Removing Bish's lumps. Photos before and after, consequences, rehabilitation period. How to remove without surgery

Each person has an anatomical structure from birth and throughout development. Many people have acutely expressed certain characteristics that need to be changed operationally, if they do not change independently during the development of the organism. To do this, operations are performed to remove unwanted formations upon reaching a certain age.

What kind of deposits are these?

One of such formations is Bisha's lumps. formations located deep under the skin of the face, but not associated with it. This formation has a rather complex configuration and can be located below or above the zygomatic arch. But in in this case we are talking about a process that goes to the cheek area, which was discovered by the French anatomist Biche.

Why exactly the Bisha lump exists is still unknown, but there is an assumption that it is a kind of pump that allows for proper functioning masticatory apparatus. But when it is removed, the chewing function does not change. In the very early age children have these fat formations can be felt in both cheeks, and they are located on the Bisha fatty lumps that give a child’s face a nice swelling; in adults, the face also looks full.

Beauty and elegance

What will happen to your face if you remove Bish's lumps? The result will be as if the cheeks are drawn in, as if drinking water through a straw. This can be called the "effect" A person gets an elegant hollow cheek with the help of surgery, while the legendary actress achieved this effect by removing her back teeth, as the legend says. Now there is no need for tooth extraction, just surgery.

Potential patients

Is it necessary for everyone? this procedure, why do you need to remove Bisha's lumps? The operation is most common among young girls who want to make fashionable hollow cheeks. For older patients, a similar operation is also performed, since due to fat accumulations in people, “bulldog cheeks” are formed. For older patients, the operation is performed in conjunction with facial skin tightening. Otherwise, the face may look haggard.

To give in late age greater clarity in the lower part of the face, when the skin has low tone, it is not enough to simply remove Bisha's lumps; it is also necessary to perform liposuction of the chin. But is it possible to predict the result of the operation in advance, and will the removal of these lumps be asymmetrical? You can see the result after the procedure with great accuracy if you retract your cheeks in front of a mirror. The correctness of removal is influenced by consideration of the features and all factors in the structure of the face. The most important thing is the different curvature of the left and right jaws.

What kind of lumps are they?

What are Bish's lumps, what do they look like upon closer examination? The peculiarity of the lump is that it is located in a capsule that holds it. The capsule is necessary because the fat contained in the capsule is quite fluid. The capsule is removed through the access available inside oral cavity. The operation is considered low traumatic, and after it is performed the person can go home the same day.

At the end of two weeks, after complete healing, you can see a significant effect in changing your appearance. Good results will be noticeable if the lumps are not completely removed, otherwise the face will look not only haggard, but also aged. When Bisha's fatty lumps are removed, no unpleasant marks, scars or scars remain. The operation is performed in the oral cavity, on the inside of the cheeks.

Amazing difference

If you look at the before and after photos after a couple of weeks, when Bisha’s lumps were removed, you will see a dramatic change. To perform such an operation, you should contact only professional practicing surgeons. The operation performed using a laser has a greater advantage. The first and most important thing is that the laser unit with which the operation is performed is safer and more reliable than using a scalpel.

Using a laser

When using a laser, in addition there is antiseptic effect, so it is almost impossible to get infected during the procedure. In addition to the fact that all patients easily tolerate laser intervention, they feel almost no pain. Since the laser adjustment is more precise, the result is symmetrical face with excellent aesthetic effect. In addition, wounds heal quickly after surgery and no side complications arise. It’s worth seeing the effect after Bisha’s lumps are removed, photos before and after the operation.

Using a scalpel

A normal operation can be performed using any method of anesthesia, but local anesthesia is considered the best; it is painless and takes no more than twenty minutes. During the operation, a small incision is made, and through a short time After the intervention, the patient leaves the clinic independently. Many will be interested in what is the price for removing Bisha's lumps? Moscow has a large number of clinics where such operations are performed, average cost ranges from twenty-five to fifty thousand rubles.

