Consumption of ginger root. Medicinal properties of ginger root. Mask for oily, problem skin

IN medical practice Many peoples have been using ginger or horned root for several centuries. Some studies indicate that the cultivation of the plant initially occurred in India, and only then the grass with a branched rhizome spread to other continents. Why is ginger root so useful, and does it have any contraindications?

What are the benefits of ginger?

There is no doubt about the benefits of ginger for the human body. Research results indicate that the plant prevents blood clotting and lowers cholesterol levels. Ginger has the ability to treat toxicosis, reduce discomfort after chemotherapy, in case of poisoning or seasickness. The root is used to prevent strokes and heart attacks, as it perfectly cleanses the arteries.

The medicinal properties of ginger are appreciated due to the presence active ingredients: B vitamins, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese. All micro and macroelements of the root are calculated in milligrams, but this supply of useful substances is enough to put the plant in first place among spices.

Ginger - beneficial properties for women

The root of this unique plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, giving the human body vital energy. What are the benefits of ginger for women? High level antioxidants, which the root contains, can uplift and calm. During pregnancy, taking the spice reduces signs of toxicosis and relieves dizziness. However, the root has some contraindications, so a pregnant woman should consult a doctor before using it.

Ginger root is effective for female infertility, excess weight, aging cells, helping women look chic. The plant relieves pain that occurs during menstruation. You need to brew ginger tea, add a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey (or sugar for taste) and painful sensations will leave quickly. Regular use of the horned root will help a woman improve memory, stimulate cerebral circulation, eliminate irritation and lethargy.

Ginger - beneficial properties for men

Ginger root is known to increase male strength, increasing potency. Ginger - beneficial features and contraindications, which have been studied for a long time, prevents the development genitourinary diseases and prostatitis. What else is ginger good for men? If you regularly eat this miraculous medicinal root, the functioning of the digestive tract improves, and accelerated blood circulation helps remove toxins from the body.

Can children eat ginger?

In children's therapeutic practice, ginger tea is actively used to treat colds. Parents should know that when studying the beneficial properties of the plant, doctors did not come to a consensus on whether ginger can be given to children under 2 years of age. It is better not to forget that horned root is a spice, so it may well cause an irritating effect on the part of gastrointestinal tract baby. Before giving your child a root to improve immunity, you should consider the contraindications of ginger and get the approval of your pediatrician.

How to use ginger

The benefits and harms of ginger depend on correct use. In order for the root to retain the maximum amount of nutrients, you need to take into account its characteristics when adding it to different dishes. How to take ginger:

  1. Sauces. Season with spices after heat treatment.
  2. Sweets. Add to sweet dishes until ready in three minutes.
  3. Meat. To preserve the beneficial properties, the root is added to meat dishes 20 minutes before the end of the thermal effect.
  4. Bakery. Dry ginger powder or candied fruits are added to the dough (1 g of spice per 1 kg of dough).

Ginger tincture with vodka

The drink improves health, normalizes metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on the stomach, improves vision, and cleanses the body of toxins. How to make ginger tincture with vodka:

  • select a root without rot and mold, peel, chop into thin layers;
  • in a glass container, fill the plant with vodka (can be replaced with wine or alcohol 400 g per 1 liter) so that it completely covers the raw material;
  • Place the container in a dark place for 14 days;
  • then filter, consume 2 times a day, 1 tsp. along with honey and lemon.

Ginger for colds

Spring and autumn are the time of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza and colds. Associated peak respiratory diseases with a sharp change in temperature, when the body does not yet have time to adapt to it. Tea with ginger is considered very effective for colds, runny nose, cough and others. cold symptoms. Prepare medicinal drink will not be difficult - the recipe is simple:

  • take any tea, brew as you are used to;
  • strain the liquid and place on low heat;
  • add 2 pcs. cloves, a few slices of fresh ginger root, a pinch of cardamom, cook for 15 minutes;
  • remove the pan, cool, strain;
  • Drink the tea warm until you recover.

Ginger root for men

Ginger root provides positive impact on male body, especially with the development of prostatitis. It is known that staphylococci and streptococci provoke pathology, and the spice helps fight them thanks to its rich composition. How to use ginger for prostatitis? Prepare ginger tincture in water according to the following recipe:

  • cut 30 grams of spine into slices;
  • pour 300 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes;
  • Cool the drink, strain, take 2 tsp 2 times a day before meals. until complete recovery.

