Euthanasia of dogs: how to euthanize an animal painlessly. Euthanasia of dogs: how, when and with what to euthanize a pet Euthanasia of a medium breed dog

  • The animal has become aggressive and poses a potential danger to others;

  • Your dog is sick or infected with a serious disease that causes severe suffering and pain and there is no remedy to relieve the animal from this suffering. As a result, the animal is doomed to die a slow and painful death. This may include any incurable and life-threatening disease, such as cancer, plague;

  • A physical defect resulting from injury or accident has rendered the animal disabled, rendering it unable to perform the necessities of life, causing unbearable pain or suffering.

Euthanasia of dogs is a humane and painless procedure aimed at ending the suffering of terminally ill individuals.
And if you decide to euthanize your sick dog, then, according to the article on humane treatment of animals, you will be asked to sign a paper - “permission to euthanasia” or a similar document.

After receiving your consent to euthanize, you will be offered several options:

  • Euthanasia for dogs is still a more humane death than suffering from incurable serious diseases. Unfortunately, we all face death sooner or later. Most often, this unpleasant encounter is associated with the loss of a four-legged companion.

    Many leave on their own because their time has come, and some go through severe suffering before leaving this world. What should an owner whose pet is terminally ill do: ease the suffering of a friend or go through all the trials with him until the very end?

    Euthanasia of dogs is by far the most extreme step. Veterinarians recommend euthanasia for such diagnoses as inoperable, physical injuries respiratory tract. Read more about the procedure and cost in the article:.

    Dogs tolerate pain differently than people - they become quiet, hide in corners, and literally melt before our eyes. And, unfortunately, only making a difficult decision can give them long-awaited peace and relief from torment.

    Even if you stay with your pet until the last minute, caring for it, you will have to devote yourself completely to it. Not every person can provide full care to their friend. In addition, by prolonging his suffering, you doom yourself to an unbearable, long farewell to him.

    Euthanasia of dogs at home

    In some situations, it may be better to call a veterinarian to your home and carry out the euthanasia procedure at home, since transporting the dog can cause unbearable pain.

    Moreover, in some veterinary clinics the price of euthanasia at home or in a clinic may be the same or not differ significantly.

    How is dog euthanasia carried out?

    Euthanasia is done in two ways:

    1. intravenous administration of a large dose of anesthesia
    2. intramuscular

    In both cases, the animal instantly falls asleep, after a while its breathing stops, and then its heart stops. Death comes without agony or convulsions.

    We know a friend in need, but it happens that we can no longer help the pet on our own, and then the only thing that remains is to give him the opportunity to leave without pain. Once you have made this choice, make sure that your four-legged friend is in good hands and the means that the doctor uses will ease his suffering, and not aggravate it.

    According to the Humane Society of the United States, up to 1-2 million homeless dogs are euthanized in shelters every year simply because there are no people willing to shelter them and make them part of their family.

    IN in this case Euthanasia of dogs is a necessary measure, because not all animals can find owners, and keeping them in shelters is too expensive. Time will tell whether the authorities and animal rights activists will be able to come to an agreement, but for now the question of the humanity of this method of “cleaning” the streets remains open.

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    And others. However, unfortunately The risk of illness in pets has increased significantly recently- and this is not only due to poor quality nutrition and poor environment, but also genetic and hereditary diseases. In this article we will discuss in what cases it is necessary to euthanize dogs, what medical indications exist, whether it is possible to euthanize a dog at home, and how the procedure occurs.

    When is euthanasia necessary?

    Controversy surrounding the need for euthanasia has been going on for a long time, and do not subside to this day. Some consider this an inhumane method and murder, while others, on the contrary, advocate saving the animal from severe suffering.

    The main argument In the dispute between defenders and opponents of euthanasia, there is a significant fact: if in the case of euthanasia of a person, he himself can voluntarily agree to interrupt his life, then in the case of an animal, it is simply impossible to know the will of the pet. Of course, the opponents of the dispute in this matter are driven by love for animals and each understands in his own way how to get rid of pain. However, what makes matters worse is that we will never be able to understand how severe pain the pet is experiencing.

