritis.

If the gastric mucosa is inflamed, you can take antacids or inhibitors to relieve pain. proton pump, which will reduce the level of acidity of gastric juice, as well as enveloping agents that protect the walls of the stomach from an aggressive environment.

If pain or heaviness is felt in the left hypochondrium, accompanied by belching with a bitter aftertaste, bad smell from mouth, increased sweating, asthenovegetative and dyspeptic syndrome, the color of urine or stool changes, this is a sign of dysfunction of the liver and/or gall bladder. To reduce pain, you need to take an antispasmodic and an enzyme preparation.

If abdominal pain is felt in epigastric region and/or spreads to the left half of the body, this indicates diseases of the pancreas. Symptoms of the pathology also include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and lack of appetite. Since pancreatitis causes a lack of enzymes, it will help relieve dyspeptic syndrome enzyme preparations, and pain is eliminated with antispasmodics, analgesics, ganglion blockers, antacids or proton pump blockers.

If your stomach hurts and this is combined with nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, myalgia, fever, diarrhea, then you can suspect food poisoning. To eliminate pain, it is recommended to take a laxative, sorbent and antispasmodic. If there is heaviness in the abdomen below and it appears immediately after eating and persists long time, then enzyme preparations will help get rid of it.

If abdominal pain is spastic in nature, then this may indicate many diseases, for example, gastritis, peptic ulcer, hepatitis, pancreatitis. To relieve pain, you need to drink a drug that relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestines (an antispasmodic).

If you are only concerned about painful sensations of a pulling nature, and your stomach is enlarged, then most likely the reason is increased gas formation. To eliminate air bubbles that stretch the intestinal walls, you can take sorbents or carminatives.

Remedies for abdominal pain can belong to different pharmacological groups. Which remedy to choose depends on the reason pathological process. The right medicine will help relieve pain and eliminate the cause of the pathological process.

Before taking tablets for abdominal pain, you need to read the anatomy, since exceeding the maximum one-time or daily dose may cause overdose or side effects. If abdominal pain occurs periodically, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.


To quickly relieve abdominal pain, you can take a painkiller. An analgesic will relieve pain regardless of their etiology (copes with dental, headache, muscle pain), since the active substance prevents the conduction of pain impulses along the Gaulle and Burdach bundles, they increase the threshold of excitability of the brain areas responsible for pain sensitivity (pain remains, but is not perceived).

Ibuklin can be given to children from 2 years old

Analgesics include:

  • Analgin;
  • Baralgin M;
  • Baralgetas (also has an antispasmodic effect);
  • Spasmolgon (additionally relaxes muscles);
  • Tempalgin.

Drugs whose active ingredient is metamizole sodium (analgin) begin to act 20–40 minutes after administration. The maximum effect is felt after 2 hours. To eliminate mild to moderate pain, paracetamol-based painkillers (Ibuklin, Brustan, Pentalgin) are used. These products are not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs not only relieve pain, but also have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Ibuprofen syrup can be given even to newborns. NSAIDs include:

  • Nurofen,
  • Aspirin,
  • Ibuprom,
  • Naprobene,
  • Sanaprox.

Aspirin can be taken by children over 15 years of age.

Long-term use painkillers in the absence of etiotropic treatment can lead to the development of the underlying pathology and the emergence side effects(many of the drugs are irritating to the gastrointestinal tract).


Cramping pain in the intestines is associated with overstretching of the intestinal wall, irritation nerve endings, the appearance of pathological peristalsis, impaired smooth muscle tone or a mechanical obstacle to the movement of the food bolus. It is believed that the spasm occurs because the stomach and duodenum food is not processed enough, and when it enters the intestines, food bolus provokes excessive irritation of receptors.

Can develop due to poisoning, intestinal and viral infections, helminthiasis. You can eliminate the spasm by applying a warm heating pad or antispasmodic drugs. Some antispasmodics affect the smooth muscles of certain organs (Duspatalin), while others affect the muscles throughout the body (Drotaverine).

In case of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and digestive disorders of a neurogenic nature, it is recommended to take the following myotropic antispasmodics:

  • Galidor,
  • Bencyclane,
  • Drotaverine,
  • Hymecromone,
  • Mebeverine,
  • Nitroglycerine,
  • Isosorbide dinitrate.