Cost of beauty

But do not forget that the price of such operations may be higher; in each case, it is worth taking into account both the status of the clinic where the removal will be performed, and the specialist himself. Despite the fact that the operation is considered quite simple, there is no need to skimp on it. First and foremost, everything happens very close to facial nerves, and a surgeon with little experience may inadvertently damage nerves. There is also a possibility that if you get into inexperienced hands, get a disproportionate face, since fat from the cheek area will be removed unevenly.

Existing contraindications

For some people, there are contraindications not to remove Bish's lumps. What are they and why can’t they be removed? Such an operation should not be performed on young people under the age of twenty-five. Before this period naturally The fat layer decreases; after the procedure, the face may look very thin and tired. Restoring lost fat volume will be very difficult. There are contraindications for another group of patients.

To those people who have overweight or, conversely, does not reach the required norm, this operation should not be carried out either. Before undergoing such an operation, you must completely normalize your weight. There are also contraindications for this surgical intervention. If there are any infectious diseases, poor clotting blood or aggravated chronic diseases, then you also shouldn’t undergo surgery.

Are there any complications after removing Bisha's lumps? Very rarely, an inflammatory process may begin in the oral cavity, on the cheeks where the incisions were made. This can occur in the event of accidental trauma to the tissues of the mucous membrane in the mouth - from solid food, during a night's rest, or during sports exercises. We also allow for the possibility of an inflammatory process in the body before removing the lumps.

Postoperative period

The rehabilitation period requires such actions as a mandatory visit to the doctor the next day after surgery. It is necessary to wear a compression bandage on the cheeks to prevent swelling. It is necessary to take medications prescribed by the doctor for two days, which include antibiotics, and also rinse the mouth with antiseptics. If everything is done correctly, there will be no interference, then in a couple of days you will be able to see the result of the work done.

To do or not

Having learned where Bish's lumps are formed, what they are and how to deal with them, you should think about the need for surgical intervention, and only after fully realizing the need to remove Bish's lumps should you go on the operating table, because any surgical intervention must be justified. But do not forget that beauty requires sacrifice. According to many patients who chose this method, not only the oval of the face is tightened and improved, but it is also completely rejuvenated.

In surgical cosmetology, removal of Bisha's lumps is becoming increasingly popular. This aesthetic operation allows you to get rid of excessive roundness of the cheeks and give the oval of the face, especially its lower parts, more expressive and refined outlines.

Anatomy and function of Bisha's lumps

They consist of three lobes and are accumulations of adipose tissue enclosed in capsules. Located around the duct of the parotid salivary gland, as well as between the superficial and masticatory muscles of the face from the infraorbital region to the lower jaw, they give the face a certain rounded contour, especially in the lower third.

Their function is to reduce muscle friction during eating childhood. By giving tone to the cheeks, Bish's lumps facilitate the act of sucking. Fat lumps in children also serve the function of protecting facial muscles and nerves from injury. Gradually, in the process of growing up, these functions lose their importance. In adults, these fat accumulations smooth out the areas of the face under the cheekbones, give the appearance of swelling on the cheeks, increase the volume of the lower part of the face, and with age they sag, forming nasolabial folds and folds of skin in the lower jaw area.

Indications and contraindications for removal

Attempts to follow a certain diet do not lead to a rapid decrease in the volume of Bisha's bodies. Regardless of shape and size, they are not a pathology. Indications for their surgical removal is the patient’s desire to improve the shape of the face for aesthetic purposes with:

  1. Round face shape, enhanced by deposits of adipose tissue.
  2. The presence of clearly excess fat deposits on the face.
  3. Age-related changes in the form of drooping cheeks with the formation of wrinkles and skin folds.
  4. Plastic surgery on the face - skin tightening, chin liposuction, and zygomatic implants. In these cases, removal of Bisha's fatty lumps acts as an additional correction method.

Sometimes, fat cells are not removed, but moved under the cheek bones in order to create additional volume in this area of ​​the cheeks.