    Today, medicine has adopted the main indicators that determine whether or not it is necessary to euthanize dogs. Let's look at them in more detail.

    Did you know? The concept of “euthanasia” was first used by F. Bacon in the middle of the 16th century - this is how he meant an easy death in his works.

    Medical indications

    The main criteria for euthanizing a pet are the following medical factors:

    • malignant tumors various organs(severe stages);
    • age-related ailments internal organs(heart, kidneys, lungs, etc.);
    • severe hepatopathy (liver damage);
    • metastases in the lungs;
    • cardiac or renal failure chronic;
    • animal aggression, misrecognition of owners and attacks on people;
    • difficult character;
    • old age coupled with incurable diseases
    • rabies (this is an incurable disease);
    • the birth of unwanted offspring (however, so that the female does not experience great stress, euthanasia can be carried out only 10 days after birth).

    The decision to euthanasia is always made by two parties- the owners and the doctor (who must present a medical report on the need for this procedure). Legally, the right to decide whether or not to let the dog live must be taken directly by the owner himself - he realistically assesses his chances: will he be able to provide necessary care dog, how the whole family will react to the suffering or, conversely, death of the animal, and so on. The veterinarian, for his part, must provide an objective picture of the development of the dog’s illness: is there at least a minimal chance of its recovery, how should the animal be cared for in its last days, etc.

    Important! Before deciding to euthanize your pet, be sure to be examined by several doctors in different clinics. Trust only professionals - if doctors do not conduct a thorough study and immediately make decisions about euthanasia, these are unqualified specialists. Always request a stamped medical report clearly stating the reasons why euthanasia is inevitable.

    Social readings

    In cases where doctors are powerless to relieve a dog's pain, if it has difficulty breathing, it cannot get up on its own, it walks under itself and it develops bedsores - such an animal needs, or 24-hour care(as if you had a seriously ill disabled person), or euthanasia. In reality, it is impossible for a person to take, for example, leave to care for an animal (this simply does not exist), and spend every minute with the patient. Even with very high-quality care, it is simply impossible to eliminate the dog’s difficulty breathing (due, for example, to metastases in the lungs) - the animal suffocates, its heartbeat worsens, and it is haunted by terrible pain.

    It's not just the animal that suffers - the pet owner suffers no less, seeing his dog die and realizing that there was nothing he could do to alleviate his condition.

    Severely painful agony affects and on the psyche of children- they are more impressionable than adults, and what happens can negatively affect them mental health(in psychology there are often cases when a socially unadapted person with problems of a neurological nature, under the influence of hypnosis, admitted that deviations in mental state began to occur as a result of stress suffered in childhood - be it the torment and death of a beloved pet, bullying by peers at school, etc.). Of course, the sad procedure of euthanizing a dog in this case is the most humane way to relieve the burden of both the animal and the owners.

    Also social reasons killing can be like antisocial behavior of an animal- his attacks on people, aggression, bites, rabies - and physical problems the owner - if, for example, the owner has become disabled and cannot fully care for his old sick dog.

    The essence of the procedure

    Which side not to look at? this procedure - It's still murder and it’s worth accepting and living with it in the future. The procedure involves directly administering a specific lethal injection (there should be several of them), which anesthetizes, depresses consciousness, and stops the functioning of the pet’s heart and lungs. The procedure itself takes from 5 minutes to half an hour.

    Euthanasia at home

    Some owners prefer to personally see off their pet on its last journey and euthanize the dog at home, in a calm, familiar environment - and this is their right. However, in order to successfully carry out this procedure and achieve the final result, it is necessary to know the exact technology of euthanasia.

    Important! Experts in killing pets strongly recommend carrying out the procedure under the supervision of a veterinarian (even at home) - only he can correctly measure the dose for injection and monitor the entire process. Inept administration of the drug, coupled with the wrong dosage, will only increase the pet’s suffering and agony - the euthanasia procedure will more likely resemble torture than relief from suffering.

