Vegetarian menu for the week. What do vegetarians eat?

03.01.2016 Vladimir Zuikov Save:

Hello, dear reader! Now you will find out the answer to the question: do vegetarians eat eggs, milk, cheese, dairy products, honey. I will adequately answer these questions and explain in clear words without imposing the idea of ​​vegetarianism. So make yourself comfortable.

To adequately approach the issue of products in a vegetarian diet, you first need to know what types of vegetarians exist. You can read about this in detail. But I will still briefly repeat myself more specifically, with an emphasis on the above-mentioned products in the diet of each vegetarian.

Types of vegetarians and their diet

1. Lacto-ovo vegetarianism. If a person is a vegetarian for health reasons, then in addition to plant foods, you can eat eggs, milk, dairy products and honey.

If you are an ethical vegetarian, there is a limitation - almost all cheeses (are made from an enzyme from the stomach of a calf, which can only be obtained by killing it). It happens that an ethical vegetarian eats only unfertilized eggs, because... fertilized is already the embryo of a new life.

In general, from an ethical perspective, the essence of lacto-ovo vegetarianism is as follows - no one should die while receiving food. If this type nutrition is adopted purely for health, usually a person is not guided by these principles.

2. Lacto-vegetarianism. Allowed to eat plants + milk, dairy products. IN in this case Eggs are excluded from the diet - any, no matter what they are.

In an ethical manner, milk and products made from it are purchased from rural cows, because... industrial animals are subjected to torture and cruelty when milking. The essence of ethical lacto-vegetarianism is that no animal is subjected not only to death, but also to unnecessary cruelty in obtaining food.

3. Ovo-vegetarianism. Such vegetarians eat plants + eggs. All dairy products are excluded from the diet, usually due to lactose intolerance or due to a doctor's diagnosis. Usually in this case there is no ethical factor.

4. Veganism (strict vegetarianism). Only plant foods are allowed for food: fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, mushrooms, honey. For ethical reasons, honey is also often excluded because... bees are subjected to cruelty during its production.

The essence of ethical veganism is to not cause any suffering to any living beings. Therefore, such vegans also do not wear fur coats and genuine leather products.

These people have very developed compassion for animals. But sometimes this develops into hatred of meat-eaters with fights and human casualties. In this case, there is fanaticism or mental disorder vegan.

Answers to the questions: Do vegetarians eat...

1. Do vegetarians eat eggs (chicken, quail, etc.)? Yes, most vegetarians eat eggs, especially when starting out as vegetarians. Over time, the need for them may disappear and a person switches, for example, to lacto-vegetarianism. What do you personally think: can vegetarians eat eggs?

2. Do vegetarians eat cheese? As we found out above, calves must be killed when making cheese. Most vegetarians for this reason hard cheese don't eat. I don't know how accurate the data is, but Adyghe cheese does not contain this enzyme. Check it yourself, because... I don't eat any cheese. There is also vegan cheese (not made from milk).

3. Do vegetarians drink milk, kefir, cheese milk and other milks? It all depends on the group above. Most vegetarians drink milk and eat dairy products. But everyone decides for himself - will it be industrial milk from a package or natural homemade milk? good people who treat cows well.

4. Do vegetarians eat honey? Honey is a plant product obtained from flower pollen and sweet plant secretions. Most vegetarians consume honey and bee products. Many vegans do not eat honey for ethical reasons, because... The bees may have been treated cruelly. You can read about choosing quality honey.

5. Do vegetarians eat gelatin? No, they don’t, this is a completely non-vegetarian product. Obtained by evaporating animal bones, which contradicts even the most soft form vegetarianism. Jelly, desserts, yogurt, sweets, and jelly are often made from gelatin. In 90% of cases it is written in the composition of products, but not always.

6. Do vegetarians eat fish, seafood, caviar, and crab sticks? No, they don't eat. This is the flesh of a living creature, whatever you call it. Although it can be called correctly - fish meat and squid meat, oyster meat, etc. This is also meat, such as chicken. You can read more about why vegetarians don’t eat seafood in this article.

7. Do vegetarians eat insects? No. This is a living creature, it’s the same as with seafood.

8. Do vegetarians eat chocolate? No, although it is made from beans, it also contains tropical cockroaches - inhabitants of bean trees. It is impossible to get rid of these cockroaches when making chocolate, so 5-10% of a chocolate bar is their particles. How do you feel about chocolate and candies?