Contraindications to the operation are:

  1. Acute respiratory infections.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the face, neck, and oral cavity.
  3. Chronic systemic diseases and decreased immunity.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Violation of blood clotting processes.
  6. Chronic liver diseases, mental illness and epilepsy.
  7. Age up to 25 years: adipose tissue up to this age it can decrease on its own.
  8. A significant deviation (about 25%) of the patient’s body weight from the norm in a positive or negative direction.
  9. Planning to increase or decrease your weight in the near future. In this case, surgery is possible only after it has been stabilized.

Technique of the operation

The operation to remove Bisha's lumps is carried out in two ways - the usual method or using endoscopic equipment. Namely:

  • internal access, in which a 1.5-2 cm long incision is made in the mucous membrane from the side of the oral cavity; after delamination of the muscles, the fatty bodies are pulled up, peeled off from the surrounding tissues and removed along with their membrane;
  • external access after a skin incision; This method is used only if the removal of fatty formations is performed as an additional procedure during plastic surgery on the face.

In the first option, absorbable sutures are placed on the mucous membrane at the incision site. The operation is performed under local anesthesia within 25-30 minutes. Patients with unstable nervous system, a pronounced psycho-emotional reaction, or, if desired, general intravenous anesthesia is performed.

Video of the operation to remove fatty lumps of Bisha

During the operation itself, complications are associated only with an allergic reaction to local anesthetic or (during general anesthesia) with complications characteristic of anesthesia - respiratory depression, decreased blood pressure and cardiac dysfunction, vomiting and aspiration of saliva or vomit. There are almost no complications associated with the technical execution of the operation itself.

Healing of the mucous membrane, due to its good blood supply, occurs within 2-3 days. However, for 4-5 days you may experience pain and swelling in the mouth and cheeks, which disappear on days 4-12 after surgery.

Within 3 weeks it is advisable to:

  • avoid general loads and loads on the chewing and facial muscles;
  • eat liquid food;
  • avoid visiting the sauna and long swims;
  • sleep on a high pillow on your back.

Surgeons' opinions on the effectiveness of the operation

The effect of removing Bisha's lumps is expressed in reducing the volume of the cheeks, reducing the width of the face in its lower parts, acquiring clarity of the oval, reducing the depth or complete disappearance of folds, restoring the proportionality of the face and rejuvenating the appearance. The result of the operation lasts for life.

The opinion of most surgeons regarding the removal of Bisha's fatty bodies is more than restrained. They attribute the operation's popularity to its novelty. A clear effect is observed only in a small number of patients. Due to the fact that the lumps have a very small volume, positive result There is no surgery at all for people with relatively full faces.

Some surgeons are skeptical about the operation. This is explained by the short duration of the effect if the balanced nutrition. It is also possible for facial asymmetry to form in the area of ​​the masticatory muscles due to uneven scarring at the site of the removed tissue.

Another reason for the negative attitude is the gradual decrease in subcutaneous facial fat in most people after 35 years. As a result, the face decreases even more in volume and takes on a tired, senile appearance.

Due to doubts about the cosmetic effectiveness of the operation to remove Bisha's lumps, many cosmetic surgeons offer it only as a additional method to plastic surgery. And as a alternative option- facial muscles, decrease total weight through compliance rational nutrition and performing physical activity.

Think about it, maybe you don’t have to become a high-cheeked humanoid? After all, there is a lot at stake.

Surgeries to remove Bisha's lumps (fat formations in the cheeks) are gaining popularity. All more girls and mature women boast how clear their cheekbones and facial contours have become after surgery. And everything would be fine, but removing Bish’s lumps is fraught with consequences that many simply do not think about.

The first and most common by-effect operations - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cheeks. This outcome is possible if there was some kind of infection in the patient’s body before the operation, or if she injured the operated cheek.

The second side effect will not appear immediately. They say that after removing Bisha's lumps, the face sags faster and “slides” with age: these fatty formations used to play the role of a kind of frame, and with their removal, this frame, accordingly, collapsed. Therefore, you may have to undergo plastic surgery for a facelift.