    Some inexperienced owners use the following methods of euthanasia at home:
    • injection of a solution of alcohol or ammonia into the lungs (the dog simply chokes);
    • carrying out electric current through the body of an animal - as a result of cardiac arrest and death occurs.
    These two methods cannot be called humane- they cause the dog some suffering. Therefore, to make the procedure painless, injections of certain drugs are used (only a doctor should prescribe them and determine the dosage!).

    It is noteworthy that sometimes veterinarians may use pills for euthanizing dogs - however, they are not suitable for killing.

    Anesthetic drugs. Negatively affects the central nervous system animal, contribute to rapid swelling of the lungs and cause respiratory arrest.

    • Sodium thiopental - puts the dog into hypnosis and causes a loss of consciousness that does not return.
    • Propofol - reduces respiratory functions, until breathing stops.
    • Droperidol is a tranquilizing medicine that significantly reduces the animal's activity (the dog stops moving).

    Calming drugs (sedatives).
    • Xylazine - used to put a pet under anesthesia. Reduces blood pressure, stops breathing (if the dosage is exceeded).
    • Magnesium sulfate - decreased and depressed breathing, slowed down and stopped the heart.

    Muscle relaxants.
    • "Arduan" - also used for anesthesia. Blocks the connection of nerves with muscles and tissues, which leads to a feeling of painlessness.
    • "Ditilin" - stops breathing.
    • Lidocaine is a cardiac depressant that slows down the functioning of the heart muscles, eventually leading to a complete stop.

    Remember: It is impossible to carry out the procedure with one injection. First, a drug with an analgesic effect is always administered, and then an injection is given, which leads to death. If the anesthesia procedure is not carried out, the animal will die in terrible agony.

    Sleeping pills for temporary sleep

    Temporary euthanasia is carried out in certain cases, for example, when transporting an aggressive animal to a veterinary clinic for surgery. Veterinarians warn owners against temporarily euthanizing an animal on their own - ignorance correct dose can plunge a dog into a sleep from which it can no longer come out. As a rule, all medications with sedative-hypnotic properties calm the animal, relieve it of fear, help it relax, relieve spasms and reduce its heart rate.

    Many owners prefer not to take risks and entrust euthanasia to experienced professionals - and this, of course, The best decision. In veterinary clinics, animals are euthanized with the same thing that can be used to kill at home - we talked about these drugs in more detail above.

    In a specialized veterinary clinic, the procedure can happen faster than at home. It must be carried out in 2 stages:

    • injection, which puts the dog under anesthesia, deep dream. If at this moment the owner is next to his pet, this will calm the animal, and it will more easily endure such a procedure;
    • administration of the second injection(only after the dog has fallen into a narcotic sleep), which directly stops the heart. This may take some time, and may even require a second injection - however, for the dog these procedures will be absolutely painless, and he will not feel any pain.

    Did you know? The syringe was invented in 1853 by two people working independently of each other: the Scot Alexander Wood and the Frenchman Charles Gabriel Pravaz.

    If a dog is stricken with rabies or attacks a doctor or owner, then the first stage - anesthesia and muscle relaxation - can be carried out remotely. Since such complications cannot quickly kill the dog, the entire euthanasia procedure can take from 15 minutes to half an hour.

    Pros and cons of euthanizing a pet

    Numerous forums are full of slogans regarding whether or not it is necessary to euthanize pets, whether it is humane or not, a necessity or a sin. Many people refer to the fact that Euthanasia is officially allowed only in Belgium, Holland and some states of the USA - countries where humanity is actively proclaimed. In our mentality, the voluntary killing of an animal or person, even medical indications, is still considered a sin.

    Deciding whether to perform euthanasia or not - a matter of conscience for each owner. If this the only way to save your pet from severe suffering - doctors unanimously express an opinion in favor. However, if young, healthy dogs are brought in for euthanasia, the owners are simply tired of them or they do not have the time or finances to support the dog - then this is an absolute “against”, this is an inhumane method and not a single qualified specialist will agree to euthanasia.