9. Do vegetarians eat margarine, chips and other supermarket delights? Unfortunately, most vegetarians eat all sorts of rubbish and chemicals. This is especially true for ethical vegetarians and vegans. This does not take into account how much harm is caused to nature and animals during the production of these surrogate products. Perhaps some vegetarians should reconsider their position and take this point into account.

Of course, each person has his own motives for what to eat and what not. Anyone who has chosen vegetarianism is already doing well! Motives are not so important, because any awareness of a person already improves own life humans and life on the planet as a whole.

Vegetarianism is beneficial even if the adherent selfishly wants to take care of his health and refuses meat only for this reason. By doing this, he already saves many animals and contributes to the improvement of society and nature, whether he wants it or not.

Personally, I only eat plant foods. This could be called veganism, but I eat it raw, i.e. I don’t cook, fry, bake, etc. This is called a raw food diet. Who cares what it is.

I personally feel that such nutrition is the most optimal for humans, animals and the planet. What do you think, is this so?

That's all I wanted to say on the topic of controversial foods that vegetarians eat and don't eat. Everyone chooses for themselves what to eat and what not. There is no need to go to extremes and do what you are not ready for. Everything will work out, you just need to take steps towards your goals, even if these steps are very small.

If you need help with vegetarianism, raw food or addiction recovery, you've come to the right place. This blog and I personally will help you with this. If you have questions about the article, ask below in the comments, I will be happy to answer and tell you what is not clear. See you soon!

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What does the diet of a person who wants to use a non-strict vegetarian diet look like? Which daily menu a vegetarian diet will be relevant in working conditions and Everyday life? What are the basic rules of a vegetarian diet? These and many other questions are asked by beginning vegetarians.

If you still decided to change my power system, then the main thing rule everyone vegetarian- everyone individual, And diet His nutrition is also individual. Necessary suitcreatively to choice of products, cooking included in your daily menu and eating regimen. It is not necessary to strictly follow the proposed recommendations and include unloved dishes on the menu. They can be replaced with other products that are similar in calorie content and nutritional value, But matching your taste.

Let's start with a daily vegetarian diet.

Vegetarian breakfast costs start with a glass of warm milk or cups of green tea, barley coffee. Can be eaten slice of black bread smeared with a variety of food pastes based on vegetables and also suitable for breakfast any vegetables, greens and seasonal fruits in its raw form. If you have more free time in the morning, then For vegetarian breakfast perfect vegetarian oatmeal , cooked with milk or salad from fresh apples according to the recipe of the famous doctor Bircher-Benner. Recommended before cooking oatmeal soak in a small amount of water for several hours, you can leave it overnight, and in the morning cook the porridge in this water, only add milk at the end of cooking.

A vegetarian's lunch should not include many products, but should consist of a main dish and additional products: vegetable salad, lactic acid products, nuts, fruits.

It is also necessary take into account the usefulness cooked dishes. Soups recommended to be included in the diet no more than 3 - 4 times a week. All vegetarian soups based on vegetables and fruits can be add low-fat sour cream, milk in regular or sour form, kefir. Thus, the first courses are saturated with proteins of animal origin. Second courses, in this case, are recommended to be seasoned with any vegetable fats, and vice versa. For example, you do not season soup made with beet broth or low-fat sour cream, but the second course should include products containing animal protein: spoiled milk, kefir, buttermilk. Can be cooked on vegetarian lunch vegetable cutlets, boiled potato, vegetarian pilaf and many other dishes.

To save useful substances and vitamins, culinary processing of products should be minimal, without frying.

Potato, which is welded in peel and immediately peeled after cooking, a variety of fruity And vegetable salads , sour cabbage , any porridge, peas, beans- all these are very valuable and accessible year-round elements of a vegetarian table. An important component in it is any fresh fruits . They are recommended to be consumed before meals, and not as a dessert. It is recommended to include two salads with each vegetarian lunch. raw vegetables or fresh. You can prepare various vegetarian sauces with the addition of various vegetable seasonings. Dessert may be very varied, but it is recommended use only in that case, when there is no soup for lunch. This Bircher-Benner also adheres to the principle in his vegetarian diet.