For children from 6 months Papaverine is produced in the form of suppositories

To relieve severe spasm of the biliary tract, it is recommended to use neurotropic antispasmodics:

  • Difacil,
  • Buscopan,
  • Platyfillin,
  • Atropine sulfate,
  • Ganglefen.

Drugs to reduce gastric acidity

For acid-dependent diseases (gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis) pain in the stomach will pass after consuming a drug that neutralizes hydrochloric acid or interferes with its synthesis. Such drugs include antacids, proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers -histamine receptors.

Antacids have no effect on synthesis of hydrochloric acid. Medicines in this group contain antacid substances that quickly neutralize excess hydrochloric acid, which means they have a protective effect on the gastric mucosa. The effect after using absorbable antacids is noticeable after 3-5 minutes, non-absorbable antacids - after 30 minutes. Duration of action – no more than 4 hours.

The following medications are antacids:

  • Rennie,
  • Vikalin,
  • Vikair,
  • Maalox,
  • Almagel,
  • Gastal,
  • Gastracid.

The first three drugs on the list are absorbable, the rest do not penetrate the bloodstream. Non-absorbable antacids not only have an acid-neutralizing effect, but also have enveloping, adsorbing properties, and bind bile acids. It is necessary to take antacids 2-3 times a day if heartburn occurs or when abdominal pain appears (1-2 doses).

Phosphalugel adults should take 1-2 sachets twice or thrice a day

Stimulation of the secretion of hydrochloric acid is carried out by histamine, gastrin, acetylcholine and other factors that act on parietal cells using a mechanism (pump) involving the exchange of potassium ions for hydrogen ions. Proton pump inhibitors block the action of the proton pump, therefore, inhibit the synthesis of hydrochloric acid through the secretory membrane.

Restoration of enzyme activity occurs only after the synthesis of a new portion, so the effect of the drug is long-lasting and stable. Proton pump inhibitors are taken once a day. Side effects are rare, usually dizziness, nausea, and an allergic reaction.

Proton pump inhibitors include:

  • Omeprazole (Losec, Zerocid, Omeprol, Omez, Omegast, Ometab);
  • Lansoprazole (Lansocap, Lancerol);
  • Rabeprazole (Pariet).

H2-histamine receptor blockers inhibit the production of histamine, which affects the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa and triggers the synthesis of hydrochloric acid. Thus, the drug suppresses secretion, accelerates the regeneration of stomach tissue, relieves pain, and has a hemostatic effect.

There are 3 generations of medications in this group:

  • Cimetidine (Tagamet, Histodil) belongs to the first generation. Drugs based on this active substance should be taken 2-4 times a day. Among the side effects, the most common side effects experienced by users include headache, fatigue, drowsiness, and skin rash. The drug reduces the production of androgens, so men may experience sexual dysfunction. The medication is withdrawn gradually;
  • Ranitidine (Zantin, Ranisan, Zantac, Gistac) is a representative of the second generation. It inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid more strongly and has almost no side effects(rarely causes headache, abnormal stool, fatigue). Drink the drug 1-2 times a day;
  • Famotidine (Famo, Ulfamid, Famocid, Kvamatel) is a more advanced medication because it does not affect the synthesis of androgens, does not cause side effects, lasts longer than its predecessors, and has a more pronounced effect. You need to drink it before bed.

It is not recommended to take antacid medications for a long time, as this may cause side effects. Therefore they are used as emergency measure or in complex treatment acid-related diseases.


If there is an excessive amount of gases in the intestines, the walls of the organ stretch, and this leads to painful sensations. Carminatives (defoamers) destroy gas bubbles in the stomach and intestines. The released gases are removed from the intestines naturally.

Medicines are used for increased gas formation, for bloating, if there is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, and medicines also help for colic in newborns and poisoning detergents(surfactants). The products quickly remove excess gas from the intestines and have almost no contraindications, so they can be used to treat adults and children.

Medicines, which are defoamers:

  • Espumisan (Simethicone, Simicol),
  • Meteospasmil,
  • Disflatil,
  • Sub Simplex,
  • Kuplaton,

Children's dose of Bobotik – 8–14 drops four times a day

Natural carminatives can be used to eliminate bloating in young children:

  • Bebinos,
  • Plantex,
  • Baby Kalm,
  • Phytogastral.

The medicine is used 3-5 times a day, the dosage depends on the age and purpose of administration.


