My stomach hurts, which means someone lives there... “The cat has a stomach ache, that means someone lives there!” Intestinal infections in cats: types, symptoms, treatment Infections of bacterial origin

Candiru or Vandellia catfish (Vandellia cirrhosa) identifies potential prey by the content of ammonia in the water, which is released during the breathing process of the fish. For this reason, local residents try not to relieve themselves in the waters of the Amazon River. Due to its small size, the catfish easily penetrates the urinary duct into bladder. Attachment of Candiru to the walls of the bladder is accompanied by severe pain and can cause serious tissue damage, including fatal outcome. Removing catfish from the bladder is done using surgical intervention(Kandira cannot leave the bladder on his own).

Ixodid ticks (genus: Ixodes) have amazing ability increase in size, absorbing an amount of blood several times its own weight. They are carriers of dangerous diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis And tick-borne borreliosis.

Botflies (Gasterophilidae) lay larvae under the skin of mammals, including humans. The cutaneous botfly larvae "burrow" into the skin. In the bloodstream, they can travel throughout the body and even enter the brain through the blood-brain barrier. By eating away vital areas of the brain, gadfly larvae can lead to death.

Intestinal infections, or otherwise “dirty hands disease”, most often occur in warm time of the year. This is predisposed by the abundance of vegetables and fruits, and hot weather, in which microbes multiply especially readily.

The main danger of intestinal infections is their unpredictability. Has it ever happened to you that in the morning your child runs and plays carefree, and after a few hours his condition has sharply worsened? And if you have planned a trip this day or, for example, to the country? We got into the car and drove off, but suddenly halfway there the child started vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. And if there are also general symptoms: fever, weakness, headache, there’s no time for a trip... If the child is not helped in time, intoxication can become so severe that it will threaten the baby’s life. What should mom do in this case?

First aid for intestinal infection

Of course, if the symptoms of intoxication are severe, the first thing the mother should do is consult a doctor. And only after an ambulance has been called, before it arrives, can you begin to provide first aid.

The first stage is cleansing the stomach. The child is given a drink a large number of still water room temperature to induce vomiting. Then, if the doctor has not arrived yet, you can take sorbents - they will collect the toxins present in the intestines.

After this, you need to wait for the doctor to examine the child and make a final diagnosis. If it really is an intestinal infection, the doctor will probably recommend taking antimicrobial agents. Some people take antibiotics on their own for intestinal infections the old fashioned way. wide range actions that are fundamentally wrong. These drugs can cause serious harm because they are absorbed into the blood, causing toxic effect for the whole body.

Preference should be given modern drugs local action, which act only in the intestines and are not absorbed into the blood. Therefore, such drugs are distinguished high level safety, and they can be used even in small children.

An example of such a drug is antimicrobial drug Ecofuril. It destroys gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that cause intestinal infections such as salmonellosis, shigellosis, dysentery, campylobacteriosis, cholera, etc.

At the same time, Ecofuril acts very carefully in relation to normal microflora intestines. In addition to the main active substance- nifuroxazide, which destroys the infection, it contains an additional component - the powerful prebiotic lactulose anhydro. Thus, Ecofuril not only eliminates pathogens of intestinal infections, but also helps to quickly restore the balance of microflora after an attack by pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition to sorbents and antimicrobial agents Special attention In case of an intestinal infection, attention should be paid to restoring the water-salt balance. Since vomiting and loose stool lead to significant fluid loss; a sick child must drink a lot. For drinking, it is preferable to use water with added salt and sugar, or ready-made powders for preparing a solution. Buy these ready-made mixtures possible at the pharmacy. IN severe cases recovery water-salt balance carried out in inpatient conditions using infusions (droppers).

Under no circumstances should you take medications containing loperamide if you have an intestinal infection. These drugs block intestinal motility, which leads to the accumulation of toxins in it and their absorption into the blood. Unreasonable use of loperamide for diarrhea can lead to infectious-toxic shock!

All of the above methods of therapy are valid not only for treating a child, but also for helping an adult. However, since intestinal infections in children are usually more severe, their treatment should be approached with particular care.

How to prevent intestinal infection?

None preventative measure will not provide 100% protection against intestinal infection, but we can do everything to reduce the risk of its occurrence and ensure first aid when a disease occurs. After all, the sooner treatment is started, the less damage will be caused to health.