Ground ginger

Dried ginger is used in folk medicine. He is able to win without medication headache, if you mix the powder with water and put a compress from this mass on your forehead. The spice helps with arthritis if you apply the mixture to knee joints(1 tbsp. powder per 1 tsp. water). The seasoning will help you avoid the symptoms of flatulence, cope with nausea, and remove the symptoms of gastritis if you dissolve 1 tsp. powder per glass warm water and have a drink.

Ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss

Ginger root, like lemon, is an excellent fat-burning agent. These two products have perfect compatibility, so nutritionists advise using them for weight loss. You can prepare honey and lemon with ginger for weight loss in different ways; there are a lot of recipes. The easiest one is:

  • grind ginger root weighing up to 150 g together with peel in a blender;
  • finely chop the lemon with peel (up to 200 g);
  • mix the ingredients, add hot water (up to 80 degrees);
  • leave the mixture to cool in a glass container;
  • then strain, add no more than 3 tbsp to the drink. l. honey;
  • drink half a glass 2 times a day for weight loss.

Ginger for the liver

The herbal substances found in this hot spice help restore liver cells and reduce the risk of hepatitis and other infections. The root helps to quickly cope with ailments associated with drinking alcohol. Ginger should be used correctly for the liver and gallbladder so as not to harm the body. The course of taking the tincture is no more than two weeks, during which you need to follow a diet excluding fatty foods and alcohol. Preparation of the mixture:

  • steam a small ginger root with water (3 tablespoons per glass of water) in a thermos for 15 minutes, then strain;
  • add a little mint and honey, drink every morning on an empty stomach, starting with a small dosage (50 grams), gradually adding 10 drops;
  • Do not combine the medicine with diuretics, antibiotics and blood pressure lowering medications.

Ginger extract

In cosmetology, ginger root extract is used as a tonic and rejuvenating agent for the skin. It is added to masks, lotions, massage oil, creams for all ages. Ginger extract effectively removes waste and toxins, normalizes sebum secretion, and has an antiseptic effect on the skin. Hair masks containing ginger extract improve nutrition of the scalp, improve blood circulation, and accelerate the growth of strands.

Ginger for hemorrhoids

To treat hemorrhoids, the use of ginger root should be very careful. If bleeding is present, then ginger should not be used for hemorrhoids, so as not to aggravate the situation. Due to such contraindications, self-medication is not recommended. According to traditional healers, an effective recipe for hemorrhoids is to use a mixture of a pinch of ginger powder with 1 tsp. aloe juice It is recommended to take the medicine before meals (10 minutes) twice a day until recovery.

Ginger for pressure

The properties of the root are favorable for treatment of cardio-vascular system and prevention high blood pressure. The plant contains components that improve blood circulation, relax muscles located next to blood vessels. Thanks to its warming effect, ginger root saturates the blood with oxygen, relieving spasms of peripheral tubular formations. Doctors say that ginger is indicated for any pressure, since it does not increase or decrease it, but normalizes it. The simplest recipe is to eat a small root when symptoms are active.

Ginger - contraindications

Before using spices for various diseases, you should familiarize yourself with its contraindications. Ginger has been proven to be harmful for people who have tumors of various origins in the gastrointestinal tract, since the seasoning will promote their growth. The presence of stones in the gallbladder, since receiving the root can provoke their movement. Other pathologies for which it is harmful to use hot spices:

  • cardiac ischemia, heart attack, stroke;
  • second half of pregnancy;
  • high body temperature;
  • pancreatic disease;
  • root allergy;
  • chronic skin diseases.

Video: the effect of ginger on the human body

Not everyone knows how to properly use ginger, but yet this product can bring health benefits great benefit, if you use its unique nutritional and healing properties wisely. Ginger root is not only one of the most famous and popular spices, but also a natural natural medicine, has long been used in the treatment of a variety of diseases. So, what is ginger used for in cooking, how to eat it, and what ailments can be cured with its help?