Dinner vegetarian it should be Necessarily comprehensive. Some people don't have the opportunity have a full lunch, then dinner for them - main food of the day. In this case, dinner may include a hot dish, but with the addition of fruit salads, kefir or yogurt. If or dinner - main meal, That dinner it should be modest. This is a couple of boiled potatoes in their jackets, black bread with low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of curdled milk and fruit.

For those who decide to eat only plant-based foods, the following vegetarian tips will be useful:

  • Vegetarian dishes must be varied and deliciously prepared;
  • you need to prepare dishes in a positive atmosphere, and it is important to take food in good mood;
  • Vegetarianism recommends not only excluding certain foods from the menu, but also healthy image life;
  • Do not leave dishes cooked raw for a long time;
  • salads from vegetables and fruits are prepared immediately before consumption, as vitamins are better preserved in them;
  • reheat cold food in microwave oven prohibited;
  • before lunch you need to eat fruits and nuts, and not after lunch, in the form of dessert;
  • you can mix floury foods with herbs, honey, milk, eggs, butter;
  • It is better to replace refined sugar with sweet fruits or honey;
  • for better absorption, food should be chewed thoroughly;
  • You should not eat high-calorie plant foods in large quantities, as this will lead to extra pounds;
  • must be taken regularly multivitamin complexes, With high content vitamins B12 and D;
  • Legumes, mushrooms, green vegetables, nuts, will help replenish the deficiency of iron and calcium. soy milk, Fresh Juice from oranges, buckwheat;
  • plant foods are digested faster, except legumes, so you need to eat it little by little, but more often.

Many, by that time, When did you decide to go vegetarian? power system, formed not only individual taste habits, but also managed to purchase various diseases. This fact absolutely necessary taking into account when choosing food. Some herbal products can be excluded from the diet if the disease is in the acute stage.

We offer a list of excluded products for various diseases:

  • with gastritis increased acidity, ulcers are not recommended - watermelons, citrus fruits, grapes, pomegranate, cabbage juice. Viburnum, dogwood, raw carrots, garlic, walnuts, plums are also excluded from the diet;
  • at inflammatory processes V gastrointestinal garlic, any onion plants, figs and white cabbage are prohibited;
  • for diarrhea and colitis, exclude melons, horseradish, grapes, watermelon, white cabbage and walnuts;
  • Contraindicated for pancreatitis and enterocolitis citrus fruit, radish, raw turnips and radishes;
  • at cardiovascular diseases, you should not include onions, pickles, green sorrel, grapes and watermelons;
  • for hypertension - purslane and grapes;
  • in case of exacerbation of liver diseases, exclude garlic, onion, red Bell pepper, radish, horseradish, rhubarb, sorrel and spinach;
  • For diseases of the excretory system, pickles, grapes, raspberries, parsley, garlic, and onions are not recommended. Red capsicum, sorrel, spinach, radish and horseradish are also prohibited.
  • at diabetes mellitus you cannot eat beets, peaches, prunes and rice;
  • at cholelithiasis- tomatoes and beans;
  • for gout, beans, raspberries, beans, spinach, sorrel and figs are prohibited;
  • If you are obese, you should limit potatoes, exclude grapes, walnuts, and peaches. Rice, beets, prunes, persimmons, and garlic are also not recommended.
  • with increased blood clotting, corn is prohibited in the diet;

To prepare vegetarian dishes, it is important to consider the taste and compatibility of various products:

  • radish and horseradish go well with nuts, especially groundnut;
  • the smell of onions will disappear if you combine it with grated apple;
  • dill, parsley and caraway seeds soften the taste of cabbage;
  • sharpness lemon juice extinguishes flaxseed infusion;
  • when adding juice of berries and fruits, the astringency of beets disappears;
  • the acidity of tomatoes combines with nuts;

Remember that go vegetarian, it's never too late. Even if you don't succeed long time adjust taste preferences, then and that short period which you ate on a vegetarian diet, will suit you only for good.

People become vegetarians for many reasons. You may decide to eliminate meat, seafood, dairy and/or eggs from your diet to improve your health; on ethical or religious reasons; to cut costs; or just experiment and try something new. Vegetarianism reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes and cancer. However, it should be understood that vegetarian diet is not just about eliminating meat from your diet. If you decide to become a vegetarian, you will have to completely change your lifestyle. With an improperly planned diet, vegetarians may be deficient in iron, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, calcium, zinc and riboflavin. After reading this article, you will learn how to replenish your nutritional deficiencies as a vegetarian.