    After euthanasia

    After the euthanasia ceremony, the owner can take the dog’s body and bury it himself (there are special cemeteries for animals - for burial you must obtain permission from local authorities), or leave these troubles to the veterinary clinic - veterinarians often include cremation and burial of animals on their list of services.

    Of course, making the difficult decision to end the life of a beloved pet can be very difficult. It is even harder for people after their dog is euthanized - many experience the death of the dog as the death of the most devoted family member. Many modern veterinary clinics offer special psychological services that will help you survive such a stressful situation.

    Of course, making such a serious decision remains up to the owner and his family members. Quicker A new pet will help you cope with your loss- a puppy’s playfulness and friendliness, or tenderness and affection, will help you and your family adapt and continue to live a full life.

    According to statistics, 60% of Russians have at least one dog, and this is not surprising, because among all domestic animals, the dog understands people best of all. No wonder they say. That a cat walks on its own, and a dog is a man’s friend. Unlike many other pets, dogs are the most sensitive sleepers. It is extremely difficult to get into an apartment or the courtyard of a private house without waking up the faithful guard. Those who have a favorite dog can endlessly list positive traits your pet. However, trouble does not only come to people. It often happens that the employee long years Faithfully, the dog, which has long become a member of the family, has to be put to sleep.

    Why do dogs have to be euthanized?

    In Moscow, the most common cause is car accidents. A dog can run every day for several years between cars racing at high speed and... The driver did not get his bearings, and the dog did not dodge. Spinal fracture terrible consequence car accidents, excluding fatal outcome. The dog either “fades away” and dies within a week, or continues to live without feeling the lower half of its body. As a result, uncontrollable “stool” and constantly abraded skin on the abdomen and hind limbs. And here the owners have a choice: to follow the feeling of pity and suffer together with the pet, or to overcome themselves and free the dog from continuous suffering. Unlike a human, a dog cannot, for example, communicate on social networks, and limited mobility is akin to a life sentence. Try not to let your dog out on the road without a leash, despite the animal’s pleas.

    The second reason is rabies. A small bite is enough for your “four-legged friend” to become infected. The illness lasts about 2 weeks. But during this time, an aggressive animal can do a lot of trouble - bite its owners, neighbors and other animals, and, accordingly, infect them with this disease. Symptoms are causeless attacks of aggression, fear of water.

    Oncological diseases, are also a reason for euthanasia, because metabolic processes in dogs and humans proceed differently. Naturally, what helps people is not always effective for animals. If you delay euthanasia, the last few months of your pet’s life will turn into hell for both it and its owners.

    put to sleep old dog - a personal matter for each owner. Most dogs decline slowly in old age without experiencing much discomfort. Constant desire sleep dominates over other desires and instincts. But cases when such extinction is accompanied by unbearable pain and cramps are far from uncommon. This is inherent moving rocks. This condition may last for several months. In this case, euthanasia is much more humane than looking at the gaze of a faithful friend full of suffering.

    how to put a dog to sleep

    It is not recommended to euthanize the animal yourself! Without proper diagnostic equipment and experience, even if you use proven drugs and techniques, the owner can provoke an attack of aggression. IN stressful situations In dogs, as in humans, the body uses all its reserves to survive. So it turns out that a small harmless poodle can bite its owner, and what can we say about a bulldog or St. Bernard!

    What are the methods for euthanizing dogs?

    Putting an animal to sleep (euthanasia) has two goals: to stop the animal’s suffering if modern medicine powerless to cure the illness that caused this suffering; rid the animal of any pain during the procedure. First, the animal is put to sleep and then killed. There are 2 methods of euthanasia.
    1. The animal is put to sleep. And then they administer a drug to stop the heart.
    2. An increased dose of a potent drug is injected into the animal’s body.

    Whatever method is used, the main thing is that the dog “passes on to another world” without experiencing any suffering. If during euthanasia the dog experiences greater suffering than the usual sensations from the injection, the euthanasia was carried out unqualified.

    where to euthanize a dog?