Natural healer: beneficial properties of white root

The benefits and harms of ginger have been studied for many years. This plant began to be used as a spice and healing agent already many hundreds of years ago. In the homeland of the white root, in India, ginger was considered universal medicine from dozens of diseases. The plant still lives up to this name: numerous positive traits ginger make it one of the most valuable gifts of nature.

Fresh ginger contains a huge amount of beneficial substances. Among them are B vitamins, retinol, ascorbic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, amino acids, flavonoids, essential oils, phytoncides and many others important for human body elements. It is thanks to such a rich chemical composition white root already long years included in the list of the best natural healers.

The following medicinal properties of ginger root are distinguished:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • bactericidal;
  • pain reliever;
  • antipyretic;
  • choleretic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • warming.

The most popular use of ginger root is for colds: It has been noticed that if you drink during illness natural medicines based on this plant, cough, sore throat, runny nose and elevated temperature go much faster. For example, the simplest and most accessible recipe for getting rid of acute respiratory infections is ginger tea. To prepare it, just brew chopped fresh ginger in boiling water and add honey or sugar to taste. For 100 g of root you will need 3 cups hot water. You can also add pieces of the plant to any freshly prepared tea drink.

Uses of ginger in medicinal purposes for a particular disease has positive influence not only on a specific area of ​​the body. Almost everyone in life experiences the healing effect of using the burning root. important systems body:

  • digestion improves;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • general immunity increases;
  • work is stimulated thyroid gland;
  • inflammatory processes are eliminated;
  • cells and tissues are cleansed of toxins and waste.

It is recommended to use ginger root in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, circulatory, reproductive system, musculoskeletal system. It can also be used as an external remedy for healing wounds, eliminating skin diseases and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

When using medicines from ginger root, one should not forget about contraindications: the hot spice is harmful for gastritis, stomach ulcers, cholelithiasis, liver diseases, hemorrhoids, coronary disease heart, hypertension. When using a plant to treat colds, we must not forget that the root has a strong warming property, so it should not be used in hot weather. The use of ginger is contraindicated for both expectant mothers and women breastfeeding.

How to make ginger tea (video)

Ginger in cooking

Many people use ginger as a medicine, but it is no less often used in cooking. This tart spice gives dishes a special taste and helps to digest them better. How to eat ginger? In cooking, the spice is used in fresh, dried and pickled form.

Some people doubt whether they can eat fresh root. This is quite understandable: not everyone likes eating ginger raw, since the plant has a specific pungent taste. Meanwhile, it is fresh ginger that is most useful, as it retains all its nutritional qualities. To slightly soften the pungency of the spice, it is recommended to add it in crushed form to salads. Ginger goes well with carrots, beets, and celery. You can also use fresh root for cooking. meat dishes: It adds a special flavor to beef, pork, lamb and poultry. However, it is worth remembering that the nutritional and medicinal properties of ginger are significantly reduced when cooked.

Another popular way to use the root, adopted in many countries around the world, is adding ginger powder to drinks, sweets and baked goods. So, on cold winter evenings it is especially pleasant to drink warming tea or hot tart mulled wine with a small amount hot spice, and also have delicious gingerbread, which many associate with New Year and Christmas. In addition, the use of ginger as a dry seasoning is allowed in the preparation of many dishes - soups, pasta, rice. It is often added to various sauces that go well with meat. The taste of the finished dish will become even better if ginger powder is combined with cinnamon, cloves, and black pepper.

Many people are interested in the question of what pickled ginger is eaten with. Traditionally, this product is offered as an addition to rolls, sushi, seafood and fish dishes, but some housewives prefer to use pickled ginger and for making salads. For example, the product goes well with boiled chicken breast and vegetables.

And 1 more helpful advice For those who want to know how to use ginger: a piece of raw root eaten after a meal will freshen your breath and protect your mouth from bacteria.

How to brew ginger correctly (video)

Ginger weight loss

IN last years The use of ginger root for weight loss has become very popular. The fat-burning properties of the plant are based on its high content essential oils and its ability to stimulate blood circulation and accelerate metabolic processes in the body. To obtain desired result, it is important to know how to properly take ginger for weight loss.