So what can we do to protect our family:
1) Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with boiled water
2) Store ready meals in the refrigerator, this is especially important for salads, soups and desserts with cream
3) Wash your hands with soap before eating
4) Supplement your home and travel first aid kit with remedies for intestinal infections, primarily sorbents and Ecofuril. After all, if an infection occurs suddenly, you will have neither the energy nor the time to run to the pharmacy - every minute counts.

– Ville du yarne ha nua spisa? – Veronica asked me a sacramental question. Those who read my post “Food on Hilling Noshkom” already know that she is the one asking me in Norwegian if I would like to eat (I hope I haven’t bothered the readers too much with my favorite “noshkom”).

“Visseli,” I answered, meaning that “of course, dear, and I would be incredibly grateful to you if you deigned to feed me.”

– Wa vil du ha po midda? – my wife complicated the question, demonstrating her insane interest in what I wanted for dinner.

- Bulb! – I answered in Norwegian.

“Not “bul shchet,” but “schet buller,” Veronica corrected me.

Well, yes, she’s right - meatballs in Norwegian sound exactly like this: “schet buller” - “meat buns”, literally, because “schet” means “meat”, and “buller”... well, that’s understandable, Maybe. By the way, in Swedish they sound exactly the same and, if you remember, this was Carlson’s favorite dish.

“One hell of a fool,” I said, “shchet fash ar slutte ( chopped meat ended).

“Hanle on Markt,” my wife sent me... to the supermarket. And so I went.

At the supermarket I picked up minced meat and lazily trudged to the checkout. Suddenly I got hit cold sweat, and everything swam in my eyes. Something strange began to happen to my hands: I looked at them and was struck by a strong tremor - my fingers were shaking as if someone was having a seizure. On top of that, while passing by the bakery department, I suddenly desperately wanted a bun covered with a delicate glaze. Without saying a word, with a shaking finger I pointed to the saleswoman at this bun, and then pointed at the bun with halva. Clearly recognizing me as a bakery maniac and fearing for her life and, in some cases, even her honor, the girl packed both rolls for me with lightning speed. I rushed headlong to the checkout, managing to fish a Pepsi bottle out of the refrigerator on the way. Luckily, there was no queue, and now I was sitting on the bench in front of the store building. A few sips of ice-cold Pepsi and my hands began to obey me a little better. It's time for the buns. The first one failed so quickly that I didn't even taste it. But I really enjoyed the bun with halva. Thankfully sudden attack hypoglycemia (as I explained this condition to myself) has almost disappeared.

Arriving home and giving the minced meat to my wife, I began calling my friend Jasur Pulatovich. Unlike me, he remained faithful to medicine and is considered one of the best pediatricians in Tashkent (according to Tashkent mothers). For me, he is simply a storehouse of valuable information, a walking medical encyclopedia and, despite his age (he is six years older than me, and for our mentality this is a long time) and the fact that he was once my teacher (for our mentality this is an unrealistic gap) - he is my very close friend. Since Jasur Pulatovich is incredibly similar to the Rabbit from the Soviet cartoon “Winnie the Pooh” and speaks casually with everyone (even his children), I am also accustomed to this form of communication with him.

After listening to me, Jasur asked if I was taking antibiotics (some forms of them can cause similar conditions) and, having learned that I was not taking them, he confidently said that “ similar symptoms causes dwarf tapeworm." And then he asked if in the recent (or distant) past I had eaten poorly cooked meat. I remembered my favorite dish - liver, cooked in a frying pan for twenty seconds - and “remembered” that, they say, “yes, there was something like that.” “Then this is definitely a dwarf tapeworm,” summed up Jasur Pulatovich.

Just like in the rhyme:

"I have a stomach ache,

So someone lives there.

If it's not worms,

So you did it!”

But I’ve never been seen doing anything like that! So, there is a “stranger” in me! This thought haunted me.

"What to do?!" – I screamed and Jasur calmly replied: “Drink albendazole.”

But I must say that albendazole is very expensive (in Uzbekistan, according to at least) drug, and the whole family should drink it just in case, because worms are a family disease. Moreover, you need to drink it five days every other day, 400 mg, and given the fact that in Lately I tend to dilute all expensive drugs... In short, it’s terrible!