    It is best to euthanize a dog at home. Delivery of a hopelessly sick animal, even to the nearest veterinary clinic, is associated with a lot of problems. If the owner doesn't have own car– this task is practically impossible; few people will agree to take even healthy dog, but dogs in critical situations rely on instinct, which never fails. Not rare cases, causing injuries to drivers Vehicle. What if the dog is infected with rabies?

    Even if it is possible to take the dog to a veterinary clinic, you still need to know which one, because not every medical institution where animals are treated is licensed to carry out euthanasia. Now all that remains is to choose a medical institution whose specialists euthanize the dog at home, but will not enjoy the exclusive right to carry out this procedure, setting exorbitant prices!

    The Vetritual Moscow company does not claim to be the best veterinary clinic in Moscow and the Moscow region. We're just doing our job. Many of us have pets, and every time we are put to sleep, we experience it as if our dear little dog is passing away. Before starting the euthanasia procedure, qualified veterinarians diagnose the patient’s condition. If there is even the slightest possibility of curing the dog, the owner is immediately informed about this. Treatment is carried out by doctors at the clinic, which has modern medical equipment.

    If nothing can be done, the company offers the following options:
    humane euthanasia in the presence of the owner;
    humane euthanasia in the absence of the owner;
    cremation in the presence of the owner;
    cremation in the absence of the owner;
    issuing an urn with the pet’s ashes to the owner;
    filming the cremation procedure;
    conducting a pathological-anatomical autopsy with the issuance of a conclusion to the owner.

    These are unrelated services. If the owner simply wants to end the animal’s suffering through euthanasia and does not want to cremate the corpse, that is his right. By the way, if you are planning to get another dog, under no circumstances should you leave an urn with the ashes of your predecessor at home. New dog, simply, can go away. Dogs are very jealous. If a person mourns a deceased relative, the dog perceives this as his loss. The animal will mourn with you, but will never leave. And if they are mourning a cat or another dog, the new dog will feel out of place.

    how much does it cost to euthanize a dog at home

    The cost of this procedure depends on the weight of the dog; the heavier the dog, the more difficult it is to calculate the required dose of a particular drug in order not only to euthanize, but also to relieve the person being euthanized from any painful sensations! Thus, euthanizing a dog weighing up to 10 kg costs 2,500 rubles, and weighing over 50 kg costs 4,000 rubles.

    An aggressive, uncontrollable animal requires the involvement of more people. Therefore, an additional payment of 2000 rubles. The cost of these services includes cremation and the provision of an urn with the ashes of the pet. If the owner expressed a desire to be present at the cremation procedure, it will cost 2 times more. If the owner does not want to be present during the cremation, but wants to have a video recording of this procedure, an additional payment of 1000 rubles is required.

    According to European statistics, approximately every tenth urban animal is currently euthanized. This includes pets, who are often forced to take deadly medicine.

    Putting animals to sleep, or euthanasia, in modern times medical practice is a painless injection that causes cardiac arrest or cessation of the respiratory center. Depending on the composition and mode of action of the drug used, euthanasia may be preceded by deep anesthesia, gradually turning into clinical and then biological death.

    This difficult decision many owners have to accept it, because the life of pets is fleeting, and suffering from illness, old age or serious injuries can continue for months. Sometimes it is easier and better for everyone, including the animal itself, to resort to euthanasia rather than torment and suffer day after day.

    To decide on a responsible step, it is important to know everything about euthanasia. The following information will be useful to every cat or dog owner.

    Euthanasia of animals: legal or not in Russia

    Despite the widespread practice of animal euthanasia, there is no specific legislation on this issue in our country yet. The main guideline in medical practice is the European Convention for the Protection of Domestic Animals No. 125. However, Russia has not yet joined it. However, you can find the text of the document on the Internet and familiarize yourself with the main provisions.

    Interesting fact. We have attempted to develop our own law on the protection of pets, which, among other things, would describe the procedure for euthanasia. Officials even prepared a project federal law"On the protection of animals from cruelty." It was adopted in the State Duma and approved by the Federation Council, but, unfortunately, the president has not yet signed it. Meanwhile, Article 16 establishes a list of cases in which killing of animals is possible and describes the requirements for the procedure.