There are many ways to use the spice as a fat burning agent. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Ginger tea. The root must be peeled and chopped on a grater or using a blender. 1 tsp. Brew the finished mixture in 1 glass of water and leave for 15-20 minutes. You can add a small amount of honey and a slice of lemon to the slightly cooled drink - this will improve the taste of the healthy liquid. You can prepare green ginger tea in the same way: 1 tsp. crushed root is added to freshly brewed green tea leaves and left for a quarter of an hour. The drink should be consumed during the day between meals.
  2. Garlic-ginger infusion. Mix 1 tbsp. l. finely grated root and 2 crushed cloves, pour 2 liters of hot water, stir and leave for 30 minutes. Drink daily, divided into several doses, for 1 month.
  3. Kefir fat burning cocktail. You need to take 1 glass low-fat kefir, add 1/2 tsp. chopped ginger, cinnamon powder and ground red pepper, taken on the tip of a knife. Beat the mixture in a blender and use overnight.

If you know how to take ginger for weight loss, you can quickly and easily get rid of extra pounds for enough short term. However, you need to remember that remedies based on healing spices will be much more effective if you combine them with regular exercise. And, of course, before starting a ginger diet, you should make sure that a person has no contraindications to consuming the root.

Having received the answer to the question of how to use ginger root, you can safely include this the most useful product into your diet. It will improve the health of the body, get rid of many diseases, make slim figure and will be a great addition to many dishes.

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Ginger combines the properties of a food product, a spice and a medicine. Depending on the cooking method, it can be used as a side dish, added to medicinal teas or enhance the taste of meat and confectionery. Its multicomponent composition makes it possible to use the root for the treatment and prevention of many diseases in children and adults. What exactly is ginger good for and what is the best way to use it?

Properties of ginger root

Describing the beneficial properties of ginger, we can divide them into groups according to the degree of impact on the human body. It is important to note that each person has unique reactions to certain products, combinations and conditions of their use. So, for some, ginger can become the main assistant in the prevention of colds, for others - in the process of losing weight, for others - a provocateur of exacerbation of existing diseases.

At the first signs of a cold or infection, you can drink it, gargle with its decoctions, or simply chew the slices to disinfect the oral cavity. In later stages of the disease, ginger is indicated for restoration of strength and get well soon.

With the help of spices you can successfully treat cough and bronchitis. The analgesic, antispasmodic and mucolytic properties of the plant in combination can cope with a debilitating cough, difficult to clear sputum and microinflammation in the bronchi. How additional remedy the root is used in the treatment of pneumonia.

For frequent poisoning, indigestion, nausea and diarrhea, ginger will help disinfect digestive tract, will improve the microflora of the stomach and intestines, speed up the process of breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The root has an antiemetic effect, and therefore prevents dehydration.

The beneficial properties of ginger do not end there. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Potassium and magnesium in the spice strengthen the heart muscle, improve the condition of blood vessels, strengthening the walls and making them more elastic. The spice increases blood flow, giving organs good nutrition, and their work returns to normal.

Ginger is one of the few medicines natural origin, not contraindicated for pregnant women. It is effective for toxicosis on early stages, as it contains substances that reduce the urge to vomit. By improving digestion, metabolism is normalized, which also helps eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis.

According to scientists, for diabetes mellitus, fresh root can be used to reduce blood glucose levels. This product can become a substitute for antihyperglycemic drugs in people with initial stage diseases. By following a diet and consuming ginger, you can eliminate the use of chemical drugs. The root can be used to treat a disease only after consultation with a doctor. If your sugar level really drops persistently, you should stop taking your medications. .

Ginger tea with lemon and honey is the first cure for a cold

In parallel with the regulation of glucose levels, ginger also helps to cope with obesity, which is a common companion to diabetes.

The strengthening and tonic properties of ginger stimulate the immune system. It is for this purpose that adults and children take it. Ginger teas, drinks, mixtures, juices - everything is useful for the body's defenses. .

For weight loss

Ginger is one of the most popular folk remedies for weight loss for many reasons.

  • Pleasant to the taste.
  • Vitaminizes the body.
  • Cleanses away impurities and toxins.

Its main effect is due to gingerol, which slowly but steadily accelerates the digestive process. It is especially friendly with fats, breaking them down without any residue into easily digestible particles that are not stored for later. This same resinous organic compound breaks down cholesterol and cleanses blood vessels.