Another side effect concerns hormonal changes that change our appearance. In the period of 28-38 years, many women’s faces become thinner, which means that the cheeks that irritated their owner so much also disappear. And if the girl has previously removed Bish’s lumps, then she risks looking painful, like a skeleton.

Many plastic surgeons believe that removing Bisha's lumps is nothing more than a tribute to fashion. This is not a new operation: it became popular when one of the highest-grossing actresses in Hollywood was Demi Moore. Now there is a new wave of popularity for removing Bisha's lumps: girls have seen enough of the skinny Victoria's Secret angels or Keira Knightley.

A few more facts against removing Bish's lumps. Firstly, a slight swelling of the cheeks makes you look younger, but artificially created sunken cheeks will inevitably make a woman look older.

Secondly, there are fewer radical methods enlargement of cheekbones and changes in facial contours. These include the use of fillers, moving the same Bisha lumps to the cheekbones. And for those who cannot decide to undergo surgery, there are excellent makeup techniques: contouring and strobing.

And thirdly, the operation is performed under general anesthesia, which negatively affects the patient’s health.

Therefore, if you really want to look like a model, it is better to try to change yourself for the better without resorting to surgical interventions.

Appearance comes first for women. At any age, they want to look attractive and irresistible. That is why more and more beautiful ladies are turning to plastic surgeons to eliminate defects that appear with age.

If we take cosmetology, women often turn to doctors to remove Bish's lumps. What it is? Should they be removed and is it possible for everyone to do this? Why is such an operation performed? Let's try to find answers to all these questions.

What are Bisha's lumps?

These are accumulations of adipose tissue, which is enclosed in a capsule. Since for the most part they are located near the parotid salivary gland, between the masticatory muscles, they lead to the creation of a rounded facial contour.

Your name fat lumps Bisha was received in honor of the physiologist and anatomist from France, who studied them and described their properties and characteristics.

Functions of Bisha's lumps

Already from birth, these fatty lumps fulfill their purpose:

  • Reduce friction muscle fibers during chewing in children.
  • Increases muscle tone, which makes breastfeeding easier for infants.
  • Provide protection for facial muscles and nerve endings from injury.

As the child grows, these functions lose their significance, but in adults, encapsulated fat formations have their own purpose:

With age these body fat They begin to gradually sag, which leads to the formation of nasolabial folds and folds in the lower jaw area. The formation of fatty lumps is not a pathology, so removing Bisha's lumps is a purely aesthetic problem.

Since lumps do not grow with the body, after 30 years they become smaller, forming fat reserves, giving volume to the cheeks, and then age-related changes cause them to drop, forming “jowls”.

Some believe that you can go on a diet to remove excessive roundness of the cheeks, but they are mistaken: these formations are quite dense, so food restrictions will not bring the desired result.

Indications for removing Bisha's lumps

The operation to remove Bisha's lumps is carried out only at the request of the patient, because these formations do not pose a health hazard. An indication for this may be a desire to change the shape of the face if:

Sometimes Bisha's lumps are not removed, but simply moved to the cheekbone area to create volume there. This option is first discussed with your doctor.

Contraindications for surgery

It is not always possible to remove Bish's lumps. We have already looked at what this is, and it should be clear to the reader that the operation is just a whim of the patient. But there are times when you have to give it up. Contraindications to the intervention are:

Complications after surgery

Is the operation so safe and what are the risks of removing Bisha’s lumps? The consequences are most often associated with the effects of anesthesia on the body. Experts note that the patient may develop allergic reactions in the form of the following manifestations:

  • Depression of respiratory function.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Vomit.

How does a person recover after undergoing an operation such as the removal of Bisha's lumps? Consequences in the form of complications of a technical nature, according to doctors and the patients themselves, are practically not observed. Healing occurs quickly, but pain and swelling may occur for several days.