    Euthanasia of animals: pros and cons

    Euthanasia of pets is a procedure that causes serious psychological distress for the owner and provokes condemnation and gossip from others. Your humanity and love for your pet is called into question, no less. But let's look at this issue calmly, without emotions.

    Oddly enough, in many cases, euthanasia is the most humane way to end the animal's suffering. Judge for yourself: if your pet is found serious illness(for example, cancer), or the animal has suffered an incurable injury to a limb, then further existence will be associated only with pain. Isn't it better to stop the senseless torment?

    A four-legged friend will not, like a person, think about the need to have time to realize himself in life, before last day do something important. He will suffer and wonder why the pain does not go away, and his health becomes worse and worse. That is why in some cases euthanasia is not only not prohibited, but is indicated as a medical procedure.

    There can only be one argument against euthanasia: the opportunity to really help the animal, cure it and put it back on its feet.

    Indications for euthanasia

    Carefully read the main indications for the procedure. This will help you avoid a fatal mistake and really help the animal.

    The first in the series of indications is old age. Often in older people, along with the general deterioration of the body, symptoms of chronic diseases, and sometimes new ones develop (for example, malignant tumor). However, the age of a dog or cat in itself does not oblige the owner to terminate the pet’s life. This should only be done if, based on the results of the examination, you see that the animal will not tolerate treatment.

    Serious injury that prevents full functioning healthy life and not curable is the second reason for euthanasia. Such injuries include limb fractures due to car accidents, falls from a height, as well as ruptures of internal organs due to a strong impact.

    The third significant reason for euthanasia is congenital pathologies in a puppy or kitten, which will interfere with age normal life and will not allow you to grow up healthy and happy.

    Finally, the fourth indication for euthanasia is the infection of the animal dangerous disease such as rabies.

    Remember that no one but you can make the decision to euthanize or save life. Approach this issue responsibly. It is highly advisable to consult your veterinarian first.

    Methods for euthanizing animals

    For the first time, small chambers, the so-called death chambers, were used to euthanize dogs and cats. Euthanasia took place through carbon monoxide, which entered through a special hole. Due to its cruelty, this method was rejected and replaced by medication.

    Medical euthanasia of an animal: how it happens

    There are currently two options for euthanasia:

    • introduction of barbiturates;
    • anesthesia + a drug that affects the muscles, heart or respiratory system.

    The first technique is as follows. The animal is put into deep anesthesia by injecting large quantity drug. He is left in this state until consciousness turns off and the muscles become completely relaxed. The final stage of the procedure is to turn off all life support systems. Most often, “Sodium Thiopental”, “Propofol”, “Diprivan” are used for these purposes. This method considered the most humane and painless.

    It may happen that the required barbiturate is not in the veterinarian’s arsenal. In this case, a two-step euthanasia procedure is suitable. The first part involves putting the animal under regular anesthesia. After the pet falls asleep, he is injected with Lidocaine, Ditilin or magnesium sulfate. "Lidocaine" in large doses leads to cardiac arrest, "Ditilin" relaxes all the muscles of the body, and magnesium sulfate blocks respiratory center. At correct implementation the procedure is absolutely painless and helps the pet pass away calmly and without suffering.

    IMPORTANT! DO NOT use these medications to euthanize your pet yourself. Without anesthesia, the mentioned medications cause severe suffering to the animal.

    Euthanasia of cats and dogs: are there any differences?

    In general, there are no big differences between euthanizing cats and dogs. The only thing for large dog the amount of the drug may be increased. Cats only need a small amount of anesthetic to induce anesthesia. The composition of medications and the sequence of the procedure are the same for both cats and dogs.