Part 1

If you are planning to become a vegetarian

    Consider changing your lifestyle. What attracts you to a vegetarian diet? Do you want to improve your health? Do you feel sorry for animals? Is your desire dictated by religious beliefs? The first step towards change is to identify and understand the reasons why you want to change. Thanks to this, you will have the right motivation.

    Decide what kind of vegetarian you want to become. Not everyone knows what they actually exist Various types vegetarianism. Vegetarian diets can vary greatly. The main types of vegetarianism are listed below. Read this information carefully and decide for yourself what kind of vegetarian you want to become. So, the main types of vegetarianism:

    • Veganism. This is the strictest way of eating. Vegans exclude animal products from their diet completely. They do not consume meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs or gelatin. Many people also don't eat honey. In addition, adherents of this lifestyle refuse fur, leather, wool and silk in clothing, and also avoid certain cosmetics.
    • Lactovegetarianism. Members of this lifestyle consume dairy products but do not eat meat, poultry, fish or eggs.
    • Ovo-vegetarianism. This is a type of vegetarianism that allows you to include eggs and honey in your diet, but prohibits any type of dairy products, meat and fish.
    • Lacto-ovo vegetarianism. Lacto-ovo vegetarians exclude meat, poultry and fish from their diet, but do not give up dairy products and eggs. Lacto-ovo vegetarianism is one of the most popular vegetarian diets.
    • Pescovegetarianism. Pesco-vegetarianism allows the consumption of fish, eggs and dairy products, but prohibits the consumption of meat and poultry.
    • Flexitarianism Representatives of this species try not to consume animal products, but sometimes still eat meat, poultry and fish.
  1. Find a support group. Discuss your intentions with friends and family and ask them to support you. This will make it easier for you to stick to your chosen diet. Also, join a vegetarian community, participate in online forums, and read magazines or blogs on the subject.

    Part 2

    Consider your body's needs
    1. Learn about your body's needs. If you talk to vegetarians, you'll likely get a lot of advice on how to eat a balanced diet. To stay healthy and get everything you need, you must understand your body's needs. The daily amount of calories and nutrients that the body should receive differs depending on age, gender ( nutritional needs differ not only between men and women, but also among pregnant women) and lifestyle (for example, if you lead active image life, your needs will be higher).

      • Therefore, select information that is relevant to your age group, gender, health status and your lifestyle.
      • Use the vegetarian food pyramid. The vegetarian food pyramid includes various groups foods that form the basis of a healthy vegetarian diet.
      • Consult your doctor or nutritionist. Be sure to consult with a qualified physician or nutritionist.
    2. Include a variety of foods in your diet. No matter what diet you follow, variety is the key to a healthy, good balanced diet. Regardless of the type of vegetarian diet you decide to follow, remember to get all the nutrients you need every day. Otherwise, you are putting your health at great risk. Vegans, whose diet is more limited than other vegetarians, put their health at great risk.

      Include enough protein in your diet. Protein is the main “building” material for the body. Therefore he has important for the growth and maintenance of healthy organs, bones and muscles.

      Include calcium-rich foods in your diet. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. Calcium is essential for healthy teeth and bones.

      Include foods rich in vitamin B-12 in your diet. This vitamin is essential for the production of red blood cells and the prevention of anemia.

      • Unfortunately, vitamin B-12 is found exclusively in animal products. Vegetarians can include dairy products, eggs, vitamin-fortified foods, including breakfast cereals, in their diet. nutritional yeast, And soy products, as well as vitamin supplements.
      • Because a vegetarian diet is rich folic acid, it successfully masks vitamin B12 deficiency, thereby making it difficult to diagnose. Therefore, vegans especially need to take this danger seriously.
    3. Include foods that contain riboflavin in your diet. Riboflavin is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and antibodies, for cell respiration and growth. Because riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin, the body cannot store it; Therefore, you should get enough vitamin B12 from food every day.

      Include enough iron in your diet. Iron is the main component of hemoglobin, a substance found in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to all tissues of the body.

      Include zinc-rich foods in your diet. Zinc strengthens immune system, participates in cell division, growth and restoration.

      Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Their function is vital and, without exaggeration, exceptional. They support heart health and help reduce cardiovascular disease. Unlike other fats, omega-3 fatty acid The body receives it from the foods we eat.