If you use ginger for weight loss systematically and in the right volume, it will make your appetite less intrusive, reduce the size of food portions, and reduce excess liquid, waste and toxins. You can use fresh or its extract, which is an integral component of teas, coffee, biologically active additives to food intended for people with obesity and abnormal metabolism.

With ginger you can lose weight by 1-2 kg in 10 days

For children

Contraindications for the use of ginger in nutrition and health apply to children under 3 years of age and those who are allergic to this product(). Otherwise, the root can be used as an additive to tea, main courses, as a medicinal and tonic. For children, it is better to use fresh young ginger. It is used to make slurries for brewing, put slices in tea, squeeze out juice, or prepare multivitamin mixtures with lemon, honey and dried fruits.

The ground root has a too pungent and bitter taste, so it is simply impossible to get a child to try it. They can only be used to flavor meat, fish, and add to baked goods, especially cookies and gingerbread. Daily dose ginger juice for a child over 3 years old is 5 ml. If it is a fresh root, then 1-2 cloves are enough.

Spice affects children's body as an immunostimulant. It improves resistance, helps cope with inflammation, has antiviral effect. With help you can protect your child from transmission viral infection by airborne droplets. It is enough to apply a drop of oil on the child’s clothes in the area chest.

If the baby is already sick, you can give him vitamin drinks with ginger, brewing it in a thermos with black tea and dried fruits. Gargle with diluted juice for sore throats, laryngitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, and inflammation of the gums. The root is also used for steam inhalations. Ginger is contraindicated in any form for high temperature bodies. It can cause overheating due to accelerated blood circulation and high warming ability.

To remove worms from children or conduct a course of prevention, you can give your child ginger tea every morning. Course 2 weeks. A similar course is carried out in August-September before the cold season to strengthen the immune system and vitaminize the body.

When smoking

Smokers are susceptible increased risk development of atherosclerosis. Since ginger improves metabolism and prevents the deposition of fats on the walls of blood vessels, it inhibits the development of this disease. It has been proven that nicotinic acid interferes with the absorption of many vitamins, micro- and macroelements, so more of them must enter the body than for a non-smoker. Spice will also help here due to its rich vitamin and mineral complex.

According to some reports, organic compounds ginger root can inhibit the development tumor cells. Since smokers are more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer than others, it should be included in daily diet dishes and drinks with fresh or ground root.

Ginger – thyroid – bones – immunity

Due to poor environment, poor quality food, nervous overstrain and other factors, the health of modern man has deteriorated significantly. The first systems to feel the impact were the endocrine, musculoskeletal and immune systems. All of them are closely related to each other, and failures in at least one threaten serious changes in the other.

Ginger, when used regularly, can become a stabilizing product that has only positive effects - after all, it is a gift from nature itself. IN fresh The root helps the endocrine system work properly, as it cleanses the body of waste and toxins and stimulates the production of hormones.

According to scientists' research, strong immunity is impossible without a healthy thyroid gland, which synthesizes hormones in sufficient quantities. To do this, she needs iodine, which is also present in ginger.

At strong immunity less exposed inflammatory processes bones and the entire musculoskeletal system. The help of ginger is especially important here as it has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and protective agent.

This is one of the diseases that can be treated with ginger.

In addition, the components contained in the root contribute to the breakdown uric acid, which, accumulating in joints and cartilage, causes them severe inflammation. In this case, gout develops - serious illness, which will subsequently require the patient to follow a strict diet and take drug treatment. .

For visible result a person who has problems with the endocrine, immune and musculoskeletal system necessary:

  • eat up to 60 g of fresh ginger daily for several months;
  • prepare special ointments for sore joints based on any vegetable oil and crushed root;
  • drink plenty of fluids to help healing root remove waste and toxins from the body.

If you combine the use of ginger internally and externally, you can significantly improve the condition of sore joints and bones, strengthen the immune system, stimulate the thyroid gland and generally improve general health.

How to use

Healing properties ginger root appear to varying degrees depending on the application. In order to lose weight, you should boil the root for 5 minutes over low heat. To normalize metabolism, it is better to drink green tea with crushed spice, and to strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to combine the root. How often and for how long can you use ginger root?