    Euthanasia of aggressive dogs

    Within the framework of this issue, we will separately consider the problem aggressive dogs. Many owners, desperate to raise an obstinate animal, come to the veterinarian with a request to euthanize the dog. You should know that this is the wrong decision. And any adequate doctor who is not pursuing profit should refuse in such a situation. In addition to the obvious unethicality of such an act, there are other objective reasons for the refusal:

    • if the dog’s aggression is not caused by rabies, but by the complexity of the character and characteristics of the breed, then this is definitely corrected good course training;
    • euthanizing a healthy young animal only at the whim of its owner is equivalent to cruelty to the pet and may have administrative consequences;
    • in the event of a complete loss of authority in the animal, the owner can take care of its transfer to specialized canine services, where the dog will find worthy use and be given an outlet for aggression; V as a last resort You can contact the nursery.

    Euthanasia of animals in the clinic: procedure for carrying out the procedure

    Of course, no one will simply euthanize a cat, dog or other pet for its owner. Euthanasia of animals is carried out after a thorough examination of the pet and only when it is impossible to help with other methods. The procedure in this case is as follows:

    • examination by a veterinarian, after which the doctor gives an opinion with a recommendation for euthanasia;
    • signing the written consent of the owner to carry out the procedure; at this stage, you can also immediately decide on the disposal of the body (independent organization of cremation or funeral or by the clinic);
    • carrying out the procedure;
    • removal of the body.

    The procedure itself lasts no more than 20 minutes. The owner is allowed to be near the animal until it is put to sleep. As soon as the pet falls asleep, you should leave. This is due to the fact that euthanasia of cats and dogs is a difficult procedure for the animal owner and can cause psychological trauma.

    Just a couple more words about the inspection. In order to exclude medical error We recommend that you be examined by several veterinarians. Sometimes it happens that one doctor prescribes euthanasia, and another knows how to cure the disease and prolong the life of the pet.

    Believe me, the life of your four-legged friend is worth fighting for and visiting several doctors. After all, he has completely dedicated this life to you. Treat this with respect.

    Euthanasia of animals at home

    If there are difficulties transporting the animal to the clinic, you can carry out this procedure at home.

    IMPORTANT! Euthanasia of dogs and cats at home does not involve independent actions. If you decide to euthanize an animal in your apartment, call the vet anyway. The procedure should only be carried out by a specialist!

    In general, euthanasia at home is practically no different from the service in the clinic. You also sign a consent to kill your pet, and the same drugs are administered to him. The only difference is the price of the service, it will be slightly higher.

    The cost of euthanasia of animals in the clinic and at home

    The price of euthanasia consists of several components:

    • location of the procedure (apartment or clinic);
    • animal weight;
    • the nature of further activities with the body;
    • region of residence.

    Let’s say right away that in the capitals the cost of euthanasia is slightly higher than in the regions. This is understandable. Prices here start from 1000 rubles. Thus, euthanizing a cat or dog weighing up to 10 kg in a clinic will cost you 1000-2000 rubles. For every 10 kg, add 1000 rubles. That is, a dog weighing 50-70 kg will be euthanized for 5000-7000 rubles.

    Providing services at home will take another 500-1000 rubles from your wallet. This amount usually includes the veterinarian’s visit and a preliminary examination.

    Removal of the body and its cremation may be included in the general check or offered as an additional service. On average, the cost of transporting a corpse is 1000-3000 rubles. depending on weight. Cremation price general conditions about the same - 1000-4000 rubles. and also depends on body weight. If you are very attached to your pet and want to have an individual cremation with ashes in an urn, prepare to pay about 1.5 times more.

    It’s not a fact, but it is possible that if you remove the body yourself, you will be required to pay for storing it in a special refrigerator at the veterinary hospital. Discuss this with your doctor in advance.


    The death of an animal is always painful for itself and its loving family. If you live in a country house on your own plot, then this is usually easier, especially when it comes to a cat. Before dying, a pet usually leaves native home or finds a secluded place in the yard, hidden from prying eyes, where he calmly dies.

    In an urban environment, in apartments, such a scenario is practically impossible. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary suffering of the animal and psychological trauma We recommend that the owner use the euthanasia service. But this decision must be deliberate.

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