      Take vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D is important factor, which determines calcium absorption. We get vitamin D from eating certain foods and from being exposed to sunlight.

      Pay attention to your portion sizes. To get the required amount of nutrients you need to include a variety of foods in your diet. However, just because you don't eat meat doesn't mean you can eat a huge portion of fries and a large pizza.

Hi all! “We are what we eat,” says the famous expression. It is difficult to overestimate the role of food quality in our health and well-being. Thus, according to many studies, vegetarians have longer duration life and are less susceptible cardiovascular diseases, they are much less likely to have cancer, diabetes, obesity, cataracts, urolithiasis disease. Is it difficult to give up meat and is the game worth the candle? Let's figure it out.

The logical answer is that vegetarians are people who follow vegetarianism. These people do not eat meat, poultry and fish, and do not wear leather. Simply put, they are opposed to the killing of living beings for the sake of saturation and use for other selfish purposes. However, most vegetarians do not exclude some animal foods from their diet: dairy products, eggs and honey.

As a rule, people consciously give up meat at a fairly mature age. There are a number of reasons for this: ethical, religious, health, economic and environmental.

Differences between vegans and vegetarians

These consonant words are often confused and used incorrectly in relation to people who adhere to different worldviews.

What do vegans eat?

Vegans, unlike vegetarians, do not accept any cruelty or exploitation of animals. Therefore, these people not only refuse animal foods, such as milk, eggs, honey, but also from using any products, things, entertainment that use animals in any way. Thus, vegans not only do not wear things made of natural leather, they also do not wear woolen things, because the wool was forcibly sheared from domesticated sheep.

They don’t use cosmetics that have been tested on animals, and they don’t go to the zoo or circus, because animals are kept there in unnatural conditions for the sake of people’s entertainment. They don't use gelatin, which is made from cartilage tissue animals, replacing it with agar-agar and do not drink alcohol, the distillation of which often uses animal protein. Even more strict varieties of veganism are raw foodism and fruitarianism.

It must be said that manufacturers take advantage of such dietary restrictions. food products, filling store shelves with vegan products and alcohol at very high prices.

Types of vegetarianism

So, we figured out that in vegetarianism, unlike veganism, the consumption of some animal products is acceptable. Based on this, vegetarians are divided into several groups.


Ovum is translated from Latin as “egg”. It's easy to guess that ovo-vegetarians eat eggs. Chickens do not hatch from industrial eggs, so this is not considered murder.


And lactis in Latin is “milk”, i.e. Lactovegetarians do not deny themselves milk and dairy products. The diet of lacto-vegetarians is more balanced compared to the first type, because dairy products contain all types of amino acids, necessary for the body For normal functioning, but he is not able to synthesize them himself.

By the way, there is also a group of lacto-ovo vegetarians (perhaps the most common), whose representatives consume both eggs and milk. Most vegetarians consume honey. Unlike vegans, they do not give up woolen clothes, and do not consider going to the circus or the zoo a crime, because the main rule of their philosophy is not to kill anyone.

What do they eat?

List of foods you can eat

The list of food products is not so small:

  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Legumes.
  • Cereals and cereals.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Nuts.
  • Sometimes - honey.

As I wrote above, some representatives also eat milk and eggs. There is also vegetarian milk made from soy, as well as soy tofu.

List of foods not to eat

So-called “slaughter” food and products obtained from animal raw materials are prohibited: seafood (including caviar), all types of meat, poultry and fish. However, vegetarians need to approach their diet in a special way and, if necessary, replenish the supply of substances such as, for example, vitamin B12, found only in meat, with the help of vitamin-mineral complexes. It is also worth controlling the amount of fat and protein intake, the content of which is in plant foods much lower.

Healthy vegetarian recipes

Despite the absence of meat in the diet, the diet of vegetarians cannot be called meager and boring. Many vegetarian dishes made from vegetables, fruits and grains are also enjoyed by meat-eaters. A small cheat sheet with delicious recipes:


Soak 500 grams of chickpeas in cold water for the night. In a blender, chop a large bunch of parsley and cilantro, 5-6 cloves of garlic and 2 medium onions. Wash and chop the chickpeas (using a meat grinder or food processor). Mix chickpeas and herbs, add salt to taste. Form small balls, flatten slightly and deep-fry for 3-4 minutes until golden brown. Serve in pita bread with a side dish of radishes, cabbage and fresh cucumbers, serving as in the photo:

Peppers stuffed with eggplant

Approximate ratio of ingredients: for 1 medium pepper - 1 medium eggplant. Cut the eggplants into small cubes, sprinkle with salt and leave for 15 minutes so that they release their juice. Wash the peppers, peel from the middle and rinse again to remove the remaining seeds. Place the peppers in boiling water and leave for 5 minutes to soften them.