Toxic substances, once in the intestines, cause irritation of receptors and an inflammatory reaction, which leads to abdominal pain. To eliminate toxic compounds, sorbents are used - substances that absorb poisons or interact with them. chemical reactions and thereby neutralize them.

Sorbents are used for allergies, poisoning, intestinal infection, gastrointestinal diseases. These substances are able to remove toxic substances, salts from the body heavy metals, alkaloids, glycosides, medications, gases. Sorbents also remove alcohol breakdown products.

Indications for use are dyspepsia, intoxication due to salmonellosis, dysentery, foodborne illnesses, poisoning with chemical or medicinal substances, increased gas formation. Sorbents cannot cope with bacterial flora, but they remove toxins that are released during the life of bacteria, so the medicine must be taken with antibacterial agents(etiotropic treatment).

Activated carbon has sorption capacity, White coal, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Smecta, Polyphepan. You need to take sorbents between meals with a glass of liquid. Also, you should not combine their use with other pills.

Adults are prescribed 1–3 tablets of activated carbon 3–4 times a day

Enzyme preparations

In the intestines, under the action of enzymes, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are broken down into simple compounds. If digestion is slow, this leads to painful sensations and dyspeptic syndrome (nausea, stool problems, vomiting, flatulence).

To normalize the digestive process, enzyme preparations are prescribed. The medicine contains animal enzymes or plant origin, which are placed in an acid-resistant enteric coating.

Enzyme preparations:

  • Pancreatin,
  • Creon,
  • Mezim,
  • Festal,
  • Pepphys,
  • Thylactase,
  • Abomin.

Before taking enzyme preparations, it is necessary to determine the cause of the pathology, since products containing bile cannot be used if chronic pancreatitis. To prevent diseases of the pancreas and in case of digestive disorders, it is usually recommended to drink Panzinorm, Mezim, Festal, Creon or Pancreatin. Drug dosage and duration drug therapy depend on the degree of indigestion.

Which medications are best to choose depends on the severity of the pain syndrome, its cause, clinical picture. In some situations, taking painkillers must be postponed so as not to blur the symptoms. If, in addition to abdominal pain, the abdominal muscles are tense, intestinal motility is impaired (signs acute abdomen), then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Nowadays, patients often complain of pain in the intestinal area. Often it is not possible to see a doctor, but it is necessary to relieve the symptoms. How can this be done?

Pain in the intestinal area is one of the very common complaints when visiting a doctor. As a rule, it is caused by inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of different parts of the small and large intestine. By nature it can be aching, sharp, dull, cramping. Most patients note a clear connection between the act of defecation and the disappearance of symptoms. If, then in order to alleviate suffering it is necessary to understand the causes of pain. Treatment of intestinal pain can be divided into two stages: emergency care, planned treatment.

First aid

Often pathological symptoms appear when it is not possible to see a doctor. In such situations, first aid to the patient is provided by his relatives. Conventionally, actions can be represented in the form of such an algorithm.

  1. Install possible reason pain. If this is the first attack, the pain is intense, acute, and is accompanied by a violation general condition patient - increased body temperature, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth - the only the right decision there will be a call for help from doctors.
  2. If the patient suffers chronic pathology intestines and similar symptoms meet with him regularly - you can try taking medications at home.
  3. As emergency care Antispasmodics can be recommended to the patient. They will help relieve pain in the intestines and improve the patient's condition.

Planned treatment

First aid can only temporarily improve the patient's condition. For full recovery it is necessary to carry out planned treatment. It must be comprehensive and take place in three interrelated directions:

They complement each other, which allows you to quickly relieve intestinal symptoms.

Medical nutrition

Diet is key for intestinal pathology. Without it, treatment simply will not be effective, even if the most effective pills are used.

For intestinal pain, the diet is chosen depending on intestinal function. If symptoms are accompanied by constipation, table No. 3 according to Pevzner is prescribed. If the patient has diarrhea - No. 4.

Regardless of the type of disorder, the following products are prohibited for intestinal diseases:

  • onions, garlic, radishes, radishes;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • strong coffee, sparkling water, alcohol;
  • rich meat and fish broths, dishes based on them.

Diet No. 3 includes all those foods whose purpose is to enhance intestinal motility. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules.