However, the consequences can sometimes be delayed, since hollow cheeks are attractive to young girls, but with age, this sign, on the contrary, ages a woman. During the period of hormonal changes, deformation of Bisha's lumps occurs, so if they are removed, the effect will be more pronounced, since the lower jaw looks more massive.

When resorting to such an operation, it is necessary to take into account that subsequently it will be impossible to place implants if necessary, since there will simply be nothing to fix them on. And every specialist will say that any methods maxillofacial surgery will become useless.

How are Bisha's lumps removed?

What it is, what the procedure is, the surgeon will explain and together with the patient will discuss the tactics of its implementation. Two methods are used:

The second technique is considered more traumatic, since between Bisha’s lumps and the facial muscles there are nerve endings And salivary glands. This requires the surgeon to be more careful during the procedure and to be more attentive.

Bisha's lumps (what they are is already clear) may not be completely removed, it depends on the desired result, but most often they are removed as a whole lump. And a disinfectant pad is applied to the seam.

Recovery after surgery

Recovery process after surgical intervention depends on the chosen technique. If the removal was carried out through the buccal mucosa, then almost immediately after the patient comes to her senses after anesthesia, she can go home.

Minor swelling may persist for several days, and the sutures are removed after 8-10 days, unless self-absorbing materials were used. Inside, the suture on the mucous membrane heals in about a week.

If the removal of Bisha's lumps was carried out in parallel with the plastic surgery, then the recovery time is delayed, the patient must spend some time in the hospital.

Although the operation is not complicated, there are some recommendations for the patient that he must follow:

  • Do not expose yourself to heavy physical activity for 2-3 weeks.
  • Limit the time you take water procedures.
  • Do not visit the sauna or bathhouse.
  • Avoid swimming in open water.
  • Do not strain your facial muscles unnecessarily: do not shout, do not make grimaces, remove unnecessary facial expressions when talking, limit the time of conversations.
  • For sleep, it is better to choose a position on your back, so as not to further injure the operated area.
  • To prevent the formation of edema, it is better to use a high pillow.
  • Maintain careful oral hygiene, especially if the first method of removing Bisha's lumps was used.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications.

  • In the first three days after surgery, almost all food should be liquid.
  • For three weeks, do not include solid food in your diet, as this can cause overstrain of the facial muscles.
  • Do not drink too hot or cold drinks, so as not to injure the mucous membrane.

The results of the operation can be fully assessed only after a few months, when the tissues have finally healed, but a positive effect can be noticed after the end of the rehabilitation period, that is, after 2-3 weeks.

Is it possible to remove Bisha's lumps in another way?

How to remove such fat deposits without surgery? This question worries women, but any specialist will disappoint them. No reinforced physical exercise will not bring the desired result. Even if the numbers on the scales creep down, Bish's lumps will not become smaller.

Some believe that specific facial gymnastics - face building - can give results, but this is also not true. Of course, you can correct some defects, for example, tighten muscles, slightly change the contour of the face, but fat deposits will remain in their place.

Addiction to diets will not help if there are Bisha lumps. You don’t even have to ask the surgeon how to remove them without surgery. All he can say is that surgery is necessary.

How much will you have to pay for the operation?

When looking for an answer to the question “how much does it cost to remove Bisha’s lumps,” it is necessary to take into account that the final cost of the operation will be influenced by several factors:

  • The technique that the doctor will use to remove fatty lumps.
  • Method of pain relief (of course, general anesthesia is more expensive than local anesthesia).
  • The volume of fat deposits to be removed.
  • Status of the medical institution.
  • Specialist qualification.
  • Location of the clinic (in large cities the cost is higher).

But speaking in general, you will have to pay from 25 to 80 thousand rubles for the procedure.

Although the operation is not considered complex, it is important to choose good specialist, which will not only be able to remove Bish’s lumps without affecting the nerve endings, but will also do it equally on both sides so as not to disturb the symmetry of the face. It is better to contact trusted clinics so that you do not have to correct the surgeon’s mistakes later.

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