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce: saute 2 large onions and large carrots, pour in tomato sauce and simmer for a couple of minutes, at the end add a little sugar and salt to taste. When the eggplants release their juice, squeeze thoroughly and fry in a small amount of oil with 2-3 chopped garlic cloves until tender. Place some on the bottom of a saucepan or multicooker tomato sauce, then lay out the peppers stuffed with eggplants and pour the rest of the sauce on top. Cook for 40 minutes until peppers are soft.

Champagne cream soupAndNyons

In the saucepan in which the soup will be cooked, butter sauté a small onion, add 1 kilogram of chopped fresh champignons and fry until the mushrooms release their juice. When the mushrooms release their juice, add 1 liter of water, reduce the heat and cook for 10-15 minutes.

When the mushrooms are ready, pour the mushroom broth into a separate container and puree the mushrooms in a blender. Pour the broth over the puree and boil over the fire. As soon as the mixture boils, add 400-500 ml of heavy cream, salt and pepper to taste, add nutmeg. After boiling again, the cream soup is ready.

Soft oat waffles

2.5 cups oatmeal, 1.5 cups water, 3 tablespoons olive oil, 1.5 cups of milk and a quarter teaspoon of salt and three teaspoons of sugar, mix in a blender until smooth and creamy. Bake in a preheated waffle iron. You can serve waffles with fruits, berries or honey.

Find more delicious vegetarian recipes in the video:

Sample vegetarian menu by day

If you decide to lose a couple of extra pounds, you can easily arrange for yourself a couple of weeks of weight loss meals on a vegetarian menu. You won’t have to starve at this time; your body will receive all the necessary substances, but due to the lack of fatty animal foods in your diet, the weight will gradually begin to disappear.

And if, to everything else, you add fitness classes or other physical training, then within 2 weeks you will definitely be able to say goodbye to 3-4 extra kilos without stress on the body. For snacks, pay attention to celery, which has a negative calorie content: if you eat 200-300 grams of this vegetable daily, you will very soon notice an excellent result.

Here is an example for inspiration on how you can create your own nutrition table for these days.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with berries.
  • Lunch: ratatouille, radish and Chinese cabbage salad.
  • Afternoon snack: toast with cheese, green tea.
  • Dinner: green beans stewed with mushrooms.
  • Breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs, fresh tomato salad.
  • Lunch: vegetarian pilaf, green salad.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with berries.
  • Dinner: vinaigrette, toast with cheese and egg.

Sorry for taking up a lot of space, but I think this is something you need to know. ANYONE WHO IS INTERESTED IN HEALTHY EATING MUST READ. Maybe this will help someone, I’ll just tell you what I learned.

Just like in advertising that not all yoghurts are equally healthy, so are fruits and vegetables. It started when I heard that a doctor forbade one pensioner to eat tomatoes. And I heard somewhere that potatoes are harmful, but they didn’t say anything in detail. I wondered why tomatoes are so harmful that they were excluded from the diet along with foods that we already know are harmful? Usually, on the contrary, they advise switching to vegetables, but here they forbade eating at all. And why are potatoes harmful? I started looking for information, and this is what I found out. Tomatoes and potatoes belong to the same family - the nightshade family. Vegetables we are used to include: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, sweet bell pepper, bitter chili (all types of pepper except black, it does not belong to this family), as well as tobacco.

Nightshades were imposed on us no earlier than the last 3-4 centuries ago; we have never eaten them.

All nightshades contain solanine. Why it is harmful to health, what it can lead to, you can find out for yourself, there is a whole list. This also leads to lack of will and depression. Although they may tell you that solanine is only found in the green part of potatoes and in sprouted potatoes. But there is simply more of it, and it is found in all nightshades. Islamic terrorists use solanine as a weapon of mass destruction.

Some people tell how they got rid of some serious diseases by completely eliminating nightshades from their diet.