I didn’t have the slightest idea where to get so much albendazole, which I told Jasur Pulatovich, to which he replied that he successfully prescribes to his patients (as well as to his household once every six months for prevention) VETERINARY albendazole of Dutch or Spanish production. Moreover, as he himself believes, this albendazole itself High Quality, because no one fakes it, no one cheats it, and it costs thirty times less than the pharmaceutical human one. I thanked my friend for the advice and hurried to my wife to hold family council.

“I won’t drink animal medicine,” Veronica told me with an ultimatum in Russian (apparently, she has not yet learned such words in Norwegian).

“Well, kiss your worms,” I answered irritably and went to the veterinary pharmacy.

Albendazole was present there, and in two dosages: for small animals, such as dogs, cats and small cattle, and for large animals such as horses, cattle, elephants and hippos.

I decided not to waste time and demanded a liter canister of ten percent (10%) Dutch-made albendazole. You know, thirty thousand soums (or about two thousand tenge) for such an amount of high-quality drug was not a pity to pay.

- Do you have a farm? – the seller asked respectfully, counting the money.

- No! – I snapped, not wanting to get into a discussion.

- So you have a nursery? – the seller did not lag behind.

That salesman is probably still standing there with his eyes bulging and open mouth. It’s your own fault, because the less you know, the better you sleep.

Arriving home, I diluted the drug as Jasur taught me and drank it. Then he pushed the medicine into his daughter. Veronica, moaning and complaining, nevertheless, herself expressed a desire to drink the “bestial” mixture and agreed that the situation was like in a joke: “Well, yes, horror!”, but not “Horror! Horror! Horror!".

Needless to say, I have not had any attacks of hypoglycemia over the past two months, and my family’s well-being and appetite have noticeably increased. This means that there were, after all, “strangers” there!

Yesterday I treated myself to cookies again. And what? I have almost a liter of albendazole!

Every cat owner knows that if a pet has diarrhea, then all is not well with it. This intestinal reaction may be caused by poor feeding or an intestinal infection.

If with the first option everything is simple - change the food or diet, then with the other - everything is more complicated. Intestinal infections in animals are divided into several types (viral, bacterial and protozoal) and today we will analyze each of them.

Viral intestinal infections


  • diarrhea (stool that is watery, pale or green with a foul odor);
  • rapid weight loss;
  • lack of appetite;
  • stomach pain (the cat runs away when you want to touch it);
  • dehydration;
  • fever;
  • vomit;
  • sneezing;
  • cloudy discharge from the eyes.

All of these signs will not necessarily be present together. If the pet is a healthy, young cat, then of all the symptoms there may only be diarrhea. But with small kittens and older animals the opposite is true - the weaker the body, the more pronounced the symptoms will be.

You need to know that one of the types viral infections intestines - rotavirus can be transmitted to humans. Children, elderly people and anyone with weakened immune systems are at risk.

Therefore, it is very important to take your sick cat to the vet immediately. An immediate response will make it possible to quickly suppress the disease.

Most often, the doctor prescribes human interferon, autoimmune serums or antibiotics.

The causative agents of this type of infection are lamblia and coccidia bacteria. In adult cats, the disease can be asymptomatic, but in kittens and older cats it begins green diarrhea.

The pet may also lose appetite, develop dehydration and exhaustion, since the intestines are not able to properly absorb food and liquid.

In 70% of cases, after a couple of weeks, the symptoms of the disease subside. But you shouldn’t be particularly happy: the cat becomes a lifelong carrier of infectious agents. And when the slightest problem With immune system the disease may recur.

Veterinarians prescribe strong and very toxic drugs to the animal, which can damage the liver and kidneys.

The possibility of transmission of infection from animals to humans has not been fully studied, but most scientists say that there is a possibility. Therefore, during treatment, follow the rules of hygiene, wash the tray often and isolate your pet from children.

Infections of bacterial origin

This is the largest group, since the disease can be caused by Campylobacter, Helicobacter, Clostridia, Salmonella, pathogenic strains coli etc.

But all these bacteria have one thing in common: pronounced symptom- yellowish-brown diarrhea, sometimes mixed with blood.

In this case, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in one (or more) of these ways:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • complete blood count;
  • blood plasma analysis;
  • abdominal radiography;
  • Ultrasound of the digestive organs;
  • ultrasonography.

After studying the test results, the veterinarian will prescribe appropriate medications that will stop intoxication in the body and restore the balance of electrolytes in the blood.

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