Cup ginger tea Can be drunk daily by both adults and children. In larger volumes, drinks are consumed in courses of 2-4 weeks. So, to lose weight, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of tea daily for 14-20 days. The course of strengthening the immune system with the help of vitamin mixtures lasts about a month with a break of 2-3 weeks and a repeat course. A spoonful of ginger juice with water can be given to children throughout the autumn-winter-spring season.

For the treatment and prevention of many diseases, tea is prepared with ginger, honey and lemon according to the classic recipe

It has been proven that warm tea with ginger provides maximum benefits for the body. Therefore, most drink recipes recommend preparing the tea immediately before drinking. Classic recipe tea involves brewing a teaspoon of crushed, peeled root with 1 cup of boiling water. After steeping for 5-10 minutes, the drink is ready to drink. Ginger as a spice can also be used daily. It will improve the taste of meat and fish, help make the fibers softer, reduce the amount of salt used, and stimulate the production of digestive enzymes.

In India and China, ginger is considered a cure for all diseases, so it is present on the table of every resident every day in fresh, dried or pickled form. In the East they prefer to drink green tea with ginger in order to feel a surge of strength and delay old age.


Despite the many beneficial properties of ginger, not everyone can benefit from it. What contraindications may be an obstacle to using the root? Ginger is a spice with a pungent taste, bitterness and pronounced aroma. It is not recommended for people with irritable stomach, ulcers or chronic gastritis. Their diet includes light, neutral foods that do not increase the secretion of glands and do not irritate the mucous membranes.

Contraindications apply to people with cardiovascular diseases:

For such patients, any change in blood pressure and increased blood flow leads to rapid heartbeat, headache and other negative reactions. On the contrary, people with healthy heart and blood vessels can use the root to prevent the diseases described above.

The spice should not be used when internal bleeding, including during menstruation, during illness with an increase in body temperature.

Ginger can cause heartburn, worsening ulcers, and increasing gastritis symptoms

Any ulcers in oral cavity or the skin will be painful and take longer to heal when using the spice. Other important taboos include:

  • liver diseases, including hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • psoriasis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • allergy;
  • neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

The root is not allowed in the last trimester of pregnancy and during lactation. Ginger should not be combined with certain medications. If a person constantly and systematically takes medication, it is better to consult a doctor before taking it.

Ginger is a source of essential substances beneficial to humans. Its difference from other important and healing products the fact that it is enough to consume 2-3 cm of the root in order to enrich the body with a full range of micro-, macroelements, vitamins, amino acids, flavonoids, etc. This is a source of health, youth and longevity, the effectiveness of which has been tested for centuries and generations on all continents of the earth ball.

Ginger root has a whole host of beneficial properties, because it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. The main part of ginger consists of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, silicon, manganese, chromium, iron, nicotinic acid, linoleic acid, caprylic acid, aspargine, oleic acid, vitamin C and fats. Ginger root contains many different amino acids that must be present in the human body: , valine, leysine, phenylanine, methionine, tryptophan.

This plant contains a substance - gingerol. Thanks to it, ginger root has its specific and burning taste. The main components of the rhizome are starch, gingerol, sugar, borneol, zingiberene, phellandrene, citral, bisabolene, camphene and linalool. Ginger root is considered low-calorie, because per 100 grams of this product there are only 80 kilocalories.

Ginger root is very fragrant due to its content large quantity essential oils.

Properties of ginger root

The beneficial properties of ginger root are quite extensive. It is often used to prevent and treat many diseases. Fresh ginger is good for work digestive system. In addition to the fact that it gives dishes a specific taste, it also makes food easily digestible, stimulates the production of gastric juice, and normalizes gastric secretion, eliminates belching, indigestion. If ginger root is eaten regularly, a person will develop an appetite.

Ginger root has a particularly beneficial effect on blood vessels, cleanses and strengthens them, and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. This plant is an excellent help in the treatment of atherosclerosis, strengthens memory and reduces arterial pressure. When taken regularly, ginger has a good effect on performance, gives vigor and a surge of strength. The root serves prophylactic from strokes and blood clots.

Ginger is useful for representatives of the fair half of humanity. The substances that make up the root relieve spasms and cramps that sometimes accompany menstrual cycle, have a beneficial effect on

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