On English language Solanaceae literally translates as “night shadows.” Because the ancient Romans used nightshades to prepare poison for their enemies. It was believed that when a person drank a poisoned drink, the shadow of a long, eternal night fell over him and he died. Many belong to this family poisonous plants, such well-known ones as belladonna and henbane, for example.

Previously, even animals were prohibited from eating nightshades. They got sick and died. Nightshades as plant drugs. Tomatoes were called “cancer apples.”

Scientists who study nightshades, who have dealt with many people over decades, say that complete failure from nightshades can partially or completely help eliminate many serious illnesses. They also reduce the level of awareness and pollute the body.

Separately about potatoes. Potatoes have weak, unbalanced, uncertain energy, the body becomes sluggish, lazy, the speed of thought slows down, and awareness disappears. The immune system is blocked, the thought process sharply decreases and a large amount of mucus forms in the body, which is not excreted, clogs all organs and leads to diseases. A person who eats potatoes is easier to control; he can no longer think creatively, becomes dull, stops working actively, and can only carry out his usual tasks.

We were forcibly planted with potatoes. People categorically refused to plant it, and existing plantings were destroyed. Even punishments did not help Peter the Great (although they say he was replaced, but this is another topic) to force people to grow potatoes; at that time there were potato riots - the largest popular riots of that century. 23 times the Senate considered the issue of introducing potatoes. Only Catherine the Second was able to force it to grow with the help of tricks, deception, violence, directives, information processing, and incentives. It was not for nothing that people resisted so much; they knew something that now we no longer know. And now they tell us that they were supposedly dense, didn’t know how to cook it, were poisoned, and because of this they didn’t like it.

Baked potatoes raise the sugar content to the highest possible level, much more so than refined sugar. And due to the low calorie content, a person soon experiences hunger again, again and again. Gaining weight. This is why it is very profitable for fast food manufacturers to sell us French fries.

The main vegetable has always been turnip; it was used everywhere and in different types, like potatoes now. And due to the introduction of potatoes, many secrets of its cultivation, preparation, and knowledge about it were lost. It can also be boiled, fried, baked, stuffed, made into porridge, soups, etc., but it can also be eaten in fresh, dry. And it is suitable for both savory and sweet dishes (previously they ate dried turnips instead of sweets).

The idea that potatoes are the second bread, and turnips are a secondary vegetable of the peasants was strongly imposed on us, and they made it seem like an unfashionable phenomenon. They replaced turnips so much that today some people have never even eaten what was once our most important vegetable. But they gave her great importance It’s not for nothing that in sayings it is compared to a head.

The turnip has solar energy, it was called the earth's sun. Our ancestors ate turnips and did not have vitamin deficiencies. This is an original Russian product, we all need to consume it.

And by the way, turnips - good source calcium, for those who do not eat dairy products, which actually wash away calcium. It also contains a rare substance that has good anti-cancer properties, like some other types of its cabbage cousins. And it contains 2 times more vitamin C than citrus fruits and cabbage. It can even break down kidney stones. But for the heart it is much healthier than dried apricots and raisins. To avoid problems with knee joints in old age, you need to eat turnips and dance squat - it has a very good effect on the joints. And that's not all of her beneficial features. But people who are accustomed to not healthy eating, with a small amount of fiber, you need to introduce it into food gradually.

Potatoes give a feeling of fullness due to harmful starch, and turnips - due to large quantity fiber.

The turnip has its own energy, unique to it, which is building material for the human aura, strengthens it, promotes the growth of the body's defenses. They say that the Vedrus warriors always ate turnips, including this helped them not to use shields and metal armor - they had an impenetrable aura, they could make their biofield denser with the power of thought, which is why enemy wars quickly got tired.

Raw turnips have always tasted sweet, juicy, and only slightly bitter (cooked turnips are sweet), but now they have apparently been crossed with radishes, and sometimes they become indistinguishable from them. Choose sweet varieties, a variety known since ancient times - Petrovskaya turnip, it contains the most carotene, the original turnip is yellow, similar to the sun. It also needs to be well watered when growing so that it does not become bitter. To remove bitterness, pour boiling water over it before cooking - it slightly loses its beneficial properties when cooked.

It seems that people who strive for healthy eating still cannot do without their own plot, where you can grow everything you need, and where what you grow will be carried positive charge, and not selfish, no one will take care of our health except us.

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