  1. Cereal porridges - buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, wheat.
  2. Bakery products – whole grain bread and bran bread. You can eat modern diet bread, but only with a liquid dish.
  3. To prepare soups, it is recommended to use meat and fish broth, a lot of vegetables rich in fiber - cabbage, carrots, beets.
  4. Choose low-fat varieties of meat and fish.
  5. All types are encouraged fresh vegetables and fruits.
  6. Drinks allowed still water, compotes, diluted juices, tea.

For a patient with constipation, the diet categorically does not recommend jelly, jelly, sweets with gelatin and agar, marshmallows, and marmalade. Also not recommended bakery products made from flour premium. All of these foods slow down intestinal motility, which can increase symptoms of the disease.

Diet No. 4 is recommended for patients with diarrhea. It involves the exclusion of those dishes that cause rotting and fermentation processes in the intestines, and also enhance peristalsis. This diet is prescribed for infectious diseases, food toxic infections, colitis, accompanied by frequent and liquid bowel movements.

IN classic version the diet limits the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, as the main provocateurs of fermentation processes. At the same time, the amount of proteins remains unchanged. Among modern doctors, it is becoming increasingly popular to limit protein foods, which cause rotting.

  1. The basis of nutrition is pureed porridge with the most uniform consistency.
  2. Meat and fish can be consumed in the form of minced meat or soufflé.
  3. Puree soups without spices, potatoes and pasta are allowed.
  4. Rice is added to cutlets instead of bread.
  5. Fruits and berries with an astringent effect are recommended - quince, dogwood, bird cherry, blueberry.


To date pharmaceutical market offers a variety of tablets that help relieve symptoms of intestinal diseases. Doctors mainly use the following groups of drugs:

  • antispasmodics;
  • laxatives;
  • carminative;
  • sorbents;


Antispasmodics are those whose main task is to relieve spasms and pain. Most often, doctors prescribe No-shpa, Drotaverine, Mebeverine, Duspatalin. The tablets quickly eliminate symptoms and improve the patient's condition.


Laxatives help relieve constipation. IN Lately Preparations based on lactulose, for example Duphalac, are becoming increasingly popular. In their composition - alimentary fiber, which increase the volume and reduce the density of feces, due to which they act gently and effectively.


The most popular drug from this group is Espumisan. Simethicone, which is part of it, splits large gas bubbles into smaller ones, which are easily removed from the body.


The main task of sorbents is to remove toxins that have accumulated in the intestines and cause unpleasant symptoms. The most simple means From this group is activated carbon. Nowadays, new, more effective drugs, capable of adsorbing toxins on themselves - Smecta, Atoxil, Enterosgel.


Preparations containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Normally, these bacteria inhabit the intestinal mucosa and prevent the adhesion of pathogenic microorganisms to it. When the microbiological balance is disturbed, favorable conditions for growth and development pathogenic bacteria. Outwardly, this manifests itself as pain in the intestines and disruption of its functioning.

Folk remedies

If for some reason the patient cannot or does not want to take pills, folk remedies will come to the rescue. They are especially indicated in the subacute period of the disease and in case of incomplete remission. Herbs that have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and carminative effects will help relieve symptoms. To prepare decoctions, both multicomponent mixtures and one type of raw material are used.

  1. A decoction is prepared from chamomile, sage and yarrow, taken in equal parts. Take half a glass before each meal.
  2. Fresh potato has an enveloping and wound-healing effect. Take a glass on an empty stomach.
  3. To reduce putrefactive and fermentation processes, recommend garlic tincture. 100 g of garlic is poured with vodka and left for two weeks at room temperature. Take 20-25 drops before each meal. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to drink it with kefir, yogurt or homemade fermented baked milk.
  4. For constipation, a decoction of buckthorn, yarrow, and nettle is recommended. It has a mild laxative effect and stimulates intestinal motility.
  5. If diarrhea predominates in the clinic, the patient is prescribed a decoction of oak bark - half a glass twice a day. It has a good astringent effect.

Choosing a method traditional treatment pain in the intestines, be sure to consult a specialist. He will help you choose the fees that will be useful in each specific case.


Pain in the intestines can be caused by the most for various reasons. Some of them can pose a serious threat to the life and health of patients, which is why it is recommended to immediately contact a doctor. It is possible to begin treatment without prior consultation with a specialist only if the patient knows exactly the cause of his suffering. Otherwise, he will definitely need to undergo a series of examinations - without them, even a doctor with extensive experience will find it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe full-fledged treatment.

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